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ASP.NET Interview Questions

1.c What is the transport protocol used to call a webservice?Answer: Web Services basically uses
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Simple Object Access Protocol(SOAP) to make business data
available on the Web..

2.c A button in a webform is class or object? If it is object than which is class for that object? Answer:
Webform is a form. We dragdrop button control and create button. We create one button control for any
event handling code. Regards,Nand kishore .

3.c Explain the life cycle of an ASP .NET page. Answer: Start-properties such as
Request,Response,IsPostBack are set.Page IntializationloadValidationPostBack Event

4.c In which interface the template of any control like Gridview would Initiate? Answer: In ItemTemplate
Inside TemplateColumn ...

5.c ow we can set Different levels of Authentication in .Net?What are the difference between Windows
Authenticatin, Passport Authentication and Form Authentication? Answer: Windows Authentication
Windows Authentication is the default authentication mechanism for ASP.NET applications. Windows
Authentication is implemented in ASP.NET using the Windows authentication module. Windows
Authentication gets logged ...

6.c What is tooltip class? ow it was implemented? Answer: ToolTip Class is used to create a custome
tooltip message for the any controls and associated with controls.ToolTip objPictureBox=new
ToolTip();objPictureBox.Text="This is picturebox control";PictureBox1.Controls.Add(objPictureBox); ...

7.c explain virtual function in c# with an example ?Answer: What : Virtual Function is used to
have polymorphic Effect in my Architecture.Grammar

8.c When using code behind pages, which library must access file import from asp.net
environment ?Answer: ASP.Net uses two ways/techniques of coding pages 1) Inline code2) Code
behind 1) In Inline code,code is directly embedded directly within asp.net aspx page.2) In code behind
technique we have a seprate class that contains our logic for the asp.net .

9.c What type of processing model does ASP.NET stimulate? Answer: Event-driven ...

10.c What do you mean by Declarative Security and Imperative Security? Explain with an example of
usage where you would use them ?Answer: Imperative versus Declarative SecurityThe code security can
be implemented by either using the Declarative Security or the Imperative Security. Let us now understand
how these two differ.Declarative SecurityThis is accomplished by placing security ...

11.c Explain the .NET architecture.

12.c ow many languages .NET is supporting now? - When .NET was introduced it came with several
languages. VB.NET, C#, COBOL and Perl, etc. The site DotNetLanguages.Net says 44 languages are

13.c ow is .NET able to support multiple languages? - a language should comply with the Common
Language Runtime standard to become a .NET language. In .NET, code is compiled to Microsoft
Intermediate Language (MSIL for short). This is called as Managed Code. This Managed code is run in

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.NET environment. So after compilation to this IL the language is not a barrier. A code can call or use a
function written in another language.

14.c ow ASP .NET different from ASP? - Scripting is separated from the HTML, Code is compiled as a
DLL, these DLLs can be executed on the server.

15.c uesource Files: ow to use the resource files, how to know which language to use?

16.c What is smart navigation? - The cursor position is maintained when the page gets refreshed due to the
server side validation and the page gets refreshed.

17.c What is view state? - The web is stateless. But in ASP.NET, the state of a page is maintained in the in the
page itself automatically. How? The values are encrypted and saved in hidden controls. this is done
automatically by the ASP.NET. This can be switched off / on for a single control

18.c Explain the life cycle of an ASP .NET page.

19.c ow do you validate the controls in an ASP .NET page? - Using special validation controls that are
meant for this. We have Range Validator, Email Validator.

20.c Dan the validation be done in the server side? Or this can be done only in the Dlient side? - Client side
is done by default. Server side validation is also possible. We can switch off the client side and server side
can be done.

21.c ow to manage pagination in a page? - Using pagination option in DataGrid control. We have to set the
number of records for a page, then it takes care of pagination by itself.

22.c What is ADO .NET and what is difference between ADO and ADO.NET? -ADO.NET is stateless
mechanism. I can treat the ADO.Net as a separate in-memory database where in I can use relationships
between the tables and select insert and updates to the database. I can update the actual database as a batch.

23.c What¶s the difference between uesponse.Write() anduesponse.Output.Write()?

Answer:Response.Output.Write() allows you to write formatted output.

24.c What methods are fired during the page load?

Init() - when the page is instantiated
Load() - when the page is loaded into server memory
PreRender() - the brief moment before the page is displayed to the user as HTML
Unload() - when page finishes loading.

25.c When during the page processing cycle is ViewState available? Answer:After the Init() and before the
Page_Load(), or OnLoad() for a control.

26.c What namespace does the Web page belong in the .NET Framework class hierarchy?

27.c Where do you store the information about the user¶s locale? Answers:CodeBehind is relevant to Visual
Studio.NET only.

28.c What¶s the difference between Dodebehind="MyDode.aspx.cs"

andSrc="MyDode.aspx.cs"?Answers:CodeBehind is relevant to Visual Studio.NET only.

29.c What is the Global.asax used for? Answers:The Global.asax (including the Global.asax.cs file) is used to
implement application and session level events.

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30.c What are the Application_Start and Session_Start subroutines used for? This is where you can set the
specific variables for the Application and Session objects.

31.c Whats an assembly? Assemblies are the building blocks of the .NET framework;

32.c Whats MSIL, and why should my developers need an appreciation of it if at all? MSIL is the
Microsoft Intermediate Language. All .NET compatible languages will get converted to MSIL. MSIL also
allows the .NET Framework to JIT compile the assembly on the installed computer.

33.c Which method do you invoke on the DataAdapter control to load your generated dataset with data?
The Fill() method

34.c Dan you edit data in the uepeater control? No, it just reads the information from its data source

35.c Which template must you provide, in order to display data in a uepeater control? ItemTemplate.

36.c Name two properties common in every validation control? ControlToValidate property and Text

37.c What base class do all Web Forms inherit from? The Page class.

38.c What is the difference between Server.Transfer and uesponse.uedirect? Why would I choose one
over the other? Server.Transfer transfers page processing from one page directly to the next page without
making a round-trip back to the client's browser. This provides a faster response with a little less overhead
on the server. Server.Transfer does not update the clients url history list or current url. Response.Redirect is
used to redirect the user's browser to another page or site. This performas a trip back to the client where the
client's browser is redirected to the new page. The user's browser history list is updated to reflect the new

39.c What is ViewState? ViewState allows the state of objects (serializable) to be stored in a hidden field on
the page. ViewState is transported to the client and back to the server, and is not stored on the server or any
other external source. ViewState is used the retain the state of server-side objects between postabacks.

40.c What is the lifespan for items stored in ViewState? Item stored in ViewState exist for the life of the
current page. This includes postbacks (to the same page).

41.c What does the "EnableViewState" property do? Why would I want it on or off? It allows the page to
save the users input on a form across postbacks. It saves the server-side values for a given control into
ViewState, which is stored as a hidden value on the page before sending the page to the clients browser.
When the page is posted back to the server the server control is recreated with the state stored in viewstate.

42.c What are the different types of Session state management options available with ASP.NET?
ASP.NET provides In-Process and Out-of-Process state management. In-Process stores the session in
memory on the web server. This requires the a "sticky-server" (or no load-balancing) so that the user is
always reconnected to the same web server. Out-of-Process Session state management stores data in an
external data source. The external data source may be either a SQL Server or a State Server service. Out-of-
Process state management requires that all objects stored in session are serializable.

43.c What is DLu? First of all, VB.NET provides managed code execution that runs under the Common
Language Runtime (CLR), resulting in robust, stable and secure applications. All features of the .NET
framework are readily available in VB.NET.
The CLR takes care of garbage collection i.e. the CLR releases resources as soon as an object is no more in
use. This relieves the developer from thinking of ways to manage memory. CLR does this for them.

44.c Which dll handles the request of .aspx page? When the Internet Information Service process
(inetinfo.exe) receives an HTTP request, it uses the filename extension of the requested resource to

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determine which Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) program to run to process the
request. When the request is for an ASP.NET page (.aspx file), IIS passes the request to the ISAPI DLL
capable of handling the request for ASP.NET pages, which is aspnet_isapi.dll.

45.c ow to create dynamic Gridview? Answers: Many times we have the requirement where we have to
create columns dynamically.This article describes you about the dynamic loading of data using the
DataTable as the datasource.
Details of the Grid
Let?s have a look at the code to understand better.
Create a gridview in the page,Drag and drop the GridView on to the page

Manually type GridView definition in the page.

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
{#region constants
const string NAME = "NAME";
const string ID = "ID";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void loadDynamicGrid()
#region Code for preparing the DataTable
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
//Create an ID column for adding to the Datatable
DataColumn dcol = new DataColumn(ID ,typeof(System.Int32));
dcol.AutoIncrement = true;
//Create an ID column for adding to the Datatable
dcol = new DataColumn(NAME, typeof(System.String));
//Now add data for dynamic columns
//As the first column is auto-increment, we do not have to add any thing.
//Let's add some data to the second column.
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < 10; nIndex++)
//Create a new row
DataRow drow = dt.NewRow();
//Initialize the row data.
drow[NAME] = "Row-" + Convert.ToString((nIndex + 1));
//Add the row to the datatable.
//Iterate through the columns of the datatable to set the data bound field dynamically.
foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
//Declare the bound field and allocate memory for the bound field.
BoundField bfield = new BoundField();
//Initalize the DataField value.
bfield.DataField = col.ColumnName;
//Initialize the HeaderText field value.
bfield.HeaderText = col.ColumnName;
//Add the newly created bound field to the GridView.

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//Initialize the DataSource
GrdDynamic.DataSource = dt;
//Bind the datatable with the GridView.

46.c ow would you get ASP.NET running in Apache web servers - why would you even do this? The
mod_mono Apache module is used to run ASP.NET applications within the Apache
(http://httpd.apache.org) web server. Mod_mono is available from (http://www.mono-
project.com/Downloads).XSP is a standalone web server written in C# that can be used to run your
ASP.NET applications. XSP works under both the Mono and Microsoft runtimes and the code is available

47.c ow to pass text box values to an XML? Answers: //declare an XMLDoc and Attribute<br>dim Attr as
XmlAttribute<br>dim doc as XmlDoc<br>doc.load("yourXMLpath")<br>'Create an Element <br>Dim
elem As XmlElement = doc.CreateElement("Person")<br>'Create an Attribute<br> Attr =
doc.CreateAttribute("Fname")<br>'Assign the value of ur text box <br> Attr.Value =
txtFirstName.Text<br> elem.Attributes.SetNamedItem(Attr)<br> Attr =
doc.CreateAttribute("Lname")<br> Attr.Value = txtLastName.Text<br>
elem.Attributes.SetNamedItem(Attr)<br><br> Dim root As XmlNode = doc.DocumentElement<br>
root.AppendChild(elem)<br>'Save the documnet<br> doc.Save("d:Gayathri.xml")<br><br>Sample
Output:<br><br><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><br><PassengerDetails><br> <Person
Fname="sri" Lname="krishna" /><br> <Person Fname="ram" Lname="krishna"

48.c What is IPostBack? ow to use it? Answers:

Gets a value indicating whether the page is being loaded in response to a client postback, or if it is being
loaded and accessed for the first time.
Property Value

true if the page is being loaded in response to a client postback; otherwise, false.

void Page_Load() {
if (!IsPostBack) {
// Validate initially to force asterisks
// to appear before the first roundtrip.

49.c ow do you create a permanent cookie? Answers: Setting a permanent cookie is similar to Session
cookie, except give the cookie an expiration date too. It is very common that you don't specify any arbitrary
expiration date, but instead expire the cookie relative to the current date, using the DateAdd() function.
Response.Cookies("Name") = "myCookie"
Response.Cookies("Name").Expires = DateAdd("m", 1, Now()) permanent cookies are available until a
specified expiration date and are stored on the hard disk.so set 'expires' property any value greater than
DateTime.MinVlue withrespect to the currect datetime.if u want the cookie which never expires set its
expires property equal to DateTime.maxValue.

50.c Dan you explain what inheritance is and an example of when you might use it? Answers: Inheritance
helps in the reusability of the code. The class from which another class is derived is called base class.
Those methods of the base class can be overridden. The deried class can also implement the methids of the
base class. C#.net does not allow multiple inheritance. But multi level inheritance is possible. For eg. Class

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B derives from Class A, and class C can derive from Class B and so on...
One example in layman terms will be the example of a car. We can define the general features os a car like
four tyres, engine poweretc in the base class. The derived class can use this as a base and extend its
functionalities like sports car(eg. four wheel drive). Base Class is derived by Sub Class. Bass class type
definition and methods are used in sub class object.
public Class Carseeting
Dim seat as int
public function sitting(Byval totalseat as int)as int
end function
end class
public class Assemplecar
inherit Carseeting
dim total as int
public function sittingcovercharge(Byval totalseat as int)as int
end function
end class
class honda
public sub main()
dim ob as new Assemplecar
end sub
end class

51.c Where would you use an iTTPModule, and what are the limitations of any Answers: IHttpModule is
used when u want to add u r own module or extra module so that when u request u r module also gets
called.First and foremost httpmodules are used when u make request for a page.While processing the page
some modules gets called.Some example modules are security module etc.If u want add a module to be
used when processing request u add/implement ihhtp moduleok "Happy Programming"

52.c What is the transport protocol you use to call a Web service SOAP Answers: Web service use only
three types of protocal. first HTTP-GET,HTTP-POST and SOAP.SOAP protocol is use for the webservice
that is simple object access protocol.

53.c If we remove web.config or machine.config from the application then, Is this application will works?
Answers: If we remove the web.config file from the application it will work.unless it doesnt have the
things like connectionstring etc.it will not work because regisry of controls or pages as well as frmawork
,assembly information save in web.config or machine.config file

54.c Name some of the Microsoft Application Blocks. ave you used any? Which ones? Answers:
Exception Management Logging Data Access User Interface Caching Application Block for .NET
Asynchronous Invocation Application Block for .NET Configuration Management Application Block for
.NET (there are others) We use Exception and Data Access

55.c Web service support a) Data set b) dataueader c) both of above d) none of above Answers: Data Set
Web service support Data Set and not support data reader. DataSet. Webservice supports only dataset not

56.c ow to enter same record twice in target table? give me syntax. 2. ow to get particular record from
the table in informatica? 3.ow to create primary key only on odd numbers? 4. how to get the
records starting with particular letter like A in informatica? Answers: Declere Target table twice in
the mapping and move the output to both the target tables.

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57.c ow do we get only edited/deleted/inserted records from a Dataset? Answers: Data set maintains state
of each row. For new entry row state is Inserted, For modified row it is Modifies and for deleted row , the
row state is deleted.

58.c What is the standard you use to wrap up a call to a Web service ? Answers: We use Soap standard to
wrap calls to web service.Soap stands for Simple Object Access Protocol SOAP use to call webservice.

59.c What is Viewstate? Answers: The web is a stateless medium - state is not maintained between client
requests by default. Technologies must be utilized to provide some form of state management if this is what
is required of your application, which will be the case for all but the simplest of web applications.
ASP.NET provides several mechanisms to manage state in a more powerful and easier to utilize way than
classic ASP. Page level state is information maintained when an element on the web form page causes a
subsequent request to the server for the same page - referred to as 'postback'. This is appropriately called
ViewState as the data involved is usually, though not necessarily, shown to the user directly within the page
The Control.ViewState property is associated with each server control in your web form and provides a
dictionary object for retaining values between such multiple requests for the same page. This is the method
that the page uses to preserve page and control property values between round trips.
When the page is processed, the current state of the page and controls is hashed into a string and saved in
the page as a hidden field. When the page is posted back to the server, the page parses the view state string
at page initialization and restores property information in the page.
ViewState is enabled by default so if you view a web form page in your browser you will see a line similar
to the following near the form definition in your rendered HTML.

60.c Describe the difference between inline and code behind - which is best in a? Answers: Inline code
written along side the html in a page. Code-behind is code written in a separate file and referenced by the
.aspx page. Inline Code:- Inline Code written along side the HTML in a page.
Code Behind:- Code Behind is simply a separate code file linked to your web form or .aspx page. Code is
stored in separate file which is identified by a .cs suffix or .vb suffix.
Code Behind is the best.Because:-Separation of the content from the code. It is practical to have a designer
working on a markup while a programmer writes code.

61.c What is the difference between a defect and an enhancement? Answers: Defect: Defect is the problem
or error found in the application while testing, which is unnecessary or which my hindrant to the other
functions of the application.Enhancement: Its the additional feature or functionality found and added to the
application as desired by the end user/real word customer or tester during the testing process.Defect: It is
some unexpected fault in the application because of that i wont work proper.means it has a some error that
make it a faulty one.Enhancement: It is a way to introduce some extra productive qualities into the existing
application while testing for the user requirement and satisfaction.

62.c What are client activated objects and server activated objects? Answers: 1. Basically for a SAO, the
lifetime of the object is controlled by server, whereas for a CAO, the lifetime is controlled by the
client.Below are definitions from MSDN. Server activated objects includes Single Call & Singleton.Single
Call objects service one and only one request coming in. Single Callobjects are useful in scenarios where
the objects are required to do afinite amount of work. Single Call objects are usually not required tostore
state information, and they cannot hold state information betweenmethod calls. However, Single Call
objects can be configured in aload-balanced fashion.Singleton objects are those objects that service
multiple clients and henceshare data by storing state information between client invocations. Theyare
useful in cases in which data needs to be shared explicitly betweenclients and also in which the overhead of
creating and maintaining objectsis substantial.Client-activated objects (CAO) are server-side objects that
are activatedupon request from the client. This way of activating server objects is verysimilar to the classic
COM coclass activation. When the client submits arequest for a server object using "new" operator, an
activation requestmessage is sent to the remote application. The server then creates aninstance of the
requested class and returns an ObjRef back to the clientapplication that invoked it. A proxy is then created
on the client sideusing the ObjRef. The client's method calls will be executed on the proxy.Client-activated

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objects can store state information between method callsfor its specific client and not across different client
objects. Eachinvocation of "new" returns a proxy to an independent instance of theserver type.

63.c Which namespace is used by ADO.NET? Answers: The System.Data namespace consists mostly of the
classes that constitute the ADO.NET architecture. The ADO.NET architecture enables you to build
components that efficiently manage data from multiple data sources. In a disconnected scenario (such as
the Internet), ADO.NET provides the tools to request, update, and reconcile data in multiple tier systems.
The ADO.NET architecture is also implemented in client applications, such as Windows Forms, or HTML
pages created by ASP.NET. System.Data name space is used by ADO.NET

64.c What property do you have to set to tell the grid which page to go to when using the Pager object?
Answers: itemCommand DataGrid1.CurrentPageIndex=e.NewPageIndex

65.c In order to get assembly info whcih namespace we should import? Answers: System.reflection

66.c What is delay signing? Answers: The strong name contains the public/private key pair. But at the
developement time, if we want to use only the public key we should use this concept.
Delay signing is the high-end process. If we want to create the private key at the instalation time, we should
use this concept.
For this we set the "deley signing=true" in the assemblyinfo.vb/cs.

67.c What is difference between Ou and OuElse? Answers: ORELSE - Either of the two expressions is
true. If the first expression is True, the second is not evaluated. - ex. are from
Dim A As Integer = 10
Dim B As Integer = 8
Dim C As Integer = 6
Dim myCheck As Boolean
myCheck = A > B OrElse B > C ' True. Second expression is not evaluated.
myCheck = B > A OrElse B > C ' True. Second expression is evaluated.
myCheck = B > A OrElse C > B ' False.
If MyFunction(5) = True OrElse MyOtherFunction(4) = True Then
' If MyFunction(5) is True, MyOtherFunction(4) is not called.
' Insert code to be executed.
End If
Instead of doing thisIf(Function1() And Function2()) ThenDo thisIf(Function1() AndAlso Function2())
ThenThe first code will evaluate the result of Function2(), even if Function1() returned false.The second
will only evaluate Function2() if Function1() returned true.

68.c What is difference between singleton and single call? Answers:

Differneces between Single Call & Singleton.Single Call objects service one and only one request coming
in. Single Callobjects are useful in scenarios where the objects are required to do afinite amount of work.
Single Call objects are usually not required tostore state information, and they cannot hold state
information betweenmethod calls. However, Single Call objects can be configured in aload-balanced
fashion.Singleton objects are those objects that service multiple clients and henceshare data by storing state
information between client invocations. Theyare useful in cases in which data needs to be shared explicitly
betweenclients and also in which the overhead of creating and maintaining objectsis substantial.

69.c ow would you implement inheritance using VB.NET/D#? Answers: In VB - Inherits
In C# - Colon (:) .NET Supports only Multilevel Inheritence.
Public Class ParentClass
Public Overridable Sub OIverridingMethods()
Messagebox.Show ( Message From ParentClass )
End Sub

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End Class

Public Class ChildClass Inherits ParentClass

Public overrides Sub OverridingMethods()
MessageBox.Show ( Message From ChildClass )
End sub
End Class.

70.c ow to rename a table using sql queries? Answers: This done by exec sp_rename 'oldTableName' ,
'newTableName' There are two ways of renaming a table.
1. Create table NewTableName As Oldtablename.
(this query copies everything to new table except the constraits.)
2. Rename table NewTableName Oldtablename.
(This query simply renames the original table leaving all the data and constraints intact.

71.c What base class do all Web Forms inherit from? Answers: System.web.UI.Page class

72.c ow do you call procedures in datastage? Answers: Use the Stored Procedure Stage

Basic .NET, ASP.NET, OOPS and SQL Server Interview questions and answers.

1.c What is IL code, CLR,CTS,GAC,GC?>

2.c How can we do Assembly versioning?
3.c can you explain how ASP.NET application life cycle and page life cycle events fire?
4.c What is the problem with Functional Programming?
5.c Can you define OOP and the 4 principles of OOP?
6.c What are Classes and Objects?
7.c What is Inheritance?
8.c What is Polymorphism, overloading, overriding and virtual?
9.c Can you explain encapsulation and abstraction?
10.c What is an abstract class?
11.c Define Interface & What is the diff. between abstract & interface?
12.c What problem does Delegate Solve ?
13.c What is a Multicast delegate ?
14.c What are events and what's the difference between delegates and events?
15.c How can we make Asynchronous method calls using delegates ?
16.c What is a stack, Heap, Value types and Reference types ?

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17.c What is boxing and unboxing ?
18.c Can you explain ASP.NET application and Page life cycle ?
19.c What is Authentication, Authorization, Principal & Identity objects?
20.c How can we do Inproc and outProc session management ?
21.c How can we windows , forms and passport authentication and authorization in ASP.NET ?
22.c In a parent child relationship which constructor fires first ?

WDF,WPF,Silverlight ,LINQ, Azure and EF 4.0 interview question and answers

1.c What is SOA, Services and Messages ?

2.c What is the difference between Service and Component?
3.c What are basic steps to create a WCF service ?
4.c What are endpoints, address, contracts and bindings?
5.c What are various ways of hosting WCF service?
6.c What is the difference of hosting a WCF service on IIS and Self hosting?
7.c What is the difference between BasicHttpBinding and WsHttpBinding?
8.c How can we do debugging and tracing in WCF?
9.c Can you explain transactions in WCF (theory)?
10.c How can we self host WCF service ?
11.c What are the different ways of implementing WCF Security?
12.c How can we implement SSL security on WCF(Transport Security)?
13.c How can we implement transport security plus message security in WCF ?
14.c How can we do WCF instancing ?
15.c How Can we do WCF Concurency and throttling?
16.c Can you explain the architecture of Silverlight ?
17.c What are the basic things needed to make a silverlight application ?
18.c How can we do transformations in SilverLight ?
19.c Can you explain animation fundamentals in SilverLight?
20.c What are the different layout methodologies in SilverLight?
21.c Can you explain one way , two way and one time bindings?
22.c How can we consume WCF service in SilverLight?
23.c How can we connect databases using SilverLight?
24.c What is LINQ and can you explain same with example?

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25.c Can you explain a simple example of LINQ to SQL?
26.c How can we define relationships using LINQ to SQL?
27.c How can we optimize LINQ relationships queries using µDataLoadOptions¶?
28.c Can we see a simple example of how we can do CRUD using LINQ to SQL?
29.c How can we call a stored procedure using LINQ?
30.c What is the need of WPF when we had GDI, GDI+ and DirectX?
31.c Can you explain how we can make a simple WPF application?
32.c Can you explain the three rendering modes i.e. Tier 0 , Tier 1 and Tier 2?
33.c Can you explain the Architecture of WPF?
34.c What is Azure?
35.c Can you explain Azure Costing?
36.c Can we see a simple Azure sample program?
37.c What are the different steps to create a simple Worker application?
38.c Can we understand Blobs in steps, Tables & Queues ?
39.c Can we see a simple example for Azure tables?
40.c What is Package and One click deploy(Deployment Part - 1) ?
41.c What is Web.config transformation (Deployment Part-2)?
42.c What is MEF and how can we implement the same?
43.c How is MEF different from DIIOC?
44.c Can you show us a simple implementation of MEF in Silverlight ?

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