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Masterplanned municipal city of Sejong

Project architect Balmori Associates
Project director Diana Balmori
Location South Chungcheong province, Korea
Area 160 acres
Duration of project 2007-2011

Metropolitan politics After years of passing the political hot potato, Sejong is now
underway as a Korean zero-waste city. Like other eco-cities
around the world, it seems like a collaboration by Buckminster
Fuller and Le Corbusier, innovatively designing a city with eco-
Korean change of the guard yields innovative eco-city friendly methods, landscaping and graceful, conscientious
architectural design.
TEXT: NICHOLE L. REBER PHOTOGRAPHY: COURTESY OF BALMORI ACCOSIATES “Our main goal was to lay the groundwork for a zero-waste
city that fit into the landscape — that flowed and operated like a
landscape — contrary to the typical highrise development in
Korea. We wanted to have a more egalitarian model that fostered
public interaction and new public spaces,” says Mark Thomann,
director of Balmori Associates, a New York-based urban planning
and landscape design firm. “We wanted the city to grow
organically and to weave topography, water, and smart
infrastructure. It’s a new model for the city — Korean in spirit,
rooted in landscape urbanism.”
Balmori’s project uses architecture, landscape and
sustainability methods to help generate citizen accessibility to
the government. Sejong — supposedly named after a 15th-
century scholar king who invented Korea’s alphabet — began
three years ago as an international competition. Balmori won by
demonstrating how urban landscape and architectural design can Our main goal was to lay the
mitigate the pressures of population density and create a new
urban design standard. It centres not around a series of clunky groundwork for a zero-waste
towers but around the human experience. While construction
and infrastructure have begun, the first phase of governmental
city that fit into the landscape.
city of 160 acres should be completed in 2011, and the entire It’s a new model for the city
city will encompass 18,000 acres by 2030.

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sterility, work as the city’s lungs, and will be expanded into an aesthetically buildings at eight and fewer stories are
invite residents to outdoor use. A appealing reservoir. Water from the city’s walk-ups, we implemented ramps and
greenscape of native flora will produce drainage system, rice fields, and rain will elevators on continuous ground planes
abundant colours and species. Public be collected there before being cleaned that join all eight governmental buildings.
gardens will serve as backdrops for and reused. Grey water will irrigate rice There are, however, some towers
farmers markets and resident activity. fields and designed landscape, other water planned surrounding the municipal area
Green rooftops, especially among the will be potable. Rainwater will be recycled — a virtually unavoidable element
commercial centre and government through buildings, and water from the in Asian developments. Surrounding
complex will grant vertical density rather reservoir will water rooftop gardens. the governmental centre will be the
than horizontal sprawl, enticing residents The wetlands also act as a natural, residential areas, expanding in stages as
to use the multi-planed outdoors. They aesthetically appealing buffer between the project grows.”
also prevent the urban heat island by municipal buildings and the reservoir, Finally, waste will be turned into
acting as the city’s lungs. creating “a continuous landscape and energy. Geothermal sources, solar panels,
Small touches were important, too, public scape that yield a more dynamic and bio-gas from non-polluting burnable
such as surrounding stepping stones on public relationship,” says Thomann. materials will help produce energy.
ramped walkways of the commercial Balmori also says the firm hopes
center with landscaping for a natural, not Accessibility building construction will use concrete
overly municipal feel. This continuous flow is part of what the that contains titanium dioxide, which
The self-sufficient city will furthermore firm calls a “flat city”. It’s one in which absorbs carbon dioxide from cars
employ sustainable water practices. Again, the government feels more accessible. and prevents it from entering the
it’s a matter of maximising the area’s The architectural and landscape design atmosphere. “Ecological futurism seeks
topography, which provides the utmost helps to manifest that. “We avoided to dissolve the edges between landscape,
resourcefulness. A major river and towers and built everything at six architecture, infrastructure, and social
tributaries feed into the wetlands, which stories,” says Balmori. “While many life,” says Thomann.

Political scheme Zero-waste

The project was seen as controversial in “Nothing comes in and nothing goes mountains. In Korea, in general, when
part because of talks of imminent out,” says Diana Balmori, principal of the they’re trying to make a city they cut
reunification of North and South Korea firm, regarding implemented sustainable down the topography, but we wanted to
after the demise of Kim Jong-il. It will resource and land planning techniques. keep it. The country’s all mountains. To
move 13 ministries and agencies but not The first thing to notice about the plan have them here responded to the
the most critical offices; it is also not as is the landscape. “It’s like creating a whole character of the country.”
centrally located as Seoul, according system of parks by using the building’s One way that will be manifested is by
to Korean reports. Sejong’s been roofs. It has an enormous impact on the installing wind turbines there for
contentious between two presidents and heat island of cities, so you won’t have the additional energy. Xeriscaping methods
passed among different international extremes of temperatures that other cities and vernacular flora will complement the
urban planners. Reports indicate that have,” she says. “The area is encircled by area’s topography, lend vibrancy, prevent
former President, the late Roh Moo-hyun,
wanted to move Seoul because it
centralised the country to the detriment
of other provinces.
Current president, Lee Myung-bak,
however, opposed Sejong until he needed
that region’s election votes. “Immediately
after winning, he started to sour again
on the idea of Sejong,” Thomann says.
The city would have served as a hub
of science, technology, business, and
academia, and major multinational
corporations such as Samsung were
already promising significant funding. But
rising costs proved prohibitive and the
plan has returned to a master-planned
governmental centre.
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此項目一開始就充滿爭議,由於南北韓之間的 這說法的其中一個引證是安裝風力渦輪機 濕地亦會成為各幢公共建築和水塘之間的
高峰會議持續進行,世宗市的政府機關地位一 來製造能源。另外,採用無水綠化技術去培植 優美緩衝地區,Mark Thomann說:「這樣製
直未明朗化。有十三個政府部門和機關將會移 本土植物,不但美化城市面貌,更為地區增添 造出一個連續的地貌和公共空間,可引發更多
到世宗市,但這些都非最有影響力的單位;而 活力和吸引市民到戶外活動。而且韓國當地的 變的公共關係。」
根據韓國的報告,世宗市的地理位置亦不如首 植物亦有豐富的品種和繁多色彩。農民市場和
爾般地處中央。世宗市成為了兩屆韓國總統的 市民活動的地方都會有公共花園作為背景。在 四通八達
爭議焦點,多位國際都會規劃師亦提出不同的 商業中心和政府機構建築都會有綠色天台,而 「平坦的城市」是世宗市的形容詞,政府亦希望
意見。報告指出,前總統盧武鉉希望能把首爾 這些建築都會集中向空中發展,而非橫向擴 這城市是四通八達的。建築和地貌設計都為此考
搬遷,他認為首爾過度集中國家資源,損害了 散,確保市民能使用多用途的戶外空間。這些 慮,建築代表說他們避免興建高樓,每幢建築都
其他道縣的利益。 範圍甚廣的綠色區域有如城市的肺部一樣呼 只蓋六層,那些八層樓高的建築之內有部分層數
而現任總統李明博卻反對建設世宗市,直 吸,預防城市出現熱島效應。 是無電梯的,而是從地面興建斜路和扶手電梯去
到他需要該區域的選票。Mark Thomann說: 微小細節亦不容忽視,例如是商業中心的 連結八座政府建築物。然而,根據亞洲建築元
「當他一勝出選舉後,就馬上重新否決世宗市的 走道會用小石鋪成,營造自然感覺,減少人工 素,無可避免地將有一些高樓圍繞市中心地區,
概念。」這座新城市本應是科學、技術、商業 堆砌。 而在政府樞紐中心的週邊則是住宅區,住宅區將
和學術的總匯處,並將為大型跨國企業的選 這個自給自足的城市會採用具可持續性的 隨著整個計劃的成長而逐步擴張。
址,例如三星就已答應拿出巨額的贊助。但成 水源,盡量善用當地資源,一條主要的大河流 最後,廢物將會轉化成能量。熱能源、太陽
本不斷提高,計劃始終還是變回以政府機關為 和支流會匯合成濕地,最終形成美麗的水塘。 能板和來自無污染可燃物料的生物氣體都會成為
中央的藍圖。 而城市的排水系統、稻田和雨水都會被收集, 能源來源。Balmori希望建設會使用含有二氧化鈦
進行過濾和清潔過程,可再行使用。灰水會用 的石屎,二氧化鈦可以吸收汽車排出的二氧化
零浪費 來灌溉稻田和花園,其他水則可作飲用。雨水 碳,減少對大氣層的傷害。Mark Thomann說:
項目總監Diana Balmori立下目標:「沒任何東 會在大廈之內回收使用,而水塘水則會灌溉天 「環境學上的未來主義需要消除地貌、建築、基建
西運進來,沒任何東西運出去。」這說明了今 台花園。 和社會生活之間的界限,讓彼此相輔相成。」
整個城市的熱度控制有巨大影響,這裡將不會 「我們的主要目標是度身訂造一個零浪費的城市,其基礎
在韓國,當他們想要建設一個城市,他們通常 能有如自然風景本身般自然運作,有別於韓國典型的朝高
我們希望保留山勢。因為這國家就是明山大 空發展 」


世宗市總體規劃藍圖 韓國世宗市的發展多年來都是政治圈的敏感熱 而然編織出自己的地貌、水源和一級基建。

項目建築:Balmori Associates 話,現在終於要朝向零廢物城市的目標前進。 這是城市的新模式 — 內含韓國精神,兼具都
項目總監:Diana Balmori 就如世界上其他環保城市一樣,這座全新規劃 市化面貌。」
地點:韓國忠清南道 的城市充滿了現代主義大師富勒與柯比意的色 Balmori的項目採用了建築、地形學和可持
面積:160英畝 彩,背後推手利用嶄新又環保的手法去設計這 續的方法,為市民和政府之間搭起橋樑。世宗
工程日期:2007-2011 城市,保持了建築良心。 是韓國一位十五世紀的君主,他發明了韓國文
負責項目建築的Balmori Associates來自 字,而世宗市是以他命名,並在三年前成為國
紐約,擅長都市規劃和景觀設計,總監Mark 際比賽的項目。Balmori勝出的原因是他們示範
Thomann說:「我們的主要目標是為當地地 了都會地貌和建築設計如何解決人口密度的壓
勢度身訂造一個零浪費的城市,其基礎能有 力,並創造了全新的市區設計標準。藍圖不以
如自然風景本身般自然運作,有別於韓國典 高樓大廈作市中心,而是圍繞著人文經驗出
型的朝高空發展。我們希望打造出主張平等 發。當基建工程開始後,佔地一百六十英畝的
的城市楷模,促進公眾互動和刺激更多公共 政府建築部分會在2011年完成,而整個城市將
空間出現。最好是城市會有機地成長,自然 會在2030年擴張成一萬八千英畝。
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