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Please visit the Athletics Website for sports information, schedules, etc. at: www.highschoolsports.net

All forms (which are new for the 11/12 school yr.) are available in the Athletic Office beginning June 27th.
***Sports pictures, both team & individual, will be taken at the beginning of each season***

Athletes cannot participate in any way, including

tryouts, until they have been cleared.
Paperwork needs to be turned into the Athletic Office and payment made in the
Main Office between the times specified for each sport season. Paperwork
turned in late may take as long as 5 business days to process.
In order to be cleared and participate in a sport which includes Cheerleading or Dance
Teams each athlete must have:
□ Current physical - Physicals used for sports are current for one calendar year.
Incoming Freshmen must have a regular school physical which has
Interscholastic sports checked off. You must turn in a copy of your physical.
□ Athletic Policy Form(new District form completed once per year)-Completed &
signed on both sides(by both parent/guardian & athlete)
□ Athletic Clearance/Emergency Card(new District form completed each season
FOR EACH SPORT)-Completed on both sides(signed by parent/guardian)
□ Athletes must have passed the equivalent of 3 full block classes the previous term.
□ All previous athletic obligations (equipment/uniforms, fundraisers or fees) must
be turned in or paid prior to being cleared.
□ Participation fees must be paid in the Main Office as soon as paperwork is
turned into Athletic office. Athletes must pay a $150 participation fee per sport
with a maximum of $300 per athlete and $600 per family per school year.
Athlete’s whose Families have been qualified for the Free/Reduced Lunch will
have their fees waived.

When all of the above criteria have been met your athlete will be cleared and
his/her clearance/emergency card will be given to the coach. Athletes cannot
participate in any way, including tryouts, until they have been cleared.

Please Note: Failure to pay your participation fee prior to the start of your Child’s
sport will be cause for not being cleared to participate in any way. Athletic fees are paid
in the Main Office. Athletes pay a $150 participation fee per sport with a high school
maximum of $300 per athlete and $600 per family per school year (Jr. High fees do not
apply). There are no refunds. Athletes who are cut will be credited for that sport fee.
Athletes who quit their sport before the first contest will get a credit only. If the Athlete quits
after the first contest they will not be refunded or credited.
.Athletes cannot participate in any way until they have been cleared.

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