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V O L 58 NO.


$7 million dollars s o u g h t in CapitaljFund Drive

Soliciting of funds toward the seven designating the college's needs *for the four million dollars to be raised. $ the college hopes to acquire through
million dollar Capital Fund Drive will the 1990's, the money will be essential personally asking for donations.ffS&te the five year Capital Fund Drive. *
begin by the middle of October, accor- to "keep Mercyhurst jaccesible to all "We are trying to pull together a lot | Goals will have to be reassessed at
ding to Mercyhurst College President, students." i || BE 9 B £ 9 of people that will be involved with the the beginning of the year, if the cam-
Dr^ William P. Garvey. The other two million dollars will be program," Bukowski commented. f paign is ahead or behind the projected
'The Mercyhurst family will be the used to upgrade the library, renovate I The Phonathon, which is held an- goal. ^^^^^f^^^Swl Im
first donors approached to contribute Zurn Hall and maintain the annual fund nually, will not be eliminated from the
1 ^The Capital Campaign is essential to
to the drive/ Garvey said. budget. \ JKf w 9 B H calendar during the Capital Fund Drive. the future growth of the college. Dr.
The campaign will begin internally, Noting this as the biggest capital The alumni office is coordinating the Garvey is assured the college will sur-
Garvey stated. The student govern- campaign of the college, Dr. Garvey times of each fundraiser so the alumni vive even if the goals are not met. 1
ment, faculty and parents of the said, "We're trying to do some very are not approached at the same time.
students will be asked: to give to the serious| fundraising." m m j g I "We wants to do this gin different *However,|heidoes believe the col-
fund drive Juntil Thanksgiving. Thus, In 1969, the college collected three- stages." Bukowski stated. | j lege is in a strong position and says,
showing the college's committment to quarters of a million dollars for the this is the time to go after the money.
j LookingJto the future in terms of
its own campaign, Garvey commented. library and three-quarters of a million long range needs, approximately three §S "Everybody is aware of what we are
jE The Mercyhurst Board J of Trustees in 1976 for i the construction of the and a half million dollars must be rais- striving for," Gary Bukowski, director
and Dr. Garvey are working in conjunc- Campus Center. Jj| * ed within I the next three years. j j ^ B f i of alumni relations and annual giving
tion with one another to rai,se approx- Through the consultation of Cambell said/J| SjL I
imately four million dollars within the Financing a new Student Union and
Company, the college expects to raise recreation complex are^ among the Bukowski, who is assisting with the
first year of the Capital Campaign. two of the four million dollars by many additions the money will campaign drive, will appoint alumni to
Of the projected money to be col- January. "; M •& represent their city throughout the
lected immediately, almost two subsidize.
In 1985, the college will seek dona- campaign.
million dollars will be used as endow- tions from the public. However, before Renovating the Briggs apartments
ment for financial aid. the campaign is presented to the Erie and providing students with more Each represent of their city will ap-
According to a document community, Dr. Garvey expects two of financial aid are other long range goals proach the other alumni in their town

speaks a btlgrants! ' f f ! f

third view i..
"It will take more than just running
organization money
for the presidency to create the struc- ? BY Lori Martin - ed, "Faculty are persuaded by
ture and status of a third party," John The Mercyhurst Student Gvernment numbers." "2
Anderson said. i granted $400 to the % Mercyhurst Jean Moniewski gave the committee
The 1980 presidential candidate chapter of 'the International Associa- update for SAC. She reminded
believes, "a third party! is a harder tion of* Business Communicators at everyone about^ Parents Weekend and
political package to sell." m -k Sunday's meeting. | the events which will be taking place.
Relating his views to an audience of IABC was the first organization to "Denny and Lee", a magical duo, will
about 100 people in Zurn Recital Hall
Tuesday night, Anderson said, "I have approach the?student governmentjfor perform £ Friday night at 8:00 iniZurn
no quarrels with two parties. Strong funds this year. Shane Brown explain- Recital Hall. |||
political parties are a good thing." ed that the money would'be used to br- Sunday night VGhandi" jwill be
ing professionals to the campus to shown in the BPC at 7 and 9.
As a political activist, Anderson speak to students about their careers.
does not neglect the views of the
V ^ * u wui» <**tt*t -C^PMfcW
fe Dave Alexander added that ABC will
John Anderson The IABC is open to any interested sponsor shuttles to the football game
other two parties. In fact, he said he is
a supporter of the Mondale-Ferraro Photo by Paul Hess student. There is an initial membership on Saturday. They will leave from
fee of $20 which enttles each member Baldwin and there will beta minimal
campaign in the upcoming election.
However, Anderson pointed to the the third party view. m to hear all of the speakers. charge. • jt& S -#»••}
The thin man with powder white hair In other MSQ business, the senators MSG meetings are held every Sun-
fact thatfneither oflthe two politicial
parties are a majority. f •'?* pointed his finger to the audience and and representatives unanimously ap- day night at?7:30 p.m. in 114 Zurn. - M
said, "like any other institution, f this proved thejnominations for members
Anderson cited ^approximately 42 party will have to build slowly and of the Judicial Board. S||
percent of Americans are Democrats build well, rather than win the victory at Those chosen to serve were Dave
while 28 percent are Republicans. Armstrong and Theresa Sanders. The
The lack of a party majority creates a the top." *
more viable £ opportunity to persuade Anderson stressed the need to in- alternates are Mary Beth Joseph and
Americans to become more aware of itiate the third iiparty through local 'Lisa Banaszewski. ?<
elections. "This party will not win if on- Following approval of the final

Briggs Apts.. p. 2
ly one candidate wins every four years. nominations at next week's meeting, a
The roots must begin, locally." I
Influencing the audience with his
chairperson will be chosen.
Everyone is reminded that the new
views of a third party, Anderson eased lecture series is under- way. It began
the audience's curiosity fof * his on Tuesday with John Anderson as the
Hurst Alujnni...........p. 3
Editorial f.p. 4
whereabouts during the past four speaker. All students and faculty are
years. "I'm not unemployed, I've been encouraged to attend these lectures.
on a sabbatical," he said with a The next Senate meeting will be held
chuckle.! Tuesday October 9, in 114 Zurn. MSG
£ Expressing the role of the third party Vice-President, Sue Bennett said,$"lf
Trivia p. 6 more clearly, Anderson said, "the no more than two students show up,
Weekend ii chief purpose of this party is to raise our voice won't mean anything when
issues and options that the two major the big issues come up for discus-
parties will continue to ignore." - sion." MSG President Pat Songer add-

=- -* - -• . ^M 4-£. .^ffilfofrw^j
. r

College costs on the rise

By Naomi Romanchok
According to a report by the averaged $4881. Mercyhurst's similar program at their col-
College Board, college costs listed tuition is $7280. | * lege, i f - * I
are up six percent this year. The report points to various Other financial aid pro-
Here at Mercyhurst, the overall reasons for the pronounced grams that arejunique to the
increase was 7.7 percent. increase. Two big factors were college are student assistant-
More specifically, tuition rose the postponement of building ships, the Walker Loan Fund,
7.8 percent, room rose ten maintenance *and deferred and partnership loans.
percent (ajtotal cost off$90), faculty salary increases. Direc-
and board rose 4.6 percent. tor of j Financial Aid, Cathy Crawford credits the Penn-
g The College Board reports Crawford discounts the first sylvania State Agency for hav-
that the average public college problem here on campus. " ing such a good financial aid
costs increased five percent system. It pays attention to
Dr.iGarvey is conscious of a fees, interest rates, and works
while the average private good "plant (building condi-
school | costs rose seven to develop new programs.
tion). He doesn't put things off
gj8*g- .
percent. until they are beyond easy | This process the proposed
Considering that over the repair, states Crawford. tuition Increase takes is a
c o m p l i c a t e d o n e . The
- " '

past few years there has been An article by Jane Bryant

Briggs apartments before undergoing renovation. a | ten or eleven percent Quinn in the October 1, 1984 estimated cost is submitted to
general increase in college issue of Newsweek cites the Budget and Finance Com-
costs, Mercyhurst fares well. several "creative financial aid mittee. If approved, the Com-

Briggs Apartments The total increases over the

past three years have been on-
ly 5.3 percent increase in
options. Crawford notes the
"Mercyhurst grants more
financial aid than any other in-
mittee makes recommenda-
tions, with consideration to
an administration recommen-

acquire Tudor took room, a 3.3 percent increase in

board,jand a 5.9 percent in-
crease in tuition, according to
stitution our size.
She points to several of the
financial aid programs as ex-
dation, to the Board
Trustees. As*soon as a deci-
sion is reached, it is announc-
ed to the community.

John J. Maus, director of amples. "Our Valedictorian-

By Brian Sheridan Dr. Garvey believes the finance. Salutorian grant putsifaith in
The Briggs apartments are renovation is a necessary ex- Crawford is currently work-
In comparison, a Mer- the student. Other such pro- ing on a study for Dr. Garvey
undergoing renovations total- pense. "Those building cyhurst education is rather in- grams will take away aid for a
ing $200,000, according to Dr. haven't been touched since expensive. The average cost about trends in student aid by
dropped Q.P.A. She;, asserts comparing Mercyhurst Col-
William P. Garvey, president of they were first built in 1950. for a four-year private college that several colleges have
Mercyhurst College. They are greatly in need of Is $9022. Public school costs lege costs with national col-
shown an interest in starting a lege costs. -'$ I
" W e ^ f e l t j f t h a t the; ap- repair." f
pearance was marginal and we Improving the condition of
didn't want any of our housing the Briggs apartments was^
to have the appearance of be- i m p o r t a n t \o\ c o n t i n u e Top of the Hill Club
ing sub-par," Garvey said. upgrading the ^complexes on

Renovated*for this year

Briggs Avenue.
Allied Industries of Erie will
renovate the^thirty-four_year | this exterior work will be the touches to all of
old^structure, after winning addition of Tudor porches and
the contract in a competitive
bid with two other companies. an iron picket fence. By Gary Peterson ^ cloth restaurant. ^ added^ i | .
inside Briggs, the work will Mercyhurst's Top of the Hill "All facets of restaurant The Top of the Hill is open
Renovations are expected continue over the next few
to be completed by Christmas years. "We put the emphasis Club, located at St. Mark's, operations are a part of this Monday through Friday from
or mid-January. | opened on Monday, October 1. total experience," Wolper 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dinner is
on the outside of the building. The n e w l y r e n o v a t e d said. " T h i s f hands-on ex- served on Friday and Saturday
Upon completion, the apart- The Sinsides were in better
ments will resemble the shape," Dr. Garvey said. restaurant now offers more perience is perceived by HRM from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Reser-
£ | specials and reduced prices. majors as a valuable practical vations can be made by calling
English Tudor style. * \ ^ Upon completion of these It is now open to the public. educational experience," he 825-0333. J ?
The most £ costly of the renovations, these apartments Last year, blue cards limited
repairs will be to the buildings' should be ^another asthetic the number of patrons who
roof. Dr. Garvey explained, plus to the picturesque Mer- entered the restaurant.

Clipper Cove
"We decided to first replace cyhurst campus. "It's going to
the roof. It^was something be a very nice complex." con- "We've taken out a*wall to
that has never been replaced." cluded Dr. Garvey. expand the club. New tables,
chairs, linens, chandeliers,
and an overhead fan were also
added ;to enhance the at- Have you had a Good Piece lately
Gourmet Cooking Classes mosphere of the restaurant,"
said Sam Veneziano, Top of
the Hill faculty advisor. A
In ierna tio na I Cuisine tapered down menu,?
5 specials and a salad bar, daily

{t CHEFI * MICHAEL, LTD.fis now accepting enhances the operation of the

Top of the Hill Club, Vene-
applications. Classes will begin Oct. 9
i * /"* I * I I I • y*N 4 f\ #

ziano stated. An average lunch

1 and are limited to 20 students, f L- costs approximately two to VfX,

three dollars.
Call 455-6851 or 725-5442 for details
The club is run strictly on a
i today! cash basis, although Visa and
Mastercard are accepted.
However, John Wolper, direc- Specials:
tor of the hotel restaurant
fi management department said, Monday-Friday
Little Kings Night! "department directors and ad-
ministrators may ' charge Ice Cream Brownie
. BATES I directly to a department billing Burritos
number." ^ ^ £|' >
Beer Distributors
921 W. 21st Street
Pat jAllen, a sophomore,
operates the kitchen |for the
Hoagie Subs 825-0402
jr. Erie, Pa. 165021 Top of the Hill Club. Junior
Phone 459-8109 Phil Dai ley oversees the dining Nightly Deliverys
room duties.
The students, under the Hours: Mon.-Fri.8a.m.-11 p.m.
WHERE BEER WILL NEVER BE. direction of Veneziano, run all
Sat. &Sun.8p.m.-11p.m
aspects of the white table

JayCee induct i

Hurst graduates
By Debbie Hison discrimination laws. Because
Two Mercyhurst College of .this descision the U.S.
alumni were?among fthe five Jaycees voted in August to ac-
women inducted into the Erie cept women members
Jaycees last week. nationally.
Stephanie Hultberg, a 1984 Hultberg, ^assistant public
graduate and Anne O'Neill, a relation's director for the Erie
1981 graduate, were two of Golden Blades was "surpris-
the first women admitted to ed" by all the attention she got
the all male organization. from the local media.
The Erie Jaycees, a service Representing the Erie
organization helping han- Blades was the main objective
dicapped, -retarded, elderly, of Hultberg's reason for atten-
and disadvantaged people in ding the meeting. As she walk- Newi Erie Jaycee members, Anne O'Neill (far left) and Stephanie Hultberg (farright).Photo Erie
the area, for the first*time in ed through the doors she was Morning News *
its history admitted women to overcome by! local media as pioneer women. organization and work with many activities.
its ranks. the first woman to attend a The Mercyhurst "alumnus guys all day, it's not that big of „, Hultberg said, "This was a
The women were admitted jaycees meeting. I forsees no problems in being a a transition ," Hultberg said. step in penetrating the man's
by a U.S. Supreme Court ruling Meanwhile, she had no in- member of the predominately The Jaycees are made up of world', it ishows that the
saying to exclude them tention of joining the organiza- male group. "Since I'm the on- business professionals who United States is in the midst of
violated the Minnesota anti- tion^and becoming one of its ly woman in the Blades assist the community with a revolution."

w m ass fail m a k e h
Yearbook editors chosen P
The system of declaring cer-
' * ® grade?
reduce their Q.P.A. Students notes that it^ "does? take off
This past week, editors!for processing will be done by tain ^classes pass or fail has are rather grade conscious." some of the pressure."*
the 1984-85 Mercyhurst year- LaTour Studios. come under scrutiny. A recent
book were selected. Camp is confident that this Palmer adds that "in the Spring term usually brings
survey of 1600colleges across 1960's there was a great con- the heaviest traffic through
Elected *as editor-in-chief e d i t i o n w i l l be a ^suc- the nation reveals that many
was senior Martha J. Camp. cess."What ffs going to help cern for pass-fails." He also the registrar's office to
students do {not ?utilize the felt'that the pass-fail system declare pass-fail. Yost claims
Joe Gredler was chosen as us is we're starting with a new, pass-fail grade. * g*
copy editor,;and Kathy Daley organized structure. We also will be re-evaluated in -a that "certain Instructors draw
Mercyhurst Academic Dean, college-wide discussion.| $ more pass-fails than others."
and Sarah Jporterfield will have a young and enthusiastic Dr. David Palmer, tends to
serve, as ,phpjo_ and lavout aQrpA .with r this trend. *-Bonrge- Y o s t , * c o l i e g e ^ T h e pass-fai^system was
ors, respectively. ^ v b o u f t w e n t y studenfs are "Students don't seem to be as registrar, disagrees' with the the first way *to evaluate
Art instructor and former now on staff but Camp would interested in using pass-fails. survey. Students do exercise students work. It was later
Mercyhurst graduate, Shelle like to see more people involv- There is a trend in not re- the pass-fail option. Many use replaced by letters and
Barron will be the ed. "We need help in all areas questing them," says Palmer. it whilehhey're taking their up- numbers. Many educators feel
faculty advisor. staff's and would welcome anyone He continues that students per level major courses so it is outdated and should be
The yearbook will with open arms." use them when they are they can devote more time to a b a n d o n e d , t h e survey
proximately 152 pagesbe withap- The expected delivery date "afraid of a grade that will their major studies."^ Yost concludes.
about 32 pages of color of the yearbook is mid-May
photos. It will be published by and every full-time student on
Herff Jones and the photo campus will receive one.

Tweljve MSG positions open

TONY SABELLA'S By Shane Brown as representatives of the Mer- MSG is seeking three
Twelve students are needed cyhurst student government* students to represent the
\ i

Genuine Pizza and freshmen class. ^ *

Nine other students are
Delicatessen Novelty Deliveries
& Promotions
needed to represent the
departments of business ad-
3018 State Street $$»&s ministration, math, music, nur-
sing, secretarial management,
455-6119 sports medicine, organiza-
Bikini-G*ami 2526 State St. tional research management,
St* ippe* -G*am*
fa-' 0*a*gt Cat-G*am4 \Ga*Httd)
Space - C*ea<u4e-Gt<uM IE.T.I Eric, PA 453-4755 and Student Activities
Committee. |
ONE Vtdding*. Pa*tin.
Sate* I Guild OptMing*
The elections will be held
LARGE CHEESE CtltbHity Look UdttA
T:V. ComKiciali. etc.
10% Discount November 7th and 8th. Letters
Ch<td*t*'* Pa*tit* a Specialty to Mercyhurst
PIZZA WITH 2 ADDITIC Students with ID of intent^are due in the MSG
office no later than 4 p.m. Oc-
ITEMS DELIVERED FREE TO tober 26th. The voting polls
YOUR DORM OR APARTMENT will be set up in the cafeteria,
Old Main and Zurn lobbies.
There will also be a special
run-off election?for criminal
justice representation. Last
*4&* 0»
year's elections produced a tie
between Matt White and Mary
Beth Orman w i t h i n thi s
department 3
If you have any questions
about entering the elections or
if i you are interested in help-
ing at the polls stop into the
MSG office. r



The birth of a song

Onward Lakers Onward Lakers
I We will win today*- f
Mercyhurst will surely make
Us victors in the way $ * I
Grab the torch of those before|us
Fight with courage true s
j Hail to the glory of the
* Green and Blue. > W
The abovefrendition arejthe words tofMer-
cyhurst's first fight song. ?
Words and rythmn have made the spirit of
LakerMania more visible*
Up until now, loud cheers have echoed
through the Campus Center or stadium from
a select few.
| The birth of this fight song will encourage
Laker fans to promote more unity among
students, faculty and administration.
Fight songs always reveal a dedication to
the school, as wells as a history.
"Grab the torch of those before us," tells
each athlete or student to continue making
strides forward* f t
A positive attitude is implied within this
tl^ht strifgf thereby, transmitting a positive
attitude to the athletes on the field and on
the court. 11 £ 1
This newjfight song will hopefully become
a part of tradition, but student initiation will
make this song our \ contribution to

The Merciad
Frances M. Moavero, Editor
Naomi A. Romanchok, Assistant Editor
Brian Sheridan, News Editor
Laura Ruby, Feature Editor
Greg Yoko, Sports Editor
Leslie Hafenmaier, Photography Editor
Gary Laurnoff, Art Design


Kevin Armstrong Tim Hoh . *f Robin Pattorij
Lisa Bauman ijrdfc Jack Holland Gary Peterson THE MERCIAD welcomes the expressions
Shane Brown
Katie Brown
Jennifer Laird
Loretta Layer
Mary Jo Rice
Lisa Riforgiato of its readers in "Your Opinion", All let- Beg Your Pardon
Michael Fachetti Brenda Lowe Monica Stewart
Cindy Ferraro Susan Marcy Sandy taylor ters must be signed and should contain The Letter to the
Dale Frederick . Brigid Nee Jeff Vona
an address or telephone number to be us- Editor published in
Amy Groover Mathew Nesser Rick Wendt last week's issue of
Greg Hernandez j Quintina Patterson Robert Zonna ed for verification purposes only. Con- The Merciad titled
Debbie Hison
Typists tributions willibe edited for grammatical "Used books should
Cindy Lochner, Rena Zicarelli, Chris Cardinaldi, Mary Marchwinski or spelling|errors. be sold to beat rising
Jothany Williams, Bryan Doherty, Debbie D'Alesso jg$
college costs" was
Matt Duska, Cartoonist Letters must be submitted by noon on written fby Kevin
» Grace Ricci, Copy Editor A
Richard Prem, Business Manager Tuesdays preceding publication. Armstrong.
StephenJ. Curcio, Faculty Advisor I

LakerMania hits Mercyhurstfcampus

t By Tony DeMeo were talking about Mercyhurst School spirit is the feeling that basketball team is really doing
^School spirit is a phrase College in Philadelphia that well up there, aren't they?"
that is tossed around now and weekend. f School spirit at Mercyhurst
then at just about every JYour resume is certainly College hasjbeen given the
academic institution in the more meaningful if your pro- name "Lakermania" and there
country. fMercy hurst is cer- spective employer has heard have been numerous times in
tainly no exception. of the college you attended! my fourlyears at the 'Hurst
Everyone knows that school even if it is through the sports when I've been touched with
spirit provides a certain spark page. Ii8&. £& I "Lakermania." |
to a campus and gives the Laker victories also have Lakermania was Johnny
school a vibrant sense of ex- known to swell the chest of Mooref scoring ^the first
citement, but not everyone many 'Hurst alumni, and give touchdown in our first foot-
knows what school spirit is or a*feeling of pride to the older ball game, Johnny Green hit-
how school I spirit helps graduates. ting the "J'l versus Gannon,
everyone associated with the i O f ^ c o u r s e , the biggest "Crazy Dave" inducing the
college. & - benefit of school spirit is the crowd at the Campus Center,
;i The success oft the Laker feeling of being part of the "Sultans of Sack" chasing
athletic teams cannot be the something worthwhile. the Widener Q.B. around for 60
only source of? pride, but it Not every student can re- minutes or Dickey Boesch ex-
also opens jmany "doors to bound like " J . D.", hit* a horting the team in the crucial down to the stadium to
seniors seeking jobs. -£§£ baseball like Chip Lewisjor minutes of the Frostburg become a part of Lakermania|
. T h e ! Laker's win over sack;a quarterback like Jerry "dog fight." These moments g Y o u may not be the one run-
powerhouse Widener received Spetz, but every student can are engraved in my memory ning jfor the touchdown but
national attention and was go to games and support their forever. £ £ you can let him know - "We
h e a d l i n e news*, in t h e fellow students who ij are § This Saturday put 2 on your are ;all?proud to be part of
Philadelphia Inquirer. It is capable of these athletic "Blue IfiS Green" and come Lakermania."
amazing how many people feats. §
The roar of the crowdSadds
meaning to any athletic event.
Mercyhurst College is not a
perfect institution. ^touches your soul when a
There's problems here and classmate's hardworki is
at every school in the country. rewarded during the course of
J l
••Fberengpno^tftopi a*Tech , 'but Mhi3»performaiiie.* iljiy 9*^M^
Mercyhurst, TikeTany other It's the* special tingle you
school, is what you make of it. get when someone,^who has
You can have a great time been sitting next to you in
and get caught up in the flow geology, rises to the occasion
of the school or you can sit in in a big game.
yourfdorm, watch T.V. and eat Standing in line at the
potato chips. The choice is up Golden Dawn 5with a 'Hurst
to each student. Boredom is a sweatshirt also stirs Laker-
self-imposed sentence. mania spirit when the man
What i s { s c h o o l spirit? behind fyou* says,4 "You're

Spend ParentsiWeekend IT'SAG TIME


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Erie, Pa.r16501 f f Offer Expires October 15,1984 Cash value 1/20 of a cent


Professor "Jazzes" Meroyhurst

By Laura Ruby quoted as being "the best all- the 1 record market. I At I the
If there is one characteristic around text in the market, " outset, jazz was slowjto win
that is I present in all Mer- and "the most important jazz acceptance * in the jgeneral
cyhurst instructors, it's diver- research book since Leonard public not only because of its
sity. Not only do they encom- Feather's, i'Encyclopedia of racial origin, but also because '.WWT»3>^i

pass! the knowledge of the Jazz'." > I $ :> it suggested loose morals and Brian Sheridan
courses they teach, but a vast general low life. Over the years
variety of other subjects. One
Sheridan's World
jazz has changed and has$
example of such ^diversity is gained wider acceptance. |
Dr. Mark Gridley, assistant Gridley considers jazz "the
professor of psychology. jj most rewarding t m u s i c By Brian Sheridan Mouse fears a similar ter-
Gridley holds a Ph.D. from because it uses everything. roristic attack at Disneyland.
Case Western Reserve Univer- Every ounce 1of creativity you Who's the leader of the
sity in general experimental can muster.' ! With 3 jazz, he strike that's made for you and On a personal note, Donald
psychology with experience in said, "Individuality is a virtue me? M-l-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E! Duck won't return to work until
diagnosing brain damage and instead of a liability." He feels Though it may? be shard to Disney j gets the Norwegian
learning disabilities. But "rock and roll" is more 'show believe, >the employees of government to lift the ban they
besides his background in business' than music and' that Disneyland, in Anaheim, imposed on him several years
psychology, Gridley is also a jazz is more penetrating. The California, walked off of their ago, because he doesn't wear
professional jazz musician. musician is a part of his jobs last week. The strike was any pants. The Norwegians
Gridley had an early start in music. "Jazz is tailor made to over la contract dispute bet- also thought Donald was im-
the music world. At age 10, he every person." f "f ween t h e * workers and moral because of his reluc-
began playing the flute, at age Gridley .began teaching at management i of the famous tance tofmarry Daisey Duck,
12, the oboe, at 14, the sax- fun park. I" *g whom he has been going
Mercyhurst this fall. Thus far,
ophone,, and by this time he he enjoys his|job and con- Besides the usual health steady with for the past forty
was playing professionally. siders the students to be "very and medical benefits, the years.
And to add to his list of in friendly." Beginning in employees have a few
demands they want met, This strike, however, hasn't
struments, he later!mastered January, he will be teaching a closed Disneyland.
the clarinet. * j< course entitled, "Understan- before they will return to the
"Electrical Parade". Disneyland's owners quickly
Gridley's jazz background is ding Jazz." The class is open brought in scab cartoon peo-
one of much color. It includes Dr. Mark Gridley to all students and will in- The union's leader and
" s p o k e s r o d e n t , Mickey ple to work when the regulars
being a saxophonist-flutist 5 Jazz is the most significant elude various types of jazz, live took to the picket lines. Most
with Harry "Sweets" Edison, form of musical expression of and recorded. 1 S Mouse, listed the demands as
the following: 1) Time and a of these "animals" JJke^Rlcky
Lou Rawls, Sammy Davis, The Black American culture and Some people would say that Rat and Sammy Slug, are
Jackson '„Five, The Tempta- America's, outstanding con- most anyone could be a musi- half pay for working Walt
Disney's birthday, 2)* lower characters trying to get that
tions, The Pointer Sisters, tribution to the j art of music. cian in today'sworld. Maybe big break .*&-in \the ranimated
Tony Bennet, and the list goes Jazz developed in the latter so, but. not* everyone is voices in future cartoons and
3) heads that are proportional industry. • $ f!W
on. Hennas made many ap- part of the 19th Century. It in- capable of penetrating their
pearances in night clubs'all cludes Ragtime, The Blues, music and feelings as Jazz to their bodies.j Mr. Mouse Hopefully this strike can be
over the United States. Swing, New Orleans Jazz, Pro- musicians dof also wants more" protection settled peaceably and without
Gridley's immense gressive Jazz, and various • There; is no music as from the {little kids- who governmenrintervention. This
knowledge of jazz enabled him other trends. %l wonderfully! improvlsational regularly kick, bite and spit up is ripe material for presidential
to write three textbooks on Jazz has yet to be given the as jazz. It's spontaneous. It's on the-cartoon characters^as incumbents trying to restore
the subject. One of his books, recognition it deserves. Jazz moving.-It's emotional. they try to promote goodwill the traditional values of hard
entitled "Jazz Styles" : is includes only three percent of It's..."all that jazz."1? throughout the park. Security work to Disneyland. If Presi-
was tightened last year; at dent Reagan does get involved
A f f p i j r w o " T r i v i a l Answer the Trivia question correctly and win a large pizza compliments of the Cllp- Disney's park in j Florida, when in this strike, I hope he
**& • ^ • ™ * o • • • w ica p e r s cove. Place your answer with your name and address In the trivia box at the a renagade Smurf drove a doesn't use the same methods
Clippers Cove. To determine a winner, from all correct answers, a drawing will be held and the winner notified. Deadline truck loaded with Alka- he used on the air traffic con-
Is Sunday at 9 p.m. -yfijy £SH3?8? %\ 7*?p£%:£ £ *$3- V s *- \ JvT * 5 Seltzers into Lake Bueno trollers. Mt would be really
QUESTION: These two big box-office directors of the seventies team up for this action/adventure yam, "Raiders of the
Lost Ark". Name them both. « i ff f W A f Vista. DisneyWorld had to sus- depressing to see Mickey,
LAST WEEK'S QUESTION: This actor became a star after a low-budget spaghetti western, "A Fistful of Dollars." ' pend* activities for a week un- Donald and Goofy in the
ANSWER: Clint Eastwood. Congratulations to Scott Donnelly! .; *M * .; J**>'ij WKft J^Si* til the fizzing subsided. Mr. unemployment line. *

Education Majors from 10:30-11:30 a.m. No Blue Room. ^Students may cash checks in 209 Main. 7 at 6:00 p.m. and Noember 15
There will be an organiza- charge! choose to partake I in the Hours are Monday 2:45-4:00, at 10:00 a.m. OPEN TO ALL:
tional 'meeting for student breakfast continental at $2 or Tuesday 1:00-3:30, Thursday
PSEA on Wednesday, October All Students | full buffet breakfast $3.50. 1:00-3:30 an d Friday
10, in 312 Main at 8 p.m. Elec- If you do not want your Open to community. Make 11:30-4:00. f \ Aerobics ;;
tion of officers will be con- name, 'address, or telephone reservations at the main swit- Aerobics will be held every
ducted. PSEA is an organiza- number in this year's Student chboard or call 825-0200.- * Roller Skating Tuesday, Thursday and Sun-
tion for all students who plan Directory please contact the Camping § A Benefit Skate for Sarah day^nights from &-9 p.m. in the
to "become teachers at any Student Development! Office, Want to go camping? Reed Children's-Home will be Blue Room. $5.00|for afterm.
level or subject area. Anyone 201 Main, or call ^extension held on Thursday, October 11, Contact Mary Karen Martin for
interested in teaching and 422. * Where: West Va., Maryland,
Washington D.C., Niagara 8-11 p.m. at Presque Isle Roller more information.
education is welcome to join. Rink. Admisson $3 (includes
Mr. Gallagher serves! as ad- Speaker Falls, Blue Ridge Mountains,
Fossils Digs. Who: Earth skates). S h u t t l e s leave
visor, c William R. Davis, secretary Baldwin at 7:30 & 8:00 p.m. Wanted
Space Science Club. A
of the Commonwealth of Pen- meeting will be held Tuesday, and return 10:45 and 11:45 p.m. Determined individual need-
nsylvania will be s the first October 9, In 206 Zurn. OPEN ed for the position of team
$ Attention speaker of The Good Morning, Co-Op £
TO ALL. No Equipment manager, Laker Swimming and
Dr. William Cohen's visits to World Series. Davis' topic will necessary. i Co-Op info sessions will be Diving. Flexible hourslAII in-
the Student Health office will be £"Th*£State of the State", held October 12 at 9:30 a.m., terested should contact Gina
begin on Monday, October 15. the speech starts at 8 a.m. on Check Cashing October 22 at 12:00 noon, Oc- Dilluvio at Campus Center. Ex-
He will be here every Monday Thursday, October 11 «in the For Fall term students^can tober 30 at 145 p.m., November tension 228. * •• i 4 CI

Wagners AM -At the cor Plaza -West 8th and Pitt-

ners of 14th and State is open sburgh Avef'The Karate Kid", JPARENTSl
from 1-5 a.m. this weekend "Wlldstyle", "Purple Rain", "A WEEKEND
Entertainment is by either D.J, Star is Born". Call 454-0050 SCHEDULE
Haryj Haristed or D.J. John for time schedule.ftSsPsr
454-9686. i i ! M

Docksider -420 State; Hap- Cinema World -15th and

py Hour is Friday from 4-7 p.m. P i t t s b u rlgjh A v e .
with free nachos. Closed "Ghostbuster", "Teachers",
Saturday. "The 1 Evil \ That Men Do",
"Places, in the Heart". |Call
454-2097 for times. Friday, October 5
Olivers -715 French; Friday 8 p.m. Denny & Lee
night Happy Hour is 4-7 p.m. citable Differences"-! Cal Zurn Recital Hall
Saturday is wings night. ' i 868-5151 for time schedule. Crosby, Stills, and Nash
Sherlock's -508 State, This -October 25,8p.m. at the Erie Saturday, October 6
F r i d a y and S a t u r d a y Bargain Matinees-$2.50 All
"Nightshift" will be perform- showings before 6:00 p.m. Civic Center. Tickets $13 and 10 a.m. • 1 p.m. Registration
ing. Drink specials include 2 everday. Special I Friday
October 5 -Denny & Lee, Saturday midnight showing of and $15. i -'* m P £ § f Student Union i
11a.rn.-1 p.m., Picnic Lunch
for $1 drafts and 75 cent Magical Duo. Zurn Recital Hall Garvev Park \
shots. j* I 8 p.m., $1 admission. "Rocky Horror Picture Show"
and "Night of the Living Dead" 1:30 p.m. f Mercyhurrst Football
? Lakers vs. Marietta*?
$3.75. Special Saturday night Sammy Hagar - October Erie Veteran's \
Billys -10th and Peach in sneak preview ''American
the Hilton* Hotel; % "Samp- October 6 -Parents Dreamer" at 7:35. 24, 7:30 p.m. at the Erie Civic Stadium <%•
• F J 'W Center. Tickets;$11 advance, 6 p.m. W Cocktails
son's", a top 40 dance band Weekend Dinner-Dance at the Erie Hilton
from Cleveland, will be playing Erie Hilton Ballroom $12 at the door.? f .€ 7p.m. Dinner
Friday and Saturday at 9 p.m. Erie Hilton §
Saturday is fa special cham- 9 p.m. Dance
pagne night, $3.50 a bottle. October 7 -Movie "Ghan- Erie Hilton
dhi" BPC 8 p.m., 50 cents ad- Traditional Irish Folk Music
mission. -Friday in the Blue Room at 8
Sunday, October 7
Pal Joeys -1101 State; Will 11a.m. Mass \
p.m. Admission $6. Sponsored Christ The King Chapel*
b ^ t e W O - f r O or I v^jri r i n k n by the \tish Cultural Society of 12 noon _ _ Brunch ^^m
specials. Entertainment by the ^WMUTcreekrMair!R Wnd Ore"; Erie. Forffreservations call Egan Dining Half
"Zipper City Blues Band". 1 "All of Me", and "Irrecon- 456-4433.
>amyam yam ^ i ^c^iB^^aiB^ ^9»< ^si^ ^ ^ yam. yam ymmzam 9 VOT ®mmmyammt<-yamvammaGmKZ&acmm^amyamyam amijasoiKcyamma&amyammer*

.J. John
D.J. John Plays At Is Mercyhursfs Only
Professional Mobile * *

Tuesdayf Disc Jockey Wagners A.M.

Stadium Lounge Erie's Hottest After

|26th & State Hours Club. I

Ladies Night 2 for 1 Friday or
* |50* Old Germans 16 oz. Saturday Nights
Wednesday *D.J.John will be
Antlers playing for John LST

|4th and Sassafras Wolpers Birthday

Oldies Night Party at St. Marks
This Friday Night.
Stadium Lounge D.J. John is Welcome To The
| Oldies Night John M. Chrzanowski John
Bar Specials Call 456-6942
$BOam yam^amxam. yamyamyam yam. >mcyam>amtzamyam. & \
OCTOBER 5,1984

Tennisfteam 'Hurst remains perfect I

wins pair nips Frostburg State 30-27
*0>M *By R.J. Zonna | It \ was an exciting game
but drops one 'The fourth quarter's ours".
This has been the Mercyhurst
from start to finish, as the lead
changed hands five times. It
Lakers motto since the incep- was also the third time a
Mercyhurst's womens' ten- tion of football four years ago. Mercyhurst-Frostburg State
nis team recorded a pair'of It wasf never\ more evident game has been decided by
decisivef victories last week than in the Lakers' come from three points. \ The ^Bobcats
before losing to Edlnboro on | ATHLETE OF THE WEEK \ behind ^defeat of jj Frostburg won both previous meetings
Tuesday. The Lady Lakers Mark Petrasek, a senior defensive end on the 4-0 Mercy hurst football by a 10-7 score. The game was
downed Behrend, 8-1, and squad, Is the "Athlete of the Week" for the period of September 24 to State. I t m s|tl
Mercyhurst s c o r e d ! 14 also marked by controversial
Clarion, 6-3 early in the week, September 30. Petrasek, from Parsippany, NJ and Morris-Catholic points in the fourth quarter to officiating. jThe*' 'Hursrwas
then dropped a 7.5-1.5 deci- High School, blocked one punt and one field goal to lead Mercyhurst to overcome a 21-16 Frostburg flagged 17 itimes for 117
sion to the Fighting Scots. a come-from behind 30-27 win over Frostburg State. ^Hetotalled7 lead. Following a sack by Jerry yards. \ %
The 'Hurst team swept all tackles for the game, including a QB sack. | Spetz, Mark Petrasek blocked I Frostburg State was leading
six singles matches versus 14-0 before the ^Lakers knew
a Bobcat punt? that James
Behrend, while also taking
two out of three doubles mat- Lakers finally I Sherrod recovered In the end-
zone for a touchdown. The two
what hit them. The Bobcats
traveled 59 yards in five plays
ches. Christie* Smith, Jan
Johnston, Amy Arrowsmith,
and Terrie Thompson took
top Fighting Scots point conversion was nullified
due jig to offensive pass in-
to score on their first posses-
sion when Waldt hit Bagley on
a 33 yard bomb to take a 7-0
singles wins at Clarion, with The Mercyhurst| women's certainly did the trick. They terference, making the score
Dawn Goodwill combining volleyball team has? started took care of Niagara in their 22-21 Lakerejggi ^ j? lead, t 5 W I
their 1984 campaign a little first encounter of the night, Frostburg came right back, After a Blevins' fumble,
w i t h S m i t h and Lisa Frostburg State drove 23 yards
Heidelberg- teaming with Isloy/er thanjjthey would have 13-15,15-8, 15-8. I l l • « . as; they scored on a 73 yard
The Lady Lakers opened pass from Jobie Waldt to Bill to a first down onpthe Laker
Johnston for the doubles liked, but as Coach* Elaine two yard line. The defense, led
triumphs. Ruggiero states, time will?tell their season at Gannon with a Bagley. The try for two was
how her team will do. triangular match versus the stopped* and l Frostburg!led by Dave Scarcetla, Don Gib-
Chris Fatica and Kim Rudy bon and Spetz, held the Bob-
capturedJthe Lakers-only full "Our inexperience has been Golden Knights and St. 27-22. I l I gfef -" 1
Bonaventure. The Blue and cats at
£ After Greg Harayda tossed S Mercyhurst turned the ballthe one. W |
point in their home contest a factor at this point," claims
with the local rivals in doubles Ruggiero. "But, the further in- Green fell to Gannon, 12-15, an interception, Frostburg
to the season we go, the better 15-8, 5-15, before recording a looked ready to put the game right back over, as Eddie Ricci
action. Goodwill and Smith threw an interception. Three
split a point with Edinboro's we will get. With our young 15-7, 15-13, 15-7 win over the out of reach. But the defense
team, they have to adjust and Bonnies. £ g*. rose to the occasion and stop- plays later, Waldt again found
first.team doubles combona- Bagley on a six yard scoring
tion. Each pair!won a set become acquainted with their & Mercyhurst fell twice in a ped the Bobcats short of a
strike. The conversion made it
before the cold and nightfall play as well as others." •: triangular meet at home, 13-15, first down. On fourth down
became a factor. The team has already show- 15-4, 13-15 ito Behrend and Frostburg attempted a 27 yard 14-0. *
fjuftte"* eii some ^growth ."Their vic- 6-15, 8-15 to Grove City*then field goal, but once again Not giving up* Mercyhurst
a 5-2 overall slate.jft m tories over Niagara and Edin- lost at Duquesne, 10-15|14-16, Pet rasek j. b ro ke^gt h ro u g h to stormed back with 16 points j n *4
block the kick. the second cftiarter ft take
i boro Universities! Tuesday 15-6, 9*15| The three game los- 16-14 halftime Jead. Tim
evening was a prime example. ing tekien ended with a win With 7:25 left in the game a
over St. Francis (PA), 15-12, confident Harayda*drove the Wilkins kicked a 29 yard field
Coach Ruggiero's team has goal and then it was time once
A AJ:. <** !&?*&•+-%• m t never been able to top the 15-0, 15-3. £ Lakers 80 yards in 11 plays for
* The Lady Lakers now sport the go ahead score. Tim Ruth again for the "Zo Show to take
J Fighting Scots, but the*15-7, hammered it in from six yards center stage. jGreg Harayda
I 16-14 effort by the Lady Lakers an even 4-4 record. *•
out. Craig Zonna made a spec- tossed ;two touchdowns to
tacular^ diving catchffor the ZonnafedCSput the 'Hurst in
Yokes Another squad off to a ban-f
ner start f i s Coach Rioi two point conversion to make front. The first one, a 32
Harden's tennis team. After it 30-27. The bip plays in the yarder, came after a Bobcat
losing their season opener to a drive were a clutch third com- fumble. A Tim Latimer in-
Easy tough fGrove ICityjjf club, the
Lady | Lakers reeled off five
pletion to tight end Mark
Paradise and a pass to Zonna
terception set* the stage for
the second, this one from 30
By Greg Yoko
straight victories before los- who'then lateralled to Alby yards. |
I have never, in my four Ing t o f E d i n b o r f o ' o n Blevins who tookjit down to A large portion of credit for
years here, seen so much en-^ Wednesday. the six. The play covered 32 the win should go to Coach
thusiasrri on this campus as ^Sophomore Jan Johnston yards. Conger's offensive line. They
I've seen this-footbali season. NCAAIII £ gave both Harayda and Ricci
I don't know iflhe jjMercyhurst has been tearing up|the netSj|| plenty^ of protection gwhile
She is undefeated after six School *m Pts
Community is finally realizing singles matches J |
1. Augustana (III.) (3-0)
2. Union (N.Y.) (3-0)
opening u p ; the Bobcat
that the football program is a Junior Amy Arrowsmith
3. Gettysburg (Pa.) (4-0) 51 defense for the'Hurst running
4. Hofitra (N.Y.) (4-0) 49
good program and not$some holds a similarly! impressive (tie) Wis.-Whitewoter (4 1) * 49 backs. I 5 | |
grsat horror movement or if mark at 5-2# I
6. Baldwin-Wallace (Ohio) (4-0) '
7. Central (Iowa) (3-0)
38 V,
34 Mercyhurst is home against
everyone lis simply jumping 8. Wash, and Jefferson (Pa.) (4-0) 32
Marietta ithis week. Marietta
9. Dayton (Ohio) (4-0) ' 30%
on a winner's bandwagon. 10. Plymouth State (N.Y.) (4-0) 16'/, has the unfortunate distinc-
I wish I could continue Senior Mick Stepnoski (77) raises 11. Hamline (Minn.) (4-0) 15
Whatever the case, it sure is praising all of the other sports his hands with officials after Tim 12. Hop* (Mich.) (4-0) jE H tion of holding the nation's
nice to see people, banners, programs, but that? would be Ruth scores the Lakers winning
13. Worcester Poly (Mass.) (3-0)
14. Salisbury Slate (Md.) (3-1) '
8 longestj collegiate football
and f parties f commemorating touchdown last Saturday." 15. Case Reserve (Ohio) (4-0) 5 losing streak, with 31 con-
each victory, especially after hard to do for a number of (tie) Wis.-River Falls (3-0) V 5
reasons. 4 :| •£ Photo by R.J. Zonna secutive defeats.
returning from a road game* The tsoccer fleam's record
The feat which Mercyhurst Mostjnotably is the 'Hurst
College has successfully ac- soccer team. I've witnessed a
few practices and games this
slipped to 2-6 after losing|to
the University of Pittsburgh
complished is phenomenal.
Let's see if the players and the year and have made§one sim-
ple observation J
by a 2-0 count.
college can reap the benefits 1001 Peninsula Dr.
of some nationwide recogni- If the members of the team, Finally, m y | apologies to
tion with a Division III national coaches f included, would sophomore Gary Jamieson, 838-98821
championship. At this point in devote as m much time and who earned last weeks player
time, it looks very possible. energy to actually playing soc- o f f the week. Due to a Due popular
cer as they do to arguing and calculating-error on my part,
By the way, the new Mer- his photo and write-up did not mand we are now ad-
cyhurst! fight song can be fighting with each other, of-
Ifound on pageffourof The ficials, and opposing players,
they could just possibly have
appear in last weeks issue. He
scored four of the team's five
ding a 5 p.m. delivery
JMerciad . The song is to be
sung to "On Wisconsin." a darn good team. The talent is goals in leading the team to a to our schedule
4here, but the teamwork isn't.
pair of wins.

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