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With recent emphasis on all aspects
of patient safety, it is good to be

reminded of the basic protocols of
surgical site infection prevention.

Site Infections:
ynecologic surgical site infections (SSIs)

Simple Strategies
most commonly arise when bacteria
that naturally occur on the skin or va-
gina contaminate an incision site. Other

for Prevention
potential sources of bacteria are skin-to-skin con-
tact with health care workers, as well as contami-
nated medical equipment. Despite widespread use
of prophylactic antibiotics, SSIs remain a major
issue facing the health care system today. Patients
Christa Lewis, DO who experience SSIs utilize more health care re-
Patrick Culligan, MD, FACOG, FACS sources, such as intravenous antibiotics and clini-
cian care, and are at greater risk for readmission

14 The Female Patient | Vol 36 MARCH 2011 All articles are available online at www.femalepatient.com.

and death.1 Should you suspect that a pa- hours before and no sooner than 30 minutes
tient has an SSI, early identification and before the incision time.5
treatment are critical. Due to their broad-spectrum activity and
Beyond patient care, SSIs are a key con- low incidence to produce allergic reactions,
sideration for an institution’s bottom line, cephalosporins are the standard first-line
given the new mandatory reporting re- choice for prophylaxis. Most commonly, ce-
quirement for hospitals. They affect up to fazolin (1 g) is used because of its 1.8-hour
500,000 patients per year and result in an half-life and low cost. For patients who are
annual cost to hospitals of $7.4 billion.2,3 As morbidly obese (BMI >35), the antibiotic
of October 2008, the Centers for Medicare dose should be increased to 2 g.6 Repeat dos-
and Medicaid Services (CMS) stopped re- ing of prophylactic antibiotics should be
imbursing for treatment of certain health given at 1 or 2 times the estimated drug half-
care–associated conditions, including life. In the case of cefazolin, the second dose
SSIs that have evidence-based prevention should be given at 3 hours.7 Repeat dosing
guidelines. Also, beginning in 2012, CMS is should also be given in situations involving
requiring hospitals to use the CDC’s Na- blood loss greater than 1,500 mL.7
tional Healthcare Safety Network to report In May 2009, ACOG issued a practice bul-
incidences of SSIs in order to receive a full letin for antibiotic prophylaxis for gyneco-
Medicare reimbursement for payments in logic procedures, which replaced the previ-
2014. These reported infections will be- ous guidelines developed in 2006.6 The
come public information, providing a highlights from this publication are pre- FOCUSPOINT
forum in which our institutions can be sented in Tables 1 and 2. Antibiotic
evaluated by prospective patients and prophylaxis
professionals. SKIN PREPARATION
Many ObGyn professionals perceive ce- Gynecologic infections are commonly
is utilized so
sarean delivery as the surgery most likely to caused when the flora of the patient’s vagina that the drugs
result in an SSI, yet SSI incidence following gains exposure to the surgical incision site can augment
gynecologic surgeries is approximately 2%.4 in the peritoneal cavity. This can happen natural immune
Still, SSI rates are not high enough to place even when performing total laparoscopic function at the
the issue at the top of the gynecologic sur- and supracervical hysterectomy proce-
geon’s mind. In fact, SSI prevention tech- dures. For this reason, it is important to pre- skin level.
niques tend to become rote—and can then pare the patient with a vaginal scrub as well
be taken for granted. This article focuses on as skin antisepsis at the point of incision, in
a “best practices” approach to reducing the order to reduce the amount of naturally oc-
risk of SSIs associated with gynecologic curring bacteria on the skin.
Abdominal Incisions
ANTIBIOTIC PROPHYLAXIS When possible, the skin should be prepared
Antibiotic prophylaxis is utilized so that the with a 2% chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG)/
drugs can augment natural immune func- 70% isopropyl alcohol solution (such as
tion at the skin level—killing bacteria that ChloraPrep®, CareFusion, Leawood, KS) for
are inoculated into the surgical field. There- abdominal access points. This formulation,
fore, a narrow window of timing exists in which is recommended for skin prepara-
which to complete the antibiotic infusion. tion, works by rapidly killing microorgan-
For best results, prophylactic antibiotics isms and providing persistent antimicrobial
should be fully infused no longer than 2 activity for up to 48 hours.
Despite evidence that 2% CHG/70% iso-
propyl alcohol is superior, many surgeons
Christa Lewis, DO, is a fellow in Urogynecology and are still using povidone-iodine for abdomi-
Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery, Atlantic Health, Mor- nal skin preparation. A drawback of using
ristown and Summit, NJ. Patrick Culligan, MD, povidone-iodine for skin preparation is that
FACOG, FACS, is Director of Urogynecology and iodine can be neutralized by blood and
Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery, Atlantic Health, Mor-
ristown and Summit, NJ; and Professor of Obstetrics, other organic matter, reducing the effective-
Gynecology and Reproductive Science, Mount Sinai ness and persistence. In addition, povidone-
School of Medicine, New York, NY. iodine is not completely effective until thor-

Follow The Female Patient on and The Female Patient | Vol 36 MARCH 2011 15
Gynecologic Surgical Site Infection Prevention

TABLE 1. ACOG Antimicrobial Prophylactic Regimens by Procedure6a

Procedure Antibiotic Dose (Single Dose)
Hysterectomy Cefazolin b
1 or 2 gc IV

Urogynecology procedures, Clindamycind plus 600 mg IV

including those involving mesh gentamicin or 1.5 mg/kg IV
quinolonee or 400 mg IV
aztreonam 1 g IV

Metronidazoled plus 500 mg IV

gentamicin or 1.5 mg/kg IV
quinolonee 400 mg IV
Laparoscopy None
Tubal sterilization
Laparotomy None
Hysteroscopy None
Endometrial ablation
Hysterosalpingogram Doxycyclinef 100 mg orally, twice daily for 5 days
or chromotubation
IUD insertion None
Endometrial biopsy None
Induced abortion/dilation Doxycycline 100 mg orally 1 hour before procedure
and evacuation and 200 mg orally after procedure
Metronidazole 500 mg orally twice daily for 5 days
Urodynamics None
Abbreviations: IV, intravenously; IUD, intrauterine device.
A convenient time to administer antibiotic prophylaxis is just before induction of anesthesia.
Acceptable alternatives include cefotetan, cefoxitin, cefuroxime, or ampicillin-sulbactam.
A 2-g dose is recommended in women with a BMI >35 or weight >100 kg or >220 lb.
Antimicrobial agents of choice in women with a history of immediate hypersensitivity to penicillin.
Ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin or moxifloxacin.
If patient has a history of pelvic inflammatory disease or procedure demonstrates dilated fallopian tubes.
Nonprophylaxis is indicated for a patient without dilated tubes.

oughly dried on the skin. Furthermore, a Vaginal Incisions

recent study published in the New England Povidone-iodine surgical preparation is the
Journal of Medicine demonstrated that pre- most commonly employed method in surgi-
operative use of 2% CHG/70% isopropyl al- cal procedures that require a vaginal scrub.
cohol reduced total SSIs by 41% compared to Alternatively, there has been some indica-
use of povidone-iodine solution.8 tion that a 4% aqueous CHG solution may

20 The Female Patient | Vol 36 MARCH 2011 All articles are available online at www.femalepatient.com.

also be appropriate. One randomized trial used, small bars of soap in racks that fa-
demonstrated that 4% aqueous CHG is more cilitate drainage should be used to allow
effective than povidone-iodine in decreas- the bars to dry.
ing the bacterial colony counts that were Studies demonstrate that scrubbing for 5
found in the operative field for vaginal hys- minutes will reduce bacterial count just as
terectomy.9 Physicians and other operating effectively as the previous practice of scrub-
room personnel are often reluctant to use bing for 10 minutes.11 Furthermore, alcohol-
CHG inside the vagina, due to the fact that based waterless hand hygiene products are
CHG is not appropriate for mucosal sur- being formulated to be gentler on the skin
faces. However, despite common use of the and provide for easier glove application by
term “vaginal mucosa,” the vagina is lined not leaving a residue on the skin. When re-
by an epithelial surface. As such, prepping viewing data comparing waterless alcohol
this surface with CHG is appropriate. scrub to conventional presurgical brush
hand scrub, the risk of SSIs is comparable
Hand Hygiene when either method is used correctly.12
Since microorganisms can be transferred All ObGyns are familiar with the tradi-
from the hands of a health care worker to a tional hand scrub technique; however, the
patient, proper hand hygiene is a critical technique employed for waterless hand
measure to prevent pathogen transmission. scrub has many misconceptions.
Glove use alone does not suffice and does Proper technique for application of water- FOCUSPOINT
not replace washing with soap and water less hand scrub is outlined below:
or hand-rubbing with an alcohol-based • One pump placed onto the palm of hand. Proper hand
solution. Opposite hand used to dip fingertips into hygiene is a
Obviously, sterile technique dictates that hand prep and work under fingernails. critical measure
hand hygiene should be performed before Then spread remaining prep over hand to prevent
touching a patient or a device that will be and just above elbow. Second pump used
used for patient care. It should also be per- to repeat with other hand.
formed after contact with bodily fluids or • Third pump placed into either hand and transmission.
inanimate surfaces and objects and after reapplied to all aspects of both hands, up
removing gloves. to the wrists. Allow to dry without the use
As long as they are used properly, alcohol- of towels.
based solutions can provide hand prep­ • Can be used as first scrub of the day.
aration on par with traditional surgical • If fingernails or hands are visibly soiled,
scrubbing. According to the World Health first wash with soap and water prior to
Organization Guidelines on Hand Hygiene application.
in Health Care,10 the following technique
should be followed:
• Apply a palmful of alcohol-based han- TABLE 2. ACOG Recommendations
drub and cover all surfaces of the hands. and Conclusions for Gynecologic
Rub hands until dry. Antibiotic Prophylaxis6
• W hen washing hands with soap and
water, wet hands with water and apply • Patients undergoing hysterectomy should
the amount of product necessary to cover receive single-dose antimicrobial prophylaxis
all surfaces. Rinse hands with water and preoperatively.
dry thoroughly with a single-use towel.
Use clean, running water whenever pos- • Pelvic inflammatory disease occurs uncom-
sible. Avoid using hot water, as repeated monly with or without the use of antibiotic pro-
exposure to hot water may increase the phylaxis, and so prophylaxis is not indicated at
risk of dermatitis. Use towel to turn off the time of IUD insertion.
tap/faucet. Dry hands thoroughly using a
• Antibiotic prophylaxis is indicated for elective
method that does not recontaminate suction curettage abortion.
hands. Make sure towels are not used
multiple times or by multiple people.
• Antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended in
• Liquid, bar, leaf, or powdered forms of
patients undergoing diagnostic laparoscopy.
soap are acceptable. When bar soap is

Follow The Female Patient on and The Female Patient | Vol 36 MARCH 2011 21
Gynecologic Surgical Site Infection Prevention

SSIs are serious, but they are also prevent-

able. Proper infection prevention protocols
go beyond ensuring a clean operating room
and sterile equipment. They start with re-
membering the basics, refusing to take
shortcuts, and always having the best inter-
est of the patient at the forefront.

The authors report no actual or potential con-

flicts of interest in relation to this article.

1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Preven-
tion of MRSA Infections in Healthcare Settings. Avail-
able at: www.cdc.gov/mrsa/prevent/healthcare
.html. Accessed October 18, 2010.
2. Martone WJ, Nichols RL. Recognition, prevention,
surveillance, and management of surgical site
infections: introduction to the problem and sympo-
sium overview. Clin Infect Dis. 2001;33(Suppl
FIGURE. SensiClip. Used with permission of 2):S67-S68.
CareFusion, San Diego, CA. 3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory
Committee (HICPAC): HHS Efforts to Reduce Health-
care-associated Infections. Available at: www.cdc
Hair Removal HICPAC_11_08.pdf. Accessed October 12, 2010.
For gynecologic procedures, hair removal is 4. de Lissovoy G, Fraeman K, Hutchins V, Murphy D,
Song D, Vaughn BB. Surgical site infection: incidence
typically not needed, as incisions are rarely and impact on hospital utilization and treatment
made in the hairline. However, when preop- costs. Am J Infect Control. 2009;37(5):387-397.
erative hair removal is necessary, guidelines 5. de Vries EN, Dijkstra L, Smorenburg SM, Meijer RP,
FOCUSPOINT recommend using a surgical clipper rather Boermeester MA. The SURgical PAtient Safety Sys-
tem (SURPASS) checklist optimizes timing of antibi-
than a razor. These recommendations are otic prophylaxis. Patient Saf Surg. 2010;4(1):6.
SSIs are serious,
based on data that have shown a traditional 6. ACOG Committee on Practice Bulletins—Gynecol-
but they are also razor can cause microabrasions to the skin,
ogy. ACOG practice bulletin No. 104: antibiotic pro-
phylaxis for gynecologic procedures. Obstet Gynecol.
preventable. which can increase the risk of infection. 2009;113(5):1180-1189.
With a surgical clipper, the risk of trauma 7. Dalton V. Perioperative venous thromboembolism
and antibiotic prophylaxis in obstetrics and gynecol-
to the skin is significantly reduced. Dispos- ogy. Clin Obstet Gynecol. 2010;53(3):521-531.
able, single-use blades help prevent cross- 8. Darouiche RO, Wall MJ Jr, et al. Chlorhexidine-alco-
contamination. Some clippers are designed hol versus povidone-iodine for surgical-site antisep-
sis. N Engl J Med. 2010;362(1):18-26.
specifically for the rather sensitive areas en- 9. Culligan PJ, Kubik K, Murphy M, Blackwell L, Snyder
countered during gynecologic surgeries. J. A randomized trial that compared povidone iodine
One such product (Figure) is specifically and chlorhexidine as antiseptics for vaginal hysterec-
tomy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005;192(2):422-425.
shaped for ease of use on the groin and 10. World Health Organization. WHO Guidelines on
perineum and is designed to be fully sub- Hand Hygiene in Health Care. 2009. Geneva, Switzer-
land: WHO Press. Available at: http://whqlibdoc.who
mersible in disinfectants, which can make .int/publications/2009/9789241597906_eng.pdf.
the cleaning easier and faster. Accessed October 12, 2010.
11. Boyce JM, Pittet D. Guideline for hand hygiene in
health-care settings: recommendations of the
CONCLUSION Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory
In recent years, we have made great progress Committee and the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA
in reducing SSI incidence rates for gyneco- Hand Hygiene Task Force. Society for Healthcare
Epidemiology of America/Association for Profession-
logic procedures. However, we must not be- als in Infection Control/Infectious Diseases Society
come complacent because of these suc- of America. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2002;51(RR-16):
cesses. We must do everything in our power 1-45.
12. Weight CJ, Lee MC, Palmer JS. Avagard hand antisep-
to reduce the risk of infections for each pa- sis vs. traditional scrub in 3600 pediatric urologic
tient we see. procedures. Urology. 2010;76(1):15-17.

22 The Female Patient | Vol 36 MARCH 2011 All articles are available online at www.femalepatient.com.

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