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Policejinvestigate alleged rape

* " !

By Jule Gardner been worked out," he added.

Metclad News Editor The Erie Police are currently investi-
gating the physical evidence in the case.
'An alleged rape occurred on Novem- "As soon as they become involved, they
ber 12 in a Briggs Avenue apartment have the jurisdiction," Dever said.
The alleged victim is a student at Concerning the initial expulsion, he
Mercy hurst. A suspect in the case, also a said, "As far as the college is concerned,
Mercyhurst student, was temporarily the rules of student conduct are satisfied
expelled but has been allowed to resume by suspension until it is litigated."
classes with permission of the alleged t Dever declined any further comment
victim, said Bud Dever, director of secu- and said that the matter was "in the hands
rity. " Apparently, an agreement has of the Erie Police."

Related Story:
Tips offer rape precautions
By Anne L. McNeils about what constitutesrape,how to pre- Members of the Mercyhurst community who are collaborating with Greg
A&E and Features Editor vent it and what to do if a friend is a rape Rathbum, an Erie Filmmaker, are pictured here discussing thefirstdraft of his
victim, f ffipt, which depicts a "wake* set in Ireland in the twenties. The Irish students
Based on national surveys, one in four Rape, according to the ffew Mepiaiq t Mercyhurst were instrumental in providing colloquialisms and insights
women at Mercy hurst have experienced Webster Dictionary, is unlawful sexual ecessary for this production. Photo by Joseph Legler
rape or attempted rape since the age of intercourse of any kind by force or threat
14. One in 12 college men admit to acts Rape has nothing to do with love or lust
that meet legal definitions of rape, yet It is sexual violence that is directed at
few of them consider themselves to be
rapists. There is no question that both
women. Some of the treasons for. this
violence are sex sole stereotypes, poor
Tbmer asserts the CIA is not secret
women and men need to be educated communication, mixed messages and By Monica Sertik business. It evaluates the information for
learned violence. Merciad Staff Reporter the policy makers for national security
Rape is a violation of a woman's body decisions. They have four ways of col-
and spirit. When a woman israped,her On December 5,1992, a seminar co- lecting their information: from other US

CHEC entire life will be a fleeted by the crime. sponsored by the Criminal Justice De- Government Intelligence Agencies Re-
Such problems as loss of trust in other partment and the Research/Intelligence ports, open sources such as the media
people, guilt about the rape, fear, de- Program of the History Department pre- (both print and electronic),? National
pression a nd sexual problems can occur. sented "Intelligence In the 1990's and Technical Means (satellites), and Humint

OUT To reduce theriskofrape,women can

take certain precautions. They are to:
-avoid secluded places
Beyond: Its Role in a Democratic Soci-
(* Dr. Michael A. Turner of the Central
' 2
or Human Intelligence or otherwise
known as spying.
The second speaker was Fredrick T.
-be aware of situations involv- Intelligence Agency, spoke on Intelli- Ma rt ins of the Pennsylvania Crime Com-
Friday, December ill. ing alcohol or other drugs (most campus gence and the Role of the CIA in it "Alot mission. Martins spoke on Organized
Women's Basketball at rapes include alcohol) of people consider the CIA to be a James Crime a nd its hold in the US.
Bond-like organization. James Bond In 1967, the Commission stated that
Edinboro. -be assertive (remember that
organized crime does exist in America,
no one has therightto touch your body doesn't write reports, he is too busy
unless you want that person to) chasing beautiful women and driving and controlled vice activities in major
Saturday, December 12 £ -be direct, actrightaway exotic ca is," said Tu rne r. The CIA writes American cities. Law Enforcement
-get away from a threatening a lot ofreports. In 1991, more than 5,100 Agencies lacked an intelligence capabil-
situation if possible; scream, kick, hit, titles were written. ity, and this is why the Cosa Nostra was
to 4 p.m. Student bite, etc., unless you think your life is in Turner said, "The CIA is perceived by able to grow and prosper for over 30
danger—in that case, do not resist many as a secret intelligence organiza- years, said Martins.'
Union.> Christmas on tion." It is not a secret agency. Everyone
Even though these tips can help pre- In the 1990's a new face of organized
Campus. vent rape, the only people who can end knows that the CIA exists. If it was a crime has developed. It is a multi-cul-
7:30 p.nWMen's Basket- rapes are rapists. secret organization Turner could not have tural multi ethnic There are four new
If you are raped, thefirststep is to get given his talk. faces: the Asian, Hispanic, Russian
ball hosts Bloomsburg. help. Go to a hospital, talk to friends or The CIA is in the Info Management Continued on page 2
a rape crisis line to obtain the support
Sunday^December 13 you need. It is your decision to report a
rape—reporting rapes is one of the first
steps in ending them, but you must be
12:30 p.m."AChristmas comfortable with the choice. Whether
you report the rape or not, it is important
Carol/at Alex fTheatre to seek counseling for your own good.
[ Merc$hust-North| If you know someone who is raped,
there are a number of things you can do
East. I to help her. Most importantly, you should
be supportive and reassuring. You should
FiidayiDecember 18 also make sure that your friend has some-
place safe to stay and that she will not be
Christmas Vacation be- The most important thing to remember
& aboutrapeis that it is never the woman's
gins. fault, no matter what she was wearing,
Dr. Michael A. Turner of the Central Intelligence Agency shares bis. knowledge
how diunk she*;was or what she was
doing with her attacker. of Intelligence to a seminar group in Sullivan Hall. Photo by Monica Sertik

Enthusiasm increases for festive events

By Stephanie Szabo Some of the activities that will CouncilforExceptional Child ren;
Merciad StaffReporter I *' take place on Saturday are pic- Christmas cards, sponsored by
I * tures with Santa, sponsored by computer majors and the Clown
The third annual Christmas on Circle K; face painting, sponsored Troupe provided by Campus Min-

campus will be held on Saturday, by art majors; Santa Bingo, spon- istry.
December 12 from 1 to 4 pan, in sored by Alpha Phi Omega;
.•_••• ^.*_»
the Student Union. Unlike years
past, the events will be covered

What Do You Think of by the local media. The children

who will be attending this func-
tion range from age five to 10.

U.S. Involvement in These children represent Burton

Elementary, St Martin Center,
• x w W
YMCA and the Maura Smith Day
Care Center.
Much planning has taken place
for this event by die d ifferentcom- (Continued from page 1) Emigre
mittees. Some of these commit- and African. This is a different
tees are:refreshments,decorat- type of organized crime, which is
By Jule Gardner ing* agency contact, gifts, activi- global in nature. The groups are
Merciad News Editor ties/volunteers and publicity. crossing the borders, smuggling
According to Colleen Kipfstuhl, aliens and drugs, energy re-
Editor's Note: This column is designed to represent different president of the Mercyhurst Busi- sources, western goods and pre-
viewpoints of Me icyhurst students about current, newsworthy ness Association and student co- cious metals, according to Mar-
topics. The opinions ate obtained through a random telephone poll ordinator for the Christmas events, tins
of on-campus numbers. (That means that you should keep up on the this year's Christmas on Campus Martins suggested that students,
issues because next week I might be talking to you.) has involved more of the campus "study other cultures extremely
and its clubs than in the past. "I'm hard, know them, understand
Margaret Hanchek, freshman, Psychology major: deeply touched by the a mount of Christmas instruments, coordi- them, study other languages, study
"I think the U.S. should worry about their own problems." enthusiasm displayed by the nated by the string ensemble un- the customs of other cultures, the
Mercyhurst community to sup- der the direction of Lee Wilkins; histories ofother cultures, because
Gretchen Ulery, sophomore, undeclared major: port this activity and I hope this The Gift Shop, sponsored by the all of that knowledge is what in-
"I don't like it. We should take care of our internal problems tradition continues for ma ny years Political Science Association; telligence analysis is all about"
before we start considering foreign policy." to come," she said. ornaments, sponsored by the The third 'speaker was R.C.
Fahlman of the Royal Canadian
Jason Kirby, freshman, undeclared major: Mounted Police. The RCMP is
"I would agree with the involvement. We're trying to'help those
people. They are starving to death."
Archaeology grows to Big Easf about equal to the FBI but more
broader and is also the Canadian
National Police Force.
Daniel Marks, senior, HRIM major. Mercyhurst Archaeological In- "We did it at Pitt," he added. Today's environment is rapidly
"I think the only reason we do it is because we can. The United stitute (MAI) could soon become Under the terms of the proposed changing and the RCMP must be
States is a wealthy country and the reason we help others is because one of the largest programs in the acquisition, the Texas operation aware of the changes and make
we are able to." United States. Ifa recent proposal would be the western headquar-
to acquire the archaeology re- ters of allfieldwork in that region
Dan Patrick, junior. Criminal Justice major: search program at Southern Meth- while the Eastern Division, lo-
"I think they need help over there. It's a good idea as long as we odist University in Dal las is final- cated at Mercyhurst, would handle "This is a different type of
don't stay over there too long." $ ized, Mercyhurst will become the all thefieldwork on the east coast. organized crime, which is
largest archaeology program east Kevin Shaunessy, the SMU ar- global in nature."
Leo Orelli,freshman,CMIS major: of the Mississippi, according to chaeology program director, said
I don't think we should be there because we have enough James Adovasio, MAI director. that the program's contracts have
problems in our country and we shouldn't have to spend our money* The Board of Trustees voted to "brought in an* excess of the * changes needed. They no
elsewhere." * begin negotiations with SMU at $500,000" to SMU and the pro- longer can use yesterday's meth-
theirregularmeeting on Thurs- gram. % ods.
Joan Whelan, sophomore, undeclared major: day, Dec. 3. Dr. Garvey made the Those contracts, Adovasio said, The RCMP Act outlines the
"It makes me sad to see it on TV. I'm glad our government is doing announcement shortly afterwards. would becomex Mercy hurst's if general mandates of three areas
something to help these people." He said that they are "on the road" the college acquires SMU's pro- which are the preservation of
to afinalagreement. gram. peace and order, prevention of
Heather Ryan,freshman,Psychology major: Garvey added that the premiere The acquisition could occur as crime, and the pursuit and appre-
I think it's a good move because these people-need food to archaeology program has been early as January 1, according to hension of criminaIs. «
survive. It's necessary." possible at Mercyhurst ever since Adovasio. 1 "Intelligence in many shapes
Adovasio took over the program According to Garvey, this would and forms provides the support
Steve Serena, sophomore, undeclared major: | in 1990. \: give Mercyhurst one of the finest necessary for planners and lead-
"I'm a torn heart. I'm glad they are helping them but I wish they Adovasio, formerly of the Uni- small college archaeology pro- ers to recognize the emerging
too M versity of Pittsburgh, called the grams in the United States.
threats as well as potential oppor-
possible acquisition "deja vu."
tunities," said Fahlman.
Ryan Garvey, junior, Finance major: /
"I think it's a good idea. Hopefully we will resolve the problem
pretty soon and kick some ass." f<,
2«000 R e w a r d Offered Unyone interested in
Erin O'Connor, junior, HRIM major: writingfor the Merciad^
A "$1,000 'reward will jbe" given for information
I don't agree with it at all. I know someone over there right now
leading to the identity of the^person who vandal- during the winter term
and I think we have enough starving people Hi the U.S. and we don't
need to be going to other countries. I just think it's stupid. ized the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes on the should contact Joseph
Mercyhurst campus on October 31^ The reward egler at extension
Tim Alesnik, senior, Sportsmedicine major: money was donatediby area merchants.jichiefs of 3 76 as soon as pos-
"Why can't they feed American people that are starving? Why is police and the Fraternal Order of Police lodges.
it that people in other countries were starving in the last 15 years, sible. Freshman com-
The use of the money was arranged by Bud Dever,
such as in Ethiopia, and we didn't help them and now we are in
ft Mercyhurst security director the local state Po- munication majors are
Somalia? It just doesn't make sense
lice captain and the Crime-Stoppers committee. encouraged to take ad-
Will Grover, senior, HRIM major: f If you have any information call the Erie police %e of this oppor
"I think it's a good idea. They are aiding In distribution and bureau at 870-1150 I
regulation better than the rebels."

The Merciad
would like? to
wish everyone a t
m. m
rfi •

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•••'•»:•••'' By Joseph Legler

. 'few . Editor in Chief ••*•»* **m*/*'

m... "**" *d
Check out WMCE...We pSr "How can someone like you
K S i jix&iftyt 'fit/ frequently eat in a high quality,
„ „ afe^ggg^oLto Jaeaif! ?Lwj»'- full-service restaurant on your
income?" asked the ignorant
: December 15 a ® oaroar very merry pseudo acquaintance with dis-
belief in her voice.
Christmas and a "How can you have all of that
arc happy New money? After all, you only work
for minimum wage, don't you?" j
Year! asked the simpleton car dealer looking upon me as if I were a beggar
looking for hand-outs.
" You couldn't have all of that money... Not you, no way, no how... I
mean, give me a break... YOUl" said the empty-headed, witless co-
worker. 1 1
jj Die serititnetit is there to help £
Somalia. Ife j u s f c m M . c e r t a K | "HOW CAN YOU, BEING AN ADULT|STUDENT, BE RE-
Questions most be dealt wrai*. What CEIVING TfflS MUCH FINANCIAL AID?" asked the oblivious
size force, Uiuer whose caronana, woman behind the student accounts desk, practically accusing me
what precedents will be set/ what * of some sort of thievery with the tone in her voice.
will other countries think? These The first three quotes in this column were embellished and or
things haveto be debated. Aregbu totally fabricated to make a point. However, the third quote, and
listen^ tome? Hslb? Hello? f consequently the most offensive to me because it was actually said
to me, is word for word from one of the women in the Mercyhurst
Student Accounts Office. I •

I.Was in the accounts office to see if I could possibly withdraw some

money from my Mercyhurst tuition file to buy books. My account
is well in the plus range and I wanted to use a mere ten percent of this
excessive fundage to buy my overpriced books at the bookstore. I
don't have an all-campus card, so this was the next logical step.
The clerk pulled up my account on the computer; her eyes bulged
out and almost kissed the terminal screen; her chin dropped to the
i^Es floor, she began to writhe back and forth in rapid convulsions;
sweat-beads formed across her fore-head and she asked, "HOW
wMWiBtr Now, I didn't have the best upbringing in the world, but I was

taught that it's more than rude to ask somebody where they got their
money. If they have their money, they have it It is not my business
to ask where they got it,fromwhom they got it, how they got it, and

The Merciad what they're going to do with it If the person with the money
chooses to tell me where he/she obtained it, fine! That is his/her
option, but I would never ask him/her about it
Mercy hurst College's First Class newspaper as rated by the Associated Collegiate Press jJ was also taught not to label people. For example, I would never
say, "He has AIDS, he must be homosexual." This just isn't a
Vol. 66 No. 10 December 10,1992 competent, well thought-out thing to say, and if anyone said it, they
Joseph Legler Editor in Chief John Danknich A sst. Sports Editor would be considered a fool. $
Jule Gardner News Editor Michelle Ryan ** Copy Editor In the brief time it took this lady to blurt out this sentence (maybe
Anne McNeils A&EIFeatures Editor Yvonne Maher Advertising Manager five seconds tops), she not only labeled me as an adult student, but
Sports Editor she also questioned me as to the origin of the money on my adult-
Craig Rybczynski Timothy Moriarty Faculty Advisor student a ccount
Merciad Staff Is there some reason why I, being a non-traditional student,
shouldn't receive financial aid? Is it of any concern to anyone else
Dave McQuillen Mary Medure Susan Lee Eback Tate Davidson how much financial aid I receive?
Megan Circle Erin Hauber Monica Sertilc Elizabeth Johnson Should I ha ve a sign strapped to me that indicates that I happen to %

Sean Wall Tonie Bolan Andrea Myers Keith Courson be an adult student who happens to receive scholarship money for
a job that I happen to do each week? Should I yell out at the top of
Leon Mumford*. David Kosobucki Katie Johnson Jay Kennedy my lungs in the middle of Garvey Park that I receive an assistants hip
Rich She 1 ton BethiNichols* NicoleiGeaci Heather Ryana for another job I do on campus? Should I paint a message on my car
John Shanahan David Rumsey John Furlong Suzanne Coneglio saying that I'm several thousand dollars in debt to the federal
Liam Barron Steph Szabo Beth Haas Michael Arrigo government, drive around campus and honk my horn for aifew
Grace Bruno Jal Michelle Bovan hours? Should I send out mailers to the entire Mercyhurst commu-
Stephanie Wainright Karen Trapolsi nity informing them of all the financial aid I have ever received?
The Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College, Box 161, Is it really anyones business?
501 E. 38th St., Erie, Pa.; 16546. Phone 824-2376 | iA No, I shouldn't do those things, but if this woman is reading this,
The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. SO MUCH FINANCIAL AID.
* * * * * • * * < * *

I would like to extend my thanks to everyone that has assisted in

The Merciad's editorial opinion is determined by the Editorial Board with the the production of the first ten issues of this year's Merciad.
Editor holding final responsibility. The opinions expressed in The Merciad are Everyone has done a great job. Have a safe and happy holiday
not necessarily those of The Merciad, its staff or Mercyhurst College. season! . ______

I Weeding Out If
For a recording of the daily Glenwood Park YMCA is asked north end exit Overnight parking
By Jule Gardner meals, call ext 2192. to contact Camille Locke at 868- is also allowed in the north main-
Merciad News Editor 0867. tenance lot, lot #6, 10, 13, the
Ifsecurity is needed at any time townhouse lot and the west end of
She always cooks ham when we go to her house for dinner. I hate after 4:30 p.m., call ext 2439 In case of snow emergency, ve- lot #8. Overnight parking is not
ham. Did you see the way Uncle Fred's girlfriend was dressed at the (Baldwin desk). If no answer, call hicles hindering overnight snow permitted in lots #3,4,5,9 and lot
party? Why does Grandma always buy me dumb presents? The tree ext 2102, wait for a beep and removal can be towed at the 8 (except for the west end).
needs more lights. No it doesn't Yes it does. Go to K-Mart and get press * (star). Then press 401 *. owner's expense. Regulations re-
some. No. Yes. No. Bla. Bla. Bla." \ Press the # key whenj you are garding overnight parking are as Anyone interested in joining
If you haven't guessed, the topic of my column is the overwhelm- finished, but before you hang up. follows. In lot #2, overnight park- the Mercyhurst College Summer
ing joys of the Christmas season. No, Virginia, there isn't a Santa ing is allowed above the southern Abroad Program should contact
Gaus and even if there was, he would be just as commercial in Anyone interested in starting a most entrance and along the east Mr. John Wolper, Division Chair,
reality as he is in the current imaginations of our youth. I want I pep band for men's and women's side of the lot all the way to the in HRIM in Egan 25.
want I thought the * 80* s were over, but materialism makes a lasting basketball programs to help cre-
visit every year around this time under the guise of holiday cheer. ate more spirit and atmosphere at
Christmas isn't about Nintendo. It isn't about new sweaters. It games should contact Pete Russo,
isn't about ham dinner. Yeah, we all know the real meaning of Director ofAthletics, at ext. 2226.
Christmas. Like good, little Christians we make our appearances at
Midnight Mass. Maybe it's the only appearance we make all year, The Fitness Center will be open
but, geez, we go and listen, don't we? on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
I'm not going to stand on a pulpit and lecture you about why we 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. to employees
celebrate Christmas. I'm as guilty as most of you. I just recognize only. Craig Davie, Director of
my guilt. the Fitness Center, will be avail-
My problem isn't with losing the true purpose. That was bound to able during these hours to assist
happen in this technological, skeptical society. My problem is that any employee in learning how to
the distortion just won't stop there. operate exercise equipment ef-
Case in point: By now you have probably seen the "Playboy" fectively and safely. Davie will
commercial featuring good ole* St. Nick about a gazillion times. It's also be £ available to place any
even on CNN* At the end of the display containing sordid, censored employee on a designated fitness
photographs of near naked women, the jolly character in the beard program to meet personal goals
says, "HO! HO! HO! It's good to be the Santa." Why? So you can for exercise. 3
be admired and fondled by big-breasted bimbos in red? I'm almost
sure that is how Father Christmas should be depicted on TV. Anyone interested in demon-
strating his/her major at the

8y l\e/uj |uOe

Every year they try to suck you in earlier and earlier. You walk into
stores on Halloween and you are greeted by red and green garbage.
"Christmas is coming. Start getting commercial now while the
commercial getting is good." It's OCTOBER. Why does one day
have to be stretched out into materialistic infinity?
I haven't even touched on the relatives part For members of my
family (and I know I'm far from alone) Christmas isn't a time ofjoy
and giving. It's a time of obligation. You know those members in
your family that don't like those other members of your family and
bitch about it all the way up to the front porch. Then they open the
Big smile, big smile. "Oh, Merry Christmas, Aunt Annoying. It's
soooo good to see you again!" Meanwhile her teeth are clenched so
tight that freckles start flying off of her forehead.
Okay, I'm not a total grincb. I freely admit that I get all gooey-eyed
when George Bailey realizes "It's a Wonderful Life." I know it is a
good feeling to give someone something from inside that means a
lot to that person. And, hey, how can you help but smile when The
Boss cranks out "Santa Claus is Com in' to Town" on the radio?
It's just that I can't believe Christmas is all it's cracked up to be.
For me, the decent aspects of this drawn-out holiday cannot erase
such mistakes as the fake niceties, the utter materialism or the
asinine commercials. I refuse to fool myself, but I don't condemn
you if that is the path you take. All I ask is that you don't look at me
like I have three heads just because I like reality more than Christ*
So, hey, have a wang-dilly of a break. Happy Holidays and all that
junk. I'm done growing old for this season. Ho. Ho.

The Back Row D'Angelo presents acclaimed cellist

miered several works and has
worked with such composers as
LukasFoss, Ganther Schuller and
Don Froind. He is an advocate of
By John Danknich the music of the 1 ate Eric Heckaid
Merciad Movie Critic and has premiered a number of
his works, including his cello con-
Well, it's been over a month certo.
since my lastreview,and since •»
For the past several years, Pegis
there have been a number of I <«R has lived in Connecticut where he
"big" movies that have come •
worked as a free lance cellist in
out in the interim, I have de- the New York area. He taught at
cided to give capsulereviewsof < # * " " Newtown High School, Merit
three of these so-called "big" Music Studios and at< the Harrt

movies. School of Music.

The D'Angelo School of Music
i is proud to present artist/faculty
well as a winner of the Emerson During the summer he teaches
Going ,
String Quartet Competition and and performs chamber music at
cellist Jolyon Pegis in a Artists International auditions in the Yellow Barn Music Festival
concert of works by Bach, New York City. He has appeared in Vermont This year he has per-
vampire tale. In ait interesting piece of casting, British actor Gary
Brahms, Beethoven and Sibelius. as a soloist with the Lafayette, formed with artists such as Chris-
Oldman was chosen to play the vampiriccount. OldmaiTs last major Pegis is a native of Rochester,
role in the United States was Lee Harvey Oswald in JFK. Oldman's Queens, Harrt, Kingsport and topher Wellington, Eric
NY. He studied cello in Roches- Thayer Symphony Orchestras. Rosenblith, Gary Karr and Jesse
performance as Dracula was the high point of the movie. ter with Alan Harris and Don
In portraying Dracula, Oldman had to endure not only playing Pegis made his official New York Levine and toured with his en-
Reinfeld. He continued his stud- debut at Carnegie Recital Hall in semble, the Arcadia Trio.
Dracula's various incarnations, but countless hours under heavy ies at Indiana University and the 1990 and has also appeared in the The concert will be held on
make-up and prosthetics as well. However, Oldman is at his best Harrt School of Music where he Federal Hall Concert Series, the Monday, Dec. 14 at 8 p.m. in the
when he is the charming Prince VIad. In my opinion, he could be a studied with Fritz Magg, Gary Arts Zurn Recital Hall on" the
dark horse in the race for an Academy Award nomination. Hoffman and David Wells. Cami Hall. Mercy hurst College campus. The
The major problem with Dracula is its look and feel. On many Pegis is a prizewinner in the
occasions, it is very obvious that the scene is happening on some As a performer of new music, concert is free.
Hudson Valley Competition, as Pegis has commissioned and pre-
Hollywood soundstage.
For those of you expecting to be horrified and scared, stay at home.
This is not a honor movie. Dracula is a gothic love story a nd should
be viewed with this in mind.
The deciding factor for my grade was Anthony Hopkins who gives \\ \tf4J h fi rj\ Jay of C/<J/J <\r\\ Jfcfe coy/
a tour-de-force performance as the vampire slayer Van Helsing.
Hopkins' humor helped to break the tension and liven up a rather
dark movie. I crive Rram Stoker's Dracula a solid B+.

Next on the agenda is the "long-awaited" Home Alone 2: Lost in*

New York. The Grst Home Alone grossed over $200 million
worldwide and made an instant star of Macau ley Culkin. I
The plot is basically the same as the Grst one, except that Culkin
gets stranded in New York by himself at Christmas time. He does the
same things as he did in the Grst movie. He eats a lot of junk food,
watches movies and makes a nuisance of himself. -
Of course, Culkin's nemeses Harry and Marv (Joe Pesci and
Daniel Stern) are back. As in the first movie the pair goes after
Culkin who has turned his uncle's townhouse into a fortress. Let me
tell you, if I took all the injury and abuse that Harry and Marv take ••

at the hands of Culkin, I'd be dead.: --;.;>

While some of the things Culkin does to Harry and Marv are very J

ingenious, I can't help but thinking the writers are trying to turn him
into MacGyver, Jr. In fact, I saw one of the "gags" in the movie on
an episode of MacGyver from 1985 the other night. Don't you just
love how original this movie is? T7

- Unoriginal as Home Alone 2 may be, it still is an enjoyable and fun *_*»

movie for the entire family to see. However, because the Glm is
basically a larger budgetremakeof the Grst move, I cannot give
Home Alone 2 higher than a IK £
Malcolm X. Director Spike\Lee's three hours and 17 minutes
biography ofthe slain Black Muslim leader of the 1960s is his finest
movie to date.
As the movie begins, young Malcolm Little (brilliantly portrayed
by Denzel Washington) starts his dissent into the world of drugs and
*J*foJj Phone
crime. little's life of crime catches up to him, and he ends up in jail. Dinner
It is here he turns his life around after a fellow inmate introduces him

to the teachings of Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam.

for2 OCL

Of all the parts in the movie, this introduction seemed to drag the {(Hungry People) Cheap
most. However, Irealizedthat it was necessary to see the man that URGE |
Malcolm was to understand the man that he became* 2 MEDIUMi I Feast %
Washington, who won a Supporting Actor OscarforGlory, has to 2 COKES ONE-TOPPING [ ForAParty!
be the front-runner for this year's Best Actor. In my opinion, no PIZZAS ) TWo Large
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Academy Award nominations are announced early next year, ex-
pect this Glm to have many. I wish I had moreroomto write, but I'll
save itformy next column. Malcolm X gets a well deserved A.
Until next time, this is John Danknich signing off from the back
tow. 1 BR n m

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By Joseph Legler
reveals childhood secret
when, on two separate occasions, to her closest friend, whom she
at all," she said, "I felt bad...but She has dealt with it effectively
her alcoholic relative made im- that was about it.* 9 met three years ago. She said that
and says she doesn't experience
Editor in Chief proper advances "fondling" her her friend helped her immensely
She added that subconsciously "flashbacks" anymore which
with his hands. she knew that this memory was to "get over her self pity" and
plagued her in the time she kept it
Out of fear, some people keep urged her to seek the professional
locked inside.
She knew at the time that this still buried in her mind. "Him
personal problems bottled up in- was not right and she told her help that has been so beneficial to
She feels that she can now handle
side them for a very long time. relative never to touch her her. herself much more confidently in
They don't ever reveal their di- like that again. He never touched DeDad stressed the point that if
relationships and life because she
lemmas to anybody, and conse- her wrongly again, but she had a you are in a similar situation, don't
confronted her fear and overcame
quently they may experience de- decision to make—whether or not ["I t o l d ^my g r a n d - keep it trapped inside of you be-
i t . I < & • ;

pression, trauma, anxiety, and to reveal these incidents to any- m o t h e r , D e D a d s a i d . She attributes much of this to the cause it won't go away.
self-pity later in life. However, one. Rape Crisis Center and her best "Tell anyone that will listen, a
telling somebody your problem, " S h e l o o k e d at m e l i k e friend. best friend, a close classmate, a
I told my grandmother," DeDad
anybody you can trust, is prob- ' O h , it h a s n ' t h a p p e n e d "They (the Rape Crisis Center) teacher you are very fond of...or
said. "She looked at me like 'Oh
ably the best therapy for any indi- it hasn't happened again* and told a g a i n * a n d t o l d m e t o told me to take each day as it is even me," she stated. "The more
vidual. me to never tell anyone. conies and to deal with difficult yoti keep silent, the more it hin-
Mercyhurst student Dara never tell anyone."
She kept this incident locked situations one at a time and to deal ders you."
DeDad, a 21 year old senior ac- inside her, repressing it from her -Dara DeDad with what happened to me one If you would like to talk to DeDad
counting major, is a survivor of memory, until recently when she day at a time," she stated. "I even- about a problem that you feel she
childhood molestation who just came forward with it through tual ly got to the point where it may be able to help you with, you
recently brought her problem out therapy at the Rape Crisis Center. didn't control me anymore, I con- can reach her through Dr. Snyder,
into the open. She said that something "trig- trolled it." u
^ < * ¥ ®*H Bud Dever, or Professor Triola.
Late last term she addressed Pro- gered" her into finally facing her dying brought everything forward She added that they helped her Mercyhurst also has a profes-
fessor Triola's Social Problems suppressed dilemma. That some- because now I had to face it," she narrow the problem down to a sional counseling service that the
class on therepercussionsofchild thing was therecentdeath of her stated, "I suppose myisubcon- little comer of her mind and this students can take advantage of
molestation and the effects it relative. He passed away ifrom scious felt that I would always get made the rest of her life much located in room 209 Main. You
leaves on victims. She said she natural causes last summer. my chance...reality sets in and I more manageable; can stop by or call 2555 for an
Was nervous telling her story but T h e day that he died, I didn't have to deal with it."
she feels much better now than DeDad Was quick to give praise appointment.
think it was going to bother me at
she has in a long time. all because I wasn't close to him

DeDad was a 10 year old girl

Students experience learning bliss ?

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It is a relief to know that as instead of as citizens of Erie or ing of another culture.
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ing ten days in a totally different a lot of work, but if you have to do way or another.
environment Biology and Geol- it, it might as well be In Jamaica,"
DECEMBER 10,1992

Bohun brings fresh outlook to the Hurst

Blue Line By David J. Kosobucki
Merciad Sports Writer
hockey for the North Battleford
North Stars in the Saskatchewan
Junior Hockey League. 1
He was also trying to find a way
Sports at one time or another."
Bohun drew some parallels about
all of these sports. "Concentra-
tion is essential/' said Bryce.
Sports can be a passion for some to extend his hockey career. "I "Also, the team atmosphere that
people. They can make life seem planned on going to college in 9
w is created is similar.'
By Craig Rybczynski so easy for them because they are America," Bohun said. "I wanted Bryce also feels that golf has
Merciad Sports Editor able to get in a zone. to go somewhere where I could
*^Sj$ helped him significantly. When
Hockey is a- passion for play hockey." Bohun didnothave he is golfing, it is just him against
"We've got five seconds left. Mercyhurst freshman Bryce a short trip in' coming, to f

Bohun. It has been ever since he the course. This kind of individual
. .do you believe in miracles. Mercyhurst either. .North
laced up his skates for the first thinking makes it easier for him
Yes!" This famous quote by 4 Battleford is about a 36 hour drive
time when he was five years old. to raise his level of play when he
ABC broadcaster Al Michaels from Erie.
"I just love playing hockey," is struggling in hockey.
reminds hockey fans of how a B»f Coming from another country All good things must come to an
rag-tag group of college hockey Bohun said. "I have trouble not had an immediate effect on
dreaming about it sometimes." end. Everyone must enjoy them
players : could .overcome V <$H £ f c & ^ : Bohun. At first, he experienced a while they last Athletics bring
unbelicveable odds and win. Hockey^has been traditionally little culture shock. Since then,
considered a Canadian sport. So out the kid in everyone. That's
These famous words followed he has adapted and finds himself what makes many of us, includ-
it is probably not, surprising to enjoying America. "I was sur-
the USA's 4-3 upset victory over the Soviet Union at Lake Placid, ing Bohun, still young at heart |
hear that Bohun was born and prised at all of the different per-
NY, in the 1980 Winter Olympics. \
raised in Canada. He attended sonalities I saw when I first got
There;are definite simarities between the USA Olympic gold John PaulijII Collegiate] High
medal winning team of 1980 and the Mercyhurst club hockey team. here," he said. "I'm used to it
School in North -Battleford, now, though."
Both teams are a collection of kids from obscure cities from around
Saskatchewan* &r Bohun enjoys all of the televi-
the United States and for Mercyhurst, Canada as well. Most athletes dream about be-
The Lakers pulled their own rendition of the "Miracle on Ice" with sion exposu re tha t sporting events
ing a superstar someday. Bohun receive in America. "Sports are
a 12-2 victory over the Niagara University Purple Eagles on Friday, is no different. Dreams can seem
December 4. Then, like the gold medal victory over Finland by very big here on television," he
more realistic when someone has said. "I hope I get to see the Chi-
Team USA, the Lakers defeated their rivals, the Gannon Golden a role model. In Bohun's case, he
Knights 3-2 Wednesday night at the Mercyhurst Ice Center. cago Bulls play a lot"In Canada,
had a Great One. "Wa yne Gretzky he did get to watch some basket-
The Lakers have won two in a row and have turned around their grew up nearby the area in which
season which did not begin so spectacularly. For those of you rink ball but not nearly as much as he By David J. Kosobucki
I grew up," Bohun said. "I was will in the United States. Merciad Sports Writer
rats who ventured to see Mercyhurst's finest play their first two exposed to him a lot, and he be-
games, you would have thought you were watching a football game Bohun also gol fs for Mercyhurst
came my hero." During the fall season, Bryce was Mercyhurst freshman Craig
by the number of goals scored. However, what critics and fans alike
Bohun igraduated from high one of the most cons is tent golfers Woodard is probably wondering
fail to realize is that the Lakers had had only six pra c*•ces before their
school three years ago. Now 21 for the Lakers. Back in high if his football season will ever
first game. -
years old, Bryce spent those three school, he also played volleyball end. He probably does not want it
Like Team USA, they were thrown against competition with years working at a golf course and badminton. But according to to end, the way things are going.
almost no preparation and expected to mature and improve with the over the summer and playing Bohun, he has played "any and all The East Coast Athletic Confer-
passing of each game.
Team USA had little time to prepare for their 10 game slate against ence extended Woodard's season
European and National "Hockey ^League teams. Going into the Mercyhurst IM Basketball Schedule by naming him its 1992 Rookie of
the Year.
Olympics, Team USA Head Coach Herb Brooks thought even a
bronze medal would have been a major accomplishment Entering Woodard led the Lakers with
Lake Placid, they were coming off of a demoralizing defeat to 12-13&Staff vs. The Hood 8 p.m. MAC 1166 yards rushing, a new school
the Soviet Union at Madison Square Garden a week earlier. N. E. vs. Cavcasion Invasion 8 p.m. \ REC record, on 176 carries. Woodard
also hauled down seven passes
With time, the United States started to gel and play as a team. The Too Deep vs. Brickmisters 8:40 p.m MAC for 69 yards. Woodard totaled
••• - ~

Lakers have since begun to progress as a unit and not as a team of Tumbleweeds vs. R. Rebels 8:40 p.m. I R E C eight touchdowns for the season.
individuals. Coach Brooks knew that this philosophy would help Misfits vs. BMF I ; 9:20 p.m.
them beat superior teams.
REC All of them came on the ground.
Last Call vs. Nologe 9:20 p.m. MAC The flashyfreshmanmade a sud-
The Hurst has since tightened up on defense. With the addition of den impact early in the season
Scott Aiello, the burden won't solely fall on the one or two players. when he led the Lakers to a 14*10
Defensema n Marc Johnston has been the stand out defensive player 12-16 Wolverines vs. Ziggy's 8 p.m. MAC
come from behind victory over
all year , and it's about time he got some help. Maybe the club team Kaps vs. Lucky Ones 8 p.m. REC j
Maryville with 133 yards rush-
should look into getting some more players from Ridley College in Globetrotters vs.3Bricks R Us 8:40 p.m MAC ing, including the game winning

St Catherines? Nonames vs. Get Stuck In 8:40 p.m REC touchdown. Woodard displayed
In goal, Scott Bray and Aaron Winch ha ve solidified the goal tending his exciting running style through-
duties for the Lakers. With better defense, they can rely on loose Staff vs. Cavcasion Invasion 9:20 p.m MAC
out the season. His 94-yard touch-
pucks and rebounds being cleared from in front of the net The days North East vs. Brickmisters 9:20 p.m REC down run against Ca nisi us Col-
of two or three rebounds have long past lege was probably the most spec-
With this goaltending tandum, the Hurst doesn't have to rely on 1-7 North East vs. Runnin Rebels 8 p.m. MAC tacular of them all.
one goalie, I ikeTeairi USA did with Jimmy Craig. Bray captured the Too Deep vs. Tumbleweeds 8 p.m Even though the game schedule
REC is over for this season, the pivotal
first win against Niagara, and Winch stopped 20 shots against Staff vs. Brickmisters 1 8:40 p.m. MAC
Gannon. M " I ' part of the year lies ahead, the off
Cavcasion Inv. vs. The Hood 8:40 p.m. REC season. This is when athletes of-
The Olympic spirit can be found in one of the most determined, yet
smallest players on the team* Sdphomore Lou Viselli gets knocked Globetrotters vs. Nonames 9:20 p.m. MAC ten mature the most, both physi-
around each game, but still goes into the corners after the puck like Lucky Ones vs. Get Stuck In 9:20 p.m. I REC cally and mentally. "1 plan to hit
he is 6 feet tall. Viselli scored the game-winning goal against the weights harder than ever over
Gannon. Does the name Mike Eruzionc ring afrell?jt the winter," Woodardsaid. "I want
1-10 Too Deep vs. Runnin Rebels^ 8 p.m. MAC to come back an even better Cra ig
Eruzione scored the winning goal against the Soviet Union to help Tumbleweeds vs. The Hood 8 p.m.
Team USA advance to the gold medal game. He wasn't the most
8:40 p.m, MAC Woodard.^M
talented player on the team but was a team leader and winner like Misfits vs. Ziggy's ^Improvement will remain a key
Viselli. «f v Wolverines vs. Nologe 8:40 p.m. REC ingredient in Craig's life, both on
Offensive production has come from Joe Paluchak and Kelly Last Call Brewsers
K** 9:20 p.m. MAC and off thefield."No matter what
Gilchrist Paluchak scored two goals andfiveassists aga inst Niagara Kaps vs. Bricks R Us 950 p.m. REC it is I do," he said. "I want to get
and had a goal versej Gannon. Gilchrist scored four goals and better at it"
contributed two assists in the Niagara game. If Craig improves any more, it
Leaving the Gannon game with a home victory was a new twist, 1-17 Wolverines vs. Last Call 8 p.m. MAC will put him at perhaps an even
especially when the students come out and support them. The Misfits vs. Nologe 8 p.m. REC more untouchable level than be-
varsity team is so well known at this school that people (ail to realize Ziggy's vs. Brewsers 8:40 p.m. MAC fore. He might even be able to
we even have a club team. Brickmisters vs. Cav. Invasion 8:40 p.m. REC accumulate more hardware to ac-
Well, I think you hear me knocking, and I'm bringing the club Staff vs. Runnin Rebels 950 p.m. MAC company his state basketball
hockey team and they're going to show you they can really play. championship in high school and
iMaybe they'll teach you if you ask them. N o t i y ^ g IBBfefli North East vs. T\imbleweeds 9:20 p.m. REC bis rookie of the year award.

L a k e r s fall to C e n t r a l State in c h a m p i o n s h i p g a m e of F e r r a r o Classic
By John Danknich bling St. Vincent's output of 16 sive boards. The Marauders con-
Aferciad Asst. Sports Editor pointsfromthe charity stripe. On sistently had second and third
the boards, Mercy hurst had a 49* chances which allowed them to
At the Mercy hurst Athletic Cen- 41 edge, including a 25-19 ad- c lose thegap to60-56at the 12:27
ter last Saturday night, the vantage on the offensive glass. mark of the second half.
Mercyhurst men's basketball Led by forward Gerry Battle's 10 From this point, the Hurst fell
team entered the championship boards and five blocks, the Hurst apart. Central State's Orlando
game of the Ferraro Ford Classic dominated the Bearcats inside, Stewart's pull-up jumpergave the
after a hard fought victory over which is the exact opposite of Marauders a four point lead with
the St. Vincent Bearcats the night what would happen the next night less than two minutes to play in
before. The Lakers played inspired de- regulation. The Lakers fought
After racing to a 10-point half- fense in thefirsthalf of the cham- back and tied the game at 82 on
time lead, the Lakers fell apart in pionship game, 1 imking the Ma- Rashe Reviere's three-pointer
the second half and were defeated rauders to 37 points on 14 of 36 from the right corner with 46 sec-
in overtime by the Central State shooting. Even though the Lakers onds left, sending the game into
Marauders by a score of 94-91, missed over half of their free overtime.
dropping their record to 4-2. throws, they still held a 47-37 j'r In OT, the Lakers managed to
What plagued the Lakers in the - advantage going into the locker take a 90-86 lead, but Stewart
Rashe Reviere attempts a free throw during the Lakers' victory
second half of the Central State room. took over for Central State, scor- over
California University of Pa. Photo by Joseph Legler
were two areas that are usually In the second half, the Hurst ing their final eight points, in-
strong for the Hurst, rebounding continued to lead Central State, cluding four free throws in thevaluable player ofthe tournament the season, hitting six three point-
and free-throw shooting. but showed signs of faltering. . In the end, the Lakers were out
last 18 seconds to give the Ma- ers en route to 25 points. Baker
Against St Vincent Friday night, Mercyhurst's inside game'left rauders a 94-91 victory and therebounded 57-40by Central State. also added nine rebounds. Senior
the Lakers dominated the Bearcats
^^_^^^^_^^^_^^__^^^J5them. Central State dominated However, the most startling stat
championship trophy. For his ef- guard Terry Bush came off the
at the line, making 32-46, dou- inside, especially on the offen- was the Hurst's shooting only 56%
forts, Stewart was named the most bench hitting nine of 12 free
from the line, a season low. The throws down the stretch to ice the
Lady Lakers blitzed by Clarion 112-85 Marauders, on the other hand,
made 25 of their 30freethrows.
Laker victory.:
Earlier in the week, the Lakers
By Keith Courson Jones led a non-stop Lady Eagle the back door. That opportunity Things were not all negative for recorded a big victory over the
Merciad Sports Writer attacks with a season-high 43 came in the second stanza as the Lakers. For their efforts in the California University of Pennsyl-
points, hitting 19 of her 24 field Clarion coaches were stabbed tournament, Battle and Reviere vania. Last year, California went
goal attempts. However, most of with consecutive technical fouls were named to the all-tournament to the Division II Final Four and
those aerials came from in the and let Mercyhurst sneak as close team. Battle averaged 26 points finished with a record of 31-2.
paint. as six at one point and 11 rebounds for the tourna- After spotting California an eight
Slowing a team down-that While Mercyhurst had difficulty However, the defensive pressure ment. Reviere averaged 28,5 point halftime lead, the Lakers
* * outscores its opponents by an av- matching up against the sopho- eventually claimed another vic- points, including a season-high stormed back in the second halfto
erage of 43 points seems like a more starter, the Lakers* Teresa tim as the Golden Eagles pulled 35 against Central State. Senior defeat California 89-86. Reviere
difficult * task. Limiting a super Szumigala gave it right back. away in the remaining teh min- center Jamie Houston also had once again led the Hurst with 31
forward who produces 21 points Szumigala also shot for a season- utes for the win. Clarion improved his best game of the season against points.
per contest could also prove to be high 34 points, burying 12 of 18 to 4-1 with the triumph. the Marauders, scoring 18 and The Lakers defeated Edinboro
stressful. Throw in a "run and shots and notching 10 of 14 shots The Lady Lakers see action next pulling down seven boards,; University 79-65 Wednesday
gun, never say die" attitude, and from the charity stripe. at Edinboro on Friday evening at Against St Vincent Friday night, night to raise their overall record
you've encountered a potent bas- The key to the game, however, 7:30 p.m. ' Kerry Baker had his best game of to 5-2.
ketball force that's willing to go was the relentless Eagle defen-
the distance with anyone. sive pressure that was extended
This force confronted the to full court for a majority of the
Kevin McKinnon's four goals tame the Tigers
Me rey h urst Lady La kers on Tues- game. Although the Lakers were By Craig Rybczynski in scoring for the Lakers with was 6-1. McKinnon scored once
day evening and, in the end, able to beat the pressure occa- Merciad Sports Editor i nine goals and four assists. He again, this time completing the
proved to be too much to handle sionally for easy lay-ups, other sta rted the year playing alongside hat trick with the Lakers' fifth

as Clarion University blitzed the chances were wasted on mis- For Mercyhurst center Kevin of Rob Madia and Craig goal. Madia also got into the scor-
Hurst 112-85 a nd gave coach Paul handled passes and forced shots. McKJnnon, Christmas came a MacDonald. Playing on the M & ing with a short-handed goal.
Dcmyanovich's squad its fourth With the Lady Lakers trailing little early this year, as he found M's Line doesn't hurt either as The closest the Tigers could get
consecutive loss. 52-42 at the intermission, that receiving is better than giv- his two ex-line mates are one and to the Lakers was 7-3 in period
The game closely resembled a Szumigala led a valiant attempt at ing. McKinnon was awarded the two in points scored. three as John Pallante and Pat
track meet as the 30-second shot a comeback as Mercyhurst wa ited Eastern Collegiate Athletic Con- McKinnon explained the differ- Boiler beat Barber. Bohun added
clock was never a factor. Carlitta for any opportunity to sneak in ference Rookie of the Week, on ence between playing Junior A the Hurst's fourth power play goal
Tuesday, December 8. and college hockey. "Back in my at 19:02, assisted by Madia and
M Hockey Schedule I His performance Friday night, other league, it's 5the Ontario Moir to conclude the game.
December 4, against the Roches- Golden Horseshoe League and With McKinnon's performance
ter Institute of Technology Tigers it's a lot rougher and tougher and he received some lofty praise from
12-12 Clams vs. N. Stars 6:30 p.m. led to this award. He scored four a lot more banging. Whereas com- last year's ECAC Rookie of the
12-13 C. Babies vs. Thunder |j 8:30 p.m. if

goals to lead the Lakers to an 8-3 pared to here (Mercyhurst) you Year, MacDonald. "He's doing ,
The Hansens vs. Clams 9:30 pirn. victoryiat RJ.T. use a lot more skills and finesse." his job out there. Coach brought
him in to score goals and he's out
N. Stars vs. C. Babies 10:15 p.m. To McKinnon's surprise he won In the victory, the Lakers' of-
the award, but to iHcad. Coach fense was sparked by four power there doing it."
1-10 Gams vs. Thunder 9:15 p.m. Going into the encounter with
Rick Gotkin and Assistant Coach play goals and one short-handed
The Hansens vs. N. Stars 10:15 p.m. Cra ig Barnett, it was the offense goal. Besides the goals by the University of Alaska-Anchor-
1-13 Gams vs. C. Babies 10:15 p.m. they expected from the Fort Erie, McKinnon, the Hurst got single age, the Lakers bring ins a 2-1
1-17 Thunder vsiN^Starsfc 8:30 p.m. *

goals from MacDonald, Andrew record against Division I tcams.|

Ontario, native.
Molr, Madia and Brycc Bohun. Coach Gotkin said, 'The prcs-J
The Hansens Vs. C. Babies 9:30 p.m. "He scored a number of goals
sure is squarely on Alaska just
and assists up in Fort Erie when Moir also had four assists and
Gams vs. N. Stars 7:30 p.m. Bohun added three. because they should be a better
he played Junfor Hockey. He has
C. Babies vs. Thunder 8:30 p.m. great hands and a great sense for McKinnon's two first period team. They have 20 full scholar-
1-27 The Hansens vs. Thunder 10:15 p.m. the game," said Gotkin. goals catapulted the Lakers to a 4- ships'; and play in the Western^]
Collegiate Hockey League. Also,,?j
1*31 N. Stars'vs. ;Cr. Babies 8:30 p.m. With the victory, the blue and 0firstperiod lead. Hisfirsttally
it's their rink, and they have won
Gams vs. Thunder J9:30pp. green improved to 6-3 overall came on the power play af 7:15j
some big games at home this
6:15 p#m. and 4-2 in the ECAC. Goalie Scott with assists going to MacDonald
The Hanseos vs. Gams and Moir. McKinnon then beat year."
7:15 p.m J Barber backstopped the Laker
N^tanfcV$4^ndei| victory with 27 saves. RI.T. goalie Brad Weege to ex- Alaska has made it to the Divi-
2|13 C. Babies vsi Gams 6:30 p.m. tend the lead to 2-0. sion I National Tournament the
Mirko Pelizzari and Barber will last three years and Mercyhurst
2*14 TheHfM vs*N. Stars | 8:30 p.mJ split goal tending duties this week- -TheTigers cut the lead to 4-1 in
will try forge a victory this week-
Thefrftj sJCfBabies 9:30 p.m. end as they play at Division I the second period with a power**
play goal by Jasen Wise. How- end. A win could prove pivotal to
2-21 The Hansens-v& Thunder 7:00 p.m. University of Alaska-Anchorage
ever, before R.I.T. could mount** the Division I playoffaspira tions
on Friday and Saturday.
. » •
Champilbnshtpi 8:J5 pan. McKinnon, a freshman, is third another scoring opportunity, it* of the Lakers.

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