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Defying all odds: coping with the challenges of volunteer caregiving for
patients with AIDS in South Africa
Olagoke Akintola

Accepted for publication 4 April 2008

Correspondence to O. Akintola: AKINTOLA O. (2008) Defying all odds: coping with the challenges of volunteer
e-mail: akintolao@ukzn.ac.za caregiving for patients with AIDS in South Africa. Journal of Advanced Nursing
63(4), 357–365
Olagoke Akintola PhD MPH
doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2008.04704.x
Senior Lecturer
School of Psychology, University of
KwaZuluNatal, Glenwood, Durban, Abstract
Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa Title. Defying all odds: coping with the challenges of volunteer caregiving for
patients with AIDS in South Africa.
Aim. This paper is a report of a study to explore the challenges experienced by
volunteer caregivers of people living with HIV/AIDS and the strategies employed in
coping with these challenges.
Background. Informal caregiving is associated with stresses that often results in
poor health outcomes for caregivers. In South Africa, volunteers play a major role in
the provision of care for people living with HIV/AIDS and have been shown to
experience burdens as a result of caring. However, little is known about stress and
coping among volunteer caregivers.
Methods. An ethnographic study was conducted, using observation and in-depth
interviews, to collect data with 20 volunteers and other stakeholders in two semi-
rural communities in South Africa over a 19-month period in 2002/2003.
Findings. ‘Defying all odds’ emerged as the central theme that encompassed the
various ways in which volunteer caregivers dealt with the many practical chal-
lenges confronting them. These challenges initially posed a threat to volunteering
work but were gradually appraised by volunteers as challenges that could be dealt
with using various strategies in order to continue providing care. Eight themes
highlighting these challenges and the coping strategies employed by volunteers
were identified.
Conclusion. A clear understanding of how volunteers deal with challenges of
caring for people living with HIV/AIDS can give insight into their weaknesses and
strengths and can inform the design of interventions aimed at providing support.
Studies are needed to facilitate better understanding of the processes of appraisal
of challenges by volunteers and the effectiveness of coping strategies, and to track
coping strategies over time.

Keywords: caregiving, coping strategies, HIV/AIDS, home-based care, stress,

stressor, volunteer caregivers

 2008 The Author. Journal compilation  2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 357
O. Akintola

(Nnko et al. 2000, Akintola 2004a, Orner 2006), stigma and

discrimination, isolation and lack of support have also been
Informal caregivers play a major role in providing home care documented among family caregivers in Ghana, Tanzania,
for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs) the world over. South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo (Nnko
Informal caregivers are people who provide care outside the et al. 2000, Mwinituo 2006, Nkosi et al. 2006, Orner 2006).
formal healthcare setting and are not employed or receiving Further, studies in Southern Africa have shown that
remuneration for their services (LeBlanc et al. 1997, London caregiving can create major time burdens for caregivers,
et al. 2001; Akintola 2006). They comprise family members exacerbating poverty among previously poor caregivers
who provide care for siblings, parents, spouses and other (Hansen et al. 1998, Lindsey et al. 2003, Akintola 2004a).
family members with HIV/AIDS (LeBlanc et al. 1997, In South Africa, PLWHAs constitute a substantial propor-
London et al. 2001), and are also referred to as family tion (46Æ2%) of those seeking medical care in public health
caregivers (Akintola 2006). In the United States of America facilities (Shisana et al. 2002) and this, combined with the
(USA), for example, a population-based study has revealed rising HIV/AIDS infection and deaths among nurses and other
that 3Æ2% of the adult population provide care for a friend, healthcare workers, has put an unprecedented strain on public
spouse, relative or lover with AIDS (Turner et al. 1994). health services (Aitken & Kemp 2003). In addition, poor
However, comparative estimates are not available for remuneration of healthcare personnel and poor working
African countries, where there has been an increasing reliance conditions has led to large-scale emigration to foreign coun-
on volunteer caregivers for the provision of informal care to tries among professional nurses (Aitken & Kemp 2003).
PLWHAs. Volunteer caregivers are not usually members of Currently, there is a critical shortage of nurses and other
the patient’s family, but are people recruited from AIDS- medical personnel in the country (Aitken & Kemp 2003). To
affected communities by AIDS care organizations. They are deal with these capacity problems in the public healthcare
trained to assist family members in providing care for the system, the government has adopted home-based care as an
PLWHAs, but do not receive any remuneration (Blinkhoff alternative to hospital care. As a result public hospitals send
et al. 2001, Steinitz 2003, Akintola 2006). PLWHAs home to be cared for by family members.
In South Africa, research focusing on volunteer caregivers However, many HIV/AIDS-affected families are poor and
is sparse and available studies (Marincowitz et al. 2004, do not have the requisite skills, financial and material
Akintola 2006) give little information about stress and coping resources to provide home care and therefore find caring
among volunteers. In the study reported in this paper, the overwhelming. Home-based care programmes have therefore
challenges of volunteer caregiving for PLWHAs and how been set up across the country to assist families in caring for
volunteers cope with these challenges are explored. The the ill people. However, these care programmes receive very
purpose is to provide empirical data that can be used to limited support from the government (Steinberg et al. 2002)
improve support for volunteer caregivers, thereby improving and this, combined with the reluctance of donor agencies to
health and socio-economic outcomes for volunteers, family fund caregiver salaries (Akintola 2004b), leaves care organi-
caregivers and their patients. zations with little option but to rely mainly on volunteers to
provide care (UNAIDS 2000; Akintola 2004b). Volunteers
constitute a substantial proportion of caregivers of PLWHAs
in the country. In a recent national study it was found that
Informal caregiving has been associated with negative health 50% of HIV/AIDS-affected households made use of volunteers
outcomes worldwide (Turner et al. 1994, Turner & Catania (Steinberg et al. 2002). Although a few studies in South Africa
1997, Flaskerud & Lee 2001, Akintola 2006, Kipp et al. have documented the burden associated with volunteering
2006, Orner 2006). For example, in a study of family (UNAIDS 2000; Marincowitz et al. 2004, Akintola 2006), we
caregivers in Brazil it was found that caregivers experience still know very little about the stress and coping process among
emotional difficulties such as fear of infection, revulsion, pity, volunteers; no literature was found on this topic.
grief and guilt from being helpless in the face of death The stress and coping paradigm described by Lazarus and
(De Figueiredo & Turato 2001). Another study in South Folkman (1984) offers insight into how people react when
Africa showed that caregiving had a negative impact on the under stress. Coping strategies refer to a person’s behavioural
physical and mental health of family caregivers (Orner 2006). and psychological efforts to manage stressful events (Lazarus
In addition, caregivers may also be at elevated risk of & Folkman 1984). Coping could be problem-focused,
infection with HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (Lindsey et al. referring to efforts to do something active to alleviate
2003, Akintola 2006). Adverse socio-economic consequences stressful circumstances, or emotion-focused, which refer to

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JAN: ORIGINAL RESEARCH Challenges of volunteer caregiving for patients with AIDS

efforts to regulate the emotional consequences of stressful or participants were volunteer caregivers working with a non-
potentially stressful life events. In coping with stressful governmental organization (NGO) that offers home-based
events, individuals carry out cognitive appraisal of the event: care services to these communities. They were recruited as
a process of evaluation that reflects the individual’s subjective part of a larger study investigating the impact of caregiving
interpretation of the event (Lazarus & Folkman 1984). on caregivers of PLWHAs. Interviews were also conducted
Individuals carry out primary appraisal to evaluate whether with key informants such as home-based care managers,
the stressful event is potentially beneficial or harmful, and coordinators of volunteer caregivers and community clinic
secondary appraisal to evaluate what, if anything, can be staff. A meeting of volunteer caregivers was convened - with
done to prevent harm or improve the prospects for benefit assistance from the manager of the NGO and local councilors
(Folkman et al. 1986). Both processes - cognitive appraisal - where the purpose of the study was discussed and those who
and coping - mediate between stressful events and well-being. consented to participate in the study were recruited. Volun-
Studies among informal caregivers have shown that the teers were included in the study if: they were enrolled and
adoption of appropriate coping strategies could lead to lower trained as caregivers with the NGO; were providing care to
burden and more positive health outcomes (Pakenham et al. someone with clinical AIDS; had been caring for at least three
1995, Pakenham 2001). For instance, Pakenham (2001) months; and were willing to respond to questions about their
found that the use of problem-focused coping strategies was experiences. Twenty-one volunteers were approached but
associated with lower levels of psychological distress. This only 20 agreed to take part in the study, and all responded
paradigm is useful for exploring stress and coping among freely to all questions.
volunteer caregivers.

Data collection
The study
The interviews took place in offices provided by the local
councillor, community resource center or participants’
The aim of the study was to explore the challenges experi- homes, depending on participants’ preferences and logistics.
enced by volunteer caregivers of PLWHAs and the strategies Interview schedules consisting of topic guides and open-
employed in coping with these challenges. ended questions were used to conduct in-depth interviews
The main questions addressed were: What are the chal- with participants. The interview schedules were developed
lenges relating to caring that confronts volunteers? How do using information from an extensive review of the literature
volunteers interpret and make sense of these challenges? How on informal caregiving for PLWHAs and informal discussions
do these challenges impact on their lives and work? How do with stakeholders. They focused on socio-demographic vari-
volunteers cope with these challenges? ables, the nature and meanings of caring, challenges of caring
and how volunteers interpret and make sense of these chal-
lenges as well as coping strategies employed. All the inter-
views were conducted by two trained interviewers, who were
This was an ethnographic study: the study of the culture also volunteers from the community, and took between 40
(shared system of meanings) of a group of people (Boyle 1994, and 90 minutes each. All interviews with volunteers were
Schensul et al. 1999, Henning et al. 2005). Ethnography was conducted in Zulu, the local language spoken in the com-
chosen because it is most suited to capturing the everyday munities, while interviews with stakeholders were conducted
realities of volunteers and for observing and documenting in English. All interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed and
volunteer caregiving activities (Axinn et al. 1991, Rossman & those conducted in Zulu were translated into English.
Rallis 1998). Data were collected in 2002/2003, during which
period the author and interviewers participated in daily Observation
briefing sessions, home visits, meetings, assisting with logistics, The researcher and interviewers also accompanied volunteers
record-keeping, and other routine activities of the volunteers. on their rounds while visiting patients’ homes to observe and
document caregiving experiences. Field notes were used to
document these observations. Invaluable data obtained from
observation were used primarily to illuminate data collected
The study was carried out in two semi-rural communities from interviews and give a better understanding of stress and
located on the outskirts of Durban, South Africa. The coping among volunteers.

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and how they persevere and devise various strategies to cope

Ethical considerations
with these challenges and continue with their work. These
The study was approved by a university ethics committee. In experiences span various times and phases while engaging
addition, permission was obtained from the local NGO with patients. Several themes emerged.
providing AIDS care services to the communities. Participants
gave oral informed consent before interviews were conducted.
Dealing with denial, stigma and discrimination
Finally, permission was obtained from each participant before
the interviews were audio-recorded. Because of the sensitive Volunteers experienced denial and stigmatization of potential
nature of issues under investigation, participants were given patients by their families. Families denied volunteers access to
the opportunity to choose an interview venue with which they their homes fearing that their presence would make it easy for
felt comfortable and safe. Arrangements were also made to community members to identify and stigmatize them. Some
refer volunteers to resident counsellors in the care programme would deny that they had an ill person in the house, while
should the need arise. However, none of the participants others insulted volunteers, suggesting that the care provided
required counselling as a consequence of the study. was of little or no value:

The sad thing is that sometimes the families do not welcome us

Data analysis nicely, but the sick person wants us to help him/her. The family
members will say, ‘You are playing with the ill person’ because they
Data analysis was carried out concurrently with data
cannot do anything for themselves. Others would say, ‘You’ve come
collection: a cross-section of interviews were transcribed
to check if s/he is still alive’.
and translated daily, and the findings were used to improve
on questions for interviews conducted the next day (Schensul Volunteers also found discrimination against patients by
et al. 1999). Thematic analysis was chosen to analyse the family members stressful. One indicated that ‘some families
ethnographic data because of its usefulness in exploring lock patients up in separate rooms and push meals to them
context and meaning (Ulin et al. 2002: 143) related to through the door like dogs’. They would also not share
volunteers’ experiences of coping with stressful circum- crockery with them. Another volunteer explained:
stances. Analysis was guided by the literature on stress and
Our patients tell us that they suffer a lot when we are not around
coping among informal caregivers (Lazarus & Folkman
with them because the family members do not look after them. It was
1984, Pakenham et al. 1995, McCausland & Pakenham
so bad that one of my patients asked me if I could arrange for him to
2003). Analysis began with immersion in the data to make
get a place like a hospital to go and stay because they were not
sense of it. Thereafter, information from participant obser-
treating him well and there was discrimination in the house.
vations, which were recorded in field notes, were used to
triangulate data collected through volunteer and stakeholder Some families were reported to have taken severe physical
interviews in order to illuminate the data and also to guide restrictions in the past to prevent the PLWHA from leaving
the coding process. Emerging themes were identified and the home. Discrimination against patients was an on-going
coded, and texts representing each theme were further problem and a constant stressor for volunteers. They coped
explored to identify sub-themes (Ulin et al. 2002). by educating families about HIV/AIDS and the value of home
care, and have since seen a considerable improvement in the
attitude of AIDS-affected families.
Almost all of the participants (n ¼ 20) were women (n ¼ 19)
Waking up to reality
and their ages ranged from 27 to 55 years. Most had between
7–12 years of education, but two had university education. The physical condition of patients was yet another stressor
Only four of the 20 participants were employed, one was a for volunteers. They had to come to terms with the reality of
domestic worker and the remaining three were self-employed, caring for bedridden patients who were in pitiable condition.
mainly as hairdressers and traders. Only three were married, Volunteers appraised the situation and in time made adjust-
one was divorced and the remaining 16 were unmarried. ments that enabled them to cope. Some, however, requested
‘Defying all odds’ to provide care emerged as the overall to be reassigned to patients with less serious symptoms:
theme in the way volunteers coped with challenges confront-
In the beginning it affected me a lot, though I didn’t show it to the
ing them. This theme captures the essence of the different
patient. I was crying profusely but still helped him in dressing up.
kinds of odds staked against volunteers in the course of caring

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Initially I was scared because sometimes I feel like crying. I saw that if
Struggling to maintain confidentiality
I keep on crying I will be worrying myself; then I started learning to
give the sick person love. Patients trusted their volunteers and therefore shared confi-
dential information with them, including disclosing their HIV
status. While volunteers did not have problems keeping
Becoming a competent caregiver
secrets or confidential information, it was stressful for them
Patients had special care needs which might repulse caregivers to maintain confidentiality about patients’ HIV status:
and they doubted whether the volunteers were providing care
If a person discloses to you…. and you ask them if they want to tell
willingly and ‘from their hearts’. This was a source of stress for
the relatives, they say, ‘No’. And if you keep on pestering them, they
volunteers, but made them learn fast on the job by paying
do not want you anymore.
attention to the objective and subjective needs of patients in
order to become competent. Competence helped them cope This put volunteers in a difficult situation, as they were
with the behaviour of patients and meet their care needs: usually seen by families as betraying their trust:

Every time if you are talking to a sick person (AIDS patient) you must I saw that his sister in-law was devastated and angry (with both
look at his face, because sometimes he feels that you are not doing it patient and volunteer) because this man died and the family did not
(caring) from your heart that may be you are forced to do it. You know what was wrong with him. His sister in-law was very sad
must first give him love and embrace him, because those people feel because the results of the tests … were not out then. When the paper
that nobody loves them anymore. (results) came back from the hospital, nobody knew what was
written on it. The patient did not want the sister in-law to know what
If you are doing this home-based care job you have to be brave, must was written on the paper. I also did not know what to say ... or do.
have hope and volunteer with love. And you must always carry the He (the patient) was the only one who saw it and did not tell anybody
needs of the patients because sometimes the patients dirty (defaecate the results before he died.
on) themselves.
Although volunteers repeatedly assured patients about con-
fidentiality, they still insisted on looking at their files to be
Pushing ahead with caring work sure that their HIV status was not recorded, fearing that the
files might fall into wrong hands. Volunteers therefore had to
Volunteers soon found that their competence was not good
use ‘private signs to indicate when someone is HIV-positive
enough to significantly alleviate the pain and suffering of the
which no one else can understand’.
patients. Their training in basic nursing care had limited
effects, and they had to watch many of their patients die
without being able to administer any pain-relieving or life- Managing attitudes and behaviours
saving medication. One lamented: ‘The main problem was this
Volunteers also deal with patients’ emotional and behavio-
continuous running stomach; I tried to help using my (care) kit,
ural issues, such as moodiness and anger:
but was finding it difficult to make a difference with the little I
could do’. Another said, ‘He exhausted the 10 disposable Sometimes we go to a house (to give care) and a person (patient or
nappies in no time and his eyes were turning white. We called family member) becomes rude to us and we have to calm them down.
the ambulance… the paramedics knew he won’t make it And also we teach the family caregivers that they have to love and
though he was still warm… the second day I heard he was dead. look after the sick person because s/he belongs to their family
As a consequence, volunteers became discouraged, emo- whether or not s/he is rude.
tionally drained and found it difficult to continue with their
In addition, patients and their families made unreasonable
work to the extent that some considered quitting. They used a
demands of volunteers. One volunteer explained:
variety of coping strategies: keeping their minds off the
situation and focusing on other things; talking to their If you don’t come for one day, they threaten to report you at your
colleagues or a religious professional about it; and going to work place… although you tell them that you only volunteer in your
church to pray and sing in an attempt to forget their spare time, they still do not understand. You come in the morning,
problems. Volunteers had little time to deal with their give them a bath and do every work in the house... and leave late in
problems. They also did not have any professional help, the afternoon, but they still don’t appreciate it. They take it as if we
and had little choice but to push ahead with their work are doing a paid job and that it is compulsory for us to come
because of the large number of patients who needed care. everyday.

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Another volunteer, who could not visit one of her patients experiences of volunteers working in other home-based care
due to other work commitments, said: organizations or settings were not captured. An exploration
of the experiences of volunteers in other settings might offer
Most of them (the patients) are emotional. Some of them lose their
more insight into volunteers’ coping strategies. Second, only
minds and say all sorts of things. Most of them expect you to come
experiences relating to stress and coping among volunteers
with something. They will ask questions like, ‘What did you bring for
are explored in this paper. Third, the effectiveness of
me?’ - things that you can’t afford. Some will say, ‘Can you buy me
volunteer caregivers’ coping strategies was not explored.
Kentucky Fried Chicken’?
The study extends knowledge on care-related stressors
Volunteers coped by attributing patients’ behaviours to the among AIDS caregivers in general, and also provides new
terminal nature of their illness and their mental ill-health. knowledge on stress and coping among volunteer caregivers
They also clarified their roles and educated family caregivers for PLWHAs in Africa. Consistent with Lazarus and
about how to cope with these issues. Folkman’s (1984) theory, volunteers carry out both primary
and secondary cognitive appraisal of stresses confronting
them and gradually develop strategies to cope. In doing this,
Confronting poverty
they appraise stressors first as threats but later as challenges
Volunteers confronted, first-hand, the poverty and needs of which they could master by employing a mix of problem-
the affected families. Poverty was so serious that it was a focused and emotion-focused coping strategies. This is
major issue raised by all the participants. Volunteers’ consistent with Folkman and Lazarus (1985) assertion that
closeness to patients made them feel obliged to assist those people use both forms of coping in almost every stressful
who could not feed themselves or pay children’s school fees. encounter.
Caregivers reported the frustrating experience of trying to The findings on disclosure and fear of stigma are consistent
access for their patients the welfare grants provided by the with those of previous studies among family caregivers (Nnko
state. The problems of accessing grants therefore became a et al. 2000; UNAIDS 2000, Lindsey et al. 2003). PLWHAs
stressor for family caregivers, volunteers and the NGO. refrain from disclosing their status to family caregivers for
Through the NGO, volunteers were able to network with fear of discrimination, but this isolates them from sources of
social welfare officers/social workers to whom they referred support (Nnko et al. 2000, Akintola 2004a, 2006) and
social welfare issues. While many of the volunteers were creates stresses that affect the emotional and physical well-
successful in assisting patients to access grants, there were being of the family caregivers (Nnko et al. 2000, Lindsey
still scores of patients who were not successful. et al. 2003).
This study gives insight into how stigma affects volunteers
in the context of home-based care. They experience stigma
Developing a thick skin
and discrimination similar to and, at the same time uniquely
The fact that volunteers did not receive any remuneration different from, those experienced by patients and their
sometimes drew the ire of their friends and acquaintances, families. Because volunteers care for stigmatized patients on
who insulted them. Although they were demotivated, none of a daily basis, stigma and related issues constitute stressors in
them quit as a consequence. Instead, this reaction presented a variety of ways. First, stigma hinders volunteer care work
an opportunity for them to reappraise their commitment to because it makes it difficult to access patients. Second,
volunteering and to become immune to criticism: volunteers have to serve as advocates for stigmatized patients.
Third, in keeping their ethical commitment to maintain
My friends always tell me I cannot go and clean people’s faeces or
confidential information, volunteers have to put up with
work for nothing [without remuneration], but I told them I am a
constant stress from family members. Taken together, stigma
volunteer - I cannot insist on being paid. Because of love, I still
and discrimination can make the home a hostile place for
patients and volunteers, thereby undermining one of the
major potential benefits of home care, which is to improve
Discussion the experience of illness, dying and death (Nsutebu et al.
2001, Uys 2003, Akintola 2006).
The data give insights into stress and coping associated with
Volunteers used mainly active problem-focused coping
volunteer AIDS care. However, the study was not without
strategies to address the issue of stigma (Viney &
limitations. First, the fact that volunteers were recruited from
Westbrook 1982, Lazarus & Folkman 1984), and this
one NGO affiliated to a healthcare facility means that the

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JAN: ORIGINAL RESEARCH Challenges of volunteer caregiving for patients with AIDS

condition and frequent death of patients tended to undermine

What is already known about this topic volunteers’ newly-found competence. This made them to feel
• Volunteers constitute a substantial proportion of helpless and therefore they employed mainly emotion-focused
caregivers and play a major role in home care for people coping, such as distancing (keeping the mind off emotional
living with AIDS. stressors) and seeking social support (Viney & Westbrook
• Volunteer caregivers in South Africa experience phys- 1982, Folkman & Lazarus 1985), to get by in their day-to-
ical, emotional and socio-economic burdens. day care work.
• Family caregivers are affected by similar kinds of The emotion-focused coping strategies that volunteers
stigma to their patients. employed may help them continue to attend to the pressing
needs of patients. However, this may conceal inadequacies in
coping, as stressors may not be dealt with effectively. A
What this paper adds preoccupation with catering for the well-being of their
• Stigma and discrimination are stressors affecting vol- patients might lead volunteers to adopt ineffective coping
unteers in uniquely different ways from patients and strategies, which might then threaten their health and well-
family caregivers and can have negative implications for being. This highlights the need for continuing psychosocial
patients’ experiences of illness, dying and death. support for volunteers. There is a potential role for nurses
• Demands arising from the home-based care context, and other medical professionals in providing support to and
deficiencies in nursing and coping skills among volun- educating volunteers. Given the capacity challenges in the
teers and a lack of support from medical personnel healthcare sector, serving and retired nurses could be
create stress and make coping difficult for volunteers. recruited from the local communities to volunteer in their
• Volunteers employ a variety of coping strategies, spare time and provide support for volunteer caregivers.
which are mainly aimed at helping them to meet the Volunteer nurses could be trained in palliative care to assist in
needs of patients but which may be insidious to vol- providing close supervision to volunteers and in the admini-
unteers’ health and wellbeing. stration of medication to PLWHAs. This could serve as a
preparatory phase for the introduction of antiretroviral
therapy when the resources are available. Nurses could also
entailed persisting in educating families. Given that this explore the strategic positioning of volunteers as patients’
yielded some positive results, sustained education of trusted confidants to gain insight into the health status and
affected families can help reduce denial and stigmatization needs of patients.
of PLWHAs, thus providing patients with access to much Given that coping processes mediate between stressful
needed care and support by home-care teams. Interventions encounters and health outcomes (Folkman et al. 1986), a
can also assist family members to help develop better review of volunteer training curricula to improve content to
coping skills. Further research is needed to explore issues of include coping skills and other areas of deficiencies in
disclosure and non-disclosure among home care patients to knowledge and skills would be helpful. Mental healthcare
find culturally- and contextually-congruent ways of reduc- nurses and psychosocial workers could also assist with giving
ing stigma and discrimination of PLWHAs in households the psychosocial support necessary for positive coping in the
and communities. initial stages of volunteers’ work and giving continuing
Family caregivers and patients tended to use more ineffec- support thereafter. In addition, people in the current support
tive emotion-focused coping strategies, such as denial, con- networks of volunteers such as clergy, church members and
cealment, anger and impatience, which constituted stressors other volunteers, need to be trained to offer emotional
for volunteers. Volunteers initially appraised patients’ condi- support to volunteers.
tion as a threat, which made them scared and cry profusely; Previous studies have suggested the need to integrate
however, later they adjusted and re-appraised it as a dealing with the physical and mental health needs of patients
challenge for which they devised coping strategies. Patients’ and family caregivers (Flaskerud & Lee 2001). This present
attitudes and special care needs led to volunteers employing study extends knowledge in this area by suggesting that
problem-focused coping strategies: acquiring hands-on expe- patients’ and family caregivers’ poor physical and mental
rience and becoming competent caregivers. This supports health status adversely affects the physical and mental health
Lazarus and Folkman’s (1984) theory that sees coping as a of volunteers, highlighting the need to include the triad in
process, suggesting that coping strategies involved changes as primary health care interventions addressing physical and
the stressful encounter unfolded. However, the deteriorating mental health.

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It is disturbing that affected families abused volunteers, fellowship grant from the Research Office, University of
thereby creating stress for them. The resilience of volunteers KwaZuluNatal, Durban, South Africa.
could be explained by a mix of several factors: strong
altruistic and humanitarian motivations and the lack of
employment in local communities, all of which are beyond
the scope of this paper but are explored elsewhere (Akintola Aitken J. & Kemp J. (2003) HIV/AIDS, Equity and Health Sector
2008). Nonetheless, this behaviour can cause psychological Personnel in Southern Africa. Regional Network for Equity in
distress for volunteers and is therefore a threat to home-based Health in Southern Africa (EQUINET).
Akintola O. (2004a) Home-Based Care: A Gendered Analysis of
care and highlights the need for community education.
Informal Care Giving for People with HIV/AIDS in a Semi-Rural
There is need for counseling and training of volunteers on South African Setting. Unpublished PhD Thesis. University of
how to cope with the financial stresses of their patients KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
because of the potential negative effect on their health. In Akintola O. (2004b) A Gendered Analysis of the Burden of Care on
addition, social services staff could work with volunteers to Family and Volunteer Caregivers in Uganda and South Africa.
Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division. (HEARD).
assist in gaining access to grants for patients and could
provide social and material support to needy families who do Akintola O. (2006) Gendered home-based care: more trouble for the
not qualify for state grants. troubled. African Journal of AIDS Research 5(3), 237–247.
Akintola O. (2008) What Motivates People to Volunteer? The Case
of Volunteer Caregivers of People Living with HIV/AIDS in South
Conclusion Africa. Unpublished Manuscript.
Axinn W.G., Fricke T.E. & Thornton A. (1991) The microdemo-
Stress and coping theory sheds light on the stressors creating
graphic community-study approach: improving survey data by
subjective and objective burdens among volunteer caregivers integrating the ethnographic method. Sociological Methods and
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the need for urgent support from health care and social Blinkhoff P., Bukanga E. & Syamalevwe B. (2001) Under the Mup-
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Derrick Msholozi Xulu for facilitating the field work. The
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author is also grateful to Professor Inge Petersen for her Lazarus R.S. & Folkman S. (1984) Stress, Appraisal, and Coping.
useful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. The writing Springer, New York.
of this paper was supported, in part, by a postdoctoral

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