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Remote BF:BC2 Server Administration

In-Game Commands
While running, BC2CC can respond to commands given through the in-game chat. It can be global,
team, or squad chat. Admin commands are prefixed as such (ex: /!) so they do not appear to the rest
of the server. Public commands are accessible by any player and do not need permissions. These
commands are prefixed with an exclamation (ex: !).

Setting up in-game administrators

There are two ways to add and configure in-game admins:
Accessible through the Dashboard tab, Edit In-Game Admins.
From the Player List, right-click any player for a shortcut to import the player to the In-Game
Admins dialog.

Admin In-Game Commands

Note: syntax for commands shows brackets around values. It is expected that you will not enter these
brackets when actually entering the commands.
Help /!h
Sends the list of commands to find help on admin-specific commands.

Kick /!k [playerName] [reason]

Ban /!b [playerName] [reason]

/!bp [playerName] [reason]
Permanent ban by EA_GUID. Impossible to circumvent without buying a new
copy of BC2
/!br [playerName] [reason]
Ban by EA_GUID for the remainder of the round. Automatically removed by
the server at the round’s end.
/!bt [minutes] [playerName] [reason]
Ban by EA_GUID for the time given. Automatically removed by the server
when the time runs out.
/!pb [playerName] [reason]
Bans by PunkBuster

Restart Level /!r

Next Round /!n
Goes to the next level index, or round

Next Map /!nm

Goes to the next logical map in the current maps list

Go To Map /!gm
Returns the current maps available to switch to
/!gm [partialMapName]
Immediately switches to the map entered

Slay /!slay
Slays the player with no repercussions to their score
/!slayt [team: 1/2/3/4]
Slays the team of the number given. It is assumed that Attackers = 1,
Defenders = 2. For Squad Deathmatch, Alpha = 1, Bravo = 2, and so on.
/!slays [team: 1/2/3/4] [squad: 1/2/3/4/5/6]
Slays the squad of the team/squad numbers given.

Player Stats /!ps [playerName]

Returns a player’s session stats to you privately

Say /!s [message]

/!sa [message
Sends a message to the entire server through the chat log
/!st [team: 1/2/3/4] [message]
Sends a message to the given team
/!ss [team: 1/2/3/4] [squad: 1/2/3/4/5/6] [message]
Sends a message to the given squad
/!sp [playerName] [message]
Sends a message to the player privately

Move Player /!mt [playerName]

Moves the player to the other team for Squad Rush/Rush/Conquest/Mixed
where there are only 2 teams.
/!mt [playerName] [team]
Moves the player to the team given for Squad Deathmatch. TeamID must be
/!mt [playerName] [team] [squad]
Moves the player to the team/squad given. In order to move squads you
must supply the team.
1 = Attackers, Americans, Alpha
2 = Defenders, Russians, Bravo
3 = Charlie
4 = Delta
0 = Lone Wolf (no squad), 1 = Alpha [...] 8 = Hotel
Chat Moderation /!cm [free|mod|mute]
Sets the server’s Chat Moderation mode.
WARNING: If you set the chat mode to mute, and you have not been
added to the Chat Moderation list as ADMIN, you will no longer be able to
enter commands until you add yourself through the user interface.
Free = no moderation
Mod = moderated
Mute = all players muted by default
/!cp [playerName]
Mutes the given player
/!cu [playerName]
Unmutes the given player
/!cv [playerName]
Gives a player voice when in moderated mode.

Admin In-Game Commands for Auto Admin

Kill Streak /!killstreak [on: 1 off: 0]

Enables Kill Streak configured in Auto Admin > Kill Streak

First Kill /!firstkill [on: 1 off: 0]

Enables displaying of the final kill information at round’s end. Configured in
Auto Admin > First

First Dog Tag /!firstdogtag [on: 1 off: 0]

Enables displaying of the final kill information at round’s end. Configured in
Auto Admin > First

Final Kill /!finalkill [on: 1 off: 0]

Enables displaying of the final kill information at round’s end. Configured in
Auto Admin > Final

Final Scores /!finalscores [on: 1 off: 0]

Enables displaying of the final tallies at round’s end. Configured in Auto
Admin > Final

Ace Player /!aceplayer [on: 1 off: 0]

Enables Ace Player functionality configured in Auto Admin > Ace

Name and Shame /!nameandshame [on: 1 off: 0]

Enables Name and Shame configured in Auto Admin > Name and Shame

Assassination /!assassination [on: 1 off: 0]

Enables Assassination mode configured in Auto Admin> Assassination

Kit Restrictions /!restrictions [on: 1 off: 0]

Enables Kit Restrictions configured in Auto Admin > Kit Restrictions
Rules /!rules [on: 1 off: 0]
Enables cyclical Rule spamming found in Auto Admin > Rules

Voice Invite /!voiceinvite [playerName]

Sends a voice invite to the player. Message is configured in Auto Admin >

Public In-Game Commands

These commands are accessible by public players. These commands can be disabled in AutoAdmin >

Help !help
Sends the player a list of commands to find help
Player Stats !statsme
Sends recent stats the Command Center has compiled on the player
Admin Help !admins
Sends the player a list of admins, and notifies them if a particular admin is in
the server at the time of the command.
!calladmin [message]
Allows the player to send a message to all in-game admins. It will be “yelled”
to the Admins and no one else.

Disconnect !disconnect
Voluntary self-kick command. An homage to console “quit” commands.

Server Info !serverinfo

Returns server information to the player

Map Information !maplist

Returns the current map list information
Returns the current round information
Returns the next map information

Public In-Game Commands for Auto Admin

If the auto admin module is disabled, these commands will not respond to input.

Final Kill !finalkill

Returns the last round’s final kill information, if any is stored.

Kill Streak !killstreak

Displays the players who are on a kill streak

First Kill !firstkill

Displays the first kill information of the round

First Dog Tag !firstdogtag

Displays the first dog tags information from the round

Kit Restrictions !restrictions

Displays current class and weapon restrictions

Name and Shame !nameandshame

Returns shamed players

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