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ABC Of The Universe

“Approaching the Grand Unified Theory”

Hakan ÜÇOK


Dark Matter & Energy;

It is an observed fact (I assume) and obvious

that gravity has no counter-pole, instead consists
of a monopole which is, the attraction of matter
(atoms) with each other by a so called graviton.
This attraction has its opponent or counterfeit in
the centrifugal force and/or motion, as seen on
planetary, galactic and cluster/super-cluster

scales. Although it seems not to be possible yet
(may change any moment) telling the nature
(purpose/intention) and behavior of Dark Matter
and/or Dark Energy between large clumps of
matter like galaxies, “local galaxy-clusters” and

“super-clusters”, for a moment we should
assume that, the bigger (/more/grater sized)
matter is clumped, the lower gets the density of
space and the gravitational force between those
clumps, again leaving gaps of low-density and
Illustration 1: The Shape may change in relation to gravitational fields and
low-gravity which are acting (beyond any critical
density of matter and its gravitational effects) as
matter-clumps around effecting. a phenomenon we call dark matter & energy.
Dark matter IS matter beyond (below) critical
density (I call it TOTAL SINGULARITY), TOTAL VACUUM and dark energy IS the counterfeit/opponent (its
di-/counter-pole) to gravity itself (my assumption of zero-gravity). Do NOT scramble the “total singularity”
explained here with any (various) conventional singularities caused by black-holes. Black holes are “high-
density matter clumps” with high gravitational and electromagnetic emission effects, whereas the

singularity caused by low-density matter has NO gravitational effect at all (or at least a very small) and
either no electromagnetic emission and thats
why it's called “DARK MATTER”. Beyond (below of
course) a “critical density”, matter seems to
loose any (gravitational) connection to each
other and starts acting in a “very strange kind”
of being, like a “singularity”, but this time it is “a
total one”. Dark matter, as the name says, “is

dark”, it does not emit heat (photons) and/or

any other electromagnetic force (Which means it
has a heat temperature of absolute zero.), has
no gravitational effects (because of low-density
matter beyond/below the CDH), neither does it
occupy any space (nothingness but WITH a
volume of vacuum forming a gap) and has a
cause of stopping time (timeless/irrelevant). If
you get in touch with dark matter, either you add matter (maybe a finger) to its mass, disturbing its low-

density state, causing it to “get being” or it evaporates that moment your finger and spills it out
somewhere else, preferable at the opposite side of the dark-matter-concentration. And this happens in no-
time. Whether you prefer a black hole or worm-hole to make far distances close or use the dark matter
clumps (they are not clumps but however...) to jump trough far distances, the less pain generating is the
last one. But these dark matter clumps are not even and have no symmetric shapes because of the
various matter-clumps around its location (eg. Two or more galaxies withdrawing, closing or passing on
each other), that's a problem... But one is for sure, if there is no “matter beyond (below) critical density”
between clumps, then there is a gravitational connection which makes any “dark matter between”
impossible. That means the clumps are connected with each other. So it needs big (maybe very big)
distances between clumps of matter to make any dark matter possible, to rip apart their gravitational
connection. Photons coming from far and entering that dark matter are being sucked on one side and
ABC Of The Universe
“Approaching the Grand Unified Theory”
Hakan ÜÇOK
spilled out on the other side of the (non-) volume, maybe causing the redshift. I don't know how this
should work, but it was worth some thinking...
(pictures and context, updated on: 13.04.2011 – 12:37)

12.04.2011 – 09:40 “Fragment-Thoughts”

Critical Density Horizon (CDH);

-Density (or Pressure)

-EM emission (heat)

According to Dark Matter:

Low-density/-gravity gaps (volumes of vacuum) are Dark Matter. Because of the clumping of galaxies
somewhere far away, from galaxy-clumps, below (beyond) the critical density horizon, there are regions
of non-matter I call dark-matter-gaps.
The point is, that you can not approach the gap of singularity without disturbing its state.
“Dark Matter Gap”, Vacuum, Total Singularity, Volume of Non-Emitting Vacuum.
Close to each galactic core density and gravity of matter increases, up to black-hole singularities. This
black-hole singularities are no Total Singularities, (as) because they emit electromagnetism with high
frequency and have dense gravitational fields. They have effects on Space-Time, according to the theory
of relativity.
Matter do get colder if density decreases. Zero/Absolute Zero beyond (below) CDH means lower
(decreased) frequency (below/beyond microwaves).
Volumes of lower-density and -gravity gaps, with decreasing density and gravitational effect (and orbital
move?), by increasing distance.

Energy is decreasing with decreasing density. Beyond CDH, no (EM) energy observable. (12:08)

According to Dark Energy:

As we have analyzed before, the counterfeit or opposite force of (the “pulling force) gravity” is, move
(usually orbital move, pushing matter away from the gravity-/matter-clumps, “pushing force”).

Prediction: Distance to next CDH from our

world is 50.000 Lightyears.

(14.04.2011 – 14:30)
As seen on the left, there might be solutions to
bridge the distance between two galaxies via this
so called “dark matter gaps” (hyperspace).
Depending on calculations (which I didn't), it
may be possible to find CDH's not only between
galaxies, but also between stars. Which may

allow us to travel interstellar distances in less

time than we assumed before. This “gaps” or
“fields of vacuum” may provide a shortcut trough
hyperspace (the 5th dimension), just like a “star-
gate”, as seen on TV. These gaps might be more even than gaps between galaxies. Still sounds like
science-fiction, right ?
ABC Of The Universe
“Approaching the Grand Unified Theory”
Hakan ÜÇOK
The feature of matter is:
It clumps to molecular structures. This is because of the gravitational force. A clumping above the critical
density horizon and density triggers the EM-Force and causes heat (above 0 Kelvin).
Dark Matter Gaps (clouds) depend on distance and mass of matter-clumps on their peripheral shape.
...to be continued (not finished yet...)

B-ismi ALLAH 'i Rahman-i Rahim...
Hakan ÜÇOK
Mutlak Düzenden Isınarak ve Yörüngelerde Hareket Ederek Tekamül Eden Evren ve İnsan Hipotezinin Makalesi.
23.04.2011, Cumartesi – 13:00
Makale: Phenomenons2
Yazan : Hakan ÜÇOK
Phenomenons 2
The Truth;
(23.04.2011 – 13:08)
It is a well known common sense and by some people ultimately known FACT (but officially kept “under raps”)
that, today we all are aware of the truth about the universe and how it DID NOT and COULD NOT HAVE happen. I

just don't understand, why this so called scientific thinking people (scientists), particularly Astrophysicists,
Theoretical Physicists and Quantum Physicists (at least the ones alive today), still persist on an outdated model, a
simple theory, an assumed hypothesis like Big Bang. For the common public and majority of some scientists
(maybe unaware of all the complicated details that leave and lead to a trail or believed truth in their
consciousness) the model indeed seems to be at first glance the best explanation of how the universe became

being. But at the second glance, one may not be that much convinced about all the assumptions that had to be
made (even fabricated) to make it (the model) what it is and how it is supposed to work today. All those
assumptions that make the model/theory relevant to the public ARE NOT facts, nevertheless it is being threatened
as kind of a (sometimes ultimate) “truth” by this public.
Revelations, Hoax or Truth?
Have you ever thought of the possibility that revelations might be truth or even just considered for a moment that

they may eventually be information for a possible (eventually) ultimate knowledge?
I am surprised of the behavior of science, not considering revelations as a possible source of knowledge , which
they should at least try to falsify*. Although there's another possibility of revelations to be disinformation, but this
has to be falsified like any other theory*. That is indeed not a very objective approach of science to information
that may eventually be ultimate knowledge. If there is even a little chance that it might be truth, why not using it?
For example:
Neither the Jews nor the Nazarenes will be pleased with you until you follow their creed. Say, "The guidance is
God's guidance." If you follow their wishes after the knowledge has come to you, then none can help or protect
you against God. [2:120]

Did those who reject not see that the heavens and the earth were one mass and We tore them apart? That We
made from the water everything that lives. Will they not acknowledge? [21:30]

When Our signs are recited to them, they say, "We have listened, and if we wish, we could have said the same
thing. This is nothing but tales of the ancients!" [8:31]

The one who says to his parents: "Enough of you! Are you promising me that I will be resurrected, when the
generations who died before me never came back?" While they both will implore God: "Woe to you; acknowledge!
For God's promise is the truth." He would say, "This is nothing but tales from the past!" [46:17]

When Our signs are recited to him, he says: "Tales of the ancients!" [83:13]

These words have been revealed more than 1400 years ago and still we find persons on this world that are fitting
into what was described. The last 4 revelations I've listed above fit very well onto Hawking nowadays (May 2011).
What is it with science and religion?
Religion has its own rationality and science has its own rationality. What if their rationalities do not count until both
accept and respect each other? Whereas many religious rationalities even differ from each other. But they all
(most of them) meat at one common and single point: “Everything was/is created by A CREATOR !”
Many religions (except Islam) would go better if they could accept (re-considered) scientific approach. I do not
count Islam with the many religions, because Islam does already impose scientific approach from beginning to end
(at least Islam's holy book the Quran). Unfortunally the Quran isn't being read, preferably burned (by other

religious) and ignored by others (almost every scientist).

Science itself would go better and come finally to any conclusions if it would see revelations as eventual
information of truth, that shall become knowledge and would be very helpful to solve any problems. It is the
intention of religion, or should be at least, to help mankind solving any problems.
The Quran:
From the point of the Quran, there's no problem at all with the universe we are living in and we are able to
observe. All predictions do fit neatless into observations, as long as you interpret the revelations right. To interpret
the revelations right, you have to have the right intentions. The Quran would never mislead to any wrong action as
long as you have done the interpretations with the right intentions. What are those right intentions? Funny but,
you can't be aware of “the right intentions” unless you read the Quran. It teaches almost everything you need to
achieve reaching the and any truth. And indeed, it's (chronologically revealed) first verse teaches: “Read!”:

Son Değişiklik: 24.05.11 - 14:32:15 | Sayfa 1/2 - Phenomenons2

B-ismi ALLAH 'i Rahman-i Rahim...
Hakan ÜÇOK
Mutlak Düzenden Isınarak ve Yörüngelerde Hareket Ederek Tekamül Eden Evren ve İnsan Hipotezinin Makalesi.

96:0 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Compassionate.

96:1 Read in the name of your Lord who has created.
96:2 He created the human being from an embryo.
96:3 Read, and your Lord is the Generous One.
96:4 The One who taught by the pen.
96:5 He taught the human being what he did not know.
Which scientist could say anything controversial to these verses? In which rationality does it not fit? None! But the
point is, many of them are not even aware of it because they didn't read it... They kept their distance, to not being
seen as fools by the public. They take care merely of what people would say, than of what the truth really may be

or is. I see it as a kind of intentional purpose of science, denying revelations, so that we all get stuck on this
planet and do not mature (science calls it evolution) into what we were (intelligently) designed for.
Will you not consider, will you not acknowledge ?
Where you see randomness and uncertainty, I see intention and purpose.
Where you see evolution and mutation, I see maturing and evaluation.

You call it evolution with a huge source of billion years, whereas you can't be sure if it is what it looks.
Where you see explosion and expansion, I see creation and orbiting.
For you it may have no sense at all, for me it is to sense itself.
Where you are copying and repeating mindless, without using own intellect;
I believe, have faith and use intellect to read and understand what is given.
We all observing the same, it is the question of: “What we want to see, what we want it to be.”

You fear what it could be, I do not and know that it is with purpose and intention.
You fear death, I do not. I hope to achieve the knowledge useful after death.
You don't believe in hereafter, stuck into the material world and all that matters is matter.
No way to convince you of things you can't sense. Your unused intellect won't help you to understand what is
You keep digging into matter spending billions in search of God/-s, unaware or denying of: “There is no God/-s”.
You know that it needs a Creator to set up a whole universe, but can't accept that you are helpless, hoping for
help of the God/-s.
You are not reading nor accepting truth spoken words, but senseless words of the created, you like them much.
You call it rational and science without knowing the meaning of the words, that what you think is the truth will
leave you an orphan and alone.
You fear to fail in a limited life, but don't fear a life in the dark or fire of eternal.

You are not aware of the ancients life told to you so you may consider, but wherever you can you repeat their
You don't want to consider and not acknowledge the truth, all you've needed has come and gone with your faith.
You call it “a tale” where there might be a truth, call it a truth where and whenever you can not proof.
Faith you say is ignorance and nonsense, don't you consider the senseless fabricated by yourself ?
Will you not acknowledge at least consider after reading this stuff, how can you hope that one day you'll find the
truth ?
You think you are thinking and haven't really done yet...
But wherever one says: “I think, so I am.” your applause is with them.

(23.05.2011, Monday – 11:00) *If you think this is a poem, you are wrong! It is indeed not...
(24.05.2011, Tuesday – 13:51) **It is a truly shocking circumstance to see, how “unaware” or “intentionally
ignorant” the western world is and behave, if it comes to “knowledge (information that eventually is right)” that
has it's source in the Quran. The Quran is being rigorously ignored, whereas any other, even the simplest mystic
religion, is being elaborated with and in every single detail. But there is hope that one day every single human
shall at least read the Quran once, because we can see that it is not just ignored anymore; People trying (and
having success) to burn it. I can't understand a mind burning a script just because it is from another religion, but
it will have the effect that it is not a subject of unawareness and ignorance anymore, no more. If there must be
feared something than it must be this. And yes, in this case we can say, that the Quran, as an (eventually)

ultimate and final revelation of A CREATOR, must be the ultimate truth, otherwise it would not have been so
blindly ignored and hatred. It is very obvious that the information and knowledge it is carrying could be of use one
day, for those who haven't read it yet. This leads me (and should you too) to some conclusions I have to come up
with, what actually is happening on this world. My conclusions would not interest anyone neither do I want to be
misunderstood (although it won't bother me...), as was the Quran. So I better keep my conclusions for myself.
But, what I had the chance of summarizing for myself, shall not be in vain hopefully. One day it may help
understanding the human mind better. For now, it is just a question of stubbornness beliefs, that may change any
* Updated 23.05.2011
** Updated 24.05.2011
Look out for “Phenomenons 3” !

Son Değişiklik: 24.05.11 - 14:32:15 | Sayfa 2/2 - Phenomenons2

B-ismi ALLAH 'i Rahman-i Rahim...
Hakan ÜÇOK
Mutlak Düzenden Isınarak ve Yörüngelerde Hareket Ederek Tekamül Eden Evren ve İnsan Hipotezinin Makalesi.
27.05.2011, Cuma – 12:21
Makale: Phenomenons3
Yazan : Hakan ÜÇOK
Phenomenons 3

(27.05.2011, Friday – 12:21)

The point is one asking him-/herself: “What if...?”. This writing wasn't about getting into polemics about science,

belief, faith, religion, philosophy and stuff like that, neither is or was any of my writings. It was and still is, about
considering the point that even “glorified science” and the way it is fabricated and/or sensed today, could be some
kind of very well setup “daydreaming”, a dogmatic blind believe into things we are yet unable to explain. It is not a
question of proof or falsifying any theory, neither belief, faith, religion, etc. Just ask yourself: “What if I got
everything wrong ?”, no matter on which side your staying. Just: “What if ?”.

I made a lot of discussion about this matter/topics on “LinkedIn.com” in groups like “History & Philosophy of
Science” and “Quantum Physics”. What made me scary and fear to go on discussing was the truth that nobody in
the groups really seem to be interested in looking into alternatives or a possbility of something different, but
hanging onto the usual explanations (habits), no matter how foolish they may have sound and eventually they
are. Finally I ceased to post further and stopped membership of groups and the LinkedIn itself, because it was
getting a real pain in the a... trying to explain over and over again things that can not be understood (I finally

realized) by such a blindly group of people that put their whole faith into a (self made) thing called science which
they obviously do not really understand themselves at all. Shortly I can say that I've finally gave up on them.
There's really nothing I can do, but feeling pity for all those people who couldn't see any truth, even if it were
staying in front of them. The days when I was trying to convince, are over now and everything that is left is
“silence”. I will remain silent until the day, when everybody opens up their minds to something beyond materialism
and matter itself. Hopefully a day, not to far and not when it is to late to change the mind. (12:48)

Son Değişiklik: 27.05.11 - 12:58:37 | Sayfa 1/1 - Phenomenons3

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