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Headspace-Gas Chromatography: The Influence of Sample

Volume on Analytical Results

L. S. Ettrel* / B. Kolb 2
1Department of Chemical Engineering, Yale University, EO. Box 2159, New Haven, CT 06520, USA
2Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer & Co. GmbH, 7770 Oberlingen/See, FR Germany

selection of the equilibrium conditions, mainly the

Key Words temperature, the concentration of the volatile compounds
can be enhanced in the headspace, facilitating in this way
Gas chromatography the determination of trace concentrations in the sample.
Headspace sampling
GC theory In the description above the need for equilibrium was
stressed. For this reason the technique is sometimes called
Influence of sample volume
equilibrium HSGC, in order to distinguish it from dynamic
HSGC, in which the total amount of volatile compounds
present in a sample is released from the sample. Since this
Summary release is a relatively slow process, intermediate trapping
The role of the volume of the sample and the sample vial in (adsorption or cryogenic trap), with subsequent very rapid
equilibrium headspace-gas chromatography is discussed. release (desorption) is needed to permit the introduction of
A new term, the sample phase fraction (~s) is introduced. the volatiles as a single slug into the gas chromatograph.
It is shown that if the value of ~s is kept constant, the vial's Dynamic HSGC is also called as thepurge and trap method.
volume h as no influence on the "sensitivity"of the he adspace Our discussion here refers exclusively to equilibrium HSGC.
analysis (which is proportional to the concentration of the Modern HSGC is a widely utilized technique which generally
analyte in the headspace), in a given headspace sampling relies on highly automated instruments to provide the exact
system, concentration of the compound of interest in the control and reproducibility of the analytical conditions
headspace (c&) at equilibrium is related to the value of q~s: needed for quantitative analysis. The most frequently used
a higher ~s will increase c&. However, the influence is systems employ a moving needle and the control of pressure,
!mportant only in the case of low distribution coefficients: time and temperature to transfer a certain volume of the
in the case of higher distribution coefficients this influence headspace of the thermostated sample vial directly into the
is negligible. This conclusion is also true for small changes GC column. For detail of HSGC and the instrumental
in the sample volume in duplicate analyses: exact systems refs. [1]-[9] should be consulted. Below, a brief
reproducibility of the sample volume is important only in description is given for better understanding.
the case of low distribution coefficient values.

Principles of EquilibriumHeadspace Sampling

Introduction Figure 1 shows the principles of the system. The sample - a
liquid or solid - is contained in a thermostated glass vial
Headspace.gas chromatography (HSGC) refers to a sealed with a serum cap. A movable needle is located
!echnique where the liquid or solid sample is thcrmostated upstream of the column. In the system used by us (Models
in a Closed vessel until the volatile compounds present in HS-100/101/40 of Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer GmbH,
the Sample reach an equilibrium between the sample proper Oberlingen, FRG), thc lower part of this needle is hollow
and the gas volume above it, the so-called "headspace". and openings at the two ends of the hollow part permit gas
Next, an aliquot of the headspace is introduced into the gas to enter or exit. The movable needle can have various
chromatographic (GC) column for analysis. positions and the shaft of the needle has compartments
The advantages of HSGC are twofold. Because a clean, which can open or close these openings. Care is taken that
homogeneous gas sample is introduced into the gas the carrier gas inlet pressure (Pi) is higher than the pressure
chromatograph, the method permits the determination of (Ph) reached in the headspace vial; because the vial is
VOlatile compounds present in an essentially non-volatile thermostated at a temperature higher than atmospheric
matrix which, as such, could not be introduced directly into (Tv > To), the headspace pressure in the vial will also be
the instrument. The second advantage is that, by the proper higher than atmospheric pressure (Ph > Po)'

Chromatographia Vol. 32, No. 1/2, July 1991 Originals 5

0009-5893/91/7 0005-08 $ 03.00/0 9 1991 Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH
| | 9


~. L L
r- ~ M N V [-

3AhfPLIN6 Cr


SAMPLE _ o _

i--:------:-:J ; . - -


Figure 1
The three basic steps of headspace sampling: (A) equilibration, (B) pressurization, and (C) transfer of an aliquot
of the headspace gas into the column.

During equilibration (Figure 1A) the needle is in a standby K = c /ca (2)

position and its openings arc closed; the carrier gas flows
where c} and c*G are the equilibrium concentrations of the
directly to the column. After equilibrium is reached,
analyte in the sample and in the headspace (the gas phase)
sampling is commenced. In the first step (pressurization,
of the vial, respectively. At a given temperature and for a
Figure ]B) the needle penetrates the serum cap of the vial
given sample, K is constant, Through this proportionality,
into the hcadspace; now the upper opening of the needle is
the peak area obtained can be directly related to the
located so that part of the carrier gas can flow into the concentration of the analyte in the sample.
sample vial and to build up its pressure until Ph = Pi- As the
next step (sample transfer: Figure 1C) the carrier gas flow is The relationships expressed by Eqs. (1) and (2) also make
temporary disconnected. Because the sample vial is now clear that the aim should always be to obtain as large a peak
open to the column through the needle, and because at that as possible. Since, under given conditions, the peak area
instant the pressure in the vial is equal to the headpressure obtained is directly proportional to the concentration of the
of the column, there is a flow of the headspace gas analyte in the headspace, it is also evident that one should
transferring an aliquot of the gas onto the column. In the try to have as high a concentration in the headspace as
system used by us the exact volume of this aliquot is possible. Since a higher headspace concentration and thus,
controlled by 'controlling the time of transfer. It is also a larger peak area, facilitates the determination of a smaller
possible to insert a sample loop between the sample vial and concentration in the sample, we sh all call this the "sensitivity"
the column, and some commercial systems use this of the headspace analysis. This is not a precise term: by it,
arrangement. After the preset transfer time the transferred we simply want to indicate the importance of c~.
gas sample is analyzed in the gas chromatograph while the
system switches back to the initial position (Figure 1A), S a m p l e V o l u m e as a Variable
ready for the next sample. The peak area (A) obtained for
a volatile c o m p o u n d present in the sample will be H S G C analysis is normally carried out with help of highly
proportional to the concentration of the analyte in the automated instrumental systems in which thermostating
headspace (c~';): time and temperature, carrier gas pressure, and gas sample
transfer time and temperature are precisely controlled. For
A = (const.) c G (1)
a given system, the sample vials are also standardized. In
The distribution of the analyte between the sample and the most cases the volume of the vial is about 22 mL; some
headspace (the gas phase) of the vial is described by its older, semi-automatic systems utilize vials with a volume of
distribution (partition) coefficient, K: about 10 mL.

6 Chromatographia Vol. 32, No. 1/2, July 1991 Originals

There is one condition which the analyst may individually % 13
[~ = - - and ~G - (12a-b)
set: this is the volume (amount) of the sample placed in the
l-q5 G 1 +13
sample vial. Surprisingly, there is almost no information in
the literature dealing with the influence of the sample
volume on the analytical result. In this paper, we investigate At equilibrium the analyte is distributed between the two
this question in detail. phases, the gas phase (the headspace) and the sample
phase. We are using an asterisk to indicate equilibrium
conditions; thus, at equilibrium we have the following
Theory entities:
c~, m~ - concentration and amount of the analyte in the
Let us start with some fundamental definitions and
relationships. The original sample is defined by V s, m s and introduced sample, at equilibrium;
Cs, where c~, m~; - concentration and amount of the analyte in the
Vs is the volume of thc original sample introduced into gas phase (headspace) of thevial, at equilibrium.
the sample vial; Note the difference between m s vs. m~ and cs vs. c~. During
ms is the mass of the analyte in the original sample; equilibration part of the analyte originally present in the
introduced sample is transferred into the gas phase, so that:
es is the concentration of the analyte in the original
sample expressed as mass per volume: m~ < m s a n d c ~ < c s
Cs = ms/V s (3)
The volume of the sample vial is V v and the volume of the m s = m~ + m 6 (13)
headspace (the gas phase) in the vial, after the sample is
For the sake of simplicity we assume that the introduced
introduced, is Vo:
sample volume remained unchanged. This is not entirely
Vv = Vs + V G (4) true since it is now at an elevated tcmperature and under a
The volume of the sample in the vial, as a fraction of the higher pressure; however, we neglect these effects which
vial's volume, ca n be expressed by the samplephasefraction, are minor.
q~s: We have already defined K, the distribution coefficient, as
'gs = Vs/V v (5) K = c~/c~ (2)
An analogous term would be the gas phase (headspace) Defining the two concentrations as
fraction, ,.bG:
c~ ~- m~/V s (14)
(I}G ~ VG/V v (6)
Note that and
c~ = m~/V G (15)
% + 9G= 1 (7)
wc can express the distribution coefficient as
These two terms are similar to the mole or volume fractions
Used in many cases. One example is the term used in liquid c~ m? VG na~
chromatography relating the volume of a mobile phase K= - - 13 (16)
c~ raG* Vs m~
COmponent to the volume of the total mobile phase:
Going back to Eq. (12) we can carry out the following
X i- xi (8) modifications:
Xl + - . , + x i + . . . +X n (13)
m S = m~ + m *G
where xl ... xi ... xn arc the volume fractions of the individ-
mS lll~ ITI*
Ual COmponents of the mobile phase. - +

We can also express thephase ratio, ~, of the vial containing Vs Vs Vs

the Sample:
But V s = VG/[3 (cf. Eq. (9)); therefore,
: vs/v s : (v v - Vs)/V s (9)
The phase ratio can be interrelated with the phase fraction ms m* m*
_ s +_E. 13
expressions: Vs Vs VG
= OG/q, s (10)
Cs = c~ + c~,. (17)

1 - ~s 1 Also, since c~ = K.c~, (cf. Eq. (2)), therefore,

13- and q~s - (lla-b)
q5s 1 +13 c s = K . c h + c&.13 = c&[K + 13] 08)

Chromatographia Vol. 32, No. 1/2, July 1991 Originals 7

From this equation we can express c~,: sample phase fraction. Still, one should investigate how an
absolute change in the vial's volume will influence the
cS analytical result.
c~ - (19)
The Influence o f the Sample Phase Fraction
We can also describe Eq. (18) by substituting Eq. (10) or Eq.
The first question we shall investigate is the influence of the
(11 a) for [3:
sample volume in an otherwise fixed system, i.e., with a
cS fixed vial volume. In this case the question can be best
c6 - (20a) approached by expressing the sample volume relative to
K + (OG/cbs) the vial volume, i.e., as the sample phase fraction.
cS Eq. (20b) makes it clear that, in addition to the sample
c*G - (20b) phase fraction, the distribution coefficient also has a major
1- ~s role. The distribution coefficient is primary related to the
% saturation:pressure of the compound of interest which, in
turn, increases exponentially with temperature [6].
Eqs. (20a-b) express the equilibrium concentration in the In practical HSGC, one tries to decrease the value of the
vial's headspace as a function of the original sample distribution coefficient, (i.e., increase the concentration of
concentration, the distribution coefficient and phase the compound of interest in the headspace) by increasing
fractions. They indicate that it is really not the absolute the thermostating temperature. However, the matrix
volumes of the vial and the sample which are important but compound must also be considered if it is volatile: we do not
rather their relative values expressed by the phase fractions. want to increase its concentration in the headspace above
From thcse two terms wc shall use the sarnplephasefraction a certain limit, particularly if its peak elutes from the
because we are investigating the influence of the sample column close to and/or before the peak of the analyte,
volume. It is also clear that the distribution coefficient also because this would unfavorably influence the GC separation.
has a major role. Let us now investigate a number of Many of the practical H S G C determinations analyze
situations in order to see the influence of the sample compounds present in aqueous solutions and the above
volume. mentioned consideration particularly applies for such cases.
For example, if ethanol is determined from aqueous solutio~
(which is the case when determining the concentration of
Practical Problems ethanol present in blood), thermostating is most ofte~
carried out at about 60 ~ where the distribution coefficient
We are going to investigate the influence of two volumes: of ethanol is still high (about 550). From the point of
the sample volume (Vs) and the vial's volume (Vv), with ethanol one would like to use a s o m e w h a t higher
respect to the analytical reproducibility, the "sensitivity" of thermostating temperature, in order to decrease the
the headspace analysis and the influence of the vial's volume. distribution coefficient: e.g., at 80 ~ it is about 250.
A brief explanation of these questions is in order here. However, at this temperature the vapor pressure of water
In HSGC, the sample placed in a vial can be analyzed only would be increased to an undesirably high level and its large
once* because the removal of an aliquot of the headspace p e a k - which emerges fairly close to that of ethanol-would
changes the conditions and a second aliquot would give interfer with the small ethanol peak. On the other hand,
different results. Therefore, in HSGC, duplicate analysis halocarbons, for example, have a much higher vapor
means the analysis of aliquots of the same sample contained pressure at lower temperatures. Thus, in their determination
in separate vials. The question we are referring to is whether from aqueous solutions - one of the most important
a different sample volume would influence the analytical environmental applications of H S G C - we have a very
reproducibility. favorable situation, with the value of the distributio~
As stated in the Introduction, HSGC is usually carried out coefficient close to unity.
in highly automated systems, assuring the reproducibility It should be noted that in some cases, the value of the
of the analytical conditions, among others the volume of distribution coefficient might even be less than unity which
gas sample introduced into the column. The question we means that upon equilibrium the concentration of the
are referring to is whether the sample volume influences analyte in the headspace is higher than in the sample (cf.
the "sensitivity" of the headspace analysis: in other words, Eq. (2)). An example is the determination of vinyl chloride
whether, by manipulation of the sample volume, one could monomer (VCM) in PVC plant effluents, an important
influence the concentration of the compound of interest in practical application of HSGC. In the H S G C method used
the headspace. for this routine determination the vial is thermostated at
In the theoretical discussion we have shown that the prin- 70 ~ At this temperature the distribution coefficient of
cipal variable is a relative term, which we have called the VCM for aqueous solutions is about 0.20*.

*Except in the case of the so-called multiple headspace extraction

(MHE), one of the methods used for the quantitative determination *The distribution coefficients given here were determined by Kolb,
of the amount of a volatile compound present in the sample [10-12]. using HSGC [13].

8 Chromatographia Vol. 32, No. 1/2, July 1991 Originals

Because of this wide range of the distribution coefficients, K = 1.00. (cf. Table I, Cases 2-b). The following results were
we must investigate separately the situation with low and obtained:
high values. We shall consider three examples, with K At ~s = 0.20: c~ = 0.200 cs
values of 0.20, 1.0 and 250. We assume the concentration of At eos = 0.80: c~ = 0.800 cs
the analyte in the sample as 100 ppb (= 100 ng/mL). For
In other words, with a distribution coefficient of K = 1.00,
each case, we shall consider two sample phase fractions, F s
when filling the vial to 80 % of its volume by the sample, the
= 0.20 and 0,80. In other words, we assume that the sample
concentration of the analyte in the headspace will be four
volume is equal to 20 % and 80 % of the vial volume,
times of that when the sample occupies only 20 % of the
respectively. The calculations refer to a HS system with a
vial's vohnne.
22-mL vial. Table I give the calculated numerical values
while an example for the calculation (for Case la) is given K = 250. (cf. Table I, Cases 3a-b). The following results were
in the Appendix. Below we express the results by giving the obtained:
COncentration of the analvte in the headspace at equilibri- A t , b s = 0.20: C*G = 0.00394 cs
um (c~) as a function of tiae original sample concentration A t a ) s =0.80: c~=0.00400c s
(es) (cf. Eq. (20b)):
In other words, with a distribution coefficient of K = 250,
the concentration of the analyte in the headspace will
, Cs
cG =~ increase only about one percent over the range of eos
K + 1 - ~ S = a'cs (21)
~S The conclusion from these examples is that in the case of
samples with large distribution coefficients, the sample
a- 1 volume has very little influence on the analytical results: a
1 -q~s one percent change in the headspace concentration for a 1:4
K + ~ change in the volume (at K = 250) can be considered as
~s negligible; with a higher distribution coefficient, the
difference would be even less*. However, for low distribution
.Since in all cases we assume the same analyte concentration
m the samples (Cs) ' this a term is a direct indication of the
coefficients, the influence of the sample volume on the
concentration in the headspace is significant. Of course,
changes in the analyte concentration in the headspace for
various distribution coefficient and sample phase fraction this influences the "sensitivity" of the headspace analysis
values and may also influence the quantitative analysis. Whether
there is any such influence depends on the way quantitation
K - 0.21). (cf. Table I, Cases 1a-b). The following results is carried out. In the case of the use of an internal standard,
were obtained:
there will be no difference in quantitation; however, if the
At dos = 0.20: c c = 0.238 cs external standard, or standard addition methods are used,
At dos = 0.80: c G = 2.222 cs it is important that the individual samples have the same
In other words, with a distribution coefficient of K = 0.20,
When filling the vial to 80 % of its volume by the sample, the
Sample-to-Sample Reproducibility
Concentration of the analyte in the headspace will be almost
ten times (precisely: 9.34 times) of that when the sample Let us consider a case when the sample is analyzed in
OCCUpies only 20 % of the vial's volume. triplicate. For the sake of simplicity we assume a vial
volume of V v = 22 mL and a mean sample volume of 11 mL
(i.e., q~s = 0,5), with a + I mL change in the first and third
samples, representing a + 9.1% variation. We have the
Table I Numerical data for cases corresponding to samples with a following three cases:
Wide range of distribution coefficients.

la lb 2a 2b 3a 3b (a) (b) (c)

Cs ng/mL 100 100 100 Vs 10 mL 11 mL 12 mL
0.20 1.00 250.00 VG 12 mL 11 mL 10 m L
Vv mL 22.0 22.0 22.0 q~s 0.455 0.500 0.546
Vs mL 4.4 17.6 4.4 17.6 4.4 17.6
Vt3 mL 17.6 4.4 17.6 4.4 17.6 4.4
0.20 0.80 0.20 0.80 0.20 0.80 Again, we must consider separately the situations with the
4.00 0.25 4.00 0.25 4.0O 0.25 different distribution coefficient values. Table II gives
Ilns ng ~40.00 1760.00 440.00 1760.00 440.00 1760.00 numerical data for comparison; here only a summary of the
c~ ng/mL 23.81 222.22 20.00 80.00 0.394 0.40 results is given.
tn~. ng 419.06 977.77 352.00 352.00 6.934 1.76
c~ ng/mL 4.76 44.44 20.00 80.00 98.43 99.89
20.94 782.23 88.00 1408.00 433.07 1758.24
*For example, at K = 550,it is only 0.66 % for the two cases of c~s = 0.20
0.238 2.222 0.200 0.800 0.00394 0.00400 vs. 4~s = 0.80.

Qhromatographia Vol. 32, No. 1/2, July 1991 Originals 9

Table II Numerical data corresponding to the examples used in the investigation of sample-to-sample

4a 4b 4c 5a 5b 5c 6a 6b 6c
CS ng/mL 100 100 100
K 0.20 1.00 250.00
Vv mL 22.0 22.0 22.0
Vs mL 10.0 11.0 12.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 10.0 11.0 12.0
VO mL 12.0 11.0 ] 0.0 12.0 11.0 10.0 12.0 11.0 10.0
~I~S 0.455 0.500 0.546 0.455 0.500 0.546 0.455 0.500 0.546
1.200 1.000 0.833 1.2(X) 1.(/00 0.833 1200 1.000 0.833
ms ng 1000.00 1100.(X1 1200.00 1000.00 1100.00 1200.00 1000.00 1100.(X/ 1200.00
c(; ng/mL 71.43 83.33 96.81 45.46 50.00 54.56 0.3981 0 . 3 9 8 4 0.3987
m~ ng 857.15 916.66 968.05 345.46 550.00 545.55 4.778 4.383 3.987
c~ ng/mL 14.29 16.67 19.33 45.45 50.00 54.54 99.52 99.60 99.67
ms ng 142.85 183.34 231.95 454.54 550.00 654.45 995.22 1095.62 1196.01
a 0.714 0.833 0.968 0.455 0.500 0.546 0.004970 0.004975 0.004979

K = 0.20. (cf. Table If, Cases 4a-c). T h e following results Table !11 Numerical data for the investigation of tile influence of
were obtained: tim vial's volume.

(a) c*G = 0.714 c s 7a 7b 8a 8b

(b) c~ --0.833 c s
(c) c~, = 0 . 9 6 8 c s cs ng/mL i00 100
K 5.0 5.0
This corresponds to a variation of about + 15 %.
Vv mL 22.0 10.0 22.0 10.0
K = 1.00. (cf. Table II, Cases 5a-c). T h e following results Vs mL 4.4 2.0 4.0
were obtained: VG mL 17.6 8.0 18.0 6.0
(a) c~ : 0 . 4 5 5 c s ~S 0.2 0.182 0.4
(b) c~ = 0 . 5 0 0 c s 4.0 4.5 1.5
(c) c*G =0.546 c s ms ng 440.00 200.00 400.00 400.00
@, ng/mL 11.11 11.11 10.53 15.39
This corresponds to a variation of + 9 . 1 % .
mG ng 195.55 88.89 189.47 92.31
K = 250. (cf. Table II, Cases 6a-c). T h e following results c~ ng/mL 55.56 55.56 52.63 76.92
were obtained:
ms ng 244.45 111.11 210.53 307.69
(a) c~ = 0.004970 c s
(b) c~ =0.004975 c s
(c) CG* = 0.004979 Cs (i) The sample phase fraction is kept constant (at ~ s "
This corresponds to a variation of only + 0 . 1 % . 0.20) but the vial's volume (Vv) and hence, also the
sample volume (Vs) is changed (Cases 7a-b);
O u r conclusion is thus similar to that discussed earlier: the
sample volume is critical only for low distribution coefficient (ii) The sample volume is kept constant (at V s = 4 mL)
values. In the case of high values its influence on the but the vial's volume (Vv) and hence, also the sample
reproducibility of the analytical results is negligible. phase fraction (~s) is changed (Cases 8a-b).
As seen, in the first case, the concentration of the analyte in
the headspace (c~,) remained unchanged, while in the second
case, it changed: it became higher with the smaller-volume
Influence of the Vial Volume vial. These data permit us to draw the following conclusions;
In the Introduction we have mentioned that the various (a) If the sample phase fraction (aOs) is kept constant, the
commercial H S G C instruments do not necessarily use the "sensitivity" of the hcadspace analysis (which is
same type (volume) of vial although it is standardized for a proportional to c ~'~,the concentration in the headspace
given instrumental model. As mentioned, the two most volume at equilibrium) is the same, regardless of the
widely used vials have volumes of about 22 and 10 mL. vial's volume;
Thus, one may ask the question: if the same sample is (b) however, if the sample volume is kept constant, then
analyzed in these two vials under otherwise identical con- the headspace "sensitivity" will be higher with a
ditions, will there be any difference in the results? smaller-volume vial. This is, of course, in agreement
Using one typical example (% = 100 ppb, K = 5.0), Table I I I with our earlier conclusion related to the change in
presents the respective data for two comparisons, consider- the sample phase fraction: the headspace "sensitivity"
ing vials of 22 and 10 mL: is higher with a higher value of eps.

10 Chromatographia Vol. 32, No. 1/2, July 1991 Originals

General Considerations in the Selection of to sample-to sample reproducibility, when comparing HiS
systems with different-volume vials and concerning the
lhe Sample Vial and the Sample Phase "sensitivity" of the headspace analysis. Thus, this new term
Fraction is an important variable in HSGC.
The second conclusion above would indicate preference Sample-to-sample reproducibility is influenced by the
for a smaller-volume vial. A further argument against constancy of the sample phase fraction only in the case of
larger vials (and we may add: also against too large sample low distribution coefficient values, i.e., in the case of highly
VOlumes) is related to the time needed for equilibration. B. volatile analytes. In the case of analytes with high distribution
~sobvious that if the sample volume is increased then, due coefficient values at equilibrium conditions, the influence
to the increased diffusion path length in liquid or bulky of eps on sample-to-sample reproducibility is negligible.
solid samples, the equilibration time will increase. Thus, With respect to the "sensitivity" of headspace analysis, if
from this point only, a small-volume vial, containing a the sample phase fraction (and not the absolute sample
Small-volume sample would seem to be more desirable. volume) is kept constant, then the concentration of the
We have seen earIier that the sample phase fraction, i.e., the analyte in the headspaee (which is the variable primarily
relative sample volume, has a major influence only in the influencing the "sensitivity") is independent on the actual
case of highly volatile analytes (i.e., when the distribution volume of the vial.
coefficient is low), and in such cases a higher sample phase In general, if a high "sensitivity" of the headspace analysis
fraction would result in a higher concentration of the is desired, a relatively high sample phase fraction (ads) is
analyte in the headspace. This, in itself, would favor larger favorable. However, as indicated above, one must consider
q~s values.
the fact that a larger sample volume - particularly in the
There are, however, further points one must consider when case of liquid or bulky solid samples- increases the diffusion
selecting the size of the sample vial and the sample phase path and hence, the time needed for equilibrium. Therefore,
fraction. One of these is related to sample introduction into for analytes having relatively high diffusion coefficients at
the column: there must be enough headspace gas available equilibrium conditions, sample phase fraction values of oPs
for transfer into the column. For example, in the case of = 0.3-0.5 are recommended. On the other hand, for samples
splitless injection into a conventional open-tubular column containing analytes with higher volatility, sample phase
(0.25-0.32 mm ID), typical volumes of the headspace gas fraction values of 'I~s = 0.5-0.8 may be desirable.
transferred into the column are 50-200 J.tL. In such a case a
vial with a total volume of 1 mL, and used with a sample
phase fraction of e.g., q~s = 0.5 would be satisfactory. Appendix
HOWever, for packed columns and larger-diameter open-
tubular columns, or for conventional open-tubular columns Example for the Calculation o f the Data Given in
Used in the split mode, typical gas volumes transferred into Tables I - l I l
the column are as high as 0.5-2.0 mL. Thus, for such a
The example given here concerns Case la of Table I; all the
sYStem, a 1-mL volume vial would be insufficient. This is
other calculations are carried out in a similar way.
one of the reaso1~s why present-day H S G C systems are
standardized with larger-volume vials. The following values are set:
A further reason why, in general, larger vials are preferred V v = 22 mL eos = 0.20 K = 0.20
issample homogeneity. This is often a problem,particularly c s = 100 ppb (wt/v) = 100 ng/mL
With solid samples and, therefore, one would like to analyze The calculated values:
as large a sample as possible in order to get a representative Vs = q~s .Vv -- 4.4 mL t3 = (1- COs)leos : 4.00
aliquot. For example, 5 grams of a soil sample are likely to V G = V v - V s = 17.6 mL
be more representative than a 500-rag aliquot. Another m s :: cs.V s = 440 ng
example of this is the HSGC analysis of printed packaging
film for residual solvents - a very importanl application of At equilibrium the amount and concentration of the ana-
the technique - where the piece placed in the vial should lyte in the two phases will be:
COvet- as much as possible of the various colors used for
~rinting the film: a 10 cm x 10 cm piece is certainly more c~-- Cs = I00 - 23.81ng/mL
representative than a I c m x 1 cm aliquot. Thus, one needs 1-OPs 0 . 2 0 + 4
a vial into which such sizes of solid samples can be placed. K + ~
These considerations are the reasons why the commercial
bISGc systems utilize vials with a larger volume, typically = c G .V c = 23.81 u 17.6 = 419.06 ng
10-22 mL, where a large enough sample aliquot can be ms = m s - m*G = 440 - 419,06 = 20.94 ng
inserted to be truly representative, whi~e the headspace cs = m*s/Vs = 20.9414.4 = 4.76 ng/mL
volume is enough for any type of columns. Finally, the value of a, used in the comparisons, is:
COnsidering now specifically the sample phase fraction
q~S), the new term introduced in this paper, we have
1 1
a= 1 - o0s 0.20 + 4 - 0.238
emonstrated that this is the value und not the absolute
K + ~
Sample volume which is of primary importance with respect

Chromatographia Vol. 32, No. 1/2, July 1991 Originals 11

List of Symbols and Abbreviations References
a A term expressed in Eq. (21). [1] It. Hachenberg, A.P. Schmidt, Gas ChromatographicHeadspaee
A Peak area. Analysis. Heyden & Son Ltd., London, 1977.
e*o Concentration of the analyte in the headspace volume [2] B. Kolb (Ed.), AppliedHeadspace Gas Chromatography.Heyden
of the vial (the gas phase), at equilibrium. & Son Ltd., London, 1980.
cs Concentration of the analyte in the original sample. [3] B.V. loffe, A.G. Vitenberg, Head-Space Analysis and Related
Methods in Gas Chromatography. John Wiley & Sons, NeW
cs Concentration of the analyte in the sample placed in York, NY, 1984.
the vial, at equilibrium. [4] B. Kolb, Headspace-Gaschromatographie mit Kapillar-Trenn-
GC Gas chromatography. s~ulen. Vogel Verlag, Warzburg, 1986.
HS Headspace;headspace sampling. [5] B. Kolb, P. Pospisil, '1: Borath, M. Auer, J. High Resolut.
H S G C Headspace gas chromatography. Chromatogr./Chromatogr. Commun. 2,283-287 (1979).
K Distribution (partition) coefficient of the compound [6] L.S. Ettre, J.E. Purcell, J. Widornski, B. Kolb, R Pospisil, J.
Chromatogr. Sci. 18, 116-124 (1980).
of interest at equilibrium, at the thermostating [7] W. Closta, H. Klemm, P. Pospisil, R. Riegger, G. Siess, B. Kolb,
temperature (= Cs/C~). Chromatogr. Newslen. 1, 13-17 (1983).
m o Amount of the analyte in th e headspace volume of the [8] L.S. Ettre, B. Kolb, S.G. Hurt, Amer. Lab. 15 (10), 76-83 (1983).
vial (the gas phase), at equilibrium. [9] B. Kolb, D. Boege, L.S. Ettre, Amer. Lab. 20 (2), 33-44 (1988).
m s Amount of the analyte in the sample placed in the [10] B. Kolb, Chromatographia 15,587-594 (1982).
vial, under the original conditions. [11] L.S. Ettre, E. Jones, B.S. Todd, Chromatogr. Newslett. 12, 1-3
m*s Amount of the analyte in the sample placed in the
[12] B. Kolb, R Pospi~il, M. Auer, Chromatographia 19, 113-122
vial, at equilibrium. (1984).
Pi Carrier gas pressure at column inlet (headpressurc). [13] B. Kolb, unpublished data.
Po Atmospheric pressure.
Ph Pressure in the headspace of the sample vial, at Received: Feb. 4, 1991
equilibrium. Revised manuscript
T O Atmospheric temperature. received:April 27,1991
T v Temperature in thevial (thermostatingtemperature). Accepted: May 2, 1991
V G Volume of the headspace (the gas phase) in the vial.
V s Volume of sample in the vial.
V v Total volume of the vial.
[3 Phase ratio of the vial (= VUVs).
~G Gasphase (headspace) fraction in the vial (= V d V v ) .
~s Sample phase fraction in the vial (= Vs/Vv).
* Asterisk refers to equilibrium conditions.

12 Chromatographia Vol. 32, No. 1/2, July 1991 Originals

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