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Comoda audio video

Acest corp de mobilier a fost realizat cu scoppul de a oferi utilizatorului posibilitatea de

a folosi cat mai multe echipamente electronice si de a le putea depozita in acelasi corp
de mobilier, dar si posibiliteatea de mascare a acestora.

Mobilierul poate fi realizat din diferite tipuri de material, cum ar fi: lemnul, sticla, metal si
plastic. De prefereat este realizarea lui din materiale lemnoase, astfel se poate realiza
din placi aglomerate de lemn, furnir , lemn masiv, etc.

Rafturile au fost create cu dimensiuni mai mari pentru a putea aseza pe ele aparatele
electronice, cum ar fi: dvd- player, VCR, console de jocuri, receiver satelit. In partea
dreapta a mobilierului este un spatiu fara rafturi in care se pot depozita subwoofer-ul
sistemului Home Theathre sau chiar si obiecte mai vechi cum ar fi magnetofonul
casetofonul sau pickup-ul.

Partile laterale sunt realizate sa fie mobile acestea servind ca suport pentru
echipamente aditionale (telecomanda control, joystick) dar si suport pentru CD-uri sau
DVD-uri. Usile frontale sunt realizate pe un sistem special de glidare (slidesystem) in
acest fel ele putand fi ascunse in mijlocul corpului de mobilier astfel se echipamentele
pot fi vizile dar se pot masca cu ajutorul acestora.

Multumewsc mult pisi

All-in-one electro-storing console

This piece of furniture is designed with the purpose of giving the owner the possibility of
using as many electronic devices as possible and storing them in the same place. Not
only this, but the owner can also “mask” the devices in a modern way.

This furniture can be made from different types of material, such as wood, glass, metal
and plastic. It would, however, be preferable to use wood, as there is such a large
variety of materials containing wood (it can not only be made of plain wooden planks,
but also boards made out of wood chips and other recycled material).

The shelves have large dimensions to arrange and properly organize electronic devices
such as the DVD-player, VCR, game consoles, receivers and so on. On the right part of
the furniture there is an area without shelves, proper for subwoofers or even vintage
devices such as gramophones, pick-up devices or large stereos.
The side parts are designed in such a manner that they are mobile. These areas are
meant for storing additional small devices (remote control, joystick), but also for Cds or
DVDs. The frontal panels (doors) have a special gliding system (slide system), giving
the user the choice of either hiding his equipment, or plainly “showing it off”.

All in all, this piece of furniture (improperly named as such) is not just a table or closet..It
is meant to do more than just store electronics. It is meant to “beautify” or embellish the
concept of storage, combining it with the modern, the new and why not, fashionable .


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