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Cycle of Imbalance

pH Balance
You may be familiar with the pH scale from
school or maybe know the importance of pH
for gardening and keeping fish. pH Balance
within the human body is very important too.
Different parts of body have different pH but I
will specifically be focussing on the blood.

The acid/alkaline balance of the blood is a lot

like body temperature as it also can only
move/fluctuate within very narrow range. The
pH of the blood is a very precise, slightly
alkaline balance and the body makes
constant subtle adjustments to keep it right
where it needs to be. These adjustments
could be likened to how we sweat to cool
down or shiver to warm up in response to
environmental temperature changes.
Maintaining pH balance of the blood usually
involves getting rid of acids.

The body has mechanisms for dealing with

acids that we are exposed to from food and
our environment, in order to prevent them disturbing the overall alkalinity. Elimination organs such as the liver and
kidneys process the acids and we eliminate via urine, sweat and even by exhaling acidic gasses through respiration.
Any remaining acids must be neutralized and the logical way to cancel out acids is to use alkaline minerals, so this is
what the body does. Nature designed us to be eating alkaline food full of alkaline minerals, so when we occasionally
become too acidic, the body draws upon alkaline reserves and buffers the acid. It would normally be a breeze and
require little effort. The body is this case has loads of energy for all the other tasks in the body and you are health
and full of energy.

But we consume too much acid food and drink (tea, coffee, sugar, sweet fruit, processed grains, meat, dairy to name
a few), and don’t drink enough water to flush the acids out. Acids are stronger than alkalis which will make balance
more challenging. It takes 20 parts alkaline to buffer one part acid in the body. Also the pH scale moves in
increments of ten, so for example pH 7 is neutral, pH6 is 10 x more acid, pH5 is 100x, and pH 4 (cup of coffee) is
1000x more acidic than the blood. . Biochemistry is such that it is very easy to become too acidic. The body’s
capacity to deal with temperature has limitations and so does its capacity to remain ph balanced.

Like I said above, it should be that the body makes subtle tweaks to the pH levels, like fine tuning, but now the acidity
levels are so extreme. When regular elimination organs are overburdened through dehydration and alkaline reserves
are low, the body must dig deeper and find more minerals and/or try and dump acids out of harm’s way. Just imagine
if acids spilled into the blood unchecked, the body would be destroyed in seconds. Pouring toxic waste into a river
would affect those downstream and in a similar way acids in the blood would harm the brain and other vital organs.

Each individual has specific, genetically predisposed avenues for eliminating excess acids. The body utilizes one or
more of these emergency avenues for dumping excess acids:

• The body pulls alkaline minerals, like calcium, from the bones or magnesium from muscles to buffer the
acid. So you lose bone density through calcium loss and have weak flabby muscles through magnesium
deficiency. Osteoporosis is perceived as a disease which attacks the bones, but is really the body trying to
maintain alkalinity.
• When people gain weight it is because excess acids are being dumped in fat deposits a bit like fly-tipping
rubbish or like sweeping the problem under the carpet. The body can only process so much acid in a day.
Any excess is stored away to process at a later date, somewhere where it won’t cause immediate harm.
Skinny people who don’t have the ability to build lots of fat cells must dump the acids elsewhere.
• The body pushes acids to the extremities like hands, feet and to the joints, away from vital organs. Hence
why people get acid crystal deposits in joints causing arthritis and gout. This is the same reason for liver
and kidney stones. Stones and crystallized acids are solid and less dangerous than liquid acids.
• Skin problems are caused by acids being pushed to the extremities and through the skin (skin is the
biggest elimination organ).
• Cholesterol is actually protective. The body produces cholesterol to buffer acids!! It is gooey and sticky
and traps acid. Yes it clogs arteries but while you are acidic it stops acids burning veins and arteries.
• An excess of mucus is caused by the body attempting to eliminate acids. Like cholesterol, mucus is gooey
and sticky and traps acid and tries to carry it out of the body. But mucus builds up inside the digestive tract
and clogs small and large intestine.
• Weight loss can be a result of the body attempting to maintain volume of blood cells by sacrificing other
body cells as oxygen is high priority.

I will be adding to this list as there are so many things the body does to survive the acid onslaught. What we
perceive as disease is really the body attempting to maintain alkalinity. The body is not malfunctioning. Yes the
above symptoms may feel uncomfortable, for example you may not like being overweight, but each and every fat cell
is keeping the acid away from your brain and organs. The fat is literally keeping you alive! This is why people never
lose weight properly until they address the acid. Low calorie diets only work in short run but upset body chemistry
and cause problems in the future.

So if this theory is true can you see the futility of treating symptoms of acidity? Cholesterol is a protective response
to acid so it is really wrong to suppress high cholesterol with drugs. Or if an organ gets sick – just chopping off a bad
part or removing the whole thing. Dr Young uses the ‘fish bowl analogy’: It’s like have a sick fish and giving the fish
drugs and surgery, when all the fish really wants is some nice clean water, as it was the dirty water that was making it

Some people with strong constitutions are able to eliminate acids effectively, despite a bad diet and as a result have
no symptoms. They still have alkaline reserves and their elimination organs have a good capacity for processing
toxins. But one day, after years of constant mineral and energy withdrawals, the body may show signs of weakness.
Even very strong people can get sick as often we have a genetic weak spot. Acids go to your weak spots so for
example if diabetes runs in the family then the pancreas could be the weak spot. But we must not blame genetics
alone for disease as a genetic predisposition will only become a disease in the presence of over acidity.

An old injury that won’t heal is a classic example of acids going to a weak spot. Remove the acids and that old
sports injury can heal.

Yeast and Fungus

An acidic terrain can make you vulnerable to an overgrowth of bacteria,

yeast, fungus and mold. When we are alkaline these bugs do not ever
trouble us.

Bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold are Nature’s undertakers, designed to

recycle plants, trees, animals, dinosaurs and people, just as mushrooms rot
dead wood. This is a very helpful part of the carbon cycle, as it means the
planet is not cluttered up with dead items and that nutrients are returned to
the earth. When a creature stops breathing, Co2 (an acidic gas) builds up
and the blood environment very quickly changes from alkaline to acid, and
this is the biochemical signal that we are dead and that we need to be
recycled. Conventional biology says that it is bacteria in the environment
that recycles us. This is partly true but Dr Young says that nature has not
left anything to chance (what if the environment at the time was sterile?) and that our cells actually have the capacity
and are designed to change form and actually mutate, at the time of death, from healthy cells into bacteria and the
other micro organisms necessary for recycling. Animals and plants can quite literally self –compost. Sorry if this all
sounds morbid, but it’s helpful to understand this because the ‘recycle process’ is triggered by Acidity. So clearly we
should only be acidic when we are dead.

Under a microscope many living people have yeast in their live blood sample. This is because because most people
are so acidic through diet lifestyle and not breathing properly that the body’s ‘self-compost button’ has been pushed
too soon. A drop of blood under a microscope will show many people have yeast in their blood, partly through
external sources (and candida from the gut) but also body cells getting confused and prematurely mutating into

Once these bugs have established themselves, it means alkalizing becomes even more essential because
yeast/fungus will compound the problems associated with regular dietary acidity. Yeast is destructive by design
(nature designed it that way for recycling), and destroys (eats) everything in sight (glucose, protein, vitamins,
minerals, even EFA’s/good fats).

You need blood sugar for your brain and muscles to work properly. Yeast has a ferocious appetite for sugar and eats
as much as possible. When your blood sugar levels crash you feel tired and shaky and feel desperate for sugar or
caffeine to try and rescue the situation. Like all living creatures, once yeast has eaten (your nutrients), it adds insult
to injury by going to the toilet (in your blood). After eating, yeast excretes acidic wastes called mycotoxins (which
compounds your existing problems) as a natural by-product of metabolism, and also In an attempt to make the
environment more acidic and biodegradable. They spew out mycotoxins (like alcohol) which poison and choke the
cells even further (and all the while the body uses more energy to try and eliminate the mycotoxins and kill the yeast.)
The yeast forms also breed and colonize (especially in the colon), and do all they can to tear the body down as
quickly and efficiently as possible.

So, on one hand you have your own cells mutating and trying to recycle you, and on the other hand you have your
white blood cells working overtime to kill the yeast and keep you alive.
This is the battle we take for granted, one which can be seen during a live blood assessment.
Yeast infections are an outward manifestation of an internal composting problem, and should more accurately be
called an “outfection,” as coined by Dr Young.
Yeast will colonise the intestine, compromising blood production and absorption of nutrients. Yeast overgrowth in the
colon is why so many people have gut problems: constipation, food allergies (as undigested proteins get into the
blood), gas, IBS etc. Yeast overgrowth can reduce chemical and mechanical absorption of food causing weight loss.

When we are pH balanced, our environment is not conducive for pathogenic micro organisms, and it is much less
likely that external germs will get a foothold or cause illness. When one is acidic you become a potential host for
external germs. Alkalinity is our primary immune defence, white blood cells have many important roles but are only
supposed to be a back-up system against germs

The Cycle of Imbalance

When an individual has a yeast problem it creates what Dr Young calls the cycle of imbalance, whereby acidic food
choices cause the initial overgrowth of micro organisms, then there are the subsequent nutrient deficiencies (B-
vitamins, etc.) and low blood sugar, which in turn creates fatigue, depression, muddled thinking and makes one feel
generally unwell. This causes a desire (or in many cases an uncontrollable need!) for things like sugar, coffee and
starches to provide a quick energy/adrenaline fix. These adrenaline foods make you feel better for a brief moment
but the sugar fuels the yeast and creates a load more acid at the same time, thus perpetuating the problem. The
cycle of imbalance continues, getting worse with each turn of the wheel.

The only real solution is to break the cycle and alkalize and energize. You don’t want to kill the yeast because the
yeast is your own blood cells in a mutated form (they’re just confused and don’t know what their purpose is in life).
And you can’t fight the sugar cravings with will power because it’s exhausting and you need to get to the root of the
problem. You simply need to change the environment so the yeast cells will die off or revert back to healthy cells.
Yeast can only ‘survive’ in an acidic environment – so all you need to do is remove the acid. It is not enough to just
take anti-fungal supplements or drugs; you must also change the whole environment. Can you see how crazy it is
taking anti-fungal medications for thrush or athletes foot?

The attitude of killing these creatures is part of the problem. Antibiotics are supposed to fight infections but can
actually cause a yeast overgrowth in the body. This is because antibiotics kill indiscriminately and kill both good and
bad bacteria, so although they may alleviate symptoms of an illness in the short term, they can and do set up
problems for the future. We need good bacteria in the gut because it keeps yeast and other germs under control and
is vital for a strong immune system. When the good bacteria is destroyed the yeast and other bacteria can spread
without challenge and soon after finishing antibiotics and people return to the pattern of picking up germs (coughs,
colds, infections etc) from other people and the environment, as their gut bacteria and immune defence is
weakened. This is a part of why people tend to become addicted to antibiotics.

It is worth mentioning that If a person has a yeast overgrowth they will often ironically be attracted to fungal foods,
such as mushrooms, marmite, yeast bread, alcohol. I will explain later which foods are fungal and which ones are
anti fungal.

I will finish this section by saying that the list of illnesses associated to yeast and fungus is practically endless, and is
too big a subject to cover here. If you have a health challenge you can be sure that yeast is involved. Many doctors
now understand there is a link between cancer and yeast. Dr Young also says that the Auto-immune concept is
flawed. The body never attacks itself; what we have here is the white blood cells trying to clear fungally
contaminated red blood cells – again it is self preservation and not the body malfunctioning. This is covered in great
detail in Dr Young’s book ‘Sick and Tired’

‘Sticky Blood’
Whilst all this is chaos going on, the body is also trying to keep the blood cells flowing. It is very important that clean
healthy blood circulates properly, to carry nutrients and remove wastes. Blood carries the most vital nutrient of all,
oxygen. Also as old body cells die (skin, eye, brain, liver etc), they need to be replaced and so blood cells become
new body cells. This is only possible if the blood cells are able to reach their destination. As I will explain, acids from
food and yeast, have a negative physical effect on the red blood cells, causing them to become ‘clumpy’ and

This picture shows healthy red blood cells photographed under a high powered
microscope. The cells are a good shape due to a strong membrane and have a full
load of Oxygen. The cells are floating freely and not clumping. They can deliver
nutrients, remove wastes and travel around the body unrestricted.

These free floating healthy cells are able to pass as intended through narrow capillaries
(pictured right) that lead to the extremeties so the brain, fingers and toes receive a proper
supply of blood. This translates to better health and more energy as the whole body is
receiving oxygen and dead body cells are replaced with healthy new ones. Capillaries are so narrow that cells must
be able to pass single-file and this becomes a problem when blood is clumpy.

As you can see this picture shows clumpy cells. The reason for the clumping is
that acids change the cells ability to repel. The overall surface area of blood is
reduced due to clumping. Oxygen gets trapped as blood cells are sandwiched
and cannot transfer or release their precious cargo of oxygen. Cells cannot fit
through capillaries as are unable to move single-file. This is why people get cold
hands and feet, poor circulation, dizzy, headaches etc. Generally clumpy blood
translates to less energy and new body cells do not reach their destination.
Oxygen gets trapped and Co2 builds up. This causes more acid and the blood
becomes a more conducive environment for yeast.

If blood cant pump round it puts pressure on the heart as it pumps harder and more often in an effort to move things
along (also acids weaken the heart and all muscles in general due to magnesium loss). Blood clotting can be
prevented by avoiding clumpy blood. Why take blood thinning medication when you can just get your blood flowing
using diet?

Acids Damage the Intestine

You also need to understand how and where blood cells are produced. That sounds strange as its something we
take for granted, but there are some misconceptions that need to be addressed.

Scientists decided in 1952 that blood is produced in the bone marrow. This idea has been challenged many times
since then but this false assumption continues to this day in medicine (causing massive problems for the way
medicine is practiced). Dr Young teaches that this is a part truth – which unfortunately has been widely accepted as
the whole truth.
Dr Young teaches that the primary blood production site is in the small intestine which, although controversial, isn’t
too hard to believe because the digestive system has such a high concentration of capillaries and everything
necessary for blood production. The intestine also has all the building blocks for building blood as blood is made
from our food. Blood production is dependant on us eating food; food goes into the intestine and we build new blood
out of the foundational elements in the food. Dr Young says The body is able to produce blood in bone marrow – but
only when either the body is starving or the small intestine is damaged and not able to build new cells.

The body needs to maintain a certain number of Red Blood Cells per sq millimetre. Blood carries oxygen and there
is no tolerance for lack of oxygen, so if the person is starving and therefore no building blocks available (ie due to
fasting or starvation) or small intestine is damaged, then the body will pull foundational elements from the bone to
build new blood cells and therefore maintain the integrity of the blood terrain. It will sacrifice anything in the body to
get the stuff necessary to manufacture cells. It is however a last resort and is far from ideal for the overall health.

The reason that scientists got the mechanics blood production so very wrong, is that when they were ‘trying’ to find
out where blood is produced their experiment was conducted in such a way that if gave totally misleading results.

They starved lab bunnies for several weeks – because the bunnies were dying of hunger and no food nutrients were
being ingested to build blood, the body starts wasting and ‘eating itself’. It goes into preservation mode and starts
making blood cells from the bones. When the scientists did their tests they could clearly see blood cells being
produced in the bone marrow so concluded that bone is the primary blood production site – end of story. If the
bunnies we not sick or starving – they would not see cells being produced in the bones. So if you want healthy
blood (and a healthy body) you REALLY need to know how to care for your small intestine as diet has a big impact
here. The old bone- marrow doctrine has caused a mentality which perpetuates illness – ie bone marrow transplants
etc and distracting away from the real efforts which people need to make with diet and lifestyle. This has allowed the
trillion dollar drug industry to continue profiting from people being sick


So here you have a cross-section of the small intestine, the blood production line.
The small intestine is lined with millions of villi and micro villi which are those tiny
finger-like structures you see in the picture. Our food goes into the small intestine
and the villi ‘catch’ the food and use the nutrients to make new cells. Humans
have a long intestinal tract and have intestinal villi in order to increase the surface
area for increased absorption of nutrients from complex fibrous vegetable matter
over a long period of time. Carnivores have a short intestinal tract, high acid levels
and they don’t have villi– this is to get the meat digested and eliminated as quick as possible, so its not hanging
around going putrid inside the gut. (Hence why humans who eat a lot of meat tend to get more digestive problems,
the meat is trapped inside our long meandering intestinal tract for so long that it goes off. Think meat/milk left on a
radiator for 24hrs)

Our Root System:

Our intestinal villi act much like the root system of a plant,
Soaking up nutrients from our food and drink and turning
the food into blood. Just imagine if the roots of the plant
got damaged or destroyed– the whole plant would suffer
or die! It would be unable to absorb minerals, water and
other vital nutrients from the soil. If our villi are damaged
the entire body will suffer as we are less able (or totally
unable) to absorb nutrients from food.

This picture on the left show a cross section of

healthy villus. All the villus are in tact which
results in excellent absorption and blood production.
The thousands of purple dots are stem cells being
produced. These cells become muscle cells, brain
cells, skin cells, bone cells.

In this picture the villi are damaged or missing which causes real problems
for blood production. The damage is the result of an acid forming diet.
Sugar, coffee, junk food actually damage/burn the small intestine. And
mucus from an acid forming diet will clog the healthy villi. Optimal blood
production is not possible and so the body begs, borrows and steals
nutrients and foundational elements to compensate for shortfalls in the
required building blocks so that new cells can be made. The body starts
wasting or ‘eating itself’ in order to maintain the integrity of the blood.

Unless you were literally starving like the bunnies in the experiment, this ‘wasting’ process will take place over a long
period of time and to a greater or lesser degree according to how nutrient poor the diet is and the degree of damage
to the small intestine. For most people the damage is not extreme, but is enough to compromise absorption, and
lead to the body being forced to undermine the heath of other organs and systems in the process of manufacturing
new cells. The purpose of this information is not to scare you but just to highlight the importance of the small

An alkalizing diet will help heal and restore the villi and I will explain in the next section how to heal the small
intestine, pay back any nutrients that have been borrowed and which foods are required on an ongoing basis in order
to build healthy cells.

Acids drain the body of energy

Dr Young has tested the body to measure its ‘life force energy’. Using Mega-Hertz as the unit of energy, he
discovered that a healthy cell resonates at 70 MHz and that a cancer cell vibrates at only 40 MHz. It is Dr Young’s
belief that when any cell becomes less vital it is because of too many acidic foods which drain the body of energy.

Dr Young then set out to measure the life force of foods to see which ones contribute energy (electrons) and which
ones drain the body of energy (protons). Fresh vegetables are biogenic, full of electrons meaning they ‘give’ their
energy to our cells, helping to maintain this healthy cell vibration of 70mhz. Whenever you cook or process food you
alter the molecular structure; you loose zeta potential and food becomes more acidic (and proton saturated), these
foods are dead and are proton saturated. In the same way that alkali cancels acid, electrons will be used to buffer
protons. Eating proton saturated food forces the body to sacrifice its own life force/electrons in the process of

In Section two I will show a list of all the foods which are high in energy and which will energize your cells.

Here is a general list of really acidic food and drink. Many foods are fungal and these are included too:
Acid-forming foods you should avoid are animal products, refined grains, yeast products, and most fruits. Also: pork,
veal, most fish, beef, organ meats, chicken, turkey, eggs, shrimp, lobster, oysters, hot dogs, corned beef, pepperoni,
rice, potatoes, pasta, breads, cheeses, milk, sour cream, yogurt, ice cream, butter, margarine, mushrooms of all
kinds, algae, corn products, peanut products, coffee, tea, wine, beer, fizzy soft drinks, cider, soy sauce, ketchup,
mayonnaise, vinegar, tempeh, sugar, artificial sweeteners, sweets, chewing gum, pies, cakes, donuts, and chocolate
– just to name a few.
(these foods need to be eliminated if you have a health challenge that you want to get rid of quickly)

Here are more acid forming foods with details of why they should be reduced in your diet. You will notice
that the reason to avoid many foods is not because they are naturally bad, but rather because the way the
foods are produced, stored or processed in today’s modern world

‘Stored’ Grains:
The problem with corn and many grains is the way in which they are stored. They are stored for so long and in such
a way that they begin to ferment and turn fungal. The fungus is not destroyed by cooking temperatures and has
been associated with many chronic diseases including cancer. Modern crops are weaker due to human tampering
which makes crops even more susceptible to fungus overgrowth. Fungal grains are more acid forming and the
fungus contributes to a yeast overgrowth. Wheat, oats, barley and rye tend to be the most fungal. These are also
naturally the most acid forming grains anyway and should be replaced with grains detailed in Section 2.

Peanuts and cashews

These should really be avoided because they are very susceptible to highly toxic species fungus. (practically ALL
corn, peanuts and cashews are now contaminated)

Meat is acid forming and livestock are mostly fed on stored grains. Over 50% of the protein is destroyed by cooking.
Humans are unable to fully digest meat.

Less Dairy:
Dairy products should be avoided because of their lactose (milk sugar) content as well as the presence of yeast and
fungus, molds, and their by-products. Also, due to the high sugar and fat content of dairy products, the fact that dairy
cows are fed stored grains and fungal-based antibiotics, and the fermentation process of cheese and yogurt, all dairy
products should ideally be eventually eliminated from the diet. Dairy is highly mucus forming. Calcium can be
obtained from green leafy vegetables, green drinks, collards, broccoli, okra, salmon, etc.

Sugar is like rocket fuel for yeast and is very acidic. However it is better to use sugar than to use artificial
sweeteners. Aspertame for example is produced by feeding toxic materials to e-coli bacteria – the white powder
produced by the bacteria is used to sweeten your coffee. The company that makes aspartame is the same company
behind DDT and Agent Orange.
Sweet fruit has a lot of sugar (bananas, pineapples, grapes, oranges etc). Most fruit is genetically hybridised to make
it sweeter. Also most fruit is picked before it is ripe which means it is more acidic.

Cut out the yeast:

Baked goods such as bread, muffins, pies, cakes and pastries should be avoided. According to the American Cancer
Society, one out of nine American women will develop breast cancer by age 80. Research links it with the ingestion
of baked goods and bakers or brewers yeast. Research also correlates diets containing yeast or fermented breads to
gall stones, kidney stones and arthritis.
Mushrooms, algae, and truffles are all acid-forming foods. They contain mycotoxins which poison cells. Mushrooms
in all forms are extremely poisonous whether eaten whole or in teas. The mushroom is not a vegetable, but rather the
fruiting body of a yeast or fungus. Also, note that corn and peanut, products have a high fungal content and should
be avoided as well.

Wine, beer, whiskey, brandy, gin, rum and vodka are purely mycotoxic. Alcohol is a fungus-produced mycotoxin
made by yeast that causes direct injury to human health.

Avoid tobacco:
Tobacco leaves are coated with yeast, fungus, and mycotoxins, which poison the cells and tissues of the body.
Research clearly reveals the pathway to cancer is the fermentation of the tobacco with yeast and sugar. When using
tobacco, you are directly introducing dried fungus and wastes into your body. Also to prevent tobacco going moldy,
manufactures introduce chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene as a preservative.

Food combining:
Eating foods in the wrong combination will create lots of acid. Eating fruit after a heavy meal will cause the fruit to sit
on top of the heavy food and will ferment. Eating carbohydrates and meat or dairy and the same meal will cause a
similar effect. Eat fruit on an empty stomach. If you want to eat meat then it is best to eat with just veg and no bread
pasta or rice. And vicea versa.

Less protein:
The average person consumes one and a half to four times the amount of protein required by the body. These
protein/acid-rich diets are comprised primarily of meat, cheese, milk, ice cream, and other products that contain not
only protein, but saturated fat and cholesterol. Our bodies are only 7% protein and human mother’s milk is only 5%
protein (i.e., better suited to the body’s protein requirements than protein-rich cow’s milk). The American Dietetic
Association states that a vegetarian diet can provide the sub-cellular units and the amino acids to make protein in
amounts that are congruent with the body’s needs.

Other factors:
EMF (electrical pollution)
Air pollution
Tap water (heavy metals, drugs residues etc)
Pesticides, fungicides, etc
Low exercise and poor breathing.
Amalgam dental material.
Drugs especially antibiotics
Personal care products and household cleaning products
Stress and adrenalin. Thinking too much; brain is hungry for oxygen
Disconnection from nature
Healthy metabolism (you can never escape acidity – even producing energy from healthy alkaline food will
create some acidity)

Miscellaneous; Symptoms of Acidosis

Symptom Overweight
It is known that acid gets stored in fat cells. As a defense mechanism, your body may actually produce fat cells to
protect you from your overly acidic condition. To protect itself from potentially serious damage, the body creates
these fat cells to store the acids and carry them away from vital organs. Those fat cells and cellulite deposits may
actually keep acid wastes at a safe distance from your vital organs. Many people have found that a return to a
healthy alkaline inner biological terrain helps them losing excess fat.

Symptom Joint Pain and Arthritis

All substances left by the metabolizing process are acidic and toxic; therefore these have to be neutralized by
alkalizing elements, e.g. calcium ions, sodium ions, and lithium ions, among which calcium is the most important.
Calcium ions are positively charged ions which are constantly looking for acid, to form calcium carbonate in our body.
Calcium carbonate is harmless and will be moved out of the body, providing our body fluid pH is alkaline. Otherwise,
it is being deposited around body joints. If the calcium ion level is low in the blood and body, excess acid will remain
in our body and will lead to numerous health problems, like Join Pain or Arthritis.

Symptom Osteoporosis
Many people think they can eliminate osteoporosis by increasing their consumption of milk and dairy products. But in
fact the instances of osteoporosis are rare in countries where the consumption of dairy products is very low. So
osteoporosis is an acidosis problem. As the body becomes more acidic, our body tries to remain healthy to protect us
against heart attacks, illness, strokes or even cancer. In doing so, it takes calcium from the teeth, bones and tissues,
making them weak and brittle.

Symptom Underweight
Yeast and fungus produced in an acidic environment can feed on our nutrients and thus reduce the absorption of
everything we eat by as much as 50%. Without protein the body can’t produce enzymes, hormones or other chemical
components necessary for cell energy and organ activity. This causes people to become very thin, which is not
healthier than being overweight. As alkalizing and oxygenating takes place, the body naturally begins to seek its own
ideal weight.

Symptom Low Energy and Chronic Fatigue

When having our cells constantly exposed to an overly acidic environment our biological terrain's oxygen level drops,
leaving us tired and fatigued. This will allow parasites, fungus, bacteria, mold and viral infections to flourish and gain
a hold throughout the body.

Symptom Heart attack

If our internal biological terrain is exposed to excessive acidity, bacteria and/or fungi and/or viruses can attach
themselves to the inner walls of arteries. This can attract white blood cells, causing proteins and cells to clot. In this
way a plaque forms in the artery, thus narrowing the artery and restricting the flow of blood, nutrients and oxygen to
the tissues supplied by that artery. Should that happen to the coronary artery, a heart attack can occur.

Symptom Allergies
The toxins produced within an acidic, oxygen deprived environment as well as the absorption of undigested proteins
is major cause of allergy conditions. When the digestive system is weakened, a wide range of allergic reactions can
occur, e.g. food allergies, and the overall susceptibility to allergens is increased.

Symptom Frequent Colds, Bronchitis, Infections, Headaches

Only when our pH level is fairly balanced, the binding of oxygen to the hemoglobin protein of our red blood cells in
the lungs operates. If the pH is too acidic, microbes in our respiratory systems can grow much more easily, and in
that way cause bronchitis, pneumonia and sinusitis, and invade our cell system. This can result in cough, bronchial
spasms (asthma), colds, infections and headaches.

If you have specific questions about anything discussed here, including any personal health challenge you may have,
– please contact dominicspeirs@hotmail.co.uk

The cycle of balance

So if you have been on an acid forming diet for a while then the chances are that your body could do with a break.

Your body has been in ‘survival mode’ (bailing out acid) and so regular house cleaning has been neglected. Toxins
that are supposed to be eliminated remain in the body. The cells get choked with filth from swimming in a dirty
environment, just like fish in a goldfish bowl would bet sick if you didn’t change the water.

The great news is the body has a tremendous capacity for healing. We just need to provide the right context.

You need stop eating so much acid and go into ‘healing mode’ to catch up on al the tasks that have been neglected.
We need to choose foods that will turn the tide and tip the balance back in the right direction.

Dr Young has been on a mission to see which foods have a powerfully healing effect. A major reason pH alone is a
great rule of thumb for deciding which foods to choose is because alkaline foods happen to cover all bases.
Generally speaking alkaline foods are vegetable and plant based foods. You have always been told vegetables are
good for you and here is the real reason:

• Alkaline forming.
• Vegetables are mostly water. Water is needed to diffuse toxins and eliminate acid deposits.
• Fibre to bind with mycotoxins and to Clean the colon
• Alkaline Minerals to re mineralise body (put back the calcium from the bones and magnesium for muscles.)
• Anti fungal/mycotic properties. (yeast can’t live in an alkaline terrain)
• Full of electrons to restore the electrical charge to cells.
• Nutrients necessary to build good blood and rebuild the body.
• Detoxify the liver.
• Oxygenate the blood.

The minute you start eating these alkaline vegetable foods and reduce the acid you foods it will free up lots of energy
(fighting acid requires lots of nerve energy). This energy gets diverted towards regenerating cells and restoring
health. Symptoms can disappear as they were just caused by the body fighting acid. Injuries 20 yrs old can heal. If
the body isn’t using alkaline minerals to buffer acid, the body can use dietary minerals to re-mineralize bones and

How to build a healthy Body:

Green vegetables: So now that you know that blood is actually made in the small intestine, it should not be too
hard to imagine that the quality of your food entering the intestine will have a dramatic effect on the quality of the cells
being produced. Even if the small intestine is healthy, you must still be eating foods which contain the correct
building blocks otherwise the body must still make up the deficit by taking nutrients from other areas of the body. So
here’s how to build strong, healthy blood cells:

The first ingredient is chlorophyll. For practical purposes chlorophyll

(the substance that makes plants green) has the same molecular
structure as haemoglobin (the part of our blood which holds oxygen).
Isn’t this amazing?!! Chlorophyll is the best foundational element to
make blood with. This is what nature has given us. Otherwise the
body must improvise/botch and make new cells out of whatever
materials are available. In this case you will have inferior blood cells,
and because blood cells become new body cells (skin, eye, brain)
you literally have an inferior body – you are what you eat. (As you
detox you may lose a bit of weight – but you are shedding these old
inferior cells and gradually as the months pass with replace every
cell with new healthy ones if you eat lots of greens.)

Show that picture to a biologist and they will be very amazed and wonder why they were never taught this.

People knew about all this thousands of years ago (its even in the bible and ancient Chinese texts) but nowadays
people are so obsessed with protein and counting calories that we have totally lost the plot.

Our digestive tract is very similar to a gorilla – that is to say it has a large surface area, and villi for extracting
nutrients from fibrous veg. You don’t see gorillas eating a steak or
drinking protein shakes – they eat greens and they are pure muscle.
Where does a racehorse get protein – GRASS! You build muscle with
blood cells via nuclear transformation – and you build blood with greens.
If people are underweight and/or anaemic it is because of compromised
small intestine and not enough leafy green foods.

Green foods are the key to success for so many reasons and the greater
the quantity of greens you consume, the greater the health benefits you
will experience. Sprouted grasses are an excellent source of
concentrated chlorophyll. But all dark leafy green veg also contain good
amounts. Sprouted grasses, such as wheatgrass and barley grass, are
an excellent addition to your diet. Grasses and greens in general are anti-
fungal/mycotoxin, high in fibre (The fibre in these foods also help to husk
away acids from intestinal tract.) antioxidants, enzymes, amino acids (wheatgrass provides 4x protein than meat).
An added benefit of these foods is the abundance of vitamins and alkaline minerals necessary to buffer acids and
heal the small intestine. Greens also cleanse the liver and blood. Chlorophyll will help to protect you against heavy
metals and electrical pollution, and when added to water can neutralize chlorine and fluoride. Although fruit is also a
source of nutrients and fiber, the high sugar content (fructose) of fruit stimulates yeast and fungal growth.

Good fats: So chlorophyll is needed for haemoglobin (the inner part of the red blood cell). The second and final
main ingredient for building new cells is Fat! Essential Fatty Acids, as
the name suggests are essential. The body cannot manufacture them
so you need to include these fats in your diet. The membrane of a red
blood cell is made out of omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids. And that’s
it; to build cells that you see in the picture, you basically need green
vegetables and good oils.
When talking about building a healthy body, people will always ask about protein – the truth is that when you have
healthy villi you only need a very small amount of protein per day! About 90% blood cells are recycled in a healthy
alkaline environment and so if you have a balanced pH your protein requirement is actually very low. Avocados are
15% protein and contain every amino acid. Wheatgrass contains 4 x more protein that meat. If you crave protein
then I bet if you address your omega 3 and 6 deficiency then your protein craving will disappear (it works every

So if your diet is high in fats and greens you can rebuild the body with high quality materials. (Toned muscles,
healthy eyes, hair, skin, brain liver etc)

More about fats:

Good fats are essential to keeping blood sugar levels nice and stable. They provide a slow release of energy which
prevents the fungi stimulating blood sugar spikes associated with carbohydrates. This allows the pancreas to ‘rest’
and to heal. Fats are alkalizing and are used by the body to buffer acids – they insulate cells (red blood cells need
omega 3 and 6 to build a strong healthy cell membrane). Fats are a good ‘clean’ fuel as opposed to carbohydrates
which are ‘messy’ by comparison when metabolized. Fats ‘burn’ more efficiently as they generate about half the
acidic metabolic by-products than carbohydrate metabolism. Most energy production generates acidic by-products.
Cars produce carbon (an acidic gas) when burning petrol and in a similar way we produce metabolic acids while
burning calories. Fats in their raw plant form are a much cleaner fuel than carbohydrates. Avocados are a great
source of energy, they are high in calories but are easy to digest and do not produce as much acid when being
metabolized. They are alkaline so you won’t get fat from eating avocados. By comparison carbohydrates are a
‘dirtier’ fuel and produce more ‘emissions’ which put stress on the body. You need to include good fats in your diet
from sources like linseed, borage and marine oils. Look for organic, extra virgin, cold pressed oils.

Raw Vegetables:
Do you remember how I said a healthy cell vibrates at 70MHz? The typical Western Diet has between 20-50mhz of
energy on average, a Burger at MacDonalds is 3-7 mhz (depending on lettuce tomato content!). You want to look for
foods above 70MHz. Raw fruit and vegetables: 80-90mhz. Raw sprouted nuts and seeds: 150mhz, Dr Young’s
supergreen drink: 250mhz!!! These foods will make it easy for the body to maintain a healthy 70MHZ.

Dr Young uses Kirlian photography to show the life force of foods

This picture shows the electron field around a sprouted lentil – 150MHz!!

This picture shows the lid being taken off a tub of Supergreens – 250MHz!!

Good, low carbohydrate vegetables include asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, carrots,

cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, green beans, peppers, spinach, kale, lettuce, onions, garlic, parsley, and squash.
About 80% of all meals should be fresh, raw, alkalizing vegetables.

Salad veg Tomatoes (alkaline when raw) grapefruit, cucumber (very alkaline/electron saturated). Avocado, eat
several per day, as it is alkalizing (even if you are O blood type) and a great source of energy, antioxidants,
potassium, good fats, etc., and very easy to digest. Lemons and limes are very alkalizing (the acids are volatile and
evaporate off very quickly so citrus is alkaline and with 1/3 available oxygen). LOW sugar fruits have all the benefits
of high sugar fruit (mango, etc.) but without the fungus stimulating properties of fructose. All are alkalizing and

Good grains. The following grains are less prone to fermentation; spelt, millet quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat. Try
not to store grains in areas of the kitchen which are exposed to steam and heat from cooking as this will cause the
grains to go moldy. (These grains fall into the mildly acidic, but still healthy category of foods); Complex
carbohydrates are acid-forming in the body and should not exceed 20% of the diet, so eat them in moderation.
Starchy grains and legumes may become moldy when stored and contain fungus, so try to eat them fresh. Amaranth,
spelt, quinoa, buckwheat, and millet, are the best choices of grains, especially when sprouted.
Good fresh fish. Organic fresh oily fish can be beneficial. (Fish falls into the mildly acidic, but still healthy category of

Salt. Redmond Real Salt and Himalayan Salt are two good brands of salt to use. Very alkalizing and healthful. Real,
unrefined, unprocessed salt is essential for good health!

Soaked nuts: It is important to ‘soak’ nuts and seeds to make them edible. Hemp, flax, sesame and almonds are

Hydrate: Drink one gallon (4 liters) or more of a good quality water each day. This may sound like a lot if you are
not used to drinking water but start small and build up over time. Start with 1 liter per day then build up over weeks
and months. You get used to drinking and the feeling associated with being well hydrated and drinking non acidic
fluids will become habit. Purified water is best and is ‘easier’ to drink than tap water which can taste and feel
unpleasant (sits in belly and need to pee right away as the water is so bad it doesn’t get absorbed). The easiest way
to get rid of acid is to pee.

Nutritional supplements will help compensate for any possible dietary shortfalls. The world may be full of immune
suppressing ‘toxins’ and ‘poisons’ but nutritional supplements can give extra protection against these threats and
assist your body in eliminating and neutralizing harmful pollutants. Specific nutrients have shown to be highly
effective against everything from heavy metals to yeast and mycotoxins. Supplementing on a daily basis can top up
your defences and provide constant protection from dietary, environmental and emotional stresses.

Circadian rhythms:
When you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at roughly the same time each day the body becomes conditioned and is
ready for the task of digestion – in other words it has time to prepare and knows what to expect. Try to eat and sleep
at regular times.

Stay Relaxed:
Acid causes stress and stress causes hydrochloric acid.

Food combining: Eat fruit alone, on an empty stomach and one variety at a time i.e. one banana or one portion of
grapes. Try adding avocado to fruit to slow the release of sugar and reduce acid. Don’t eat meat with carbs. Don’t
eat dairy with carbs or protein

Do not focus all attention on making your diet perfect. It is easy to get obsessed with
being perfect or to just give up. All that happens is you become a bit odd and obsessed
with food (I’m taking from experience) Make small changes based on your new
understandings. Transition slowly unless you have a really chronic health challenge. Also
do not let yourself believe that all this is too much, or too extreme or overwhelming. Just
make small steps each day – small steps really do add up. Even if all you take from this is
drinking more water then this is still a very positive thing and will benefit you greatly in the
long run. Find your own approach and try not to label things as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. The body
is resilient and can survive on most diets – this is about empowering yourself and learning
how to support your body, whilst living in the real world, not trying to be perfect. It is
recommended that you approach any dietary/lifestyle changes in the spirit of ‘choosing
better health’ as opposed to ‘fear of illness.’ Just do what feels right and find your own way
with things, as you become more alkaline you will be more in tune with what your body
wants and your tastes will change accordingly – so don’t force things too much.

The general rule of thumb is to eat lots of fresh whole food. It is generally advisable to change one thing at a
time; however, if you have a significant health challenge, or if you feel you want to boost your energy levels
quickly, it may be wise to go 100% alkaline for a few weeks or longer – that is, to eliminate all acidic foods
and even temporarily eliminate the healthy grains/sugars and starchy vegetables which can still add fuel to
an existing yeast infestation. Once balance has been restored,
Dr Young’s recommendation is to aim for the 80/20 ratio – that is 80% high alkaline food and 20% mildly acid
forming food. In the early stages of the process there may be some initial detox symptoms, but this should
be viewed as a positive thing, as they usually pass quickly.
The more you move the toxins the better you will feel. All avenues for eliminating acids need to be utilized,
and this is achieved by improved hydration and digestion to move acids out via the bowels – pee lots.
Sweating is another important component, as this allows acids to exit via the skin which is the largest
elimination organ.
Exercise properly – burn fat, not sugar. Lactic acid produced when sugar burned in absence of oxygen.
Warm water – cold water shuts digestion down and has a cumulative effect in making the body cold.
Thermals and warm clothes – otherwise will be wanting ‘warming food’ all the time
Blending food & juices for villi
Fresh air – required for building new cells

Misc pictures:
If you have specific questions about anything discussed here, including any
personal health challenge you may have, or have questions about which
foods to eat and which supplements are most effective – please contact

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