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1040-5488/07/8402-0149/0 VOL. 84, NO. 2, PP.

Copyright © 2007 American Academy of Optometry


Association Between Accommodative Accuracy,

Hypermetropia, and Strabismus in Children
with Down’s Syndrome
School of Optometry & Vision Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom

Purpose. A significant proportion of children with Down’s syndrome have been shown to have reduced accommodation.
The purpose of this study was to investigate any association between reduced accommodation and refractive error,
strabismus, visual acuity, and other ocular parameters.
Methods. Subjects were children with Down’s syndrome enrolled in a longitudinal cohort to monitor visual development.
Twenty-seven children with accurate accommodation were age-matched to children with reduced accommodation
based on their most recent assessment for which a full, reliable data set was available. Each child was used only once
for matching. Cross-sectional ocular and visual data were analyzed using ␹2 or Fisher’s exact test, or the Mann–Whitney
U test for (non-normally distributed) quantitative data.
Results. Children with under-accommodation were statistically more likely to have moderate/high hypermetropia
(ⱖ⫹3.00 D) and to be strabismic (most with esotropia). No significant difference between the groups was found for any
other ocular parameters.
Conclusions. This study demonstrates the marked association between under-accommodation, hypermetropia, and
strabismus in children with Down’s syndrome. No causal relation can be demonstrated with these data, but findings
suggest that the link between under-accommodation and hypermetropia (and between accurate accommodation and
emmetropia) is present in early infancy.
(Optom Vis Sci 2007;84:149–155)

Key Words: hypermetropia, Down’s syndrome, accommodation, strabismus

hildren with Down’s syndrome are at higher risk than on a retinoscopic reflex observed from a working distance of 50
typical children for a number of ocular disorders, includ- cm and was defined as ‘weakness’ if the reflex was ‘with’ for a
ing refractive errors,1–3 strabismus,4,5 reduced visual acu- target placed at 30 cm from the subject. This is equivalent to a
and poor contrast sensitivity.9 Under-accommodation is lag of ⬎1.0 D. Haugen et al. reported a prevalence of “accom-
another common finding in children with Down’s syndrome.1,10 –12 modation weakness” of 55% among young children with
Our group measures accommodation by dynamic retinoscopy,12,13 Down’s syndrome. Conversely, then, approximately 32 to 45%
using a technique that has been validated against autorefraction.14 of children with Down’s syndrome accommodate accurately for
We conventionally use three viewing distances, 25, 16.7, and 10 near targets.
cm (accommodative demand of 4.00, 6.00, and 10.00 D, respec- Cross-sectional studies have suggested that poorer accommoda-
tively). Defining under-accommodation as an accommodative er- tive accuracy is associated with hypermetropia and strabismus.11
ror index15 outside the ‘normal’ range of 0 to 2.20 D, we have We have longitudinal data for a cohort of children with Down’s syn-
reported a prevalence of under-accommodation of 68% among drome acquired over 12 years, and are therefore in a position to iden-
children aged 0.4 to 7 years.11 Haugen et al.1 described under- tify children who have consistently shown accurate accommodation
accommodation as ‘accommodative weakness’, which they also and compare their ocular and visual characteristics with children from
measured with dynamic retinoscopy. Their criterion was based the same cohort who consistently under-accommodate.

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150 Accommodative Accuracy, Hypermetropia, and Strabismus in Children with Down’s Syndrome—Stewart et al.

METHODS young children was up to 0.75 D under-accommodation or ‘lag’.

For the current analysis, consistent accurate accommodation was
Subjects were children with Down’s syndrome (trisomy 21) defined as ⱕ0.75 D lag of accommodation at ⱖ2 out of three
living in South and West Wales who participate in our longitudi- testing distances on at least two separate occasions. Twenty-seven
nal studies. Our recruitment protocol (which conforms to the Dec- children from the cohort of 114 (23.7%) fulfilled these criteria. It
laration of Helsinki for research involving human subjects and has should be noted that Rouse and Hutter tested accommodation at
been granted ethical committee approval) has been described pre- each child’s habitual working distance (mean 25 cm, range 12.5 to
viously.11 Recruits are aged at least 3 month when they enter the 42.5 cm). Only 61.3% of the children tested used a viewing dis-
study cohort, many are older and all are seen regularly for ocular
tance of equal to or ⬍25 cm. It is, therefore, likely that the criterion
assessment. Parents give informed consent for the data to be used
for accurate accommodation employed in the current study under-
for research purposes. At the time of the present analysis, there
estimates the number of subjects who would have ‘normal’ accom-
were 114 children in the cohort.
modation using Rouse and Hutter’s criterion.
All the authors were involved in examining the cohort. Their
Previous studies have shown that ocular measures such as refrac-
time involved in data collection ranged from 3 to 12 years. All
tive error and visual acuity change with age.1,3 To control for the
authors are experienced in dealing with children with intellectual effect of age, each of the children with accurate accommodation
disabilities and in the techniques used in the study. (AA) was age-matched with a child who consistently showed inac-
Children were examined at home, at school, or in the University curate accommodation (IA), using the most recent visit for which
clinic. Techniques were consistent at each place of examination the fullest, reliable data set was available. An IA child was selected
and total blackout was available for determination of refractive as an age match for an AA child based on being the closest child in
error by Mohindra retinoscopy at all venues.16 At homes and age (to within 9 month) with the fullest ocular data set. An IA child
schools, this was achieved by the use of a lightproof playhouse. was used only once for matching. Matching was begun with the
Mohindra retinoscopy has been shown to give equivalent results to oldest child with AA, as there were relatively few older children
cycloplegic refraction both in typically developing children and with IA in the cohort for whom data were available. A ‘data set’
children with Down’s syndrome.3,17 For analysis, the refractive consisted of the information shown in Table 1.
error (equivalent sphere) of only one eye was used; this was the Cross-sectional ocular and visual data were analyzed using ␹2 or
fixing eye for children with strabismus and the right eye for chil- Fisher’s exact test (SPSS for Windows Version 11), or the Mann–
dren with no strabismus. Whitney U test for (non-normally distributed) quantitative data.
At each visit, accommodation was measured by dynamic reti-
noscopy at three testing distances, 25, 16.7, and 10 cm using a
self-illuminated cube with detailed line drawings mounted on a
rule.11 Children who had spectacles wore them for accommoda-
tion measures. The children viewed the target binocularly, and The mean age (at the latest visit) of the group with accurate
accommodation was assessed in the right eye, or the fixing eye of accommodation was 6.3 years (range 0.75 to 13.19 years) and of
children with strabismus, along the most minus meridian. Rouse the group with inaccurate accommodation was 6.2 years (range
and Hutter18 found that the ‘normal’ accommodative response in 1.08 to 12.43 years). There was no significant difference between

Optometric data recorded for each child at each examination (in addition to accommodative accuracy)

Ocular measurement Testing method Notes

Presence or absence of Cover test at both distance and near or, when Strabismus was recorded if the condition was
strabismus the child was uncooperative for cover test, present at any distance
by the Hirschberg test with near fixation
Refractive error Mohindra retinoscopy Refractive error type was classified as
moderate/high hypermetropia (spherical
equivalent ⱖ⫹3.00 D), low hypermetropia/
emmetropia (⬍⫹3.00 D and ⬎⫺0.75 D) or
myopia (ⱕ⫺0.75 D). This classification is
in line with previous studies3
Presence or absence of As noted on inspection and during
nystagmus ophthalmoscopy
Stereopsis Frisby stereo test modified to include a Stereopsis recorded as present if the first test
control plate34 plate was successful
Visual acuity Cardiff Acuity Test, a preferential looking Data were used only if appropriate spectacle
picture test utilizing vanishing correction was worn during testing
Presence or absence of As noted on inspection and by
ocular defects such ophthalmoscopy
as lens opacities

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Accommodative Accuracy, Hypermetropia, and Strabismus in Children with Down’s Syndrome—Stewart et al. 151

TABLE 2. 11 children had strabismus (1 exotropia, 10 esotropia) and 16

Number of children from each accommodation group (n ⫽ children had no strabismus. This difference between the two
27) for whom reliable data were available and statistical groups was significant (␹2 ⫽ 10.294, p ⫽ 0.001). Of the eight
test used in analysis children in the IA group who had strabismus and wore glasses
(including one child with intermittent exotropia, two children
Parameter tested Test used AA IA
with intermittent esotropia, two children with alternating esotro-
Presence or absence of ␹2 26a 27 pia and three children with constant esotropia), seven had strabis-
strabismus mus that persisted even with spectacle correction. Two of these
Refractive error type ␹2 26b 27 children (including the one with intermittent exotropia) were
Median refractive error Mann–Whitney U 26b 27 myopes, four were hypermetropes, and one an astigmatic em-
Presence or absence of Fisher’s exact 27 27 metrope. The one child who was orthophoric with his hyper-
metropic spectacle correction exhibited an alternating esotropia
Presence or absence of Fisher’s exact 21 22
stereopsisa,c uncorrected. The one child in the AA group who had strabismus
Presence or absence of Fisher’s exact 23 27 unrelated to pathology exhibited an intermittent, alternating es-
lens opacities otropia with correction for significant astigmatism.
Distance visual acuityd Mann–Whitney U 21 25 There was no significant difference in the number of children
One child had strabismus due to pathology and was therefore
with nystagmus (AA: n ⫽ 3, IA: n ⫽ 5), lens opacities (AA: n ⫽ 2,
excluded from analysis. IA: n ⫽ 0), or stereopsis (AA: n ⫽ 19, IA: n ⫽ 17) between the two
One child was noncompliant during refraction and was there- groups (p ⬎ 0.05). Whenever possible, testing for stereopsis was
fore excluded from analysis. attempted on all children with the exception of the child with
Five children from the IA group and two from the AA group coloboma. However, stereopsis data were not available for two
were tested but failed the demonstration plate of the stereotest. children from the AA group, including the one child with strabis-
Stereotest data were unavailable for two children in the AA group. mus that was not related to pathology. Three other children in the
Only acuity values recorded when the child was wearing AA group were tested but failed the demonstration plate, indicat-
appropriate spectacle correction were included in analysis.
ing that they lacked the cognitive ability to complete the test (all
were orthophoric). Thus the remaining 21 children who were in-
cluded in analysis were able to manage the demonstration plate or
the ages of the two groups (independent t-test: t ⫽ 0.061, df ⫽ 52,
full test. Two children passed the demonstration plate but failed
p ⫽ 0.952). Because there were fewer older children than younger
the Frisby stereotest and were recorded as having no stereopsis;
children the discrepancy in age matches was greatest at older ages;
both were orthophoric. These apparently nonstrabismic children
the closest IA age-match to the oldest child in the AA group was
may have had undetected strabismus or lacked the motivation/skill
approximately 9 month. The mean absolute difference between
to pass the slightly harder task required for stereo positive testing.
age-matched children was 1.75 month.
In the IA group all children were tested for stereopsis. Five children
For varying reasons, all 27 children from each group (AA and
IA) could not be included in every analysis. The total number of failed the demonstration plate (two were orthophoric and three
children for each analysis and the methods of analysis are shown in were constant esotropes). Of those children who were scored pos-
Table 2. One child (from the AA group) was noncompliant for itive on stereo testing, three had intermittent esotropia, one was a
refraction and was excluded from refraction analysis. For statistical constant esotrope, and the rest were orthophoric. The child with
analysis of refractive error data, because there were so few myopes constant esotropia and apparent stereopsis was noted to have been
in either group, children were classified as moderate/high hyper- orthophoric at a previous visit. This would suggest an intermittent
metropes (ⱖ⫹3.00 D) or low/nonhypermetropes. The definition element to the child’s strabismus.
of “significant refractive error” is somewhat arbitrary, especially as There was also no significant difference between the (non-
refractive error varies with age. A definition of moderate/high hy- normally distributed) median visual acuity of the two groups [AA:
permetropia ⱖ⫹3.00 D was chosen in order to be consistent with 18.95 cycles per degree (6/9.5), IA: 15.00 cycles per degree (6/12)]
a previous study by our group3 and is derived from the mean error (Mann–Whitney U: Z ⫽ ⫺0.304, p ⫽ 0.761).
⫾1 SD of typical 6 to 8 year olds.19 Dynamic retinoscopy was performed in the right, or fixing, eye.
In the AA group, 4 children had moderate/high hypermetropia Seven children had anisometropia ⫽ ⬎1.00 D (three in the AA
and 22 did not (including 4 myopes). In the IA group, 12 had group and four in the IA group), which meant that accommodative
moderate/high hypermetropia and 15 did not (including 2 responses could have been driven by the nonexamined eye, and
myopes). This difference between the two groups was significant children misclassified as accurate or inaccurate accommodators.
(␹2 ⫽ 5.307, p ⫽ 0.021). A significant difference between the The above statistical analysis was therefore repeated with anisome-
(non-normally distributed) refractive error data of the two groups tropic children excluded, with no change in the findings. There
was also found when median values were analyzed [AA: ⫹1.00 D, remained a significant difference in the number of moderate/high
IA: ⫹2.50 D] (Mann–Whitney U: Z ⫽ ⫺3.082, p ⫽ 0.002). hypermetropes (␹2 ⫽ 4.847, p ⫽ 0.028) and strabismics (␹2 ⫽
One child (from the AA group) was excluded from analysis of 8.572, p ⫽ 0.003) with no difference in the number of children
strabismus as he had pathology (coloboma) of one eye. Among the with nystagmus, lens opacities, or stereopsis. The difference in
remaining members of the AA group, 1 child had strabismus (es- median refractive error also remained (AA: ⫹1.00 D, IA: ⫹2.50
otropia) and 25 children had no strabismus. Among the IA group, D) (Mann–Whitney U: Z ⫽ ⫺3.147, p ⫽ 0.002).

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152 Accommodative Accuracy, Hypermetropia, and Strabismus in Children with Down’s Syndrome—Stewart et al.

Refractive error for 27 children with Down’s syndrome and accurate accommodation (AA). Refractive error is given by the spherical equivalent of the
fixing eye in children with strabismus, and right eye for children without strabismus. Filled markers represent those visits at which children wore
spectacles, and open markers visits at which children were not wearing spectacles. Dotted lines indicate the range for low hypermetropia/emmetropia
used in the study.

Refractive error for 27 children with Down’s syndrome and inaccurate accommodation (IA). Refractive error is given by the spherical equivalent of the
fixing eye in children with strabismus, and right eye for children without strabismus. Filled markers represent those visits at which children wore
spectacles, and open markers visits at which children were not wearing spectacles. Dotted lines indicate the range for low hypermetropia/emmetropia
used in the study.

Longitudinal refractive error, (represented as spherical equiva- From the figures, greater prevalence of emmetropia among chil-
lent for the right eye of children without strabismus and the fixing dren with accurate accommodation and of moderate/high hyper-
eye of children with strabismus) is shown in Fig. 1 for AA children metropia among children with inaccurate accommodation is clear.
and in Fig. 2 for IA children. The visits at which the children wore The figures also show the apparent stability of refraction among
a spectacle correction are indicated by filled symbols. The date at the children. Most of the children who fall into the moderate/high
which children were first prescribed spectacles was impossible to hypermetropic category at later ages were clearly hypermetropic at
know for children who were under the care of the Hospital Eye their first visit.
Service (HES) or their own optometrist before joining the study. Fifteen children were identified as being seen before the age of
Ten children in the AA group and 13 in the IA group had been 12 month and over a time period incorporating the age of 30
prescribed spectacles by the HES, their own optometrist, or the month; nine children from the AA group and six children from the
study team by the date of the visit represented in the cross-sectional IA group. Two visits were used for analysis of change in refractive
analysis. Two children in the AA group and no children in the IA error, the closest visit to 6 month and the closest visit to 30 month.
group were noncompliant with spectacle wear. The two noncom- Table 3 shows the mean refractive error and the change over time
pliant children were both emmetropic astigmats. in the two groups. Both groups showed a small increase in hyper-

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Accommodative Accuracy, Hypermetropia, and Strabismus in Children with Down’s Syndrome—Stewart et al. 153

TABLE 3. it is difficult to compare the results of their study more directly

Change in refractive error between 6 and 30 months with our own.
In a cross-sectional study of children with Down’s syndrome,
Accommodation group Woodhouse et al.11 defining ‘normal’ accommodation by an ac-
AA (N ⫽ 9) IA (N ⫽ 6) commodative error index (AEI) within 2.20 D reported a lower
mean value of hypermetropia among the children within this
Age at younger visit (mo) 6.47 ⫾ 1.56 7.65 ⫾ 2.49
group than within the ‘abnormal’ group. Woodhouse et al. also
Spherical equivalent (D) ⫹0.58 ⫾ 1.57 ⫹3.08 ⫾ 1.75
showed that children with strabismus had a poorer accommodative
Age at older visit (mo) 29.67 ⫾ 1.57 31.96 ⫾ 5.36
Spherical equivalent (D) ⫹1.25 ⫾ 1.29 ⫹3.31 ⫾ 2.47 response (greater AEI) than children without strabismus, although
Change in refractive error (D) ⫹0.67 ⫾ 1.52 ⫹0.23 ⫾ 1.77 strabismus was not significantly associated with a particular refrac-
tive error type.
However, contrary to the above findings and to the current
study, Haugen and Hovding5 found no significant difference in
metropia. There was no significant difference between the two the frequency of accommodation ‘weakness’ in children with
groups in the amount of refractive error change over time (t ⫽ Down’s syndrome with (17 out of 25) and without (16 out of 35)
0.510, df ⫽ 13, p ⫽ 0.618). strabismus, based on cross-sectional analysis of the children’s last
visit in a longitudinal study. The mean age of the two groups was
not reported. The difference between the results of the two studies
might be explained by the use of different criteria to define accom-
When children with Down’s syndrome with accurate accom- modation ‘weakness’; a lag of ⱖ0.75 D at two or more testing
modation were compared with children with inaccurate accommo- distances (10, 16.7, and 25 cm) was used in the current study,
dation (of the same age), there was a significant difference in the whereas a lag of ⬎1.0 D at a testing distance of approximately 30
degree of hypermetropia and prevalence of strabismus. Those cm was used by Haugen and colleagues. More children may have
children who under-accommodated were more likely to have mod- been classified as having accommodation ‘weakness’ if Haugen and
erate/high hypermetropia (ⱖ⫹3.00 D) and to be strabismic (the co-workers had assessed accommodation at a closer distance, i.e., at
majority esotropic). Conversely, children who accommodated a greater accommodative demand.
accurately were more likely not to have higher amounts of hyper- The association between inaccurate accommodation and
metropia or strabismus. In all but one case, the strabismus of chil- moderate/high hypermetropia is not due to the increased accom-
dren who wore glasses persisted both with and without correction. modative demand at near, because all children with significant
The two groups of children (those with accurate and inaccurate refractive error wore their glasses for accommodation measures.
accommodation) were matched for age. They were also similar in Further, a previous study has shown that under-accommodation
the prevalence of spectacle prescription. Compliance was slightly remains similar whether hypermetropia is corrected or not.10
poorer among the group with accurate accommodation, and this A possible cause for the higher incidence of strabismus in chil-
may reflect the lower refractive error and therefore lack of per- dren with reduced accommodation might be an abnormal link
ceived benefit of spectacles on the part of the children. between accommodation and convergence. Haugen and Hovding5
The association between refractive error and accommodation in suggest that the common occurrence of esotropia in Down’s syn-
children with Down’s syndrome reported in this study is in line drome may be due to increased accommodative effort when having
with the results of Haugen et al.,1 who showed that “stable, low- to compensate for accommodative weakness. However, they com-
grade hypermetropia (ⱕ⫹2.0 D)” (within the low hypermetropia/ ment that other factors must play a role as accommodative weak-
emmetropia range according to our classification) was significantly ness is also found in children with Down’s syndrome without
correlated with ‘normal’ accommodation, although the authors do strabismus. Other factors such as weak fusional capacity,21 hypo-
not state whether to define a child as having ‘normal’ accommo- tonia,22 and dysfunction of the accommodation-convergence rela-
dation required repeated measures. In a study of emmetropisation tion23 have also been suggested in the etiology of strabismus.
and accommodation in typical children, Ingram et al.20 followed Although the association between strabismus and inaccurate ac-
1119 hypermetropes (of ⫹5.00 D or more in any meridian on commodation in the present study is striking, a causal relation
cycloplegic retinoscopy; which would equate to ⱖ⫹3.00 D if a cannot at present be inferred.
working distance allowance of 2 D were applied) from the age of 6 In previous reports of under-accommodation in children with
month to 3.5 years. They report that children whose first and last Down’s syndrome, we postulated that premature aging of the lens
cycloplegic retinoscopies were ⱖ⫹5.50 D (i.e., who remained hy- (early presbyopia) may be a causative factor.12,13 In light of this
permetropic) had higher “apparent accommodative deficits”. They suggestion, it is interesting to note that the two children in the
measured accommodation using a modified version of Mohindra present study with lens opacities were both from the group with
retinoscopy in which the child binocularly fixated a retinoscope accurate accommodation. More recently, Cregg et al.10 showed
light held at arms length, viewed in semidarkness. Plus lenses were that children with Down’s syndrome do not behave like presby-
placed in front of one eye and their power progressively decreased opic adults, i.e., there is no demonstrable physical limitation to the
until a ‘with’ movement was observed. The end point was taken as amount of accommodation they can exert and they found no
the lowest point at which the retinoscopy reflex was ‘against’. As difference in accommodation response between corrected and un-
this technique for measuring accommodative response did not re- corrected hypermetropes (ⱖ⫹3.00 D). Haugen et al.24 took bio-
quire the children to be wearing their distance spectacle correction, metric measurements in a group of young adults with Down’s

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154 Accommodative Accuracy, Hypermetropia, and Strabismus in Children with Down’s Syndrome—Stewart et al.

syndrome (mean age 20.0 ⫾ 3.9 years). They found no significant Studies of refractive error and biometric measurements in peo-
difference in mean lens thickness or calculated lens power between ple with Down’s syndrome have shown a correlation between axial
the subjects with Down’s syndrome with normal accommodation length and refractive error (spherical equivalent)32 and more sig-
and those with weak accommodation. However, they did show that nificantly axial length/corneal curvature ratio and spherical equiv-
the calculated lens power in subjects with Down’s syndrome was alent.24 In a study by Haugen et al.,24 the group with Down’s
significantly weaker than controls. It is therefore unclear to what syndrome were found to have an increased mean keratometry
extent this influences accommodation. The etiology of the under- value, a significant reduction in central corneal thickness, a thinner
accommodation in Down’s syndrome is yet to be determined. lens and higher axial density value, weaker calculated lens power,
It is tempting to hypothesize a link between accurate accommo- and significantly shorter axial length. Despite these significant dif-
dation providing a focused retinal image during near tasks, and ferences compared to controls, the biometric components were still
emmetropisation in children with Down’s syndrome. However, related in an ordered fashion, similar to controls. Thus, the higher
although the association between accurate accommodation and axial length/corneal radius ratio found in subjects with Down’s
emmetropia is demonstrated in the present study, this cannot be syndrome, was compensated for by a weaker lens. When examined
taken to indicate a causal relation. As Figs. 1 and 2 show (in line in a multiple regression analysis, the strongest correlates with
with previously reported data4), the majority of children with spherical equivalent were axial length and keratometry.
Down’s syndrome do not show emmetropisation. Rather, the chil- We have recently shown that bifocal spectacles can induce ac-
dren with accurate accommodation appear more likely to be close curate accommodation among school-age children with Down’s
to emmetropia in the early months and remain so, while the chil- syndrome.33 Prospective studies of early development with both
dren with inaccurate accommodation appear more likely to have naturally occurring and bifocal-induced accurate accommodation
moderate/high hypermetropia in infancy and to maintain the er- may shed light on the precise relation between accommodative
ror. The role of accommodation in the emmetropisation process accuracy, refractive error progression, and strabismus in children
(and conversely in the development of refractive error) remains with Down’s syndrome.
unclear for children with Down’s syndrome. In the literature on
typical refractive error development, “it has been claimed that ac-
commodation has a role in the normal postnatal development of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the eye.”,25 although considering the evidence as a whole this the-
Financial support for the longitudinal data used in this study has come from
ory is not well supported.26 However, there is strong evidence for the following sources over the last 12 years; the Medical Research Council, the
the role of excessive near-work in the development of refractive Down’s Syndrome Association, Healthcare Foundation, Mencap City Foun-
error (myopia), although this is likely to be a result of factors other dation, and the British College of Optometrists.
than accommodation.27,28 If the theory of accommodative in- We thank the children and parents involved in the Cardiff Down’s Syn-
volvement in myopia development in typically developing chil- drome Cohort for their continued support of our work.
Received June 6, 2006; accepted November 7, 2006.
dren were true for children with Down’s syndrome (blur induced
by slight under-accommodation during sustained periods of near
work), it seems surprising that (with the high prevalence of signif-
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Optometry and Vision Science, Vol. 84, No. 2, February 2007

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Optometry and Vision Science, Vol. 84, No. 2, February 2007

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