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Int J. Refrig. Vol. 19, No. 6, pp.

382-389, 1996
Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
ELSEVIER PII: S0140-7007(95)00022-9 0140-7007/96/$15.00 + .00

Influence of the new refrigerant thermodynamic properties on some

refrigerating turbocompressor characteristics
M. N. Sarevski
F a c u l t y o f M e c h a n i c a l Engineering, University 'Sv. Kiril i Metodij', Skopje, M a c e d o n i a
Received 6 June 1995; revised 25 March 1996

Comparison of the main geometrical and operating parameters of centrifugal compressors working with
various refrigerants is realised in this paper. The interdependence between the centrifugal compressor
pressure ratio, compression work, impeller peripheral speed, Mach number, compressor capacity, impeller
diameter and width, speed of rotation, and refrigerant molecular mass, normal boiling temperature and
specific volumetric cooling capacity for various refrigerants are shown and discussed. The flow phenomena
in the turbocompressor flow field, caused by high Mach number and high pressure ratio, are analysed. Some
theoretical observations for the influence of the substitute of the refrigerant on the turbocompressor
performance characteristics are presented. The possibilities for the replacement of the refrigerant in the
existing refrigerating machines are discussed.Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR
(Keywords:refrigeratingcompressor;centrifugalcompressor;design;refrigerant;substitute; performance;calculation)

Effet des propri&6s thermodynamiques d'un nouveau

frigorig6ne sur quelques caract6ristiques d'un
turbocompresseur frigorifique
Dans l'article, on compare les principaux parambtres g~omdtriques et de fonctionnement de compresseurs
centrifuges utilisant plusiers frigorigbnes. On donne et on examine, pour plusiers frigorigbnes, l'interd@endance
entre le rapport de compression du compresseur centrifuge, le travail de compression, la vitesse p~riph~rique de
la roue, le nombre de Mach, la capacit~ du compresseur, le diambtre et la largeur de la roue, la vitesse de
rotation et la masse mol~culaire du frigorigOne, la tempdrature normale d~bullition et la capacitO frigorifique
volumOtrique sp~cifique. On analyse les ph~nomknes d'~coulement dans le champ d~coulement du
turbocompresseur, causOs par un nombre de Mach dlev~ et un rapport de pression ~lev~. On pr~sente quelques
observations thdoriques sur l'influence du substitut du frigorigkne sur les caract~ristiques de performance du
compresseur. On examine les possibilit~s de remplacement du frigorigbne dans les machines frigorifiques
existantes. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR
(Mots-cl6s: compresseur frigorifique; compresseur centrifuge; conception; frigorig6ne; substitut; performance; calcul)

Refrigerants have received a great deal of attention in the dioxide, water, air and hydrocarbons, such as propane,
recent investigations of the global environment. Chloro- butane) 2,5.
fluorocarbons (CFCs) are compounds with high ozone In existing centrifugal refrigerating machines, CFC 11
depletion potential (ODP) and high global warming and CFC12 are primarily used. Some other CFCs and
potential (GWP). The potential of hydrochlorofluoro- HCFCs (R22) are also used to some extent. The total
carbons (HCFCs) for affecting stratospheric ozone is a world-wide installations of centrifugal water chillers for
small fraction of that of CFCs 1. According to the revised air-conditioning applications are estimated to be
Montreal Protocol, Copenhagen, CFCs should be 125,0004 . It shows the large-scale applications of centri-
completely phased out by the end of 1995, and HCFCs fugal refrigerating machines. The purpose of this paper is
by the end of 2030. The European regulation treats to estimate the parameters, performance and fluid flow
HCFCs more severely, with a phase-out date of 1 characteristics of new and existing centrifugal compres-
January 20152,3 . Some European states call for an earlier sors for various refrigerants. An approximative method is
phase-out. The target for new refrigerants is focussed on presented for prediction of the performance of the
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and hydrofluorinated ethers centrifugal compressors working with new refrigerants
(HFEs), which have zero ODP. HCFCs, HFCs and as a substitution for the original CFC or HCFC. This
HFEs are also greenhouse gases. Due to their shorter method can be used for estimation of the possibilities for
atmospheric lifetimes they have lower GWP 1'4. However, replacement of the refrigerant in an existing refrigerating
their impact on the global warming has led to renewed machine and for determination of the new working
interest in natural refrigerants (ammonia, carbon conditions of the centrifugal compressor.

Refrigerating turbocompressor characteristics 383

a Speed of sound (m s-~) Greek letters
A Flow cross-section (m Blade angle (°)
b Impeller width, b = b/D2 (m) 7/ Efficiency
c Specific compressor displacement (m 3 j - l ) Conditional isentropic coefficient
Cu Peripheral velocity component /z Molecular mass (kg kmo1-1)
Cm Meridional velocity component #s Slip factor
COP Coefficient of performance Compressibility factor
D Diameter (m) 17 Pressure ratio
kv Density ratio Work coefficient
I Compression work (J kg -l) 0 Flowrate coefficient
M Mach number 7- Contraction of flow cross-section
Mu Peripheral Mach number
n Speed of rotation (rev s-l, rev rain-l) Subscripts
P Pressure (Pa, bar) c Condenser
Q0 Cooling capacity (W) h Gas dynamic
qv Volumetric cooling capacity (J m -3) k Critical
r Coefficient of impeller reactivity o Evaporator
R Gas constant (J kg-l K- 1) o Compressor inlet
R. Universal gas constant (J kmo1-1 K -1) p Polytropic
T, t Temperature (K, °C) t Theoretical
IN Normal boiling temperature (°C) 1 Impeller cascade inlet
U2 Peripheral speed (m s-l) 2 Impeller outlet
t> Flowrate (m 3 s-1) I Original refrigerant
/) Volume (m 3 kg 1) II New refrigerant

Thermodynamic properties of the new refrigerants (see Appendix A):

should be similar to the CFCs or HCFCs they replace.
Comparative analysis of some HCFCs, HFCs and HFEs le = aR~oTo(II U~ - 1) = ~u~ (1)
as alternatives to CFCll and CFC12 have been H = (1 + ~,(n- 1)Mu2/%) ° (2)
presented by Devotta et al. 4'6 and by Sand and Fisher 7.
Some comparative data for conditions tc =40°C, o = %~/(K, - 1) (3)
to = 0°C suction vapour superheating At 0 = 0°C, and
liquid subcooling Atc = 0°C are given in Table 1. ~o = PoVo/(RTo) (4)
The pressure ratio H for various to and tc = 40°C is
given in Figure 1. For a given temperature increase Mu = uz/ao ao = ~(x//~o~oRTo g = g . / . (5)
( t c - to), refrigerants with lower normal boiling tem- The work coefficient ~, flowrate coefficient t~2 and
peratures (tN) require lower pressure ratio. potytropic efficiency %, as well as the relationships
between them, are determined with the compressor flow
field shape, flow conditions and gasdynamic losses 8'9.
Centrifugal compressor main parameters For given design conditions of the compressor working
Interdependence between the effective compression work with a specified refrigerant, the efficiency depends on the
le, centrifugal stage pressure ratio H, peripheral speed u2, degree to which the compressor flow field has been
refrigerant molecular mass # and peripheral Mach optimally designed. If the goal is to design a high-
number Mu, is determined by the following relations efficiency compressor, then the influence of the

Table 1 Comparative data for some refrigerants

Tableau 1 Donn~es comparatives pour quelques frigorigbnes

Refrigerant: CFCI 1 HCFCI23 HFC245ca HFE143 HFE254cb CFC12 HFC134a HCFC22 HCF404a

/z (kg kmol 1) 137.4 152.9 134.0 100.0 132.0 120.92 102.03 88.01 97.60
tk (°C) 198.4 183.8 178.4 186.8 189.9 112.04 101.15 96.13 72.07
Pk (bar) 44.1 36.76 38.85 41.41 35.6 41.2 40.64 59.86 37.32
tN (°C) 23.8 27.9 25.0 30.06 36.44 -29.8 -26.5 -40.84 -46.4
Pc (bar) 1.75 1.54 1.72 1.45 1.15 9.581 10.16 15.315 18.255
Po (bar) 0.40 0.33 0.37 0.29 0.23 3.085 2.929 4.983 6.03
II 4.33 4.66 4.677 4.972 5.072 3.106 3.469 3.073 3.02
c (m 3 M J- 1) 2.604 3.203 2.816 3.312 4.272 0.485 0.488 0.302 0.312
COP t 6.06 5.993 5.861 6.023 5.873 5.3 5.3 5.8 4.2
ODP 1.0 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.053 0.0
G W P (100 years) 1.0 0.024 -- -- 2.09 0.353 0.471 1.03
384 M. N. Sarevski

compressors, instead of single-stage, on some occasions
can be applied by the following demands: increasing of
o I ~'-~ refrigerating cycle coefficient of performance by instal-
12 -o¢~
a~ _ ~ ~/ ~'~ - * ~I~ I
ling an economiser between the stages and direct linkage
tL ¢,D~) ~--9 '
of the impellers with motor operating on 50 Hz electrical
power rather than through a gear linkage to increase
i --10 speed of rotation of the impellers.
Centrifugal compressors for refrigerants with small
molecular mass usually are multi-stage. Centrifugal stage
working with these refrigerants can attain a high pressure
ratio with high (or extremely high) peripheral speed.
The dimensions of the centrifugal compressor mainly
i , i I 18 ~,
depend on refrigerating machine capacity (20 and
refrigerant specific volumetric cooling capacity qv. The
0 ~ ,o,, .UJ dependence of impeller diameter D2 and speed of
rotation n on (20 and qv is determined by the following
h II , , I , , , II 1t ] , relations:
-50 0 +51
tN ( ° C )
D 2 =- ~/(//(Trb27-2kvu2~2) (6)
Figure 1 Pressure ratio for various refrigerants
Figure 1 Rapport de compression pour quelques frigorigbnes n = Ua/(rrD2) (7)

I)=ao/qv=Ooc c= 1/qv (8)

refrigerant properties on the gas dynamic losses should k~2 = (1 + ~br(n- 1)M2/r/p) "-' (9)
be considered in the procedure for compressor flow field
optimisation. The optimal value of the flowrate coeffi- r = 1 - (q522+ ~b2)/(2~b) (10)
cient 62 depends on the impeller blade outlet angle/32, as
well as on the diffuser type and its performance 1°. The The interdependence between D2, n, Q0, qv, b2 and M u
work coefficient ga is determined with the flowrate is given in Figure 3 for 62 = 0.25, ~b = 0.6, to = 0°C,
coefficient ~b2, gas dynamic efficiency Tlh, impeller blade tc = 40°C. A comparative analysis can be realised for the
outlet angle/32 and slip factor #= (see Appendix A). influence of the properties of alternative refrigerants on
For these reasons, as well as from the intention to the dimensions of the compressor by using Figure 3.
analyse the influence of the refrigerant properties on the Some comparative data are presented in Table 2 for the
main centrifugal compressor geometrical and operating
parameters and to eliminate the other factors, the
assumption of the constants ~b, 62, 7"/p at the design
point can be used for various centrifugal compressors
working with various refrigerants. t ' ' "-q,' "<';;" "

If a centrifugal compressor works with various
refrigerant, and/or the compressor works in various 6
operating conditions (various speed of rotation, various / / / ,/:__: r-

inlet temperature, etc.) then the correction of the

efficiency r/and work coefficient ~b should be made as is
" / / ," t
presented in Appendix B. - s7,-__ 7 , __ _

The interdependence between le, H, u2, Mu and # is

given in Figure 2 for ~b = 0.6, % = 0.80 and To = 273 - - i 1
(K). Centrifugal stage boundary conditions are con-
nected with the peripheral speed-limiting criterion by the
impeller strength properties, which is significant for
f /S' 200

refrigerants with small molecular mass, and with Mach
number limiting criterion, significant for refrigerants
with large molecular mass. Centrifugal stage working
~ I 300 so%
with these refrigerants can attain a high pressure ratio 200
with relatively low peripheral speed. For any refrigerant
with known molecular mass, using Figure 2, the main
parameters of centrifugal stage le, I1, u2, Mu can be
approximately obtained, and comparative analysis with I00~ Z'r <ua O~ ~ acT===u-u'u'u=~
other alternative refrigerants can be realised. II , II , Yt I .... %i?,,Nl,,I,,,,I
lo so Iloo ~ ! zoo
According to the required pressure ratio for a given 4
~{t/ [kg/kmot] e g
and to (Figure 1 ), and centrifugal stage pressure ratio
(Figure 2), the number of compressor stages can be
obtained. With single-stage centrifugal compressors, Figure 2 Interdependence between le, 11, u2, Mu and /, for various
working with various CFC, HCFC, H F C and H F E refrigerants
refrigerants, a wide range of applications in refrigeration Figure 2 Interddpendance entre le, II, u2, M u et # pour plusieurs
and air conditioning is covered. Two-stage centrifugal frigorigknes
Refrigerating turbocompressor characteristics 385

conditions given in Table 1, according to the data shown (fully attached flow or separated jet-wake flow) given by
in Figures 2 and 3. In these figures two specific examples Adler 16 depends on peripheral speed u2 and impeller
for CFC11 (Q0 = 1 MW) and CFC12 (Q0 = 10 MW) are blade angle /32. It could be useful if peripheral Mach
shown (see Appendix C). number Mu is used for the flow regime classification
instead of u2. This classification can be used as an
orientation because the flow regime depends on many
Fluid flow characteristics
other factors ~7.
Theoretical and experimental investigations of high A comprehensive review of the calculated methods in
pressure ratio and high Mach number centrifugal the turbomachinery cascades is given by Howard,
compressors have led to establish the following main Johnson and Liicking (Chapters 9-11) ~8. The review of
features of the flow in their flow field: separated jet-wake the theoretical and experimental investigations of the
flow and transonic flow phenomena. boundary layer in turbomachinery is presented by Kline
The separated jet-wake impeller cascade flow model and Johnston (Chapters 6 and 7) ~8.
was established by Dean 1~ according to the experimental An analytical prediction of transonic flows in turbo-
investigations of high pressure ratio centrifugal com- machinery cascades is generally difficult because of the
pressors. Detailed flow investigations and measurements mixed hyperbolic-elliptic character of the problem. One
within a high-speed centrifugal impeller with jet-wake way of solving the transonic problem is by using the
discharge flow structure are presented by Eckardt 12'13. time-dependent and finite-volume methods. These
An experimental study of the flow in a transonic methods give the possibility of introducing the refriger-
centrifugal compassor impeller and diffuser is presented ant thermodynamic property equations in the calculating
by Senoo et al."1415
' . Possible flow regime classification procedure. The introduction of CFC properties in the

n (10 3 r p m )
15 I0 5 3 0
' ' ' ,~ ' ' ' o'1 ' o' Io ' ' ~ ~ ~,

"s",/ \ ,\ A \I I / , / /

" ;
¢ . , 0.2.m
.,.o ,~ ~ .. _
k\\ X

• / ,.k..,-~'.,,,%~k~',,~]×-J-~÷-/-/ .... -k-k~\ \ \

15 10 QoINW) 5 0

Figure 3 Interdependence between D2, n, Q0, qv, b2 and M u for various refrigerants
Figure 3 lnterd~pendanee entre D2, n, Qo, qv, b2 et M , pour plusieurs frigorigbnes

Table 2 Centrifugal stage comparative data for some refrigerants for to = 0°C, tc - 40°C
Tableau 2 Donnbes comparatives sur lWage centrifuge pour quelques frigorigbnes et pour to - O°C; t, = 40'C

Refrigerant: CFCll HCFC123 HFC245ca HFE143 HFE254cb CFCI2 HFCl34a HCFC22 HCF404a

H 4.33 4.66 4.677 4.972 5.072 3.106 3.469 3.073 3.02

Mu 1.55 1.6 1.6 1.63 1.64 1.34 1.42 1.34 1.34
u 2 (m s ~) 212 206 221 261 228 196 224 228 217
le (kJ kg 1) 26.9 25.6 29.4 40.9 31.5 23.1 30.3 31.4 28.3
Qo (MW) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 10.0 10.0 15.0 15.0
D2 (mm) 590 645 585 575 695 655 595 560 615
b 2 (mm) 24.0 26.0 23.5 23.0 28.0 26.0 24.0 22.5 24.5
n (rpm) 6880 6100 7230 8700 6285 5705 7215 7405 6760
386 M. N. ,~arevski

calculating flow model has been realised 17. The time- blade increase for higher pressure ratio. The smaller
dependent and finite-volume methods are applied for flow parameter differences can be reached and
3-D unsteady viscid flow calculations in the works of appearance of a reverse secondary flow on the
Sokolovski and Gnesin 19, Dawes 2° and other works pressure side of the blade can be avoided by
published in recent years. increasing the number of the impeller blades.
The impellers of the centrifugal compressors working (3) The transonic behaviour of the flow appears on the
with CFC, HCFC, HFC and HFE refrigerants are high exit region of the impeller. Local supersonic region,
pressure ratio. The high pressure ratio causes high embedded at otherwise subsonic flow, existed firstly
peripheral Mach number Mu. These cause large at the leading edge region on the suction side of the
gradients of the pressure and velocity within the blade- blade. Occurrence of the supersonic flow in the
to-blade channel, as well as high Mach number of the whole inlet region of the cascade causes choking
flow (Mw, Me). The large pressure and velocity gradient flow and shock in the flow field. These phenomena,
along the pressure side and suction side of the blade along with a large pressure gradient, cause a
causes detachment of the boundary layer. The condition separation of the boundary layer and great disorder
for detachment of the boundary layer given by Sandborn of the flow in the impeller cascade.
and Kline 21 have been used in the flow model presented
in Ref. 17. If 3-D flow is approximated with flow along the middle
The detachment of the boundary layer in a pressure flow line, the limitation of gas flow Mach number in the
side of the blade occurs very close to the leading edge. impeller cascade inlet is Mwl = 0.85-0.95. Various limit-
However, this phenomenon has negligible influence on ing values of Mu can be obtained depending on Mw]
the mainstream flow. The detachment of the boundary limitation and the impeller flow field shape. Impellers with
layer in a suction side of the blade occurs downstream, at lower/32 and lower b2 attain higher Mu for a given Mwl.
the second half of the blade. This phenomenon, along But these impellers have lower work coefficient ~.
with the rotation of the impeller, causes separated flow
and wake zone within the blade-to-blade channel.
From the theoretical and experimental investigation of Centrifugal compressor performance
the flow in the high pressure ratio centrifugal com- Dimensionless performance of centrifugal compressors
pressors the following main characteristics can be are determined by the relations ~b =f(q~) and 7/=f(4~).
exposed: For single-stage centrifugal compressors, the relation
between ~ and ~ is:
(1) Separation of the boundary layer in a suction side
of the impeller blade causes separated jet-wake flow = (kt - kzq~2ctg/32)r/h (1 1)
in the impeller cascade. This is distinctive for the where kl, k2 and r/h depend on compressor flow field
impellers with larger exit angle/32. In impellers with dimensions and shape, as well as on the flow con-
backwept blades (lower f12), this phenomenon does ditions 8-1°'22-27 (see Appendix B). The influence of the
not cause a great disorder in the mainstream flow. refrigerant properties on the compressor efficiency are
These impellers deliver more uniform flow into the comprised with the Reynolds number (Re), Mach
diffuser. number (M) and isentropic coefficient (~).
(2) The flow parameter differences between the Centrifugal compressor performance H = f ( V ) are
pressure side and suction side of the impeller determined by the dimensionless performance,

CFC 11
n sL . . . . z '
I HFEII+37 HFE25Z,,cb7

=toll lLne / HFC 21+5ca + ~ "~,\% \ L_CFC 11

\,,. oo.,.
2 50 20


1 I I I I I I
1 2 3 4 5 6
= q [rn:Vs ]
Figure 4 Centrifugal compressor performance
Figure 4 Performance du compresseur centrifuge
Refrigerating turbocompressor characteristics 387

compressor dimensions, peripheral speed and refrigerant Conclusions and recommendations

properties (Equations l-10). For a given refrigerant this Centrifugal compressor main parameters (il, 17, le, u2,
relation can be transformed in Tc - To =f(Q0). Mu, n, DE, bE) mainly depend on refrigerant molecular
The efficiency depends on the degree to which the mass #, normal boiling temperature tN and specific
centrifugal compressor flow field has been optimally
volumetric cooling capacity qv. HCFCs, HFCs and
designed originally for CFCs or HCFCs. Increasing the HFEs, as substitutes of CFCs, are compounds with large
peripheral Mach number Mu causes decreasing of the #. A centrifugal stage working with these refrigerants
efficiency because of: attains a high pressure ratio II with relatively low
peripheral speed u2. High pressure ratio and high Mach
(1) impeller/diffuser/volute optimal work conditions number cause separated jet-wake flow in the impeller
unadjustment cascade and transonic flow phenomena. Comparison of
(2) transonic behaviour of the flow and critical flow
the main parameters of the compressors working with
phenomena in the flow field.
various refrigerants (CFCll, HCFC123, HFC245ca,
HFE143, HFE254cb), (CFC12, HFC134a), (HCFC22,
If Mwl is higher than Mwk[, which is a cascade
HFC404a) have been realised in the paper. For any
characteristic, then local supersonic flow appears and
refrigerant using the common diagrams the main
the gas dynamic losses increase considerably. When Mwl parameters of the centrifugal stage can be approximately
reach Mw~ax, choking and critical flow in the inlet
obtained, and comparative analysis with other alter-
cascade cross section occurs. If the critical flow
native refrigerants can be realised. Optimisation of the
phenomena are not strongly expressed, a simple depen- new compressor flow field can be made using calculating
dence between 77 and M u can be applied, such as the models, experimental and experience data.
relation used by Sand and Fisher 7.
The possibility for replacement of the refrigerant in the
The approximative method for estimation of the existing refrigerating machines mainly depends on the
performances of the centrifugal compressor working
molecular mass of new and original refrigerants (#n, #J),
with new refrigerant as a substitute of the original CFC
and normal boiling temperatures (tNii, tNi ). If #n < #1
or HCFC is based on the dimensionless performance.
then Iln < HI. If tNn > tNi then required pressure ratio
Using the turbocompressor similarity theory the
of the new refrigerant usually is higher than that of the
following relations can be obtained:
original refrigerant, for a given temperature increase
flowrate criterion: •2II = ~321 (DI[ = DI; Ull = Ul) (12) (tc - to). In these cases the compressor cannot attain the
required condensing pressure, or it will work at the off
Vtl = (/lkv211/kv2l design point, near to the surge point, depending on the
centrifugal compressor performance I I = f ( V ) . If
work criterion:/7t1 = rtlk.; ~II = ~1k~; leII = lelk~, #u > #i then YIII > Ill, but also Mun > Mul. In these
cases, transonic flow phenomena with a decrease of the
Iln= (II~/~I-1)aI ~1 # I I k ~ + l (13) compressor efficiency is possible, depending on the fluid
O'II ~II #I flow field shape and its flow characteristics. The
This method has been used for prediction of the problems concerning the replacement can be solved
performance of a water chiller two-stage centrifugal with variable speed motor regulation.
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HFC245ca, HFE143 and HFE254cb), as substitutes for
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Cambridge, 53-61
21 Simpson, R. L. Review A review of some phenomena in Appendix B
turbulent flow separation A S M E J Fluids Engng (1981) 103
520-533 An approximative method for estimation of the
22 Bdaarin, N. N. Modelling of the characteristics of the centrifugal
compressors (in Russian) Machinostroenie, Leningrad (1983) performance of the centrifugal compressor working in new
214 operating conditions
23 Wiesner, F. J. A review of slip factors for centrifugal impellers
A S M E J Engng Power (Oct 1967) 558-567
(1) Compressor flow rate capacity
24 Casey, M. V. The effects of Reynolds number on the efficiency of
centrifugal compressor stages A S M E J Engng Gas Turbines and
Power (1985) 107 541-548 = ~2i (23)
q~2II = kv2A--2u2 li~-- 1
25 Simon, H., Bulskamper, A. On the evaluation of Reynolds
number and relative surface roughness effects on centrifugal
compressor performance based on systematic experimental IZII = VI kv2lI (12)
investigations A S M E J Engng Gas Turbines and Power (1984) kv21
106 489-501
26 Mashimo, T., Watanabe, I., Ariga, I. Effects of the Reynolds (2) Compressor efficiency
number on performance characteristic of centrifugal compres-
sor, with special reference to configuration of impellers A S M E T]II = rhk ~ (24)
J Engng Power (July 1975) 361 368
27 Ris, V. F. Centrifugal compressor machines (in Russian) k, = k~tk,zk,3k.~ (25)
Machinostroenie Leningrad (1981) 347
k, is the efficiency correction coefficient which comprises:
Appendix A k,1 --influence of the Reynolds number on the friction
losses 24,25
Derivation of the equations for same centrifugal stage k ~ 2 - influence of the diffusion ratio on the separated
parameters secondary flow losses 26'27
(1) Impeller cascade outlet flowrate coefficient ko3 - - influence of the shock entrance on the shock
losses 26,27
V2 V Cm2 k v 4 - influence of the Mach number on the transonic
. . . . . 14)
~b2 A2u2 kv2A2u2 U2 flow losses 22
(2) Theoretical work coefficient
If the critical flow phenomena are not strongly expressed,
and/or there is not enough data, then a simple
~t kl - k2q~2ctg f12; ~t P's~ dependence between k~ and Mu can be applied 7.
(3) Effective work coefficient
(3) Euler compression work ~bn = ~bikv, (26)
l = u2e2u 16) k v = k~tk , (27)
(4) Theoretical work coefficient for an ideal impeller, k~ is effective work correction coefficient which com-
prises the efficiency correction (ko) and the influence of
f ~ = 1 - 4~2ctg/32 (17)
the Mach number on the theoretical work coefficient
(5) Slip factor #s, and slip factor coefficients kl, k2 22,23 (ket) 22; if there is not enough data. k~t = 1. and k, = k,
Refrigerating turbocompressor characteristics 389

(4) Effective c o m p r e s s i o n w o r k guide vanes. This theoretical a p p r o a c h can be a d a p t e d

for estimating the p a r a m e t e r s and p e r f o r m a n c e o f the
/eli = leIk~, (28)
centrifugal compressors operating with part load condi-
(5) Polytropic c o m p r e s s i o n w o r k tions, for partially opened inlet guide vanes. The
a d a p t a t i o n o f the scaling relationships should be
lpi I = lpik~:, (29) connected with correction o f E q u a t i o n (16) for the
(6) Pressure ratio Euler compression work:

[crR~oTo(H 1/'I - 1)]n = [oR~oTo(I] 1/a' - |)Ilk, (30) 1 = u2C2u - UlClu (34)
and also with additional losses in the inlet guide vanes.
I]i1 = [(Ill/a' - l]a o-Ii~ii#
l ' I k,~', + 1] (13)

(7) I f the centrifugal c o m p r e s s o r is two stage, then the

Appendix C
procedure for estimation should be realised for each
stage separately.
Examples shown in Figures 2 and 3
Usually the c o m p r e s s o r stage pressure ratio (IIs) is Example 1
equal for the b o t h stages. With this a s s u m p t i o n the new CFC12; to = 0°C; tc = 40°C; ~ II = 3.106
pressure ratio can be a p p r o x i m a t e l y estimated as follows: Figure 2: Mu = 1.34; u2 = 196 m s-l; le = 23.1 kJ kg -l
Qo = 10 M W ; c = 0.485 m 3 M J 1
Hsll = IIsZl = Hsl = ~ (31) Figure 3: I) = 4.85 m 3 s -l (Mu = 1.34; b2 = 0.04) =~
D 2 = 655 m m ; n = 5705 rev min -~
[Iil ~ I~slllrIs211 = 1-Is21 (32)
I 2crll Example 2
iiii = (Hl/2ox _ la aI~0l#n k + 1 (33) C F C l l ; to = 0°C; tc = 40°C; ~ II = 4.33 =~
] O-1i~0ii#1 ~' ~ F i g u r e 2 : M u = 1.55;u 2 = 2 1 2 m s 1;l e = 2 6 . 9 k J k g 1
(8) The analysis o f the refrigerating centrifugal compres- Q0 = 1 M W ; . c = 2.604 m 3 M J -l
sors given in this p a p e r c o r r e s p o n d to the full load Figure 3: V = 2.604 m 3 s -1, (Mu = 1.55; b2 = 0.04)
conditions o f the compressor, for 100% opened inlet D, = 417 m m ; n = 9715 r e v m i n -1

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