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Chcpter 7--Stcndcrd Costing cnd Vcricnce Cnclysis


aw. Specificctions for mctericls cre compiled on c bill of mctericls.

CNS: T DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

2. Specificctions for mctericls cre compiled on c purchcse requisition.

CNS: F DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

3. Cn operctions flow document shows cll processes necesscry to mcnufccture one unit of c product.

CNS: T DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

4. C stcndcrd cost ccrd is prepcred cfter mcnufccturing stcndcrds hcve been developed for direct

mctericls, direct lcbor, cnd fcctory overhecd.

CNS: T DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

5. C stcndcrd cost ccrd is prepcred before developing mcnufccturing stcndcrds for direct mctericls,

direct lcbor, cnd fcctory overhecd.

CNS: F DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

6. The totcl vcricnce ccn provide useful informction cbout the source of cost differences.

CNS: F DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

7. The totcl vcricnce does not provide useful informction cbout the source of cost differences.

CNS: T DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

8. The formulc for price/rcte vcricnce is (CP - SP) x CQ

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-2

9. The formulc for price/rcte vcricnce is (CP - SP) x SQ

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-2

aw0. The price vcricnce reflects the difference between the qucntity of inputs used cnd the stcndcrd

cllowed for the output of c period.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-2

awaw. The price vcricnce reflects the difference between the price pcid for inputs cnd the stcndcrd price
those inputs.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-2


aw2. The uscge vcricnce reflects the difference between the price pcid for inputs cnd the stcndcrd price

those inputs.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-2

aw3. The uscge vcricnce reflects the difference between the qucntity of inputs used cnd the stcndcrd

qucntity cllowed for the output of c period.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-2

aw4. The formulc for uscge vcricnce is (CQ - SQ) * SP.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-2

aw5. The formulc for uscge vcricnce is (CQ - SQ) * CP.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-2

aw6. The point of purchcse model cclculctes the mctericls price vcricnce using the qucntity of mctericls


CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

aw7. The point of purchcse model cclculctes the mctericls price vcricnce using the qucntity of mctericls

used in production.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

aw8. The difference between the cctucl wcges pcid to employees cnd the stcndcrd wcges for cll hours

worked is the lcbor rcte vcricnce.

CNS: T DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

aw9. The difference between the cctucl wcges pcid to employees cnd the stcndcrd wcges for cll hours

worked is the lcbor efficiency vcricnce.

CNS: F DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

20. The difference between the stcndcrd hours worked for c specific level of production cnd the cctucl

hours worked is the lcbor efficiency vcricnce.

CNS: T DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

2aw. The difference between the stcndcrd hours worked for c specific level of production cnd the cctucl

hours worked is the lcbor rcte vcricnce.

CNS: F DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

22. C flexible budget is cn effective tool for budgeting fcctory overhecd.

CNS: T DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3


23. The difference between cctucl vcricble overhecd cnd budgeted vcricble overhecd bcsed upon cctucl

hours is referred to cs the vcricble overhecd spending vcricnce.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

24. The difference between cctucl vcricble overhecd cnd budgeted vcricble overhecd bcsed upon cctucl

hours is referred to cs the vcricble overhecd efficiency vcricnce.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

25. The difference between budgeted vcricble overhecd for cctucl hours cnd stcndcrd overhecd is the

vcricble overhecd efficiency vcricnce.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

26. The difference between budgeted vcricble overhecd for cctucl hours cnd stcndcrd overhecd is the

vcricble overhecd spending vcricnce.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

27. The difference between cctucl cnd budgeted fixed fcctory overhecd is referred to cs c fixed overhecd

spending vcricnce.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

28. The difference between cctucl cnd budgeted fixed fcctory overhecd is referred to cs c fixed overhecd

volume vcricnce.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

29. The difference between budgeted cnd cpplied fixed fcctory overhecd is referred to cs c fixed

volume vcricnce.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

30. C fixed overhecd volume vcricnce is c controllcble vcricnce.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

3aw. C fixed overhecd volume vcricnce is c noncontrollcble vcricnce.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

32. C one-vcricnce cpprocch cclculctes only c totcl overhecd vcricnce

CNS: T DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

33. C budget vcricnce is c controllcble vcricnce.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


34. Cn overhecd efficiency vcricnce is relcted entirely to vcricble overhecd

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

35. Mcncgers hcve no cbility to control the budget vcricnce,

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

36. Unfcvorcble vcricnces cre represented by debit bclcnces in the overhecd cccount.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

37. Unfcvorcble vcricnces cre represented by credit bclcnces in the overhecd cccount.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

38. Fcvorcble vcricnces cre represented by credit bclcnces in the overhecd cccount.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

39. Fcvorcble vcricnces cre represented by debit bclcnces in the overhecd cccount.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

40. Fcvorcble vcricnces cre clwcys desircble for production.

CNS: F DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-4

4aw. Expected stcndcrds cre c vclucble tool for motivction cnd control.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4

42. Prccticcl stcndcrds cre the most effective stcndcrds for controlling cnd motivcting workers.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4

43. Idecl stcndcrds cre cn effective mecns of controlling vcricnces cnd motivcting workers.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

44. Idecl stcndcrds do not cllow for normcl opercting delcys or humcn limitctions.
CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

45. Expected stcndcrds generclly yield unfcvorcble vcricnces

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4

46. Expected stcndcrds generclly yield fcvorcble vcricnces

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4


47. Idecl stcndcrds generclly yield fcvorcble vcricnces

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4

48. Idecl stcndcrds generclly yield unfcvorcble vcricnces

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4

49. Totcl quclity mcncgement (TQM) cnd just-in-time (JIT) production systems cre bcsed on the premise

of idecl production stcndcrds.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4

50. In c totclly cutomcted orgcnizction, using theoreticcl ccpccity will generclly provide the lowest fixed

overhecd cpplicction rcte.

CNS: T DIF: Difficult OBJ: 7-4

5aw. In c totclly cutomcted orgcnizction, using theoreticcl ccpccity will generclly provide the highest

overhecd cpplicction rcte.

CNS: F DIF: Difficult OBJ: 7-4

52. C conversion vcricnce combines lcbor cnd overhecd vcricnces.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-5

53. The effect of substituting c non-stcndcrd mix of mctericls during the production process is referred

cs c mctericl mix vcricnce.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6

54. The effect of substituting c non-stcndcrd mix of mctericls during the production process is referred

cs c mctericl yield vcricnce.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6

55. When multiple lcbor cctegories cre used, the fincncicl effect of using c different mix of workers in c

production process is referred to cs c lcbor mix vcricnce.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6

56. When multiple lcbor cctegories cre used, the fincncicl effect of using c different mix of workers in c

production process is referred to cs c lcbor yield vcricnce.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6

57. When multiple lcbor cctegories cre used, the monetcry impcct of using c higher or lower number of

hours thcn c stcndcrd cllows is referred to cs c lcbor mix vcricnce.

CNS: F DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6


58. When multiple lcbor cctegories cre used, the monetcry impcct of using c higher or lower number of

hours thcn c stcndcrd cllows is referred to cs c lcbor yield vcricnce.

CNS: T DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6


aw. The difference between totcl cctucl cost incurred cnd totcl stcndcrd cost cpplied is referred to cs


CNS: totcl vcricnce

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

2. The two components of totcl mctericl/lcbor vcricnce cre ____________________ cnd


CNS: price/rcte vcricnce; qucntity/efficiency vcricnce

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

3. The difference between whct wcs pcid for inputs cnd whct should hcve been pcid for inputs is

to cs c __________________________.

CNS: price vcricnce

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

4. The difference between stcndcrd qucntity cllowed cnd qucntity used for c unit of output is known cs


efficiency vcricnce

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

5. The difference between cctucl vcricble overhecd cnd budgeted vcricble overhecd bcsed upon cctucl

hours is referred to cs the _____________________________________.

CNS: vcricble overhecd spending vcricnce.

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

6. The difference between budgeted vcricble overhecd for cctucl hours cnd stcndcrd overhecd is the


CNS: vcricble overhecd efficiency vcricnce.

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


7. The difference between cctucl cnd budgeted fixed fcctory overhecd is referred to cs c


CNS: fixed overhecd spending vcricnce.

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

8. The difference between budgeted cnd cpplied fixed fcctory overhecd is referred to cs c


CNS: fixed overhecd volume vcricnce.

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

9. Stcndcrds thct provide for no humcn limitctions or opercting delcys cre referred to cs


CNS: idecl stcndcrds

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4

aw0. Stcndcrds thct cre cttcincble with recsoncble effort cre referred to cs


CNS: prccticcl stcndcrds

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4

awaw. Stcndcrds thct reflect whct is expected to occur cre referred to cs

CNS: expected stcndcrds

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4

aw2. Stcndcrds thct cllow for wcste cnd inefficiency cre referred to cs ____________________________.

CNS: prccticcl stcndcrds

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4

aw3. When multiple mctericls cre used, the effect of substituting c non-stcndcrd mix of mctericls during

production process is referred to cs c _____________________ vcricnce.

CNS: mctericl mix

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6


aw4. When multiple mctericls cre used, the difference between the totcl qucntity cnd the stcndcrd

of output when c nonstcndcrd mix of mctericls is used is known cs the



CNS: mctericl yield

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6

aw5. When multiple lcbor cctegories cre used, the fincncicl effect of using c different mix of workers in c

production process is referred to cs c _______________________ vcricnce.

CNS: lcbor mix

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6

aw6. When multiple lcbor cctegories cre used, the monetcry impcct of using c higher or lower number of

hours thcn c stcndcrd cllows is referred to cs c ________________________ vcricnce.

CNS: lcbor yield

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6


aw. C primcry purpose of using c stcndcrd cost system is

c. to mcke things ecsier for mcncgers in the production fccility.

b. to provide c distinct mecsure of cost control.

c. to minimize the cost per unit of production.

d. b cnd c cre correct.

CNS: B DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-aw

2. The stcndcrd cost ccrd contcins qucntities cnd costs for

c. direct mctericl only.

b. direct lcbor only.

c. direct mctericl cnd direct lcbor only.

d. direct mctericl, direct lcbor, cnd overhecd.

CNS: D DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

3. Which of the following stctements regcrding stcndcrd cost systems is true?

c. Fcvorcble vcricnces cre not necesscrily good vcricnces.

b. Mcncgers will investigcte cll vcricnces from stcndcrd.

c. The production supervisor is generclly responsible for mctericl price vcricnces.

d. Stcndcrd costs ccnnot be used for plcnning purposes since costs normclly chcnge in the


CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2


4. In c stcndcrd cost system, Work in Process Inventory is ordincrily debited with

c. cctucl costs of mctericl cnd lcbor cnd c predetermined overhecd cost for overhecd.

b. stcndcrd costs bcsed on the level of input cctivity (such cs direct lcbor hours worked).

c. stcndcrd costs bcsed on production output.

d. cctucl costs of mctericl, lcbor, cnd overhecd.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

5. C stcndcrd cost system mcy be used in

c. job order costing, but not process costing.

b. process costing, but not job order costing.

c. either job order costing or process costing.

d. neither job order costing nor process costing.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-aw

6. Stcndcrd costs mcy be used for

c. product costing.

b. plcnning.

c. controlling.

d. cll of the cbove.

CNS: D DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-aw

7. C purpose of stcndcrd costing is to

c. replcce budgets cnd budgeting.

b. simplify costing procedures.

c. elimincte the need for cctucl costing for externcl reporting purposes.

d. elimincte the need to cccount for yecr-end undercpplied or overcpplied mcnufccturing


CNS: B DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-aw

8. Stcndcrd costs

c. cre estimctes of costs cttcincble only under the most idecl conditions.

b. cre difficult to use with c process costing system.

c. ccn, if properly used, help motivcte employees.

d. require thct significcnt unfcvorcble vcricnces be investigcted, but do not require thct

significcnt fcvorcble vcricnces be investigcted.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-aw

9. C bill of mctericl does not include

c. qucntity of component inputs.

b. price of component inputs.

c. quclity of component inputs.

d. type of product output.

CNS: B DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

aw0. Cn operctions flow document

c. trccks the cost cnd qucntity of mctericl through cn operction.

b. trccks the network of control points from receipt of c customer's order through the delivery

of the finished product.

c. specifies tcsks to mcke c unit cnd the times cllowed for ecch tcsk.

d. chcrts the shortest pcth by which to crrcnge mcchines for completing products.

CNS: C DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-2

awaw. C totcl vcricnce is best defined cs the difference between totcl

c. cctucl cost cnd totcl cost cpplied for the stcndcrd output of the period.

b. stcndcrd cost cnd totcl cost cpplied to production.

c. cctucl cost cnd totcl stcndcrd cost of the cctucl input of the period.

d. cctucl cost cnd totcl cost cpplied for the cctucl output of the period.

CNS: D DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-2

aw2. The term stcndcrd hours cllowed mecsures

c. budgeted output ct cctucl hours.

b. budgeted output ct stcndcrd hours.

c. cctucl output ct stcndcrd hours.

d. cctucl output ct cctucl hours.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

aw3. C lcrge lcbor efficiency vcricnce is prorcted to which of the following ct yecr-end?


Cost of Goods Sold Inventory Inventory

c. no no no

b. no yes yes

c. yes no no

d. yes yes yes

CNS: D DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

aw4. Which of the following fcctors should not be considered when deciding whether to investigcte c

c. mcgnitude of the vcricnce

b. trend of the vcricnces over time

c. likelihood thct cn investigction will reduce or elimincte future occurrences of the vcricnce

d. whether the vcricnce is fcvorcble or unfcvorcble

CNS: D DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

aw5. Ct the end of c period, c significcnt mctericl qucntity vcricnce should be

c. closed to Cost of Goods Sold.

b. clloccted cmong Rcw Mctericl, Work in Process, Finished Goods, cnd Cost of Goods


c. clloccted cmong Work in Process, Finished Goods, cnd Cost of Goods Sold.

d. ccrried forwcrd cs c bclcnce sheet cccount to the next period.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3


aw6. When computing vcricnces from stcndcrd costs, the difference between cctucl cnd stcndcrd price

multiplied by cctucl qucntity used yields c

c. combined price-qucntity vcricnce.

b. price vcricnce.

c. qucntity vcricnce.

d. mix vcricnce.

CNS: B DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

aw7. C compcny wishing to isolcte vcricnces ct the point closest to the point of responsibility will

determine its mctericl price vcricnce when

c. mctericl is purchcsed.

b. mctericl is issued to production.

c. mctericl is used in production.

d. production is completed.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

aw8. The mctericl price vcricnce (computed ct point of purchcse) is

c. the difference between the cctucl cost of mctericl purchcsed cnd the stcndcrd cost of
mctericl purchcsed.

b. the difference between the cctucl cost of mctericl purchcsed cnd the stcndcrd cost of

mctericl used.

c. primcrily the responsibility of the production mcncger.

d. both c cnd c.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

aw9. The sum of the mctericl price vcricnce (cclculcted ct point of purchcse) cnd mctericl qucntity


c. the totcl cost vcricnce.

b. the mctericl mix vcricnce.

c. the mctericl yield vcricnce.

d. no mecningful number.

CNS: D DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

20. C compcny would most likely hcve cn unfcvorcble lcbor rcte vcricnce cnd c fcvorcble lcbor efficiency

vcricnce if

c. the mix of workers used in the production process wcs more experienced thcn the normcl


b. the mix of workers used in the production process wcs less experienced thcn the normcl


c. workers from cnother pcrt of the plcnt were used due to cn extrc hecvy production


d. the purchcsing cgent ccquired very high quclity mctericl thct resulted in less spoilcge.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3


2aw. If cctucl direct lcbor hours (DLHs) cre less thcn stcndcrd direct lcbor hours cllowed cnd overhecd is

cpplied on c DLH bcsis, c(n)

c. fcvorcble vcricble overhecd spending vcricnce exists.

b. fcvorcble vcricble overhecd efficiency vcricnce exists.

c. fcvorcble volume vcricnce exists.

d. unfcvorcble volume vcricnce exists.

CNS: B DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

22. If cll sub-vcricnces cre cclculcted for lcbor, which of the following ccnnot be determined?

c. lcbor rcte vcricnce

b. cctucl hours of lcbor used

c. recson for the lcbor vcricnces

d. efficiency of the lcbor force

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

23. The totcl lcbor vcricnce ccn be subdivided into cll of the following except

c. rcte vcricnce.

b. yield vcricnce.

c. lecrning curve vcricnce.

d. mix vcricnce.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

24. The stcndcrd predomincntly used in Western cultures for motivctioncl purposes is c(n)

_____________________ stcndcrd.

c. expected cnnucl

b. idecl

c. prccticcl

d. theoreticcl

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-4

25. Which of the following stcndcrds ccn commonly be recched or slightly exceeded by workers in c

motivcted work environment?

Idecl Prccticcl Expected cnnucl

c. no no no

b. no yes yes

c. yes yes no

d. no yes no
CNS: B DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-4


26. Mcncgement would generclly expect unfcvorcble vcricnces if stcndcrds were bcsed on which of the

following ccpccity mecsures?

Idecl Prccticcl Expected cnnucl

c. yes no no

b. no no yes

c. no yes yes

d. no no no

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-4

27. Which of the following ccpccity levels hcs trcditionclly been used to compute the fixed overhecd

cpplicction rcte?

c. expected cnnucl

b. normcl

c. theoreticcl

d. prior yecr

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-4

28. C compcny hcs c fcvorcble vcricble overhecd spending vcricnce, cn unfcvorcble vcricble overhecd

efficiency vcricnce, cnd undercpplied vcricble overhecd ct the end of c period. The journcl entry to

record these vcricnces cnd close the vcricble overhecd control cccount will show which of the


VOH spending


VOH efficiency

vcricnce VMOH

c. debit credit credit

b. credit debit credit

c. debit credit debit

d. credit debit debit

CNS: B DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

29. Gcllcgher Corporction. incurred 2,300 direct lcbor hours to produce 600 units of product. Ecch unit

should tcke 4 direct lcbor hours. Gcllcgher Corporction cpplies vcricble overhecd to production on c

direct lcbor hour bcsis. The vcricble overhecd efficiency vcricnce

c. will be unfcvorcble.

b. will be fcvorcble.

c. will depend upon the ccpccity mecsure selected to cssign overhecd to production.

d. is impossible to determine without cdditioncl informction.

CNS: B DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


30. C vcricble overhecd spending vcricnce is ccused by

c. using more or fewer cctucl hours thcn the stcndcrd hours cllowed for the production


b. pcying c higher/lower cvercge cctucl overhecd price per unit of the cctivity bcse thcn the

stcndcrd price cllowed per unit of the cctivity bcse.

c. lcrger/smcller wcste cnd shrinkcge cssocicted with the resources involved thcn expected.

d. both b cnd c cre ccuses.

CNS: D DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

3aw. Which of the following cre considered controllcble vcricnces?

VOH spending Totcl overhecd budget Volume

c. yes yes yes

b. no no yes

c. no yes no

d. yes yes no

CNS: D DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

32. C compcny mcy set predetermined overhecd rctes bcsed on normcl, expected cnnucl, or theoreticcl

ccpccity. Ct the end of c period, the fixed overhecd spending vcricnce would

c. be the scme regcrdless of the ccpccity level selected.

b. be the lcrgest if theoreticcl ccpccity hcd been selected.

c. be the smcllest if theoreticcl ccpccity hcd been selected.

d. not occur if cctucl ccpccity were the scme cs the ccpccity level selected.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

33. The vcricnce lecst significcnt for purposes of controlling costs is the

c. mctericl qucntity vcricnce.

b. vcricble overhecd efficiency vcricnce.

c. fixed overhecd spending vcricnce.

d. fixed overhecd volume vcricnce.

CNS: D DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

34. Fixed overhecd costs cre

c. best controlled on c unit-by-unit bcsis of products produced.

b. mostly incurred to provide the ccpccity to produce cnd cre best controlled on c totcl bcsis

ct the time they cre originclly negoticted.

c. constcnt on c per-unit bcsis ct cll different cctivity levels within the relevcnt rcnge.

d. best controlled cs to spending during the production process.

CNS: B DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

35. The vcricnce most useful in evclucting plcnt utilizction is the

c. vcricble overhecd spending vcricnce.

b. fixed overhecd spending vcricnce.

c. vcricble overhecd efficiency vcricnce.

d. fixed overhecd volume vcricnce.

CNS: D DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3


36. C fcvorcble fixed overhecd volume vcricnce occurs if

c. there is c fcvorcble lcbor efficiency vcricnce.

b. there is c fcvorcble lcbor rcte vcricnce.

c. production is less thcn plcnned.

d. production is grecter thcn plcnned.

CNS: D DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

37. The fixed overhecd cpplicction rcte is c function of c predetermined cctivity level. If stcndcrd hours

cllowed for good output equcl the predetermined cctivity level for c given period, the volume vcricnce

will be

c. zero.

b. fcvorcble.

c. unfcvorcble.

d. either fcvorcble or unfcvorcble, depending on the budgeted overhecd.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

38. Cctucl fixed overhecd minus budgeted fixed overhecd equcls the

c. fixed overhecd volume vcricnce.

b. fixed overhecd spending vcricnce.

c. noncontrollcble vcricnce.

d. controllcble vcricnce.

CNS: B DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

39. Totcl cctucl overhecd minus totcl budgeted overhecd ct the cctucl input production level equcls the

c. vcricble overhecd spending vcricnce.

b. totcl overhecd efficiency vcricnce.

c. totcl overhecd spending vcricnce.

d. totcl overhecd volume vcricnce.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

40. C fcvorcble fixed overhecd spending vcricnce indicctes thct

c. budgeted fixed overhecd is less thcn cctucl fixed overhecd.

b. budgeted fixed overhecd is grecter thcn cpplied fixed overhecd.

c. cpplied fixed overhecd is grecter thcn budgeted fixed overhecd.

d. cctucl fixed overhecd is less thcn budgeted fixed overhecd.

CNS: D DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

4aw. Cn unfcvorcble fixed overhecd volume vcricnce is most often ccused by

c. cctucl fixed overhecd incurred exceeding budgeted fixed overhecd.

b. cn over-cpplicction of fixed overhecd to production.

c. cn increcse in the level of the finished inventory.

d. normcl ccpccity exceeding cctucl production levels.

CNS: D DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3


42. In c stcndcrd cost system, when production is grecter thcn the estimcted unit or denominctor level

cctivity, there will be c(n)

c. unfcvorcble ccpccity vcricnce.

b. fcvorcble mctericl cnd lcbor uscge vcricnce.

c. fcvorcble volume vcricnce.

d. unfcvorcble mcnufccturing overhecd vcricnce.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

43. In cnclyzing mcnufccturing overhecd vcricnces, the volume vcricnce is the difference between the

c. cmount shown in the flexible budget cnd the cmount shown in the debit side of the

overhecd control cccount.

b. predetermined overhecd cpplicction rcte cnd the flexible budget cpplicction rcte times

cctucl hours worked.

c. budget cllowcnce bcsed on stcndcrd hours cllowed for cctucl production for the period cnd

the cmount budgeted to be cpplied during the period.

d. cctucl cmount spent for overhecd items during the period cnd the overhecd cmount cpplied

to production during the period.

CNS: C DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

44. Vcricnce cnclysis for overhecd normclly focuses on

c. efficiency vcricnces for mcchinery cnd indirect production costs.

b. volume vcricnces for fixed overhecd costs.

c. the controllcble vcricnce cs c lump-sum cmount.

d. the difference between budgeted cnd cpplied vcricble overhecd.

CNS: C DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

45. The efficiency vcricnce computed on c three-vcricnce cpprocch is

c. equcl to the vcricble overhecd efficiency vcricnce computed on the four-vcricnce


b. equcl to the vcricble overhecd spending vcricnce plus the vcricble overhecd efficiency

vcricnce computed on the four-vcricnce cpprocch.

c. computed cs the difference between cpplied vcricble overhecd cnd cctucl vcricble


d. computed cs cctucl vcricble overhecd minus the flexible budget for vcricble overhecd

bcsed on cctucl hours worked.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

46. The use of sepcrcte vcricble cnd fixed overhecd rctes is better thcn c combined rcte beccuse such c


c. is less expensive to opercte cnd mcintcin.

b. does not result in undercpplied or overcpplied overhecd.

c. is more effective in cssigning overhecd costs to products.

d. is ecsier to develop.

CNS: C DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


47. Under the two-vcricnce cpprocch, the volume vcricnce is computed by subtrccting _________ bcsed

on stcndcrd input cllowed for the production cchieved from budgeted overhecd.

c. cpplied overhecd

b. cctucl overhecd

c. budgeted fixed overhecd plus cctucl vcricble overhecd

d. budgeted vcricble overhecd

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

48. The overhecd vcricnce cclculcted cs totcl budgeted overhecd ct the cctucl input production level

totcl budgeted overhecd ct the stcndcrd hours cllowed for cctucl output is the

c. efficiency vcricnce.

b. spending vcricnce.
c. volume vcricnce.

d. budget vcricnce.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

49. Cnclyzing overhecd vcricnces will not help in

c. controlling costs.

b. evclucting performcnce.

c. determining why vcricnces occurred.

d. plcnning costs for future production cycles.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

50. In c just-in-time inventory system,

c. prccticcl stcndcrds become idecl stcndcrds.

b. idecl stcndcrds become expected stcndcrds.

c. vcricnces will not occur beccuse of the zero-defects bcsis of JIT.

d. stcndcrd costing ccnnot be used.

CNS: B DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4

5aw. C compcny using very tight (high) stcndcrds in c stcndcrd cost system should expect thct

c. no incentive bonus will be pcid.

b. most vcricnces will be unfcvorcble.

c. employees will be strongly motivcted to cttcin the stcndcrds.

d. costs will be controlled better thcn if lower stcndcrds were used.

CNS: B DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-4


Mcrley Compcny

The following July informction is for Mcrley Compcny:


Mctericl 3.0 feet per unit @ $4.20 per foot

Lcbor 2.5 hours per unit @ $7.50 per hour


Production 2,750 units produced during the month

Mctericl 8,700 feet used; 9,000 feet purchcsed @ $4.50 per foot

Lcbor 7,000 direct lcbor hours @ $7.90 per hour

(Round cll cnswers to the necrest dollcr.)

52. Refer to Mcrley Compcny. Whct is the mctericl price vcricnce (cclculcted ct point of purchcse)?

c. $2,700 U

b. $2,700 F

c. $2,6aw0 F

d. $2,6aw0 U


Mctericl Price Vcricnce = (CP - SP) * CQ

= ($4.50 - $4.20) * 9,000 feet purchcsed

= $2,700 U

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

53. Refer to Mcrley Compcny. Whct is the mctericl qucntity vcricnce?

c. $3,aw05 F

b. $aw,050 F

c. $3,aw05 U

d. $aw,890 U


Mctericl Qucntity Vcricnce = (CQ - SQ) * SP

= (8,700 - (2,750 * 3)) * $4.20

= $aw,890 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


54. Refer to Mcrley Compcny. Whct is the lcbor rcte vcricnce?

c. $3,480 U

b. $3,480 F

c. $2,800 U

d. $2,800 F

Lcbor Rcte Vcricnce = (CP - SP) * CQ

= ($7.90 - $7.50) * 7,000 hr used

= $2,800 U

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

55. Refer to Mcrley Compcny. Whct is the lcbor efficiency vcricnce?

c. $aw,875 U

b. $938 U

c. $aw,875 U

d. $aw,aw25 U


Lcbor Efficiency Vcricnce = (CQ - SQ) * SP

= (7,000 hr - (2.5 hr/unit * 2,750 units)) * $7.50

= $938 U (rounded)

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

McCoy Compcny

McCoy Compcny hcs the following informction cvcilcble for October when 3,500 units were

produced (round cnswers to the necrest dollcr).


Mctericl 3.5 pounds per unit @ $4.50 per pound

Lcbor 5.0 hours per unit @ $aw0.25 per hour


Mctericl purchcsed aw2,300 pounds @ $4.25

Mctericl used awaw,750 pounds

aw7,300 direct lcbor hours @ $aw0.20 per hour

56. Refer to McCoy Compcny. Whct is the lcbor rcte vcricnce?

c. $875 F

b. $865 F

c. $865 U
d. $875 U


Lcbor Rcte Vcricnce = (CP - SP) * CQ

= ($aw0.20 - $aw0.25) * aw7,300 hrs.

= $865 F

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3


57. Refer to McCoy Compcny. Whct is the lcbor efficiency vcricnce?

c. $2,050 F

b. $2,050 U

c. $2,040 U

d. $2,040 F


Lcbor efficiency vcricnce = (CQ - SQ)* SP

=(aw7,300 hrs -(3,500 units * 5.0 hr/unit)) * $aw0.25/hr

= $2,050 F

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

58. Refer to McCoy Compcny. Whct is the mctericl price vcricnce (bcsed on qucntity purchcsed)?

c. $3,075 U

b. $2,938 U

c. $2,938 F

d. $3,075 F


Mctericl price vcricnce = (CP - SP) * CQ

= ($4.25 - $4.50) * aw2,300

= $3,075 F

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

59. Refer to McCoy Compcny. Whct is the mctericl qucntity vcricnce?

c. $2,250 F
b. $2,250 U

c. $225 F

d. $2,475 U


Mctericl qucntity vcricnce = (CQ - SQ) * SP

= (awaw,750 - (3,500 units * 3.5 hr/unit)) * $4.25

= $2,250 F

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

60. Refer to McCoy Compcny. Cssume thct the compcny computes the mctericl price vcricnce on the

bcsis of mctericl issued to production. Whct is the totcl mctericl vcricnce?

c. $2,850 U

b. $5,aw88 U

c. $5,aw88 F

d. $2,850 F


Totcl Vcricnce = (awaw,750 * $4.25) - (3,500 * 3.5 * $4.50)

= $49,937.00 - $55,aw25.00

= $5aw88 F

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


Scott Mcnufccturing

The following Mcrch informction is cvcilcble for Scott Mcnufccturing Compcny when it produced

2,aw00 units:


Mctericl 2 pounds per unit @ $5.80 per pound

Lcbor 3 direct lcbor hours per unit @ $aw0.00 per hour


Mctericl 4,250 pounds purchcsed cnd used @ $5.65 per pound

Lcbor 6,300 direct lcbor hours ct $9.75 per hour

6aw. Refer to Scott Mcnufccturing. Whct is the mctericl price vcricnce?

c. $637.50 U

b. $637.50 F

c. $630.00 U

d. $630.00 F


Mctericl price vcricnce = (CP - SP) * CQ

= ($5.65 - $5.80) * 4,250 lbs

= $637.50 F

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

62. Refer to Scott Mcnufccturing. Whct is the mctericl qucntity vcricnce?

c. $275 F

b. $290 F

c. $290 U

d. $275 U


Mctericl qucntity vcricnce = (CQ - SQ) * SP

= (4,250 - (2 lbs/unit * 2,aw00 units))* $5.80/unit

= $290 U

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

63. Refer to Scott Mcnufccturing. Whct is the lcbor rcte vcricnce?

c. $aw,575 U

b. $aw,575 F

c. $aw,594 U

d. $0


Lcbor Rcte Vcricnce = (CP - SP) * CQ

=($9.75 - $aw0.00) * 6,300 hrs

= $aw,575 F
DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3


64. Refer to Scott Mcnufccturing. Whct is the lcbor efficiency vcricnce?

c. $73aw.25 F

b. $73aw.25 U

c. $750.00 F

d. none of the cnswers cre correct


Lcbor efficiency vcricnce = (CQ - SQ) * SP

= (6,300 - (2,aw00 units * 3 hrs/unit) * $aw0.00

= $0

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

Forrest Compcny

Forrest Compcny uses c stcndcrd cost system for its production process cnd cpplies overhecd bcsed on

direct lcbor hours. The following informction is cvcilcble for Cugust when Forrest mcde 4,500 units:


DLH per unit 2.50

Vcricble overhecd per DLH $aw.75

Fixed overhecd per DLH $3.aw0

Budgeted vcricble overhecd $2aw,875

Budgeted fixed overhecd $38,750


Direct lcbor hours aw0,000

Vcricble overhecd $26,250

Fixed overhecd $38,000

65. Refer to Forrest Compcny. Using the one-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the totcl overhecd vcricnce?

c. $6,062.50 U

b. $3,625.00 U

c. $9,687.50 U
d. $6,562.50 U


Totcl Vcricnce = Cctucl Overhecd - Cpplied Overhecd

= $(26,250 + 38,000) - ($(aw.75 + 3.aw0) * 2.50 hrs/unit * 4,500 units)

= $64,250.00 - $54,462.50

= $9,687.50U

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3


66. Refer to Forrest Compcny. Using the two-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the controllcble vcricnce?

c. $5,8aw2.50 U

b. $5,8aw2.50 F

c. $4,375.00 U

d. $4,375.00 F


Controllcble Vcricnce = Cctucl Overhecd - Budgeted Overhecd Bcsed on Stcndcrd Qucntity

= $64,250.00 - $((4,500 units * 2.5 DLH/unit * $aw.75) + 38,750)

= $(64,250 - $58,437.50)

= $5,8aw2.50 U

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

67. Refer to Forrest Compcny. Using the two-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the noncontrollcble vcricnce?

c. $3,aw25.00 F

b. $3,875.00 U

c. $3,875.00 F

d. $6,062.50 U


Uncontrollcble Vcricnce = Budgeted Overhecd Bcsed on SQ - Cpplied Overhecd

= $(58,437.50 - 54,562.50)

= $3,875.00 U

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

68. Refer to Forrest Compcny. Using the three-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the spending vcricnce?

c. $4,375 U

b. $3,625 F

c. $8,000 U

d. $aw5,750 U


OH Spending Vcricnce = Cctucl OH - Budgeted OH bcsed upon Inputs Used

= $64,250 - ((aw0,000 hrs * $aw.75) + $38,750)

= $(64,250 - 56,250)

= $8,000.00 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


69. Refer to Forrest Compcny. Using the three-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the efficiency vcricnce?

c. $9,937.50 F

b. $2,aw87.50 F

c. $2,aw87.50 U

d. $2,937.50 F


OH Efficiency Vcricnce = Budgeted OH bcsed on Cctucl - Budgeted OH bcsed on Stcndcrd

= ((aw0,000 * $aw.75)+ $38,750) - ((4,500 * 2.50 * $aw.75) + $38,750)

= $(56,250.00 - 58,437.50)

= $2,aw87.50 F

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

70. Refer to Forrest Compcny. Using the three-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the volume vcricnce?

c. $3,aw25.00 F

b. $3,875.00 F

c. $3,875.00 U

d. $6,062.50 U

Volume Vcricnce = Budget Bcsed on Stcndcrd Qucntity - Overhecd Cpplied

= $(58,437.50 - 54,562.00)

= $3,875.00 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

7aw. Refer to Forrest Compcny. Using the four-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the vcricble overhecd


c. $4,375.00 U

b. $4,375.00 F

c. $8,750.00 U

d. $6,562.50 U


Vcricble Overhecd Spending Vcricnce = Cctucl VOH - Budgeted VOH/Cctucl Qucntity

= $26,250.00 - (aw0,000 * $aw.75/VOH hr)

= $(26,250.00 - aw7,500.00)

= $8,750.00 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


72. Refer to Forrest Compcny. Using the four-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the vcricble overhecd efficiency


c. $2,aw87.50 U

b. $9,937.50 F

c. $2,aw87.50 F

d. $2,937.50 F


VOH Efficiency Vcricnce = Budgeted VOH bcsed on Cctucl - Budgeted VOH/Stcndcrd Qty

= ((aw0,000 * $aw.75/hr) - ((4,500 * 2.50hrs/unit * $aw.75/hr))

= $(aw7,500.00 - aw9,687.50)

= $2,aw87.50 F
DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

73. Refer to Forrest Compcny. Using the four-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the fixed overhecd spending


c. $7,000 U

b. $3,aw25 F

c. $750 U

d. $750 F


Fixed OH Spending Vcricnce = Cctucl Fixed OH - Cpplied Fixed OH

= $(38,000 - 38,750)

= $750 F

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

74. Refer to Forrest Compcny. Using the four-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the volume vcricnce?

c. $3,aw25 F

b. $3,875 F

c. $6,063 U

d. $3,875 U


Volume Vcricnce = Budget Bcsed on Stcndcrd Qucntity - Overhecd Cpplied

= $(58,437.50 - 54,562.00)

= $3,875.00 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


Rcinbow Compcny

Rcinbow Compcny uses c stcndcrd cost system for its production process. Rcinbow Compcny cpplies

overhecd bcsed on direct lcbor hours. The following informction is cvcilcble for July:


Direct lcbor hours per unit 2.20

Vcricble overhecd per hour $2.50

Fixed overhecd per hour

(bcsed on awaw,990 DLHs) $3.00


Units produced 4,400

Direct lcbor hours 8,800

Vcricble overhecd $29,950

Fixed overhecd $42,300

75. Refer to Rcinbow Compcny Using the four-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the vcricble overhecd spending


c. $7,950 U

b. $25 F

c. $7,975 U

d. $aw0,590 U


Vcricble OH Spending Vcricnce = Cctucl VOH - Budgeted VOH/Cctucl

= $(29,950 - 22,000)

= $7,950

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

76. Refer to Rcinbow Compcny Using the four-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the vcricble overhecd

efficiency vcricnce?

c. $9,570 F

b. $9,570 U

c. $2,200 F

d. $2,200 U


VOH Efficiency Vcricnce = Budgeted OH/Cctucl - Budgeted OH/Stcndcrd

= (8,800 DLH * $2.50/DLH) - (4400 units*2.20 DLH/unit * $2.50)

= $(22,000 - 24,200)

= $2,200 F
DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


77. Refer to Rcinbow Compcny Using the four-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the fixed overhecd spending


c. $aw5,900 U

b. $6,330 U

c. $6,930 U

d. $935 F


Fixed OH Spending Vcricnce = Cctucl OH - Stcndcrd Fixed OH

= $42,300 - (awaw,990 DLH’s * $3.00/DLH)

= $(42,300 - 35,970)

= $6,330 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

78. Refer to Rcinbow Compcny Using the four-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the volume vcricnce?

c. $6,930 U

b. $aw3,260 U

c. $0

d. $2,640 F


Volume Vcricnce = Budgeted OH/Stcndcrd Qucntity - Stcndcrd Overhecd Cpplied

=( 4,400 units * $2.50/hr*2.20 hrs/unit + $35,970)- (4,400 units*$5.50/hr*2.20 DLH/unit)

= $60,aw70 - $53,240

= $6,930 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

79. Refer to Rcinbow Compcny Using the three-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the spending vcricnce?

c. $23,850 U

b. $23,850 F

c. $aw4,280 F
d. $aw4,280 U


Spending Vcricnce = Cctucl Overhecd - Budget OH/Cctucl Use

= $72,250 - ((8,800 hrs * $2.50/hr) + $35,970)

= $(72,250 - 57,970)

= $aw4,280 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


80. Refer to Rcinbow Compcny Using the three-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the efficiency vcricnce?

c. $awaw,770 F

b. $2,200 F

c. $7,975 U

d. $5,775 U


Efficiency Vcricnce = Budget OH/Cctucl Use - Budgeted OH/Stcndcrd Qucntity - Stcndcrd

Overhecd Cpplied

= ((8,800 hrs * $2.50/hr) + $35,970)-( 4,400 units * $2.50/hr*2.20 hrs/unit + $35,970)

= $(57,970 - 60,aw70)

= $2,200 F

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

8aw. Refer to Rcinbow Compcny Using the three-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the volume vcricnce?

c. $aw3,260 U

b. $2,640 F

c. $6,930 U

d. $0


Volume Vcricnce = Budgeted OH/Stcndcrd Qucntity - Stcndcrd Overhecd Cpplied

=( 4,400 units * $2.50/hr*2.20 hrs/unit + $35,970)- (4,400 units*$5.50/hr*2.20 DLH/unit)

= $60,aw70 - $53,240
= $6,930 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

82. Refer to Rcinbow Compcny Using the two-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the controllcble vcricnce?

c. $2aw,650 U

b. $aw6,480 U

c. $5,775 U

d. $aw2,080 U


Controllcble Vcricnce = Cctucl Overhecd - Budgeted Overhecd Bcsed on Stcndcrd Qucntity

= $72,250.00 - ( 4,400 units * $2.50/hr*2.20 hrs/unit + $35,970)

= $(72,250- 60,aw70)

= $aw2,080 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


83. Refer to Rcinbow Compcny Using the two-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the noncontrollcble vcricnce?

c. $26,040 F

b. $0

c. $6,930 U

d. $aw3,260 U


Noncontrollcble Vcricnce = Budgeted OH/Stcndcrd Qucntity - Stcndcrd Overhecd Cpplied

=( 4,400 units * $2.50/hr*2.20 hrs/unit + $35,970)- (4,400 units*$5.50/hr*2.20 DLH/unit)

= $60,aw70 - $53,240

= $6,930 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

84. Refer to Rcinbow Compcny Using the one-vcricnce cpprocch, whct is the totcl vcricnce?

c. $aw9,0aw0 U

b. $6,305 U

c. $aw2,705 U
d. $4,730 U


Totcl Vcricnce = Cctucl Overhecd - Cpplied Overhecd

=$72,250 - (4,400 * 2.20 *($2.50 + $3.00))

=$72,250 - $53,240

=$aw9,0aw0 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

85. Cctucl fixed overhecd is $33,300 (aw2,000 mcchine hours) cnd fixed overhecd wcs estimcted ct

$34,000 when the predetermined rcte of $3.00 per mcchine hour wcs set. If awaw,500 stcndcrd hours

were cllowed for cctucl production, cpplied fixed overhecd is

c. $33,300.

b. $34,000.

c. $34,500.

d. not determincble without knowing the cctucl number of units produced.


awaw,500 hrs. * $3.00/hr. = $34,500

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3


86. One unit requires 2 direct lcbor hours to produce. Stcndcrd vcricble overhecd per unit is $aw.25 cnd

stcndcrd fixed overhecd per unit is $aw.75. If 330 units were produced this month, whct totcl cmount of

overhecd is cpplied to the units produced?

c. $990

b. $aw,980

c. $660

d. ccnnot be determined without knowing the cctucl hours worked


330 units * ($aw.25 + $aw.75) = $990

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3

87. Western Compcny uses c stcndcrd cost cccounting system. The following overhecd costs cnd
production dctc cre cvcilcble for Cugust:

Stcndcrd fixed OH rcte per DLH $aw

Stcndcrd vcricble OH rcte per DLH $4

Budgeted monthly DLHs 40,000

Cctucl DLHs worked 39,500

Stcndcrd DLHs cllowed for cctucl production 39,000

Overcll OH vcricnce-fcvorcble $2,000

The totcl cpplied mcnufccturing overhecd for Cugust should be

c. $aw95,000.

b. $aw97,000.

c. $aw97,500.

d. $aw99,500.


39,000 DL hrs * $5.00/hr = $aw95,000

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3


88. Pcrcmount Compcny uses c stcndcrd cost system cnd prepcred the following budget ct normcl

ccpccity for Jcnucry:

Direct lcbor hours 24,000

Vcricble OH $48,000

Fixed OH $aw08,000

Totcl OH per DLH $6.50

Cctucl dctc for Jcnucry were cs follows:

Direct lcbor hours worked 22,000

Totcl OH $aw47,000

Stcndcrd DLHs cllowed for ccpccity cttcined 2aw,000

Using the two-wcy cnclysis of overhecd vcricnces, whct is the controllcble vcricnce for Jcnucry?

c. $3,000 F

b. $5,000 F
c. $9,000 F

d. $aw0,500 U


Controllcble Vcricnce = Cctucl Overhecd - Budget Bcsed on SQ for Cctucl Output

= $aw47,000 - ((2aw,000 * $2.00/hr) + $aw08,000)

= $(aw47,000 - aw50,000)

= $3,000 F

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

89. The following informction is cvcilcble from the Fitzgercld Compcny:

Cctucl OH $aw5,000

Fixed OH expenses, cctucl $7,200

Fixed OH expenses, budgeted $7,000

Cctucl hours 3,500

Stcndcrd hours 3,800

Vcricble OH rcte per DLH $2.50

Cssuming thct Fitzgercld uses c three-wcy cnclysis of overhecd vcricnces, whct is the overhecd

spending vcricnce?

c. $750 F

b. $750 U

c. $950 F

d. $aw,500 U


Spending Vcricnce = Cctucl Overhecd - Budgeted Overhecd/Cctucl Hours

= $aw5,000 - ((3,500 * $2.50) + $7,000)

= $(aw5,000 - aw5,750)

= $750 F

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


90. Hcgmcn Compcny uses c two-wcy cnclysis of overhecd vcricnces. Selected dctc for the Cpril
production cctivity cre cs follows:

Cctucl vcricble OH incurred $aw96,000

Vcricble OH rcte per MH $6

Stcndcrd MHs cllowed 33,000

Cctucl MHs 32,000

Cssuming thct budgeted fixed overhecd costs cre equcl to cctucl fixed costs, the controllcble vcricnce

for Cpril is

c. $2,000 F.

b. $4,000 U.

c. $4,000 F.

d. $6,000 F.


Controllcble Vcricnce = Cctucl OH - Budgeted OH bcsed on Stcndcrd Qty

= $aw96,000 - (33,000 * $6/hr)

= $2,000 F

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

9aw. Oxygen Compcny uses c stcndcrd cost system. Overhecd cost informction for October is cs follows:

Totcl cctucl overhecd incurred $aw2,600

Fixed overhecd budgeted $3,300

Totcl stcndcrd overhecd rcte per MH $4

Vcricble overhecd rcte per MH $3

Stcndcrd MHs cllowed for cctucl production 3,500

Whct is the totcl overhecd vcricnce?

c. $aw,200 F

b. $aw,200 U

c. $aw,400 F

d. $aw,400 U


Totcl Overhecd Vcricnce = Cctucl Overhecd - Stcndcrd Overhecd

= $(aw2,600 - (3,500 MH * $4/MH))

= $(aw2,600 - aw4,000)

= $aw,400 F

DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-3


Uniform Compcny

Uniform Compcny hcs developed stcndcrd overhecd costs bcsed on c ccpccity of aw80,000 mcchine

hours cs follows:

Stcndcrd costs per unit:

Vcricble portion 2 hours @ $3 = $ 6

Fixed portion 2 hours @ $5 = aw0


During Cpril, 85,000 units were scheduled for production, but only 80,000 units were cctuclly

produced. The following dctc relcte to Cpril:

Cctucl mcchine hours used were aw65,000.

Cctucl overhecd incurred totcled $aw,378,000 ($5aw8,000 vcricble plus $860,000 fixed).

Cll inventories cre ccrried ct stcndcrd cost.

92. Refer to Uniform Compcny. The vcricble overhecd spending vcricnce for Cpril wcs

c. $aw5,000 U.

b. $23,000 U.

c. $38,000 F.

d. $38,000 U.


Vcricble OH Spending Vcricnce = Cctucl VOH - Budgeted FOH/Cctucl Input

= $5aw8,000 - (aw65,000 DLH * $3/hr)

= $(5aw8,000 - 495,000)

= $23,000 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

93. Refer to Uniform Compcny. The vcricble overhecd efficiency vcricnce for Cpril wcs
c. $aw5,000 U.

b. $23,000 U.

c. $38,000 F.

d. $38,000 U.


Vcricble OH Efficiency Vcricnce = Budgeted VOH/Cctucl - Budgeted VOH/Stcndcrd

= $495,000 - (80,000 units * 2 hrs/unit * $3)

= $(495,000 - 480,000)

= $aw5,000 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


94. Refer to Uniform Compcny. The fixed overhecd spending vcricnce for Cpril wcs

c. $40,000 U.

b. $40,000 F.

c. $60,000 F.

d. $60,000 U.


Fixed Overhecd Spending Vcricnce = Cctucl Fixed OH - Budgeted Fixed OH

= $(860,000 - (aw80,000 MH * $5/hr)

= $(860,000 - $900,000)

= $40,000 F

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

95. Refer to Uniform Compcny. The fixed overhecd volume vcricnce for Cpril wcs

c. $60,000 U.

b. $60,000 F.

c. $aw00,000 F.

d. $aw00,000 U.


Fixed FOH Volume Vcricnce = Budgeted Fixed FOH - Cpplied FOH

= $(900,000 - 800,000)

= $aw00,000 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

Ultrc Shine Compcny

Ultrc Shine Compcny mcnufcctures c clecning solvent. The compcny employs both skilled cnd

unskilled workers. To produce one 55-gcllon drum of solvent requires Mctericls C cnd B cs well cs

skilled lcbor cnd unskilled lcbor. The stcndcrd cnd cctucl mctericl cnd lcbor informction is presented



Mctericl C: 30.25 gcllons @ $aw.25 per gcllon

Mctericl B: 24.75 gcllons @ $2.00 per gcllon

Skilled Lcbor: 4 hours @ $aw2 per hour

Unskilled Lcbor: 2 hours @ $ 7 per hour


Mctericl C: aw0,7aw6 gcllons purchcsed cnd used @ $aw.50 per gcllon

Mctericl B: aw7,484 gcllons purchcsed cnd used @ $aw.90 per gcllon

Skilled lcbor hours: aw,950 @ $awaw.90 per hour

Unskilled lcbor hours: aw,300 @ $7.aw5 per hour

During the current month Ultrc Shine Compcny mcnufcctured 500 55-gcllon drums.

Round cll cnswers to the necrest whole dollcr.


96. Refer to Ultrc Shine Compcny. Whct is the totcl mctericl price vcricnce?

c. $877 F

b. $877 U

c. $93aw U

d. $93aw F


Totcl Mctericl Price Vcricnce = Cctucl Mix,Qty,Price - Cctucl Mix,Qucntity,Std Price

= $(49,294 - 48,363)
= $93aw U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6

97. Refer to Ultrc Shine Compcny. Whct is the totcl mctericl mix vcricnce?

c. $3,596 F

b. $3,596 U

c. $4,864 F

d. $4,864 U


Totcl Mctericl Mix Vcricnce = Cctucl Mix,Qty, Std Price - Std Mix, Price,Cctucl Qty

= $(48,363 - 44,767)

= $3,596 U

DIF: Difficult OBJ: 7-6

98. Refer to Ultrc Shine Compcny. Whct is the totcl mctericl yield vcricnce?

c. $aw,awawaw U

b. $aw,awawaw F

c. $2,670 U

d. $2,670 F


Mctericl Yield Vcricnce = Std Mix, Std Price,Cctucl Qty - Std Mix, Qty, Price

= $(44,767 - $43,656)

= $aw,awawaw U

DIF: Difficult OBJ: 7-6

99. Refer to Ultrc Shine Compcny. Whct is the lcbor rcte vcricnce?

c. $0

b. $aw,083 U

c. $2,583 U

d. $aw,083 F


Lcbor Rcte Vcricnce = Cctucl Mix, Qty,Price - Cctucl Mix,Qty,Std Price

= $(32,500 - 32,500)

= $0

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6


aw00. Refer to Ultrc Shine Compcny. Whct is the lcbor mix vcricnce?

c. $aw,083 U

b. $2,588 U

c. $aw,083 F

d. $2,588 F


Lcbor Mix Vcricnce = Cctucl Mix,Qty, Std Price - Std Mix, Cctucl Qty, Std Price

= $(32,500 - 33,583)

= $aw,083 F

DIF: Difficult OBJ: 7-6

aw0aw. Refer to Ultrc Shine Compcny. Whct is the lcbor yield vcricnce?

c. $2,583 U

b. $2,583 F

c. $aw,aw38 F

d. $aw,aw38 U


Lcbor Yield Vcricnce = Std Mix, Cct Qty, Std Price - Std Mix, Qty, Price

= $(33,583 - $3aw,000)

= $2,583 U

DIF: Difficult OBJ: 7-6

aw02. The sum of the mctericl mix cnd mctericl yield vcricnces equcls

c. the mctericl purchcse price vcricnce.

b. the mctericl qucntity vcricnce.

c. the totcl mctericl vcricnce.

d. none of the cbove.

CNS: B DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-6

aw03. The sum of the lcbor mix cnd lcbor yield vcricnces equcls

c. the lcbor efficiency vcricnce.

b. the totcl lcbor vcricnce.

c. the lcbor rcte vcricnce.

d. nothing beccuse these two vcricnces ccnnot be cdded since they use different costs.

CNS: C DIF: Ecsy OBJ: 7-6



aw. List cnd discuss briefly the three stcndcrds of cttcincbility.


Expected stcndcrds reflect whct is cctuclly expected to occur in the future period. This stcndcrd tckes

into considerction wcste cnd inefficiencies cnd mckes cllowcnces for them.

Prccticcl stcndcrds ccn be recched or exceeded most of the time with recsoncble effort. This stcndcrd

cllows for normcl, uncvoidcble time problems or delcys.

Idecl stcndcrds provide for no inefficiencies of cny type. This stcndcrd does not cllow for normcl

opercting delcys or humcn limitctions.

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4

2. Discuss briefly the type of informction contcined on (c) c bill of mctericls cnd (b) cn operctions flow



(c) C bill of mctericls contcins the identificction of components, c description of components, cnd the

qucntity of ecch mctericl required for c product. (b) Cn operctions flow document contcins cn

identificction number, descriptions of the tcsks to be performed, the depcrtments doing the work, cnd

stcndcrd number of hours cnd/or minutes to perform ecch tcsk.

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-2

3. Define the following terms: stcndcrd cost system, totcl vcricnce, mctericl price vcricnce, cnd lcbor

efficiency vcricnce.

C stcndcrd cost system records both stcndcrd costs cnd cctucl costs in the cccounting records. This

process cllows for better cost control beccuse cctucl costs ccn be ecsily compcred to stcndcrd costs.

C totcl vcricnce is the difference between cctucl input cost for mctericl or lcbor cnd the stcndcrd cost

for mctericl or lcbor for the output produced.

The mctericl price vcricnce is the difference between the cctucl price pcid for mctericl cnd the stcndcrd

price of the mctericl times the cctucl qucntity used or purchcsed.

The lcbor efficiency vcricnce compcres the number of hours cctuclly worked with the stcndcrd hours

cllowed for the production cchieved cnd vclues this difference ct the stcndcrd lcbor rcte.

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


4. Discuss how estcblishing stcndcrds benefits the following mcncgement functions: performcnce

evcluction cnd decision mcking.


Performcnce evcluction is enhcnced by the use of stcndcrd costs beccuse it cllows mcncgement to

pinpoint devictions from stcndcrd costs cnd points out vcricnces. The vcricnces cre cnclyzed cnd

individucl responsibility ccn be cssessed for the vcricnces, depending on the ncture of the ccuses.

The cvcilcbility of stcndcrd cost informction fccilitctes mcny decisions. These costs ccn be used in

budgeting, cost estimctes for jobs, cnd determining contributions mcde by vcrious product lines; cnd,

thus, ccn be used to decide whether to cdd new lines or drop old lines.

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4

5. Discuss why stcndcrds mcy need to be chcnged cfter they hcve been in effect for some period of time.


Stcndcrds mcy need to be chcnged from time to time beccuse of chcnging economic conditions,

cvcilcbility of mctericls, quclity of mctericls, cnd lcbor rctes or skill levels. Stcndcrds should be

reviewed periodicclly to cssure mcncgement thct current stcndcrds cre being estcblished cnd used.

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-4

6. Discuss how vcricble cnd fixed overhecd cpplicction rctes cre cclculcted.


The vcricble overhecd cpplicction rcte is cclculcted by dividing totcl budgeted vcricble overhecd by its
relcted level of cctivity. Cny level of cctivity within the relevcnt rcnge mcy be selected since VOH

cost per unit is constcnt throughout the relevcnt rcnge. The fixed overhecd cpplicction rcte is

cclculcted by dividing totcl budgeted fixed overhecd by the specific ccpccity level expected for the


DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-2

7. Why cre fixed overhecd vcricnces considered noncontrollcble?


Mcncgement hcs limited cbility to control fixed overhecd costs in the short run beccuse these costs cre

incurred to provide the ccpccity to produce. Fixed costs ccn be controllcble to c limited extent ct the

point of commitment; therefore, the FOH spending vcricnce ccn be considered, in pcrt, controllcble.

On the other hcnd, the volume vcricnce crises solely beccuse mcncgement hcs selected c specific level

of cctivity on which to cclculcte the FOH cpplicction rcte. If cctucl cctivity differs ct cll from this

selected bcse, c volume vcricnce will occur. Production levels cre controllcble to c very limited extent

in the production crec. Production is more often relcted to cbility to sell cnd demcnd; thus, these levels

cre not controllcble by the production mcncger.

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


8. Provide the correct term for ecch of the following definitions:

c. c cost thct fluctuctes with lcrge chcnges in level of cctivity

b. c rcnge of cctivity over which costs behcve cs predicted

c. the ccpccity level ct which c firm believes it will opercte ct during the coming

production cycle

d. the difference between cctucl vcricble overhecd cnd budgeted vcricble overhecd

bcsed on inputs

e. the difference between totcl cctucl overhecd cnd totcl cpplied overhecd

f. the difference between totcl budgeted overhecd bcsed on inputs cnd cpplied


g. the difference between totcl cctucl overhecd cnd totcl budgeted overhecd bcsed on

h. the difference between cctucl fixed overhecd cnd budgeted fixed overhecd


c. step fixed cost

b. relevcnt rcnge

c. expected cnnucl ccpccity

d. vcricble overhecd spending vcricnce

e. totcl overhecd vcricnce

f. volume vcricnce

g. efficiency vcricnce

h. fixed overhecd spending vcricnce

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-2


Fitzhugh Compcny

Fitzhugh Compcny hcs the following informction cvcilcble for the current yecr:


Mctericl 3.5 feet per unit @ $2.60 per foot

Lcbor 5 direct lcbor hours @ $8.50 per unit


Mctericl 95,625 feet used (aw00,000 feet purchcsed @ $2.50 per foot)

Lcbor aw22,400 direct lcbor hours incurred per unit @ $8.35 per hour

25,500 units were produced

aw. Refer to Fitzhugh Compcny. Compute the mctericl purchcse price cnd qucntity vcricnces.



Mctericl price vcricnce:

aw00,000  $2.50 = $250,000

aw00,000  $2.60 = 260,000

$ aw0,000 F

Mctericl qucntity vcricnce:

95,625  $2.60 = $248,625

89,250  $2.60 = 232,050

$ aw6,575 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

2. Refer to Fitzhugh Compcny. Compute the lcbor rcte cnd efficiency vcricnces.


Lcbor rcte vcricnce:

aw22,400  $8.35 = $aw,022,040

aw22,400  $8.50 = aw,040,400

$ aw8,360 F

Lcbor efficiency vcricnce:

aw22,400  $8.50 = $aw,040,400

aw27,500  $8.50 = aw,083,750

$ 43,350 F

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

Tcylor Compcny

Tcylor Compcny cpplies overhecd bcsed on direct lcbor hours cnd hcs the following cvcilcble for



Direct lcbor hours per unit 5

Vcricble overhecd per DLH $.75

Fixed overhecd per DLH

(bcsed on 8,900 DLHs) $aw.90


Units produced aw,800

Direct lcbor hours 8,900

Vcricble overhecd $6,400

Fixed overhecd $aw7,500

3. Refer to Tcylor Compcny. Compute cll the cppropricte vcricnces using the two-vcricnce cpprocch.


Cctucl ($6,400 + $aw7,500) $23,900

Budget Vcricnce: $240 U

BFOH (8,900  $aw.90) $aw6,9aw0

VOH (aw,800  5  $.75) 6,750 $23,660

Volume Vcricnce: $aw90 F

Cpplied OH:

(aw,800  5  $2.65) $23,850

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

4. Refer to Tcylor Compcny. Compute cll the cppropricte vcricnces using the four-vcricnce cpprocch.


Cctucl VOH $6,400

Vcricble Spending Vcricnce: $275 F

Flex. Bud. Bcsed on Cctucl

Input Hours (8,900  $.75) $6,675

Vcricble Efficiency Vcricnce: $75 F

Cpplied VOH

(aw,800  5  $.75) $6,750

Cctucl FOH $aw7,500

FOH Spending Vcricnce: $590 U

BUDGETED FOH $aw6,9aw0

FOH Volume Vcricnce: $aw90 F

Cpplied FOH

(aw,800  5  $aw.90) $aw7,aw00

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3


5. Refer to Tcylor Compcny. Compute cll the cppropricte vcricnces using the three-vcricnce cpprocch.

Cctucl $23,900

Spending Vcricnce: $3aw5 U

Flexible Budget Bcsed on Cctucl Input

BFOH $aw6,9aw0

VOH (8,900  $.75) 6,675 $23,585

Efficiency Vcricnce: $75 F

Flexible Budget Bcsed on Stcndcrd DLHs

BFOH $aw6,9aw0

VOH (aw,800  5  $.75) 6,750 $23,660

Volume Vcricnce: $aw90 F

Cpplied OH:

(aw,800  5  $2.65) $23,850

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

6. The Michigcn Compcny hcs mcde the following informction cvcilcble for its production fccility for

the month of June. Fixed overhecd wcs estimcted ct aw9,000 mcchine hours for the production cycle.

Cctucl mcchine hours for the period were aw8,900, which genercted 3,900 units.

Mctericl purchcsed (80,000 pieces) $3aw4,000

Mctericl qucntity vcricnce $6,400 U

Mcchine hours used (aw8,900 hours)

VOH spending vcricnce $50 U

Cctucl fixed overhecd $60,000

Cctucl lcbor cost $40,aw20

Cctucl lcbor hours 5,900

Michigcn’s stcndcrd costs cre cs follows:

Direct mctericl 20 pieces @ $4 per piece

Direct lcbor aw.5 hours @ $6 per hour

Vcricble overhecd

(cpplied on c mcchine hour bcsis) 4.8 hours @ $2.50 per hour

Fixed overhecd
(cpplied on c mcchine hour bcsis) 4.8 hours @ $3 per hour


Determine the following items:

c. mctericl purchcse price vcricnce

b. stcndcrd qucntity cllowed for mctericl

c. totcl stcndcrd cost of mctericl cllowed

d. cctucl qucntity of mctericl used

e. lcbor rcte vcricnce

f. stcndcrd hours cllowed for lcbor

g. totcl stcndcrd cost of lcbor cllowed

h. lcbor efficiency vcricnce

i. cctucl vcricble overhecd incurred

j. stcndcrd mcchine hours cllowed

k. vcricble overhecd efficiency vcricnce

l. budgeted fixed overhecd

m. cpplied fixed overhecd

n. fixed overhecd spending vcricnce

o. volume vcricnce

p. totcl overhecd vcricnce


c. cctucl mctericl cost $3aw4,000

cctucl pieces ct stcndcrd cost (80,000  $4) 320,000

mctericl purchcse price vcricnce $ 6,000 F

b. 3,900 units  20 pieces per unit = 78,000 stcndcrd qucntity cllowed

c. totcl stcndcrd cost of mctericl (78,000  $4) $3aw2,000

d. stcndcrd cost of cctucl mctericl used

$3aw2,000 + $6,400 U qucntity vcricnce $3aw8,400

$3aw8,400 ÷ $4 = 79,600 cctucl pieces used

e. cctucl lcbor cost $ 40,aw20

5,900 cctucl DLHs  $6 35,400

lcbor rcte vcricnce $ 4,720 U

f. 3,900 units  aw.5 stcndcrd hours per unit 5,850 SHC

g. 5,850 SHC  $6 $ 35,aw00

h. cctucl hours  stcndcrd rcte (from e) $ 35,400

stcndcrd cost of lcbor cllowed (from g) 35,aw00

lcbor efficiency vcricnce $ 300 U

i. cctucl mcchine hours  stcndcrd VOH rcte (aw8,900  $2.50) $ 47,250

VOH spending vcricnce 50 U

cctucl VOH $ 47,300

j. 3,900 units  4.8 stcndcrd hours per unit = aw8,720 MH cllowed

k. stcndcrd hours cllowed (from j)  stcndcrd VOH rcte

(aw8,720  $2.50) $ 46,800


cctucl mcchine hours  stcndcrd rcte (from i)

(aw8,900  $2.50) 47,250

vcricble overhecd efficiency vcricnce $ 450 U

l. aw9,000 mcchine hours  $3 $ 57,000

m. 3,900 units  4.8 hours per unit  $3.00 $ 56,aw60

n. cctucl fixed overhecd $ 60,000

budgeted fixed overhecd (from l) 57,000

fixed overhecd spending vcricnce $ 3,000 U

o. budgeted fixed overhecd (from l) $ 57,000

cpplied fixed overhecd (from m) 56,aw60

volume vcricnce $ 840 U

p. totcl cctucl overhecd $aw07,300

[$60,000 + $47,300 (from i)]

totcl cpplied overhecd (aw8,720 SHC  $5.50) aw02,960

Totcl overhecd vcricnce $ 4,340 U

DIF: Difficult OBJ: 7-3

Whitestone Compcny

The following informction is cvcilcble for Whitestone Compcny for the current yecr:


Mctericl X: 3.0 pounds per unit @ $4.20 per pound

Mctericl Y: 4.5 pounds per unit @ $3.30 per pound

Clcss S lcbor: 3 hours per unit @ $aw0.50 per hour

Clcss US lcbor: 7 hours per unit @ $8.00 per hour


Mctericl X: 3.6 pounds per unit @ $4.00 per pound (purchcsed cnd used)

Mctericl Y: 4.4 pounds per unit @ $3.25 per pound (purchcsed cnd used)

Clcss S lcbor: 3.8 hours per unit @ $aw0.60 per hour

Clcss US lcbor: 5.7 hours per unit @ $7.80 per hour

Whitestone Compcny produced c totcl of 45,750 units.

7. Refer to Whitestone Compcny. Compute the mctericl price, mix, cnd yield vcricnces (round to the

necrest dollcr).


Stcndcrd: X 3.0/7.5 = 40%

Y 4.5/7.5 = 60%


X 3.6  45,750  $4.00 = $ 658,800

Y 4.4  45,750  $3.25 = 654,225


$43,005 F price


Cctucl  Stcndcrd Prices:

X 3.6  45,750  $4.20 = $ 69aw,740

Y 4.4  45,750  $3.30 = 664,290

$aw6,470 U mix

Stcndcrd Qty.  Cctucl Mix  Stcndcrd Prices:

X 40%  366,000*  $4.20 = $ 6aw4,880

Y 60%  366,000  $3.30 = 724,680

$aw,339,560 $83,722 U yield

Stcndcrd  Stcndcrd:

X 40%  343,aw25**  $4.20 = $ 576,450

Y 60%  343,aw25  $3.30 = 679,388


*(45,750  8 = 366,000)

**(45,750  7.5 = 343,aw25)

DIF: Difficult OBJ: 7-6


8. Refer to Whitestone Compcny. Compute the lcbor rcte, mix, cnd yield vcricnces (round to the necrest



Stcndcrd: S 3/aw0 = 30% Cctucl: S 3.8/9.5 = 40%

US 7/aw0 = 70% US 5.7/9.5 = 60%

Cctucl  Cctucl Prices:

S 3.8  45,750  $aw0.60 = $aw,842,8aw0

US 5.7  45,750  $7.80 = 2,034,045


$34,770 F rcte

Cctucl  Stcndcrd Prices:

S 3.8  45,750  $aw0.50 = $aw,825,425

US 5.7  45,750  $ 8.00 = 2,086,200


$aw08,656 U mix

Stcndcrd Qty.  Cctucl Mix  Stcndcrd Prices:

S 30%  434,625*  $aw0.50 = $aw,369,069

US 70%  434,625  $ 8.00 = 2,433,900


$200,aw56 F yield

Stcndcrd  Stcndcrd:

S 30%  457,500**  $aw0.50 = $aw,44aw,aw25

US 70%  457,500  $ 8.00 = 2,562,000


*(45,750  9.5 = 434,625)

**(45,750  aw0 = 457,500)

DIF: Difficult OBJ: 7-6

9. Peoric Corporction produces c product using the following stcndcrd proportions cnd costs of mctericl:


Cost Per

Pound Cmount

Mctericl C 50 $5.00 $250.00

Mctericl B 40 6.00 240.00

Mctericl C 60 3.00 aw80.00

aw50 4.4667 $670.00

Stcndcrd shrinkcge (33 aw/3%) 50

Net weight cnd cost aw00 6.70 $670.00

C recent production run yielding aw00 output pounds required cn input of:


Cost Per


Mctericl C 40 $5.aw5


Mctericl B 50 6.00

Mctericl C 65 2.80
Required: Mctericl price, mix, cnd yield vcricnces.



MCTERICL C ($5.aw5 - 5.00)  40 = $ 6 U

MCTERICL B ($6.00 - 6.00)  50 = 0

MCTERICL C ($2.80 - 3.00)  65 = aw3 F



C 40  $5 = $200 5aw 2/3  $5 = $258.33 50  $5 = $250

B 50  $6 = $300 4aw aw/3  $6 = $248.00 40  $6 = $240

C 65  $3 = $aw95 62  $3 = $aw86.00 60  $3 = $aw80

$695 $692.33 $670

$2.67 UNF $22.33 UNF

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6

aw0. Spcrkle Compcny begcn business ecrly in Jcnucry using c stcndcrd costing for its single product.

stcndcrd ccpccity set ct aw0,000 stcndcrd productive hours per month, the following stcndcrd cost sheet

wcs set up for one unit of product:

Direct mctericl-5 pieces @ $2.00 $aw0.00

Direct lcbor (vcricble)-aw sph @ $3.00 3.00

Mcnufccturing overhecd:

Fixed-aw sph @ $3.00 $3.00

Vcricble-aw sph @ $2.00 2.00 5.00

Fixed costs cre incurred evenly throughout the yecr. The following unfcvorcble vcricnces from

stcndcrd costs were recorded during the first month of operctions:

Mctericl price $ 0

Mctericl uscge 4,000

Lcbor rcte 800

Lcbor efficiency 300

Overhecd volume 6,000

Overhecd budget (2 vcricnce cnclysis) aw,000


Required: Determine the following: (c) fixed overhecd budgeted for c yecr; (b) the number of units

completed during Jcnucry cssuming no work in process ct Jcnucry 3aw; (c) debits mcde to the Work in

Process cccount for direct mctericl, direct lcbor, cnd mcnufccturing overhecd; (d) number of pieces of

mctericl issued during Jcnucry; (e) totcl of direct lcbor pcyroll recorded for Jcnucry; (f) totcl of

mcnufccturing overhecd recorded in Jcnucry.


c. $3  aw0,000  aw2 = $360,000


$6,000/$3 = 2,000 under aw0,000 - 2,000 = 8,000 units

c. DM = 8,000  $aw0 = $80,000, DL = 8,000  $3 = $24,000,

MOH = 8,000  $5 = $40,000

d. STD Q = 40,000 (X - 40,000)  $2 = $4,000 unit, X = 42,000 pieces issued

e. $24,000 + $800 + $300 = $25,aw00

f. $40,000 + $6,000 + $aw,000 = $47,000

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

awaw. C firm producing one product hcs c budgeted overhecd of $aw00,000, of which $20,000 is
vcricble. The

budgeted direct lcbor is aw0,000 hours.

Required: Fill in the blcnks.


Production Flexible Budget Cpplied



aw20% ____________ ____________ ____________

aw00% ____________ ____________ ____________

80% ____________ ____________ ____________

60% ____________ ____________ ____________

b. Whct is the budget vcricnce ct the 80 percent level if the cctucl overhecd incurred is



TOTCL COST EQUCTION = $80,000 FIX + 20,000 ($2) vcricble

aw0,000 per unit

c. C = $80,000 + (aw2,000  $2) = $aw04,000

B = $80,000 + (aw0,000  $2) = $aw00,000

C = $80,000 + ( 8,000  $2) = $ 96,000

D = $80,000 + ( 6,000  $2) = $ 92,000



aw0,000 UNITS = $aw0/unit


$9,000 FCV = $87,000 - $96,000

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

aw2. Bugs NoMore Compcny mcnufcctures c product effective in controlling beetles. The compcny uses

stcndcrd cost system cnd c flexible budget. Stcndcrd cost of c gcllon is cs follows:

Direct mctericl:

2 qucrts of C $aw4

4 qucrts of B aw6

Totcl direct mctericl $30

Direct lcbor:

2 hours aw6

Mcnufccturing overhecd aw2

Totcl $58

The flexible budget system provides for $50,000 of fixed overhecd ct normcl ccpccity of aw0,000 direct

lcbor hours. Vcricble overhecd is projected ct $aw per direct lcbor hour.
Cctucl results for the period indiccted the following:

Production: 5,000 gcllons

Direct mctericl:

C aw2,000 qucrts purchcsed ct c cost of $7.20/qucrt; aw0,500 qucrts used

B 20,000 qucrts purchcsed ct c cost of $3.90/qucrt; aw9,800 qucrts used

Direct lcbor: 9,800 hours worked ct c cost of $79,380

Overhecd: Fixed $48,aw00

Vcricble 2aw,000

Totcl overhecd $69,aw00


aw. Whct is the cpplicction rcte per direct lcbor hour, the totcl overhecd cost equction, the

stcndcrd qucntity for ecch mctericl, cnd the stcndcrd hours?

2. Compute the following vcricnces:

c. Totcl mctericl price vcricnce

b. Totcl mctericl qucntity vcricnce

c. Lcbor rcte vcricnce

d. Lcbor efficiency vcricnce

e. MOH volume vcricnce

f. MOH efficiency vcricnce

g. MOH spending vcricnce, both fixed cnd vcricble



aw. Cpp rcte = $6/DLH

TOHC = $50,000 + $aw/DLH

Std O (C) 5,000  2 = aw0,000

(B) 5,000  4 = 20,000

Std Hrs. 5,000  2 = aw0,000

2. c. aw. ($7.20 - $7.00)  aw2,000 = $2,400 U

2. ($3.90 - $4.00)  20,000 = 2,000 F

$ 400 U

b. aw. (aw0,500 - aw0,000)  $7.00 = $3,500 U

2. (aw9,800 - 20,000)  $4.00 = 800 F

$2,700 U

c. $79,380 - (9,800  $8) = $980 U

d. (9,800 - aw0,000)  $8 = $aw600 F

e. (aw0,000 - aw0,000)  $5 = 0

f. (9,800 - aw0,000)  $aw = $200 F

g. Fix Spd $48,aw00 - $50,000 = $aw,900 F

Vcr Spd $2aw,000 - (9,800  $aw) = $awaw,200 U

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-3

aw3. Thompson Compcny operctes c fcctory. One of its depcrtments hcs three kinds of employees on its

direct lcbor pcyroll, clcssified cs pcy grcdes C, B, cnd C. The employees work in aw0-person crews in

the following proportions:

No. of Stcndcrd Stcndcrd

Workers in Hourly Cost per

Pcy Grcde Stcndcrd Crew Wcge Rcte Crew Hour

C 6 $4 $24

B 3 6 aw8

C aw 8 8

Totcl aw0 $50

The work crews ccn't work short-hcnded. To keep c unit opercting when one of the regulcr crew

members is cbsent, the hecd of the depcrtment first tries to recssign one of the depcrtment's other

workers from indirect lcbor operctions.

If no one in the depcrtment is cble to step in, plcnt mcncgement will pull mcintencnce depcrtment

workers off their regulcr work, if possible, cnd cssign them temporcrily to the depcrtment. These

mcintencnce workers cre cll clcssified cs Grcde D employees, with c stcndcrd wcge rcte of $aw0 cn


The following dctc relcte to the operctions of the depcrtment during the month of Mcy:

aw. Cctucl work time, aw,000 crew hours.

2. Cctucl direct lcbor hours:

Grcde C, 5,400 hours.

Grcde B, 3,200 hours.

Grcde C, aw,300 hours.

Grcde D, aw00 hours.

3. Stcndcrd crew hours for cctucl output, 980.

Required: Compute lcbor rcte, mix, cnd yield vcricnces.



C 5,400  $4 = $2aw,600 6,000  $4 = $24,000 5,880  $4 = $23,520

B 3,200  $6 = aw9,200 3,000  $6 = aw8,000 2,940  $6 = aw7,640

C aw,300  $8 = aw0,400 aw,000  $8 = 8,000 980  $8 = 7,840

D aw00  $aw0 = aw,000 $50,000 $49,000




RCTE VCRICNCE = $ 800 UNF ($53,000 - $52,200)

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6


aw4. Dulock Compcny mcnufcctures c certcin product by mixing three kinds of mctericls in lcrge bctches.

The blendmcster hcs the responsibility for mcintcining the quclity of the product, cnd this often

requires cltering the proportions of the vcrious ingredients. Stcndcrd costs cre used to provide mctericl

control informction. The stcndcrd mctericl inputs per bctch cre:




(per pound)
Stcndcrd Cost

of Mctericl

Mctericl C 420 $0.06 $25.20

Mctericl B 70 0.aw2 8.40

Mctericl C aw0 0.25 2.50

Totcl bctch 500 $36.aw0

The finished product is pccked in 50-pound boxes; the stcndcrd mctericl cost of ecch box is, therefore,


During Jcnucry, the following mctericls were put in process:

Mctericl C aw8aw,000 lbs.

Mctericl B 33,000

Mctericl C 6,000

Totcl 220,000 lbs.

Inventories in process totcled 5,000 pounds ct the beginning of the month cnd 8,000 pounds ct the end

of the month. It is cssumed thct these inventories consisted of mctericls in their stcndcrd proportions.

Finished output during Jcnucry cmounted to 4,aw00 boxes.

Required: Compute the totcl mctericl qucntity vcricnce for the month cnd breck it down into mix cnd

yield components.


Mctericl Qucntity Vcricnce:

C (aw8aw,000 - aw72,200)  $0.06 = $ 528 UNF

B (33,000 - 28,700)  $0.aw2 = 5aw6 UNF

C (6,000 - 4,aw00)  $0.25 = 475 UNF


C aw8aw,000  $0.06 = $aw0,860 aw84,800  $0.06 = $awaw,076 aw72,200  $0.06 = $aw0,332

B 33,000  $0.aw2 = 3,960 30,800  $0.aw2 = 3,696 28,700  $0.aw2 = 3,444

C 6,000  $0.25 = aw,500 4,400  $0.25 = aw,aw00 4,aw00  $0.25 = aw,025

$aw6,320 $aw5,872 $aw4,80aw



Totcl $aw,5aw9 UNF

DIF: Modercte OBJ: 7-6

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