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Step Counting and Energy Expenditure Estimation in Patients

With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Healthy
Elderly: Accuracy of 2 Motion Sensors
Karina C. Furlanetto, PT, Gianna W. Bisca, PT, Nicoli Oldemberg, PT, Thaís J. Sant’Anna, PT,
Fernanda K. Morakami, PT, Carlos A. Camillo, PT, Vinicius Cavalheri, PT, Nidia A. Hernandes, PT,
Vanessa S. Probst, PT, Ercy M. Ramos, PhD, Antonio F. Brunetto, PhD, Fábio Pitta, PhD
ABSTRACT. Furlanetto KC, Bisca GW, Oldemberg N, walking speeds than the pedometer. Conversely, for step count-
Sant’Anna TJ, Morakami FK, Camillo CA, Cavalheri V, Her- ing, accuracy is observed only with the pedometer during the
nandes NA, Probst VS, Ramos EM, Brunetto AF, Pitta F. Step higher walking speed in both groups.
counting and energy expenditure estimation in patients with Key Words: Pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive; Reha-
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and healthy elderly: accu- bilitation.
racy of 2 motion sensors. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010;91:261-7. © 2010 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation
Objective: To compare the accuracy of 2 motion sensors (a
pedometer and a multisensor) in terms of step counting and
estimation of energy expenditure (EE) in patients with chronic HYSICAL ACTIVITY IN daily life can be considered as
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and in healthy elderly.
Design: In this descriptive study, all participants wore both
P the totality of voluntary movement produced by skeletal
muscles during everyday functioning. Its correct quantifica-
motion sensors while performing a treadmill walking protocol tion has become a challenge in order to obtain an adequate
at 3 different speeds corresponding to 30%, 60%, and 100% of assessment of the relationship between free-living physical
the average speed achieved during a six-minute walk test. As activity and health.2
criterion methods, EE was estimated by indirect calorimetry, COPD is characterized by air flow limitation; dyspnea; and
and steps were registered by videotape. reduced exercise capacity, muscle strength, and quality of life.3
Setting: Research laboratory at a university hospital. Patients with COPD spend less time walking in daily life than
Participants: Patients with COPD (n⫽30; 17 men; mean age-matched subjects and walk at a lower intensity.4 Moreover,
age ⫾ SD, 67⫾8y; mean forced expiratory volume in the first previous studies5-8 have shown that physical inactivity is an
second [FEV1] predicted ⫾ SD, 46%⫾17%; mean body mass important predictor of hospital readmission and morbidity/
index [BMI] ⫾ SD, 24⫾4kg·m2) and matched healthy elderly mortality risk in this population. Because of the close relation-
(n⫽30; 15 men; mean age ⫾ SD, 68⫾7y; mean FEV1 pre- ships among physical inactivity, disability, and mortality, the
dicted ⫾ SD, 104%⫾21%; mean BMI ⫾ SD, 25⫾3kg·m2). interest in objective measurement of daily physical activity in
Interventions: Not applicable. patients with COPD has gained growing interest.9
Main Outcome Measure: Step counting and EE estimation Energy expenditure and step counting are common outcomes
during a treadmill walking protocol. when assessing physical activity in daily life. To obtain an accu-
Results: The pedometer was accurate for step counting and rate assessment of these outcomes, the application of reference
EE estimation in both patients with COPD and healthy elderly methods is recommended. For energy expenditure assessment, the
at the higher speed. However, it showed significant underesti- literature usually recommends the doubly-labeled water method or
mation at the 2 slower speeds in both groups. The multisensor indirect calorimetry assessment.10-13 For step counting, direct ob-
did not detect steps accurately at any speed, although it accu- servation and videotaping have been considered as reference
rately estimated EE at all speeds in healthy elderly and at the methods.14 However, these techniques are not easily used in
intermediate and higher speeds in patients with COPD. everyday life because of their methodologic complexity, limited
Conclusions: In both patients with COPD and healthy el- practicality, and/or high cost. Recently, the use of motion sensors
derly, the multisensor showed better EE estimates during most has gained widespread recognition. These are instruments for
detection of body movement. They are used to quantify physical
activity in daily life objectively during a period14 of time. Pedom-
eters (eg, Digiwalker SW701)a and multisensors (eg, SenseWear
From the Laboratory of Research in Respiratory Physiotherapy, Department of Armband)b are among the most used motion sensors. Both of
Physiotherapy, Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, Paraná (Furlanetto, them quantify steps and estimate total energy expenditure, pro-
Bisca, Oldemberg, Sant’Anna, Morakami, Camillo, Cavalheri, Hernandes, Probst,
Brunetto, Pitta); Postgraduate Program in Physiotherapy, Department of Physiother- viding information from free living conditions and not just infor-
apy, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de mation derived from laboratory tests. However, the instruments
Mesquita Filho, Presidente Prudente, São Paulo (Cavalheri, Hernandes, Ramos, Pitta);
Universidade Norte do Paraná, Londrina, Paraná (Probst), Brazil.
Supported by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development,
List of Abbreviations
No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research
supporting this article has or will confer a benefit on the authors or on any organi-
BMI body mass index
zation with which the authors are associated.
Reprint requests to Fábio Pitta, PhD, Departamento de Fisioterapia, CCS, Hospital COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Universitário da UEL, Av Robert Koch, 60, Vila Operária, 86038-440, Londrina, PR, FEV1 forced expiratory volume in the first second
Brazil, e-mail: fabiopitta@uol.com.br. MET metabolic equivalent
0003-9993/10/9102-00496$36.00/0 6MWT six-minute walk test

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 91, February 2010


present marked differences concerning technologic complexity brated before each test in accordance with manufacturer instruc-
and cost. The SenseWear is more costly because it is composed of tions. Energy expenditure (in kilocalories for standardization of units)
a biaxial accelerometer and diverse physiologic sensors, in con- was derived from oxygen uptake assessment (mL·kg⫺1·min⫺1). The
trast with the lower cost and technologic simplicity of the pedom- exact beginning and ending of walking at each speed were
eter, which involves a simple system for detection of the hip synchronized in all devices because of the presence of at least
vertical movement as a step.13-16 3 investigators during each test (ie, 1 investigator initiating the
Schneider et al15 showed that the Digiwalker SW701 pedo- portable gas analyzer, 1 initiating the camera, 1 initiating the 2
meter is more accurate for step counting in healthy adults than motion sensors simultaneously). At the same time, the tread-
a diversity of other devices. The SenseWear, on the other hand, mill walking protocol was videotaped by a digital camera
was compared with uniaxial, biaxial, and triaxial accelerome- (Sony Cyber Shot, DSC-W50d) as criterion method for step
ters and showed the most accurate total energy expenditure counting. The results from both motion sensors (energy expen-
estimation at most treadmill speeds.17 However, there are no diture and number of steps) were compared with the criterion
previous studies comparing the accuracy of a simple instrument methods and with each other.
such as the Digiwalker SW701 pedometer and a technologi-
cally advanced multisensor such as the SenseWear concerning METHODS
step counting and energy expenditure estimation during phys-
ical activity, especially in subjects characterized by inactivity Lung Function Assessment
and slow walking such as patients with COPD. Such informa-
tion could help inform decision-making when choosing an Simple spirometry was performed by the Pony spirometer.e The
activity monitoring device for this patient group. technique was in accordance with American Thoracic Society.18
Because of the increasing need for objective techniques which FEV1 and forced vital capacity were obtained postbronchodilator.
accurately detect physical activity, the objective of this study was Reference values were those by Knudson et al.19
to investigate the accuracy of the Digiwalker SW701 pedometer Six-minute walk test. The 6MWT was performed in ac-
and the SenseWear multisensor in estimating energy expenditure cordance with international standards.20 Patients were encour-
and counting steps compared with reference methods and with aged to walk 6 minutes as fast as they could in a straight
each other in patients with COPD and healthy elderly subjects. leveled 30-m corridor. Two tests were performed with each
subject, and the longest distance was used to calculate speed
METHODS average and, consequently, the 3 protocol walking speeds.
Normative values were those by Troosters et al.21
Multisensor SenseWear armband. The Multisensor
Participants SenseWear armband is a small (8.8⫻5.6⫻2.1cm) and light
The study involved 43 patients with COPD from the Outpatient (82g) monitor that is worn on the upper-posterior region of the
Respiratory Physiotherapy Clinic at the Hospital Universitário de right arm. Information regarding various parameters including
Londrina (Brazil) and 39 healthy elderly subjects who were rela- accelerometry, multiple physiological sensors, and demo-
tives or acquaintances of students from the aforementioned uni- graphic characteristics such as sex, age, weight, height, and
versity hospital. Groups were paired for age, BMI, and sex. dominant arm are used to estimate energy expenditure through
Inclusion criteria for healthy subjects were (1) absence of spirom- algorithms developed by the manufacturer.11,14 Among the
etry abnormalities; (2) absence of bone, nervous, and/or muscle device’s main outcomes, the most commonly used are total
dysfunction that could interfere on the assessment of physical energy expenditure, average of MET, energy expenditure in
activity; and (3) BMI less than 30kg·m⫺2. Besides criteria 2 and 3, activities requiring above 3 MET, time spent in sedentary (⬍3
inclusion criteria in the COPD group were (1) diagnosis of COPD MET), moderate (3– 6 MET) and vigorous activities (6 –9
based on spirometry, clinical, and radiologic internationally ac- MET), as well as the number of detected steps. A final report
cepted criteria,3 and (2) clinical stability (absence of exacerba- is obtained through analysis of the data by a specific software
tions) for at least 3 months before inclusion in the study. All (Inner View).b
subjects were informed about study procedures and provided Pedometer Digiwalker SW701. The Digiwalker SW701 is
written formal consent to their participation. The study was ap- a simple and relatively inexpensive device, worn attached to
proved by the Ethics and Research Committee of Universidade the waist, providing the number of steps performed, distance,
Estadual de Londrina/HU-UEL. and energy expenditure estimation in a determined period. For
this, the device requires a few characteristics of the wearer such
Study Design and Protocol as weight and step length. Its mechanism consists of an internal
In this descriptive study, all subjects were submitted to an initial spring-levered system that is sensitive to vertical hip move-
assessment of lung function and functional exercise capacity ments. This spring lever is connected to an electric circuit that
(6MWT) as screening measures. For step size determination, computes each deflection as a step. Furthermore, based on the
subjects were instructed to walk (as in their daily walking) 10 device movement counting, it also provides an active energy
steps in a straight line. Total distance was measured and divided expenditure estimation.
by 10. Afterward, each subject performed the following protocol: Portable gas analyzer. The portable metabolic system
walk on a treadmillc with no inclination at 3 different speeds VO2000 AeroGraphf is a transducer for metabolic analysis of
corresponding to 30%, 60%, and 100% of the average speed pulmonary gas exchanges, projected to operate connected to a
achieved during the 6MWT (speeds 1, 2, and 3, respectively). computer, previously tested and validated.11 The system pro-
Each speed was sustained for 1 minute, with 1 minute of rest in vides energy expenditure estimation by indirect calorimetry
between. During the treadmill walking protocol, subjects wore executing continuous analysis of oxygen uptake, carbon diox-
both motion sensors as study measures: the Digiwalker SW701 ide production, and expired volume.
pedometer at the right side of the waist (hemiclavicle line) and the
SenseWear multisensor on the right arm. As a criterion method for Statistical Analysis
energy expenditure estimation, simultaneous indirect calorimetry The analysis was performed with Prism software.g The Kol-
was performed by a portable gas analyzer. The device was cali- mogorov-Smirnov test was used to analyze normality of the data.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 91, February 2010


Because data presented normal distribution, parametric tests Table 2: Number of Steps Registered by Each Method in Patients
were used, and results were expressed as mean and SD. Com- With COPD at Speeds 1, 2, and 3 (30%, 60%, and 100% of the
6MWT Average Speed, Respectively) and During the Entire
parison between the COPD and healthy elderly groups was Protocol (Summing All Speeds)
performed by the unpaired t test. One-way analysis of variance
was used in the comparison of devices (number of steps and Speed 1 Speed 2 Speed 3 Sum of All
Steps 1.4⫾0.3km/h 2.9⫾0.5km/h 4.8⫾0.8km/h Speeds
energy expenditure estimative at each speed and on the sum of
the 3 speeds), with Tukey as post hoc test. In addition, agree- Digiwalker 26⫾26* 73⫾35* 124⫾31 224⫾83*
ment between the measures was studied by the Bland and pedometer
Altman graphic method. For all analysis, statistical significance SenseWear 19⫾20* 59⫾31* 91⫾38*† 166⫾73*†
was set at P less than .05. multisensor
Video 79⫾17 105⫾20 139⫾25 324⫾57
NOTE. Values are mean ⫾ SD.
Thirteen patients with COPD and 9 healthy elderly subjects *P⬍.05 vs video.
were excluded because of intolerance to any of the tests or †
P⬍.05 vs Digiwalker pedometer.
protocol interruption as a result of noncompliance to the met-
abolic system mouthpiece. The group of patients with COPD
who remained (n⫽30; 17 men) was characterized by reduced
pulmonary function and functional capacity and normative showed similar energy expenditure estimation to indirect cal-
BMI. Most subjects (73%) had moderate airflow obstruction orimetry at the second and third speeds, with significant un-
according to the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung derestimation only at the first speed (P⬍.05). When comparing
Disease classification3 (table 1). The healthy elderly group energy expenditure estimation between the 2 motion sensors,
(n⫽30; 15 men) showed normal values of lung function, func- the pedometer provided significantly lower values at the first
tional exercise capacity, and BMI (see table 1). Walking speed speed (see table 3).
was significantly different between the groups at all speeds (see There was significant underestimation of the total number of
table 1). The groups did not show significant differences con- steps taken during the whole protocol (ie, summing the 3
cerning age, weight, height, and BMI. speeds) by both the pedometer and the multisensor (see table
2). Bland and Altman plots for the number of steps (fig 1A)
Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease depict an average underestimation of 100 steps for the pedom-
Table 2 shows that, in the COPD group, the number of steps eter and 158 steps for the multisensor out of an average of 324
registered by the pedometer was significantly lower than the steps performed during the 3 speeds. For the pedometer (see fig
videotape at the first and second speeds (P⬍.001), with no 1A, left), the plot showed negative significant correlation
statistical difference at the third speed. With regard to the (r⫽⫺.50), indicating that the lower the total number of per-
multisensor step counting, there was significant underestima- formed steps, the higher the underestimation. On the other
tion compared with the videotape at the 3 speeds (P⬍.001). hand, total energy expenditure estimation provided by the
The comparison of step detection provided by the 2 motion multisensor during the whole protocol did not show statistical
sensors showed significant underestimation by the multisensor difference to indirect calorimetry, while the pedometer showed
compared with the pedometer at the third speed and in the sum significant underestimation (see table 3). Bland and Altman
of all speeds (see table 2). plots for energy expenditure (fig 1B) depict an average under-
Table 3 shows that the pedometer energy expenditure esti- estimation of 7.3kcal for the pedometer and 3.9kcal for the
mation was statistically similar to indirect calorimetry only at multisensor out of an average of 16kcal spent during the 3
the third speed, with significant underestimation at the first and speeds. Both for the pedometer and for the multisensor, the
second speeds (P⬍.001). On the other hand, the multisensor plots showed positive significant correlations (r⫽.60 and
r⫽.52, respectively), indicating that the higher the cumulative
energy expenditure, the higher the underestimation.
Table 1: Sample Characteristics of Patients With COPD Healthy Elderly
and Healthy Elderly
Table 4 shows that the number of steps registered by pedometer
Characteristics Patients With COPD (n⫽30) Healthy Elderly (n⫽30) in the healthy elderly group was statistically similar to the
Men/Women 17/13 15/15
Age (y) 67⫾8 68⫾7
Weight (kg) 63⫾12 64⫾11 Table 3: Energy Expenditure (kcal) Registered by Each Method in
Height (m) 1.62⫾0.07 1.59⫾0.08 Patients With COPD at Speeds 1, 2, and 3 (30%, 60%, and 100% of
BMI (kg/m2) 24⫾4 25⫾3 the 6MWT Average Speed, Respectively) and During the Entire
FEV1, % predicted 46⫾17* 104⫾21 Protocol (Summing All Speeds)
FVC, % predicted 67⫾19* 103⫾18 Speed 1 Speed 2 Speed 3 Sum of All
FEV1/FVC 52⫾12* 80⫾5 Kcal 1.4⫾0.3km/h 2.9⫾0.5km/h 4.8⫾0.8km/h Speeds
GOLD (I/II/III/IV) 1/12/10/7 NA
Digiwalker 0.8⫾0.9* 2.6⫾2* 5.4⫾2.5 8.7⫾4.9*
Speed 1 (km/h) 1.4⫾0.3* 1.6⫾0.2
Speed 2 (km/h) 2.9⫾0.5* 3.3⫾0.5
SenseWear 3.2⫾1.7*† 3.9⫾2 5⫾2.5 12.1⫾5.6
Speed 3 (km/h) 4.8⫾0.8* 5.4⫾0.7
NOTE. Values are mean ⫾ SD or as otherwise indicated. Indirect 4.6⫾3.2 5.3⫾3.3 6.2⫾3.6 16⫾9.8
Abbreviations: FVC, forced vital capacity; GOLD, Global Initiative for calorimetry
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; NA, not applicable; Speed 1, 2,
and 3, based respectively on 30%, 60%, and 100% of the average NOTE. Values are mean ⫾ SD.
speed during a 6MWT. *P⬍.05 vs indirect calorimetry.

*P⬍.05 vs healthy elderly. P⬍.05 vs Digiwalker pedometer.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 91, February 2010


Fig 1. Bland & Altman plots comparing the results of (A) number of steps and (B) energy expenditure (kcal) registered by the pedometer and the
multisensor versus the criterion methods (video and indirect calorimetry) in patients with COPD during the entire protocol (summing all speeds).
Graphics on the left show the comparison between pedometer and the criterion methods, whereas graphics on the right show the comparison
between multisensor and the criterion methods. In each graphic, the central dotted line corresponds to the average difference between the
respective methods, whereas the upper and lower dotted lines correspond to the upper and lower limits of agreement, respectively.

videotape just at the third speed, whereas the multisensor showed motion sensors showed significant underestimation by the multi-
significant underestimation compared with the videotape at all sensor compared with the pedometer at the third speed.
speeds (P⬍.001). The comparison of step detection between the 2 Concerning energy expenditure, table 5 shows significant
underestimation by the pedometer compared with indirect cal-
orimetry at the first and second speeds (P⬍.001). On the other
Table 4: Number of Steps Registered by Each Method in Healthy hand, the multisensor estimation did not show differences to
Elderly at Speeds 1, 2, and 3 (30%, 60%, and 100% of the 6MWT
Average Speed, Respectively) and During the Entire Protocol indirect calorimetry at any speed. When comparing energy
(Summing All Speeds) expenditure provided by the 2 motion sensors, there was sig-
Speed 1 Speed 2 Speed 3 Sum of All
nificant underestimation by the pedometer at the first and
Steps 1.6⫾0.2km/h 3.3⫾0.5km/h 5.4⫾0.7km/h Speeds second speeds (see table 5).
On the healthy elderly group, as observed in the COPD
Digiwalker 36⫾27* 85⫾27* 139⫾24 260⫾67* group, there was significant underestimation on the total num-
pedometer ber of steps both by the pedometer and the multisensor (see
SenseWear 35⫾22* 82⫾29* 119⫾28*† 238⫾55* table 4). Bland and Altman plots for the number of steps (fig 2A)
multisensor depict an average underestimation of 88 steps for the pedom-
Video 85⫾14 114⫾14 148⫾17 348⫾40 eter and 110 steps for the multisensor out of an average of
NOTE. Values are mean ⫾ SD.
348 steps performed during the 3 speeds. For the pedometer
*P⬍.05 vs video. (see fig 2A, left), the plot showed negative significant correla-

P⬍.05 vs Digiwalker pedometer. tion (r⫽⫺.57), indicating that the lower the total number of

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 91, February 2010


Table 5: Energy Expenditure (kcal) Registered by Each Method in device with relatively lower sensitivity. The sensitivity of each
Healthy Elderly at Speeds 1, 2, and 3 (30%, 60%, and 100% of the
6MWT Average Speed, Respectively) and During the Entire
motion sensor is determined not only by its type (pedometer,
Protocol (Summing All Speeds) accelerometer) but also by each device’s technical specifica-
tions, which implies that not necessarily all types of pedome-
Speed 1 Speed 2 Speed 3 Sum of All
Kcal 1.6⫾0.2km/h 3.3⫾0.5km/h 5.4⫾0.7km/h Speeds ters are less sensitive than all types of accelerometers.
In the present study, the pedometer estimation of energy
Digiwalker 1⫾1* 3⫾1.5* 6.3⫾2.1 10.4⫾4.2* expenditure was similar to the estimation provided by indirect
calorimetry only at the third speed for both groups. This
SenseWear 3.4⫾1.4† 4.9⫾1.8† 6⫾2.3 14.3⫾4.9†
strengthens the concept that pedometers show better accuracy
at higher speeds. However, at the first and second speeds
Indirect 4⫾3.1 5⫾2.8 6.3⫾2.8 15.3⫾8.4
(corresponding to 30% and 60% of the 6MWT speed, respec-
tively) and in the sum of all speeds, the pedometer did not
NOTE. Values are mean ⫾ SD. repeat this performance. According to Crouter et al,23 pedom-
*P⬍.05 vs indirect calorimetry.

eters usually have limited accuracy to estimate distance walked
P⬍.05 vs Digiwalker pedometer. and even lower accuracy to estimate energy expenditure. This
might occur because of pedometers’ mechanism for calculating
energy expenditure: it is based on the subjects’ step count. If step
performed steps, the higher the underestimation. Once again counting is not accurate at lower speeds, energy expenditure will
similarly to the COPD group, total energy expenditure estima- not be correctly estimated either. However, this might not be the
tion provided by the multisensor did not show a difference only factor, because the Bland and Altman plots (see figs 1B and
from indirect calorimetry, whereas the pedometer showed sig- 2B, left) show that the underestimation is higher at higher meta-
nificant underestimation (see table 5). There was also signifi- bolic rates, regardless of the number of steps and speed. Reasons
cant underestimation of energy expenditure by the pedometer for this might include increased energy expenditure at high met-
compared with the multisensor. Bland and Altman plots for abolic rates linked to a high work of breathing (in the case of
energy expenditure (fig 2B) showed positive significant corre- patients with COPD) and the use of generic prediction equations
lations both for the pedometer and for the multisensor (r⫽.67 (in the case of both patients with COPD and the elderly), as
and r⫽.61, respectively), indicating that the higher the cumu- discussed in more detail below for the multisensor.
lative energy expenditure, the higher the underestimation.
DISCUSSION The multisensor did not count steps accurately in any group
at any speed in the present study. A probable explanation for
Pedometer these findings is that this device is worn at the arm, although
The spring-levered pedometer used in this study was previ- the mechanism of steps detection is not clearly described by the
ously suggested as superior to other devices in different tread- device’s manufacturer.
mill speeds22,23 and predetermined distances.22,24 However, In contrast to the pedometer, the SenseWear mechanism for
step counting by the pedometer in the present protocol was calculating energy expenditure does not depend on step count.
inaccurate both in patients with COPD and healthy elderly The device combines signals of 4 sensor types: skin tempera-
during low and moderate speeds compared with the criterion ture, body heat flux, galvanic skin resistance, and a biaxial
method, whereas it was accurate for step counting at higher accelerometer. Hence, regardless of the number of steps de-
speeds. Figures 1A and 2A (left) depict that pedometer’s un- tected or the isolated contribution of the biaxial accelerometer,
derestimation is higher at slower walking speeds. These results energy expenditure estimation is improved because of an im-
corroborate some previous literature data showing that pedom- portant contribution of the additional physiologic sensors.9
eters adequately detected steps compared with a uniaxial ac- This is a peculiar and useful characteristic of the SenseWear
celerometer (Computer Science and Applications Inch) at higher compared with typical devices based on accelerometry alone,
speeds, but underestimated steps at slow walking, characteristic because it was suggested that typical accelerometers are more
usually observed in elderly people.16 Furthermore, Pitta et al4 accurate for quantification and differentiation of body move-
showed that patients with COPD walk 25% less briskly compared ments than for estimation of energy expenditure26 (in contrast
with healthy elderly. These facts raise important questions about with the multisensor SenseWear).
the use of pedometers to count steps during daily life in patients The multisensor was able to estimate energy expenditure
with COPD, and likewise in healthy elderly who walk slowly. To adequately at the 3 walking speeds in the healthy elderly group,
corroborate this concern, the sum of steps detected by the pedom- as well as at speeds corresponding to 60% and 100% of the
eter during the whole protocol was significantly lower than the 6MWT speed in patients with COPD, in addition to the total
reference method, confirming the device’s limitation for both protocol duration in both populations. On the other hand,
populations included in this study. results from the Bland and Altman plots (see figs 1B and 2B)
A probable explanation for the inaccuracy of this kind of showed correlation between higher metabolic rates and overall
device is the fact that vertical movements of the hip are less underestimation of energy expenditure not only with the pe-
marked at lower speeds (ie, with insufficient magnitude to dometer but also with the multisensor, corroborating previous
generate the contact of the spring to the electric circuit), and the findings by Patel et al.9 Underestimation of energy expenditure
sensor usually fails to register some of these movements.1,16 at high metabolic rates in the COPD group might be at least
Additionally, Tudor-Locke et al25 showed that the Yamax partly attributed to the fact that increased energy expenditure in
SW-200 pedometer, a device with a similar mechanism as the these patients is linked to a high work of breathing, which is
present study’s pedometer, needs a force of .35g to register a not reflected by accelerometry or step counting. In addition,
step, underestimating steps compared with an accelerometer both for patients with COPD and for the elderly, energy ex-
whose sensitivity is .30g. This indicates that the pedometer penditure underestimation may be related to the use of generic
might not have adequately detected steps as a result of being a equations for energy expenditure prediction, because previous

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 91, February 2010


Fig 2. Bland and Altman plots comparing the results of (A) number of steps and (B) energy expenditure (kcal) registered by the pedometer
and the multisensor versus the criterion methods (video and indirect calorimetry) in healthy elderly during the entire protocol (summing all
speeds). Graphics on the left show the comparison between pedometer and the criterion methods, whereas graphics on the right show the
comparison between multisensor and the criterion methods. In each graphic, the central dotted line corresponds to the average difference
between the respective methods, whereas the upper and lower dotted lines correspond to the upper and lower limits of agreement,

literature confirms that population-specific prediction equations Limitations and Future Perspectives
increase the estimation accuracy.27,28 In the present protocol, each treadmill speed was sustained
Comparison Between Pedometer and Multisensor for 1 minute, and one can correctly argue that it takes more
than 1 minute when changing exercise intensity to achieve
For step counting at slow speeds, the motion sensors were
steady-state energy expenditure. However, the present protocol
similar in the sense that neither of them provided adequate
estimations, and therefore they are equally inaccurate in sub- did not aim at achieving the steady state for each speed. It
jects who walk slowly. At the highest speed, however, the aimed simply to allow comparison of energy expenditure esti-
pedometer showed to be more sensitive than the multisensor. mations among the methods at the same points in time in
This indicates that the usefulness of the step counting feature of subjects walking at different speeds without necessarily achiev-
the SenseWear is very limited even at higher waking speeds, ing steady-state oxygen consumption at these speeds.
possibly because the device is worn at the arm and not at the Conclusions of the present study can only be generalized to
waist or ankle, as previously discussed. On the other hand, for subjects with BMI lower than 30 kg·m⫺2. The SenseWear
the estimation of energy expenditure, the multisensor was Armband has shown limited accuracy for the measurement of
clearly superior to the pedometer at slow walking speeds, energy expenditure in obese subjects.12 Furthermore, the pe-
possibly because of the contribution of the physiologic sensors dometer might not have ideal placement in subjects with a large
in addition to the biaxial accelerometer. abdominal volume because it might stay in a different position

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 91, February 2010


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Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 91, February 2010

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