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TRUONG PAT HOC KINH TE DE THI KET THUC HOC PHAN KHOA KINH DOANH QUOC TE BAC DAI HOC HE CHINH QUY Hoc ky Il - Nam hge 2020 - 2021 ‘Tén hoe phan: Quin tri da van héa MADE THI M& hge phn: IBS3007 09-01 Cau Ls (1,0 diém) Giai thich nggin gon quan nigm van héa la do con ngwesi tynhién, Dua vi dy minh hoa, Cau 2: (1,0 diém) Néu bén bidu hién c6 thé cé cita di Cfiu 3: (1,0 diém) ‘Thé nao la khung canh giao tiép? Ta trong khung c’inh giao tigp ndi bo? Cu 4: (1,0 diém) Sir dung mt dinh hudng (gia tri) vain héa dé gidi thich quan nigm that bai cia t6 chtte La do hoan anh. Trinh bay mét biéu hign c6 thé ¢6 ctia van héa nay trong cOng tic hoach dinh cua nha quan tri. Cau 5: (1,0 diém) Sit dung hai dinh hung (gid tri) van héa dé giai thich nguyén nhan ni dura ¥ kién trong cdc cudc hop cita té chite. Cau 6: (1,0 diém) Néu bin ly do cé thé giai thich cho sw da dang vin héa trong td chite. Cu 7: (1,5 diém) Ban chat cia van héa phd bién (theo nghién ei cia ‘Trompenaars)? Trinh bay hai biéu hién 6 thé €6 cia vain héa nay trong hanh vi ciia ngudi mua va theo dé goi ¥ gidi phép cho nguéi kinh doanh. Cau 8: (1,5 diém) scing tao” ra, A6i lp v6i nhing gi thude vé h hung quci khié trong hinh vi eta nha quan tr. sao méi quan hé quyén lye trong 16 chite 66 thé la mot yéu 6 nhan vién khéng phat biéu, Néu ba biéu hin c6 thé ¢6 trong hanh vi ciia doan dim phan dén tir nén van hoa trénh sue khéng chée cao (theo nghién ciru cua Hofstede). Goi y ba gidi phép cho doan dim phan dén tir nén van héa d6i lap dé 06 thé thich img. Cau 9: (1,0 diém) “Trao dia vi cho nguedi thamh cong hay déng vién, an tii nhitng ngurdi thdt bai?” Sir dung m9t khia canh van h6a Iuéng eure (c6 hai gia tri d6i lp) dé giai thich sy khde biét trong phat biéu trén eta nha quan ti. Lap ludn va dé xudt mot gidi phap hoa giai sy khéic biét nay. Thong qua Khoa/BG mon... 2A. Due Huy Uni Diy Lundy Ghi chi: Sinh vién khéng dutoe phép sir dung tai ligu ~ Sinh vién nép lai 48 thi cing véi bai thi ‘Trang 1/1 MA dé thi 09-01 TRUONG DAI HOC KINH TE bE THI KET THUC HOC PHAN KHOA: KE TOAN BAC DAL HOC HE CHINH QUY. eer Hoc ky I, Nam hoe 2021- 2022 | Tén hge phan: KE TOAN QUAN TRI | Ma hoe phan: ACC2002 90 pluie Caw 1: (2,0 diém) Dé Ban hay cho biét cée nh§n djnh sau ding hay sai. Gidi thieh hoje cho vi dy minh hga: 1. hi mite d6 hoat dong ting thi bién phi don vj ludn e6 xu hudng tng 2. Don bay kinh doanh a dai lugng duge xée dinh bing méi quan hé gitta t6c d6 tang loi nhudn véi te dO tng doanh thu, 3. Mot trong nhimg mye tiéu quan trong eta ké ton quan tr] 1a tgo ra ce béo cdo ti chinh chun mure cho cde déi wong ben ngoai. 4. Thong tin thich hgp trong ké todin quan tri dé dura ra quyét dinh bao gm ca chi phi lan va chi phi khde bigt Cau 2: (3,0 diém) DE Doanh nghigp Gia Khang c6 cdc s6 ligu nur sau 1. Du tinh mite Igi nhudn truée thué bing 32% doanh thu, bién phi bing 40% doanh thu va dinh phi 18 282,000,000 dong, Hay tinh mite doanh thu en thiét dé dat mue tu Ig nhuan. (1 dm) 2, Bién phi don vi dy toan cho san phim tiéu thy 1a 4.100 ding va sin long hoa vén trong nim dn la 20,000 san phim. Bon gid ban san phim trong nim dén eta doanh nghigp la bao nhigu? (2 diém) 3. V6i mife Igi nhudin myc tiéu 6 y 1, néu ting gid ban lén 10%, thi phong kinh doanh dy dodn sin lugng sé gidm khoang 7%. Tinh don bay kinh doanh tuong tmg cho vige thay déi gia ban nay, va néu ¥ nghia ngin gon ca don bay. (/ diém) CA 3: (3,0 diém) Trung binh Mét doanh nghigp t6 chite san xuat theo kiéu ché bién lién tue qua hai phan xuong 1 va 2. Ban thinh phém cua phn xudng 1 chuyén sang phin xudng 2 duoc bé sung them vat ligu dé tao ra sin pham cudi cing. Gia sit ring vat ligu thém vio phan xudng 2 khOng kim ting so lugng sin pham tai phan xuéng dé va vat ligu-duee-dua vao.tir dau ca qué trinh sin xut. Tin hinh sin xuat trong thang 11 nim N tai doanh nghigp nhur sau Tai phan xwiing 1: vao dauthang c6 1400 sin phim dé dang, mite 49 ho’ thinh Li 30% Khdng’can sit dung thém vat ligu truc tigp. Trong thang, c§ 4.500 sin phém bat du sin wud san pham hoan thinh chuyén sang phin xuong 2. Cudiihdng, kiém-kécon-+300 sin phim do dang, mie dQ hodn think 70%, ai phén xwéng 2: vao dau thang cé 1.800 sin phim dé dang, mite d9 hoan thanh 35%, Trong thing, phn xuong nhgn (A) sin phim tir phan xung | chuyén sang va (B) sin phim da hon thin, xudt kho va khdng can str dyng thém vat ligu trye tiép, Cudi thang, kiém ké con 1.200 sin phim dé dang, mite 46 hoan thanh 20%. Ghi chi: Sinh.vién khdng durge phép str dung tai ligu 2 Sinh vién du&e phép str dung tai oO - Sinh vién nép lai dé thi cling bai Trang 1/2 Ma dé thi 01 1.000d). at Phin xwong 2 di dang diu kj, (rong dé: ~ Bin thanh pham phiin xuong 1 = Vat ligu true tigp =Nhin c6ng trye tigp = Chi phi sin xudt chung Chi phi @| = Chi phi vat ligu true tiep ie =Chi phi nhan cong trye tigp = Chi phi sin xudt chung cau: Anh/chi hax sau! thinh don vj ca thanh phim va gia tri thinh pham xuat kho (6 phan xuéng ~ Gid trj d6 dang cudi ky ciia phan xudng 2. (0.5 diém) 2). (1.5 diém) Chu 4: (2,0 diém) Kho Cong ty Gia Khang dang can nhiic mua mét may mai dé gim nhe bst lao dong va tiét kiém nguyén vat ligu. Gid mua may méi 1a 270,000,000 déng va may c6 thdi gian sit dung va khdu hao dy kién 10 nam, Cac s6 ligu cia céng ty hang nim trong truémg hyp mua va khong mua méy méi duge inh bay trong bang dui day (DVT: Déng)_ Hign (gi Khim | tra mua) miy méi 5.000 5.000 | (ean phim) Bete ls 8 [Gia ban/1 SP 400.000 00.000 | Chi phi NVETT/ISP 140.000 125.000 (Chi phi NCTT/ISP 80.000 65.000 (Chi phi SXC bign d6V7ISP Ase 20.000 20.000 Chi phi c5 dink hang nam 620.000.000 620.000.000 L(chuta bao gom khdu hao may méi) ep aaeny Yeu ~ Anh (chi) hay cho biét céng ty 6 nén mua may méi khéng & mite bin dr kién hign tai? Gia thich? Hel (Céin bé6 coi thi khOng gidi thich gi them) Thong qua B6 mén Ké win 2. Ghi chi: - Sinh vién khOng duge phép sir dung tai ligu “ Sinh vién duge phép sit dung ti Higu f ~ Sinh vién n6p lai dé thi cing bai thi ‘Trang 2/2 Ma dé thi 01 TRUONG DAI HOC KINH TE DE THI KET THUC HQC PHAN KHOA: KE TOAN (Bac Dai hoc, Hé Chinh quy) Hoe ky Il, Nam hge 2020- 2021 Tén hoc phan: KE TOAN QUAN TRI ‘Thoi gian lim bai | MA DE THI Ma hoc phn: ACC2002 90 plait 91 Cau 1: (2,0 diém) Dé ‘Dinh nghia vé chi phi san phim va chi phi thdi ky. (1 diém) E chi phi du6i day theo hai nhém chi phi trén, va giai thich ngiin gon: ~ Chi phi dign, nude, dién thoai sir dung 6 phan xuéng. ~ Chi phi quing céo sén phim ~ Tién hrong tra cho céng nhén sén xuét sin phim. - Tin Iuong tra cho nhén vién an ninh tai van phing céng ty. Cau 2: (4,0 diém) Dé - Trung binh M6t doanh nghiép kinh doanh mét logi san phdm, s6 ligu nam N nhu sau: San lugng tiéu thy (sp) 5.000 | Téng dinh phi (4) 120.000.000 Gia ban don vi (@/Sp) 90.000 | Ty 1¢ s6 dur dam phi 30% ‘Yéu cau: 1. X4c dinh sin Iugng hda vén va doanh thu hda vén? (1.5 diém) 2. Lap bao edo thu nhép KTOT trong nim N. (1.5 diém) 3, Trong ndm N+1, Doanh nghigp dy kién thay d6i Nguyén vat ligu san xudt, vige thay di nay lam ti¢ s6 dur dam phi tang lén 34%, dng thoi san lugng ban cfing ting 5% so véi nim truéc, Dya trén 86 ligu trén, véi muc tiéu loi nhugn hay tu van cho nha quan trj cé nén thay déi nguyén vat ligu khéng, Gidi thich. (1 diém). Cau 3: (2,0 diém) Trung bink Mét doanh nghiép sin xuat t6 chirc sin xudt theo kigu ché bién lién tuc, Vat ligu duge dua vao tir dau cia qué trinh san xuét. Tinh hinh sn xudt trong théng 9 nim N tai doanh nghiép nhur sau: ‘Vao dau thang c6 1.300 san phim dé dang, mite 46 hoan thanh Ia 20% va khéng cdn sir dung thém vat ligu tryc tiép. Trong thang, c6 5.000 sn phdm bat dau san xudt va (A) san phim hoan thinh xudt kho. Cuéi thang, kiém ké cn 3.000 sin phim dé dang, mite d6 hoan thanh 80%. 'Sé6 ligu vé chi phi san xudt tp hp tai hai phan xuéng nhu sau (DVT: 1.0004): Gia tri ‘Chi phi dé dang dau kj, trong d6: = Vat ligu try tiép_ 2.000 = Nhn céng truc tiép 760 = Chi phi san xudt chung 320 Chi phi san xuit phat sinh trong ky = Chi phi vat ligu try tigp_ 12.000 = Chi phi nhan céng tryc tiép 17.650 = Chi phi san xudt chung 9.825 Yéu cau: 1, Tim san lugng A (0.5 diém). 2. Lp béo eo gid thinh don vj theo phucmg pbép binh quan, vi dua ra nhimg s6 ligu sau: (1.5 ¢iém), : Trang 12 ‘Ma dé thi: 01 - Téng gid tri thanh phim xuat kho ctia phan xuéng. ‘éng gid trj sin phim dé dang cudi ky & phan xuéng. Cfiu 4: (2,0 diém) Kho Mot doanh nghigp c6 day chuyén sin xuét mt logi vat tu X phue vu cho hoat déng sin xudt etia don vi. Chi phi san xudtdon vi tai déy chuyén nay véi mite sn xudt 40,000 sin phim hing nim nur sau: (dvi: dng) Nguyén ligu true tiep : 6.000 Nhan céng tryc tiep: 8.000 Bién phi sin xuat chung: 4,000 Dinh phi sin xudt chun "0 thanh don v (26.000), Trong tng dinh phi san xudt chung, 50% chi phi chung, nghia la chi phi d6 duge phan bd 0 da {inh phi ods 1a dinh phi tructigp va 60% dinh phi-nay 06 Jogi vat_tw ndi trén mua ngoar thay vi sin xudt. MOt nha cung ep loai vat tur nay 22.0004 va cé thé cung cdp dit Fo.g00 vat we X theo yéu cau tir doanh nghiép. 1. C6 nén mua ngodi vat tw nay khong néu doanh nghigp khong ¢6 phuomg dn sir dung mgt bing nha xudng hign dang str dung cho day chuyén san xudt vat tt X? 2. Néu mit bing cho thué gid 70,000,000d/nam thi doanh nghigp ¢6 nén chép nhn phuong én mua ngoai khng? (Cén b6 coi thi khéng gidi thich gi them) Thong qua BG mon Ké todn TS. Nguyén Thj Thtiy Phuong Ghi cha: - vién khéng duge phép sir dung i¢u (ngoai trir Bang danh muc tai khoan ké toan) ~ Sinh vién phaii ghi rd ma dé vao gidy Lim bai va nOp lai dé thi cing bai thi. Trang 22 Ma dé thi: 01 TRUONG DAI HOC KINH TE DE THI KET THUC HOC PHAN KHOA KINH DOANH QUOC TE BAC DAI HQC HE CHINH QUY Hoc ky I - Nam hoc 2021 - 2022 ‘Tén hge phin: Quan tri da vain héa ‘Thai gian am bai || MADE THT ‘Ma hoe phan: 1BS3007 90 phiit 10-01 Cau 1: (1,5 diém) Gidi thich phat biéu “Hai c4 nhan cé hanh vi tuong ty nhau trong cing mt tinh hung khdng hin vi van héa cia ho gidng nhau”. Dé xudt ba goi ¥ c6 thé cdi thign sy so sinh van héa gitta ede ed nhén Cau 2: (1,5 diém) 'Néu nam biéu hign c6 thé e6 trong céng vige cita nhén vién theo van héa dinh huéng thoi gian twain ty (don tuyén). CAu 3: (1,5 diém) ‘Theo nghién citu cia Trompenaars, din huéng (gid tr)) vin héa nio cho ring con ngudi phai bién 461 moi trudng tyr nhign vi cuge séng eda minh? Nam biéu hign cé thé cé trong céng vige ca nha ‘quaint theo van héa nay’ Cau 4: (1,0 diém) “Vi Tho la trugmg phdng kinh doanh nén trong khi anh ta didu hanh mbt euge hop, ede y kién, bin lugn cia anh ta vé cdc van dong vign quiin vot sé duge cho la dling din, dng chi 9". Si dung hai inh hung (gid tr) van hoa 48 giai thich cho phat biéu nay. Cau 5: (1,5 diém) Trinh bay nam biéu hign cé thé cé trong hanh vi nha quan tr] theo van héa tranh sur khéng chée chin thap trong vige thy hign chite nang hogch dinh. Hay giai thich méi quan hé gita vin héa cia nha quan tr] va van héa ctia tS chite ma ngudi nay la than vign 1,0 diém) Chu 6: Giai thich anh huéng ciia van héa thanh tich (dia vi dat durge) theo nghién eéru eta Trompenaars én vige Iya chon noi dung thong digp truyén thong marketing ciia doanh nghiép (c6 thé sit dung vi dy minh hga phi hgp). Cau 7: (1,0 diém) Neu ba biéu hign c6 thé e6 trong hanh vi cia don dim phén dén tir nén van héa nam tinh Ki gBp g6 Kim viée véi déi tac. Goi y hai gidi phap cho doan dim phan dén tir nén van héa déi lap dé cd thé thich ting. Cau 8: (1,0 diém) Mét nhan vign da c6 sing kién gidp cho nhém dat durge thanh tich tét. “Khen thudng cho ngudi c6 sang kién hay khen thuéng cho ca nhém vi thanh tich 161?” Sir dung mét khia canh van héa long cue (cé hai gid tri 46i Kip) dé phan tich tinh thé nan giai néu trén. Lap ludn va dé xudt mét giai phdp hda gidi trong tinh thé nay. ‘Thong qua Khoa/BS mon .. Dalen. Magu [Dida Leiey Ghi chai - Sinh vien khong duge phép sir dung tai ligu - Sinh vign ngp Iai thi cing v6i bai hi ‘Trang 1/1 Ma dé thi 10-01 fertile rae ip niin gie TRUONG DAI HOC KINH TE DE THI KET THUC HOC PHAN KHOA KINH DOANH QUOC TE BAC DAI HQC HE CHINH QUY Hige ky 2 - Nam hoe 2020 - 2021 ‘Ten hoe phan: Kinh doanh yudt hap khdu ‘Thoi gian lam bai MA DE THI Mi hoe phan: IBS3004 75 phat 132 PART I: MULTIPLE CHOIC Question 1: Complete Stalemate in the Doha Round WTO negotiations is due to A. Equitable rules for developing nations B. Focus on reducing agricultural subsidies in developed nations C. The tendency of multipolar world and proliferation of national interests D. All of the above Question 2: Which of the following L/C could be pre-export financing tools for exporters: A. Red clause L/C B. Back to back L/C C. Revocable L/C D. None of the above Question 3: Factoring is a continuous arrangement between a factoring concern and the exporter, whereby the factor purchases export receivables for a somewhat discounted price. A. False B. True Question 4: A, transaction is a simultaneous purchase and sale of a certain amount of currency for two different value dates A. Hedging B. Forward C. Swap D. None of the above Question 5: True or False? The reactive approach in selecting export product involves the selection of a product or service based on overall market demand. A. True B, False Question 6: Which of following are NOT objectives of AEC A.A single market B. Common eurrency C. Competitive economic region D. Equitable economic development Question 7: Which of the following are characteristies of common market A. Common external trade policy B. No barriers to trade between member countries C. Free movement of factors of production D. Alll of the above Question 8: We can examine seasonal variation of the product at the tariff line level by approaching from Trademap A. Quarterly time series B. Yearly time series C. Trade indicators D. Total value of exports/imports Question 9: Which of the following is NOT required for SMEs in adaptating their products in foreign markets: A. Product adaption are made only when the potential of market is large enough B. Develop an international brandnames CC. Weights and measures information should be stated in the local unit D. All of the above Question 10: Advanced payment means financing by importer A. True B. False reign Ghi eh: - Sinh vién khong duge phép sir dung tai liu = Trang 1/4 - fi dé thi 132 Question 11: True or False? Vietnamese business entities have the right to import and export goods itrespective of the lines of business for which they have business registration, A. True B, False Question 12: True of False? ASEAN reached its target of realizing the ASEAN Economic Community in 202 A. False B. True Question 13: Which of the following is not a tool used by exporters for overseas promotion A. Trade missions B. Indirect mail C. Advertising D. All of the above Question 14: There are 3 countries as suppliers of country X for commodity Y, first country has 50% market share, second and third each 25% market share. In this case, the market is A. Less concentrated B, Moderately concentrated C. Concentrated D. Totally concentrated Question 15: Market Access Map allows users to approach the information of non-tariff barriers of the specific market, excluding: A. Quota B, Regulatory requirements for example SPS and TBT regulations C. Trade remedies D. None of the above Questic A. Increases in export volumes B. Membership in IS09000 C, Product differentiation and high capital requirements D. Strong bargaining capability Question 17: Which of following question are not answered by Trademap? A. How my country is performing in a specific market? B. Which markets seems to be the most attractive? CC. Which countries offer my product the most favourable market access conditions? D, What is the trade performance of my county in the world market? Question 18: Different methods to protect against foreign exchange risks include A. Shifting the risk to third parties B. Shifting the risk to the other party in an export contract C. All of the above D. None of the above Question 19: Which of the following elements are used to identify low cost suppliers? A. Raw materials and transportation costs only B. Raw materials, labor costs, and transportation costs only C. Raw materials, labor costs, current exchange rates and transportation costs D. Labor costs and transportation costs only Question 20: Which of the following system allows participating countries to classify traded goods on a common basis for customs purposes: A. The Harmonized System (HS) B. The National Tariff Line (NTL) C. The World Customs Organization D. All of the above Question 21: In 2019, value exported of tea (HS 0902) from Vietnam to China is 23,445 thousand USD while trade balance of Vietnam with China for this commodity is 3,282 thousand USD. A. Vietnam does not import tea from China B. Vietnam has a trade surplus with China regarding product: 0902 tea C. Vietnam has a trade deficit with China regarding product: 0902 tea D. For Vietnam, value of importing tea from China is higher than value of exporting tea to China Question 22: Which of following are external - proactive approach of export motives: n 16: Entry barriers can be created by Ghi chit: Sinh vién khong duge phép sir dung tai leu Trang 2/4 - Mia d A. Marketing advantages B. Unique product C. Foreign market opportunities D. Managerial urge Question 23: Market Access Map allows users to address the following question/questions: A. Which countries offer my product the most favourable market access conditions? B. From where can I source materials to make the most of my country’s preferential and free trade reements? C, What tariffs do my competitors face? D. All of the above Question 24: Which countries are NOT member of RCEP: A. Chile B. China C. New Zealand D. Australia Question 25: True or False? Most developing countries provide insurance programs for their import firms to cover losses duc to political change in their countries. A. True B. False Question 26: Which of the following are often governmental mandatory standards: A. GLOBAL GAP B. USDA Organic C.1S014001 D. Tolerance limits for residues by certain (non-microbiological subtances) Question 27: Which of following are NOT internal - reactive approach of export motives A. Risk diversification ‘end sales of seasonal product C. Excess capacity of resources D. Unsolicited orders Question 28: Which of the following is not a major factor in international supplier selection? A. Buyer-supplier relationships B. Quality assurance C. Exporter-freight forwarder relationships D. Financial conditions Question 29: Which of the following are examples of counter-trade: A. Simple barter (for example rice and cashew) B, Buy back agreement C. Compensation agreement D. All of the above Question 30: Using secondary data when conducting international market research is: A. Tailored to the need of company B, Readily available and inexpensive C, Easy to assess the accuracy of the information D. Time consuming and expensive Question 31: Canada adds another two digits to the first 6 digits code to classify i in greater depth, for example the code 090230,10 ~ for black tea, packaged as tea bags specificity is referred to A. The Harmonized System (HS) B. The National Tariff Line (NTL) C. The World Customs Organization D. Alll of the above Question 32: Which of the following agreements are included in EVETA? A. Transparancy B. Government Procurement C. Dispute settlement D. All of the above Question 33: Over the 2015-2019 period, Germany imports of cashew nuts have ineteased by 11% per annum while imports from Vietnam have increased by 19% per annum. Vietnam exports to the world increased by 6% A. Vietnam exporters of cashew nuts accounted larger marketshare in Germany rather than other markets B. Vietnamese exporters have maximized their potential to export cashew nuts in Germany exports and imports This greater of Ghi chit: - Sinh vién khéng duge phép sir dung ti ligu Trang 3/4 - Ma dé thi 132 C. Vietnamese exporters of cashewnuts have a better opportunity to increase thei Germany rather other markets in the period D, Vietnam is an important trade partners of Germany to supply cashew nuts Question 34: is communicating with an audience by personal or non-personal media that are jarketshare in not explicitly paid for delivering messages. A. Personal selling B. Publicity C. Sales promotion D. Direct marketing Question 35: The company that targets high-level of profit may select the market with: A. Positive growth of unit price B. Large quantity of import C. Highest total value of import D. None of the above Question 36: When viewing importers of watermelons from Trademap, in the case of the trading partner United States, the growth rate in value is 4% while the growth rate in quantity is 1%: this difference indicates A. An upward trend of unit value of watermelon in United States B. A downward trend of unit value of watermelon in United States C. A general decrease in price level of watermelon in United States D. A value depreciation of USD Question 37: Volume of sales are profit-oriented objectives of company A. False B. Truc Question 38: Trade remedies imposed by importing countries includes A, Antidumping measures B. Safeguard measures C. Countervailing measures D. All of the above Question 39: Which of the following financing allows importer not to issue LC A. Countertrade B. Credit Risk Insurance C. Factoring D. Allof the above Question 40: From Trademap, when viewing import data of Germany regarding product: 090121 (090121 Roasted coffee (excluding decaffeinated), value of imported from Italy in 2019 was 204,484 thousand USD while trade balance between Germany and Italy was -173,347 USD. Value of imported from Netherlands was 65,556 thousand USD while trade balance between Germany and Netherlands was 83,377 thousand USD. Which answer is not true? A. Germany has imported more coffee: 090121 from Italy than exporting this commodity to Italy B. Germany has imported more coffee: 090121 from Italy than importing from Netherlands C. Germany mainly depends on foreign markets for importing coffee: 090121 D. Germany is also an exporter of coffee: 090121 1. Distinguish reactive approach and ystematic approach in selecting product for export (1.5 points) Give an example of selecting a certain product for export by using reactive approach (0.5 point) 2. Company A of Vietnam specializ. in designing and manufacturing fine art wood carvings, which is unique and being appreciated in several trade exhibitions in Japan, What are appropriate price strategy/strategies for the product of company A when selling in Japan? (0.5 point) Clarify the definition of the chosen price rategy/strategies. (0.75 point) Using direct channels, company A relies on several agents to sell its products in different cities of Japan. Analyze disadvantages of using agents for distributing goods for this company. (0.75 point) THONG QUA KHOA/BQ MON Plc Leica Uni Dit Lowy Ghi chu: - Sinh vién khéng durge phép sir dung tai Héu . ‘Trang 4/4 ~ Ma dé thi 132 TRUONG DAI HOC KINH TE DE THI KET THUC HOC PHAN KHOA KINH DOANH QUOC TE BAC DAI HOC HE CHINH QUY Hoe ky’ II - Nam hge 2020 ~ 2021 ‘Tén hoc phan: Dam phan kinh doanh Thoi gian lam bai MA DE THI Mi hoc phan: IBS3013 75 phat o1 Cau 1 (2 diém) 1.1. Vain dé haw hinh trong dim phan la gi? Gidi thich nhiin dinh “sw thanh cong trong dim phan lién quan dén vige quan ly cdc vin dé hitu hinh va v6 hinh”, 1.2. “Thién kién théa thuan” (Agreement bias) cé nghia la gi? Né anh huéng nhw thé nio dén nha dam phan? 13. Trong gidi quyét xung dot, néu mt trusng hop khéng nén sir dung chién luge “né (Avoiding)? Khi d6 phai str dung chién luge nao? tran Chu 2 (4 diém) 2.1, Tinh hudng dim phan “t6ng bing khong” (Zero-sum) e6 nghia la gi? 2.2. “Vige sit dung hinh thire dam phan phan chia c6 thé din dén nhitng tén that cho cae bén tham gia”. Nhn dinh 1a diing hay sai? Giai thich 1 ly do. 2.3. Trong dam phan phan chia, dé tranh sai lam “ mot dé nghi ciia déi tac, trong khi no la dé nghi tét nhat”, nguei dam phan phai lam gi trong qua trinh xay dung ké hoach dim phan (chi duge phép néu mot cong va quan trong nhat)? 2.4. V6i vj tri Id ngudi mua, lién quan dén digu kign gi néu méi quan hé gitra diém khiing cur (Resistance point), diém mye tiéu (Target point) va dé nghj mo dau (Initial offer). Déi véi diéu kién gid, diém thod thudn (Settlement point) ma ngudsi mua mong muén dat durge 14 cao hon hay thap hon dé nghi mé dau cia hg? Gidi thich r6 ly do. h dam phan phan chia. 2.5. Trinh bay k¥ thuait che day théng tin trong qua tr Cau 3 (2 diém) 3.1. Trong dim phan tich hop, vi sao viée tim hiéu loi ich (méi quan tam) thre su cia déi tac thurong kh hon viée tim hiéu muc tiéu cia déi tae? Loi ich mang tinh ban chat c6 nghia 1A gi? Cho mét vi du minh hoa. 3.2. Trong dam phan tich hop, hay cho biét muc tiéu cia ky thuat nguyén” (Expand the resource pie)? Cho mét vi du minh hog (kkhéng sit dung vi dy trong cde tai ligu ging day ciia gido vien da cung ep cho sinh vién), 4.1. Lién quan dén sy anh huéng ciia vain hoa dén dim p 18, hay gidi thich ly do n qu vi sao dim phin véi déi tie Nhat Ban thudng mat nhidu thoi gian. 4.2. Trong dim phan quéc té, vi sao ching ta cin phai tao ra sur can bing trong thoa thudn V6i déi téc? Vi sao vige chia sé théng tin day di cho déi tic 1a m6t trong nhitng gidi phap quan trong dé cén bing thoa thuén? Théng qua Khoa/B6 mén Kinh doanh Quéc té Diu Keay Ud Dida ly, Ghi chi: - Sinh vign Ikhéng duge phép sir dun; Sinh vin durge phép str dung tai ligu ~ Sinh vign np lai dé thi ciing bai thi ‘Trang W/1 Ma dé thi 01 TRUONG DAI HOC KINH TE DE THI KET THUC HQC PHAN KHOA KINH DOANH QUOC TE BAC DAI HOC HE CHINH QUY Hoc ky I Nam hoe 2021 - 2022 ‘Tén hoe phan: THANH TOAN TRONG NGOAI THUONG | Thdigian lam bai | MA DE THI Ma hge phan: IBS 3009 90 phat 01-TA, Question 1: These statements are TRUE or FALSE. Explain in brief (2 marks) a, Drawee in Draft must be the importer b. Cash in advance is a disadvantage to the importer; therefore, he should not use this type of payment for all case c. If the importer does not trust the issuing bank, he should use the confirmed letter of credit d. To mitigate the risks in Colle: Question 2: (7 mark) Assume the spot rate of some currencies as following: GBP/USD: EUR/USD=1,2142-12. a. What is the cross rate between GBP and EUR (GBP/EUR) b. The customer wants to convert 65.000 EUR into GBP. How much will the customer receive in GBP? n, the exporter should choose a Clean collection 6568-00; Question 3: (2 marks) ‘Through an intermediary, your company obtains a contract to export lychee to a commercial company - Sandy in the Netherlands with a value of USD 500,000. This is a partner doing trade with your company for the first time, and they require all transactions must go through an agent. Assume Sandy asks for payment term by D/A 60 days from the date of shipment 1, Please analyze the advantages and disadvantages when your company accepts this method of payment (0.5 marks) 'b. Based on the characteristics of the above transaction (provided by the case) and the payment method for collection of D/A, please indicate the most significant risk your business faces if you enter into this contract (clearly explain why). To prevent this risk, what should your business offer its partner regarding payment terms? (1.5 marks) Question 4: (5 marks) Read the L/C and answer the following questions: 40A: Form of documentary credit: Irrevocable 31C: Date of issue: 010420 40E: Applicable rules: UCP latest version Ghi chi: - Sink vién khOng duge phép sit dung tai ligu = Sinh vign ndp Iai dB thi cing bai thi Trang Ma ad thi O1-TA 31D: Date and Place of expiry: 151220 in Malaysia SIA: Applicant bank: Public bank Taman Maluri Branch, Malaysia 50: Applicant: Ivy Beauty Corporation SDN BHD, Malaysia 59: Beneficiary: Nhan Loc Manufacturing and Trading Co., Ltd. Add: 50 Ngo Quyen st, Dist Son Tra, Da Nang city, Vietnam 32B: Curreney code, Amount: USD 31.728,48 39A: Percentage credit amount tolerance: 00/05 41D: Available with...by...: Issuing bank by deferred payment 42P: Deferred payment detail: 60 days from shipment date 43P: Partial shipments: Prohibited 437: Transshipments: Prohibited 448: Port of loading: Ho Chi Minh City Port, Vietnam 44F: Port of Discharging: Port Klang, Malaysia 44C: Latest date of shipment: before 011220 45A: Description of Goods: Item — Commodity Size Quantity Unit price Amount (pieces) (-SPCT) (USDipes) (-SPCT) (USD) ‘ Leivy Naturally 1150ml 11,172 2.84 31,728.48 Double moisturizing shower cream with purified goat’s milk and milk protein + Total amount: USD 31,728.48 (-SPCT) + Trade term: CIF Klang, Malaysia, Incoterm 2010 + Origin: Vietnam + Packing: by export standard packing + Minus SPCT for both quantity and amount are acceptable 46A: Documents required 1, Signed commercial invoice in S-fold 2. Full (3/3) set of original and 1 copy of clean shipped on the board ocean bill of lading made out of order of Public Bank Taman Maluri Branch, Malaysia, marked “Freight prepaid” and notify the applicant with full address, B/L must show name, address, tel, fax.no of a shipping agent in Malaysia 3. Detailed packing list + 4, Certificate of origin form D issued by Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Vietnam in Duplicate 5. Certificate of Analysis issued by manufacturer “Nhan Loc laboratories.” Ghi chi: - Sinh vign khong dye phép st dung tai liu + Sinh vién n6p lai d8 thi cing bai thi ey 2.5 Ma dé thi O1-TA 6. Certificate of receiving shipment issued by applicant Ivy Beauty Corporation SDN BHD, Malaysia 7. Full set of original plus 01 copy of insurance policy/ certificate in assignable form and endorsed in blank, covering clause ICC (A) for 110 PCT invoice value. Name, address, tel no., fax no., of the insurance company in Malaysia must be shown IB: Charges: excluded UCP 600 Art 37C, all banking charges outside Malaysia are for beneficiary's account 48: Period of presentation: Documents must be presented within 05 days after shipment date but within the validity of the credit 49: Confirmation instruction: Without 57D: Advise through bank: ICBVVNX920 Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade (Formerly V Branch No.5) Ho Chi Minh city Questions: a. What is the time and place of expiry of the credit? (0.5 marks) b. What problems could Nhan Loc deal with related to the terms and conditions in Field 31D, 41D, 44C, 46A, 48 in this credit? When receiving L/C, which issues should Nhan Loc suggest to amend in the credit? (3 marks) c. Assuming the shipment date is 30/11/2020, what is the period of presentation and place of presentation? (0.75 marks) 4. When examining Field 43P and 43T, what issues should Nhan Loc consider to constitute a complying presentation? (0.75 marks) Thong qua Khoa/B6 mon Dil Ghi cht: - Sinh vién khOng duoc phép str dung tai ligu ~ in vign ngp lai thi eting bai thi Trangae Mi a@ thi O1-TA TRUONG DAI HOC KINH TE DE THI KET THUC HQC PHAN KHOA KINH DOANH QUOC TE BAC DAI HQC HE CHINH QUY Hoe ky I - Nam hoe 2021-2022 ‘Tén hgec phan: Dao dire kink doanh Thoi gian Lam bai | MA DE THI Méhge phan: IBS3001 90 phiit 05-01 Cau 1: (1,5 diém) ‘Thé nao Ia sy chinh truc? Néu dm vi du vé sy chinh true trong kinh doanh dé lam 16 cho van dé nay Cau 2: (1,5 diém) Lam 1 ba ly do khién nhiéu ngudi thich lam viée cho cac t6 chtre kinh doanh cé dao dite va wach nhigm, Chiu 3: (1,0 diém) Lay m6t tinh hudng dé minh hoa va phan tich sy nan giai ma nha quan trj phai déi mat khi Iya chon gitta trach nhiém voi ngudi lao dong va tréch nhigm véi c6 dng (chi sé hit). Céu 4: (1,0 diém) M6t hinh dong vi tip thé (vi loi) c6 hin LA dao dite? Gidi thich. Lay mét tinh hudng kinh doanh dé minh ha, Chuan myc dao dite trong tinh huéng nay la gi. Cftu 8: (1,0 diém) Str dung m6t gia trj dgo dire dé giai thich ly do tai sao doanh nghigp phai e6 tréch nhigm véi cée nha cung cap. Trinh bay bén hoat ding hoe chinh séch eda ngudi kinh doanh thé hign trach nhigm nay. Ciiu 6: (1,0 diém) Su da dang vé van hoa cia nhén vién trong doanh nghiép cé thé 14 nguyén nhén cia nhiing hinh vi v6 dgo dite? Giai thich va léy vi dy minh hoa. Dua ra hai giai php mang tinh t6 chite nim ngin ngira hinh vi v6 dgo dite trong vi dy vita néu. Clu 7: (3,0 diém) Trong théi gian chinh quyén mét sur gia ting nhanh chéng sé ng trong vige dip img diy di va (uge chinh quyén chip nhgn), Chi m9t hé kinh doanh thye phim da lén lit (6 chite cung cdp trai quy dinh céc logi thye pham cho cée cd nhan va h6 gia dinh cé nhu cau voi gid cd hop ly. Sy vige khOng bi chinh quyén bj phat hign trong thoi gian d6. 1/ Xée dinh bén tae déng tiéu cye c6 thé ¢6 ctia cdich lam nay dén cdc bén hitu quan. (0,8 diém) 2/ Lam 16 sur nan gidi gitta v6 dgo dite va dao die trong cach kim nay. (0,8 diém) 3/ Dé xudt bén gidi phap cho cée bén hiu quan nhim ngn ngiza nhiing céch kim nhu vay trong nhiing tinh hudng tuong ty khée. (0,8 diém) 4/ Néu trong tinh huéng tong ty, chi h6 kinh doanh nay phai img xi nhur thé nao? (0,6 diém) Maik fina Vols a phuong gidi hg o tiép cia ngudi din do i duomg tinh voi SARS-CoV-2, nhigu ngus. gp kh6 kin ‘Thong qua Khoa/B9 mon Dw. igu = Sinh vign Khong doe php sr dung + Sinh vign ngp Iai dB thi edng v6i ba thi ‘Trang W/1 Ma dé thi 05-01

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