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Parler- to talk Finir- to finish Rpondre- to answer Se laver- to wash one self Acheter- to buy Appeler- to call Commencer- to begin Manger- to eat Payer- to pay Prfrer- to prefer Avoir- to have Boire- to drink Conduire- to drive Connaitre- to know a person Croire- to believe Dire- to say Dormir- to sleep Ecrire- to write Envoyer- to send Etre- to be Faire- to do, to make

Final Review
Lire- to read Mettre- to put Ouvrir- to open Pouvoir- to be able to Prendre- to take Recevoir- to recieve Savoir- to know a fact Servir- to serve Suivre- to follow Vivre- to live Voir- to see Vouloir- to want/ to wish Pleuvoir- to rain Gurit- to cure Chanter- to sing Courir- to run Tenir- to hold Obir- to obey Dsobir- to disobey Russir- to pass Punir- to punish Croire- to believe


*Mourir- to die-mort Rester- to stay- reste Sortir- to go out/ to leave- sorti *Revenir- to come back- revenu *Devenir- to become- devenu *Venir- to come- venu Aller- to go- all *Naitre- to be born- ne Descendre- to go down- descendu Entrer- to enter- entre Rentre- to re-enter- rentre Tomber- to fall- tombe Retourner- to return- retourne Arriver- to arrive- arrive Monter- to go up- monte Passer- to go by- passe Partir- to leave- parti Qui- before verb Que (qu)- before added subject

BANGS Beauty
Joli jolie Beau Bel* Belle Vieux Viell* Vielle Onze Bon bonne Grand Grande Mignon Mignonne Laid Laide Jeune Jeune Vingt en une Mchant mchante Moyen Moyenne

Age Number

Nouveau Nouvel* nouvelle Une

Goodness Mouvais Size

Mouvaise Petit Petite


Prsent-subj. +stem+regualr ending -er -e -es -e -ir -is -is -it -re -s -s nothing *avoir-ont *aller-vont *fair- font *etre-sont

-ons -issons -ons -ez -isses -ez *nous sommes


-issent -ent

*vous tes

Passe Compose-subj. +helping verb+past part -e -er -ir -i -re -u Etre as a helping verbMRSRDVANDERTRAMPP and rflexives : je me lave

Conditionnel- subj. + infinitive irreg.(same as futur) stem + imparfait endings -ais -ais -ait -ions -iez -aient RflexivesJe me Tu te Il/Elle se Nous nous Vous vous Ils/Elles se

Avoir as a helping verbAll the rest Imparfait-subj. + nous form of verb ONS + ending -ais -ais -ait -ions -iez -aient Futur- subj. + irreg. stem + avoir endings -ais -ais -ait -ions -iez -aient stems * always end in r *etre : -et + endings

Aller- ir

envoyer- enverr

Avoir- aur vouloir- voudr Etre- ser Fair- fer devoir- devr savoir- saur

Mourir- mourr recevoir-recevr Courir- courr venir- viendr

Pouvoir- pourr Voir- verr

devenir- deviendr

revenir- reviendr

Past Participles conjugated w/ avoir-e etre- t -i rire- ri suivre- suivi -u Boire- bu Courir- couru Connaitre- connu Croire- cru Devoir- du Avoir- eu Lire- lu Pouvoir- pu Recevoir- reu Savoir- su Tenir-tenu Voir- vu Vouloir- voulu Vivre- vcu -ir Prendre- pris compris- to understand appris- to learn surpris- to suprise Mettre- mis promis- to promis permis- to allow Dire- dit Faire- fait Ecrire- crit Conduire- conduit Traduire- traduit cont. -ert Ouvrir- ouvert- to open Couvrir- couvert- to cover Dcouvrir- dcouvert- to discover Offrir- offert- to offer Souffrir- souffert- to suffer Avoir endingsJai Tu as Il/Elle a Nous avons Vous avez Ils/Elles ont

Rflexive VerbesSe laver- to wash Se baigner- to bath Se raser- to shave Se maquiller- to put make-up on Se lever- to get up Serveiller- to wake up Se brosser- to brush Se peigner- to comb Se prparer- to get ready Se dpcher- to hurry up Soccuper- to stay busy Shabiller- to get dressed Sappeler- to call one self Se coucher to go to bed

D.O & Indirect

Me- me to me


Affirmative Positive Command


Indirect Object

There Prep+location Except de

Some of it Some of them

Le- him it

Lui- to him en

Te- you to you

La- her it


Lui- to her

Nous- us to us Vous- you to you

Les- them

Nous Leur- to them

L before vowel or silent h


De+ le= du De+ la= De la De+ les= Des De+ l= De l

PossessivesMon ma mes Ton ta tes Son sa ses

2 1/2

Mon, son, ton, used before all nous with a vowel or silent h Dmonstratives- ce- this or that Ce cet cette ces *Cet used before masc. With a vowel or silent h Interrogatives- quel- what or which Quel quelle quels quelles Leave it alone for fem. *Adj. ends in s and is singular leave it alone for plural

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