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ASCII Printable Characters

ASCII Character ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C HTML Entity Code &#32; &#33; &#34; &#35; &#36; &#37; &#38; &#39; &#40; &#41; &#42; &#43; &#44; &#45; &#46; &#47; &#48; &#49; &#50; &#51; &#52; &#53; &#54; &#55; &#56; &#57; &#58; &#59; &#60; &#61; &#62; &#63; &#64; &#65; &#66; &#67; Description space exclamation mark quotation mark number sign dollar sign percent sign ampersand apostrophe left parenthesis right parenthesis asterisk plus sign comma hyphen period slash digit 0 digit 1 digit 2 digit 3 digit 4 digit 5 digit 6 digit 7 digit 8 digit 9 colon semicolon less-than equals-to greater-than question mark at sign uppercase A uppercase B uppercase C

D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j

&#68; &#69; &#70; &#71; &#72; &#73; &#74; &#75; &#76; &#77; &#78; &#79; &#80; &#81; &#82; &#83; &#84; &#85; &#86; &#87; &#88; &#89; &#90; &#91; &#92; &#93; &#94; &#95; &#96; &#97; &#98; &#99; &#100; &#101; &#102; &#103; &#104; &#105; &#106;

uppercase D uppercase E uppercase F uppercase G uppercase H uppercase I uppercase J uppercase K uppercase L uppercase M uppercase N uppercase O uppercase P uppercase Q uppercase R uppercase S uppercase T uppercase U uppercase V uppercase W uppercase X uppercase Y uppercase Z left square bracket backslash right square bracket caret underscore grave accent lowercase a lowercase b lowercase c lowercase d lowercase e lowercase f lowercase g lowercase h lowercase i lowercase j

k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~

&#107; &#108; &#109; &#110; &#111; &#112; &#113; &#114; &#115; &#116; &#117; &#118; &#119; &#120; &#121; &#122; &#123; &#124; &#125; &#126;

lowercase k lowercase l lowercase m lowercase n lowercase o lowercase p lowercase q lowercase r lowercase s lowercase t lowercase u lowercase v lowercase w lowercase x lowercase y lowercase z left curly brace vertical bar right curly brace tilde

ASCII Device Control Characters

The ASCII device control characters were originally designed to control hardware devices. Control characters have nothing to do inside an HTML document. ASCII Character NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL BS HT LF VT HTML Entity Code &#00; &#01; &#02; &#03; &#04; &#05; &#06; &#07; &#08; &#09; &#10; &#11; Description null character start of header start of text end of text end of transmission enquiry acknowledge bell (ring) backspace horizontal tab line feed vertical tab


&#12; &#13; &#14; &#15; &#16; &#17; &#18; &#19; &#20; &#21; &#22; &#23; &#24; &#25; &#26; &#27; &#28; &#29; &#30; &#31; &#127;

form feed carriage return shift out shift in data link escape device control 1 device control 2 device control 3 device control 4 negative acknowledge synchronize end transmission block cancel end of medium substitute escape file separator group separator record separator unit separator delete (rubout)

Reserved Characters in HTML

Some characters are reserved in HTML and XHTML. For example, you cannot use the greater than or less than signs within your text because the browser could mistake them for markup. HTML and XHTML processors must support the five special characters listed in the table below: Character " ' & < > Entity Number &#34; &#39; &#38; &#60; &#62; Entity Name &quot; &apos; (does not work in IE) &amp; &lt; &gt; Description quotation mark apostrophe ampersand less-than greater-than

Note: Entity names are case sensitive!

ISO 8859-1 Symbols


Entity Number &#160; &#161; &#162; &#163; &#164; &#165; &#166; &#167; &#168; &#169; &#170; &#171; &#172; &#173; &#174; &#175; &#176; &#177; &#178; &#179; &#180; &#181; &#182; &#183; &#184; &#185; &#186; &#187; &#188; &#189; &#190; &#191; &#215; &#247;

Entity Name &nbsp; &iexcl; &cent; &pound; &curren; &yen; &brvbar; &sect; &uml; &copy; &ordf; &laquo; &not; &shy; &reg; &macr; &deg; &plusmn; &sup2; &sup3; &acute; &micro; &para; &middot; &cedil; &sup1; &ordm; &raquo; &frac14; &frac12; &frac34; &iquest; &times; &divide;

Description non-breaking space inverted exclamation mark cent pound currency yen broken vertical bar section spacing diaeresis copyright feminine ordinal indicator angle quotation mark (left) negation soft hyphen registered trademark spacing macron degree plus-or-minus superscript 2 superscript 3 spacing acute micro paragraph middle dot spacing cedilla superscript 1 masculine ordinal indicator angle quotation mark (right) fraction 1/4 fraction 1/2 fraction 3/4 inverted question mark multiplication division

ISO 8859-1 Characters

Character Entity Number &#192; Entity Name &Agrave; Description capital a, grave accent

&#193; &#194; &#195; &#196; &#197; &#198; &#199; &#200; &#201; &#202; &#203; &#204; &#205; &#206; &#207; &#208; &#209; &#210; &#211; &#212; &#213; &#214; &#216; &#217; &#218; &#219; &#220; &#221; &#222; &#223; &#224; &#225; &#226; &#227; &#228; &#229; &#230; &#231; &#232;

&Aacute; &Acirc; &Atilde; &Auml; &Aring; &AElig; &Ccedil; &Egrave; &Eacute; &Ecirc; &Euml; &Igrave; &Iacute; &Icirc; &Iuml; &ETH; &Ntilde; &Ograve; &Oacute; &Ocirc; &Otilde; &Ouml; &Oslash; &Ugrave; &Uacute; &Ucirc; &Uuml; &Yacute; &THORN; &szlig; &agrave; &aacute; &acirc; &atilde; &auml; &aring; &aelig; &ccedil; &egrave;

capital a, acute accent capital a, circumflex accent capital a, tilde capital a, umlaut mark capital a, ring capital ae capital c, cedilla capital e, grave accent capital e, acute accent capital e, circumflex accent capital e, umlaut mark capital i, grave accent capital i, acute accent capital i, circumflex accent capital i, umlaut mark capital eth, Icelandic capital n, tilde capital o, grave accent capital o, acute accent capital o, circumflex accent capital o, tilde capital o, umlaut mark capital o, slash capital u, grave accent capital u, acute accent capital u, circumflex accent capital u, umlaut mark capital y, acute accent capital THORN, Icelandic small sharp s, German small a, grave accent small a, acute accent small a, circumflex accent small a, tilde small a, umlaut mark small a, ring small ae small c, cedilla small e, grave accent

&#233; &#234; &#235; &#236; &#237; &#238; &#239; &#240; &#241; &#242; &#243; &#244; &#245; &#246; &#248; &#249; &#250; &#251; &#252; &#253; &#254; &#255;

&eacute; &ecirc; &euml; &igrave; &iacute; &icirc; &iuml; &eth; &ntilde; &ograve; &oacute; &ocirc; &otilde; &ouml; &oslash; &ugrave; &uacute; &ucirc; &uuml; &yacute; &thorn; &yuml;

small e, acute accent small e, circumflex accent small e, umlaut mark small i, grave accent small i, acute accent small i, circumflex accent small i, umlaut mark small eth, Icelandic small n, tilde small o, grave accent small o, acute accent small o, circumflex accent small o, tilde small o, umlaut mark small o, slash small u, grave accent small u, acute accent small u, circumflex accent small u, umlaut mark small y, acute accent small thorn, Icelandic small y, umlaut mark

Math Symbols Supported by HTML

Character Entity Number &#8704; &#8706; &#8707; &#8709; &#8711; &#8712; &#8713; &#8715; &#8719; &#8721; &#8722; &#8727; &#8730; Entity Name &forall; &part; &exist; &empty; &nabla; &isin; &notin; &ni; &prod; &sum; &minus; &lowast; &radic; Description for all part exists empty nabla isin notin ni prod sum minus lowast square root

&#8733; &#8734; &#8736; &#8743; &#8744; &#8745; &#8746; &#8747; &#8756; &#8764; &#8773; &#8776; &#8800; &#8801; &#8804; &#8805; &#8834; &#8835; &#8836; &#8838; &#8839; &#8853; &#8855; &#8869; &#8901;

&prop; &infin; &ang; &and; &or; &cap; &cup; &int; &there4; &sim; &cong; &asymp; &ne; &equiv; &le; &ge; &sub; &sup; &nsub; &sube; &supe; &oplus; &otimes; &perp; &sdot;

proportional to infinity angle and or cap cup integral therefore similar to congruent to almost equal not equal equivalent less or equal greater or equal subset of superset of not subset of subset or equal superset or equal circled plus cirled times perpendicular dot operator

Greek Letters Supported by HTML

Character Entity Number &#913; &#914; &#915; &#916; &#917; &#918; &#919; &#920; &#921; &#922; &#923; Entity Name &Alpha; &Beta; &Gamma; &Delta; &Epsilon; &Zeta; &Eta; &Theta; &Iota; &Kappa; &Lambda; Description Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda

&#924; &#925; &#926; &#927; &#928; &#929; undefined &#931; &#932; &#933; &#934; &#935; &#936; &#937; &#945; &#946; &#947; &#948; &#949; &#950; &#951; &#952; &#953; &#954; &#955; &#956; &#957; &#958; &#959; &#960; &#961; &#962; &#963; &#964; &#965; &#966; &#967; &#968;

&Mu; &Nu; &Xi; &Omicron; &Pi; &Rho; &Sigma; &Tau; &Upsilon; &Phi; &Chi; &Psi; &Omega; &alpha; &beta; &gamma; &delta; &epsilon; &zeta; &eta; &theta; &iota; &kappa; &lambda; &mu; &nu; &xi; &omicron; &pi; &rho; &sigmaf; &sigma; &tau; &upsilon; &phi; &chi; &psi;

Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigmaf Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu xi omicron pi rho sigmaf sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi

&#969; &#977; &#978; &#982;

&omega; &thetasym; &upsih; &piv;

omega theta symbol upsilon symbol pi symbol

Other Entities Supported by HTML

Character Entity Number &#338; &#339; &#352; &#353; &#376; &#402; &#710; &#732; &#8194; &#8195; &#8201; &#8204; &#8205; &#8206; &#8207; &#8211; &#8212; &#8216; &#8217; &#8218; &#8220; &#8221; &#8222; &#8224; &#8225; &#8226; &#8230; &#8240; &#8242; &#8243; &#8249; Entity Name &OElig; &oelig; &Scaron; &scaron; &Yuml; &fnof; &circ; &tilde; &ensp; &emsp; &thinsp; &zwnj; &zwj; &lrm; &rlm; &ndash; &mdash; &lsquo; &rsquo; &sbquo; &ldquo; &rdquo; &bdquo; &dagger; &Dagger; &bull; &hellip; &permil; &prime; &Prime; &lsaquo; Description capital ligature OE small ligature oe capital S with caron small S with caron capital Y with diaeres f with hook modifier letter circumflex accent small tilde en space em space thin space zero width non-joiner zero width joiner left-to-right mark right-to-left mark en dash em dash left single quotation mark right single quotation mark single low-9 quotation mark left double quotation mark right double quotation mark double low-9 quotation mark dagger double dagger bullet horizontal ellipsis per mille minutes seconds single left angle quotation



&#8250; &#8254; &#8364; &#8482; &#8592; &#8593; &#8594; &#8595; &#8596; &#8629; &#8968; &#8969; &#8970; &#8971; &#9674; &#9824; &#9827; &#9829; &#9830;

&rsaquo; &oline; &euro; &trade; &larr; &uarr; &rarr; &darr; &harr; &crarr; &lceil; &rceil; &lfloor; &rfloor; &loz; &spades; &clubs; &hearts; &diams;

single right angle quotation overline euro trademark left arrow up arrow right arrow down arrow left right arrow carriage return arrow left ceiling right ceiling left floor right floor lozenge spade club heart diamond

space ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , . / 0

%20 %21 %22 %23 %24 %25 %26 %27 %28 %29 %2A %2B %2C %2D %2E %2F %30

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W

%31 %32 %33 %34 %35 %36 %37 %38 %39 %3A %3B %3C %3D %3E %3F %40 %41 %42 %43 %44 %45 %46 %47 %48 %49 %4A %4B %4C %4D %4E %4F %50 %51 %52 %53 %54 %55 %56 %57

X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~

%58 %59 %5A %5B %5C %5D %5E %5F %60 %61 %62 %63 %64 %65 %66 %67 %68 %69 %6A %6B %6C %6D %6E %6F %70 %71 %72 %73 %74 %75 %76 %77 %78 %79 %7A %7B %7C %7D %7E


# "

1 0 )

 ( $ ' &  %

%80 %81 %82 %83 %84 %85 %86 %87 %88 %89 %8A %8B %8C %8D %8E %8F %90 %91 %92 %93 %94 %95 %96 %97 %98 %99 %9A %9B %9C %9D %9E %9F %A0 %A1 %A2 %A3 %A4 %A5

%A6 %A7 %A8 %A9 %AA %AB %AC %AD %AE %AF %B0 %B1 %B2 %B3 %B4 %B5 %B6 %B7 %B8 %B9 %BA %BB %BC %BD %BE %BF %C0 %C1 %C2 %C3 %C4 %C5 %C6 %C7 %C8 %C9 %CA %CB %CC

%CD %CE %CF %D0 %D1 %D2 %D3 %D4 %D5 %D6 %D7 %D8 %D9 %DA %DB %DC %DD %DE %DF %E0 %E1 %E2 %E3 %E4 %E5 %E6 %E7 %E8 %E9 %EA %EB %EC %ED %EE %EF %F0 %F1 %F2 %F3

%F4 %F5 %F6 %F7 %F8 %F9 %FA %FB %FC %FD %FE %FF

URL Encoding Reference

The ASCII device control characters %00-%1f were originally designed to control hardware devices. Control characters have nothing to do inside a URL. ASCII Character NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL BS HT LF VT FF CR SO SI DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 Description null character start of header start of text end of text end of transmission enquiry acknowledge bell (ring) backspace horizontal tab line feed vertical tab form feed carriage return shift out shift in data link escape device control 1 device control 2 device control 3 URL-encoding %00 %01 %02 %03 %04 %05 %06 %07 %08 %09 %0A %0B %0C %0D %0E %0F %10 %11 %12 %13


device control 4 negative acknowledge synchronize end transmission block cancel end of medium substitute escape file separator group separator record separator unit separator

%14 %15 %16 %17 %18 %19 %1A %1B %1C %1D %1E %1F

ISO 639-1 Language Codes

ISO 639-1 defines abbreviations for languages. In HTML and XHTML they can be used in the lang and xml:lang attributes. Language Abkhazian Afar Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Assamese Aymara Azerbaijani Bashkir Basque Bengali (Bangla) Bhutani Bihari Bislama Breton Bulgarian Burmese ISO Code ab aa af sq am ar hy as ay az ba eu bn dz bh bi br bg my

Byelorussian (Belarusian) Cambodian Catalan Cherokee Chewa Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Corsican Croatian Czech Danish Divehi Dutch Edo English Esperanto Estonian Faeroese Farsi Fiji Finnish Flemish French Frisian Fulfulde Galician Gaelic (Scottish) Gaelic (Manx) Georgian German Greek Greenlandic Guarani Gujarati Hausa Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hungarian

be km ca

zh zh co hr cs da nl en eo et fo fa fj fi fr fy gl gd gv ka de el kl gn gu ha he, iw hi hu

Ibibio Icelandic Igbo Indonesian Interlingua Interlingue Inuktitut Inupiak Irish Italian Japanese Javanese Kannada Kanuri Kashmiri Kazakh Kinyarwanda (Ruanda) Kirghiz Kirundi (Rundi) Konkani Korean Kurdish Laothian Latin Latvian (Lettish) Limburgish ( Limburger) Lingala Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Moldavian Mongolian Nauru ko ku lo la lv li ln lt mk mg ms ml mt mi mr mo mn na ks kk rw ky rn id, in ia ie iu ik ga it ja jv kn is

Nepali Norwegian Occitan Oriya Oromo (Afan, Galla) Papiamentu Pashto (Pushto) Polish Portuguese Punjabi Quechua Rhaeto-Romance Romanian Russian Sami (Lappish) Samoan Sangro Sanskrit Serbian Serbo-Croatian Sesotho Setswana Shona Sindhi Sinhalese Siswati Slovak Slovenian Somali Spanish Sundanese Swahili (Kiswahili) Swedish Syriac Tagalog Tajik Tamazight Tamil Tatar

ne no oc or om ps pl pt pa qu rm ro ru sm sg sa sr sh st tn sn sd si ss sk sl so es su sw sv tl tg ta tt

Telugu Thai Tibetan Tigrinya Tonga Tsonga Turkish Turkmen Twi Uighur Ukrainian Urdu Uzbek Venda Vietnamese Volapk Welsh Wolof Xhosa Yi Yiddish Yoruba Zulu

te th bo ti to ts tr tk tw ug uk ur uz vi vo cy wo xh yi, ji yo zu


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