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THE BASIC SCORE Exposed FLOWER AND SEASONS PUNGS Suit tiles 2 to 8 Suit tiles 1 and 9 Winds and Dragons KONGS Suit tiles 2 to 8 Suit tiles 1 and 9 Winds and Dragons Any Pair of Dragons A Pair of players own Wind Claiming first discard made by Eastwind For drawing the winning tile from the wall C For going MahJong with the last tile C For going Mahjong C 4 2 4 4 8 16 16 2 2 2 2 2 20

Page 16

Concealed 4 8 8 16 32 32

C Winning Hand

Doubling the Basic Score also applies for goulash ORDINARY HAND
Any one suit with Winds, Dragons or both No Chows Each Pung/Kong of Dragons Pung/Kong of own Wind Pung/Kong of Wind of the Round Holding players own Season or Flower, each one double one double one double one double one double one double

All Honours All in one suit Each Pung/Kong of Dragons Pung/Kong of own Wind Pung/Kong of Wind of the Round Holding payers own Season or Flower, each three doubles one double one double one double one double one double

Purity Hand
All in one suit No Chows Holding payers own Season or Flower, each three doubles one double one double

Page 17

Optional Tables Rules

After determination of the banker (East wind) this player may decide upon the rules of the table as follows: 1. Declare fishing or not. 2. Robbing the Kong Should a player with an exposed Pung draw the fourth matching tile from the wall, he may form a Kong (depending on the hand). If he does so, however, any other player who can use this tile immediately to go MahJong may claim it. 3. Use the wall in a Goulash Should a Goulash occur East may decide after exchange with all the other players to go into the wall up to four times maximum. However, for the first use of the wall, 3 tiles are necessary, after that East may choose only 2 or 1 tile. The flower wall is not to be touched and the players are not allowed to draw tiles from the wall in front of them. When East stops exchanging all the tiles (face down) on the table will be shuffled and replaced in the wall.


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1. Determination of the Eastwind To establish the Eastwind (banker of the game) each player throws 2 dice. The player with the highest number becomes East. Every Smart Woman (K)Nows = (E S W N) That is the order of the game and the classification of the winds: First Second Third Fourth Eastwind Southwind Westwind Northwind The leader Sits right of East, opposite North Sits opposite East Sits left of East, opposite South.

Note: Mahjong is played anticlockwise. 2. Building the wall All 144 tiles are shuffled and placed face down on the table. Each player takes tiles and builds a wall in front of the rack, eighteen tiles long and two tiles high a total of 36. The four walls are then pushed together to form a square. 3. Breaking the wall East throws two dice to determine where the wall is to be broken. With the sum of the two dice, East counts counterclockwise until he reaches the number thrown. See table: Wallbreaker East South West North thrown number 1,5,9 2,6,10 3,7,11 4,8,12

The established wallbreaker counts the tiles of his wall from the right-hand side until the same number thrown on the dice is reached. The player then places these two tiles face down on top of the wall right to the break. Note: This part of the wall is called Flower Wall.

Page 19 4. Dealing From the left side of the open wall the wallbreaker deals 3 x 4 tiles to everybody in the order ESWN, meaning each player has 12 tiles. Then everybody gets one tile and East one more = 14 tiles, while the other players have 13 tiles. 5. Arranging the tiles The tiles are placed on each players rack and sorted into suits and honour tiles. Flower and Season tiles are exposed on top left of the rack face up. These tiles are bonus tiles and play no active part in the game itself but give extra value for counting. They have to be replaced from the flower wall starting with East. Note: Whenever you draw a flower/season-tile during the game you have to expose it on your rack and replace it from the flower wall.

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MAHJONG - Playing the GAME

1. Start and announcement East who has 14 tiles discards one tile face up on the table while announcing the name of the tile. Note: All discards have to be announced correct and clear! 2. Pung/Kong from discard The player who has a pair or pung of this tile may call Pung or Kong immediately before the next player draws a tile from the wall. The player who claims the discarded tile has to expose the Pung/Kong on top of his rack and discard another tile. Note: Whenever a Kong is formed an extra tile from the flower wall must be taken. 3. Chow Whether a Chow is exposed or concealed, it has no scoring value and only one Chow is permitted in ordinary/purity hands. There is no claiming of a discarded tile for a Chow, unless it is the last tile to complete the hand. Note: Try to play without a Chow since one double for no Chows is counted for an ordinary and purity hand. 4. Dead tiles If nobody claims the discarded tile, it turns dead. This means it cannot be used in this game anymore. 5. Lost of turn The order of the game (ESWN) changes whenever a player claims a discarded tile. The player sitting right to the caller continues with the game. Note: The player between the discarder and the caller lose their turn.

Page 21 6. Fishing A player needing only one tile to complete the hand has to declare FISHING to the other players in order to claim fishing score and/or go MahJong. Once declared FISHING player has to stay fishing. 7. End of the game The game ends when a) one player is either drawing or calling the 14th tile to complete his hand and goes MahJong b) all tiles from the wall have been drawn. 8. Procedure to 5a) In case East won, he will stay banker for the nest game as well (up to a maximum of three games). In case any other player won, the player right to East (South) becomes East and leads the new game. By doing so, each player has to acknowledge the change of the winds. Note: All players have to expose their tiles at the end of the game. 9. Procedure to 5b) In case of a draw, East remains banker and a Goulash will be played. Everybody pays 200 (penalty-money) into the kitty. 10. Goulash Before East discards his 14th tile, he exchanges three tiles face down with everybody as follows: East to West opposite East to South right East to North left All the other players do accordingly. After that the game starts as described. Note: No chows are permitted in a goulash unless it is part of a special hand (Windy Chow). The kitty goes to the player who wins that game and South becomes East regardless of who wins. Should a draw occur again you pay another 200 and continue playing goulash.

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1. Exposed Pung to Kong If you have an exposed Pung and draw the fourth identical tile you can a) form a Kong by placing this tile to the Pung on your rack remember to take one extra tile from the flower wall b) discard this tile. An exposed Pung cannot be changed into a Kong by calling from the discard! 2. Concealed Kong If you have a concealed Pung and draw the fourth identical tile you can form a concealed Kong. You have to place the tiles face down on top of your rack and take one extra tile from the flower wall. 3. Concealed Pung to exposed Kong If you have a concealed Pung and the fourth identical tile is discarded by another player, you can call the Kong and place it face up on top of your rack (Take one extra tile from the flower wall). 4. Claiming the discard If more than one player claim the same discarded tile, the procedure is as follows: a) the player who can go MahJong has priority b) if two players can go MahJong, the player next in turn to the discarder has priority.

Page 23 5. Rounds and Change of the winds One round is completed when each player has been banker = Eastwind. Therefore a round has a minimum of four games. Each round is dominated by a wind, in the order of ESWN. First round = Eastwind-round Second round = Southwind-round Third round = Westwind-round Fourth round = Northwind-round Extra points in an ordinary hand will be given to the winners, who either hold a Pung/Kong of their own wind or of the wind of the round or both. This applies as well for the players, who are fishing when another player goes MahJong. Note: It is important to know your own wind and the wind of the round. 6. Bouquet If a player should draw all four flower tiles or all four season tiles he has a so-called bouquet and will receive 1000 from each player. The Bouquet-tiles have to be discarded on the table and will not be counted as extra value. 7. MahJong with 3 players Three walls are built and each player takes 12 tiles from the table. East throws 2 dice to determine where the wall will be open. All players take one extra tile and East one more. The order of winds/flowers stays as in a four-player game. Exception: No Chows are allowed in ordinary/purity hands! In case of Goulash, the player opposite the vacant seat selects three tiles from his own wall and replaces them with three of his tiles. The others do accordingly upon their turn. Note: The flower wall cannot be used! 8. MahJong with 5 players Since MahJong is established for four players, one has to sit out. The dice will determine, who will be the first sitting out (lowest number). The game is played as with four players. East will always retire after MahJong, South becomes East and the new player takes his place as North. If one or more Goulash have to be played, the incoming player has to wait.

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The maximum score is 2000 (Banker = 4000). Each player has to pay the winner. The winner does not pay the players with fishing hands. Note: East pays and receives double. The basic score and doubling for ORDINARY HAND, PURITY HAND and ALL HONOUR HAND is mentioned on the score sheet.

The special hands count as follows:

Half Limit Limit Middle Limit or Middle Double Limit Note: East pays and receives double.

500 1000 1500 2000

200 400 600 800

Each player gets a total amount of 10.000 in counters.

One red dot Eight black dots Five red dots Seven red dots

100 500 1000 2000

10 10 2 1

1000 5000 2000 2000

Page 25

Rack Set Suits 108 tiles Honour tiles 28 tiles Organizer for tiles and money (counters) 144 tiles (4 plain tiles), counters, dice, wind cube Bamboo 1-9 x 4 = 36 tiles (also called Boos) Circle 1-9 x 4 = 36 tiles (also called Dots, Balls) Character 1-9 x 4 = 36 tiles (also called Cracks) Winds Eastwind 4 tiles Southwind 4 tiles Westwind 4 tiles Northwind 4 tiles Flowers Seasons Terminals Pair Pung Kong Chow Hand Concealed Hand (CC) Draw Goulash Kitty Fishing Dragons Green Red White 4 tiles 4 tiles 4 tiles

Flower + Season tiles 8 tiles

4 tiles Plum, Orchid, Chrysanthemum, Bamboo 4 tiles Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

No. 1 and 9 of each suit Two identical tiles Three identical tiles Four identical tiles A run of three consecutive tiles in the same suit., e.g. 123 345 789 The combination of 14 tiles to go MahJong Only the last tile may be called from the discard If no player can end the game by going MahJong Special game played after a draw with an exchange of tile with all players (see specialities) Goulash penalty money When a player needs only one more tile to complete a hand

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To win the game go MahJong you need 14 tiles! This means in an ordinary hand 4 Pungs/Kongs + 1 Pair in one suit plus honours or 3 Pungs/Kongs + 1 Chow +1 Pair in one suit plus honours and in special hands according to specification.

A hand of play = players draw tiles and build hands by drawing and discarding until the hand is won or until a draw results (all tiles from the wall being discarded).

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1. Variations of rules There are different styles or rules of the game played in other groups or clubs. Examples: - More special hands are being played - Each player takes his own tiles at the start of the game. - In a Goulash you may go into the wall - Limit is 3000 and/or scoring might vary. - Four walls will be built in a 3 player game. Please adjust to their rules if you play with them! 2. Counting the tiles It is important to make sure that you have always 13 tiles in total. Caution: A Kong counts only as 3 tiles and flower/season tiles are not to be included. 3. Watch the discard Each player makes a statement by discarding unwanted tiles and gives therefore a clue what hand he might play. According to the discard you may have to adjust your hand. Try to find out what hand the other players are going for. 4. Start of the game Do not haste to call a Pung/Kong in the early stage of the game. Do not announce FISHING too early. As soon as you have exposed any tile on your rack, you are forced to a certain hand which might not be possible to achieve. Once exposed it is difficult to change your hand.

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5. Play for a draw It is advisable to play for a draw if you see that a player is going to have a very expensive hand (exposed Pungs/Kongs) and the wall is coming towards the end. Consider to even destroying your own hand before discarding the possible needed tile. Some clubs impose a penalty on such a player!

6. Play quick Mahjong is considered to be a fast game. Arrange your tiles correct, be aware of your turn and lose no time in drawing/calling and discarding. A slow player tends to spoil the game for others.

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Competition Hands
ONE SUIT Clean/Ordinary 4 Pu/Ko+1 Pair or 3 Pu/Ko + 1 Chow + 1 Pair 4 Pu/Ko + 1 Pair or 3 Pu/Ko+ 1 Chow + 1 Pair 7 Pairs 7 Pairs 5 Pairs 5 Pairs 3 Pairs Run 1-7 Run 1-8 or 2-9 Run 1-9+ Pung+Pair Run 1-9 Winds/Dragons points/EX




Clean Pairs Havenly Twins Windfall Dragons Breath Dragon Net Gretas Garten Hachi Ban Run,Pung+Pair Dragons Tail

Winds/Dragons none NEWS GRW+one paired GRW+NEWS+ 1 paired (no terminals) NEWS+GRW 3 pairs Winds or 3 pairs Dragons none

half limit/CC limit/CC limit/CC limit/CC limit/CC limit/CC limit/CC limit/CC

PungWind+PairDragon or PungDragon+Pair Wind 5 odd Winds/Dragon NEWS Any tile paired

limit/CC half limit/CC limit/CC

Five Odd Honours Run 1-9 Wriggly Snake Run 1-9

Page 30 TWO SUITS Knitting 7 sets of the same numbers 2Runs 1-7 (2 suits) 2Pungs same number in 2 suits No Terminals THREE SUITES Unique Wonder Honour Pairs All Honour Hand Triple Knitting one tile of any tile paired 7 Pairs 4 Pu/Ko+1Pair 4 Sets of the same numbers+ 1 knitting pair 1 Chow per suit 1 Pung per suit + 1 Pair 1 Pung per suit 1 Pung per suit 1 Pung per suit same Numbers no terminals! all Terminals+ NEWS+GRW Terms/Winds/Dragons Terms/Winds/Dragons none half limit/CC none 1 Pair Wind/Dragon double limit/EX limit/CC

Gerties Garter Double Numbers

double limit/CC limit/CC points/EX

none NEWS+one paired GRW 1Pung Eastwind 1 Pair white Dragon 1 Pung Westwind 1 Pair red Dragon PungWind+Pair Dragon or PungDragon+PairWind

half limit/CC half limit/CC half limit/EX limit/CC limit/EX double limit/CC limit/EX double limit/CC limit/EX double limit/CC

Windy Chow Dragon Fly Sunrise Sunset Numbers Racket (Triple Number)

Page 31

BAMBOO Imperial Jade Ruby Jade limit/EX 3 Pung+1 Pair Green only 1 Pung red 1 Pung green 1 Pair Green Jade 3 Pung+1 Pair any Bamboo CHARACTER Red Coral 3 Pung+1 Pair 1 Pung red Dragon limit/EX 1 Pung green Dragon 1 Pung red Dragon 1 Pung green Dragon double limit/EX

1 Pung green Dragon


CIRCLES White Opal 3 Pung+1Pair 1 Pung white Dragon limit/EX

S C O R I N G Competition
THE BASIC SCORE Exposed FLOWER AND SEASONS PUNGS Suit tiles 2 to 8 Suit tiles 1 and 9 Winds and Dragons KONGS Suit tiles 2 to 8 Suit tiles 1 and 9 Winds and Dragons Any Pair of Dragons A Pair of players own Wind Claiming first discard made by Eastwind For drawing the winning tile from the wall C For going MahJong with the last tile C For going Mahjong C

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Concealed 4 4 8 8 16 32 32 2 2 2 2 2 20
C Winning Hand

2 4 4 8 16 16

Doubling the Basic Score also applies for goulash ORDINARY HAND
Any one suit with Winds, Dragons or both No Chows Each Pung/Kong of Dragons Pung/Kong of own Wind Pung/Kong of Wind of the Round Holding players own Season or Flower, each one double one double one double one double one double one double

All Honours All in one suit Each Pung/Kong of Dragons Pung/Kong of own Wind Pung/Kong of Wind of the Round Holding payers own Season or Flower, each three doubles one double one double one double one double one double

Purity Hand
All in one suit No Chows three doubles one double

Holding payers own Season or Flower, each Page 33

one double


For all hands (concealed and exposed): The last tile for going MahJong may be taken from either the wall or the discard also for a chow. Fishing has to be declared and the fishing tile must be placed on the rack. Once declared fishing, player has to stay fishing. If players claiming the same discarded tile: MahJong has priority. If two players going MahJong: player next in turn has priority. Late Pung: It is too late to Pung the last discard when the tile drawn by the next player is either put on the rack or discarded.




5. Each player has to show the tiles on the rack at the end of the game. 6. Maximum three Goulashes will be played. Money returns to players and East moves on. 7. No Kongs are played in a Special Hand.


Dead Hand: a player holding the wrong number of tiles during the play may neither correct the number nor go MahJong or fishing. Declaration of false MahJong: Play may continue if the other players have not exposed their hand. No points given for fishing or MahJong for this player. If the other players have exposed their hands, the player making the mistake must pay a Limit (1000) to each of the players. The game is over and they will play a Goulash. Declaration of false fishing: Player has to pay a Half Limit Fishing (200) to each of the players at once. The play may continue. Careless discard: Only for Purity Hand an All Honour Hand. If a player has 3 Pungs/Kongs exposed to indicate the tile needed to complete the hand and another player discards that tile, the player for that discard must pay not only her dept to the winner, but also the debts of the other two players. This penalty applies when there are 3 Pungs/Kongs of the same suit or 3 Pungs/Kongs of Honours on the board.




This rule does not apply if the player discarding the tile goes or was fishing.

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