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Chapter 8.

SoonJae Ahn

Joint Hip Sagittal plane Flexor : lliopsoas Extenxor : Gluteus maximus, Hamstrings
Flexor : Hamstrings Extenxor : Quadriceps (Vasti+Rectus femoris) Dorsiflexor : Tibialis anterior Plantarflexor : Triceps surae (gastrocnemius+soleus) Inverter : Tibialis anterior, Tibialis posterior Everter : Peronei

Frontal plane Abductor : Gluteus medius/minimus Adductor : Adductor longus/magnus



Table 8.1 Main muscle groups involved in gait

Polyarticular Muscles
Some muscles span two or more joints. - Energy transfer between joints - Two-joint muscles may be better at generating shear forces at the foot than monoarticular muscles (Hof 2001)

Polyarticular Muscles
Action at a distance
The instantaneous interaction of two objects which are separated in space


CNS have little capacity for repair for once damaged, while PNS will regenerate at a rate of about 1mm/day.
UMN Lesions
- UMN syndrome(spastic paralysis)

LMN Lesions
- flaccid weakness, muscle atrophy

Excitation-contraction coupling

1. Action Potential spreads along the membrane Na+ spreads into the T-Tubule system. 2. Na+ causes Ca++ to be released from SR. 3. Ca++ binds with Troponin pulling Tropomyosin away from its blocking position over the Actin binding site. 4. Myosin forms a X-bridge with Actin on the binding site.

Fibre types

Muscle architecture

Dynamic electromyography
Electromyogram : summation of many MUAPs from all the motor units active at a given time results in electrical activity.
Differential Amplifire

Detected EMG produced by neighboring muscles or ECG
Solution : double differential technique fine-wire electrodes

Mortion artefact
Movement artifact noise - Movement of electrode with respect to the skin(induced by force transients or movement of skin) - This the most obstreperous noise * Redusce by effective skin preparation and filtering

Nyquist theorem
- The Nyquist theorem states that a signal must be sampled at least twice as fast as the bandwidth of the signal to accurately reconstruct the waveform

For EMG almost all of the signal power is located between 10 and 250 Hz and scientific recommendations (SENIAM, ISEK) require an amplifier band setting of 10 to 500 Hz. This would result in a sampling frequency of at least 1000 Hz (double band of EMG) or even 1500 Hz to avoid signal loss.

EMG Signal Processing

Digital filtering - Scientific recommendations(SENIAM,ISEK) deny any narrower band setting in the full band length of 10 to 500Hz


- Root Mean Square(RMS)

Amplitude normalization


In order to determine the relationshi[ of the EMG to the gait cycle, some means of detecting initial contact and toe-off is required

Factors governing the relationship between EMG and muslce force

Normative EMG

Moment vs EMG

Effect of fatigue

Modern PC technology makes it very easy to use Fast Fourier Transformations (FFT) to analyze and estimate the frequency contents of EMG signals. As the muscle fatigues, the mean power frequenct of median frequency of EMG falls.

Passive connective tissue properties

- The passive force Fp of the parallel element is always present, but the amount of active tension in the contractile element at any given length is under voluntary control

Muscle length estimation

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