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Course in Vibration In astrological terms, each of the twelve astrological signs is associated with a world Age.

Each Age lasts for 2160 years. (the entire cycle of 12 Ages takes 25920 years to complete) We are currently 2011) at the very end of the Age of Pisces, which the Mayan Long Count Calendar states will end on December 21, 2011. This does not, however mean that the Age of Aquarius will begin on December 22nd, 2011 most agree that we have been transitioning to Aquarius since at least the 1980s, and it is commonly believed that this transition phase will not be completed until around 2060. It is predicted that the new Age will be see a marked raising of general energy levels/frequencies throughout the universe.. Since the 1970s, in preparation for 2012 and beyond, many spiritual teachers have been urging that we raise our personal level of vibration. Many teachers believe that unless we do this, our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies will struggle to cope with the raised vibratory levels that Aquarius will bring. While the advice to raise our personal vibratory levels is certainly well meant, it can be confusing or even threatening especially to those who do not understand the energetic nature of their bodies. To most people, the advice that they need to raise their vibratory levels borders on the incomprehensible. However, as this course will show, vibrational levels are easily understood and the process of raising our vibrational levels is easily achievable. The course outline is as follows: 1. What is a vibration? 2. Why is it important? 3. What are the benefits of an increased vibration? 4. What affects our vibration? 5. How do we change our vibration? 6. Are there limits to how high my vibration can reach? 7. How does my vibration affect others, and my surroundings? 8. Will others notice the change in me, once I am making progress? 9. How does my vibration relate to Ascension and 2012? 10. What can I do to maintain a high vibration? 11. Setting personal goals for Raising Your Vibration. 12. Taking steps to help you uncover those goals, with the assistance of your "team" of angels, spirit guides, your Higher Self and any other higher vibrational being who can assist. 13. Experiencing your expanded self through homework, exercises with Jill in session, and other practical ways to help you further your familiarity with these rediscovered aspects of you. http://www.beaconforlightworkers.com/about/courses-and-internships/

Energy the stuff we are made of Ever since Sir Isaac Newton, western societies have believed that we are made of individual bits that may be joined (by tubes, vessels and other wiring) but which are essentially independent of each other. If a body part breaks down or wears out, we simply repair or replace it through surgery and/or drugs. If the replacement parts in turn cause problems in other organs or body parts, then we deal with them as a separate issue. This view of us began to be challenged by science from the 1880s as improvements in technology made it possible to gain a much more intricate and detailed picture of our bodys cells. Quantum physics has, since the 1900s shown that our bodies comprise (at the smallest level) of interconnected units of electromagnetic (or light) energy called photons. A photon has no mass and is always in motion, travelling at the speed of light. We are, in short, made of light energy that shares information with other energies within and outside of our bodies. Light (or photons) have the properties of both a particles and a wave at the same time! When we are not consciously thinking about it, a photons move (think of a billiard ball!) predictably, according to the laws of probability. However, when consciously observed, the same proton will move as a wave (think of waves moving across an ocean) and will behave according to the laws of possibility. In quantum mode, infinite possibilities can manifest Whether behaving as a particle or a wave, a photons energy has a frequency, wavelength and amplitude (that is, it has a measurable vibration). Summary: Essentially our bodies are made of photons. A photon is a unit of electromagnetic energy or light. Photons exhibit a dualistic behaviour dependent upon observation, they move as either a particle or a wave. In either form they are spinning and vibrating with a measurable frequency

Energy and Life Even before we were born, we had energy available to us. In the womb we used that energy to grow physically, emotionally and even spiritually. After we were born, we continued to use the energy available to us to grow rapidly throughout our early childhood and adolescence into early adulthood. This energy can be likened to an animating force without it, were dead; with insufficient of it were listless; with the right amount of it were healthy and with a lot of it, were the picture of life itself However, we can all look back at our formative years (or as parents, reflect on the development of our own children) and identify periods where we presented a sluggish, listless or withdrawn face to the world. At these times, we had depleted or

run down our basic energy reserves. At such times, our parents would typically focus on working with us to build up our energetic reserves by establishing good eating, sleeping and exercise (think fuel for the body) routines These fuel sources provide us with the carbohydrates, fats, proteins and alcohol that our bodies can metabolize into energy forms for our bodies to utilize. Often, these energy supplementation methods would work and we would bounce back to normal good health. However, metabolized energy is not the only source of energy available to us. Subtle energy (think electricity for the body) is freely available and can be much more quickly utilized to meet not only our bodys physical needs, but also our mental, emotional and spiritual energy needs. In comparison to energy metabolized from food or exercise, subtle energy is of a much higher vibrational level. It is this form of energy which will most assist us in the transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. Subtle energy is available to our bodies through such practices as meditation and energy healing. Summary There are two forms of energy available to our bodies. o Energy derived from the metabolism of foods rest, exercise etc. While some of this energy is deposited throughout our body as fuel stores (fat), the remainder is pure energy that used to animate our bodies o Subtle energies, derived from meditation, prayer, energy healing etc Received energy (other than that stored as fat) first replenishes the hara (located about 2 inches behind the belly button) where the received energy is stored and transformed before being sent on to the tan tien (a ball of etheric energy about the size of a soccer ball that surrounds the hara). The tan tien mixes the energy sent to it from the hara before dispersing it to the bodys various organs through the chakra/meridian system. There are two other minor energy storage located in the body: one at the region of the heart and a third located around the third eye If your body receives either an inadequate amount of energy to meet your bodys various needs, or if the energy you receive is blocked from moving freely throughout the body, then you will become sick

Vibrations and our bodys systems During the process of our evolution, cells (containing molecules, atoms, electrons and ultimately, photons) within our bodies started to specialise. Some, for example became associated with organs and tissues comprising our muscular system while others became associated with endocrine, skeletal, digestive or other body systems. The energy within the cells of each of our bodys systems vibrates at differing rates and frequencies: our heart, for example, vibrates at a frequency of (around) 6.15 Hz and 393 Hz, the lungs vibrate in the 171 Hz to 220 Hz frequency range while the frequency associated with the brain has been put at 315.8 Hz. The average frequency of the human body is generally put at between 68 and 72 Hz. (http://www.lunarsight.com/freq.htm)

(http://www.coherentresources.com/bt3_faq.php#1a). Bruce Lipton in his book The biology of Belief describes that, at the cellular level, specialised energy receptors attract energy. To use an analogy, cells throughout the human body are like the antenna of a radio which tunes into the broadcast frequencies of radio stations in the environment. As we move the radios tuning dial, we pick up other stations, as they are broadcasting on different frequencies. Similarly, our bodies attract both harmful and good energies based on the vibrational frequencies of those energies that surround us every moment of every day. Energy of a specific frequency is attracted through resonance to cellular energy receptors and thereby channeled into the cell. To use another analogy; each cell requires energy (food) to maintain itself and to grow. Energy entering the human body is attracted through the process of resonance to energy receptors within each cell and passes through the cell membrane into the cell itself to effect a repair (healing); maintain homeostasis (balance, health) or to grow The intelligence of our body knows which energy frequency is required at what location. As energy is introduced to the body through even the most basic of energy transfer processes breathing this energy is moved around the body to where it is most needed, and then via cell-based energy receptors, and as a consequence of the frequency of the energys vibrations, into the bodys cells through the processes of resonance and entrainment. Of course, energy can be introduced into the body by means other than breathing and these will be discussed later. Summary Within cells, energy receptors attract energy of the required vibratory frequency to repair, maintain balance or growth. Body intelligence is responsible for channeling available energy to where it is most required. Breathing is the most fundamental way in which energy is introduced to the body.

Resonance, Entrainment and Energy Healing Resonance is the force that causes two oscillating (moving to and fro) objects to transfer energy from one to the other. As an example, when one tuning fork is struck in the vicinity of another, the second tuning fork will also begin to vibrate and emit sound. In our bodies, energy is always oscillating (its the movement that gives energy a vibrational frequency) Entrainment is the tendency of oscillating bodies to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony. Consider that when two pendulum clocks are placed near each other, their pendulums will eventually end up swinging at the same rate. Thay have entrained In energy healing, whenever two bodies are in proximity, energy (through the processes of resonance and entrainment) move from one person to the other. Why is it that some people make us feel good whenever theyre near us? The reason for this is that their energy resonates with ours and we entrain our vibrational

frequency to match theirs. When energy moves like this, it can only do one of three things 1. It can cause our vibrational frequency to rise (we feel good as a result), or 2. It can cause our vibrational frequency to decrease (as a result, we feel drained) or 3. The vibration of both bodies will meet in the middle (which is rarely satisfactory to either party!) In most energy healing modalities, the normal expectation is the person giving the healing will have a higher vibrational frequency than the person they are working on. In this case, the client will feel better after the healing session. In Reiki, where energy is channeled rather than run, the practitioner does not use their personal energy, and will therefore not feel drained as a result of any movement of energy between practitioner and client In Quantum Touch, on the other hand, is it emphasized that the practitioner must raise their vibrational frequency before any healing session to avoid any possibility of the practitioner becoming energy-depleted. Summary Energy healing normally involves the passage of energy from practitioner to client. To facilitate this passage, the practitioners vibratory levels should be as high as possible especially where the modality draws upon the healers personal energy reserves. The clients energy frequency/vibrations will rise to match those of the practitioner until such time as a balance of energy is achieved. When energy is entraining, the practitioner will often be conscious of a tingling sensation and when the clients energy has risen sufficient to achieve their bodys rate of healing, the tingling will stop to indicate that energy flow has decreased or oven stopped (remember that the client is the healer and their body will determine how much energy is required and accessed)

One vibrational frequency or many? Frequently, placing hands (or intent) on or above an area of the clients body will cause energy to flow for a couple of minutes before it appears to decrease or stop. If the practitioner places their hands on another part of the clients body then the energy appears to flow strongly again. What is going on? As explained above, cells in differing body systems vibrate at differing frequencies. The energy of cells located in the heart, for example will resonate at a differing frequency than the energy of cells associated with the stomach. When we place our hands at varying places we are directly resonating with the cells in that specific location and energy of the required frequency will entrain and flow until the clients body says enough Moving our hands to another part of the body will attract energy of a differing frequency and we will again feel that familiar tingle of energy as it entrains and flows If we dont move our hands but rather keep them in the one location throughout the healing session we will first satisfy the localized energy needs first before the

energy moves through the meridian system directly to the hara where the energy received is transmuted to the required frequencies and sent out to those parts of the body requiring it. There is a difference between the bodys localized energy needs and its general (or background) energy needs. The energy itself is certainly intelligent enough to work out where it should go (and what frequency it should make available to varying organs of the body. Summary The healer who worries that energy is not flowing is doing so unnecessarily. The body receiving the energy will always draw what is needed to effect repair or growth. Trust the energy it is outrageously intelligent and remember that while you might not be able to feel it moving does not indicate at all that it is not flowing! The practitioner who moves their intent (and hands) across a range of body locations will directly satisfy localized energy requirements, while the practitioner who leaves their hands (or intent) in just one location is intuitively trusting that their clients body will itself organize where the received energy has to go.

Now we have enough background information that we can sensibly consider the question we started with - how do we Raise our Vibrations?

the healing practitioners hands have been shown to pulse with frequencies in the range of 8-10 Hz. Non-practitioners that were tested were unable to produce the same bio-magnetic pulses (research quoted from http://www.energy-healinginfo.com/energy-healing-and-the-human-energy-field.html. Richard Gordon, author of Quantum-Touch, The Power to Heal, recommends the following to amplify the life force energy:

Be Present Acknowlege that love is who we are Set positive intentions, as energy follows thought Use the breath to amplify the life-force energy

As the practitioner maintains this higher energetic vibration, the client's energy field matches the practitioner's energy field through the process of resonance and entrainment. The increase in the client's vibrational field supports the body's intelligence in the process of orchestrating the balancing and harmonizing of the client's energy; thus returning the physical body to it's natural state of vibrant health and wellness.

Read more at Suite101: Resonance & Entrainment: It's Role in Energetic Healing http://www.suite101.com/content/resonance--entrainment-itsrole-in-energetic-healing-a348708#ixzz1EwIfPOZt

will entrainment occurs when the lower vibrational frequency of the patient becomes aligned (that is, raised) to match the higher vibrational frequency of the healer Energy stores Knowledge of the chakra/meridian system is fundamental knowledge to the hindu How many types of energy are there? Only one, known by all major cultures by a variety of names. Healthy and unhealthy vibrations

What is a vibration? All energy involves motion

This refers to the energy within your light body. Everyone has a background level of energy within them that is supplemented through activities undertaken each day. If you have undertaken a joyful activity such as being with someone you adore, or even reading a positively motivational book, meditated or spent time in nature then you will have supplemented (added to) your background level of energy. If, on the other hand you have participated in something that you dont find enjoyable or uplifting (such as: had an argument with someone, or a cold ) then you will have depleted your background store of energy. All energy vibrates. At a normal background level of energy, lets say that our energy level is vibrating away at a level of 100can be ho hum in its
According to Dr. Robert O. Becker in his book The Body Electric, the human body has an electrical frequency and that much about a persons health can be determined by it. Frequency is the measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between any two points. Everything has frequency. Dr. Royal R. Rife found that every disease has a frequency. He has found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease and that others would destroy diseases. Substances of higher frequency will destroy diseases of lower frequency. In 1992, Bruce Taino of Taino Technology, an independent division of Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, built the first frequency monitor in the world. Taino has determined that the average frequency of a healthy human body during the daytime is 62 to 68 Hz. When the frequency drops, the immune system is compromised. If the frequency drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms appear; at 55 Hz, diseases like Candida take hold; at 52 Hz, Epstein Bar and at 42 Hz, Cancer. Tainos machine was certified as 100 percent accurate and is currently being used in the agricultural field today. The study of frequencies raises an important question concerning the frequencies of substances we eat, breathe, and absorb. Many pollutants have low frequencies and cause the bodies healthy frequencies to be lowered and weakened. Processed or canned food has a frequency of zero and tend to lower healthy frequencies within the body towards degenerative diseases. Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz; dry herbs from 12 to 22 Hz; and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz. Essential oil frequencies start at 52 Hz and go as high as 320 Hz; which is the frequency of Rose Oil. These higher frequencies create an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, cancer, etc., CANNOT live...In one study the doctors took two young men who had a 66-hertz frequency. One held coffee and his frequency dropped to 58 in 3 seconds. The other gentleman drank it and his frequency dropped to 52 in 3 seconds.

As body consists of lot many cells. The smallest structure is cell so definitely its the living creature and is getting energy from blood or the things we eat for its survival. So the every cell moves at its own frequency. So when suffering from disease than their frequency may be different. Our body vibrates at net constant frequency f0 so the cells may be, every cell may have slightly different frequency f1. But the frequency of the tumor may be different f2. The chemotherapy and radiotherapy what we are giving the effect on body may not be same. As the idea of giving the medicine is that if f2 we can make equivalent to f1 then our body will not be suffering from any disease. The medicine we are giving to the patients is of same constituents irrespective of seeing the frequency of constituent cells in the individual patients. If we try to make the f2 around f1 then may be even pain reduces very much. So one should try to focus on those medicines which brings f2 equivalent to f1 irrespective of medicines whether these are chemical, herbal or other medicines even in terms of music, spiritual prayer etcDr. Gurpreet Singh, Dept. of MRI, University of Greifswald, Germany.guraiims@gmail.com Everything vibrates. Every atom in the universe has a specific vibratory or periodic motion. Each periodic motion has a frequency (the number of oscillations per second) that can be measured in Hertz. Every element in the Periodic Table has a specific vibratory frequency. We use enzymes to break down molecular components. Each of these enzymes has a unique crystalline form with a specific vibratory frequency. However, different types of frequencies can have a chaotic or a harmonizing effect on our own systems. When something vibrates at many dissonant frequencies, it produces chaotic or incoherent frequencies. (David Stewart, The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple). All of the electrical devices in your home lamps, television, radio, phone, and microwave emit electromagnetic vibrational frequencies. But they use AC (alternating current) electrical frequencies that are incoherent and chaotic. Their effect is to fracture the human electrical field. The human body vibrating within its normal vibratory range between 62 and 68 MHz is considered in a state of health. But energy disturbances in the subtle bodies will actually precede the appearance of disease and illness in the physical body. The normally harmonious coherent frequencies of the body easily go out of tune when a person experiences physical or emotional stress. A blockage of the flow of life energy characterized by inflammation, irritation and illness can result. When the human frequency range drops below the norm of 62 megahertz, this is when abnormal processes can begin to develop. When disease and illness are present, they may manifest as chemical imbalances. But underlying this is an electromagnetic imbalance that has altered the specific vibrational frequencies of molecules, cells, tissues and organs within the body. Properly retuning the body to its original frequency brings it into balance and restores its natural harmonic resonance illness either doesnt manifest or is resolved. According to Dr. Richard Gerber MD, author of Vibrational Medicine, one of the best ways we can change dysfunctional patterns in our energy bodies is to administer therapeutic doses of frequency-specific subtle energy. The intention of this healing process is to

provide the correct frequency that will bring the body back to a state of coherence, to a state of equilibrium. How does Ampli5 work ? Ampli5 technology corrects disorganized energy fields. It allows photons to have a frequency wave form that is infinitely coherent and infinitely small to transparently pass through you. It rearranges and redefines molecules in the body so that they return to their native state of equilibrium. The molecules in our bodies are more defined. Everything works better and more efficiently. Ampli5 Technology creates a field which is a non-Hertzian subtle energy field that literally polarizes random photons. Ampli5 realigns and accelerates our energy field and eliminates random energy fields in our bodies. We are all electromagnetic beings. The human body grounds electromagnetic radiation in the environment because of the electrical conductivity of our body. It is attracted to us. Frequency is defined as a measurable rate of electrical energy that is constant between any two points. When there is frequency, there is electromagnetic potential. We are being influenced by the magnetic action (or attraction) of the frequencies that surround our lives each day and frequencies influence our state of well being. Everything has an electrical frequency measured in hertz. All living systems are based on electromagnetic energy. Every cell in your body is generating an electromagnetic field. The whole universe is made up of energy every plant, every rock, even the planet itself. Man-made electromagnetic radiation is not the only source of random photons in the environment. However, the problem we experience is that these frequencies, which we have never encountered before historically, are a very different spectrum of frequencies than the living body uses. Based on his studies, researcher Nikola Tesla said that, if we could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered in our bodies, we would have greater resistance toward disease. Ampli5-Technology blocks EMF from entering your body. Be eliminating these EMF fields from entering your body and by correcting your bodys equilibrium at the cellular level, Ampli5 products bring your body back to its native form so that your body performs at its optimum level. Every human being should be using Ampli5 technology for overall well being and improved performance. The principles behind the Ampli(5)-Technology The principles behind the technology of the Ampli5 Technology are deeply rooted in science. The science behind the band is quite simple. Every living being has an electric frequency that occurs naturally throughout their body. This frequency is what allows us to function: our immune system, our strength and balance and every other basic utility operates in direct correlation with this electric frequency. However, the comforts and necessities of todays society (cell phones, computers, microwave towers etc) are emitting electromagnetic pollution at an alarming rate. This pollution continuously compromises our bodies frequency which not only reduces its capability to heal and defend itself, but diminishes ones strength, balance and energy.

The answer to combating electromagnetic pollution is to subtly raise the bodys electric frequency which allows it to operate at its optimum potential. This is done by introducing a healthy and increased frequency to the system through the technology of the Ampli5 Technology. The band itself contains an alloy metal that has been permanently imprinted with the exact frequencies of a healthy human body. As soon as the metal comes into contact with the skin, the body recognizes the frequencies and immediately carries it throughout. We have tested the product on 1000s of people and every time the results are amazing. In an independent test, over 540 people were administered the strength and balance tests. Only two subjects reported no difference. Sixty-seven percent reported feeling over 50% stronger and more balanced. The remaining 32% reported noticing increases from 15% to 50%. We invite you to try the balance and strength tests with the Ampli5 Technology and see for yourself what the buzz is all about.

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Frequency is defined as a measurable rate of electrical energy flow that is constant between any two points. Everything has electrical frequency, including essential oils; and Dr. Robert O. Becker, in his book The Body Electric, establishes that the human body has an electrical frequency, and that much about a person's health can be determined by its frequency levels.

A note of qualification:
It should be noted here that, in testing conducted elsewhere, the tools used for this frequency testing at Eastern State University have not given consistent results. Because of problems in duplicating the specific frequencies noted here, dTERRA no longer places much emphasis on these specific numbers. However, the issue of body frequency is still very important. Anyone who has worked at all with tai chi, for example, understands the healing potential of raising one's level of xi. In 1992, studies conducted at Eastern State University in Cheny, Washington, determined that the average, daytime frequency of the human body is 62-68 MHz. (A healthy body frequency is 62-72 MHz.) When a person's frequency drops, the immune system is compromised. If the frequency drops to 58 MHz, cold and flu symptoms may appear. At 55 MHz, diseases like candida can take hold. At 52 MHz, one might contract Epstein-Barr. And, at 42 MHz, cancer is a real possibility. According to Dr. Royal R. Rife, every disease has a specific frequency. His research has demonstrated that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease, and that others would destroy disease. Substances with higher frequency will destroy diseases of a lower frequency.

(Based on his published research, Dr. Rife has developed a machine that applies currents of specific frequencies to the body to cure a wide range of diseases. Those who have used his machines attest to their amazing effectiveness.) Another example of the importance of body frequencies for health is Bjorn Nordenstrom. A radiologist from Stockholm, Sweden, he discovered in the early 1980s that, by putting an electrode inside a tumor and running a milliamp of DC current through the electrode, he could dissolve the cancer tumor and stop its growth. He also found that the human body had electropositive and electronegative energy fields something any tai chi master could tell you The study of frequencies raises an important question concerning the frequencies of substances we eat, breath and absorb or, of our whole environment, for that matter. Based on his studies, Nikola Tesla said that, if we could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered in our bodies, we would have greater resistance toward disease. Many pollutants, for example, lower healthy frequency. [Editor's note: Many other pollutants create a chaotic frequency a chemical "buzz" in the body.] Processed and canned food have a frequency of zero (they are dead; killed by the processing), and can greatly diminish a person's own frequency. (Another reason to avoid fast foods.) And then, there is coffee. Studies have shown that, in only three seconds, merely holding a cup of coffee can lower a healthy person's frequency by eight MHz. One sip of coffee can, in the same three seconds, lower a person's frequency by 14 MHz. Without intervention, it can take about three days for that person's frequency to return to normal. However, when essential oils are inhaled, frequencies return to normal within 21 seconds. How is this possible? Because, clinical research shows that essential oils have the highest frequency of any known natural substance. They start at 52 MHz and go as high as 320 MHz the frequency of rose oil. (For purposes of comparison, fresh produce has up to 15 MHz, dry herbs from 12 to 22 MHz, and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 MHz.) The frequencies of essential oils have the ability to help restore and/or maintain a person's own frequency for optimal health, creating an environment in which microbes bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. can't live. What's more, essential oils have been demonstrated to improve a person's mental and emotional state. A negative mental state can lower a person's frequency by 10 MHz, while a positive mental attitude can raise it 10-15 MHz. And, because each oil has a specific frequency, and our organs and body systems and the nutrients needed to maintain optimum health each have their specific frequencies, the oil's electrical affinity to these components of our bodies will enhance and support these organs and body systems, and will aid in the assimilation of nutrients.

Conclusion: Choosing an essential oil that is kinetically alive

The frequency of an essential oil, along with its fragrance and chemistry, plays an integral part of its therapeutic effect. The kinetic "life" in a CPTG, certified-puretherapeutic-grade essential oil has the ability to raise the level of a person's xi, enhancing health and well-being.

However, most essential oils on the market today are essentially inert. They've been processed in a manner that has effectively kills them, rendering them therapeutically ineffective. For several years now, dTERRA Essential Oils has guaranteed you the full benefits of a truly CPTG, certified-pure-therapeutic-grade essential oil. For your aromatherapy needs, don't settle for just a pleasant fragrance. Add the dynamic of essential oils that are kinetically alive

In 1920 Royal Rife identified the human cancer virus using the worlds most powerful microscope (which Rife created), cultured the virus (on salted pork, the best growing medium), and injected it into rats. These injections caused cancer in every one of the rats (all 400 of them). Later Rife was able to find a frequency of electromagnetic energy that would cause the cancer virus to self destruct when within that energy field. Rife created a device that emitted that energy field and was successful at destroying cancer viruses inside patients who were within close proximity of his device. See Ref. 4. See also article for history of Rifes shutout by AMA and FDA. Ref. 5

Everything has a specific vibration. There is a specific vibration for the screen you are reading, and for the eyes that see this. In health, things that bother us are called pathogens, like bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. Each one of them also has a specific vibration. So let the first box above represent a picture of the signature wave of a bacteria. If we use exactly the right vibration it will disintegrate the bacteria. The middle picture represents the application of a counter vibration. It is like singing a very high note. That note could break apart a champagne glass without harming the tray that the glass sits on or the waiter carrying the tray. In the same way, the right vibration in the drops you take will gradually break apart the intended bacteria without harming the body that surrounds it. In the box on the far right we show the effect of adding a counter vibration that makes the two "flat-line" out or cancel each other.


He continues, "The measurement of the practitioner's hand while doing the hands on healing work was much, much higher than the measurement of the practitioner's hand in a passive mode. What this research proved was that the energy worker's hand produced a much larger biomagnetic field (aura) when channeling healing energy. The Therapeutic Touch signal pulsed at a variable frequency, ranging from 0.3 to 30 Hz, with most of the activity in the range of 7 to 8 Hz."

Oshman also states that non-practitioners that were tested were unable to produce the same bio-magnetic pulses. Another study discussed in Oshman's article is from Japan. A researcher, Seto, used a simple magnetometer to read bio-magnetic energies from the hands of a variety of energy practitioners. His studies confirmed those of Zimmerman's, showing that the practitioners hands pulsed with variable frequencies in the range of 8-10 Hz. Zimmerman and Seto's findings are astounding. Proof that practiced energy healing practitioners have a stronger, pulsing frequency of energy than nonpractitioners. The frequency is another point of interest. 7-10 Hz is the Hz range of the Theta and Alpha brain wave frequencies. The same frequencies that have been noted to promote physical healing.

Brainwave frequencies Gamma associated with consciousness and higher level activity (including problem solving in both adults and children). Gamma waves are known to aid you in learning and mental acuity (30 to 60 HZ and higher) High Beta associated with fear, anxiety, excessive thinking, rapid thinking, addiction and states of peak performance (20 to 40 Hz) Beta Our dominant rhythm or state of consciousness when awake. Our fast brain wave activity. Each time you perform calculations or think about your external environment, beta waves are at work. Too much beta wave activity is linked to anxiety, tension and worry (12 to 20 Hz) Note 10.50 Hz = frequency for healing of body, mind/body unity. (Abrahams Universal healing Rate) Alpha light meditative states. Each time you day dream, relax or close your eyes, alpha activity increases (8 Hz to 13 Hz range) Theta The first stage of sleep, most people feel drowsy when their brainwave frequencies are in this range. Linked to enhanced levels of creativity, emotions and spontaneity Fuzzy thinking, poor decision making, impulsivity and slowed reaction times have been linked to excessive theta wave activity while awake (4 Hz to 8 Hz)

Delta Normally a person is in deep sleep when their frequencies are in this range. Deep meditation can reach delta state. The dominant brain wave pattern among infants. In adults, high levels can indicate brain injury or disorders (0.5 Hz to 4 Hz) http://www.lunarsight.com/glossary.htm#binaural

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