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N : 520900065 Class : A Afternoon


I. INTRODUCTION Speaking are the main purpose in learn a language. Whatever language do you learn the aims is still speaking ability, because speaking has a particular place in language including English. Most of students have mastered of the grammar structure but few of them can speak English fluently. It is the poor story that we had seen in our country. In Indonesia English has a particular place and the government also recommended English as one of subject that including the subject in national exam, for this case the writer will not talking about the national exam but focus on the speaking skill ability. This study seeks a good strategy In solver this problem, including what method that suitable for teaching English especially speaking.

II. PURPOSES OF THE RESEACH The main purpose of the research is to bring the new strategy in teaching English that can improve the student speaking skill ability and accelerate their speaking skill in the class. In addition this research has several objectives. First, this research aims to help the student improving their speaking ability and some of educational problem the problem that related to learning activity. Mostly of schools, are focus to the grammar, even the students mastered the grammar structure but it is do not ensure that the students have a good speaking ability.

Second, this research is bring atmosphere in the learning activity and give more attention to the speaking ability, and the writer also start thinking how to built new teaching way in improving the students speaking kill in leaning English (speaking). The third, this research also conducted the creativity inside the student with new way in learning, in conducting creativity and the teaching method this need more interaction by teacher (the teacher dominate the teaching process) o that the student only follow the teacher directions. Even the teacher dominate this learning but student should be more interactive in the learning process. The last, this research are going to provide an interactive class so that can bring a good condition in learning activity. The student are expected to be more interactive and the teacher also, it can built a good atmosphere between the student ant the teacher.

III.RESEARCH QUESTIONS This research will be guide by these questions which one will giving some direction where the research headed. 1. What are the actual condition classes in the school? 2. What strategies to do this research? 3. How mostly of the school doing in teaching?
4. What are the teachers program (method of teaching) to improve the

student speaking skill? 5. What are the factor that block the students creativity and how to solve it?



This research is important because most of school teach their students are focus on grammar structure, while the speaking skill has a particular place in language, they are stay in the top of language, in other word speaking is the main aim of learning language . Teacher principals they are bounded on the rule. The result of the study are hope provide a good of

teaching method that can using not only for the teacher or student but also for whoever who want to improve their speaking ability. The significant of this research because most of school are focus on grammar structure, it is very critical situation that can block the students talent, it is very serious problem ant this situation also give a bad effect not only for the student, teacher, school but also for the country because English is the international language that using in every country in the world and the most important part is speaking. Thats why this research is significant.

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