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Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology (2012) 42, 187—197

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Objective pain diagnostics: Clinical neurophysiology

Diagnostic objectif de la douleur : neurophysiologie clinique

L. Garcia-Larrea ∗

Inserm U1028, Central Integration of Pain Unit, Centre for Neuroscience of Lyon, University Claude-Bernard Lyon, University
Hospital Pain Center (CETD), Neurological Hospital, 69003 Lyon, France

Received 17 February 2012; accepted 4 March 2012

Available online 30 March 2012

KEYWORDS Summary Neurophysiological techniques help in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of chronic
Pain; pain, and are particularly useful to determine its neuropathic origin. According to current stan-
Chronic pain; dards, the diagnosis of definite neuropathic pain (NP) needs objective confirmation of a lesion
Neuropathic pain; or disease of somatosensory systems, which can be provided by neurophysiological testing.
Evoked potentials; Lesions causing NP mostly concern the pain-temperature pathways, and therefore neurophysi-
Diagnosis; ological procedures allowing the specific testing of these pathways (i.e., A-delta and C-fibres,
Therapy; spino-thalamo-cortical tracts) are essential for objective diagnosis. Different techniques to
Human stimulate selectively pain-temperature pathways are discussed. Of these, laser-evoked poten-
tials (LEPs) appear as the easiest and most reliable neurophysiological method of assessing
nociceptive function, and their coupling with autonomic responses (e.g., galvanic skin response)
and psychophysics (quantitative sensory testing - QST) can still enhance their diagnostic yield.
Neurophysiological techniques not exploring specifically nociception, such as standard nerve
conduction velocities (NCV) and SEPs to non-noxious stimulation, should be associated to the
exploration of nociceptive systems, not only because both may be simultaneously affected
to different degrees, but also because some specific painful symptoms, such as paroxysmal
discharges, may depend on specific alteration of highly myelinated A-beta fibres. The choice
of techniques is determined after anamnesis and clinical exam, and tries to answer a num-
ber of questions: (a) is the pain-related to injury of somatosensory pathways?; (b) to what
extent are different subsystems affected?; (c) are mechanisms and lesion site in accordance
with imaging data?; (d) are results of use for diagnostic or therapeutic follow-up? Neuropathic
pain (NP) affects more than 15 million people in Western countries, and its belated diagnosis
leads to insufficient or delayed therapy. The use of neurofunctional approaches to obtain a
‘‘physiological photograph’’ of somatosensory function is therefore highly relevant, as it yields
significant clues about the type and mechanisms of pain, thus prompting rapid and optimised
© 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

∗ Hôpital neurologique, 59, boulevard Pinel, 69003 Lyon, France. Tel.: +33 4 72 35 78 88.
E-mail address: luis.larrea@univ-lyon1.fr

0987-7053/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
188 L. Garcia-Larrea

Résumé Les techniques de neurophysiologie aident au diagnostic, à l’établissement d’un

pronostic et au traitement de la douleur chronique. Les critères actuels pour affirmer le diagnos-
Douleur ; tic de douleur neuropathique (DN) nécessitent la confirmation objective d’une lésion ou d’une
Douleur chronique ; maladie des systèmes somesthésiques : l’exploration neurophysiologique permet d’obtenir cette
Diagnostic ; confirmation. Les lésions responsables des DN concernent essentiellement les voies de la
Douleur douleur et de la température ; l’évaluation de ces systèmes (fibres de petit calibre A-delta
neuropathique et C en périphérie, système spino-thalamocortical au niveau central) est par conséquent essen-
tielle pour le diagnostic objectif. Différentes méthodes pour activer sélectivement les voies
thermo-algiques sont discutées dans cet article ; parmi elles, les potentiels évoqués par laser
(PEL) apparaissent comme la technique la plus simple et fiable d’évaluer la fonction thermo-
nociceptive. Son efficacité diagnostique est augmentée par le couplage avec les réponses
végétatives (e.g., cutanées sympathiques) et les réponses psychophysiques (analyse sensorielle
quantitative, ASQ). L’exploration des voies nociceptives doit être associée aux techniques stan-
dard explorant les fibres de gros calibre et le système lemniscal, l’électroneurographie (ENG)
et les PES à la stimulation non douloureuse et ce non seulement parce que les deux systèmes
peuvent être atteints à des degrés différents, mais également parce que certains symptômes
douloureux, en particulier les décharges paroxystiques, peuvent dépendre d’une altération
sélective des fibres de gros calibre A-beta. L’objectif de l’exploration devrait permettre de
répondre aux questions: (a) la douleur est-elle liée à une atteinte des voies somesthésiques ?
(b) si oui, quel est le degré d’altération des différents sous-systèmes ? ; (c) les mécanismes
et la topographie des lésions sont-ils en accord avec l’imagerie ? et (d) les résultats seront-ils
utiles au suivi thérapeutique ? La douleur neuropathique atteint plus de 15 millions de personnes
dans les pays industrialisés et son diagnostic différé conduit à des délais et/ou des échecs du
traitement. L’obtention d’une « photographie neurophysiologique » est hautement pertinente
dès lors qu’elle fournit des indices sur le type et les mécanismes de la douleur, permettant ainsi
l’instauration rapide d’une thérapie appropriée.
© 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.

Introduction and general considerations As the term ‘‘dysfunction’’ is imprecise and a source of mis-
understanding, a proposal of change was launched by the
This article aims to provide a concise approach to the neu- Special Interest Group on NP from the International Asso-
rophysiological assessment of the chronic pain patient, and ciation for the Study of Pain (IASP), which suggested to
addresses the questions ‘‘why, when and how to do it’’. restrict the definition of NP to pain ‘‘arising as a direct
Electrophysiological approaches give access to the study consequence of a lesion or disease of the somatosensory sys-
of ‘‘normal’’ (‘‘physiological’’) pain and its mechanisms tems’’ [66]. This definition is the one we shall be following
of transmission, perception, and cortical control, but also here.
to the assessment of abnormal chronic pain — essentially A first-line observation is that neuro-imaging data,
of neuropathic origin. In the latter case, electrophysiology including functional imaging, have proved so far insufficient
uniquely contributes to diagnosis, and helps respond to one to predict, or even to establish, whether a given patient
most frequently asked clinical question, namely ‘‘is this a suffers or is susceptible to develop NP. Thus, while lateral
real neuropathic pain?’’ In a number of cases, neurophysi- medullary lesions (Wallenberg’s syndrome) can induce NP
ological studies may also provide information of prognostic in 25—50% of cases [47,58], whether or not a given patient
value for the development, or the evolution, of NP. Lastly, will develop pain after this type of lesion cannot be cur-
electrophysiological techniques may be also useful to guide rently established based on CT-, MRI or angiographic data.
therapeutic procedures, either by predicting their efficacy Because of the lack of a specific diagnostic tool for NP, a
or inefficacy, or by minimising the chances of pain devel- grading system of ‘‘definite’’, ‘‘probable’’, and ‘‘possible’’
opment through real-time neurophysiological monitoring, NP was recently proposed [66], whereby the diagnostic of
for instance during potentially nerve-injuring surgery. The ‘‘definite neuropathic pain’’ can be considered only in the
goal of neurophysiological pain assessment will be in general presence of:
terms to support, clarify, and quantify the patient’s subjec-
tive report, and in some cases to contradict such report if it • a neuroanatomically plausible distribution of pain;
appears incompatible with the objective neurophysiological • a history suggestive of somatosensory lesion/disease;
data. • at least one objective confirmatory test of the existence
Pain by excess of nociception (‘‘nociceptive pain’’) is of relevant somatosensory lesion or disease.
transmitted by an intact nervous system following stimula-
tion of nociceptors, while the so-called ‘‘neuropathic pain’’ Neurophysiological testing can provide such confirma-
(NP), is transmitted by an altered or diseased somatosensory tory test. The main available neurophysiological techniques
system. The classical definition of NP was for long a pain are, first, those of the standard electrophysiological exam-
caused by ‘‘lesion or dysfunction of the nervous system’’. ination: electroneurography with nerve conduction velocity
Objective pain diagnostics: Clinical neurophysiology 189

studies (NCV) and standard somatosensory evoked potentials therapeutic, as illustrated by the distinction between plexus
to electrical stimulation of large fibres (SEPs). Both tech- and root lesion in Fig. 1.
niques essentially explore non-nociceptive pathways: large Besides the high probability of mixed lesions in periphe-
myelinated (A␤) fibres in the periphery, and the dorsal col- ral trauma, some specific features of NP, in particular parox-
umn — medial lemniscus system at central level. Techniques ysmal pain, might be specifically linked to a functional
to explore specifically the nociceptive system (fibres A␦ impairment of large A␤ fibres, probably demyelination, and
and C in the periphery, the spinothalamic system at central therefore can be associated with abnormalities in standard
level) are nociceptive flexion reflexes (‘‘RIII reflexes’’) and NCV and SEPs [68,69]. Association between paroxysmal pain
evoked potentials to radiant or contact-heat (laser-evoked and large fibre dysfunction is also supported by pain in
potentials, LEPs, or contact-heat evoked potentials, CHEPs). trigeminal neuralgia, linked to segmental demyelination at
Other techniques such as microneurography, which allows the root-brainstem entry zone, and by the ‘‘Lhermitte’s
investigating either large or thin fibres by introducing a nee- sign’’, closely associated with demyelination of spinal dor-
dle within the nerve itself [61], are also important, but not sal columns. The assessment of dorsal column function by
currently of clinical use and will not be dealt within this arti- SEPs has significant predictive value as to the efficacy or fai-
cle. Neither will be treated neurophysiological techniques lure of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) [63]. Indeed, abnormal
such as transcranial magnetic (TMS) or direct current (tDCS) or absent SEPs at central level (abnormal central conduc-
cortical stimulation, which may have therapeutic value in tion time) indicate degeneration of dorsal column pathways,
NP, but are not used as diagnostic tools. the activity of which appears essential for SCS efficacy [32].
Preoperative assessment of dorsal column function would
be for some authors more effective and have a lower rate
Standard investigations: electroneurography of false positive results than the classical percutaneous
and somatosensory evoked potentials test that is usually performed before definitive implanta-
tion [63]. Last but not least, in patients with central lesions
Considerable evidence has accumulated showing that NP the respective contribution of spinothalamic and lemniscal
is most especially associated with lesions of temperature system abnormalities might play a role in the development
and pain pathways, either peripheral [52,70], spinal [17] and characteristics of central pain [53,74].
or supraspinal [5,6,30], while the involvement of the large Given the above considerations, and the fact that stan-
fibres-dorsal-column-lemniscal system is not crucial for most dard NCV and SEP studies are readily obtainable in most
cases of NP. Inasmuch as standard nerve conduction studies neurophysiological departments, it follows that a standard
or SEPs do not explore the pain and temperature systems, neurophysiological assessment with NVC/SEPs should remain
but rather the non-nociceptive pathways, we might consider a first-line approach in case of suspected NP, before (or in
that their importance for the study of NP patients is very parallel to) more selective examinations of the pain and
limited. However, the study of NCV/SEPs remains of con- temperature pathways.
siderable importance in the evaluation of pain patients, for
several reasons. First, large and thin peripheral fibres are
anatomically mixed in nerves, plexuses and spinal roots, Specific assessment of nociceptive pathways
without spatial segregation up to the dorsal root entry
zone (DREZ, [62]), and therefore peripheral lesions, in par- Nociceptive reflexes
ticular traumatic or metabolic, tend to affect large and
thin fibres indistinctly. Mixed impairment of large and thin Spinal nociceptive reflexes are polysynaptic flexor responses
fibres in peripheral nerves can be used to detect impend- specifically related to nociception. These are obtained by
ing lesions during intraoperative monitoring. For instance, in peripheral stimulation of a sensory nerve, in general the
patients undergoing thoracotomy, non-specific nerve lesions sural nerve at the ankle or the cutaneous superficial radial
assessed by SEPs were correlated with the postoperative branch at the wrist, and recording the withdrawal motor
development of NP, which could be prevented by using response over a flexor muscle of same metameric level. The
muscle-sparing thoracotomy [4]. Second, NCV and SEP stud- label ‘‘RIII reflex’’ comes from the fact that, under certain
ies are readily available in most hospitals, provide robust conditions, the afferent branch of this reflex is formed by
and topographically precise data, and their abnormality to ‘‘type III’’ fibres of Lloyd classification (corresponding to
stimulation of a painful territory is objective evidence of A␦ fibres in Gasser and Erlanger’s nomenclature) [20,36]. In
somatosensory involvement — thus giving support to the practice, nociceptive reflexes are most commonly obtained
diagnosis of NP. In this domain, one important localising sign on the lower limbs, applying trains of electrical shocks to
is given by the proximal or distal location of the somatosen- the sural nerve and recording surface EMG over the ipsila-
sory lesion relative to the dorsal root ganglia. A proximal teral biceps femoris muscle [59]. Nociceptive flexor reflexes
lesion (between the ganglion and the spinal cord) allows can also be recorded in upper limbs, stimulating the median,
axonal flux to remain normal in the peripheral portion of ulnar or radial nerve, and recording the EMG over forearm
the corresponding nerves, distal to the ganglion, and there- muscles such as the flexor carpi ulnaris or radialis. How-
fore action potentials and peripheral nerve conduction are ever, the abundance of non-nociceptive reflexes in the upper
preserved when such nerves are stimulated, despite pro- limbs (reflexes linked to motor control) makes it difficult
found hypaesthesia. Conversely, lesions that are distal to the individualisation of purely nociceptive components, con-
dorsal root ganglia (neuropathies or plexopathies) reduce trary to lower limbs. The clinical use of nociceptive flexor
distal axonal flux and considerably alter NCV studies. This reflexes relies on the concordance between the threshold
may have important consequences, both diagnostic and of the reflex and that of a subjective painful sensation,
190 L. Garcia-Larrea

Figure 1 Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to non-painful stimulation of median nerves in a patient presenting with pain
and dysesthesiae in the right arm, involving the radial aspect of the forearm with non-systematised root distribution, following
a car accident. Plexus responses distal to ganglion are normal bilaterally (upper traces) while responses from dorsal horn and
caudal brainstem (2nd and 3rd rows) are attenuated and delayed to right median-nerve stimulation. Cortical responses (bottom
line), albeit bilaterally present, are also delayed after right median-nerve stimulation. These results show axonal loss and abnormal
transmission time between spinal ganglion and the spinal cord with a C6-C7 level on the right side. Although standard SEPs only
reflect conduction in large non-nociceptive fibres, these results demonstrate impairment of dorsal roots and/or the dorsal root
entry zone over a territory consistent with pain distribution, and therefore substantiate the diagnosis of neuropathic pain.

first demonstrated by Hugon [36] and Willer et al. [75]. during these procedures has been shown to be associ-
Thus, when a given stimulation is able to trigger a segmen- ated with a good clinical efficacy at short, and perhaps
tal nociceptive reflex in normal individuals, it is commonly middle-term [23,26]. The possible predictive value of this
also able to activate the ascending nociceptive pathways phenomenon in the long-term has not, however, yet been
and generate a subjective sensation of pain, and this allows determined.
characterising states of hyper- or hypo-algesia as well as
studying possible dissociations between reflex responses and
Nociceptive evoked potentials
subjective pain [59]. However, it should be underlined that
nociceptive reflexes are polysynaptic responses, which are
highly sensitive to descending, inhibitory or facilitatory, Given the significant link between the involvement of
controls; attention and distraction can drastically modify pain/temperature pathways and the development of NP, it is
response characteristics, so that very strict conditions of logical that much energy has been devoted in past years to
sustained attention are mandatory when these responses are develop stimulation procedures aiming at obtaining a selec-
used for clinical purposes. tive activation of thin fibres (A␦ and C) in the periphery and
Despite its theoretical advantages, the RIII reflex has spino-thalamo-cortical pain systems at central level. The
been so far little used as a diagnostic tool [59]. This next sections summarises this.
response can be useful in the diagnosis of small-fibre neu-
ropathy; indeed, the coexistence of normal standard NCV Noxious electrical stimuli
and preserved sensory thresholds to low-intensity stimuli,
but increased pain thresholds and attenuated or abolished Transcutaneous electrical stimulation at pain threshold is
nociceptive reflexes is a signature of this condition. Also, efficient to get nociceptive spinal reflexes, as the effer-
the recording of both RIII reflexes and concomitant pain ent reflex branch is specifically triggered when nociceptive
sensations in response to low-intensity stimuli is an objec- afferents are activated (see above). Conversely, such stimuli
tive sign of allodynia, while dissociation between preserved are clearly inadequate to obtain cortical responses reflect-
reflexes but abolished pain sensation suggest a spinothala- ing specifically the pain/temperature ascending volleys.
mic lesion rostral to the spinal level of reflex integration Indeed, whenever an electrical stimulus reaches painful lev-
[24]. The RIII reflex has also been used as a criterion of els, it stimulates concomitantly large and small periphe-
‘‘quality control’’ testing the efficacy of spinal or motor ral afferents, but the resulting cortical potentials are
cortex stimulation, whereby attenuation of the RIII reflex largely dominated by the non-nociceptive signals [16]. This
Objective pain diagnostics: Clinical neurophysiology 191

Figure 2 Laser-evoked potentials (LEPs) in a patient with neuropathic pain after brachial plexus avulsion. Abnormal LEPs after
stimulation of the painful dermatome (C6). Stimulation of the contiguous, affected but non-painful dermatome (C5), as well as
that of the contralateral side, yielded normal LEPs. The figure illustrates both the ability of LEPs to detect A␦-fibre impairment in a
single radicular territory, and the association of such impairment to the development of neuropathic pain (modified from ref. [14]).

phenomenon has been labelled the ‘‘first come, first [8]. However, current spread of such stimulations most
served’’ principle. It stipulates that when several groups of probably entails the simultaneous activation of A␦ fibres,
fibres of different conduction velocities reach the cortex which makes the stimulation non-selective. This is indeed
sequentially, cortical responses tend to reflect preferen- suggested by the very short-latency of scalp potentials
tially those arriving first [29,67]. This principle entails recorded with this method, which may be as low as 30—40 ms
that, in order to get evoked potentials that are spe- [35]. Inui and co-workers [38] introduced a new method
cific to nociceptive input, such input should be devoid of of intra-epidermal electrical stimulation using the tip of
any contamination by large non-nociceptive fibres. Elec- a stainless steel needle inserted 0.2 mm in the epidermis.
trical stimulation of special organs exclusively innervated This intra-epidermal technique did not produce any scalp
by small fibres, such as the tooth pulp, yields scalp response earlier than 100 ms, and estimated conduction
responses that, at least theoretically, are specific to noci- velocity of the activated fibres was about 15 m/s, thus con-
ception, and whose amplitude correlates positively with sistent with selective A␦ stimulation. However, recent data
the pain sensation [21,33]. The main drawbacks of these suggested that such selectiveness may disappear for sti-
methods are technical difficulty, confinement to just one mulus intensities approaching nociceptive ranges [51], thus
territory, and the fact that the tooth pulp may also limiting possible clinical application of the technique. The
contain some A␤ fibres [12], perhaps explaining why ‘‘pre- same criticism holds true for the ‘‘planar concentric elec-
pain’’ sensations other than pinprick may be obtained trode’’, whish has also been recently described [42,43]:
with such stimulation [2]. Experimental blocks of large despite its clever design, this electrode also significantly co-
peripheral fibres by direct current can provide a selec- activates large A␤ fibres [18], and failed to detect proven
tive nociceptive input [48,76]. Although this method is lesions of pain pathways [56].
certainly useful, it is not appropriate for clinical appli-
cation, as the large fibre blocks are only effective on
exposed nerves. Compression blocks are time-consuming Responses to contact-heat (CHEPs)
and restricted to few territories, mostly the superficial
radial nerve at the wrist. Intraneural microstimulation [64] Standard thermodes such as those used in functional ima-
is a powerful technique to stimulate selectively small- ging studies do not allow temperature changes rapid enough
diameter afferents. However, its technical difficulties, to evoke EPs (review in [55]). New generations of fast-
together with the duration of the test and its unpleasant acting heat foil thermodes permit temperature rise times
character, make this procedure hardly applicable in pain up to 70 ◦ C per second and can evoke cortical responses
patients, and mainly restricted to experimental settings [11,40]. Rapid thermode heating generally evokes a pinprick
[61]. sensation, and CHEPs have therefore been attributed to A␦
Intracutaneous stimulations were described as early as fibre stimulation, although CHEP latencies are delayed by
1984 to activate preferentially thin epidermal afferents 200—300 ms relative to the A␦ EPs obtained using laser pulses
192 L. Garcia-Larrea

Figure 3 This 65-year woman underwent a minor head trauma (temporal concussion, no loss of consciousness) and a CT-scan
performed in the emergency room was considered normal at supratentorial level. Four weeks later, she developed burning pain in
the right upper limb, which was not considered neuropathic despite a new CT-scan that showed an asymmetry at midbrain level (June
2006). Standard SEPs were normal. While malingering was being seriously considered, laser-evoked potentials (LEPs) demonstrated
significant abnormalities of conduction in pain-temperature pathways after stimulation of the painful right hand (bottom left) and
remained normal to stimulation of the non-painful side (top left). A gradient-echo (T2*) MRI showed a hyposignal image in the
posterior left midbrain, suggesting a haemorrhagic sequel. This small midbrain lesion impinged with spinothalamic conduction and
was responsible of the neuropathic pain.

[40]. Such differences suggest that the peripheral afferent Responses to radiant heat stimulation:
CHEP volley is triggered relatively late during the heating laser-evoked potentials (LEPs)
ramp; accordingly, single thalamic units appear to respond
up to 300 ms after the maximal thermode temperature has Most of the difficulties inherent to electrical or contact-
been reached [57]. The precise moment of afferent-fibre heat stimuli, described above, can be circumvented using
activation during the thermode heating ramp is hard to radiant heat stimulation with laser pulses. Laser beams pro-
establish, as it may change from one individual to another, vide a rapid, synchronous and selective activation of A␦
and from one trial to the following; this may explain the and C- thermosensitive nociceptors in the hairy skin, with-
variability reported in the CHEP latencies from different out any concomitant activation of mechano-receptors and
laboratories (see [10] vs. [11] vs. [40]). With further refine- A␤ fibres. Although other sources of thermal stimulation
ments, the CHEP technique may become a useful tool to such as light bulbs or Xenon lamps also permit selective
study pain-related responses, as the technique appears safe activation of thermo-receptors, they cannot ensure their
and is applicable over most body territories. Substantial synchronous activation, and therefore are hardly useful for
work is however needed to standardise techniques, estab- recording neurophysiological responses. Furthermore, con-
lish the nature of the stimulated fibres, explain the sources ventional heat sources mainly emit in the visible spectral
of latency variability, and determine the possible influence range, where skin energy absorption is poor and widely
of mechanoreceptor activation by the contact probe [31]. affected by changes in skin pigmentation, thus making
Last but not least, methods should be devised to keep the control of heat transfer virtually impossible (review
constant the energy transfer, which depends on the pres- in [55]). Most if not all of these problems are avoided by
sure of a flat thermode against cutaneous surfaces that are using monochromatic high-intensity light sources such as
rarely flat. those provided by laser stimulators, of which gas (CO2 )
Objective pain diagnostics: Clinical neurophysiology 193

Figure 4 Post-thoracotomy neuropathic pain with selective abnormality of laser-evoked responses to stimulation of C-fibres. In
the upper part of the figure, standard laser stimulation using high energy laser pulses with small spot size (Nd:YAP; 80 mJ/mm2,
4 mm spot) yields normal and symmetrical responses from the painful and non-affected territories. In the lower panel, selective
stimulation of C-warmth fibres using lower energy densities and a larger spot size (30 mJ/mm2, 20 mm spot diameter) yielded
significantly attenuated C-LEPs (left) and sympathetic skin responses (right) to stimulation of the painful region exclusively. Please
note that the time bases are different for A␦ and C-fibre responses.

and solid-state (Th:YAG/Nd:YAP) laser stimulators are the and weak contribution of the first somatosensory areas. The
most commonly used. Solid-state lasers beams are easily ‘‘vertex complex’’, or ‘‘N2/P2’’, which has been the most
transported via optic fibres, rendering manipulation of the frequently used in the clinics, reflects a combined activa-
stimulation much easier than with CO2 lasers, and allowing tion of the middle cingulate and bilateral insulae, with some
stimulating virtually any body territory. contribution of parietal and prefrontal regions [22,28,72].
Energy density of infrared laser pulses increases local It is important to note here that the positive component of
temperature with a ramp up to 10 000 ◦ C/sec, which allows the vertex complex, or ‘‘P2’’, is a mixed wave loaded with
rapid and synchronised activation of free nerve endings of A␦ late cognitive components, the amplitude of which may vary
and C-fibres, and thus recording of LEPs. Depending on the widely with attention, vigilance and other cognitive factors
ramp and the temperature achieved, either both A␦ and C- [3,25,45,46]. Thus, for clinical purposes it is advisable to
fibres, or the latter alone can be activated. Inconveniences rely, whenever possible, on early responses N1 and N2, which
linked to this type of stimulation are the need of strict are less subject to cognitive modulation [25,46].
laboratory conditions, the possibility of skin lesions due to Although laser stimulation activates simultaneously A␦
manipulation errors (extremely rare with solid-state lasers). and C-fibres, the cortical responses that are obtained with
Besides, a common drawback to all nociceptive EPs, as standard techniques reflect almost exclusively the A␦ com-
compared with standard (A␤) SEPs, is the fact that only corti- ponent of the afferent volley. Selective excitation of the
cal responses can be recorded satisfactorily. Indeed, the low C-fibre component is however possible by a diversity of
number of stimuli delivered, together with the lack of spa- procedures. The earliest methods described were based on
tial summation and the high time-dispersion of A␦ afferent experimental pressure-block of group A fibres [9] or spec-
volleys in thin fibres, render the recording of peripheral or tral analysis of the expected time windows [1]. Since then,
spinal potentials almost inaccessible. Both source modelling a number of easier techniques have been proposed, such
and intracranial recordings have permitted to determine as the stimulation of tiny skin areas [7,54], selection of
the main cortical origin of LEPs recorded within the first single trials devoid of A␦-LEPs [65] or stimulation at low
400 milliseconds following nociceptive laser stimulation. intensity [13,49,67]. Each of these procedures is based on
The earliest responses (scalp N1/P1 or N160/P160) reflect different physiological principles. The use of tiny stimula-
activation of the operculo-insulair cortex (SII and poste- tion surfaces (0.15—0.30 mm2 ) for the selective activation
rior insula) in the suprasylvian region, with a simultaneous of C-fibres takes advantage of the higher density of C — with
194 L. Garcia-Larrea

respect to A␦ receptors (review in [55]), while the use of produce very discrete alterations of LEPs, thus underscoring
low stimulus intensities (below the A␦ activation threshold) the fact that spinothalamic terminals within the thalamus
stands on the fact that the heat threshold is lower in C than reach multiple sites including lateral and medial targets, as
in A␦ nociceptors. Purely warm sensations related to C-fibre well as the posterior suprageniculate group (including the
activation can be evoked by laser pulses that irradiate a thalamic region called VMpo). Dissociations between lemnis-
large skin area (50—200 mm2 ), and this appears the easi- cal and spinothalamic responses (SEPs and LEPs) have been
est technique so far to obtain C-evoked cortical potentials described in thalamic lesions [53].
[13,37,67]. ‘‘Ultra-late’’ LEPs related to C-fibre activation
culminate later than standard A␦ LEPs, the positive vertex
component peaking at 800—1200 ms following upper limb Conclusion no 3. Partial preservation and
stimulation. desynchronisation of laser-evoked potentials in
neuropathic pain increase the probability of
Conclusions allodynic phenomena

SEPs and LEPs are techniques easy to implement in any Although this conclusion would benefit from further valida-
laboratory of clinical neurophysiology. They reflect accu- tion, it is physiologically plausible and has been supported
rately and objectively the somatosensory transmission, by a number of independent studies so far. A study on
respectively within lemniscal (SEPs) and spinothalamic 54 patients reported that complete obliteration of LEPs to
pain/temperature pathways (LEPs). Their use is now beco- stimulation of the painful territory was associated with a
ming a ‘‘standard’’ to document the possible involvement very small proportion of allodynic or hyperalgesic pheno-
of somatosensory systems in patients with suspected NP mena, while the prevalence of these phenomena increased
(hence fulfilling the requirements for NP diagnosis, [66]). In significantly when LEP alteration was only partial, and in
particular, during the last 10 years LEPs have proved their particular when LEPs appeared desynchronised or included
ability to detect even minute lesions within nociceptive late abnormal components [27]. These data have been con-
pathways, including monoradicular lesions (Fig. 2) or very firmed by independent studies in patients with peripheral
small lesions at brainstem, thalamic or cortical level (Fig. 3). or spinal NP, in whom both LEPs and thermal thresholds
Results gathered during these years have led to a number of were more severely affected in patients with ongoing pain
conclusions regarding the utilisation of evoked potentials in than in those with provoked pain (allodynia/hyperalgesia)
pain medicine, summarised as follows. [19,34,70].

Conclusion no 1: Abnormal somatosensory Conclusion no 4. Normal or enhanced evoked

responses to stimulation of a painful territory potentials to stimulation of a painful territory
substantiate the neuropathic origin of the pain suggest the functional integrity of somatosensory
pathways and do not support a diagnosis of
Providing objective evidence of conduction abnormalities in
neuropathic pain
somatosensory pathways makes pain enter the definition of
NP, as indicated in Heading 1. Study of thermo-algesic path-
This assertion, which mirrors Conclusion no 1, also stems
ways using LEPs is very often a crucial step for diagnosis of
from the definition of NP. Demonstration of unaltered
NP, since standard exams such as NCV or SEPs will be normal
somatosensory transmission at peripheral and central
in a substantial proportion of NP patients. Significant abnor-
levels after stimulation of a territory alleged as painful
mality of LEPs to stimulation of a painful territory should
tends to exclude the diagnosis of NP, or at least empowers
be considered as an electrophysiological signature of NP,
a reasonable doubt. In case of normal LEPs, it is how-
and can be commonly observed in small-fibre neuropathy,
ever important to ascertain that normal responses are also
central spinal lesions (syringomyelia), as well as brainstem,
obtained to the selective stimulation of C-fibres, as the lat-
thalamic or cortical stroke. The exquisite sensitivity of LEPs
ter may prove to be selectively abnormal while A␦ LEPs
to spinothalamic impairment allows the detection of minute
remain within normal limits. An illustrative case is shown
lesions and give to LEPs medico-legal value in a number
in Fig. 4.
of European countries. An illustrative case is presented in
Association of chronic pain with normal or enhanced
Fig. 3.
LEPs is the rule in fibromyalgia, chronic myofascial pain,
chronic fatigue syndrome, tension headache, and migraine,
Conclusion no 2: The type of laser-evoked which underlines pathophysiological differences between
potential abnormality depends both on the lesion these conditions and NP. In some of these diseases, notably
site and on pain pathophysiology migraine and fibromyalgia, a deficit of LEP habituation to
repeated series of stimuli has been described [71], which
Ischemic necrosis interrupting transmission where the may imply some alteration of mechanisms of pain control,
spinothalamic tract occupies a small volume (e.g. brain- rather than a primary dysfunction of nociceptive trans-
stem lesions) will entail profound LEP abnormalities, to a mission per se. It is noteworthy that the hypothesis of a
greater extent than slowly progressive lesions that tend dysfunction of descending controls mechanisms in fibromyal-
to distort structures without much axonal loss, as is often gia has been also supported by studies of the nociceptive RIII
the case of syringomyelia. Also, focal thalamic lesions may reflex in these patients [41].
Objective pain diagnostics: Clinical neurophysiology 195

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benefits from joint recording of subjective
measures of sensation and vegetative responses The author declares that he has no conflicts of interest con-
cerning this article.
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