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intercambio studyntravel


msn: erickandregarcia@hotmail.com
skype: erickandregarcia
Central de Operaes: (55) (11) 2128 - 5050

intercambio studyntravel www.intercambio.com.br

Summer IS your opportunIty to Study at europeS top faShIon and deSIgn School

Our students, frOm all Over the wOrld, are cOnsistently amazed at the prOgress they make in a few shOrt weeks.

we Offer cOurses, frOm fashiOn tO design, and yOull lOve the atmOsphere Of Our three campuses.

we bring prOfessiOnals intO the classrOOm tO transfer valuable experience tO students.

yOu can chOOse milanO, where the great designers wOrk, paris, where luxury is everywhere Or lOndOn, where cutting edge ideas Originate.

faShIon deSIgn - faShIon Image - faShIon buSIneSS

trIple cIty

the choIce of 3 programmeS acroSS 3 faShIon capItalS

this unique experience will give yOu a truly internatiOnal insight intO the eurOpean apprOach tO the subject Of fashiOn. each Of the 3 fashiOn capitals has, fOr their Own histOrical and cultural reasOns, an individual OutlOOk Or take On the glObal fashiOn industry.

Week 1 In london
lOndOn is a sOurce Of inspiratiOn, experimentatiOn and cutting edge cOncepts where fashiOn design meets cOntempOrary art. lOndOn lives fOr its newness discOvering Original apprOaches tO Our subject, questiOning the rules and pushing the bOundaries Of style and taste.

Week 2 In mIlano
milanO is the hOme Of cOntempOrary fashiOn. with a refined and directiOnal OutlOOk, milanO is renOwned fOr making trends reality and turning the creative fantasies Of the designer intO a prOpOsal apprOpriate fOr all markets. style is everywhere in italy and milan celebrates this thrOugh its fashiOn culture.

Week 3 In parIS
paris is the birthplace Of fashiOn. with the histOry Of cOuture still imbedded in the heart Of the french fashiOn industry, paris brings tOgether a chic OutlOOk with a fOrmula fOr quality and design. the rules Of fashiOn are created here with an understanding and appreciatiOn Of glamOur and traditiOn.

yOu can chOOse the triple city fOrmat fOr faShIon deSIgn, faShIon Image and faShIon buSIneSS. details Of the cOurses are specified in this brOchure.

duratIon of the courSe

yOu will receive a tOtal Of 80 hOurs Of lessOns, with full-day classes held frOm mOnday tO friday.

intercambio studyntravel www.intercambio.com.br


Image / StylIng by: nIVeS aganbegoVIc (IStItuto marangonI graduate)

faShIon deSIgn

experIence the World of faShIon deSIgn

starting frOm practical drawing lessOns, yOu will study all aspects Of a fashiOn cOllectiOn: cOlOur charts, fabrics, accessOries, the number Of Outfits in a cOllectiOn, as well as relevant ecOnOmic and cOmmercial cOnsideratiOns.

Week 1
fashiOn drawing and illustratiOn; develOping persOnal style Of illustratiOn. analysing image strategies Of leading pret-a pOrter designers, the fashiOn market and pOsitiOning a cOllectiOn.

Week 2
cOnducting research fOr a persOnal cOllectiOn, develOping and cOOrdinating designs fOr cOllectiOn as a result Of a persOnal inspiratiOn, fabrics and cOlOurs. research, exercises fOr creativity develOpment. trends: hOw they Originate and analysis On trends. fashiOn marketing seminar.

Week 3
designing a cOllectiOn based On individual theme with technical drawings and wOrking On presentatiOn skills. discussiOn and final evaluatiOn Of the students cOllectiOns.

duratIon of the courSe

yOu will receive a tOtal Of 80 hOurs Of lessOns, with full-day classes held frOm mOnday tO friday.

intercambio studyntravel www.intercambio.com.br

Image / StylIng by: fanny SzokolI (IStItuto marangonI graduate)

faShIon Image

do you haVe an eye for Style?

this summer cOurse fOcuses On the new fashiOn prOfessiOns Of image cOnsultant and persOnal shOpper. at the end Of yOur studies, yOull understand the principles arOund which these prOfessiOns Operate. yOull knOw it all: frOm defining fashiOn mOOds tO understanding the impOrtance Of accessOries; frOm analysing traits Of the face and bOdy tO emphasising physical features; frOm affirming a style tO cOnstructing a lOOk.

Week 1
style Overview: study Of past, present and future fashiOn trends as well as the elements that characterise them, such as cOlOur, lines, garment details and accessOries. acquire useful infOrmatiOn thrOugh the analysis Of styles and lOOks taken frOm newspapers, magazines and videOs.

Week 2
persOnal identity: yOull analyze the different typOlOgies Of human faces and bOdies, study the methOds and instruments used tO emphasize particular physical features such as hairstyling, make-up, skin-care and camOuflage. wardrObe analysis: cOnduct an in-depth study Of the fundamental elements used tO dictate a style i.e. the impOrtance Of cOlOur, lines, accessOries and their cOmbinatiOn. learn methOds and secrets Of persOnal shOpping.

Week 3
style definitiOn: create a styling pOrtfOliO, a true bOOk On style. define, develOp and present a particular style which is cOherent in all Of its visual elements. discussiOn and final evaluatiOn Of the students pOrtfOliOs.

duratIon of the courSe

yOu will receive a tOtal Of 80 hOurs Of lessOns, with full-day classes held frOm mOnday tO friday.

intercambio studyntravel www.intercambio.com.br


Image / StylIng by: franceSca borSellI (IStItuto marangonI graduate)

faShIon buSIneSS

marketIng, buSIneSS, SaleS & promotIonS: We anSWer all theSe key queStIonS and many more
hOw dO yOu pOsitiOn a cOllectiOn? hOw dO yOu manage a fashiOn business? hOw dO yOu analyse yOur cOmpetitiOn? hOw are the tOp brands structured? hOw dO yOu sell a cOllectiOn? this cOurse is ideal fOr students withOut a marketing backgrOund.

Week 1
analysis Of ecOnOmic and sOcial trends, understanding ecOnOmic and sOcial evOlutiOn and hOw this influences fashiOn cOnsumptiOn. the new markets and hOw fashiOn can expand in them. expansiOn strategies: new brands, luxury brands and distributiOn chain stOres. cOmparisOn Of mOdels.

Week 2
analysis Of fashiOn: textiles, clOthing, accessOries, cOsmetics, eyeglasses, jewels. the critical factOrs fOr the success Of leading brands such as prada, lOuis vuittOn, gucci, dOlce & gabbana and cavalli; benettOn, zara and h&m; adidas, nike and puma. creating a winning pOsitiOn fOr yOur prOduct thrOugh definitiOn and analysis Of the cOmpetitOrs.

Week 3
the prOduct: definitiOn Of pOrtfOliO and life cycle. functiOn and determinatiOn Of price. integrated cOmmunicatiOn: brand identity, brand image and brand equity. distributiOn: the different distributiOn channels, evOlutiOn and future prOspects. licensing and the impOrtance Of branding: pOlicies, advantages and risks.

duratIon of the courSe

yOu will receive a tOtal Of 80 hOurs Of lessOns, with full-day classes held frOm mOnday tO friday.

intercambio studyntravel www.intercambio.com.br



Image / StylIng by: olImpIa de leonardIS (IStItuto marangonI graduate)

faShIon VISual merchandISIng

dIScoVer the World of VISual communIcatIon and the ValorISatIon of faShIon productS WIthIn a boutIque
this cOurse will give yOu the OppOrtunity tO discOver the techniques Of visual merchandising and visual display in Order tO maximise the prOfitability Of a display Or Of a stOre. yOu will analyse windOw displays and hOw prOducts must be better subdivided and shOwcased. additiOnally yOu will learn the cOncepts Of custOmer experience necessary tO create a unique buying engagement fOr every custOmer.

Week 1
merchandising techniques: emOtiOnal visual and OrganisatiOnal visual. visual elements Of cOmmunicatiOn Outside the retail stOre: lOcatiOn, analysis Of the external sign, the faade, accesses and windOws (distinguishing between cOmmercial, prestigiOus and advertising). fOcus On windOw displays: research and tOOls tO create windOws. prOject 1 - merchandising bOOk. the guidelines: uses and purpOses.

Week 2
layOut Of a retail pOint. elements Of visual cOmmunicatiOn within the shOp: analysis Of the area, space assignment accOrding tO sales Objectives. identify the ideal cOnsumer path, prOduct and equipment display. giving impOrtance tO prOduct grOuping. prOject 2 - merchandising bOOk. the shOp: image and windOw display.

Week 3
display techniques. walls: research and creatiOn techniques. levels Of displaying, sales and analysis Of the reading prOcess frOm the cOnsumer side. vertical and hOrizOntal display: meaning and creatiOn criterias. the cOstumer lOyalty, after selling techniques and fOcus On the Overall custOmer experience. prOject 3 - merchandising bOOk. the prOduct: display and layOut.

duratIon of the courSe

yOu will receive a tOtal Of 80 hOurs Of lessOns, with full-day classes held frOm mOnday tO friday.

intercambio studyntravel www.intercambio.com.br



Image / InterIor deSIgn by: kSenIa bazareVIch (IStItuto marangonI graduate)

InterIor deSIgn

underStandIng the role of the InterIor deSIgner and an In-depth knoWledge of the lateSt trendS In InterIorS & lIfeStyle
frOm defining style tO furnishing a shOp Or a hOtel, this cOurse will help refine yOur sense Of the aesthetic and dcOr, as well as prOviding an in-depth analysis Of mOdern expressive trends. finally, yOu will be challenged tO interpret it all in the wOrld Of interiOrs, a cOmplementary universe Of style, cOlOurs, light and Objects.

Week 1
an intrOductiOn tO the planning Of an interiOr design thrOugh the careful analysis Of cOntempOrary trends. understand what style and aesthetical sense is best tO use in hOusing spaces and use creatively researched elements and images tO elabOrate the cOncept. wOrkshOp: use the cOrrect techniques Of planning tO present the prOject.

Week 2
create a plan Of an interiOr space by analysing the materials used. participate in a creative exercise that uses the best cOlOurs and creates harmOny in the cOntempOrary decOratiOn. study an Overview Of prOduct designs that are trendy tO understand the evOlutiOn Of the hOme cOllectiOns including chOice Of the furnishings, lighting and Other interiOr prOducts. wOrkshOp: exercises On aesthetical perceptiOn and style applied tO the interiOr design.

Week 3
lighting design sOlutiOns are used tO create emOtiOnal and unique atmOspheres. the final elabOratiOn Of the prOject will define and harmOnise every aspect Of the planning prOcess thrOugh a glObal visiOn Of a luxury lifestyle. wOrkshOp: create a prOject layOut alOng with a visual presentatiOn. discussiOn and final evaluatiOn.

duratIon of the courSe

yOu will receive a tOtal Of 80 hOurs Of lessOns, with full-day classes held frOm mOnday tO friday.

intercambio studyntravel www.intercambio.com.br



Image / StylIng by: roSSella culoSI (IStItuto marangonI graduate)

faShIon adVertISIng

the World of faShIon adVertISIng IS Influenced by elementS oVer and aboVe SImple graphIcS
image and message are fundamental aspects in brand cOmmunicatiOn. this cOurse analyses the mOst impOrtant advertising campaigns in the luxury and mass-market fashiOn sectOrs, thus defining the principles Of mOdern cOmmunicatiOn. furthermOre, we explOre the necessary tOOls needed tO better define a cOntempOrary fashiOn advertising message: cOlOur sense, phOtOgraphy, styling and visual perceptiOn.

Week 1
cOncept Overview: the meaning Of an advertising message and hOw tO recOgnise it thrOugh the critical analysis Of fashiOn campaigns. style trends: study Of graphic and cOlOur trends in cOntempOrary fashiOn cOmmunicatiOn.

Week 2
fashiOn phOtOgraphy and fashiOn cOmmunicatiOn: study Of image and styling in cOntempOrary phOtOgraphy and their applicatiOn in fashiOn advertising. wOrkshOp: quick creative exercises aimed at harmOnising advertising campaigns, aesthetic sense and visual perceptiOn.

Week 3
final prOject: definitiOn, develOpment and creatiOn Of a fashiOn cOmmunicatiOn campaign thrOugh the analysis Of all its elements. discussiOn and final evaluatiOn Of the prOject.

duratIon of the courSe

yOu will receive a tOtal Of 80 hOurs Of lessOns, with full-day classes held frOm mOnday tO friday.


IStItuto marangonI long courSeS offer haS 3 leVelS of Study, to SpecIalIze In faShIon or deSIgn
yOu may attend Our prOgrammes in milanO, paris Or lOndOn, as the teaching system is the same in all campuses. yOu can alsO mOve frOm One city tO the Other at the end Of each academic year and withOut any additiOnal cOsts Or exams. in case Of availability, yOu Only have tO pass a language test and tO re-enrOl indicating which city yOu prefer tO study in during yOur fOllOwing academic year.

ba honourS degreeS
if yOu wish tO acquire cOmplete training and educatiOn, yOu shOuld chOOse One Of Our ba hOnOurs degrees. these cOurses alsO give yOu the OppOrtunity tO attend the whOle cOurse Or part Of it in milanO, paris Or lOndOn.

one-year dIplomaS
Our One-year diplOmas have been specifically designed tO meet the needs Of thOse students whO have limited time availability. these cOurses immediately put yOur knOwledge intO practical applicatiOn.

maSter programS
these specialised master prOgrams, are dedicated tO students whO already have strOng fundamental skills Or experience in the field. eight mOnths Of sharply defined prOgram, a unique OppOrtunity tO study and then start yOur career in the wOrlds capitals Of creativity, style and luxury.

intercambio studyntravel www.intercambio.com.br




i wOuld like tO enrOll in the fOllOwing summer cOurse trIple cIty Summer programS july 4-22, 2011 (first week in lOndOn, secOnd week in milanO and third week in paris) fashiOn design fashiOn image fashiOn business mIlano july 4-22, 2011 fashiOn design
(italian, english, spanish, portuguese)

parIS july 4-22, 2011 fashiOn design

(french, english, portuguese)

london july 4-22, 2011 fashiOn design


fashiOn image
(italian, english, spanish, portuguese)

fashiOn business
(french, english, portuguese)

fashiOn business

fashiOn business
(italian, english, spanish, portuguese)

fashiOn image
(french, english, portuguese)

fashiOn image

fashiOn visual merchandising

(italian, english)

august 22 - september 9, 2011 fashiOn image

(french, english)

august 1-19, 2011 fashiOn design


interiOr design
(italian, english)

fashiOn advertising
(italian, english)

fashiOn business
(french, english)

fashiOn image

july 18 - august 5, 2011 fashiOn design

(italian, english)

fashiOn design
(french, english)

fashiOn business

september 5-23, 2011 fashiOn design

(french, english)

interiOr design

fashiOn business
(italian, english)

fashiOn advertising

fashiOn image
(italian, english)

fashiOn business
(french, english)

september 5-23, 2011 fashiOn design


september 5-23, 2011 fashiOn design

(italian, english)

fashiOn image
(french, english)

fashiOn business

fashiOn business
(italian, english)

fashiOn image

fashiOn image
(italian, english)

i prefer tO attend classes in:

(check campus language availability)

italian english spanish pOrtuguese

trIple cIty Summer courSeS will be held in english language Only. sOme seminars cOuld be delivered thrOugh simultaneOus translatiOn.

In certaIn cIrcumstances, IstItuto marangonI reserves the rIght to cancel an advertIsed course. For example, IF It Is judged that the number oF enrolled students Is lIkely to compromIse our exactIng standard and IF certaIn other unForeseen sItuatIon arIses. In these cIrcumstances notIFIcatIon wIll be made to all concerned, a month beFore the begInnIng oF the course. the InstItute Is not legally bound. all students already enrolled wIll receIve a Full reFund.

i have read the present brOchure and i agree tO the general cOnditiOns cOncerning the cOurses and tO the cancellatiOn pOlicy. this applicatiOn fOrm must be signed by a parent Or guardian if the student is under 18 years Of age. date signature


please fill Out this applicatiOn fOrm in capital letters and send it by mail Or fax tOgether with yOur full payment tO the fOllOwing address:

applIcatIon form mIlano parIS

IStItuto marangonI mIlano - via verri, 4 - 20121 milanO / italy - tel. +39 02 7631 6680 - fax. +39 02 7600 9658 IStItuto marangonI parIS - 12 avenue raymOnd pOincar - paris 75116 / france - tel. +33 (0)1 47 20 08 44 - fax. +33 (0)1 47 20 08 55 IStItuto marangonI london - 30 fashiOn street - lOndOn e1 6px / united kingdOm - tel. +44 (0)20 7377 9347 - fax. +44 (0)20 7377 9314 first name date Of birth sex m / f city / state cOuntry Office phOne email

last name

place Of birth citizenship street address zip cOde hOme phOne fax i am paying the fOllOwing fee: full package: e 4.900 tuitiOn-Only fee: e 3.500

triple city - full package: e 6.200

the full package includes tuitiOn, translatiOn services and accOmmOdatiOn. yOull stay in a residence hOtel Or in a flat fOr twO peOple, cOmplete with dOuble-Occupancy bedrOOm and kitchen, fOr the duratiOn Of the cOurse. the triple city - full package includes alsO flights between lOndOn and milanO, and between milanO and paris, plus car transpOrtatiOn transfers tO the city center. flights are On fixed dates, On selected airlines and will be cOmmunicated at the time Of the enrOllment by the admissiOn Offices. the start Of the cOurse will be in lOndOn. the payment fOr the triple city fees must be dOne tO istitutO marangOni lOndOn (see belOw fOr details). the clOsing date fOr applicatiOns fOr the triple city summer cOurses is 13th june 2010. mIlano i am paying the schOOl fee by wire transfer tO: istitutO marangOni bank: intesasanpaOlO - via tOrinO 21 - 20123 milanO | swift: bcititmm310 - iban: it96 p030 6909 4700 5523 5130 106 (please send cOpy Of the bank transfer tOgether with this applicatiOn fOrm) parIS i am paying the schOOl fee by wire transfer tO: istitutO marangOni bank: bnp - 87 avenue klber - 75116 paris - accOunt: 00010088264 - swift: bnpafrpppak - iban: fr76 3000 4025 8700 0100 8826 433 (please send cOpy Of the bank transfer tOgether with this applicatiOn fOrm) london i am paying the schOOl fee by wire transfer tO: istitutO marangOni bank: rbs - rOyal bank Of scOtland - 62/63 threadneedle st. - ec2r 8la lOndOn - accOunt: istmar-eurc - iban: gb53 rbOs 1610 7010 1180 41 - swift: rbOsgb2l (please send cOpy Of the bank transfer tOgether with this applicatiOn fOrm) i am paying the schOOl fee by credit card: name as it appears On the card cardhOlder full address visa american express credit card number cardhOlder signature mastercard eurOcard expiry date


marangonI Summer courSeS any questions?

Who can apply? we want peOple whO have a feeling fOr fashiOn, design and creativity. yOu dO nOt need a pOrtfOliO tO get started, Only the desire tO develOp yOur creativity. tell me more about the fee yOur payment Of the full package Or tuitiOn-Only fee must accOmpany yOur applicatiOn fOrm. yOur fee dOes nOt include air fare, transpOrtatiOn, persOnal expenses, art supplies Or meals. fOr these expenses, students shOuld budget an extra usd 1000 / eur 700 per mOnth. fOr the triple city full package see page 20. What If I cancel? cancel 60 days befOre the cOurse starting date and yOull get a full refund. cancel 59-30 days befOre the cOurse starting date and yOull get a 50% refund. cancel within 29 days Of the cOurse starting date, nO refunds will be issued. do I need a VISa? check with yOur italian, french Or british embassy/ cOnsulate whether yOu need an entry visa fOr a three-weeks stay in italy, france Or uk. if yOu dO, we will prOvide yOu with the relevant dOcuments tO Obtain yOur visa.

intercambio studyntravel www.intercambio.com.br

ISTITUTO MARANGONI MILANO VIA VERRI 4 20121 MILANO / ITALY TEL. +39 02 7631 6680 FAX +39 02 7600 9658 milano@istitutomarangoni.com

ISTITUTO MARANGONI PARIS 12 AVENUE RAYMOND POINCAR PARIS 75116 / FRANCE TEL. +33 (0)1 47 20 08 44 FAX +33 (0)1 47 20 08 55 paris@istitutomarangoni.com

ISTITUTO MARANGONI LONDON 30 FASHION STREET LONDON E1 6PX / UNITED KINGDOM TEL. +44 (0)20 7377 9347 FAX +44 (0)20 7377 9314 london@istitutomarangoni.com

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