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INDIA OF MY DREAMS - A VISION 2020: "Dreams are not what we see in sleep ...

dre am is the thing which does not let us sleep" - these are the words of Dr.APJ Abd ul Kalam that inspires people to make it big and achieve something in life.Much the same way, it inspires me to make India a developed country before 2020. A de veloped India means a terror - free nation: Terrorism is one of the biggest glob al issues, that is threatening everyone alike. Terrorism is practised by some of the jobless , who could have been vibrant youths, but chose to tread the wrong path. It had taken many lives, as well as wrecked many. Terrorists are misguided people who get misguided by the false advices of some people. The 26/11 attacks in Mumbai is an example of terrorist attacks in India. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam alwa ys believed and emphasised that young minds could always give a significant cont ribution to the Society. Then, imagine how India would be if young people or rat her, youths become leaders! Then, young people can take the corrupt politicians off their respective posts. This can result in getting much more (black) money o f its owners and getting it distributed among the poor, so that there can be qui te an act of equality among everyone. We,as the future citizens of India can try our best to reduce illiteracy. We can gather some poor, illiterate children, in our neighbourhood and impart some very basic knowledge to them. The illiterate people (adults) could be made aware of Adult Literacy Centres and could be taugh t how to enroll in such institutes. We can give our best shot in reducing and er adicating illiteracy, as the most basic step. How would it be if all of us could join hands to do so? We can definitely build a literate India where the citizen s are aware of everything. Agriculture makes up 70% of our population. We have t o definitely patronise agriculture, and farmers should be supplied with good var ieties of seeds, fertilisers etc. Based on Dr. Abdul Kalam's "India 2020" , we, the citizens willl build an India that would be a super power in all fields such as economy, agriculture,technology, etc.by 2020.

India with her varied incarnations is an old civilization and an extremely compl ex society. Her glorious past, natural beauty, resources, vast size and above al l her unique geographical location has always given her the pride of place in th e world. With the ups and downs of history it has retained its vibrancy. My visi on of India 2020AD is a visionary's agenda full of hopes and resolve to work tow ards it. As understanding of the historical traditions is very important in order to form a concrete futuristic vision of nation like India. India has a long history and as it is understood presently, it has covered a span of five thousand years sin ce the period of its first known civilization. During all these times a long ste am of immigrants, representing different ethnic strains and linguistic families, have merged into its population to contribute to its diversity, richness and vi tality. India is probably the only civilization in the world which shows a clear continuity of its several traditions from the times of its earliest known civil ization. Even today several levels of social evolution coexist in India and its composite identity has won her the of quoted clich, unity in diversity. A country of India's dimension is bound to have its share of problems and failin gs. However, the vibrant nation sets about overcoming its shortcomings, protecti ng its culture and enriching the material as well as cultural life of its people

. So, obviously I visualize an all around growth and development of India. The Indian society of my vision will be different from the present one. Hopefull y in the 2020 AD, India will rid itself of the discriminating nature of its cast e system. There will be quality in all fields for everyone. There also will be n ot be some unfortunate customs like dowry system, child labor as well as discrim ination against women or weaker sections of the society. I hope the society itse lf will develop a mechanism to promote the well being of everyone without having the need of an enforcement by law all the time. In economic field, I hope India will make great progress. Agriculture will make a rapid advance, generating enough surplus and providing food for everyone. Cert ainly the industrial development will have a balanced look providing work for ev eryone and at the same time bringing prosperity and sustained development for ou r natural resources. And there will be no more rise of population. The most impo rtant part of the human resource development is meaningful education for all. I hope by that time India will develop an advanced and relevant education system t aking care of the needs of all the aspects of the society. I am sure India by th at time will be able to take care of the health needs of all its citizen. Often our political leaders lack 'political will' and work in a petty and partis an manner. Still I am hopeful, by that time democracy will be strengthened in In dia and it will give rise to true statesmen who will further take ahead my visio n of India in AD 2020 and each aspect of the Directive Principles of our Constit ution will be fulfilled. Elections till be peaceful and every citizen will exerc ise his/her franchise fearlessly. By that time no politician or political part w ill be allowed to exploit caste, region, language or ethnicity to advance their petty political ambitions. For thousands of years India had to beat the burnt of foreign invasions. The for titude of the Indians has withstood successfully all the onslaughts. Yet it is w idely believed that there is no serious strategic thinking or planning in India. In this matter, India is generally inward looking country and this tradition ha s been shaped by our geography, history, culture and civilization. The otherwise humane and noble pacific image of India is often taken for sheepishness. We do not look ahead or plan ahead our strategic realities. We only not look ahead or plan ahead our strategic realities. We only react to threats. A few of our unfri endly countries have taken advantage of it by launching a protracted low intensi ty war on several fronts. I hope that by 2020 India will develop long term defen sive strategies. In some of the areas like software technology, genetic engineering and space, al though India has made rapid advances, we still have to be dependent on the devel oped nations for several technologies. I have a vision that in coming times, Ind ia will emerge as one of the world leaders in science and technology. our develo pment in this field will also take care of our real needs and will reach to the common people. Our developed industrial and scientific base will also be able to check brain-drain. It will also help in protecting our environment and sustaini ng our resource base. India's policy has always been one of brotherhood and co-existence. yet our bord ers are surrounded by hostile war-hawks. Unless a nation is able to defend its b orders and integrity, all other developments are of no use. We do have several p roven instances of internal disturbances. be it Kashmir or the North-East we hav e dangers all around. I am confident that by 2020 India will be able to build an arsenal and strategy to remove all fears of external attack. International relations are not only important for making friends but also signi ficant for trade, security and communication. India will look forward to develop ing greater economic ties with Russia, South-East Asia, S. Africa, Latin America

n countries and also in co-operation with China and geo-economic matters. Our co untry will also hopefully achieve friendly ties with Pakistan. Glory of a nation is not complete unless it does well in sports too. I am hopefu l that our country will make a great advance in sports winning a number of Olymp ic medals and international laurels. Sports will be made popular at every stage in India. My vision of India in 2020 AD may sound life a dreamer's agenda but given the gl ories posterity of India and its resilience, it can still come true. And in this task we need the right kind of leaders and solemn commitment on the part of my countrymen.

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