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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Un site internet pour vous aider dans vos recherches et vous tenir informé de l’actualité.

Les produits
- Accès aux différents produits de nos partenaires.
- Photos et fiches produits téléchargeables pour l'essentiel de ces produits.

Poser vos questions en ligne

- Vous souhaitez un complément d’informations sur un produit ?
Un formulaire en ligne existe pour poser toutes vos questions. Un commercial
ou un technicien vous répondra rapidement.

Le support technique
- Un problème technique ? Un formulaire est présent pour déposer votre question.
- Des produits à nous renvoyer ? Vos demandes de retour de marchandises (ARM)
peuvent aussi être effectuées en ligne.

Toute l’actualité d’ A PLUS SA

- Des informations sur l’actualité de la société (nouveaux partenariats,
nouveaux produits, salons, publications dans la presse ....)

A Plus infos pour vous tenir informé

- Inscrivez-vous à notre lettre d’information.
- Avec 1 à 2 messages par mois, vous êtes informés sur les produits et
les évolutions technologiques du marché de l’informatique Industrielle.

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007


Durant l'été 2007 A PLUS SYSTEME AUTOMATION déménagera
dans ses nouveaux locaux à Saint-Michel-Sur-Orge.



Siège social Agence de Toulouse

2 rue Léonard de Vinci Le pré Catelan

o pe Z.I. du Parc 78 Allée Jean Jaures

Eur 91220 Le Plessis Paté 31000 Toulouse
en Tél. : Tél. :

S SA Fax : Fax :

AP Agence de Nantes
Agence de Lyon A PLUS SA - Ouest
A PLUS SA - Rhône Alpes Technoparc de l’Aubinière
20 rue Ravat 2 Avenue des Améthystes
69002 Lyon BP 3813
Tél. : 44338 NANTES cedex 3
Fax : Tél. :
Fax :

Agence d’Aix-en-Provence
Filiale en Espagne
A PLUS SA - Sud-Est
A PLUS SA - Ibérica
Europarc de Pichaury - Bâtiment 5
Ramon Turró, 245 local 2
1330 Avenue Guillibert de la Lauzière
08005 Barcelona
13856 Aix en Provence Cedex 3
Tél. : +34 902.888.308
Tél. :
Fax : +34 932.240.418
Fax :


Depuis sa création en 1988, A PLUS SYSTEME AUTOMATION a la volonté d’axer ses prestations autour
d’une organisation rigoureuse et efficace pour satisfaire ses clients, notamment :
Chiffre d'affaire (M€)
. Par la qualité des produits et des services
. Par des réponses efficaces et réactives aux besoins spécifiques 15

. Par la mise à disposition de services associés

. Par une amélioration permanente de notre organisation

La mise en œuvre de ce système et l'atteinte de ces objetifs nous a permis d'obtenir en 9

2004 la certification ISO 9001.

L'amélioration de nos outils de production, nos nouveaux partenariats et implémentations,

nous permette de pérenniser notre structure et d'afficher une progression constante de 5
2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006
notre chiffre d'affaire.

La logistique
Pour une surface totale de 1000m² A PLUS SYSTEME AUTOMATION dispose de 3
zones spécifiquement réservées :

- Aux réceptions
- Au stock de pièces détachées et aux préparations de commandes
- A l’emballage et aux expéditions

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Les services
Nos équipes de commerciaux, d'ingénieurs et de techniciens sont à votre écoute pour vous proposer les solutions les plus adap-
tées à vos projets et supportant les toutes dernières innovations technologiques.

Les services avant-vente

- Gamme complète de produits

- Évaluation des solutions techniques
- Étude personnalisée des projets
- Étude de produits spécifiques OEM
- Réalisation de tests spécifiques client
- Réalisation de qualification en environnement
- Évaluation thermique (étuve)
- Documentations spécifiques

Avec ses 10 techniciens et ses 500m², le service après-vente est une priorité.

Les services après-vente

- Recette projet
- Maintenance en nos locaux
- Maintenance sur site
- Installation sur site
- Support technique
- Hot Line

La production
A PLUS SYSTEME AUTOMATION conçoit des châssis spécifiques, intègre des micro-ordinateurs et des moniteurs industriels.
Nous intervenons aussi sur des projets spécifiques comme la mise en place de baies précâblées, etc....

Une surface de 1500 m² - A venir dans les nouveaux locaux

Pour la réalisation de vos projets, A PLUS SYSTEME AUTOMATION possède un atelier d'une surface de 1000 m² organisé autour de 3
activités principales: l'assemblage, le test et le déverminage.
En plus de cet atelier, une zone de 500m² est spécialement dédiée à l'intégration de baies et d'affaires spécifiques.

Avec cette nouvelle surface, ses 16 lignes d'intégrations, ses 12 techniciens, A PLUS SYSTEME AUTOMATION voit sa capacité de pro-
duction passer à 1200 machines par mois.

Des moyens efficaces

Pour satisfaire ses clients A PLUS SYSTEME AUTOMATION met tout ses atouts de son côté:

- Des techniciens dédiés spécifiquement au montage ou à l'installation de logiciels

- Une GPAO performante
- Une salle en surpression pour l'intégration des produits d'affichage
- Un service contrôle qualité (des contrôles sont effectués à chaque étape de la fabrication et un à la fin)
- Des montages selon des dossiers de fabrication standards ou spécifiques
- La possibilité d’installer des cartes spécifiques des clients
- Un déverminage de 24 heures minimum
- Une fiche de recette standard ou spécifique ainsi qu’un rapport de test sont fournis aux clients pour chaque ensemble.
- Des tests efficaces (étuve, contrôle électrique, contrôle visuel...) ainsi que des essais de sécurité électrique sont également réalisés
en continuité de masse, rigidité diélectrique et résistance d’isolement.

Tous les produits fabriqués dans nos locaux suivent une procédure de test avant la livraison chez le client.

Pour plus de sécurité et de fiabilité, toutes les zones sensibles de la production sont protégées contre les décharges électrostatiques
(protection ESD).

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Les lignes de produits A PLUS SYSTEME AUTOMATION

Afin de tenir compte des exigences du marché industriel, à savoir une garantie de pérennité importante
et une personnalisation à la demande de nos clients, A PLUS SYSTEME AUTOMATION a développé, dès
1995, ses propres châssis et boîtiers pour PC Industriels.

Gamme de châssis et coffrets pour PC industriels haut de gamme.

Certains sont qualifiés aux normes d’environnements particulières
(CE classe B, GAM EG13 A/C, MIL STD 461D)

- PAC-2405H .............................................................. 6

- PAC-2507B ............................................................... 6

- PAC-9806 ................................................................ 7

- PAC-9907 ................................................................ 7

- RACK-2214 .............................................................. 8

- RACK-2603 / 2605 .................................................... 9

- RACK-2614 ............................................................. 10

- RACK-9514CE ........................................................... 11

- RACK-9514CE-LCD .................................................... 12

Gamme d’écrans LCD durcis pour intégration en baie,

panneau ou sur pied.
Ces écrans sont agréés aux normes GAM EG 13 et MIL
STD 461D.

Gamme d’écrans Open Frame du 6,4" au 30".

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Accès aux produits de nos partenaires

Carte CPU et bus passif ........ 15
Carte d'acquisition vidéo ...... 37 NEXCOM
Panel PC ............................ 38 Carte CPU et bus passif ........ 61

Station de travail ................. 43 Système Embedded ............. 68

Kit LCD .............................. 46 Plate-forme de sécurité ........ 70

Moniteur industriel ............... 47

Console rackable ................. 48
Châssis .............................. 49
Alimentation ....................... 53

Serveur .............................. 73
Châssis ......................... 76
Carte mère ......................... 74

ZIPPY Switch Ethernet industriel ..... 83
Serveur série ...................... 85
Alimentation ....................... 80 Carte multiports série .......... 86
Convertisseur industriel ........ 87
Alimentation ....................... 88

Panel PC ............................ 98
Portable durci ..................... 90
PC Mobile ........................... 98
Tiroir clavier/écran KVM .. 93
Moniteur ............................ 98

Module PXI/Compact PCI ...... 100 HITACHI
Carte DAQ PCI .................... 102
Disque dur ......................... 106
Carte DIO PCI ..................... 104
Carte DIO/DAS ISA .............. 105

Carte flash industriel ............ 107
Disque Flash IDE ................. 107
Disk On Module ................... 108

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

PAC-2405H et PAC-2507B



DIMENSIONS 266 x 255 x 120 mm

BOITIER Construit en tôle d’acier 15/10ème.

COULEURS Noir satiné mat ou beige, autre couleur sur demande.

1 emplacement 3"1/2 en face avant
2 ports USB en face avant



DIMENSIONS 320 x 280 x 175 mm

BOITIER Construit en tôle d’acier traité

COULEURS Noir satiné mat ou beige, autre couleur sur demande.

2 emplacements 5"25 et 1 emplacement 3"5
1 emplacement en face avant pour 2 USB


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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

PAC-9806 et PAC-9907

Boitier compact, conçu et fabriqué en France, pour l’intégration de systèmes In-

dustriels bâtis autour d’un bus passif ISA, ISA/PCI, PCISA ou PCIAGP de 6 slots.
Kit de fixation spécifique en option pour relier 2 boitiers et les transformer au
format RACK 19’’ 4U.


• Peut recevoir des cartes longues.

• Barre de maintient des cartes.
• Face avant amovible permettant une personnalisation aisée.
• Face arrière avec perçages pour connecteurs SubD.
• Leds en face avant placées derrière une découpe en plexi.
• Changement du filtre du ventilateur en face avant.
• Personnalisation sur demande (logo, couleur).
• Pérennité.


DIMENSIONS 452(p) x 174,7(h) x 220(l)

BOITIER Construit en tôle d’acier 15/10ème

COULEURS Noir satiné mat ou beige, autre couleur sur demande

1 emplacement 3"1/2 en face avant (accessible en option)
1 emplacement 3"1/2 interne
ALIMENTATIONS 85-265V AC, 12V,24V ou 48V DC en option



Boîtier compact, conçu et fabriqué en France, pour l’intégration de systèmes In-
dustriels bâtis autour d’un bus passif ISA, ISA/PCI, PCISA ou PCIAGP de 7 slots.
Des équerres, optionnelles, permettent sa fixation sur socle ou mural.


• Peut recevoir des cartes longues.

• Face avant amovible permettant une personnalisation aisée.
• Porte en face avant avec vis moletée.
• Face arrière avec perçages pour connecteurs SubD.
• Personnalisation sur demande (logo, couleur).
• Pérennité.


DIMENSIONS 431(p) x 272(h) x 193(l)

BOÎTIER Construit en tôle d’acier 15/10ème

COULEURS Noir satiné mat ou beige, autre couleur sur demande

1 emplacement 5"1/4 et un 3"1/2 en face avant
2 emplacements 3"1/2 internes
ALIMENTATIONS 85-265V AC, 12V,24V ou 48V DC en option



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Guide d’achats Mars 2007




Rack 5U, 19" de faible profondeur, conçu et fabriqué en France, pour

intégration de systèmes Industriels bâtis sur une base de carte mère au
format ATX.


• Équipé d’une cage à mémoires de masse montée "en dur" afin d’éviter
des phénomènes de résonances mécaniques.
• Barre de maintien des cartes.
• Châssis durci en CEM (aération en "nid d’abeille", joints CEM).
• Ventilateur avec filtre anti-poussière en face avant.
• Personnalisation sur demande (logo, couleur).
• Pérennité.


DIMENSIONS 276,3mm(p) x 221,3mm(h) x 430mm(l)

Construit en tôle d’acier 15/10ème traitée pour améliorer la con-
ductibilité électrique
COULEURS Noir satiné mat ou beige, autre couleur sur demande
2 emplacements 5"1/4 et un 3"1/2 en face avant
1 emplacement 3"1/2 interne
ALIMENTATIONS 85-265V AC/, 12V,24V ou 48V DC en option
CE Classe A
GAM EG13C (chocs, vibrations, sécurité des personnes)


Cartes ATX pour processeurs Intel PIII ou P4.
Cartes ATX Bi-Xéon. Disques durs ATA, SATA ou SCSI, amovibles ou non.
Lecteur et/ou graveur de CD/DVD en face avant.
OS : NT, 2000, XP, XPE, Linux.

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

RACK-2603 et RACK-2605

RACK-2603 / 2605
Rack de conception robuste, particulièrement destiné aux
applications industrielles où la tenue aux environnements
sévères est primordiale.


• Face avant amovible permettant un accès aux filtres et

une personnalisation aisés.
• Fermeture manuelle et verrouillage par clé.
• Système de ventilation à trois ventilateurs.
• Poignées amovibles.
• Personnalisation sur demande
• Pérennité


RACK-2603 RACK-2605

DIMENSIONS 19”, 2U, profondeur 508mm

CARTES MERES Toutes cartes mères ATX étendues Bus passif 5 Slots

BOÎTIER Tôle d’acier 15/10ème inoydable et inaltérable

COULEURS Noir satiné mat ou beige, (autre couleur sur demande)

PROTECTION IP54 en face avant et IP32 sur le reste du coffret

Un emplacement 5”1/4 en face avant

BAIES Un emplacement 3”1/2, 2 USB en face avant
Un emplacement pour un lecteur/graveur slim

EN 55011 (Classe A), EN 55022 (Classe B), EN 50081-2, EN 50082-2,

EN 61000-4-2, ENV 50140, EN 50141, EN 6100-4-4, FCC Classe B.


TESTS CLIMATIQUES 72H en fonctionnement entre -5˚C et +55˚C et cycles de 24H à 55˚C/20˚C,
TESTS MÉCANIQUES chocs demi-sinus de 15g- 11ms suivant les trois axes, vibrations 5 à 33Hz avec
une amplitude de +/-0,125mm.


Serveur durci Station de travail durcie

• Châssis 2U 19’’ - Profondeur 20’’ • Châssis 2U 19’’ - Profondeur 20’’
• Alimentation 515W ATX • Alimentation 400W ATX
• Technologie ATX Bi-Xéon Dual-Core • Technologie PICMG 1.3 Pentium D Dual Core
• 2 Processeurs Xéon WOODCREST 2,3GHz, FSB 1333MHz, 4 Mo de • Processeur Core 2 Duo 1,8GHz, FSB 800MHz, 2 Mo de
cache L2 cache L2
• Mémoire : 4 Go de DDR2 ECC Registered Fully Buffered 667MHz • Mémoire : 2 Go de DDR2 667MHz
• 2 ports Gigabit Ethernet • 2 ports Gigabit Ethernet
• Disque dur 2’’1/2, 100Go • Carte graphique PCI-Express x16, Dual-Head, 256Mo
• Lecteur de CD ROM de DDRAM
• 3 slots PCI libres • Disque dur 2’’1/2, 80Go
• Lecteur / graveur de DVD ROM
Options: • 2 slots PCI et 1 slot PCI-e x1 libres
• Evolutif en Bi-processeur Quadri-Core
• Mémoire jusqu’à 32 Go Options:
• Possibilité de configuration en technologie PICMG • Evolutif en Xéon Dual-Core, mono ou bi-processeur
• Raid SATA - 4 disques durs 2’’1/2 extractibles (version PICMG) • Mémoire jusqu’à 4 Go
• Carte d’administration à distance (Version ATX) • Raid SATA - 4 disques durs 2’’1/2 extractibles

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007


Fonctionnel et esthétique, le RACK 2614 offre un rapport robustesse/
prix avantageux.Conçu et fabriqué en France, il permet la construction
d’unités centrales INDUSTRIELLES sur la base d’un bus passif ou d’une
carte-mère ATX.


• Couvercle renforcé à fermeture rapide sans tournevis.

• Mémoires de masse montées sur une cage antivibration
• Maintien des cartes par barre anti-vibration ajustable.
• Accès aux filtres aisés.
• Fermeture manuelle et verrouillage par clé (non solidaire).
• Système deux ventilateurs extractibles.
• Poignées amovibles.
• Personnalisation sur demande (couleurs, logos).
• Module technique report de connectique en face avant (personnalisable)
• Pérennité


DIMENSIONS 19’’, 4U, profondeur hors tout 415 mm ou 454 mm

Peut recevoir tout bus passif 14 slots (ISA, PCI, PCISA, PIAGP) ou
cartes-mères ATX

BOÎTIER Construit en tôle d’acier 15/10ème traitement zingué blanc

Noir satiné mat ou beige, autre couleur sur demande

BAIES Comporte 3 emplacements 5’’1/4 et 1 x 3’’1/2 en face avant


Le RACK 2614 a passé avec succès différents essais de qualifications

environnementales définis ci-dessous:
- Climatique issue de la norme MIL STD
- Mécanique issue de la norme MIL STD
- CEM: 55022 Class A; EN 61000-4-2; EN 61000-6-2; EN 61000-6-4
- CEM: Essai décharges électrostatiques class 4

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007


Rack de conception robuste, particulièrement destiné aux applications indus-
trielles où la tenue aux environnements sévères est primordiale.


• Couvercle à fermeture rapide sans tournevis.

• Capot renforcé.
• Face avant amovible permettant un accès aux filtres et une personnalisation
• Fermeture manuelle et verrouillage par clé.
• Maintien des cartes par barre ajustable.
• Système de ventilation à deux ventilateurs.
• Poignées amovibles.
• Personnalisation sur demande.
• Pérennité


Maintien des cartes DIMENSIONS 19”, 4U, profondeur 435mm.

BUS tout bus passif 14 slots (ISA, PCI, PCISA, PIAGP).

BOÎTIER tôle d’acier 15/10ème bi-chromatée-zinguée inaltérable.

COULEURS noir satiné mat ou beige, (autre couleur sur demande).

Montage des
PROTECTION IP54 en face avant et IP32 sur le reste du coffret.
mémoires de masse
sur Silentblocs BAIES
trois emplacements 5”1/4 en face avant et un emplacement
- EN 55011 (Classe A),
- EN 55022 (Classe B),
- EN 50081-2,
Vis de fermeture du - EN 50082-2,
capot et perçage CONFORMITÉS - EN 61000-4-2,
pour connecteur - ENV 50140,
- EN 50141,
- EN 6100-4-4,
- FCC Classe B.
- GAM EG 13A,
Tresse de cuivre pour
- GAM EG 13C,
assurer la continuité - MIL STD 461D,
éléctrique - LES TESTS CLIMATIQUES 72H en fonctionnement entre
-5˚C et +55˚C et cycles de 24H à 55˚C/20˚C,
- LES TESTS MÉCANIQUES chocs demi-sinus de 15g- 11ms
suivant les trois axes, vibrations 5 à 33Hz avec une ampli-
tude de +/-0,125mm
Puissants ventilateurs TEMPEST.

• BUS : ISA, PCI & PCI64, PICMG, PCISA ou encore PIAGP (bus avec un slot AGP 8X) et toute combinaison.
• CARTES CPU : “All In One” avec VGA, Réseau, AUDIO, RAID, simple ou bi-processeurs.
• Équipées avec des PROCESSEURS pérennes d’INTEL : CELERON, PENTIUM III et PENTIUM 4, XEON.
• ALIMENTATION : 200W – 500W PFC 110/220VAC ou 12/24/48VDC. Alimentations redondantes.
• DISQUES DURS : ATA 100/133 ou SCSI.
- Windows (9X, NT, 2000, XP),
- Linux.

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007


Rack de conception robuste intégrant un afficheur LCD couleur de 6.5”, particulière-
ment destiné aux applications industrielles où la tenue aux environnements sévères
est primordiale.


• Couvercle à fermeture rapide sans tournevis.

• Capot renforcé.
• Face avant amovible permettant un accès aux filtres et une personnalisation aisés.
• Fermeture manuelle et verrouillage par clé.
• Maintien des cartes par barre ajustable.
• Système de ventilation à deux ventilateurs.
• Poignées amovibles.
• Personnalisation sur demande.
• Pérennité


Maintien des cartes DIMENSIONS 19”, 4U, profondeur 435mm.

ÉCRAN LCD TFT 6.5” couleur, 200Cd/m2, résolution VGA 640x480.

BUS bus passif 14 slots (ISA, PCI, PCISA, PIAGP).

BOÎTIER tôle d’acier 15/10ème bi-chromatée-zinguée inaltérable.

PROTECTION IP54 en face avant et IP32 sur le reste du coffret.

COULEURS noir satiné mat ou beige, (autre couleur sur demande).

trois emplacements 5”1/4 en face avant et un emplacement
Montage des mémoires BAIES
de masse sur Silentblocs CONFORMITÉS - EN 55011 (Classe A) et
- EN 55022 (Classe B).

Vis de fermeture du Tresse de cuivre

capot et perçage pour assurer la Puissants ventilateurs
pour connecteur continuité éléctrique


• BUS : ISA, PCI & PCI64, PICMG, PCISA ou encore PIAGP (bus avec un slot AGP 8X) et toute combinaison.
• CARTES CPU : “All In One” avec VGA, Réseau, AUDIO, RAID, simple ou bi-processeurs.
• Équipées avec des PROCESSEURS pérennes d’INTEL : CELERON, PENTIUM III et PENTIUM 4, XEON.
• ALIMENTATION : 200W – 500W PFC 110/220VAC ou 12/24/48VDC. Alimentations redondantes.
• DISQUES DURS : ATA 100/133 ou SCSI.
- Windows (9X, NT, 2000, XP),
- Linux.

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

IEI Technology Corp.

Carte CPU et
bus passif

Kit LCD et

Panel PC et
station de travail



A PLUS SA, une société sur laquelle nous comptons et sur laquelle vous pouvez compter

Je connais A PLUS SA depuis plus de 10 ans avec, au début, la société Acquire, petite structure de seu-
lement 10 employés jusqu’à aujourd’hui avec un groupe multi marques de 1000 employés incluant les
marques IEI, ICP et Qnap qui jouent chacune des rôles de leaders dans leurs industries respectives.

En tant que partenaire digne de confiance, A PLUS SA a non seulement été té-
moin, mais a aussi facilité notre croissance, particulièrement sur le marché IPC.
Parmi tous les membres du groupe IPC, IEI Technology Corp. est reconnue comme une des pre-
mières marques innovatrices du marché IPC avec des offres produits complètes et pérennes.

A PLUS SA est considérée en France comme le leader sur le marché de l’informatique in-
dustrielle, le plus reconnu pour ses innovations technologiques et pour ses engagements.
L’engagement continue d’A PLUS SA sur le marché de l’Embedded vous as-
sure que son expertise complémentaire ainsi que sa gamme d’applications en
font le meilleur choix, le meilleur partenaire pour tous les clients industriels.

En concordance avec les compétences d’A PLUS SA, IEI perfectionne et améliore son orien-
tation totale vers le client au travers ses R&D, son support technique et son service clientèle.
Nous apprécions votre choix des produits IEI et, nous nous engageons, en partenariat
avec A PLUS SA, à fournir des applications de hautes qualités, toujours plus simple à utiliser.

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Carte CPU et bus passif

PICMG 1.3 ........................................................... 15

PICMG 1.0 ........................................................... 17
PCISA ................................................................. 21
PICOe/PCI ........................................................... 23
ISA ..................................................................... 24
ATX/Micro ATX ..................................................... 27
LPX/POS ............................................................. 28
Mini ITX .............................................................. 29
5,25’’ .................................................................. 31
EPIC ................................................................... 32
3,5" ................................................................... 34
ETX .................................................................... 36

Carte d'acquisition vidéo

Carte d'acquisition vidéo ....................................... 37

Produit LCD

Panel PC ............................................................. 38
Station de travail .................................................. 43
Mini Station de travail ........................................... 44
Kit LCD ............................................................... 46
Moniteur industriel ................................................ 47
Rack Console ....................................................... 48


Rackable ............................................................. 49
Compact ............................................................. 51
Embedded ........................................................... 52


Convertisseur DC/DC et adaptateur ......................... 53

Convertisseur DC/DC PS/2, 1U et 2U ........................ 54
Convertisseur DC/DC Open Frame ........................... 55
Alimentation PS/2 ................................................ 56
Alimentation 1U et 2U ............................................ 57
Alimentation Open Frame ....................................... 58
Alimentation Redondante ........................................ 58

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Carte CPU PICMG 1.3

Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation

CPU Socket LGA775
CPU Type Intel Pentium D/4/ Celeron D
FSB 533/800/1066 MHz
Chipset Intel 945G + ICH7R
Memory 4x 240-pin Dual channel DDRII 400/533/667MHz up to 4GB
Graphic VGA: Integrated in Intel 945G
Ethernet Dual PCI-E GbE by Marvell 88E8053
7x USB 2.0
2x RS-232
1x LPT
1x IrDA
I/O Interface 1x PS/2 for KB/MS
4x SATA-II 300
1x IDE
Drive Interface 1x FDD
Audio 5.1 channel audio kit with Realtek ALC655
Digital I/O 8 bit Digital I/O, 4 input / 4 output
12V: 9A, 5V: 2.6A, 3.3V: 6.3A, 5Vsb: 0.93A, 12V: 0.1A
Power Consumption (Pentium D 3.73GHz/1066 MHz CPU with 4GB DDR2-667MHz)
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. System reset
Operating temperature 0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing
Expansion Slot N/A
Recommand Fan Cooler CF-520/CF775A

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Bus passif PICMG 1.3

Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation

Model PE-4S PE-4S2 PE-4S3 PE-5S PE-5S2

Total slot 4 4 4 5 5
x16 1 1 1 1 1
Expansion x4 1
slot x1 1 3 1 3
PCI Slot 1 2 2
PSU Type 24+4 PIN ATX
Chassis PAC-42GF PAC-42GF PAC-42GF PAC-106GB / RACK-500G RACK-500G

Model PE-6S PE-6S2 PE-6S3 PE-6SD PE-6SD2

Total slot 6 6 6 5 5
x16 1 1 1 1 1
Expansion Slot x4 0
slot x1 2 1 3 3 2
PCI Slot 2 3 1 1
PSU Type 24+4 PIN ATX
RACK-305G / RACK-360G PAC-106G PAC-106G
Chassis RACK-814G / RACK-3000G PAC-107G PAC-107G
RACK-2000G RACK-2000G
PAC-1700G / PAC-125G PAC-1000G PAC-1000G
Note 2U Type 2U Type

Model PE-7S PE-7S2 PE-8S PE-9S PE-10S

Total slot 7 7 8 9 10
x16 1 1 1 1 1
Expansion x4 0
slot x1 2 4 3 4 4
PCI Slot 3 1 3 3 4
PSU Type 24+4 PIN ATX
RACK-305G / RACK-360G
Chassis PAC-1700G PAC-1700G PAC-125G PAC-125G
RACK-814G / RACK-3000G

Model PE-10S2 PE-13SD PXE-13S PXE-19S

Total slot 10 13 13 19
x16 1 1/1 1 1
Expansion x4
slot x1 4 1/4 3 1
PCI Slot 4 2/2 8 16
PSU Type 24+4 PIN ATX
RACK-3000G / RACK-305G RACK-3000G / RACK-305G RACK-3000G / RACK-305G RACK-3200G / RACK-3030G
RACK-360G / RACK-814G RACK-360G / RACK-814G RACK-360G / RACK-814G RACK-3035G
Note Dual System Backplane PCIE to PCI Bridge backplane

PAC series wall-mount Chassis

4U Rack-mount Chassis

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Carte CPU PICMG 1.0

Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation

WSB-9454 WSB-9452 WSB-9154 WSB-9152 WSB-9150

CPU Socket LGA 775 Socket 479 LGA775 Socket 479 Socket 478
CPU Type Intel Pentium D/4/Celeron D Intel Core Duo/Core Solo Intel P4/Celeron D Pentium M/Celeron M Pentium 4/Celeron D
FSB 533/800/1066 MHz 667 MHz 533/800 MHz 400/533 MHz 533/800 MHz
Chipset Intel 945G + ICH7 Intel 945GM + ICH7M Intel 915GV + ICH6 Intel 915GM + ICH6-M Intel 915GV + ICH6
4x 240-pin Dual channel 2x 240-pin Dual channel 4x 240-pin Dual channel 2x 240-pin Dual channel
2x 184-pin dual channel DDR
Memory DDRII 400/533/667 MHz up DDRII 400/533/667 MHz DDRII 400/533 Mhz up DDRII 400/533MHz up
333/400 MHz up to 2GB
to 4GB up to 2GB to 4GB to 2GB
VGA: Integrated Intel
VGA: Integrated in Intel
VGA: Integrated in Intel 915GM VGA: Integrated in Intel
VGA: Integrated in Intel 945G
915GV LVDS: Dual channel 18- 915GV
945G LVDS: Dual channel 18-
Graphic DVI: Silicon Image bit LVDS DVI: Silicon Image
DVI: By Silicon Image bit LVDS
SIL1362CLU(WSB- DVI: Silicon Image SIL1362CLU (WSB9150DVI
9154DVI only) SIL1362CLU(WSB- only)
9154DVI only)
Ethernet Dual Broadcom BCM5787 for PCI-E GbE Dual PCI-Express GbE by Marvell 8053 Marvell 8053 PCI-Express GbE
7x USB 2.0
7x USB 2.0 8x USB 2.0
2x RS-232
2x RS-232 2x RS-232
I/O Interface 1x LPT
1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x LPT 1x LPT
1x IrDA
2x SATA-II 300(4x SATA-
II 300 by JMB363 WSB- 2x SATA-150
4x SATA-II 300 9452S/9452S-DVI Only) 4x SATA-150 2x SATAII-300(WSB- 4 x SATA-150
Drive Interface 1x IDE 1x IDE (2x IDE, WSB- 1x IDE 9152S only) 1x IDE
1x FDD 9452S/WSB-9452S-DVI 1x FDD 1x IDE 1x FDD
Only) 1x FDD
1x FDD
Audio 5.1 channel audio kit with Realtek ALC655
Digital I/O 8 bit Digital I/O, 4 input / 4 output
12V: 2.08A, 5V: 3.6A,
+5V@6.75A,+12V@7.24A +5V 3.86A, +12V 5.21A 5Vsb: 0.93A (Pentium +5V@5.67A, +12V@5,89A
(Pentium 4 3.0G,DDR2 (P4-3.4GHz/2M/800, M 2.0GHz/533 MHz CPU (P4-3,2Ghz/512K/800(HT),
Consumption 1.83GHZ,DDR2 667
5331GB*4)-3D MARK 1GB DDRII 533 x 2) with 512MB DDR400 2GB DDR 400)
1GB*2)-3D MARK
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. System reset
0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing
Expansion Slot N/A Mini PCI-Express Card N/A
CF-520/CF775A CF-478B CF-520/CF-775A CF-518-RS CF-519-RS
Fan Cooler

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Carte CPU PICMG 1.0

Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation

ROCKY-6614 Rocky-6612 Rocky-6610 Rocky-4786EVG-RS ROCKY-3786EVGU2-RS

CPU Socket LGA 775 Socket 479 Socket 478 Socket 478 Socket 370
Intel Pentium 4 / Intel Pentium M / Intel Pentium 4/ Intel Pentium 4/
CPU Type Intel Pentium III
Celeron-D Celeron M Celeron D Celeron D
FSB 533/800 MHz 400/533 MHz 533/800 MHz 533/800 MHz 100/133 MHz
Chipset SiS 661CX + SiS 964 Intel 865GV+ ICH5 Intel 815E + ICH2
2x 168-pin PC100/
Memory 2x 184-pin DDR 400/333MHz up to 2GB 133MHz SDRAM up to
VGA: Integrated in SiS
VGA: Integrated in SiS 661CX,support VGA: Integrated in SiS VGA: Integrated in Intel VGA: Integrated in Intel
661CX LVDS: Dual channel 661CX 865GV 815E
24Bit LVDS
1st 10/100Mbps
i82562ET Fast Ethernet ROCKY-3786EVGU2:
controller (ROCKY- Intel 82541 PI and Intel
Ethernet Realtek RTL8110S GbE 4786EVG) 82562ET
2nd i82547 GbE ROCKY-3786EV: Intel
controller (ROCKY- 82562ET 10/100 Mbps
2x USB 1.1
8x USB 2.0 4x USB 2.0 (ROCKY-
2x RS-232 3786EVGU2-RS-R40)
I/O Interface 1x LPT 2x RS-232
1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x LPT
1x IrDA 1x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x IrDA
2x SATA-150
Drive Interface 2x IDE
1x FDD
Audio Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 codec
Digital I/O 8 bit Digital I/O, 4 input / 4 output
+12V@7.52A, -
+5V @ 4.28A, +12V +5V @ 6.59 A, +12V +5V @ 3.10A, 12V@500mA, 5V@7.6A,
@6.14 A (P4-3.4G/2M/ @0.12 A (Pentium M +12V@5.45 A (P4- +5V@6.98A(P4 3.0GHz 12V@0.230A(Intel®
Power Consumption
800(HT), 2GB DDR 400) 2.13G/2M/533, 2GB 3.2G/512K/ 800(HT), FSB 800MHz; Dual Pentium® III-1GHz/
H18 DDR 400) 2GB DDR 400) H22 channel DDR400 512MB 256MB RAM)
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. system reset
Operating temperature 0~60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing
Expansion Slot N/A
Recommand Fan CF-504-RS/CF-507-RS/
CF-520-RS CF-479-RS CF-519-RS CF-519-RS
Cooler CF-512-RS/CF-513-RS

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Carte CPU PICMG 1.0

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CPU Socket Socket 370 Socket 370 Socket 370 Socket-7
Intel Tualatin /
CPU Type Intel Pentium III Intel Pentium III/ Celeron Intel Pentium III/ Intel Pentium
FSB 100 MHz 66/100/133 MHz 66/100/133 MHz 66 MHz
Chipset Intel 440BX +PIIX4 VIA T82C694T+VT82C686B Intel 810E Intel 430TX
4x 168-pin PC100MHz SDRAM 4x 168-pin DIMM sockets up to 2 x 168-pin PC100/ 133MHz 2x 168-pin PC100/133MHz
up to 1GB 2GB SDRAM SDRAM up to 512MB SDRAM up to 512MB
VGA support by ATI Rage
Graphic Mobility-L VGA: Supported by SiS6326 VGA: Integrated with i815E ATI M1
(ROCKY-3702EV none RoHS)
Dual Intel 82559 10/100 Mbps Dual 10/100 Mbps Intel 82559
Ethernet Realtek RTL8100C N/A
Ethernet controller Fast Ethernet controller
2x USB 1.1 2x USB 1.1
2x USB 1.1 2x RS-232 2x RS-232 2x USB 1.1
2x RS-232 1x LPT 1x LPT 2x RS-232
I/O Interface 1x LPT 1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x LPT
1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x IrDA 1x IrDA 2x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x IrDA 2x Ultra160 SCSI by SYMBIOS 2x Ultra160 SCSI by SYMBIOS 1x IrDA
53C1010 53C1010
2x SATA-150
2x IDE 2x IDE 2x IDE
Drive Interface 2x IDE
1x FDD 1x FDD 1x FDD
1x FDD
Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 Realtek ALC655 with AC'97
Audio N/A AC'97 compliant Audio Codec
codec codec
SSD DOC/CF Type II N/A CF Type II 1x DOC socket
Digital I/O N/A
+12V@0.2A, +5V@5A, - +12V@70mA, +5V@7A, -
5V@6.8A, 12V@0.17A(Intel +12V@0.35A, +5V@15A (Dual
Power Consumption 12V@0.05A (P3 500MHz, 12V@20mA (Pentium MMX
Pentium III-1GHz/ 256MB) P3 1GHz 2GB SDRAM)
128MB SDRAM) 200MHz with 32MB SDRAM)
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~260 sec. system reset
Operating temperature 0~60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing
Expansion Slot N/A
Recommand Fan Cooler CF-504-RS CF-504-RS CF-502-RS/CF-504-RS

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Bus passif PCI/PX

Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation

Model PCI-4S-RS-R30 PCI-5S-RS-R30 PCI-5S2-RS-R30 PCI-6S-RS-R30 PCI-7S-RS-R30 PCI-8S-RS-R30 PX-8S-RS-R30 PCI-10S-RS-R30

Total Slot 4 5 5 6 7 8 8 10
PCI Slot 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 4
ISA Slot 1 2 1 2 3 4 2 5
Chassis PAC-42GF RACK-500G PAC-107G PAC-1700G PAC-125G

Model PX-10S-RS-R30 PCI-10S2-RS-R30 PCI-12S-RS-R30 PCI-13SD-RS-R30 PCI-14S-RS-R30 PCI-14S2-RS-R30 PCI-14S3-RS-R30

Total Slot 10 10 12 13 14 14 14
PCI Slot 7 4 4 3+4 4 4 4
ISA Slot 3 5 7 3+3 9 8 9
Chassis PAC-125G RACK-900G RACK-814G
RACK-3000G RACK-814G RACK-814G RACK-814G
RACK-3000G RACK-3000G RACK-3000G
Note for Dual System

Model PX-14S2-RS-R30 PX-14S3-RS-R30 PX-14S5-RS-R30 PCI-19S-RS-R30 PX-20S2-RS-R30 PX-20S3-RS-R30

Total Slot 14 14 14 19 20 20
PCI Slot 7 12 7 4 17 18
ISA Slot 6 2 6 14 3 1
RACK-814G RACK-360G RACK-360G RACK-3200G RACK-3200G RACK-3200G
RACK-3000G RACK-814G RACK-814G RACK-3035G RACK-3035G RACK-3035G
RACK-3000G RACK-3000G

Model PCI-2SD2-RS-R30 PCI-5SD5-RS-R30 PCI-5SD6-RS-R30 PCI-5SDA-RS-R30 PCI-6SD-RS-R30

Total Slot 2 6 6 6 6
PCI Slot L2+R2 L2+R2 L2+R2 L1+R1
ISA Slot R2 L1+R1
RACK-1150G RACK-220G RACK-220G RACK-220G RACK-220G
RACK-1151G RACK-2000G RACK-2000G RACK-2000G RACK-2000G

PAC series wall-mount Chassis

4U Rack-mount Chassis
2U Rack-mount Chassis
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Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation


CPU Socket Socket 479 Socket 479 Socket-370 On Board On Board
Intel Pentium M/
Intel Petium M/ Celeron Intel Pentium III/ VIA LUKE 533MHz/
CPU Type Celeron M 800MHz/ VIA MARK 533/800MHz
M Tualatin/ Celeron 1GHz
1GHz zero cache
FSB 400MHz 400/533 MHz 100/133 MHz N/A N/A
Chipset Intel 852GM + ICH4 SiS 661CX + SiS 966 VIA LUKE+VT8237R
+VT82C686B VT82C686B
On board 128 MB PC133
1x 184-pin DDR266 MHz 1x 184-pin DDR 1 x 168-pin PC133MHz 1x 184-pin DDR333/ MHz Memory 1x 168-pin
up to 1GB 333/400MHz up to 1GB SDRAM up to 1GB 400MHz up to 1GB DIMM Socket support up
to 512 MB
CRT: integrated in VIA
LUKE CRT: Integrated in VIA
VGA: Integrated in Intel VGA: Integrated in SIS VGA: Integrated
TTL: 24-bit TTL LCD Mark
852GM 661CX VT8606T
Graphic integrated in VIA LUKE TTL: 24 bits TTL
LVDS: Dual channel 18- LVDS: Dual channel 24- LVDS: Dual channel 18-
LVDS: Dual 18/24-bit LVDS: Dual channel 18-
bit LVDS bit LVDS bit LVDS
LVDS support by ILUKE- bit LVDS
LVDS Module
2x 10/100 Mbps Intel
Dual PCI express GbE by Realtek RTL8100BL Fast Dual Realtek RTL8100C
Ethernet 82562ET/82551ER fast RTL8110S GbE
BROADCOM BCM5787 Ethernet controller for 10/100Mbps
Ethernet controller
5x USB 2.0
4x USB 2.0
1x RS-232 5x USB 2.0 7x USB 2.0 4x USB 1.1
2x RS-232
1x RS-232/422/485 2x RS232 2x RS-232 2x RS232
I/O Interface 1x LPT
1x LPT 1x LPT 1x LPT 1x LPT
1x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x IrDA
1x IrDA
4x SATA-150 2x SATA-150 2x SATA-150
2x IDE 2x IDE
Drive Interface 1x IDE 1x FDD 2x IDE
1x FDD 1x FDD
1x FDD 2x IDE 1x FDD
Realtek ALC655 with 5.1 channel audio kit Realtek ALC655 with Realtek ALC655 with Realtek ALC655 with
AC'97 CODEC with Realtek ALC655 AC'97 codec AC'97 codec AC'97 codec
8 bit Digital I/O, 8 bit Digital I/O, 8 bit Digital I/O, 8 bit Digital I/O,
Digital I/O N/A
4 input / 4 output 4 input / 4 output 4 input / 4 output 4 input / 4 output
5V@3.5A, 12V@1.9A,
+5V@2.52 (VIA Mark
(Intel Pentium M 1.7G/
+5V@6.1A, +12V@ 533Mhz/PC 133MHZ
2M DDR266/ 512 MB +5V@2.0A,+12V@0.3A 5V@2A, 12V@0.073A,
0.17A (Pentium 4 512MB)
Power Consumption RAM) (Intel Pentium III (LUKE-1G, 256MB/
2.13G, DDR 400 1GB) +5V@2.94 133MHZ
5V@2.2A, 12V@0.44A, 1.0GHz, 256MB SDRAM) DDR400 RAM)
-3D MARK (VIA Mark 800Mhz/PC
(Celeron M 800z,
133MHZ 512MB)
DDR266/ 512MB RAM)
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. System reset reset
Operating temperature 0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~5% non-condensing
Expansion N/A
Heatsink for LUKE
Recommand Fan/cooler CF-518-RS/CF479A-RS CF-479B-RS CF-504-RS
On board CPU Fan for

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Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation


CPU Socket On Board Socket 478 On board On Board
CPU Type AMD Geode LX800 Intel Pentium 4/ Celeron D ULV Intel Celeron 400 MHz VIA C3 1GHz
FSB N/A 533 MHz 100 MHz 133 MHz
Chipset AMD CS5536 Intel 845GV+ICH4 VIA VT8601A + VT82C686B VIA VT8601T + VT82C686B
1x 200-pin SO-DIMM DDR 1x 184-pin DDR266/ 1x 168-pin PC100/133 MHz 1x 168-pin PC100/133 MHz
333MHz up to 1GB 333MHz up to 1GB SDRAM up to 512MB SDRAM up to 512MB
CRT: Integrated in LX800
TTL 24-bit TTL VGA: Integrated in Intel VGA: Integrated in VIA VGA: Integrated in VIA
LVDS: Single channel 18- 845GV VT8601A VT8601T
bit LVDS
Dual Realtek RTL8100C for Realtek RTL8100B for Realtek RTL8100 for
Ethernet GbE by Realtek RTL8110S
10/100 Mbps 10/100Mbps 10/100Mbps
3x USB 2.0 4x USB 1.1 4x USB 1.1
4x USB 2.0
1x RS-232 1x RS232 1x RS232
2x RS-232
I/O Interface 1x RS-232/422/485 1x RS232/422/ 485 1x RS232/422/ 485
1x LPT
1x LPT 1x LPT 1x LPT
1x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS/2 for KB/MS
2x SATA-150 2x SATA-150 by ALI M5283
2x IDE 2x IDE
Drive Interface 1x IDE 2x IDE
1x FDD 1x FDD
1x FDD 1x FDD
Realtek ALC203 with AC'97 Realtek ALC655 with AC'97
Audio VIA VT1612A VIA VT1612A
codec codec
CF Type II CF Type II
Digital I/O 8 bit Digital I/O, 4 input / 4 output
5V@ 1.094A+12V @0.07A 5V@2.9A, 12V@5.4A, 5VSB@0.18A,5V@3.9A,
@0.17A,(ULV Intel Celeron
Power Consumption (LX800, DDR400 256MB (Intel Pentium4 2.53GHz, 12V@0.2A,(VIA C3 1Ghz,
400 MHz, PC133/ 512 MB
HCT11.2) DDR266/ 256MB RAM) PC133/512MB RAM)
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. System reset
Operating temperature 0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~95% non-condensing
Expansion N/A N/A 1x PC/104 1x PC/104
Recommand Fan/cooler Heatsink CF-521-RS Heatsink Heatsink

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Carte CPU PICOe et PCI

Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation


CPU Socket Socket 479 Socket 479 On Board
Intel Pentium M/Celeron M Intel Pentium M/ Celeron M
CPU Type AMD Geode LX800
Intel Celeron M 1GHz zero cache Intel Celeron M 1GHz zero cache
FSB 400/533 MHz 400 MHz N/A
Chipset SIS 661CX + SIS 966 Intel 852GM + ICH4 AMD CS5536
1x 200-pin SO-DIMM DDR333/400 Mhz
Memory 1x 184-pin DDR333/400MHz up to 1GB 1x 184-pin DDR200/266 MHz up to 1GB
up to 1GB
CRT: Integrated in LX800
VGA: Integrated in SIS 661CX CRT: integrated in Intel 852GM,
Graphic TTL: 24-bit TTL integrated in LX800
LVDS: Dual channel 18-bit LVDS LVDS: Dual channel 18-bit LVDS
LVDS: Single 18-bit LVDS
Ethernet Dual GbE by RTL8110S Dual GbE by RTL8110SC Realtek RTL8100C for 10/100 Mbps
5x USB 2.0 4x USB 2.0
5x USB 2.0
2x RS232 2x RS232, 1x RS422/485
2x RS232
I/O Interface 1x LPT 1x LPT
1x LPT
1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x IrDA 1x IrDA
4x SATA-150
2x IDE 2x SATA-150
Drive Interface 1x IDE
1x FDD 2x IDE
1x FDD
5.1 channel audio kit with Realtek
Audio 5.1 channel audio kit with Realtek ALC655 Realtek AL203 with AC'97 Codec
Digital I/O 8 bit Digital I/O, 4 input / 4 output
5V@6A,+12V@0.15A +5V@4.64(Celeron M 1.6G/DDR333 1G) +5V@1.73A
Power Consumption
(Pentium 4 2.13GHz,DDR 400 1GB) +5V@2.78(Celeron M 800M/DDR3331G) (LX800- 500Mhz,DDR 400/1G)
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. System reset
Operating temperature 0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing
4x PCI Master
Expansion 4x PCI Master 1x PCI
2x PCI-Ex1
Recommand Fan/cooler CF-479B-RS CF-479B-RS Heatsink

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Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation


CPU Socket On Board On Board On Board CPU On Board
CPU Type VIA MARK 533/800MHz AMD Geode GX-466 ALi M6117 386SX-40 ALi M6117
Chipset VIA VT82C686B AMD CS5536 ALi M6117 ALi M6117
SIMM up to 16MB DRAM on
168-pin PC100/133MHz up to 1x 200-pin SO-DIMM board 2M DRAM (PCISA-2M-
SIMM up to 16MB DRAM
Memory 512 MB DDR266MHz up to 512MB R3)
Onboard 2M/4M DRAM
On board 128 MB SDRAM Onboard 128MB on board 4M DRAM (PCISA-
VGA: Integrated in AMD
VGA: Integrated in VIA Mark
Geode GX466
Graphic TTL: 24-bit supported by VIA N/A HM-86508 1MB RAM
TTL: 24-bit supported by
AMD Geode GX466
Realtek RTL8100C for Realtek RTL8100C for
Ethernet N/A N/A
10/100Mbps 10/100Mbps
4x USB 1.1 4x USB 2.0
3x RS-232
2x RS232 2x RS-232 2x RS-232
1x RS-232/422/485
I/O Interface 1x LPT 1x RS-422/485 1x LPT
1x LPT
1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x LPT 2x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x IrDA 1x PS/2 for KB/MS
2x SATA-150 2x SATA-150
1x IDE 1x IDE
Drive Interface 1x IDE 1x IDE
1x FDD 1x FDD
1x FDD 1x FDD
Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 Realtek ALC203 with AC'97
Audio N/A N/A
Codec Codec
Digital I/O N/A
(VIA MARK 800MHZ,Onboard
128MB+PC133 128MB) 5V@0.92A (AMD GX 466 with
Power Consumption +5V@1.1A (4MB EDO RAM) +5V@1.6A (32MB RAM)
5V@2.81A,+12V@0.04A (VIA DDR 256MB RAM)
MARK 533MHZ,On board
128MB+PC133 128MB)
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. System reset
Operating temperature 0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing
Expansion N/A N/A 1x PC/104 1x PC/104
Recommand Fan/cooler Heatsink for 533/800 MHz Heatsink Heatsink Heatsink

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Bus passif PCI/PICOe et BP

Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation

Bus passif PCI/PICOe


Total Slot 3 3 4 4 5 5
Expansion PCI 2 1 3 2 4 3
Slots PCIe x4 1 1 1
PR-1500G PR-1500G
Chassis PR-1300G PR-1300G PAC-42GH PAC-42GH


Total Slot 5 6 6 7 7
Expansion PCI 2 4 3 4 4
Slots PCIe x4 0 1 0 0 0
x1 2 2 2 2
Chassis PR-1500G PAC-700G RACK-3400G

Bus passif BP

Chassis BP-3S-RS-R30 BP-4S-RS-R30 BP-5S-RS-R30 BP-6S-RS-R30 BP-7S-RS-R30 BP-8S-RS-R30 BP-10S-RS-R30 BP-14S-RS-R30

Model 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 14
Total Slot 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 14
PAC-53GH PAC-400G PAC-106G PAC-700G PAC-125G RACK-360G
Chassis PR-1500G
PR-1300G PAC-42GH PAC-107G PAC-1700G RACK-3400G RACK-814G
PAC-1000G RACK-3000G

PAC series wall-mount Chassis

4U Rack-mount Chassis
2U Rack-mount Chassis

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Bus passif IP/IPX

Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation

Model IP-3S-RS-R30 IP-3S2-RS-R30 IP-3SA-RS-R30 IP-4S-RS-R30 IP-4S2-RS-R30 IP-4S2A-RS-R30 IP-4S3-RS-R30

Total Slot 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
PCI Slot 2 1 2 3 2 3
ISA Slot 1 1 3
PAC-53GH PAC-53GH PAC-400G PAC-400G PAC-400G PAC-400G
Chassis PR-1300G
PR-1300G PR-1300G PAC-42GH PAC-42GH PAC-42GH PAC-42GH

Model IP-4S4-RS-R30 IP-4SA-RS-R30 IP-5S2-RS-R30 IP-5SA-RS-R30 IP-5SA2-RS-R30 IP-6S-RS-R30 IP-6SA-RS-R30

Total Slot 4 4 5 5 5 6 6
PCI Slot 3 4 3 4 3 3
ISA Slot 3 1 1 2 2
PAC-400G PAC-400G PAC-52G PAC-52G / PAC-106G
Chassis PR-1500G PR-1500G PAC-107G
PAC-42GH PAC-42GH PR-1500G PAC-107G / PAC-1000G

Model IP-7S-RS-R30 IP-7SA-RS-R30 IP-8S-RS-R30 IPX-9S-RS-R30 IP-10S-RS-R30 IPX-13S-RS-R30

Total Slot 7 7 8 9 10 13
PCI Slot 4 4 4 8 4 12
ISA Slot 2 2 3 5
PAC-700G PAC-700G PAC-125G PAC-125G PAC-125G RACK-305G / RACK-360G
PAC-1700G PAC-1700G RACK-3400G RACK-3400G RACK-3400G RACK-814G / RACK-3000G

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Carte CPU Format ATX et Micro ATX

Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation

IMBA-8650 IMB-9454G IMB-9452 IMB-9154 IMB-8550

Form Factor ATX Micro ATX Micro ATX Micro ATX Micro ATX
CPU Socket Socket 478 LGA 775 Socket 479 LGA 775 Socket 479
Intel Pentium® 4/ Intel Pentium® 4 / Intel Pentium M /
CPU Type Intel Pentium D/4/Celeron D Intel Core Duo/Solo
Celeron D Celeron D Celeron M
FSB 533/800 MHz 533/800/1066 MHz 667 MHz 533/800 MHZ 400MHz
Chipset Intel® 865G + ICH5 Intel 945G + ICH7 Intel 945GM + ICH7-M Intel 915G + ICH6 Intel 855GME + ICH4
4x 184-pin Dual channel 2x 240-pin Dual channel 2x 240-pin Dual channel
4x 240-pin Dual channel 2x 184-pin DDR266/333
Memory DDR333/ 400MHz up DDRII 533/667MHz up DDRII 400/533MHz up
DDRII 533/667MHz up to 4GB MHz up to 2GB
to 4GB to 2GB to 2GB
VGA:Integrated in Intel VGA: integrated in Intel
945GM 855GME
VGA: integrated in Intel TV-Out: S-Video, Com- VGA: integrated in Intel LVDS: Dual Channel 18-
Graphic VGA: integrated in Intel 945G
865G posite, Component 915G bit LVDS
LVDS: Dual channel 18- Support indepandent
bit LVDS Dual display
Intel 82541 GbE (IMBA- RTL8110S for GbE (IMB-
8650GN) Dual PCI-E GbE by Broadcom Dual PCI-E GbE by Broa- PCI-E GbE by Broadcom 8550GR-R10)
Realtek 8110SC GbE BCM5787 dcom BCM5787 BCM5787 Intel 8254PI for GbE (
(IMBA-8650GR) IMB-8550GN-R10)
8x USB 2.0 8x USB 2.0 8x USB 2.0 8x USB 2.0 6x USB 2.0
5x RS-232 5x RS232 5x RS232 3x RS232 5x RS-232
1x RS-232/422/485 1x RS232/422/485 1x RS232/422/485 1x RS232/422/485 1x RS-232/422/485
I/O Interface
1x LPT 1x LPT 1x LPT 1x LPT 1x LPT
2x PS/2 for KB/MS 2x PS/2 for KB/MS 2x PS/2 for KB/MS 2x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x IrDA 1x IrDA 1x IrDA 1x IrDA 1x IrDA
2x SATA-150 4x SATA-II 300 2x SATA-II 300 4x SATA-150 2x SATA-150
Drive Interface 2x IDE 1x IDE 1x IDE 1x IDE 2x IDE
1x FDD 1x FDD 1x FDD 1x FDD 1x FDD
Realtek ALC883 with
Audio Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 CODEC 7.1 channel HD Audio Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 CODEC
SSD CF Type II N/A N/A CF Type II CF Type II
Digital I/O 8 bit Digital I/O, 4 input / 4 output
+12V@7.3A; 5V@1.8A,+12V
5V@1.52A,+12V 3.3V@0.53A;
+5V@4.9A; 5V@2.09A,+12V@8.9A,+3.3V @5.81A,+3.3V@
@1.76A,+3.3V@ 5V@3.24A; 12V@2.0A
+3.3V@0.7A; - @3.6A,5Vsb@0.67A (Pen- 3.49A,5Vsb@0.37A
Power Consumption 3.04A,5Vsb@0.32A (Pentium M 2.0GHz CPU
12V@0.2A; 5VSB@0.7A tium 4 3.2GHZ,DDR2 533 (Pentium 4
(Pentium-M with 2 x 1GB DDR333
(Pentium 4 3.0GHz, 1GB 512MB*4) 3.06GHZ,DDR2 533 1GB
DDR400 SDRAM) * 2)
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. system reset
Operating temperature 0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing
1x AGP 4X/ 8X 1x PCI-Ex16
1x PCIEx16 1x PCI-Ex16
4x PCI 1x PCI-Ex1 3x PCI
Expansion Slot 1x PCIEx1 2x PCI-Ex1
1x ISA 1x PCI-E Mini Card 1x AGPx4
2x PCI 1x PCI
1x PCI/ ISA 2 x PCI
Recommand Fan/cooler CF-519-RS CF-520-RS/CF-775A-RS CF-479B-RS CF-520-RS/CF-775A-RS CF-518-RS/CF-479A-RS

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Carte CPU Format LPX et POS

Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation

POS-6614 A300 POS-8520G2

Form Factor LPX LPX POS
CPU Socket LGA 775 Socket 479 Socket 478
CPU Type Intel Pentium 4 / Celeron D Intel Pentium M/ Celeron M Intel Pentium 4/Celeron D
FSB 533/800MHz 400MHz 533MHz
Chipset SIS 661CX + SIS966 Intel 855GME + ICH4 Intel 852GME + ICH5
2x 184-pin DDR 333/400MHz up to 2x 184-pin Dual channel DDR266/333 2x 184-pin Dual channel DDR266/333
2GB MHz up to 2GB MHz up to 2GB
VGA: integrated in Intel 855GME
VGA: integrated in SIS 661CX DVI: Integrated in Silicon Image SIL
VGA: Integrated in Intel 852GME
Graphic LVDS:Dual channel 24-bit LVDS by SIS 164
LVDS: Dual channel 18-bit LVDS
302LV LVDS: Dual channel 18-bit LVDS
Support independent Dual display
Ethernet Dual GbE by RTL8110S GbE by Realtek RTL8110S Dual GbE by RTL8110SC
8x USB 2.0 8x USB 2.0
6x USB 2.0
5x RS-232 5x RS-232
5x RS-232
1x RS232/422/485 1x RS-232/422/485
I/O Interface 1 x RS-232/422/485
1x LPT 1x LPT
2x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x PS/2 for KB/MS 2x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x IrDA
1x IrDA 1x IrDA
2x SATA-150 2x SATA-150
Drive Interface 2x IDE 2x IDE 2x IDE
1x FDD 1x FDD
Audio Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 codec
Digital I/O 8 bit Digital I/O, 4 input / 4 output
3.3V@0.46A; 5V@1.05A; 12V@0.41A;
5V@2.84A, +12V @7.12A +3.3V@2.99A; +5V@1.51A;
5VSB@0.29A; -12V@0.74A (Pen-
Power Consumption ,+3.3V@3.48A (Pentium 4 3.0GHZ/ 5Vsb@0.15A; +12V@6.7A (Intel Pen-
tium M 1.6GHz with 256MB DDR333
2M/800, DDR 400 1GB*2) tium 4 3.06GHz, DDR 1GB x 2)
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. system reset
Operating temperature 0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing
1x PCI 1x PCI
Expension Slot 1x PCI
2 x PCI-Ex1 1x PCMCIA
Recommand Fan/cooler CF-520-RS/CF-775A-RS CF-518-RS/CF-479A-RS CF-519-RS

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Carte CPU Format Mini ITX

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KINO-9454 KINO-9452 KINO-6614 KINO-6612LVDS

CPU Socket LGA 775 Socket 479 LGA 775 Socket 479
CPU Type Intel Pentium D/4/Celeron D Intel Core Duo/ Core Solo Intel Pentium 4/Celeron D Intel Pentium M / Celeron M
FSB 533/800/1066 MHz 667 MHz 533/800 MHz 400/533MHz
Chipset Intel 945G + ICH7 Intel 945GM + ICH7M SIS 661CX + SIS966 SiS 661CX + SiS 964
2x 240-pin Dual channel 2x 240-pin Dual channel
2x 184-pin DDR400/333 2x 184-pin DDR400/333
Memory DDRII 400/533/667 MHz up DDRII 400/533/667 MHz up
MHz up to 2GB MHz up to 2GB
to 2GB to 2GB
VGA: Integrated in SiS
VGA:Integrated in Intel 661CX
VGA: Integrated in Intel 945GM HDTV-Out VGA: Integrated in SiS LVDS:Dual channel 24-bit
945G LVDS: Dual channel 18-bit 661CX LVDS in SIS 302LV
LVDS TV-Out: Support by in SIS
Dual PCI-E GbE by Dual PCI-E GbE by Dual PCI-E GbE by Dual GbE by RealTek
Broadcom BCM5787 Broadcom BCM5787 Broadcom BCM5787 RTL8110S
6x USB 2.0
8x USB 2.0 8x USB 2.0 8x USB 2.0
5x RS-232
3x RS-232 3x RS-232 2x RS-232
1x RS-232/422/485
I/O Interface 1x RS-232/422/485 1x RS-232/422/485 1x LPT
1x LPT
2x PS/2 for KB/MS 2x PS/2 for KB/MS 2x PS/2 for KB/MS
2x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x IrDA 1x IrDA 1x IrDA
1x IrDA
4x SATAII-300 2x SATAII-300 2x IDE 2x SATA-150
Drive Interface
1x IDE 1x IDE 1x FDD 2x IDE
Realtek ALC883 with 7.1
Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 5.1 channel audio kit with Realtek ALC655 with AC'97
Audio channel HD interface with 2
codec Realtek ALC655 codec
stream audio support
Digital I/O 8 bit Digital I/O, 4 input / 4 output
5V@1.8A,+12V 5V@1.58A,+12V
+5V@3.51A, +12V@5.52A +5V@3.79A; +12V@1.44A;
@5.81A,+3.3V@ @2.05A,+3.3V@3
,+3.3V@1.98A (Pentium 4 +3.3V@0.9A (Pentium M
Power consumption 3.49A,5Vsb@0. 37A .12A,5Vsb@0.32 A (Intel
2.8GHz/ FSB 533 MHz, DDR 2.0GHz CPU with 256MB
(Pentium 4 3.06GHZ,DDR2 Core Duo 2.16GHZ,DDRII
400 1GB*2)-3D MARK DDR400 RAM)
533 1GB*1) 1GB*2)
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. system reset
Operating temperature 0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing
1x PCI-Ex16 1x PCI
Expansion Slot 1x PCI 1x PCI
1x Mini PCI 1x Mini PCI
Recommand Fancooler CF-520-RS/CF-775A-RS CF-479B-RS CF-520-RS/CF-775A-RS CF-479B-RS

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Carte CPU Format Mini ITX

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CPU Socket On Board
ULV Intel Celeron M
CPU Type VIA LUKE 533MHz/ 1GHz VIA MARK 533/800MHz AMD LX800 500MHz
800MHz/1GHz zero cache
FSB N/A N/A N/A 400MHz
Chipset VT8237R+ VIA VT82C686B AMD CS5536 Intel 852GM+ICH4
2x 184-pin DDR333/400 2x 168-pin PC100/133 1x 184-pin DDR33/400 2x 184-pin DDR 266MHz
MHz up to 2GB MHz up to 1GB MHz up to 1GB up to 2GB
CRT: Integrated in VIA
CRT: Integrated in VIA VGA: Integrated in LX800
LUKE VGA: integrated in Intel
MARK TTL: 24-bit TTL
TTL: 24-bit TTL 852GM
Graphic TTL: 24-bit TTL LVDS: Single channel 18-
LVDS: Dual channel LVDS: Dual channel 18-bit
LVDS: Dual channel 18-bit bit LVDS Integrated in
18/24-bit LVDS by ILUKE- LVDS
LVDS module
Dual Realtek RTL8100C for Dual Realtek RTL8100C for Dual GbE by Realtek
Ethernet Dual GbE by RTL8110SC
10/100 Mbps 10/100 Mbps RTL8110S
8x USB 2.0 4x USB 1.1 4x USB 2.0
6x USB 2.0
5x RS232 3x RS-232 6x RS-232
3x RS-232
1x RS232/422/485 1x RS-232/422/485 1x RS422/485
I/O Interface 1x RS-232/422/485
1x LPT 1x LPT 1x LPT
2x PS/2 for KB/MS
2x PS/2 for KB/MS 2x PS/2 for KB/MS 2x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x IrDA
1x IrDA 1x IrDA 1x IrDA
2x SATA-150
2x SATA-150 2x SATA-150
Drive Interface 2x IDE 2x IDE
2x IDE 2x IDE
1x FDD
Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 Realtek ALC203 with AC'97 Realtek ALC655 with AC'97
codec codec codec codec
Digital I/O 8 bit digital I/O, 4 input/4 output
+5V@2.51A; +12V@0.1A
5V@2.2A, 5VSB@0.5A,
5V@4.09A, +12V@0.15A, -3D MARK (VIA MARK +5V@1.45A,+12V
12V@0.4A, -12V@0.2A
(VIA LUKE 1GHz FSB 533,PC133 512MB) @0.08A,(LX800-
Power consumption (ULV Intel Celeron M 800
133MHz, DDR400 1GB +5V@2.89A; +12V@0.1A 500Mhz,DDR 333/512
zero cache with DDR266
512MB RAM)
800,PC133 512MB
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. system reset
Operating temperature 0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing
Expension Slot 1x PCI 1x PCI 1x PCI
Heatsink for LUKE 533MHz
Recommand Fancooler On board CPU Fan for Heatsink Heatsink Heatsink

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Carte CPU Format 5,25"

Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation


CPU Socket On Board / Socket 479 Socket 479 Socket 478 On Board On Board
Intel Celeron M 800MHz/
1Ghz zero cache Intel Pentium M / Intel Pentium 4/ Celeron ULV Intel Celeron M
Intel Pentium M / Celeron M D 400MHz
Celeron M
FSB 400 MHz 400/533MHz 400/533MHz N/A 400MHz
VIA VT8606T (PN133T)
Chipset Intel 852GM + ICH4 SiS 661CX + SiS 964 Intel 845GV + ICH4 VT8237R+
+ VT82C686B
2x 200-pin SO-DIMM
1x 184-pin DDR400/333 1x 184-pin DDR 333MHz 1x 184-pin DDR333/400 1 x PC100/133 SDRAM
Memory DDR200/266 MHz up
MHz up to 1GB up to 1GB MHz up to 2GB up to 512MB
to GB
VGA: Integrated in
VGA: Integrated in SIS VGA: Integrated in VIA VT8606
CRT: Integrated in Intel 661CX CRT: Integrated in Intel LUKE LVDS: Dual channel 18-
852GM LVDS:Dual channel 24- 845GV TTL: 36-bit TTL bit LVDS
LVDS: Dual channel 18- bit LVDS in SIS 302LV LVDS: Dual channel 24- LVDS: Dual channel TTL: By pin header(50
bit LVDS TV-Out: Support by SIS bit LVDS by CH7305 18/24-bit LVDS by pin)
302LV ILUKELVDS module TV-Out: Support NTSC &
PAL signal
Dual Intel 82551 Fast
Ethernet controller
Ethernet Dual GbE by RTL8110SC Dual GbE by RTL8110SC Dual GbE by RTL8110SC Dual GbE by RTL8110SC
Dual Realtek 8100BL
Fast Ethernet controller
4 x USB 2.0
6x USB 2.0 8x USB 2.0 4x USB 2.0 8x USB 2.0
2 x USB 1.1
3x RS-232 5x RS-232 3x RS-232 5x RS232
3 x RS-232
1x RS-232/422/485 1x RS-232/422/485 1x RS232/422/485 1x RS232/422/485
I/O Interface 1 x RS-232/422/485
1x LPT 1x LPT 1x LPT 1x LPT
1 x LPT
1x PS2 for KB/MS 1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS/2 for KB/MS
1 x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x IrDA 1x IrDA 1x IrDA 1x IrDA
1x IrDA
2x SATA-150 by
SIL3512 2x SATA-150 2 x SATA-150 2x SATA-150 2x IDE
Drive Interface
2x IDE 2x IDE 2 x IDE 2x IDE 1x FDD
1x FDD
Audio Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 codec
Digital I/O 8 bit digital I/O, 4 input/4 output
+5A@4.10A, 2A,5Vsb@0.07A (VIA
+12V@2.36A (Intel +5V@4.61A, +15V@2.9A, LUKE 1GHz ,DDR400 +5V@3.6A,
Celeron M 1.6GHz, +12V@1.3A (Intel +12V@1.1A (Intel 1GB SDRAM ) 5V@3 +12V@500mA (ULV
Power Consumption
400MHz with 2 x Celeron M 1.6GHz with Celeron D 2.4GHz with .89A,+12V@0.02A,5V Celeron 400MHz 512MB
DDR333 512MB RAM, DDR 400MHz 1GB RAM) DDR266 256MB RAM) sb@0.07A (VIA LUKE SDRAM)
3D Mark) 533MHz,DDR400 1GB
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. system reset
Operating temperature 0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing
1x PCI 1x PCI-104 1x PCI-104 1x PC/104+ 1x PC/104+
Expension Slot
1x Mini-PCI 1x PCI 1x PCI 1x PCI 1x PCI
Heatsing for LUKE
Recommand Fan/ 533MHz
CF-479B-RS CF-479B-RS CF-521-RS Fanless
cooler CPU Cooler for LUKE

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Carte CPU Format EPIC

Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation


CPU Socket Socket 479 On Board/Socket 479 Socket 479 On board
Intel Celeron M 800MHz/
Intel Pentium M/ Celeron
CPU Type Intel Core Duo/Core Solo 1GHz zero cache Intel VIA® LUKE 533MHz/1GHz
Pentium M/Celeron M
FSB 667 Mhz 400Mhz 400 / 533 Mhz N/A
Chipset Intel 945GM + ICH7-M Intel 852GM + ICH4 SiS 661CX + SIS 964 VT8237R+
1x 200-pin SO-DIMM 1x 200-pin SO-DIMM 1x 200-pin SO-DIMM 1x 200-pin SO-DIMM
Memory DDRII400/533/667MHz up DDR200/266MHz up to DDR333/400 MHz up to DDR333/400 MHz up to
to 1GB 1GB 1GB 1GB
VGA: integrated in SIS
VGA:Integrated in Intel
CRT: integrated in Intel 661CX CRT: Integrated in VIA
852GM LVDS:Dual channel 24-bit LUKE
Graphic LVDS: Dual channel 18-bit
LVDS: Dual channel 18-bit LVDS by SIS 302LV LVDS:Dual channel 18-bit
LVDS TV-Out:Supported by SIS LVDS
Support TV-Out
Intel 82541PI for GbE/
Dual PCI-E GbE by
Ethernet Intel 82551ER for Dual GbE by RTL8110SC GbE by RTL8110S
3x RS232 6x USB 2.0 6x USB 2.0 8x USB 2.0
1x RS232/422/485 3x RS-232 3x RS-232 5x RS-232
6x USB 2.0 1 x RS232/422/485 1 x RS-232/422/485 1x RS 232/422/485
I/O Interface
1x LPT 1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x LPT 1x LPT
1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1 x LPT 1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS2 for KB/MS
1x IrDA 1 x IrDA 1x IrDA 1x IrDA
1x IDE
2x SATA-150 2x SATA-150 2x SATA-150
Drive Interface 1x FDD
1x IDE 1x IDE 1x IDE
2x SATA-II 300
Audio AC-Kit Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 codec
Digital I/O 8 bit digital I/O, 4 input/4 output
+12V@ 0.96A (ULV Intel
Celeron M 800 zero Cache
with DDR 266MHz 256MB
5Vsb@0.35A (Pentium-M 12V@1.62A (VIA LUKE
Power Consumption TBD RAM) +12V@ 1.99A
2.1GHZ, DDR333 SO- 1GHz DDR333/512MB)
(Pentium M 1.7GHz/L2-2M
with DDR 266MHz 512MB
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. system reset

Operating temperature 0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)

Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing

Expension Slot 1 x PC / 104 1 x PC / 104 1 x PC / 104 1 x PC / 104 +
Recommand Fan/ Heatsing for LUKE 533MHz
CF-479-RS CF-479B-RS CF-479B-RS
cooler CPU Cooler for LUKE 1GHz

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Carte CPU Format EPIC

Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation


CPU Socket On board On Board On Board On Board Socket 478 On Board
VIA MARK ULV Intel Celeron M Intel Pentium M / ULV Celeron M
CPU Type AMD Geode LX800 AMD Geode GX466
533/800MHz 400 MHz Celeron M 1GHz/800MHz
FSB N/A N/A N/A N/A 400/533 MHz 400 MHz
VIA VT8606 + SiS 661CX + SIS
Chipset VIA VT82C686B CS5536 CS5536 Intel 852GM + ICH4
VT82C686B 964
1 x 144-pin SO- 1x 144-pin SO- 1x 200-pin SO-
1x 200-pin SO- 1x 200-pin SO- 1x 200-pin SO-
DIMM PC100/133 DIMM PC100/133 DIMM DDR333/
Memory DIMM DDR266 MHz DIMM DDR333/400 DIMM DDR 266MHz
MHz SDRAM up to MHz SDRAM up to 400MHz SDRAM up
up to 512MB MHz up to 1GB up to 1GB
512MB 512MB to 1GB
CRT: Integrated in CRT: Integrated in
CRT: Integrated in
CRT: Integrated in AMD Geode LX800 AMD GX466
VGA:Integrated in CRT: Integrated in Intel 852GM
VIA VT8606 TTL: 24-bit single TTL: 24-bit TTL
VIA MARK SIS 661CX LVDS: Dual channel
LVDS: Dual channel channel TTL in AMD integrated in AMD
Graphic TTL: 24-bit TTL LVDS: Dual channel 18-bit LVDS
18-bit LVDS LX800 GX466
LVDS:Dual channel 24-bit Support
TTL: Supported by LVDS: 18-bit single LVDS: Single
18-bit LVDS LVDS by SIS 302LV independent Dual
VIA VT8606 channel LVDS in channel 18 bit LVDS
AMD LX800 in AMD GX466
Single 10/100Mbs
Realtek RTL8100C Dual RTL8100C for RTL8100C for Intel 82562ET for
Ethernet RTL 8101L Fast GbE by RTL8110S
for 10/100 Mbps 10/100Base-T 10/100Mbps 10/100Base-T
Ethernet controller
4 x USB 1.1 4x USB 1.1 4x USB 2.0 3x RS232
4x USB 2.0
3 x RS-232 3x RS-232 6x RS232 1x RS-232/422/485 4x USB 2.0
6x RS-232
1 x RS-232/422/485 1x RS-232/422/485 1x 422/485 6x USB 2.0 4x RS-232
I/O Interface 1 x RS-422/485
1 x LPT 1x LPT 1x LPT 1x LPT 1x LPT
1x LPT
1 x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS2 for KB/MS 1 PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS/2 for KB/MS 1x PS/2 for KB/MS
1x PS/2 for KB/MS
1 x IrDA 1x IrDA 1x IrDA 1x IrDA
2x SATA-150 by ALI 2x SATA-150 by ALI
2x SATA-150 2x SATA-150
Drive Interface 1x IDE M5283 M5283 1x IDE
1x IDE 2x IDE
1x IDE 1x IDE
Audio Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 codec Realtek ALC203 with AC'97 codec Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 codec
Digital I/O 8 bit digital I/O, 4 input/4 output
12V@1.2A (ULV +12V@ 0.92A (AMD +12V@0.83A(AMD +12V@3.32A-3D +12V@ 20mA (ULV
+12v@1.46A (VIA
Intel Celeron LX 800 with DDR GX 466 with DDR MARK ; (P-M 1.8G Intel Celeron M 800
Power Consumption MARK 800 PC133
400MHz CPU with 400MHz 256MB 400MHz 512MB FSB400 with 256MB zero Cache with
PC133 256MB RAM) RAM) RAM-HCT) / DDR400 RAM) DDR 266MHz 256MB
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. system reset
Operating temperature 0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing
Expension Slot 1 x PC / 104 + 1x PC/104+ 1x PC/104+ 1x PC/104 1x PCI 1x PCI
Recommand Fan/
Heatsink Fanless Fanless Fanless CF-518-RS Fanless

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Carte CPU Format 3,5"

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CPU Socket Socket 479 On Board On Board On Board
ULV Intel Celeron
CPU Type Intel Pentium M/ Celeron M VIA LUKE 533Mhz/1GHz VIA MARK 533/ 800MHz
FSB 400/533 MHz N/A N/A N/A
VIA VT8606 + VIA
Chipset SiS 661CX + SiS® 964 VT8237R+ VIA VT82C686B
1x 144-pin SO-DIMM 1x 144-Pin SO-DIMM
1x 200-pin SO-DIMM 1x 200-pin SO-DIMM
Memory PC100/133 MHz SDRAM up PC100/133 SDRAM up to
DDR400/333MHz up to 1GHz DDR333/400 MHz up to 1GB
to 512MB 512MB
CRT: Integrated in SIS CRT: integrated in VIA MARK
661CX CRT: Integrated in VIA LUKE 533
VGA: Integrated in VIA
LVDS: Dual channel 24-Bit TTL: 36-bit TTL integrated in TTL: 24-bit TTL integrated in
Graphic LVDS integrated in SiS 302LV VIA LUKE VIA MARK
LVDS: Dual channel 18-bit
TV-OUT: integrated in SiS LVDS: Dual channel 18/24-bit LVDS: Dual 18-bit LVDS
integrated in VIA® VT8606
302LV LVDS by ILUKE-LVDS module integrated in VIA MARK
Support Dual display
Dual Realtek 8100C for Realtek 8100C for 10/100
Ethernet GbE by Realtek RTL8110S Dual GbE by RTL8110SC
10/100 Mbps Mbps
6x USB 2.0 6x USB 2.0 4x USB 1.1 2x USB 1
1x RS-232 1x RS-232 1x RS-232 1x RS-232
1x RS 232/422/485 1x RS-232/422/485 1x RS-232/422/485 1x RS-232/422/485
I/O Interface
1x LPT 1x LPT 1x LPT 1x LPT
1x IrDA 1x PS/2 1x PS/2 1x PS/2
1x PS2 for KB/MS 1x IrDA 1x IrDA by pin header 1x IrDA
2x SATA-150
Drive Interface 1x IDE
1x IDE
Audio Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 codec
Digital I/O 8 bit digital I/O, 4 input/4 output
+5V@4.76A; +12V@1.4A 5V@4.67A,+12V@0.04A,5V +5V@2.58 A ( VIA MARK- 5V@2.01A (Celeron 400MHz
(Intel Pentium M FSB sb@0.02A (VIA LUKE 1GHz 533 CPU with 1 x 128MB with PC100/133 256MB RAM)
400MHz 1.5 GHz CPU with ,DDR333 1GB SDRAM) PC100/133 SO-DIMM
DDR333 512MB RAM) 5V@3.8 SDRAM)
Power Consumption
2A,+12V@0.04A,5Vsb@0.02A +5V@2.75 A ( VIA MARK-
(VIA LUKE 533MHz,DDR333 800 CPU with 1 x 128MB
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. system reset
Operating temperature 0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing
Expension Slot 1x PCI-104 1x PCI-104 1x PC104 1x PC/104
Heatsink for LUKE 533MHz
CPU Cooler Heatsink Heatsink
Recommand Fan/cooler CPU Cooler for LUKE 1GHz

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CPU Socket On Board
CPU Type AMD Geode LX-800 AMD Geode GX466 333MHz ULV Intel Celeron 400MHz
FSB N/A 400MHz
Chipset AMD CS5536 VIA® VT8601T + VIA VT82C686B
1 x 200-pin SO-DIMM DDR 1x 200-pin SO-DIMM DDR266MHz up 1x 144-Pin SO-DIMM PC100/133MHz
333/400MHz up to 1GB to 512MB SDRAM up to 512MB
CRT: Integrated in AMD LX800 CRT: Integrated in AMD GX466
TTL: 18-bit TTL integrated in AMD TTL: 18-bit TTL integrated in AMD VGA: Integrated in VT8601
Graphic LX800 GX466 TTL: 24bit TTL interface with 50-pin
LVDS: 18-bit single channel LVDS: 18-bit single channel header
integrated in AMD LX800 integrated in AMD GX466
Dual Intel 82551 Fast Ethernet controller
Ethernet Dual Realtek 8100C for 10/100 Mbps
Dual Realtek 8100BL Fast Ethernet
controller(WAFER- C400E2VR)
2x USB 2.0
4x USB 2.0
1x RS-232
2x RS-232
1x RS-422/485
I/O Interface 1x RS-422/485
1x LPT
1x LPT
1x PS/2 for KB/MS
1 x PS/2
1x IrDA
2x SATA-150 1x IDE
Drive Interface
1x IDE 1x FDD
Audio Realtek ALC203 with AC'97 codec Realtek ALC655 with AC'97 codec
Digital I/O 8 bit digital I/O, 4 input/4 output
+5V@1.2A (AMD LX 800 with 12V@0.028A+5V @1.15A (AMD +5V@3A, +12V@100mA (256MB
Power Consumption
DDR400 1GB RAM) GX466, DDR400 256MB HCT11.2) SDRAM)
Watchdog Timer Software programmable supports 1~255 sec. system reset
Operating temperature 0 ~ 60º (32 ~ 140ºF)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95% non-condensing
Expension Slot 1x PC/104
Recommand Fan/cooler Heatsink

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Carte CPU Format ETX

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Intel Celeron M 600MHz (ETX-PM-
CPU AMD Geode LX-800 Intel Celeron M 600MHz / Zero Cache
Micro FCPGA socket (ETX-PME)
Intel 852GM + ICH4 (ETX-PM-600EZ)
System Chipset AMD CS5536 Intel 855GME + ICH4 (ETX-PM-600E /
Share system memory Max. 32MB
1 x 200-pin DDR 333/400MHz SO-
System Memory 1 x SO-DIMM 266/333MHz SDRAM up
to 1GB
Ethernet 10/100Base-T RTL8100C Intel 82562ET
(ETX-DB-7SR) Realtek 8100BL
3 x RS-232
1 x RS-232/422/485
4 x USB 2.0
2 x KB/MS
1 x LPT
2 x IDE ATA-100 2 x LPT
1 x CFII
1 x LPT/FDD 1 x VGA
1 x IDE
I/O 2 x RS-232 4 x USB
2 x RS232
4 x USB 2.0 2 x IDE Connector
1 x PS2 for KB/MS
1 x PS/2 1 x FDD
Multi COM ports supports by base
1 x DOC
4 inputs, 4 outputs
1x IR
4 x PCI bus master
4 x PCI bus master
Expansion ISA support by Winbond 83429G / 4 x PCI, 3 x ISA
ISA support by IT8888G
Audio AC’97 Codec Realtek ALC203 AC' 97 CODEC AC' 97 CODEC
Super I/O W83627EHG W83627HG
CRT integrated in AMD LX800
CRT integrated in 852GM,Dual 18- bit
Display TTL/ LVDS: 24-bit TTL integrated in
LVDS integrated in 852GM
AMD LX800-18-bit LVDS
Software programable supports 1-255 Software programable supports 1-255
Watchdog Timer
sec. system reset sec. system reset
Power Supply AT/ATX support AT/ATX support
+5V@0.92A(AMD LX-800 CPU with 5V@3.8A , Celeron M 1.5G, DDR333/
Power Consumption
DDR 333MHz 256MB RAM) 256MB
Operating temperature 0 ~ 60° C (32 ~ 140° F) 0 ~ 60° C (32 ~ 140° F)
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95%, non-condensing 5% ~ 95%, non-condensing
Dimension 99,57 mm x 114 mm 99,57 mm x 114 mm
Weight GW: 650g; NW: 250g GW: 650g; NW: 250g
1 x 20-pin 24bit DFP for LVDS
1 x 30-pin 48bit DFP for LVDS
LCD Connector
1 x44-pin for 24bit TTL
1 x 44-pin for 18bit TTL
SSD CompactFlash Type II socket

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Carte d'acquisition vidéo

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IVC-8371P IVC-200GS-RS IVC-100GS-RS IVC-4300-RS

input 4 channels NTSC /PAL 4 channels Composite video
/SECAM NTSC / PAL / SECAM auto sensing
Video input type BNC
Audio Input 4 channel 4 channels
DB9 to 3.5mm phone jack DB9 to 3.5mm phone jack audio
Audio input type
audio cable cable
PCI interface PCI v2.1 compliance
Card ID Dip-switch selectable DIP switch selectable with LED for ID indication Dip-switch selectable
GPIO daughter board with 4 inputs and 4outputs (IVC-200G-
Alarm I/O
R20 et IVC-100G-RS-R20 only)
Video Processing
MPEG-4 Advanced Simple
Profile@ Level 5 (ISO/IEC
MPEG-4 Advanced Simple Profile @
Level 3 (ISO/IEC 14496-2)
MPEG-2 Main Profile@ Main 4 x Conexant FusionTM 1 x Conexant FusionTM
Video Compression MPEG-2 Main Profile @ Main Level
Level (ISO/ IEC 13818-2) BT878A BT878A
(ISO/IEC 13818-2)
MPEG-1 (ISO/IEC 11172-2)
MPEG-1 (ISO/IEC 11172-2)
H.263 (ITU-T
Recommendation H.263)
NTSC: 720x480 704x480 640x480 720x480 704x480 640x480 NTSC: PAL SECAM :
720x480@1~30fps 352x240 320x240 176x112 352x240 320x240 176x112 720x480 720x576
PAL: PAL SECAM : PAL SECAM : 720x240 720x288
720x576@1~25fps 720x576 704x576 640x576 720x576 704x576 640x576 640x480 352x288
Resolution & Frame Rate
720x240@1~60fps 352x288 176x144 352x288 176x144 320x240 480x586
720x288@1~50fps NTSC: up to 120fps at all NTSC: up to 30fps at all 176x144 PAL /SECAM:
360x240@1~120fps resolutions resolutions NTSC: up to 120fps up to 100fps at
360x288@1~100fps PAL /SECAM: up to 100fps at PAL /SECAM: up to 100fps at at all resolutions all resolutions
all resolutions all resolutions
Audio Processing
Encoding StandardG.726
Audio Compression ADPCM / PCM
Sampling Rate 8K, 44.1KHz and 48 KHz 44.1 KHz and 48 KHz
Quantization 8 bit data depth 16-bit
GOP Programmable I, B, P frame
Encoding Bitrate Control VBR, CBR for each channel CBR
Video Loss Detection Yes Yes
Multi-Screen Support Yes Yes
Video /audio
Yes Yes
On-screen display Yes Yes
Camera loss detection Yes
Motion detection Hardware built-in
128 bit secrete key,
adjustable length
System Requirement
System x86 PC compatible computer x86 PC compatible computer x86 PC compatible computer Intel® Pentium®4 2.0GHz or above
Graphic DirectX campatible VGA card supporting YUV overlay mode
Memory 256MB or above
Software Support
Windows 98 SE, ME, 2000, XP Windows 98 SE, ME, 2000, XP
Device Driver Driver for Wndows 2000/XP Windows 2000/ XP
Linux kernel 2.4 Linux kernel 2.4
Provide SDK and demo Provide SDK and demo program
Provide SDK and demo program
SDK program with sample source Complete source code of demo
Complete source code of demo program in C++
code in C++ program in C++
Operation Environment
Dimension 119.91mmx106.68mm 180.73mm x 113mm
Operating temperature 0~60° C(32~140° F )
Relative Humidity 5% ~ 95%, non-condensing
Power Consumption 7.5W, 1.5A@5V

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Panel PC médical
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CPU Board A300
CPU Intel Pentium® M 1.8GHz/Celeron® M 1.0GHz zero cache
Chipset Intel 855GME + ICH4
Memory DDR 333MHz 512MB
VGA Intel 855GME support dual dispaly
Drive Bay - 1 x 2.5” 40G SATA HDD
- 1 x Slim Type CD-ROM bay
Ethernet 2 x Realtek RTL8110S Gigabit Ethernet controller
Audio AC’ 97 2.3 Realtek ALC 655
I/O - 2 x USB 2.0 ports
- 1 x D-Sub 15pin VGA port
- 1 x DVI
- 3 x Audio (Mic-in, Line-in, Speaker-out)
Expansion Slot - 1 x Compact Flash Type II
- 1 x PCMCIA
- 1 x PCI slot (card length 160mm)
Touch Screen Optional 5-wire resistive type with RS-232 interface.
LCD - Resolution : 1280 x 1024 (SXGA)
- Brightness : 420 cd/m2
- Contrast Ratio : 500:1
- Backlight MTBF : 50000hrs
Operating Temperature 0 ~ 40°C.
Storage Temperature -10 ~ 60°C.
Vibration - 5~17Hz 0.1” double amplitute displacement
- 17~640 Hz 1.5G acceleration peak to peak
Shock 10G acceleration peak to peak. (11ms)
Relative Humidity Operating Humidity: 90%@40°C
Operating Humidity:95%@50°C
Net / Gross Weight 8 / 12 Kg
Dimensions 432(W) x 374(H) x 122(D) mm.
Power Input Voltage:90V ~ 264V AC, Full Range
Output Voltage: ACE-818APM V2.0
180W Medical ATX Power Supply
Front Panel Protection IP 64 Complaint
Certificate CE EN60601-1 / UL 60601 / FCC PART18
CE EN60950-1 / UL 60950 / FCC PART15

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LCD Size 7" 8.4" 12.1"
Max Resolution 800 * 480 800 * 600 1024 * 768
Brightness (cd/m2) 220 220 450
Contrast Ratio 400:1 500:1 700:1
LCD Color 262K
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.1905(H) x 0.1905(V) 0.213(H) x 0.213(V) 0.240(H) x 0.240(V)
Viewing Angle (H-V) 140/100 130/110 160/160
CPU AMD LX800-500Mhz
Chipset AMD LX800 + AMD CS5536
RAM Maximum Memory supported 1GB ( SODIMM X 1 )
Support for DDR333 / 400Mhz
I/O Ports 2 x RS232 COM Port
2 x RTL8100C for 10/100Mbps
2 x USB 2.0
1 x Power Switch
1 x Reset Button
Audio 2 x AMP 1.5W(internal speaker)
Expansion 1x Mini PCI ( Wireless Lan 802.11b/g Module )
HDD Drive Bay N/A N/A 1 x 2.5» HDD bay
Construction Material ABS Plastic & Aluminum
LED Function 1 x LED on Front Panel for Power ON/OFF
Mounting Panel / Wall mounting Panel / Wall mounting Panel / Wall mounting
VESA 75 x 75mm VESA 75 x 75mm VESA 75 x 75mm / 100 x 100mm
Front Panel Color Black
Dimension (WxHxD) (mm) 151(W) x 94(L) x 27(D) 156(W) x 123(L) x 28(D) 203(W) x 164(L) x 33(D)
Operating Temperature (ºC) 0~50ºC
StorageTemperature (ºC) -20ºC ~70ºC
Vibration 5~17Hz 0.1 double amplitute displacement
17~640 Hz 1.5G acceleration peak to peak
Shock 10G acceleration peak to peak (11ms)
Net Weight 0.6 kg 0.8 Kg 3 Kg
IP Level(front panel) IP64
Safety Meet UL/CE /CCC
EMC Meet CE / FCC class B
Touch Screen Resistive Type 4-Wire touch control- Resistive Type 4-Wire (touch con- Resistive Type 5-Wire
ler IC is on board) troller IC is on board) (touch controller IC is on board)
Power Adapter - P/N:63000-UP0451E12P81L-RS
- 45W
- Input:90~260VAC@ 50/60Hz
- Output:12VDC
Power requirement 12VDC
Power Consumption 20W 20W 29W

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AFL08-500 AFL12-500 AFL-17M

Display 8.4” 12.1" 17” TFT LCD
Brightness 180nits 200nits 420 nits
Max Resoultion 800x600 1280 x 1024
LCD color 262K 16.2 M colors
Pixel Pitch 0.213mm 0.3035mm 0.264 x 0.264 mm
Contrast Ratio 350:1(typ.) 500:1(typ.) 500:1
View Angle 120/120 140/120 H:160/ V:160
Backlight MTBF 20000hrs 50000hrs 50000 hours
Construciton Plastic Plastic
Touch Screen 5 Wire Resistive Type
Single Socket 479, supports FSB up to 400MHz Supports
Processor AMD Geode LX-800 processor Intel Pentium M/ Celeron M Processor up to 2.1GHz or ob
board Celeron M 1G/800Mhz zero cache
Chipset AMD CS5536 Intel 855GME and ICH4
1 x 200 pins DDR 333/400 SODIMM socket, Supports up to Two 184-pin DDR 266/ 333MHz SDRAM DIMM sockets
System Memory
1GB, Equipped with 256 MB DDR RAM Supports up to 2GB
One 2.5” Serial ATA HDD
Drive Bay 1 x 2.5” HDD
One Slim type CD-ROM
Wall Mount VESA 75/100 Standard
SSD 1 x Compact Flash
USB 2 x USB 2.0 port
Dual RTL8110S Gigabit Ethernet port
Support 1000BASE-T, RJ-45 output
LAN 1 x 10/100 Base-T Realtek 8100BL Fast Ethernet connector
Optional WL-KIT01: 802.11b/g wireless LAN module kits
(Mini-PCI module, Antenna)
Serial 2 x RS-232
Digital I/O 1 x RJ-11 for Digital I/O
Audio AC97 2.0 Compliant, Speaker 2W x 2 AC’97 2.3 Realtek ALC655 with 2 x 2W speaker
Power Supply AC Power Adaptor 12VDC@6.5A Input 100-240VAC, 180W medical ATX Power Supply
Operation Temp. 5-40ºC 0 - 40ºC
Gross Weight 1.4 Kg 2.8 Kg 8.5/ 10 Kg
Dimensions (mm) 230 (W) x 118 (L) x 43 (D) 313 (W) x 256 (L) x 46.5 (D) 432 x 374 x 122 mm
CE, FCC Class B
UL60950, EN60950
1 x PCI sot (160mm limit)
Expansion Slot
1x PCMCIA Card Bus
LED: Power Indicator
Front Panel Buttons: LCD ON/ OFF, Brightness, Volume adjustment button
Front Panet meet IP64, water approved
IP Level Whole System meet IPX1
Display CRT & DVI integrated in Intel 855GME
2 x USB 2.0 ports
2 x PS/2 for keyboard and mouse
1 x DVI-I
Rear I/O 1 x DB-15 for VGA
2 x RS-232, 1x RS-232/ 422/ 485
2 x RJ-45 for 10/100/1000BASE-T LAN ports

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PPC-2706GS PPC-2708GS PPC-3708GS PPC-3710GS PPC-3712GS

LCD Size 6.5” TFT LCD 8.4” TFT LCD 8.4" TFT LCD 10.4" TFT LCD 12.1" TFT LCD

Panel Type Toshiba-LTA065A043F AUO-G084SN03 AUO-G084SN03 AUO-G104SN03 AUO-G121SN01

Max.Resolution 640 x 480 800 x 600

Brightness 400 cd/m2 220 cd/m2 220 cd/m2 230 cd/m2 400 cd/m2

LCD Color 262K

Pixel Pitch 0.207 0.213 0.213 0.264 0.308

Contrast Ratio 450:1 500:1

Viewing Angle (H-V) 120/100 140/110

Backlight MTBF 50000hrs 20000hrs 20000hrs 50000hrs 50000hrs

SBC Model WAFER-LX800 NANO-8522 (Socket 479/BGA On Board)

CPU AMD LX800 Pentium M / Celeron M /ULV Celeron M 1GHz/800MHz

RAM 1 x DDR 333/400MHz SO-DIMM socket up to 1GB 1 x DDR 266/200 SO-DIMM socket up to 1GB
1 x RS-232/422/485
2 x RS-232 ports(one for 1 x RS-232/422/485 port
1 x RS-232 ports 3 x RS-232 ports
optional touch screen) 2 x RS-232 ports
2 x USB 2.0 ports 4 x USB 2.0 ports
2 x USB 2.0 ports 4 x USB 2.0 ports
1 x PS/2 ports (KB/ 1 x PS/2 ports (KB/
1 x PS/2 ports (KB/MS) 1 x PS/2 ports (KB/MS)
1 x VGA out 1 x LPT
I/O Ports 1 x VGA out 1 x LPT
2 x LAN 1 x VGA out
2 x LAN 1 x VGA out
3 x Audio (Lin-in, Lineout, 1 x LAN
1 x Audio (Line-out) 1 x LAN
MIC-in) 3 x Audio (Lin-in, Lineout, MIC-in)
1 x IDE 3 x Audio (Lin-in,
1 x IDE 1 x IDE
2 x SATA Lineout, MIC-in)
2 x SATA 2 x SATA
1 x IDE
2 x SATA
Expansion Slot N/A

HDD Drive Bay 1 x 2.5” SATA/IDE HDD

FDD Drive Bay N/A

CD-ROM Drive Bay N/A 1 x Slim CD-ROM

Construction Front Panel Aluminum

Contruction Chassis Heavy-duty Steel

80W AC Adapter for CPU socket 479 model
Power Supply 60W AC Adapter
55W AC Adapter for BGA model
Mounting Stand / Rack / Wall / Panel / Arm / Din Stand / Rack / Wall / Panel / Arm

Color Silver (PANTONE 8001C)

Operating Temperature 0 ~ 50° C.

Dimension(WxDxH)mm 183 x 143 x 62.6 244 x 178 x 67 244 x 178 x 75.2 311.5 x 242 x 72.8 340 x 260 x 73.4

Weight 1.4/3.4 kg 2.2/4.4 kg 2.2/4.4 kg 3.4/5.8 kg 6/8 kg

Front Panel Protection Meets IP65

Touch Screen Resistive Type 4-wire with RS-232 Interface Resistive Type 5-wire with RS-232 Interface

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PPC-3715GS PPC-5150GS PPC-5170GS PPC-5350GS

LCD Size 15'' TFT LCD 17'' TFT LCD 15'' TFT LCD
Panel Type AUO-G150XG01 AUO-M170EG01 AUO-G150XG01
Max.Resolution 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1024 x 768
Brightness 350 cd/m2 300 cd/m2 350 cd/m2
LCD Color 262K 16.2M 262K
Pixel Pitch 0.297 0.264 0.297
Contrast Ratio 400:1 500:1 400:1
Viewing Angle (H-V) 120/100 140/130 120/100
Backlight MTBF 50000hrs
Enano-6612 (Socket 479/ A300(Socket 479/BGA On
SBC Model POS-8520 (Socket-478) POS-8520 (Socket-478)
BGA On Board) Board)
Pentium M/Celeron M/ULV Pentium M/Celeron M/ULV
CPU Pentium 4/Celeron D Pentium 4/Celeron D
Celeron M 1GHz Celeron M 1GHz/800MHz
1x DDR 400/333 SO-DIMM
RAM 2 x DDR 266/333 DIMM socket up to 2GB
socket up to 1GB
1 x RS-232/422/485 port 1 x RS-232/422/485 port 1 x RS-232/422/485 port 1 x RS-232/422/485 port
1 x RS-232 ports 4 x RS-232 ports 4 x RS-232 ports 4 x RS-232 ports
4 x USB 2.0 ports 4 x USB 2.0 ports 6 x USB 2.0 ports 4 x USB 2.0 ports
1 x PS/2 ports (KB/MS) 2 x PS/2 ports (KB/MS) 2 x PS/2 ports (KB/MS) 2 x PS/2 ports (KB/MS)
1 x LPT 1 x LPT 1 x LPT 1 x VGA out
I/O Ports 1 x VGA out 1 x VGA out 1 x VGA out 1 x DVI
1 x LAN 2 x LAN 2 x LAN 2 x LAN
3 x Audio (Lin-in, Line-out, 3 x Audio (Lin-in, Line-out, 3 x Audio (Lin-in, Line-out, 3 x Audio (Lin-in, Line-out,
MIC-in) MIC-in) MIC-in) MIC-in)
2 x IDE 2 x IDE 2 x IDE 2 x IDE
2 x SATA 2 x SATA 2 x SATA 2 x SATA
1 x PCI slot
1 x mini-PCI socket
Expansion Slot 1 x PCI slot
1 x PCMCIA socket
(support 32bit Cardbus)
1 x 2.5” SATA/IDE HDD W/ 1 x 2.5” SATA/IDE HDD W/
1 x 3.5” Removable SATA/
Anti-Shock or 2 x 2.5” Anti-Shock or 2 x 2.5”
HDD Drive Bay IDE HDD, 1 x 2.5” SATA/IDE HDD
1 x 2.5” SATA/IDE HDD
Shock Shock
FDD Drive Bay 1 x Slim FDD N/A
CD-ROM Drive Bay 1 x Slim CD-ROM
Construction Front Panel Aluminum
Contruction Chassis Heavy-duty Steel
Power Supply 150W ATX Power 180W ATX Power 180W ATX Power 150W ATX Power
Mounting Stand / Rack / Wall / Panel / Arm
Color Silver (PANTONE PMS-8001).
Operating Temperature 0 ~ 50° C.
Dimension(WxDxH)mm 410 x 309 x 80 410 x 309 x 110 452 x 356 x 110 410 x 309 x 110
Weight 8/12 kg 7/11 kg 8/12 kg 8/12 kg
Front Panel Protection Meets IP65
Touch Screen Resistive Type 5-wire with RS-232 Interface

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Station de travail
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WS-612GS WS-843GS WS-855GS WS-875GS WS-895GS

LCD Size 10.4” 12.1” 15” 17” 19”
Resolution 800*600 800*600 1024*768 1280*1024 1280*1024
Brightness (cd/m ) 230 / 400 400 350 300 300
Contrast 500:1 500:1 400:1 500:1 700:1
LCD color 262K 262K 262K 16.2M 16.2M
Backlight Hours 20000 50000 50000 50000 50000
Input Interface Analog VGA (DB-15)
Slot 7 slots 10 slots 10 slots / MB 10 slots / MB 10 slots / MB
Form Factor Full / Half Size SBC Full / Half Size SBC / m-ATX Motherboard
Mounting 19” Rack Mount
Rack Height 6U 7U 8U 9U 9U
Front Frame Aluminum
IP Level IP64
KeyPad 63 Keys 59 Keys
Function Key 20 Keys 10 Keys
Touch Pad Yes NO
Front Panel USB 4 2
HDD Drive Bay 1 x 3.5” HDD
CD-ROM Drive Bay N/A 1 x 5.25” CD-ROM 1 x 5.25” CD-ROM 1 x 5.25” CD-ROM 1 x Slim Type CD-ROM
FDD Bay 1 x 3.5” FDD 1 x 3.5” Slim Type FDD
System Fan 12cm ball bearing 99.6 CFM fan
Touch Screen 5-wire resistive touch screen
5 ~ 17 Hz, 0.1” double amplitude displacement
17~640 Hz, 1.5G acceleration peak to peak
Shock 10G acceleration peak to peak (11ms)
Relative Humidity 5 ~ 95%, non-condensing
Operating Temperature 0°C ~ 50°C
Color Silver (PANTONE PMS-8001)
Dimension (W x H x
483 x 266 x 248 483 x 310 x 268 483 x 353 x 261 483 x 398 x 268 483 x 398 x 269
Weight (NW / GW) 9.2 / 14.4 kg 10.7 / 17.2 kg 12 / 18.2 kg 14.2 / 20.6 kg 15.5 / 22 kg
PCI-7S, IP-7S, BP-7S,
PCI-10S/10S2, PX-10S, PE-10S, IP-10S, IPX-9S
Recommand Backplane PCIAGP-6S, HPE-7S1,
BP-10S, HPE-7S1/8S, PE-6S / 7S / 7S2 / 8S / 9S /10S
PE-6S/7S, PE-7S2
Recommand m-ATX MB IMB-9454, IMB-9452, IMB-8550, IMB-9154
(AT), ACE-4518AP-RS
ACE-4520C-RS, ACE-
Power Supply ATX: ACE-4860AP-RS, ACE-828A(C/M/V)-RS, ACE-832A(AP/AP-S)-RS, ACE-840A-RS, ACE-
841AP-S-RS, ACE-850AP-RS-24,
ACE-815C(T)-RS, ACE-

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Mini station de travail

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LCD Size 10.4” 12.1” 15” 17” 19”
Resolution 800*600 800*600 1024*768 1280*1024 1280*1024
Brightness (cd/m2) 230 / 400 400 350 300 300
Contrast 500:1 500:1 400:1 500:1 700:1
LCD color 262K 262K 262K 16.2M 16.2M
Backlight MTBF 20000 50000 50000 50000 50000
Input Interface Analog VGA (DB-15)
Slot 4 slots 5 slots 7 slots 7 slots 7 slots
Form Factor Half Size SBC Full / Half Size SBC
Mounting Panel Mount / 19” Rack Mount
Front Frame Aluminum
IP Level IP65
HDD Drive Bay 1 x 3.5” HDD
CD-ROM Drive Bay 1 x 5.25” CD-ROM
FDD Bay 1 x 3.5 FDD
System fan 8cm ball bearing 38 CFM fan
Optional Touch Screen 5-wire resistive touch screen
5 ~ 17 Hz, 0.1” double amplitude displacement17~640 Hz,
1.5G acceleration peak to peak
Shock 10G acceleration peak to peak (11ms)
Relative Humidity 5 ~ 95%, non-condensing
Operating Temperature 0 ~ 50°C
Color Silver (PANTONE PMS-8001)
Dimension (W x H x D) (mm) 312 x 242 x 213 340 x 260 x 218 410 x 309 x 236 452 x 356 x 236 483 x 399 x 240
Weight (NW / GW) 6.6 / 9.3 kg 7.2 / 9.9 kg 11.1 / 14.7 kg 14 / 17,8 kg 16.8 / 20.5 kg
IP-5SA / IP-5SA2 IP-7S IP-7S
Recommend Backplane HPE-5S1 / 5S2 BP-7S BP-7S
PE-6S / 7S / 7S2 HPE-7S1
PE-7S/ 7S2 /10S
PE-7S / 7S2 / 10S
ACE-916A(AP)-RS (AT)
Power Supply ACE-4520C-RS

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Mini station de travail

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EC-1040G RPC-6010G RPC-6022G

Construction Heavy Duty Metal
EC-1040G - Full-size, slot CPU card RPC-6010G - Full-size, slot CPU card RPC-6022G - Full-size, slot CPU card
SBC Form Factor EC-1040GATX - ATX, MicroATX MB RPC-6010GATX - ATX, MicroATX MB RPC-6022GATX - ATX, MicroATX MB
3 x 5.25" + 1 x front-accessible 3.5"
or 2 x 5.25" + 1 x front-accessible
3.5" + 1 x HDD 3 x 5.25" + 1 x front-accessible 3.5" 1 x 5.25" + 1 x front-accessible 3.5"
Drive Bays or 2 x 5.25" + 2 x HDD + 1 x HDD + 1 x HDD
Cooling Fans 2 x 8 cm 2 x 12 cm 2 x 12 cm
I/O Ports 2 x USB 2 x USB
I/O openings 2 x COM, 1 x PS2
14 slots for EC-1040G 14 slots for RPC-6010G 14 slots for RPC-6022G
Expansion Slots 7 slots for EC-1040GATX 7 slots for RPC-6010GGATX 7 slots for RPC-6022GGATX
Indicators Power, HDD,Fan power, HDD power, HDD
Buttons Power switch, reset
size 6.5” 8.4" 12.1"
resolution 640 x 480 800 x 600 800 x 600
brightness 400 cd/m2 220 cd/m2 400 cd/m2
LCD color 262K
Input interface analog VGA input
OSD yes
Backlight MTBF (hr) 50000 20,000hr 50000
Operating Shock 10G acceleration peak to peak (11ms)
5~17Hz, 0.1" double amplitude
17~640Hz, 1.5G acceleration peak to
Operating Vibration peak
Operating Temperature 0~50°C
Operation Humidity 10% ~ 90%
Color B: Black W: White W: White
Weight (Net/Gross) 15.3kg / 28.8kg 15kg / 18kg 15kg / 18kg
Dimensions (DxWxH) 480mm x 431mm x 176mm 528mm x 431mm X 176mm 470mm x 431mm X 220mm

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Kits LCD
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LCD TYPE 6.5" TFT 8.4" TFT 10.4" TFT
Input Interface VGA
Max Resolution 640 X 480 800 x 600 800 X 600
Backlight MTBF 50000Hrs 20000Hrs 20000Hrs
Contrast 450:1 500:1 500:1
LCD Color 262K
Brightness (cd/m ) 400 500 220 450 230 400
7F700- 7F700-
INVERTER 7F700-LV12ETG-RS 7F700-LV12EAG-RS 7F700-LV1401TG-RS 7F700-LCD19062C-RS
PLCD0312101AG-RS PLCD02102G-RS
AD BOARD AV-9350 AV-5350 AV-5350
Adapter (1 VDC
25W 63000-UP0251E12PL02-RS
output to LCD kit)
Chassis Heavy-duty steel
View Angle (H/V) 140/120 130/110 120/100 100/120
OSD function Yes
Mounting Panel
203.4 x 121 x 34 234 x 147 x 35.3 242.2 x 209 x 33.6
(W)X(H)X(D) (mm)
Temperature (°C)


LCD TYPE 12.1" TFT 15" TFT 17" TFT 19" TFT
Input Interface VGA+DVI-D
Max Resolution 800 X 600 1024 x 768 1280 x1024 1280 x1024
Backlight MTBF 50000Hrs
Contrast 500:1 400:1 500:1 700:1
LCD Color 262K 262K 16.2M 16.2M
Brightness (cd/m ) 400 350 300 300
INVERTER 7F700-QF82V4-RS 7F700-QF117V116-RS 7F700-PLCD2817418-RS 7F700-PLCD2817418-RS
Adapter (1 VDC output to LCD
45W 63000-UP0451E12P81L-RS
Chassis Heavy-duty steel
View Angle (H/V) 140/110 120/100 140/130 140/130
OSD function Yes
Mounting Panel
Dimenson (W)X(H)X(D) (mm) 294 x 240.7 x 42 364.1 x 262.5 x 41.9 390.4 x 300 x 46.9 427.9 x 327.4 x 48.4
Operation Temperature (°C) 0°C-50°C

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Moniteur industriel
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Moniteur industriel inoxydable


LCD Size 8.4” TFT 10.4” TFT 12.1” TFT 15” TFT 17” TFT 19” TFT
Input Interface Analog VGA Analog VGA + DVI-D
Max Resolution 800 x 600 800 x 600 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024
Brightness (cd/m ) 220 / 450 230 / 400 400 350 300 300
Contrast 500 : 1 500 : 1 500:1 400:1 500:1 700:1
LCD Color 262K 262K 262K 262K 16.2M 16.2M
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.213 0.264 0.3075 0.297 0.264 0.294
Front Frame Stainless Steel
Chassis Heavy-Duty Steel
View Angle (H/V) 130/110 120/100 120/100 140/110 120/100 140/130 140/130
Power Adapter 25W 63000-UP0251E12PL02-RS 45W 63000-UP0451E12P81L-RS
OSD function YES
Mounting Stand / Panel / Wall / Arm (100x100)
Back Cover Color Silver
Dimension (WxHxD) (mm) 244 x 178 x 49 311.5 x 242 x 52.1 340 x 260 x 58 409.25x 308.25 x 63.2 452 x 356 x 63.2 482.6 x 399.3 x 71.6
Operating Temperature 0~50˚C
IP Level IP 65
N/G Weight 2.3 kg 3.4 kg 4.4 kg 6.6 kg 9.2 kg 10.75 kg

Moniteur industriel

DM-65GS DM-84GS DM-104GS DM-121GS DM-150GS DM-170GS DM-190GS TDM-121GS TDM-150GS

LCD Size 6.5” 8.4” 10.4” 12.1” 15” 17” 19” 12.1” 15”
Input Interface Analog VGA Analog VGA Analog VGA Analog VGA + DVI-D
1280 x
Max Resolution 640 x 480 800 x 600 800 x 600 800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1024 x 768 1024 x 768
Brightness (cd/m ) 400 / 500 220 / 450 230 / 400 400 350 300 300 450 350
Contrast 550 : 1 500 : 1 500 : 1 500:1 400:1 500:1 700:1 700:1 400:1
LCD Color 262K 262K 262K 262K 262K 16.2M 16.2M 262K 262K
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.207 0.213 0.264 0.3075 0.297 0.264 0.294 0.24 0.297
Front Frame Aluminum
Chassis Heavy duty steel
View Angle (H/V) 140/120 130/110 120/100 140/110 120/100 140/130 140/130 160/160 160/160
Input Voltage 12VDC 12VDC or 9-36VDC
OSD function Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Wall/Arm/ Din/
Mounting Wall/Panel/Rack/Arm (100x100)/Stand
Panel/ Rack
Color Silver
Dimension (WxHxD) 183 x 143 244 x 178 312 x 242 340 x 260 410 x 309 x 452.0 x 356.0 x 482 x 399 410 x 309 x 410 x 309 x
(mm) x 41 x 49 x 53 x 58 65.1 65.2 x 73 65.1 65.1
Operating Temperature
0~50°C -30~70°C
IP Level IP65
N/G Weight 1 Kg 1,8kg 3 kg 3,8 kg 6 kg 8,6 kg 10 kg 3,8 kg 6 Kg
Power Adapter 25W, 63000-UP0251E12PL02-RS 45W, 63000-UP0451E12P81L-RS

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Console rackable
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LKM-935G LKM-9358G
LKM-926G LKM-9268G
Computer Connections 1 8
15" TFT Color LCD display
Resolution: 1024 x 768
Brightness: 350 cd/m2
LCD MTBF: 50,000 hrs
Built-in universal AC input adapter, 100VAC~240VAC input, 12V@3.8A output
Power Supply ACE-N023T,36VDC~72VDC input, 12V@2A output
ACE-N023C,20VDC~30VDC input, 12V@2A output
5~17Hz, 0.1" double amplitude displacement
17~640Hz, 1.5G acceleration peak to peak
Shock 10G acceleration peak to peak(11ms)
Operation temperature 0~50°C
Relative Humidity 5-95%, non-condensing
One Screen display Control Yes
LCD Module No Yes
Construction material Heavy-duty steel
PS/2 Keyboard mini Din 6 pin
PS/2 Mouse Mini Din 6 pin
PC port connector
VGA HDDB 15 pin
88 key with slim size keyboard, support English Japanese German French Italian version
Keyboard and Key Pad

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Châssis rackable
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RACK-1150G RACK-1151G RACK-220G RACK-2000G

Type 1U 1U 2U 2U
Slot SBC full-size full-size full-size full-size
Board Type

Max. slots 3 3 6 6
5.25” F.P. 1 1 1 1
Drive Capacity 3.5” F.P 1 1
3.5” Int 1 1 1 1
4cm 3 3
Fan Spec.
8cm 2 2
Power x x x x
HDD x x x x
Power x x x x
reset x x x x
Front Panel Control KB connector
USB 2 2 2
keylock x x

PSU 1U 1U PS/2 PS/2

Depth 449 440 487.5 576.9

Dimensions(mm) Height 44 44 88 88
Width 431 431 431 431
Black x x x x
White x x

RACK-1350G RACK-3400G RACK-305G

Type 3U 4U 4U
Slot SBC half-size full-size
Board Type
Motherboard ATX, Micro-ATX, Mini-ITX ATX, Micro-ATX, Mini-ITX

Max. slots 7 10 14
5.25” F.P. 2 2 2
Drive Capacity 3.5” F.P 1 1 1
3.5” Int 1 1
6cm 2 2
Fan Spec.
8cm 2 2 2
Power x x x
HDD x x x
Power x x x
reset x x x
Front Panel Control KB connector x
USB 2 2
keylock x x x

PSU 2U PS/2 or mini redundant PS/2 or mini redundant

Depth 480 283 413

Dimensions(mm) Height 133 176 176
Width 431 431 431
Black x x x
White x x

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Châssis rackable
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RACK-360G RACK-814G RACK-3000G RACK-3200G

Type 4U 4U 4U 4U
Slot SBC full-size full-size full-size full-size
Board Type ATX, Micro-ATX, Mini- ATX, Micro-ATX, Mini-
Max. slots 14 14 14 20
5.25” F.P. 2 1 3 6
Drive Capacity 3.5” F.P 1 1 2 1
3.5” Int 1 1 1
6cm 2 2
Fan Spec.
8cm 3 2 4
12cm 1
Power x x x x
HDD x x x x
Power x x x x
reset x x x x
Front Panel Control KB connector x
USB 2 2
keylock x x x x

PSU PS/2 or mini redundant PS/2 or mini redundant PS/2 or mini redundant PS/2 or mini redundant

Depth 435.5 454.7 520 674

Dimensions(mm) Height 176 176 176 176
Width 431 431 431 431
Black x x x x
White x x x

RACK-500G RACK-900G RACK-3035G

Type 5U 5U 7U
Slot SBC full-size full-size full-size
Board Type

Max. slots 5 10 20
5.25” F.P. 1 6
Drive Capacity 3.5” F.P 1 1
3.5” Int 1 1
4cm 1
Fan Spec.
8cm 1 2 5
Power x x x
HDD x x x
Power x x x
reset x x x
Front Panel Control KB connector
USB 2 2 2
keylock x

PSU 1U 1U 2 x PS/2 redundant

Depth 440.2 440.2 504

Dimensions(mm) Height 221.3 221 311
Width 110.6 221 431
Black x x x
White x

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Châssis compact
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Châssis Full-Size mural

Model No. PAC-42GF PAC-1000G PAC-106G PAC-107G PAC-1700G PAC-125G

Board Type Slot SBC full-size full-size full-size full-size full-size full-size
Max. slots 4 6 6 6 7 10
5.25” F.P. 1 1 1 2
3.5” F.P 1 1 1 1 1 1
Drive Capacity
2.5” Int 2
3.5” Int 1 1 1 2 1
Fan Spec. 8cm 1 1 1 1 1 1
Power x x x x x x
HDD x x x x x x
Power x x x x x x
Front Panel reset x x x x x x
Control USB 2 2 2 2
keylock x
PSU 1U PS/2 1U 1U PS/2 PS/2
Depth 405 421 400 400 433 420
Dimensions(mm) Height 200 176 175.5 218.5 253.7 176
Width 140 232 166 166 192.4 321
Black x x
White x x x x

Châssis Half-Size mural

Model No. PAC-53GH PR-1300G PAC-42GH PR-1500G PAC-400G PAC-52G PAC-700G

Board Type Slot SBC half-size half-size half-size half-size half-size half-size half-size
Max. slots 3 3 4 5 5 6 7
5.25” F.P. 1 1
3.5” F.P 1 1 1 1
Drive Capacity
2.5” Int 1
3.5” Int 1 1 1
6cm 1 1
Fan Spec.
8cm 1 1 1 1
Power x x x x x x x
HDD x x x x x x
Power x x x x x x
reset x x x x x x x
Front Panel Control
USB 2 2 2 2 2 1 2
keylock x

PSU 1U 1U 1U 1U 1U N/A 1U

Depth 218 254 269 254 269 218 279

Dimensions(mm) Height 200 88 230 132 230.5 147 176
Width 95 265 140 286 140 152.2 321
Black x
White x x x x x x

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Châssis embedded
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Model No. EBC-1000G EBC-2100

Board Type Motherboard WAFER Series NANO Series

Drive Capacity 2.5” Int 1 1

Fan Spec. 4cm 1 1
Power x
Power x x
Front Panel Control
reset x

PSU ACE-890 Series open frame 12VDC power adaptor

Depth 130 134

Dimensions(mm) Height 116 56
Width 172.2 262
Black x
Other Gray

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Convertisseur DC/DC et adaptateur

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Convertisseur DC/DC

PM-P001 PM-P002 PM-P003 PM-P004 PM-P005

Dimensions 3.775"x3.55"
Maximum Output
100W 100W 65W 40W 60W
Input Voltage 8-36 8-36 8-36 8-36 8-36
12V 2.5A 5A 5A 2.5A 5A

Maximum 5V 12A 8A 13A 8A 12A

Output 3.3V x x x 7A 10A
Current -12V 0.5A x x 0.5A x
5VSB 1A x x 1A 1A

IDD-936160 IDD-936260A IDD-12250A IDD-12490A IDD-9364120A

Dimensions 25 x 82 mm 40 x100 mm 40 x100 mm 45 x160 mm 45 x160 mm
Maximum Output
60W 60W 50W + 60W 90W + 120W 120W
Input Voltage 9-36 9-36 12 12 9-36
12V 5A 3A 5A 10A 4A

Maximum 5V x 10A 10A 10A 10A

Output 3.3V x x x 8A 8A
Current -12V x x x 0.3A 0.3A
5VSB x 0.5A 0.5A 2A 2A

Adaptateur pour les séries précédentes PM et IDD

FSP120AAB FSP0601AD101C UP0451E12PL UP0251E12PL

Watt 120W 60W 45W 25W
PFC - - - -
Voltage 90 ~ 264VAC 90 ~ 264VAC 90 ~ 264VAC 90 ~ 264VAC
Input range
Frequency 47 ~ 63HZ 47 ~ 63HZ 47 ~ 63HZ 47 ~ 63HZ
Output +12V 5A 3.75A 2.1A
range +19V 6.32A

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Convertisseur DC/DC PS/2, 1U et 2U

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Convertisseur DC/DC PS/2

DC Input
Model No. ACE-828V ACE-828C ACE-828T ACE-925C ACE-932T ACE-925P
Watt 250W 250W 250W 220W 300W 300W
PFC - - - - - -
12VDC 24VDC -48VDC 24VDC -48VDC 110VDC
Input Range (9 ~ 16VDC) (18 ~ 32VDC) (-40 ~ -72VDC) (19 ~ 30VDC) (-40 ~ -70VDC) (100 ~ 120VDC)
Frequency - - - - - -
+3.3V 8A 8A 8A
+5V 25A (2A min) 25A (2A min) 25A (2A min) 25A (4A min) 33A (1A min) 25A (1A min)
Output +12V 8A (0.1A min) 7A (0.1A min) 7A (0.1A min) 6A 8A 10A
range -5V 0.5A 0.5A 0.5A 1A 0.5A 1A
-12V 1A 1A 1A 2A 3A 1A
+5Vsb 0.72A 0.72A 0.72A

Convertisseur DC/DC 1U

1U DC Input
Model No. ACE-715VX ACE-830CU1 ACE-4520C ACE-717CX ACE-815C ACE-815T ACE-716C
Watt 157W 300W 200W 170W 100W 150W 150W
Voltage (18 ~ (36 ~ (19 ~
Input Range (9 ~ 18VDC) (19 ~ 36VDC) (18 ~ 36VDC) (19 ~ 32VDC)
32VDC) 72VDC) 30VDC)
Frequency -
+3.3V 6A 20A 12A 6A 4A 10A
18A (2A
+5V 8A (1A min) 25A (3A min) 12A (1A min) 8A (1A min) 13A 14A
current +12V 7A (1A min) 22A (1A min) 15.4A (0.5A min) 8A (1A min) 2.5A 4.2A 4A
range -5V 0.8A 0.3A 0.5A
-12V 0.5A 1A 0.5A 0.5A 0.3A 0.3A 1A
+5Vsb 1A 1.5A 2A 1A 1.5A 2A

Convertisseur DC/DC 2U

2U DC Input
Model No. ACE-723C ACE-723T
Watt 200W
Voltage 24VDC (19 ~ 30VDC) -48VDC (-36 ~ -72VDC)
Input Range
Frequency -
+5V 22A (3A min)
Output current +12V 6A
range - 5V 1A
-12V 1A

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Convertisseur DC/DC Open Frame

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DC Input
Model No. ACE-709VX ACE-709CX ACE-709TX ACE-890P ACE-890V ACE-865V
Watt 80W 90W 90W 86W 72W 60W
12VDC 24VDC 48VDC 110VDC 12VDC 12VDC
Input Voltage
(9 ~ 16VDC) (18 ~ 32VDC) (36 ~ 72VDC) (70 ~ 132VDC) (9 ~ 16VDC) (8 ~ 16VDC)
Frequency -
+5V 8A 10A 10A 10A 9A 6A
Output +12V 2.5A 2.5A 2.5A 2.5A 2A 2A
current -5V 0.3A
range -12V 0.5A 0.5A 0.5A 0.5A 0.3A 0.5A
+5Vsb 0.5A 0.5A 0.5A

DC Input
Model No. ACE-845V ACE-890C ACE-870C ACE-855C ACE-890T ACE-870T
Watt 42W 86W 70W 55W 86W 70W
Input Voltage
(9.5 ~ 18VDC) (18 ~ 36VDC) (18 ~ 36VDC) (16 ~ 32VDC) (36 ~ 72VDC) (36 ~ 72VDC)
Frequency -
+5V 6A 10A 7A 8A 10A 7A
Output +12V 1.1A 2.5A 2.5A 1.2A 2.5A 2.5A
range -5V 0.3A 0.3A
-12V 0.5A 0.5A 0.5A 0.5A

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Alimentation PS/2
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AC input
ACE-4860AP ACE-850AP ACE-841AP-S ACE-840A ACE-832A ACE-832AP
Watt 600W 500W 400W 400W 400W 300W 300W
PFC Active Active Active Active - - Active
95 ~ 132VAC 95 ~ 132VAC
Input Voltage 90 ~ 264VAC 90 ~ 264VAC 90 ~ 265VAC 90 ~ 264VAC 90 ~ 264VAC
180 ~ 264VAC 180 ~ 264VAC
Frequency 47 ~ 63HZ
+3.3V 24A 27A (0.4A min) 30A (0.5A min) 28A (0.2A min) 28A (0.2A min) 28A (0.3A min) 28A (0.3A min)
+5V 30A 29A (3A min) 30A (0.3A min) 33A (4A min) 40A (2A min) 30A (0.1A min) 30A (0.1A min)
V1: 12A (1A min)
Output V2: 12A (1A min) V1: 18A (1A min) V1: 17A (1A min)
+12V 20A (0.5A min) 15A (0.2A min) 15A 15A
current V3: 18A (0.5A min) V2: 18A (1A min) V2: 17A (1A min)
range V4: 18A
-5V 0.3A 0.3A 0.5A 0.3A 0.3A 0.3A
-12V 1A 0.8A 0.8A 1A 0.8A 0.8A 0.8A
+5Vsb 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A

AC Input
Model No. ACE-832AP-S ACE-828A ACE-828M(Médical) ACE-940AP ACE-935AL ACE-932A
Watt 300W 280W 280W 390W 300W 300W
PFC Active - - Active - -
90 ~ 130VAC 90 ~ 130VAC 85 ~ 140VAC 85 ~130VAC
Voltage 90 ~ 264VAC 95 ~ 264VAC
Input Range 180 ~ 260VAC 180 ~ 260VAC 170 ~ 270VAC 180 ~ 265VAC
Frequency 47 ~ 63HZ 47 ~ 63HZ 47 ~ 63HZ 47 ~ 63HZ 47 ~ 440HZ 47 ~ 63HZ
+3.3V 28A (0.3A min) 8A 8A
+5V 30A (0.1A min) 25A (2A min) 25A (2A min) 40A (2A min) 40A (3A min) 33A (3A min)
Output +12V 15A 10A (0.1A min) 10A (0.1A min) 15A (0.2A min) 8A (0.1A min) 8A (0.1A min)
range -5V 0.3A 0.5A 0.5A 0.3A 0.3A 0.5A
-12V 0.8A 0.5A 0.5A 0.8A 0.7A 3A
+5Vsb 2A 0.72A 0.72A

AC Input
ACE- 925M
Model No. ACE- 925A ACE- 925AP ACE- 920A
Watt 200W 200W 200W 150W
PFC - Active - -
Voltage 85 ~ 265VAC 85 ~ 265VAC 90 ~ 264VAC 85 ~ 265VAC
Input Range
Frequency 47 ~ 63HZ
+5V 22A (1A min) 22A (1A min) 22A (4A min) 20A (1A min)
Output current +12V 7A (0.1A min) 7A (0.1A min) 7A (1A min) 4A (0.1A min)
range -5V 0.5A 0.5A 0.5A 0.5A
-12V 0.7A 0.7A 0.5A 0.5A

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Alimentation 1U/2U
Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation

1U AC Input
Model No. ACE-4525AP ACE-4518AP ACE-816A ACE-816AP
(Medical) (Medical)
Watt 250W 200W 180W 180W 150W 150W
PFC Active Active Active Active - Active
95 ~ 132VAC
Voltage 90 ~ 265VAC 85 ~ 264VAC 90 ~ 265VAC 90 ~ 265VAC 90 ~ 265VAC
Input Range 180 ~ 264VAC
Frequency 47 ~ 63HZ

+3.3V 16A (0.5A min) 16.8A (0.3A min) 16.8A (0.3A min) 16A (0.2A min) 10A (0.3A min)

Output +5V 16A (0.5A min) 20A (2A min) 12A (0.5A min) 12A (0.3A min) 15A (1A min) 14A (1A min)
current V1:16A(0.5A min)
+12V 9A 12A (1.5A min) 10A (1.5A min) 12A (0.2A min) 4.2A (0.3A min)
range V2:16A(0.5A min)
-12V 0.5A 0.5A 0.8A 0.8A 0.3A 0.3A
+5Vsb 2.5A (0.1A min) 0.5A 2A 2A 2A 2A

1U AC Input
Model No. ACE-916A ACE-916AP ACE-716AP-U ACE-716A ACE-716AP ACE-540A
Watt 150W 150W 150W 150W 150W 40W
PFC - Active Active - Active -
90 ~ 132VAC 85 ~ 135VAC
Voltage 90 ~ 264VAC 90 ~ 264VAC 85 ~ 265VAC 85 ~ 264VAC
Input Range 180 ~ 264VAC 180 ~ 265VAC
Frequency 47 ~ 63HZ 47 ~ 63HZ 47 ~ 63HZ 47 ~ 440HZ 47 ~ 440HZ 47 ~ 63HZ
+5V 15A (1A min) 16A (1A min) 18A (2A min) 18A (1A min) 18A (1A min)

Output +12V 10A (0.2A min) 6A (0.5A min) 4A (0.5A min) 4A 4A

current -5V 0.5A 0.5A 0.5A
range -12V 0.3A 0.3A 1A 1A 1A
+24V 1.7A

2U AC Input
Model No. ACE-4530AP ACE-728APM (Medical) ACE-723A ACE-723B
Watt 300W 280W 200W 200W
PFC Active Active - -
85 ~ 135VAC 85 ~ 135VAC
Voltage 90 ~ 264VAC 85 ~ 264VAC
Input Range 180 ~ 265VAC 180 ~ 265VAC
Frequency 47 ~ 63HZ 47 ~ 440HZ
+3.3V 20A (1A min)
+5V 35A (3A min) 28A (2A min) 22A (3A min) 21A (3A min)

Output +12V 16A (2A min) 10A (0.5A min) 6A 5A

current -5V 0.5A (0.05A min) 1A
range -12V 1A (0.05A min) 1A 1A 1A
+5Vsb 2A (0.1A min) 1A
+24V 1A

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Alimentation Open Frame et redondante

Carte CPU et bus passif Carte d'acquisition vidéo Produit LCD Châssis Alimentation

Alimentation Open Frame

AC Input
Model No. ACE-713APM (Medical) ACE-710APM (Medical) ACE-890A ACE-890AP-R20 ACE-870A ACE-870AP
Watt 130W 100W 86W 86W 70W 70W
PFC Active Active - Active - Active
Input Voltage 85 ~ 264VAC 85 ~ 264VAC 85 ~ 264VAC 90 ~ 264VAC 85 ~ 264VAC 85 ~ 264VAC
Range Frequency 47 ~ 63HZ
+5V 10A (0.2A min) 10A (0.2A min) 10A 10A (3A min) 7A 7A
Output +12V 6A 3.5A 2.5A 2.5A (0.25A min) 2.5A 2.5A
current -5V 0.3A 0.3A
range -12V 0.5A 0.3A 0.5A 0.5A 0.3A 0.3A
+5Vsb 0.5A 0.5A

AC Input
Model No. ACE-855A ACE-706AM (Medical) ACE-663A ACE-704AM (Medical) ACE-643A
Watt 55W 60W 60W 45W 40W
Input Voltage 85 ~ 264VAC 90 ~ 264VAC 85 ~ 264VAC 90 ~ 264VAC 85 ~ 264VAC
Range Frequency 47 ~ 63HZ
Output +5V 8A 3A 6A 3A 4A
current +12V 1.2A 3A 2A 2A 1.5A
range -12V 0.3A 0.3A

Alimentation redondante

ACE-R4130AP ACE-C232
Watt 300W 230W
PFC Active -
90 ~ 130VAC
Voltage 90 ~ 264VAC
input range 180 ~ 260VAC
Frequency 47 ~ 63HZ
+3.3V 18A (1A min)
+5V 25A (3A min) 20A (4A min)
Output current +12V 16A (2A min) 10A (1A min)
range -5V 0.5A
-12V 0.5A 0.5A (0.1A min)
+5Vsb 2A (0.1A min) 0.5A (0.1A min)

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ded, possède des produits de qualité et est un leader dans la recherche et le développement de tech-
nologies. Nous concevons et fabriquons des produits basés sur différentes applications industrielles.

Nexcom considère l’expertise industrielle et le support technique comme des fac-

teurs importants dans le choix d’un partenaire pour promouvoir ses solutions sur le mar-
ché français. Avec son savoir-faire et son expérience dans l’automation, les télécommuni-
cations, le transport, et la défense, nous pensons que A PLUS SA est le partenaire idéal.

Avec les compétences du service et du support technique d’A PLUS SA,

Nexcom a une confiance totale en son partenaire pour la vente de ses solu-
tions sur le marché français. Nous avons le privilège de travailler avec A PLUS SA.

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Carte CPU et bus passif

PICMG 1.3 ............................................................................. 61

PICMG 1.0 ............................................................................. 62
Bus passif .............................................................................. 63
ATX, Micro ATX et Mini ITX ........................................................ 64
5,25’’ .................................................................................... 65
3,5" ...................................................................................... 66
EPIC ...................................................................................... 66
ETX ....................................................................................... 67

Système embedded

Plate-forme Fanless ................................................................. 68

Plate-forme Compacte ............................................................. 69

Plate-forme de sécurité

Système PCI-Express ............................................................. 70

Système PCI ......................................................................... 71
Système Desktop .................................................................. 72

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Carte CPU PICMG 1.3

Carte CPU et bus passif Système embedded Plate-forme de sécurité


Form Factor Full-Size PICMG1.3
Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 5000 series Intel® LGA775 Core 2 Duo / Pentium® 4 /
CPU Type and Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® Processor 5300 Pentium® D / Celeron® D processors with
series (80W) 533/800/1066 MHz
Intel® 5000P Intel® 945G
Intel® 6321ESB Intel® ICH7R
CPU FSB(MHz) 1066/1333 533/800/1066
PCI Express
Max. Memory
Four Channel (4 x DIMM) Dual Channel (2 x DIMM)
ATI ES1000
VGA Intel® 945G GMCH Integrated Intel® GMA 950
PCI graphic Controller
Ethernet (10/100) 0 0
Ethernet (10/100/1000) 2 x Intel® 82573L
SATA 2 4
IDE Interface 1 x 40 pin IDE (Ultra ATA 100/66/33)
USB 6 (USB2.0) 8 (USB 2.0)
Serial Ports 2
RS-422/485 support No Yes

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Carte CPU PICMG 1.0

Carte CPU et bus passif Système embedded Plate-forme de sécurité

PEAK 7220VL2(G) PEAK 760VL2 PEAK 736VL2

Form Factor Full-Size PICMG 1.0
Intel® LGA775 Pentium® 4 / Pen- Intel® Pentium® M / Celeron® M
CPU Type Dual Intel® Xeon/ LV Xeon
tium® D / Celeron® D processors processor
Intel® E7501 Intel® 915GV Intel® 852GM
Intel® ICH3-S Intel® ICH6 Intel® ICH4
CPU FSB(MHz) 400/533 533/800 400
(64-bit/66 MHz) PCI
Bus (32-bit/33 MHz) PCI/ISA (32-bit/33 MHz) PCI/ISA
Max. Memory 1 GB DDR (2 x DIMM)
Dual channel (4 x DIMM) Dual channel (4 x DIMM)
VGA ATI Rage XL Intel® 915GV GMCH Integrated Intel® 852GMGMCH Integrated
Ethernet (10/100) 0 0 2 x Intel® 82551ER
Ethernet (10/100/1000) 2 x Intel® 82545EM 2 x Intel® 82573L 0
SATA 0 4 0
IDE Interface 2 x 40 pin IDE (Ultra DMA 33/66/100) 1 x 40 pin IDE (Ultra ATA 100/66/33) 2 x 40 pin IDE (Ultra DMA33/66/100)
USB 4 (USB 1.1) 6 (USB 2.0) 4 (USB 2.0)
Serial Ports 2
RS-422/485 support No No Optional


Form Factor Full-Size PICMG 1.0 Full-Size PICMG 1.0 Half-Size
Intel® Pentium® 4/ Celeron® d Intel® Pentium® 4/ Celeron® Intel® Pentium® M / Celeron® M
CPU Type
processor(Socket 478) processor(Socket 478) processor
Intel® 865G Intel® 845GV Intel® 852GM
Intel® ICH5 Intel® ICH4 Intel® ICH4
CPU FSB(MHz) 800 400/533 400
Bus (32-bit/33 MHz) PCI/ISA (32-bit/33 MHz) PCI/ISA (32-bit/33 MHz) PCI/ISA
Max. Memory 2 GB DDR, Dual channel (2 x DIMM) 2 GB DDR (2 x DIMM) 1 GB DDR (1 x SO-DIMM)
VGA Intel® 865G GMCH Integrated Intel® 845GV GMCH Integrated Intel® 852GM GMCH Integrated
Ethernet (10/100) 1 x Intel® 82551QM 2 x Intel® 82551QM & 82540EM 0
Ethernet (10/100/1000) 1 x ntel® 82547EI Optional 1 x Intel® 82541ER
SATA 2 0 0
1 x 44 pin IDE(Ultra DMA 33/66/100)
IDE Interface 2 x 40 pin IDE (Ultra DMA33/66/100) 2 x 40 pin IDE (Ultra DMA 33/66/100)
1 x CF socket
USB 2 (USB 2.0) 4 (USB 2.0) 4 (USB 2.0)
Serial Ports 2 2 4
RS-422/485 support No No Optional

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Bus passif
Carte CPU et bus passif Système embedded Plate-forme de sécurité


NBP 1407P NBP 1412P NBP 2027P NBP 0807P NBP 1407-64 NBP 1412-64
PCI Bridge 1 x PERICOM8152 2 x PERICOM8150 2 x PERICOM8150 1 x PERICOM8150 2 x INTEL® 21154 3 x INTEL® 21154
PCI 7 12 15 7 7 12
PCIMG1.0 2 3 3 2 2 2


NBP 14111 NBP 14210 NBP 14570-BX NBP 20016 NBP 2U220 NBP 2U040
PCI bridge 1 x INTEL® QG6700PXH 1 x PERICOM8150 1 x PERICOM8152 2 x INTEL® QG6700PXH NA NA
PCI 3 10 7 0 2 4
PCIMG1.3 1 1 1 1 1 1
PCIex1 0 0 4 0 1 0
PCIex4 0 1 0 0 0 0
PCIex8 0 0 0 0 0 0
PCIex16 1 1 1 0 1 0
PCI-X 8 0 0 16 0 0
SATA 2 2 2 2 2 2
USB2.0 4 2 4 4 2 4

Bus passifs et cartes CPU PEAK


NBP 1407P V V V V
NBP 1412P V V V V
NBP 2027P V V V V
NBP 0807P V V V V
NBP 1407-64 V V V V V
NBP 1412-64 V V V V V
NBP 14111 V V
NBP 14210 V V
NBP 14570-BX V
NBP 20016 V
NBP 2U220 V
NBP 2U040 V

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Carte CPU Format ATX, Micro ATX et Mini ITX

Carte CPU et bus passif Système embedded Plate-forme de sécurité

Cartes CPU ATX

et Micro ATX
NEX 732L2G NEX 716VL2G NEX 852VL(2)
PCB Size ATX (305 mm x 244 mm) Micro ATX (244 mm x 244 mm)
Intel Pentium 4/ Mobile
CPU Type Intel Pentium 4 (Socket 478) Intel Pentium M/Celeron M
Pentium 4 - M/ Celeron (Socket 478)
Chipset Intel 875P/6300ESB Intel 82845GV Intel 852GM
CPU FSB 400/533/800 MHz 400/533 MHz 400 MHz
Max. AGP Speed AGP 8X (AGP slot) AGP 4X AGP 4X
Bus PCI (32-bit/33 MHz) PCI x 3 (32-bit/ 33 MHz) PCI x 4 (32-bit/33 MHz) PCI x 4
Bus PCI-X (64-bit/66 MHz) PCI-X x 3 No No
Bus ISA No (16-bit/16 MHz) ISA x 3 No
CPU Speed 3.2 GHz+ 3.06 GHz+ 2.0 GHz
Max. Memory 4 GB DDR SDRAM (DIMM x 4) 2 GB DDR SDRAM (DIMM x 2) 2 GB DDR SDRAM (DIMM x 2)
VGA No Intel 82845GV Intel 852GM
Intel 82551QM10/100 or Intel 82551QM10/100 or
Ethernet Marvell GbE 8001 x 2
Intel 82547GI Gigabit 82541GI GbE
Serial port 4 4 2
2 (Serial ATA)
IDE Interface 2 (ATA 66/100) 2 (ATA 66/100)
2 (ATA 66/100)
CompactFlash No Yes
USB 2.0 4 6 6
Disk On Module Yes No No
Disk On Chip No Yes No
RTC Yes (On-Chip)

Cartes CPU Mini ITX

NEX 660 NEX 600 NEX 620
PCB size (L/W) Mini ITX (170x 170mm)
CPU type Core 2 Duo Pentium® M / Celeron® M AMD Geode™ LX 800
Intel® Q965 Intel® 852GM AMD Geode™ LX 800
Intel® ICH8 Intel® ICH4 AMD Geode™ CS5536
FSB (MHz) 533/800/1066 400 500
Max. Memory 4 GB (DDR2) 2 GB (DDR) 1 GB (DDR)
VGA interface(VGA moemory) Yes (256 MB) Yes (64MB) Yes (32MB)
LCD interface (TTL LCD) No
LCD interface (LVDS LCD) No 1
(1 CCFL for Inverter Power)
LCD interface (TMDS LCD) No 1 No
Ehternet 2 GbE 2 GbE 2 Fast Ethernet
Wake on LAN Yes
REALTEK,ALC888-GR Realtek ALC655 VIA VT1616
7.1 channel output 5.1 channel output Stereo
CompactFlash socket Yes (optional)
IDE interfece No 1 1
Mini-PCI No No 1
SATA interface 2 2 (support RAID 0,1) 2 (support RAID 0,1)
USB 2.0 4
Serial Ports 2 4 3
RS-422/485 support No No Yes
Parallel port 1
Digital I/O Yes
Power supply AT / ATX AT / ATX ATX
5Vsb input Yes
1 x PCIex16 slot 1 x PCI slot 1 x PCI slot
Touch panel signal output ( optional)

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Carte CPU Format 5,25"

Carte CPU et bus passif Système embedded Plate-forme de sécurité

EBC 500 EBC 572 EBC 575 EBC 580 EBC 583
Form Factor 5,25"
PCB size (L/W) 203 x 146 mm
Intel® Core 2 Duo, Intel® Pentium-M/ Intel® Pentium® M / VIA Eden/C7with V4 VIA Eden/C7with V4
CPU type
Core Duo,Core Solo Celeron - M Celeron® M processor Bus Processors Bus Processors
Intel® 945GM Intel® 852GM GMCH Intel® 845GV GMCH VIA CN700 VIA CN700
Intel®ICH7-M DH Intel® ICH4 Intel® ICH4 VIA 8237R+ VIA 8237R+
CPU FSB(MHz) 533/667 MHz 400 400/533 400 400
Max. Memory 4 GB DDR2(2 x DIMM) 2 GB DDR (2 x DIMM) 2 GB DDR (2 X DIMM) 1 GB DDR(1 X DIMM) 1 GB DDR (1 x DIMM)
Intel® 945GM GMCH
Intel® 852GM GMCH Intel® 845GV GMCH
VGA Integrated Intel® GMA VIA CN700 Integrated VIA CN700 Integrated
Integrated Integrated
LCD Interface (TTL LCD) No
1 Yes
LCD interface (LVDS LCD) (1 CCFL for Inverter Yes Yes (2 CCFL for Inverter No
Power) Power)
LCD interface (TMDS LCD) No
TV-out 1 EBC 572A No No No
2 x Intel® 82551QM & 3 x Intel® 82551QM 3 x Realtek
Ethernet (10/100) 0 0
85262EM & ICH4 RTL8139C+
Ethernet (10/100/1000) 2 x Intel® 82573L 0 0 2 x Realtek RTL8110SB 0
Wake on LAN Yes
Audio Realtek RTL655 CODEC EBK AC’ 97 EBK AC’ 97 AC’ 97 AC’ 97
CompactFlash socket 1
SATA 2 0 0 2 2
1 x 44 pin IDE (Ultra 1 x 40-pin IDE 1 x 44-pin IDE 1 x 44-pin IDE 1 x 44-pin IDE
IDE Interface
DMA 33/66/100) (Ultra ATA 100/66/33) (Ultra ATA 100/66/33) (Ultra ATA 100/66/33) (Ultra ATA 100/66/33)
USB 2.0 6 4 2 6 6
Serial Ports 4 4 2 2 2
RS-422/485 support No Yes No Yes No
IEEE 1394 No
Power supply AT / ATX ATX ATX AT / ATX AT / ATX
5Vsb input Yes
1 x PCIex16 slot 1 x PCI slot 1 x PCI slot 1 x PCI slot 1 x PCI slot
1 x PCI slot 1 x PC/104 slot

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Carte CPU Format 3,5" et EPIC

Carte CPU et bus passif Système embedded Plate-forme de sécurité

EBC 300 EBC 320 EBC 380 EBC 573 EBC 420
Form Factor 3,5" EPIC
PCB size (L/W) 146 x 105 mm 260 x180 mm 165 x 142 mm
Fanless Support Optional
VIA Eden with V4 Bus Intel® Pentium® M /
CPU type Intel® Celeron® M AMD Geode™ LX800 AMD Geode™ LX800
Processors Celeron® M processor
Intel® 852GM AMD Geode™ LX800 Intel® 852GM AMD Geode™ LX800
Chipset(NB/SB) VIA CX700
Intel® ICH4 AMD CS 5536 Intel® ICH4 AMD CS 5536
CPU FSB(MHz) 400 500 800 400 500
Max. Memory 256MB DDR on board 2 GB DDR (2 x DIMM) 1 GB DDR (1 x DIMM)
(1 x SO-DIMM) (1 x SO-DIMM)
Intel® 852GM GMCH AMD Geode™ LX800 Intel® 852GM GMCH AMD Geode™ LX800
VGA VIA CX700 Integrated
Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated
LCD Interface (TTL LCD) No Yes No No Yes
LCD interface (LVDS LCD) No Optional Yes
LCD interface (TMDS LCD) Yes No No Yes No
TV-out Yes No No Yes No
1 x Realtek 8139C+
Ethernet (10/100) 0 0 2 x Intel® 82551QM 2 x VIA VT6105
Fast Ethernet
Ethernet (10/100/1000) 1 x Realtek RTL8110SB 0 1 x Realtek RTL8110SB 0
Wake on LAN Yes Yes No
Realtek,ALC203 CODEC
Audio AC’ 97 VIA VT1708 CODEC AC’ 97
for AC97
CompactFlash socket 1 Yes

SATA 0 0 2 No

IDE Interface 1 x 44 pin IDE (Ultra DMA 33/66/100) 1 x 40 pin IDE (Ultra DMA 100)
USB 2.0 6 4 6 6 4
Serial Ports 1 2 4 4
RS-422/485 support No Yes Yes Yes No
IEEE 1394 No No Yes
Power supply AT/ATX ATX AT
5Vsb input Yes Yes No
1 x PCI-104 slot 1 x PCI slot 1 x PCI-104 slot
1 x Mini-PCI 1 x Mini-PCI

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Carte CPU Format ETX

Carte CPU et bus passif Système embedded Plate-forme de sécurité

ICES 120 ICES 101 ICES 180

Form factor ETX
PCB Size (WxL) 95 mm x 114 mm
Fanless Support Yes
CPU type AMD Geode LX800 Celeron M or Pentium M Eden V4
CPU level 800 MHz 1 GHz 400 MHz/1 GHz
Chipset AMD CS5536 Intel 852GM + ICH4 VIA CX700
Max. Memory 1 GB
VGA (VGA Memory) 64 MB 32 MB
Dual independent display Yes
MPEG II support Yes
Dual display Yes
LCD interface (TTL LCD) Yes No Yes
LCD interface (LVDS LCD) Yes Yes (2 channel) Yes
LCD interface (TMDS LCD) Yes
Ethernet VIA 6105 Intel 82562GZ 10/100 VIA VT6105 10/100
Wake on LAN No Yes No
Audio AC’ 97 ALC655 Codec, AC’ 97 VT1616 Codec, AC’ 97
CompactFlash socket No
IDE interface Ultra DMA 100
Serial port through ETX
USB USB 2.0 x 4 USB 2.0 x 6 USB 2.0 x 4
IEEE 1394 No
TV - out No
Digital I/O No
Power supply ETX Power ETX Power (AT/ATX) ETX Power
5 Vsb input No Yes No
Watch Dog Timer Yes
Expansion PCI/ISA

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Système embedded - Plate-forme Fanless

Carte CPU et bus passif Système embedded Plate-forme de sécurité

NICE 3100 NICE 3100P2 NICE 3150 NICE 3120 NICE 3200 NICE 3220 NICE 3300
Intel® Pentium® Intel® Pentium®
AMD Geode™
Processor Support Intel® Pentium® M / Celeron® M processor AMD Geode™ LX800 M / Celeron® M M / Celeron® M
processor processor
AMD Geode™
Intel® 852GM AMD Geode™ LX800 Intel® 852GM Intel® 852GM
Chipset LX800
Intel® ICH4 AMD CS 5536 Intel® ICH4 Intel® ICH4
AMD CS 5536
1 GB DDR (1 x
Max. Memory Support 2 GB DDR (2 x DIMM) 1 GB DDR (1 x SO-DIMM)
HDD Space 1 x 2.5" HDD Bay
1 (Internal) 1 (Internal)
CF socket 1 (Internal) 1 (Internal) 1 (Internal)
1 x (External) 1 x (External)
Slim-type DVD-
Combo x1
Internal LVDS Internal LVDS Dual Pixels LVDS
LVDS Dual Pixels LVDS Max. 48-bit No
reserved reserved Max. 48-bit
DVI Yes, occupied PCI slot No
TV-out Yes No
IEEE 1394 No Yes No
USB 2.0 6 4
Yes, occupied
Parallel Port No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
PCI slot
Serial Port 4 4 4 4 4 4 6
RS-422/485 support 1 No 2
RS-422/485 Isolation
No Yes
& AutoFlow Control
LAN ports 2 Fast Ethernet 1 Fast Ethernet
Mic-in, Line-in,
Audio Mic-in & Spk-out Spk-out Mic-in & Spk-out Mic-in & Spk-out
Line-out, Spk-out
Power Input Range DC +12V~+30V DC +12V DC +9V~+36V DC +9V~+36V DC +6V~+36V
Power Supply Adapter AC/DC Adpater 120W AC/DC Adpater 65W No (optional)
Expansion 1 x PCI 2 x PCI No 1 x Mini-PCI 1 x PCMCIA, 1 x PC/104+
Upgrade Expansion
No Yes No
Dimension (WxDxH)
195x268x80 195x268x107 195x268x80 195x150x80 260x176x55 260x176x55 260x170x70

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Système embedded - Plate-forme Compacte

Carte CPU et bus passif Système embedded Plate-forme de sécurité

EBS 1580P EBS 1575P EBS 1575H EBS 1573P

Construction Heavy-duty steel Heavy-duty steel chassis Heavy-duty steel chassis Heavy-duty steel chassis
Dimension (W x D x H) 300mm x 228.6mm x 55.8mm 177mm x 228.6mm x 76mm 177mm x 228.6mm x 61mm 267mm x 185mm x 76mm
10/100 Base-TX port x 3
2 x Realtek RTL8110SB 10/100 10/100 Base-TX port x 2
Ethernet 2 x Intel 82551QM + 1 x Intel
GbE Controller INTEL GD82551ER
Main Board EBC580-715 EBC 575-P EBC575-S EBC 573
Socket 478 for Intel Pentium
Support Intel Pentium 4/P4-
VIA C7 with V4bus@400MHz 4/Pentium 4-M/Celeron Intel Pentium M/Celeron M
CPU M/Celeron processor up to
Processors 1.5GHz processor up to 2.8GHz with Support 400MHZ FSB CPU only
2.8GHz with 400/533 MHz FSB
400/533MHz FSB
One 184-pin DIMM Socket, up 184-pin DIMM x 2, support Two 184-pin DIMM, support 184-pin DIMM socket x 2, up
Memory to 1GB un-buffered non-ECC unbuffered non-ECC DDR unbuffered non-ECC DDR to 2GB un-buffered non-ECC
DDR 333/400 SDRAM 266/333 up to 2GB 266/333 up to 2GB DDR 200/266 SDRAM
1 x Internal Compact Flash
On-board internal Compact On-board compact Flash On-board internal Compact
Compact Flash socket, support Type I/ II
Flash socket x1 socket x1 Flash socket x1
Compact Flash Card
Internal 2.5" HDD Drive Bay Internal 2.5"; HDD Drive Bay
Device 2 x 2.5” HDD Drive Bay Internal 2.5" HD Drive Bay x1
x1 x1
VIA CN700 Integrated Uni-
Chipsets Chrome Pro 3D / 2D Graphics Intel 845GV+ICH4 Intel 845GV+ICH4 Intel 852GM+ICH4
& Video Controller
1 x VGA connector
2 x RJ-45 with LED connector
10/100 Fast Ethernet LAN 10/100 Fast Ethernet LAN
4 x Serial port 10/100 Fast Ethernet LAN
port x3 port x2
1 x PS/2 Keyboard/Mouse Port x3
VGA port x1 VGA port x1
1 x MIC-In VGA port x 1
I/O Ports PS/2 keyboard & Mouse PS/2 keyboard & Mouse
1 x Speak Out PS/2 Keyboard/ Mouse x 1
connector x1 connector x1
2 x USB ports Serial port x 1
Serial port x1 Serial port x2
1 x Spare Knockout (DB9/ USB port x 2
USB port x2 USB port x6
DB25 knockout could be using
option IO connections)
One 32bit PCI expansion
One slot 32bit/33MHz PCI riser slot(EBKP57R1)
EBK AC97 Audio card
Expansion card (EBK PCI1) for half-size One 32bit PCI expansion slot 32bit, 33MHz PCI riser card
PCI add-on card One PCI slot expands to 1 PCI
slot (Support Right Direction)
Power on/off LED x1
Power on/off LED
System Control and 1 x HDD status LED (Orange) HDD Access LED x1 Power on/off LED x1
HDD Access LED
Indicator 1 x Power LED (Green) Power on/off switch (Both AT HDD Access LED x1
Power on/off switch
and ATX mode)
Support input power range :
SBU120-201 EBK DX24
Power module (Internal Open frame power supply Power input: 14~24V (+-10%)
Power Output : +5V; +12V;
DC to DC power Input Voltage: 16V~24VDC Power output: Power GND;
-12V; +3.3V;+5VSB; Power
converter) Output Voltage:+5V, +12V +12V; -12V; +5V; +3.3V;
Max. Output Power: 120W +5VSB; PS ON#; POWER OK
Power Wire : ATX Connector +
4 pin 12V Aux Connector
Power Input: 100~240Vac 120W AC Adapter
Power Input : 100~240V / 120W AC Adapter
Power Supply (External 1.7A 47/63Hz Power Input : 100~240Vac
2.5A , 50~60Hz Power Input : 100~240Vac 2A
AC to DC Power Adapter Power Output: 24Vdc / 5A 120 2.5A 50/60HZ
Power Output: +18~24V / 50/60HZ
for whole system) W max Power Output : +18~24V/6.0A
6.0A 120W Max. Power Output : 24 Vdc
120w Max.
One 4cm ball-bearing Chassis
Cooling System FAN (6500RPM) 5cm Fan for system cooling x1 4cm Fan for system cooling x1
One CPU Cooler
Operating temperature 0°C to 40°C
Storage temperature -20°C ~ 60°C -20°C to 80°C
Relative humidity 10% to 90% (Non-condensing)
Certification CE, FCC

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Plate-forme de sécurité PCI-Express

Carte CPU et bus passif Système embedded Plate-forme de sécurité

NSA 2107 NSA 2067 NSA 1086 NSA 1046 NSA 1108
Intel P4 LGA775 CPU Intel P4 LGA 775 CPU
CPU Intel Dual Xeon EM64T Intel Dual Xeon EM64T Intel Pentium 4
3.6 GHz 3.6 GHz
RAM 8 GB (DDR2) 400 8 GB (DDR2 400) 2 GB (DDR2) 2 GB (DDR2) DDR2 533/ 667
Chipset Intel E7520 + 6300ESB Intel E7520 + 6300ESB Intel 915GV + ICH6 Intel 915GV + ICH6 Intel 945G + ICH7R
PCI-E GbE: Intel
82571EB (Copper), Intel 82571EB (Copper), 82573L;
Chip Marvell 88E8001 / 8053 Marvell 88E8053
82546GB (Fiber) 82546GB (Fiber) PCI-32 GbE: Intel
GbE 10 6 8 4 10
10/100 FE 1 1 - - -
3.5” HDD Bay x 1 or
HDD 3.5” HDD Bay 3.5” HDD Bay 3.5” HDD Bay 3.5” HDD Bay
2.5” x 2
CF 1 1 1 1 1
DOC - - - -
One at Front (RJ45
Serial 2 (RJ45 connector) 2 (RJ45 connector) 2 (Front, Rear) 2 (Front, Rear)
IDE/SATA 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
USB 2 2 4 4 2 at front
PCI Expansion PCI-X (Module) PCI-X slots x 2 2 (optional) 2 (optional) Optional PCI-X slot x 1
LCM Module Optional 2 x 16, PIO Optional Optional 2 x 16, PIO
Power, HD, LAN Bypass, Power x 1, HDD x 1,
Indicators Power, HD, LAN Bypass Power, HD, LAN Bypass Power, HDD, Bypass LED
Customer define Customer
460 W ATX power 460 W ATX Redundant 250 W ATX power 250 W ATX power
Power 350 ATX Power Supply
supply PSU supply supply
Form Factor 2U 2U 1U 1U 1U
Dimensions 424 x 530 x 88 mm 620 x 730 x 300 mm 426 x 419 X 43.5 mm 426 x 419 x 43.5 mm 427 x 458 x 44 mm

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Plate-forme de sécurité PCI

Carte CPU et bus passif Système embedded Plate-forme de sécurité

NSA 1042 NSA 1125 NSA 1085

CPU Intel Pentium M or Celeron M Intel P4 2.8 GHz Intel P4 2.8 GHz
RAM 1 GB (DDR 266) 2 GB (DDR) 2 GB (DDR 200/266/333)
Chipset Intel 852GM + ICH4 Intel 845GV Intel 845GV
Intel 82540EM Intel 82540 / 82551QM
Chip Intel 82540EM/ 82551QM
(82541PI for RoHS version) (82541 PI for RoHs version)
GbE 4 4 4
10/100 FE - 8 4
Internal 3.5"
HDD 3.5” HDD Bay 3.5” HDD Bay
HDD x 1
CF 1 1 1
DOC - - -
Serial One (RJ45 Connector) 2 (Front, Rear) 2 (Front, Rear)
IDE/SATA 1/0 1/0 1/0
USB One at front 4 4
PCI Expansion - 2 (Rear, Optional) 2 (Rear, Optional)
LCM Module - Optional (16 x 2) Optional (16 x 2)
Power LED,Act/Link,10/100 LED,
Indicators Power LED ,System Status LED Power LED, Act/Link, 10/100 LED,
10/100/1000 LED, HDD LED
Power Power LED ,System Status LED 250 W ATX power supply 250 W ATX power supply
Form Factor 1U 1U 1U
Dimensions 426 x 365 x 43.5 mm 426 X 379.8 x 43.5 mm 426 X 379.8 x 43.5 mm

NSA 1045 NSA 1041 NSA 1035

CPU Intel P4 2.8 GHz Intel ULV 650 MHz Celeron Intel P4 2.8 GHz
RAM 2 GB (DDR 200/266/333) 1 GB (DDR 266) 2 GB (DDR 200/266)
Chipset Intel 845GV VIA 8623 (CLE266) Intel 845GV
Intel 82540EM/82551QM Intel 82551QM/ Intel 82562EM
Chip Intel 82551ER
(82541 PI for RoHs version) (82541 PI for RoHs version)
GbE 2 - -
10/100 FE 2 4 3
HDD 3.5” HDD Bay 3.5” HDD Bay 3.5” HDD Bay
CF 1 1
Module (Optional)
DOC - - -
Serial 2 (Front, Rear) 2 2 (Front, Rear)
IDE/SATA 1/0 1/0 1/0
USB 4 4 2
PCI Expansion 2 (Rear, Optional) 1 (Optional) -
LCM Module Optional (16 x 2) Optional -
Power LED,Act/Link,10/100 LED,
Indicators Power LED Power LED, Act/Link, 10/100 LED
10/100/1000 LED, HDD LED
Power 250 W ATX power supply 180 W FlexATX12 V PFC power supply 250 W ATX Power supply
Form Factor 1U 1U 1U
Dimensions 426 X 379.8 x 43.5 mm 426 x 230 x 43.5 mm 426 x 228.6 x 43.5 mm

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Plate-forme de sécurité Desktop

Carte CPU et bus passif Système embedded Plate-forme de sécurité

DNA 830
CPU VIA C3/Eden/C7
RAM DDR 266/333/400 DIMM x 1
Chipset VIA CN700
Chip VIA 8237R+
GbE No
10/100 FE 3
HDD Supper 2.5” HDD Bay
CF 1
Serial 1
USB 2 (At front)
PCI Expansion 1 (Optional)
LCM Module -
Indicators Power, HDD
Power 60 W Adapter
Form Factor Desktop
Dimensions 177 x 228.6 x 50 mm

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Serveur Carte mère

Supermicro est une société américaine leader sur le marché des serveurs.
Elle conçoit des serveurs, des châssis et des cartes mères.

Serveurs et châssis Cartes mères

- 1U/2U/3U rackable - Xeon

- Tower/4U - Pentium D
- Mid Tower - Pentium 4
- Sur pied - Itanium 2
- Pentium 3

Voici quelques exemples de solutions que Supermicro vous propose.

Serveur 1U

SuperServer 6015X-T
Dual Core Xeon 5100/5000
4 slots PCI-X/E
2U en 1U

Serveur 2U

SuperServer 6025B-3V
Dual Core Xeon 5100/5000

Serveur Tower

SuperServer 7045B-8R+
Dual Core Xeon 5100/5000
Mémoire 64 GB FB-DIMM
100% cooling redundancy
800W Hgh-Efficient redundant power

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Carte mère
Serveur Carte mère

- Dual Intel 64-bit Xeon Dual-Core,667 / 1066 / 1333 MHz FSB
- Intel 5000X (Greencreek) Chipset
- Up to 32GB 667/533MHz DDR2 ECC FB-DIMM (Fully Buffered DIMM)
- Intel (ESB2/Gilgal) 82563 Dual-port Gigabit Ethernet Controller
- Adaptec AIC-7902 Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI with Host RAID 0, 1, 10 Support
- 6x SATAII Ports via ESB2 Controller
- 1 (x16) & 1 (x4 in x16) PCI-Express,2x 64-bit 133/100MHz PCI-X,1x 64-bit 100MHz
PCI-X,1x 32-bit PCI 33MHz
- Zero-Channel RAID Support
- Low Profile IPMI 2.0 (SIMLP) Slot

- Dual Intel 64-bit Xeon Support, 667 / 1066 / 1333MHz FSB
- Intel 5000P (Blackford) Chipset
- Up to 64GB DDR2 667 & 533 SDRAM Fully Buffered DIMM (FB-DIMM)
- Intel (ESB2/Gilgal) 82563EB Dual-port Gigabit Ethernet Controller
- Adaptec AIC-7902 Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI with HostRAID 0, 1, 10
- 6x SATA 3.0Gbps Ports via ESB2 Controller SATA Controller
- 2 (x8) & 1 (x4) PCI-Express,2x 64-bit 133MHz PCI-X,1x 64-bit 100MHz PCI-X
- Zero-Channel RAID Support
- ATI ES1000 Graphics with 16MB video memory

- Dual Intel Itanium 2 Support up to 1.6 GHz
- Intel E8870 Chipset
- Up to 16GB DDR 200 SDRAM
- Intel 82546EB Dual Port Gigabit Ethernet Controller
- 1 x 64-bit 133/100MHz PCI-X Expansion Slots
- ATI RageXL 8MB PCI Graphic Controller
- Dual Power Pods (Voltage Regulator Modules)
- 6MB AMI Flash BIOS (6x BIOS Chips)

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007


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En tant que l’un des principaux fabricants de châssis IPC 19’’ rackables à Taiwan, GUAN-
GHSING travaille en partenariat avec A PLUS SA en France depuis de longues an-
nées. Nous ne livrons pas seulement nos châssis IPC standard mais nous suivons aus-
si les évolutions de l’environnement IPC en nous basant sur les demandes d’A PLUS SA
qui produit des châssis sur mesure pour être conforme aux exigences de ses clients.

Au cours des années, nous avons partagé et appris beaucoup avec A PLUS SA afin de produire
des châssis IPC non seulement conformes aux besoins d’A PLUS SA mais utilisant aussi les
toutes dernières innovations techniques. GUANGHSING est fier de vous dire que nous avons
de la chance d’être les témoins du développement d’A PLUS SA qui contribue, aussi, au nôtre.

Merci à A PLUS SA pour son regard constant sur les technologies, les dépenses et les der-
nières tendances du marché qui nous permet de produire des produits de plus en
plus sophistiqués et compétitifs sur la plupart des demandes du marché aujourd’hui.

Pour conclure, nous voulons dire que A PLUS SA est, en France, depuis long-
temps, un partenaire digne de confiance pour le passé, le présent et le futur.

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007


Bus Disk Mounting VD Keyboard Dimensions

Board Options Fan space# Air Flow Front Panel Indicator Front Panel Controls
Architecture Nombre =Vibration Damping Connector (mm)
Model Rack de slots
Bus ATX / max CFM/ 2.5" 3.5" 5.25" On/ HD Over Fan LAN On/
CPU ISA PCI 4 cm 6 cm 8 cm 3.5" F.P. AV AR Width USB Reset Keylock
Passif AT M/B EACH Int Int F.P. Off Active Heat Fail Active Off

GHI-100 x x x x x 3 3 7.0 *1 2 §1 §1 x x 483x44x450 x x x x x

GHI-101 x x x x x 3 3 7.0 *1 2 §1 §1 x x 483x44x450 x x x x x

GHI-104 x 12"x13" 1 3+2/6 10.8/15.3 2 1 1 x 483x44x605 x x x x x

GHI-105 x 12"x9.6" 1 4 15.3 2 1 1 x 483x44x542 x x x x x

GHI-106 x 6.7"x6.7" 1 N/A 1 1 1 x 483x44x220 x x x x x

GHI-107 x 12"x9.6" 1 2 15.3 2 x 483x44x382 x x x x

GHI-110 x 12"x9.6" 1 2+3 7.0/8.6 3 §1 §1 x x 483x44x450 x x x x x

GHI-112 x 12"x9.6" 1 3 15.3 1 §1 §1 x 483x44x407 x x x x x

GHI-113 x 12"x13" 1 7 15.3 2 1 x 483x44x650 x x x x x

GHI-114 x 12"x13" 1 6 15.3 1 1 1 x 483x44x543 x x x x x x

GHI-130 x 12"x13" 1 6+3 7.0/8.6 3 §1 §1 x 483x44x650 x x x x x x x

GHI-142 x 12"x13" 1 5+5 7.0/8.6 2 §1 §1 x 483x44x650 x x x x x x x

GHI-160 x 12"x13" 1 6 15.3 9 483x44x650 x x x x x x

GHI-180 x 12"x13" 1 6 15.3 4 1 1 x 483x44x650 x x x x x x x x

GHI-181 x 12"x13" 1 6 15.3 2 1 x 483x44x650 x x x x x x x x

181WV2 x 12"x13" 2 6 15.3 2 1 x 483x44x650 x x x x x x x x

GH-188ATX x 12"x9.6" 1 2 7.0 1 1 2 x 483x44x520 x x x x

GHI-189 x x x x 6 15.3 2 §1 483x44x700 x x x x x x

GHI-192 x 12"x10.6" 1 6 7.0 2 1 x 483x44x560 x x x x x

GH-198B x x x x 2 3 7.0 1 1 1 1 x x 483x44x431 x x x x

GH-198L x board 3 7.0 1 1 1 1 x x 483x44x431 x x x x

GHI-200 x x x x x 6 3 42.5 1+*1 1 §1 x x 483x88x450 x x x x x

GHI-210 x 12"x9.6" 3 3 42.5 4 1 §1 x 483x88x450 x x x x x

GH-212ATX x 12"x9.6" 3 1 1 23.5/42.5 3 1 1 x 483x88x501 x x x x x

GHI-213 x 12"x9.6" 3 3 42.5 3 1 1 x 483x88x450 x x x x

GHI-214 x 12"x13" 3 3 42.5 3 1 1+§1 x 483x88x510 x x x x x

GHI-220 x 12"x10.5" 3 1 4 23.5/42.5 2 1 4 x 483x88x570 x x x x x x x

GHI-221 x 12"x13" 3 1 4 23.5/42.5 2 1 4 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x x

GHI-230 x 12"x13" 3 1 1 23.5/42.5 6 1 1 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x

GH-231ATX x 12"x13" 3 3 42.5 3 2 2 x 483x88x650 x x x x x

GH-231 x 12"x13" 7 3 42.5 3 2 2 x 483x88x650 x x x x x

GH-232ATX x 12"x13" 3 1 3 23.5/42.5 5 1 1 x 483x88x650 x x x x x

# Optional Fan
* Optional kit for 3,5" internal Disk mountong
§ For slim type disk

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007


Bus Disk Mounting VD Keyboard Dimensions

Board Options Fan space# Air Flow Front Panel Indicator Front Panel Controls
Architecture Nombre =Vibration Damping Connector (mm)
Model Rack de slots
Bus ATX / max 4 6 8 9 12 2.5" 3.5" 3.5" 5.25" On/ HD Over Fan LAN On
CPU ISA PCI CFM/ EACH Front Rear Width USB Reset Keylock
passif AT M/B cm cm cm cm cm Int Int F.P. F.P. Off Active Heat Fail Active Off

GH-232 x 12"x13" 7 1 3 23.5/42.5 5 1 1 x 483x88x650 x x x x x

GHI-240 x 16"x13" 3 2 4 15.3/42.5 4 §1 x 483x88x710 x x x x x x x

GHI-246 x 12"x13" 3 4 42.5 5 1 x 483x88x650 x x x x x

GHI-250 x 12"x9.6" 5 2 42.5 1 §1 1 x 483x88x355 x x x x x

GHI-251 x 12"x9.6" 7 2 42.5 2 1 x 483x88x355 x x x x x x

GHI-252V x 12"x9.6" 7 2 1 42.5/7.0 3 1 x 483x88x355 x x x x x x

GHI-252H x 12"x9.6" 3 2 1 42.5/7.0 3 1 x 483x88x355 x x x x x x

GHI-260 x 12"x13" 3 4 42.5 16 1 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x x

GHI-280 x 12"x13" 3 4 42.5 8 §1 §1 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x x x

GHI-280V x 12"x13" 7 4 42.5 8 §1 §1 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x x x

GHI-280WV2 x 12"x13" 6 4 42.5 8 §1 §1 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x x x

GHI-281 x 12"x13" 3 4 42.5 6 §1 1 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x x x

GHI-281V x 12"x13" 7 4 42.5 6 §1 1 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x x x

GHI-281WV2 x 12"x13" 6 4 42.5 6 §1 1 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x x x

GHI-282 x 12"x9.6" 3 4 42.5 8 §1 §1 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x x x

GHI-282V x 12"x9.6" 7 4 42.5 8 §1 §1 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x x x

GHI-283 x 12"x13" 3 4 42.5 4 1 2 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x x x

GHI-283V x 12"x13" 7 4 42.5 4 1 2 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x x x

GHI-283WV2 x 12"x13" 6 4 42.5 4 1 2 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x x x

GH-288SR x x x x x 6 2 42.5 2 1 1 x x 483x88x526 x x x x x

GHI-289 x x x x x 6 1 4 42.5 1 6 §1 1 x x 483x88x700 x x x x x x x

GHI-290 x 12"x13" 3 4 42.5 12 x 483x88x650 x x x x x x

GHI-293 x 12"x10.5" 3 3 42.5 4 1 2 x 483x88x560 x x x x x

GH-310ATXR x 12"x9.6" 7 1 2 42.5 5 1 2 x 483x133x526 x x x x x

GHI-312 x 12"x13" 7 2 5 42.5 7+*2 1 2 x 483x133x650 x x x x x x

GHI-313 x 12"x10.5" 7 1 2 23.5/51 7+*2 1 2 x 483x133x526 x x x x x x x

GHI-314 x 12"x10.5" 7 4 2 1 15.3/23.5/108 5 1 2 x 483x133x526 x x x x x x

GHI-315 x 12"x9.6" 7 2 2 1 7/23.5/51 3 §1 x 483x133x526 x x x x x x x

GH-341ATX x 12"x13" 7 2 3 42.5/51 1 2 2 x 483x133x650 x x x x x

GHI-342 x 12"x13" 7 1 3 23.5/51 x 483x133x650 x x x x x x

GHI-350 x 12"x9.6" 7 2 #1 2 10.8/51 2 1 x 483x133x400 x x x x x

GHI-360 x 12"x13" 7 1 4 23.5/51 26 1 x 483x133x650 x x x x x x x

GHI-380 x 12"x13" 7 1 4 7.0/51 12 §1 §1 x 483x133x650 x x x x x x x x

# Optional Fan
* Optional kit for 3,5" internal Disk mountong
§ For slim type disk

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007


Bus Disk Mounting VD =Vibration Keyboard Dimensions

Board Options Fan space# Air Flow Front Panel Indicator Front Panel Controls
Architecture Nombre Damping Connector (mm)
Model Rack de slots
Bus ATX / max 6 8 9 CFM/ 2.5" 3.5" 5.25" 3.5" 5.25" On/ HD Over Fan P.S. LAN On/
CPU ISA PCI 12 cm AV AR Width USB Reset Keylock
passif AT M/B cm cm cm EACH Int Int Int F.P. F.P. Off Active Heat Fail Status Active Off

GHI-381 x 12"x13" 7 1 4 23.5/ 10 §1 1+§1 x 483x133x650 x x x x x x x x

GHI-390 x 12"x13" 7 1 4 7.0/51 16 §1 §1 x 483x133x650 x x x x x x x x

GH-400ATX x 12"x9.6" 7 2 42.5 1 1 2 x 483x178x427 x x x x x

GH-400S x x x x x 14 2 42.5 1 1 2 x 483x178x427 x x x x x

GH-402ATXR x 12"x9.6" 7 2 51 1 3 x x 483x178x451 x x x x

GH-402SR x x x x x 14/15 2 51 1 3 x x 483x178x451 x x x x

GHI-403ATXR x 12"x9.6" 7 2 51 1 3 x x 483x178x451 x x x x

GHI-403SR x x x x x 14/15 2 51 1 3 x x 483x178x451 x x x x

GH-410ATXR x 12"x9.6" 7 1+#1 108 1+*1 3 x 483x178x510 x x x x

GH-410SR x x x x x 14/15 1+#1 108 1+*1 3 x 483x178x510 x x x x x

GH-411ATXR x 12"x9.6" 7 1+#1 108 *1 1 4 x x 483x178x510 x x x x x

GH-411SR x x x x x 14/15 1+#1 108 *1 1 4 x x 483x178x510 x x x x x

GH-414ATXR x 12"x9.6" 7 1+#1 108 *1 1 3 x 483x178x510 x x x x x

GH-414SR x x x x x 14/15 1+#1 108 *1 1 3 x 483x178x510 x x x x x

GHI-415 x 12"x13" 14 2 3 1 §1 x 483x178x490 x x x

GH-416ATXR x 12"x9.6" 7 1+#1 108 *1 1 3 x 483x178x510 x x x x x

GH-416SR x x x x x 14/15 1+#1 108 *1 1 3 x 483x178x510 x x x x x

GH-418ATXR x 12"x9.6" 7 #3 1 32/90 2 1 3 x 483x178x510 x x x x x

GH-418SR x x x x x 14 #3 1 32/90 2 1 3 x 483x178x510 x x x x x

GHI-419ATX x 12"x13" 7 #2 2 23.5/51 5 1 2 x 483x178x510 x x x x x x

GHI-419SR x x 14/15 #2 2 23.5/51 5 1 2 x 483x178x510 x x x x x x

GH-430ATXR x 12"x13" 7 #1 4 42.5/51 *2 1 3 x 480x178x671 x x x x x

GH-430SR x x x x x 19 #1 4 42.5/51 *2 1 3 x 480x178x671 x x x x x

GH-431ATXR x 12"x13" 7 4 51 1+*2 1 6 x 480x178x671 x x x x x

GH-431SR x x x x x 14/15 4 51 1+*2 1 6 x 480x178x671 x x x x x

GH-432ATXR x 12"x13" 7 #1 4 51 2+*2 1 3 x 480x178x671 x x x x x

GH-432SR x x x x x 19 4 51 2+*2 1 3 x 480x178x671 x x x x x

GHI-440 x 12"x13" 7 #2 3 90 4 1 8 x 483x178x624 x x x x x x x

GHI-441 x 12"x13" 7 #2 3 90 4 1 8 x 483x178x574 x x x x x x x

GHI-442 x 12"x13" 7 #2 3 90 10 x 483x178x624 x x x x x x x

GHI-450 x 12"x13" 7 4 51 1 2 1 x 431x222557 x x x x x

GHI-480 x 12"x13" 7 #2 3 23.5/90 *2 16 §1 §1 x 480x178x650 x x x x x x x x

# Optional Fan
* Optional kit for 3,5" internal Disk mountong
§ For slim type disk

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Configu Bus Disk Mounting VD Keyboard Dimensions
Board Options Air Flow Front Panel Indicator Front Panel Controls
ration Architecture Nombre =Vibration Damping Connector (mm)
Model options de slots
Wall/ Bus ATX / 6 8 9 12 CFM/ 2.5" 3.5" 3.5" 5.25" On/ HD Over Fan P.S. LAN On/
Rack Tower CPU ISA PCI AV AR Width LAN USB Reset Keylock
Panel Passif AT M/B cm cm cm cm EACH Int Int F.P. F.P. Off Active Heat Fail Status Active Off

GHI-481 x 12"x13" 7 #2 3 23.5/90 *2 14 §1 §1 x 480x178x650 x x x x x x x x

GH-520SR x x x x x 20 4 51 1 4 x 483x222x671 x x x x x x x x

GH-530ATXR x 12"x13" 7 4 51 1 4 x 483x222x671 x x x x x x x x

23.5/42.5 24+
GHI-580 x 12"x13" 7 1 2 3 /90 *2 §1 §1 x 483x222x650 x x x x x x x x

23.5/42.5 22+
GHI-581 x 12"x13" 7 2 1 3 /90 *2 §1 §1 x 483x222x650 x x x x x x x x

GHI-583 x 12"x16" 7 3 3 /90 24 §1 §1 x 483x222x650 x x x x x x x x

GHI-584 x 16"x13" 7 6 2 23.5/90 24 §1 §1 x 483x222x650 x x x x x x x x

GH-600ATXR x 12"x13" 7 4 51 1 7 x 483x267x671 x x x x x x x x

GHI-611 x x x x x 20 4 51 1 1 4 x 483x267x671 x x x x x x x x

GH-620SR x x x x x 20 4 51 1 7 x 483x267x671 x x x x x x x x

GHI-690 x 12"x16" 7 4 51 36 x 483x267x671 x x x x x x x

GHI-691 x 12"x16" 7 4 51 36 x 483x267x671 x x x x x x x x x

GH-800ATXR x 12"x13" 7 4 1 51/108 1 7 x 483x356x541 x x x x x x x x

GH-820SR x x x x x 20 4 1 51/108 1 7 x 483x356x510 x x x x x x x x

GHI-P01 x 12"x13" 10 +80 8/15 20 x 483x356x830 x x x x x x

GHB-B04 x x x x x x 4 1 51 1 1 x x 110x267x450 x x x x

GHB-B05 x 1 23.5 280x77x268

GHB-B08 x x x x x x x 8 2 51 1 1 1 x x 220x267x450 x x x x

GHB-042 x x x x x x 4 1 51 1 1 x x 110x267x450 x x x x

GHB-043 x x x x x x 4 1 1 23.5/51 1 1 §1 x 160x220x260 x x x x x

GHB-060 x x x x x x 6 1 90 *1 1 1 x x 307x177x420 x x x x x x x

GHB-061 x x 9.6"x9.6" 4 1 51 1 1 1 x x 307x177x420 x x x x x x x x

GHB-062-6 x x x x x x 6 1 90 *1 1 1 x x 307x177x420 x x x x x x x

GHB-062-8 x x x x x x 8 1 90 *1 1 1 x x 307x177x420 x x x x x x x

GHB-080 x x x x x x 8 1 90 1 1 2 x x 350x177x420 x x x x x x x

GHB-082-8 x x x x x x 8 1 90 1 1 2 x x 350x177x411 x x x x x x x

GHB-082-10 x x x x x x 10 1 90 1 1 2 x x 350x177x411 x x x x x x x

GHB-083-8 x x x x x x 8 1 90 1 x x 280x237x260 x x x x x x

GHB-083-10 x x x x x x 10 1 90 1 x x 280x237x260 x x x x x x

GHB-120ATXR x x 9.6"x9.6" 7 1 90 1 2 2 x x 400x177x420 x x x x x x

GHB-120SR x x x x x x 10/12 1 90 1 2 2 x x 400x177x420 x x x x x x

# Optional Fan
* Optional kit for 3,5" internal Disk mountong
§ For slim type disk

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ZIPPY est un fabricant d'alimentations industrielles pour des applications tel que des serveurs,
des stations de travail, du matériel de communication ...
Il propose entre autre des alimentations redondantes, 1U, 2U, 3U, PS/2... En voici quelques

HG2-6300P: PS2/PS2 single

Output wattage 300W
Connector type ATX 2.03,ATX12V(P4),EPS12V,WTX,AMD-GES
Best solution for Server,Workstation,Storage System,IPC,PCs
Dimension 140.00x150.00x86.00 (mm)
AC input Spec Voltage: 90~240 VAC FULL RANGE
DC output Spec
Output Voltage Output Current Output Current Regulation Load Regulation Line Output Ripple &
Min. Max. Noise Max.[P-P]
5V 3 35.00 ± 5% ± 1% 50mV
12V 2 22 +7% ~ -5% ± 1% 120mV
-5V 0 0.80 ±5% ± 1% 150mV
-12V 0 1.00 ±5% ± 1% 150mV
3.3V 1 25 ± 5% ± 1% 50mV
+5VSB 0.1 2 ± 5% ± 1% 50mV


*Active PFC ( full range )
*12V Max. Current : 22 A
*Noise & Thermal Control ( Silence & Reliable )
*SAFETY: UL 1950, CSA 22.2 NO/ 950, TUV IEC 950
*Serial ATA optional

R3U-6460P: 3U Redundant

Output Wattage 460W

Connector type ATX 2.03,ATX12V(P4),EPS12V,WTX,AMD-GES

Best solution for Server,Workstation,Storage System,IPC

Dimension 254.00x127.00x82.00 (mm)

AC Input Spec VOLTAGE: 95 ~ 264 VAC FULL RANGE

DC Output Spec
Output Voltage Output Current Output Current Regulation Load Regulation Line Output Ripple &
Min. Max. Noise Max.[P-P]
5V 2 50.00 ± 5% ± 1% 50mV
12V 2 32 ± 5% ± 1% 100mV
-5V 0.1 1.00 ±10% ± 1% 120mV
-12V 0.1 1.00 ±10% ± 1% 150mV
3.3V 1 28 ± 5% ± 1% 50mV
+5VSB 0.1 3 ± 5% ± 1% 50mV

«*Active PFC (full range), MEET IEC-1000-3-2 CLASS D
*12V Max. Current : 32A
*SAFETY: UL 1950, CSA 22.2 NO/ 950, TUV IEC 950
*Inlet in each module ( optional )
*Serial ATA optional

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007


network -
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En tant que fabricant professionnel de produits de communication, Korenix pense que le sa-
voir-faire industriel ainsi que le support technique sont les critères les plus importants pour
sélectionner un partenaire. En effet, un bon partenaire doit aider le fabricant à fournir aux
utilisateurs des produits alliant qualité, fiabilité et innovation, le tout sans aucun compromis.

A PLUS SA possède ces compétences et cette capacité à innover dans les secteurs du réseau
industriel et de l’automation. Elle a apporté de la valeur ajoutée à ses clients en leur dévelop-
pant de nombreuses applications. Active dans le monde industriel, nous sommes convaincus
que A PLUS SA est, en France, le meilleur partenaire pour les utilisateurs et les fabricants.

Korenix propose une qualité et une fiabilité mondiale pour tous ses produits et servi-
ces via son réseau de partenaires. Nous sommes honorés de travailler avec A PLUS SA.

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007


Switch Ethernet industriel ......................................... 83

Serveur série ........................................................... 85
Carte multiports série .............................................. 86
Convertisseur série .................................................. 87
Alimentation ........................................................... 88

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Switch Ethernet industriel

Switch ethernet industriel Serveur série Carte multiports série Convertisseur industriel Alimentation

JetNet-5010G JetNet-4508 JetNet-4508f JetNet-4008 JetNet-4008f JetNet-3005f
Managed Ethernet Switch Managed Ethernet Switch Entry-Level Ethernet Switch
Number of Ports: 5(JetNet 3005)
7 8 6 8 6 4
10/100Base-TX 8(JetNet 3008)
Number of Ports: PoE Injector
Number of Ports:100Base-FX 2 2 1
Number of Ports:
Gigabit Fiber 3
(Multi Mode Fiber) JetNet 4508f-m JetNet 4008f-m JetNet3005f-m
(Single Mode Fiber) JetNet 4508f-s JetNet 4008f-s JetNet 3005-s
Number of Serial Ports
Power Terminal (12~48)
Power Jack 12~48VDC
Fault Relay Output ● ● ● ● ●
1200VAC HIPOT ● ● ● ● ● ●
Rigid Aluminum Case ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Case Protection IP 30 IP 31 IP 31 IP 31 IP 31 IP 31 IP 31
Dimensions (unit=mm) 53(W) x 135(H) x 105(D)
Operating Temperature -10~70°C
DIN-Rail Kit ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Web-based Configuration ● ● ● ● ●
Windows Utility ● ● ● ●
Secured HTTPS,SSH ●
Super Ring, Couple Ring,
● ● ● ● ●
Dual Homing
Redundant Dual Ethernet
IGMP Snooping ● ● ● ● ●
Port VLAN ● ● ● ● ●
Quality of Service ● ● ● ● ●
SNMP V1/V2C ● ● ●
RMON1 ● ● ●
SMTP(e-mail warning) ● ● ● ● ●
Syslog ● ● ● ●
Regulatory Approvals:
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
RoHS / WEEE ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Switch Ethernet industriel

Switch ethernet industriel Serveur série Carte multiports série Convertisseur industriel Alimentation

JetNet-3010G JetNet-2005 JetNEt-2005f JetNet-3705 JetNet-3705f JetNet-4724G

Unmanaged Ethernet Web Smart PoE
Compact Ethernet Switch PoE Ethernet Switch
Switch Switch
Number of Ports: 24
7 5 4 5 4
10/100Base-TX 2(1000 Base-T)
Number of Ports: PoE Injector Port 1-4 Port 1-4
Number of Ports:100Base-FX 1 1 1
Number of Ports:
Gigabit Fiber 3
(Multi Mode Fiber) JetNet 2005f-m JetNet 3705f-m
(Single Mode Fiber) JetNet 2005f-s JetNet 3705f-s
Number of Serial Ports
18-32VDC 18-32VDC
Power Terminal (12~48) 48VDC*2 48VDC*2
18-27VAC 18-27VAC
Power Jack 12~48VDC 48VDC*1 48VDC*1 100-240VAC
Fault Relay Output ● ● ● ●
1200VAC HIPOT ● ●
Rigid Aluminum Case ● ● ● ●
Case Protection IP 31 IP 31 IP 31 IP 30 IP 30 IP 30
440(W) x 310(H)x
Dimensions (unit=mm) 96(W) x 137(H) x 119(D) 30(W) x 111.8(H) x 98.2(D) 164.8(W) x 33.8(H) x 108(D)
Operating Temperature -10~70°C -10~70°C -10~70°C -10~70°C -10~70°C 0~40°C
DIN-Rail Kit ● ● ● ● ● (Rack Mount)
Web-based Configuration ●
Windows Utility ●
Super Ring, Couple Ring,
Dual Homing
Redundant Dual Ethernet
IGMP Snooping
Port VLAN (Port Based)
Quality of Service ●
SMTP(e-mail warning) (System Trap)
Regulatory Approvals:
● ● ● ● ● (CE / FCC)
RoHS / WEEE ● ● ● ● ● ●

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Serveur série
Switch ethernet industriel Serveur série Carte multiports série Convertisseur industriel Alimentation

JetPort-5201 JetPort-5601 JetPort-5601f

Serial Server Redundant Serial Server Fiber Serial Server
Number of Ports:10/100Base-TX 1 2(Redundant)
Number of Ports: PoE Injector
Number of Ports:100Base-FX 2 1
(Multi Mode Fiber) JetPort 5601f-m
(Single Mode Fiber) JetPort 5601f-s
Number of Serial Ports 1*RS232 1*RS232/RS422/RS485 1*RS232/RS422/RS485
Power Terminal 12~48VDC 12~48VDC
Power Jack 9~30VDC
Fault Relay Output
Rigid Aluminum Case ● ● ●
Case Protection IP 30
Dimensions (unit=mm) 78.5(W)x29.2(H) x80.2(D) 96.1(W) x 29.6(H) x 99(D) 96.1(W) x 29.6(H) x 99(D)
Operating Temperature -10~55°C -10~70°C -10~70°C
DIN-Rail Kit ● ● ●
Web-based Configuration ● ● ●
Windows Utility ● ● ●
Secured HTTPS,SSH ● ●
Super Ring, Couple Ring, Dual Homing
Redundant Dual Ethernet ●
IGMP Snooping
Quality of Service
SNMP V1/V2C ● ● ●
SMTP(e-mail warning) ● ● ●
Syslog ● ● ●
Regulatory Approvals:CE / FCC / UL ● ● ●
RoHS / WEEE ● ● ●

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Carte multiports série

Switch ethernet industriel Serveur série Carte multiports série Convertisseur industriel Alimentation

JetCard-1204 JetCard-1204w JetCard-1208 JetCard-1208w

Number of RS-232 Ports 4 4 8 8
Number of RS-422/485 Ports
32-Bit Universal PCI Bus Interface ● ● ● ●
IRQ Assigned by PCI plug and play ● ● ● ●
Data Bits: 5, 6, 7, 8 ● ● ● ●
Stop Bits: 1, 1.5, 2 ● ● ● ●
Parity Bits:None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark ● ● ● ●
Communication controller:16C950 compatible ● ● ● ●
FIFO Size: 128 Bytes ● ● ● ●
Speed up to 921.6 Kbps ● ● ● ●
RS-232 Data Signals: TxD, RxD,RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD, GND ● ● ● ●
RS-422 Signals: Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, Rx-,RTS+, RTS-, CTS+, CTS-, GND
RS-485 Signals (4-wire):Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, Rx-, GND
RS-485 Signals (2-wire):Data+, Data-, GND
Embedded 15KV ESD Surge Protection
Optical Isolation Protection: 2KV per Port
Operating Temperature: -40°C to 80°C ● ●
Operating Temperature: -10°C to 70°C ● ● ● ●
OS Supported: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003, Linux ● ● ● ●
Regulatory Approvals: CE/ FCC ● ● ● ●
Board Connector DB37 Female DB62 Female
Supports DB9 Male or DB25 Male Cable Connection ● ● ● ●

JetCard-1402 JetCard-1402i JetCard-1404 JetCard-1404i

Number of RS-232 Ports
Number of RS-422/485 Ports 2 2 4 4
32-Bit Universal PCI Bus Interface ● ● ● ●
IRQ Assigned by PCI plug and play ● ● ● ●
Data Bits: 5, 6, 7, 8 ● ● ● ●
Stop Bits: 1, 1.5, 2 ● ● ● ●
Parity Bits:None, Even, Odd, Space, Mark ● ● ● ●
Communication controller:16C950 compatible ● ● ● ●
FIFO Size: 128 Bytes ● ● ● ●
Speed up to 921.6 Kbps ● ● ● ●
RS-232 Data Signals: TxD, RxD,RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR, DCD,
RS-422 Signals: Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, Rx-,RTS+, RTS-, CTS+, CTS-,
● ● ● ●
RS-485 Signals (4-wire):Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, Rx-, GND ● ● ● ●
RS-485 Signals (2-wire):Data+, Data-, GND ● ● ● ●
Embedded 15KV ESD Surge Protection ● ● ● ●
Optical Isolation Protection: 2KV per Port ● ●
Operating Temperature: -40°C to 80°C
Operating Temperature: -10°C to 70°C ● ● ● ●
OS Supported: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003, Linux ● ● ● ●
Regulatory Approvals: CE/ FCC ● ● ● ●
Board Connector 2 DB9 Male DB37 Female
Supports DB9 Male or DB25 Male Cable Connection ● ●

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Convertisseur industriel
Switch ethernet industriel Serveur série Carte multiports série Convertisseur industriel Alimentation

JetCon-2301 JetCon-1302 JetCon-1301 JetCon-3301

Ethernet to Fiber
Compact Media Converter Mini Media Converter Gigabit Media Converter
Number of Ports:10/100Base-TX 1 2 1 1000 BaseT
Number of Ports: PoE Injector
Number of Ports:100Base-FX 1 1 1 1000 Base-SX/LX
(Multi Mode Fiber) JetCon 2301-m JetCon 1302-m JetCon 1301-m JetCon 3301-m
(Single Mode Fiber) JetCon 2301-s JetCon 1302-s JetCon 1301-s JetCon 3301-s
Number of Serial Ports
12~32VDC 12~32VDC
Power Terminal (12~48)
18~27VAC 18~27VAC
Power Jack 12~48VDC 5VDC
Fault Relay Output ● ●
1500VAC HIPOT ● ● ●
Rigid Aluminum Case ● ● ● ●
Case Protection IP 31 IP 31 IP 31 IP 30
30 (W) x 111.8 (H) x 98.2
Dimensions (unit=mm) 53(W) x 135(H) x 105(D) 30 (W) x 70 (H) x89 (D) 74 (W) x 22 (H) x 102 (D)
Operating Temperature -10~70°C -10~70°C -10~70°C 0~60°C
DIN-Rail Kit ● ● ●
Regulatory Approvals:CE / FCC / UL ● ● ● (CE/FCC)
RoHS / WEEE ● ● ● ●

JetCon-2204 JetCon-2101
JetCon-1501 JetCon-2401
JetCon-2208 JetCon-2101i/ir
Fast Media Converter RS 232 to USB RS 232 to RS 422/485 Fiber Media Converter
Number of Ports:10/100Base-TX 1 USBx1
Number of Ports: PoE Injector
Number of Ports:100Base-FX 1 Serial Fiber
(Multi Mode Fiber) JetCon 1501-m JetCon 2401-m
(Single Mode Fiber) JetCon 1501-s JetCon 2401-s
4xRS232(JetCon 2204) 1xRS232
Number of Serial Ports RS232/422/485
8xRS232(JetCon 2208) 1xRS422/485
Power Terminal 10~30VDC
Power Jack 5VDC
Fault Relay Output 5VDC ●
Rigid Aluminum Case ● ● ●
Case Protection IP 30
Dimensions (unit=mm) 74 (W) x 22 (H) x 102 (D) 67(W) x 26(H) x 150(D) 70(W) x 10(H) x 20(D) 70(W) x 20 (H) x 100 (D)
Operating Temperature 0~60°C 0~55°C -25~75°C -20~70°C
DIN-Rail Kit ● ● ●
Regulatory Approvals:CE / FCC / UL (CE/FCC)
RoHS / WEEE ● ● ● ●

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Switch ethernet industriel Serveur série Carte multiports série Convertisseur industriel Alimentation

DR-4524 DR-75-24 DR-120-24 DRP-240-24 DRP-480S-24

Industrial Power Supply
88 to 132 VAC 90 to 132 VAC
85 to 264 VAC 85 to 264 VAC 85 to 264 VAC
Input 176 to 264 VAC 180 to 264 VAC
120 to 370 VDC 120 to 370 VDC 120 to 370 VDC
selectable by switch selectable by switch
45W, 24 VDC 75W, 24 VDC 120W, 24 VDC 240W, 24 VDC 480W, 24 VDC
0 to 2A 0 to 3,2A 0 to 5A 0 to 10A 0 to 20A
30A at 115 VAC 30A at 115 VAC 30A at 115 VAC 27A at 115 VAC
AC inrush current 45A at 230 VAC
60A at 230 VAC 60A at 230 VAC 60A at 230 VAC 45A at 230 VAC
Overload Protection 105% to 150%
115 to 135% of rated 121 to 142% of rated 120 to 140% of rated
OverVoltage Protection 30 to 36V 30 to 36V
output voltage output voltage output voltage
Type Constant current Limiting
Reset Auto Recovery
Operating temperature -10° to 50°C -10° to 60°C -10° to 60°C -10° to 55°C -20° to 50°C
Operating humidity 20 to 90% RH
UL508, TUV EN60950- UL508, TUV EN60950- UL508, UL60950-1, UL508, UL60950-1, UL508, UL60950-1,
Safety Standards
1 1 TUV EN60950-1 TUV EN60950-1 TUV EN60950-1
EN55022 classB
EMC standards EN61000-6-2
ENV50204, EN61204-3
Weight 0,31 kg 0,6 kg 0,79 kg 1,2 kg 2,6 kg
Dimensions (unit=mm)
78 x 93 x 67 55,5 x 125,2 x 100 65,5 x 125,2 x 100 125,5 x 125,2 x 100 227 x 125,2 x 100
(W x H x D)

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

ACME Portable

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Jason H anager
Genera Corp.

ACME Portable, fournisseur de portables durcis et de tiroirs clavier/moni-

teur KVM, siège aux Etats-Unis et possède une usine de fabrication à Taiwan.

A PLUS SA est, en France, un partenaire important et digne de confiance d’ACME. A

PLUS SA possède de nombreuses expériences ainsi que des technologies et un sa-
voir-faire dans le PC industriel, les portables durcis et les tiroirs claviers KVM industriels.
Elle offre un éventail de solutions IPC et fait le maximum pour ser-
vir ses clients, être à leur écoute, comprendre leurs attentes, en leur propo-
sant des produits et des services adaptés à leurs besoins actuels et futurs.

A PLUS SA possède une excellente réputation dans le monde. Nous sommes sûrs
que vous serez tous satisfaits des services et de l’excellente qualité des produits
d’A PLUS SA. Nous sommes fiers de travailler avec A PLUS SA, un partenaire fidèle.

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Transportable durci
Transportable durci Tiroir clavier / écran

Transportable industriel


Support Micro ATX
Motherboard Support SBC + PBP or P4BLSII M/B Support SBC + PBP
Offer 4 full-size expansion
Slot Offer 8 full-size expansion slots Offer 12 full-size expansion slots
1 x 5.25" NB size, 1 x 3.5" 1 x 5.25" NB size, 1 x 3.5" hidden, 1 x 3.5" NB
Drive Bay 1 x 5.25" open, 2 x 3.5" open
hidden, 1 x 3.5" NB size size
Color Flash Gray
14" Tilt, 150 nits brightness, 50, 000 hrs of backlight life
15" Fixed, 250 nits brightness, 50, 000 hrs of backlight life
Resolution 1024x768
VGA Analog-to-digital conversion board
Keyboard/Mouse 108 keys, multi-languages/touchpad, RJ45 connector
400mm x 291mm x 213 mm
Case Size 400mm x 291mm x 223 mm (15.7" x 11.5" x 8.8")
(15.7" x 11.5" x 8.3")
Power Supply 1U, 400 W Auto Switch PS2, 400W Auto Switch PS2 400 W Auto Switch 1U, 400 W Auto Switch 2U, 400W Auto Switch
SKD Weight 8.8 kgs (19.5 lbs)
Built-in amplified speakers
Speaker Amplified board output: 2 x 6 Watt Stereo
Dual Speaker output: 2 Watt
Carrying Case Padded carrying case with wheels
Stabilize Bars 2
Cooling Fan 1x80mmx80mmx15mm 1x80mmx80mmx15mm 2x80mmx80mmx15mm
External chassis-flame retardant ABS plastic
Internal chassis-gold color aluminum alloy
Operating Temp. 0°C-50°C
Relative Humidity 20-80% (non-condensing)
Operating Shock 15g
Operating Vibration 10-100Hz 1.25g
Approval CE, FCC

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Transportable durci
Transportable durci Tiroir clavier / écran

Station de travail et serveur transportable

Model No SAX903 SAX913 HTII713 HTII763 HTII for Dual Xeon

Motherboard ATX Motherboard SBC+PBP ATX Motherboard Dual Xeon board
Slot 7 full-size expansion 10 slots 7 expansion slots
HTIIS1: 1 x 5.25”, 5 x 3.5”
Drive Bay 2 x 5.25", 2 x 3.5" 3 x 5.25", 2 x 3.5” 5 x 5.25", 1 x 3.5”
HTIIS2: 3 x 5.25”, 1 x 3.5”
Color Flash Gray
14" Tilt, 150 nits brightness, 50, 000 hrs of backlight life
Display 15" Tilt, 250 nits brightness, 50, 000 hrs of backlight life
17” Fixed, 280 nits brightness, 50, 000 hrs of backlight life
Resolution 1024x768, 1280x1024
VGA Analog-to-digital conversion board
Keyboard/Mouse 108 keys, multi-languages/touchpad, RJ45 connector
Case Size 445mm x 333mm x 245 mm (17.5" x 13.1" x 9.6") 445mm x 333mm x 294 mm (17.5" x 13.1" x 11.6")
Power Supply PS2 460 W, Auto Switch
SKD Weight 11.5 kgs (25.3 lbs) 12.2 kgs (27.0 lbs)
Built-in amplified speakers
Speaker Amplified board output: 2 x 6 Watt Stereo
Dual Speaker output: 2 Watt
Carrying Case Padded carrying case with wheels
Stabilize Bars 2
1 x 60mm x 60mm x 15mm (chassis fan)
1x80mmx80mmx25mm (Chassis fan)
Cooling Fan 2 x 40mm x 40mm x 20mm (chassis fan)
1x120mmx120mmx25mm (Back Cover)
1 x 80mm x 80mm x 15mm (air duct)
External chassis-flame retardant ABS plastic
Internal chassis-gold color aluminum alloy
Operating Temp. 0°C-50°C
Relative Humidity 20-80% (non-condensing)
Operating Shock 15g
Operating Vibration 10-100Hz 1.25g
Approval CE, FCC

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Transportable durci
Transportable durci Tiroir clavier / écran

Transportable métal et aluminium

Model No EMP350-15 EMP370-17 IMP600 IMP670

Motherboard Support SBC+PBP Support ATX motherboard SBC with Backplane ATX Motherboard
Offer 7 full-size expansion
Slot Offer 11 expansion slots 8 7
1 x 5.25" Slim Combo, 1 x
Drive Bay 2 x 5.25" , 2 x 3.5" 2x5.25”, 1x3.5” 2x5.25”, 2x3.5”
3.5" Slim FDD 2 x 3.5" hidden
Color Black
15” TFT LCD monitor and 17” TFT LCD monitor and
Display 14” TFT LCD monitor 15” and 17" TFT LCD monitor
Brightness 250nits Brightness 280nits
Resolution 1024 x 768 1024 x 768 1024x768 1024x768, 1280x1024
Anti-reflection tempered Anti-reflection tempered
Protection Tempered strengthen glass
strengthen glass strengthen glass
VGA Analog-to-digital conversion board
NB 87 keys, multi-languages/ 108 keys, multi-languages/
Keyboard/Mouse 108 keys, multi-languages/touchpad, RJ45 connector
touchpad, RJ45 connector touchpad, RJ45 connector
411mm x 305mm x 226mm 433mm x 346mm x 243mm 404mm x 283mm x 264 mm 454mm x 360mm x 259 mm
Case Size
(16.18" x 12.01" x 8.9") (17.05" x 13.62" x 9.57") (15.9" x 11.1" x 10.3") (17.8" x 14.1" x 10.1")
1U, 400W PS/2, 460W
Power Supply PS2 400 W, Auto Switch
(Auto Sensing Active PFC) (Auto Sensing Active PFC)
SKD Weight 12 kgs (26.46 lbs) 13.5kgs (29.76 lbs) 15.9 kgs (35 lbs) 17 kgs (37 lbs)
Built-in amplified speakers
Speaker Amplified board output: 2 x 6 Watt Stereo
Dual Speaker output: 2 Watt
Carrying Case Padded carrying case with wheels
Case All Aluminum construction All Aluminum construction Heavy duty metal
Operating Temp. 0°C-50°C
Relative Humidity 20-80% (non-condensing)
Operating Shock 15g
Operating Vibration 10-100Hz 1.25g
Approval CE, FCC

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Tiroir clavier/écran industriel

Transportable durci Tiroir clavier / écran

Clavier membrane

Ports switch

Model No SMK520-15 SMK520-17 SMK520-19 SMK580-15 SMK580-17 SMK580-19 SMK590-15 SMK590-17 SMK590-19
VGA D-Sub 15 pin, Keyboard PS/2 6 pin 8 ports KVM switch. Daisy chain level up to 16 ports KVM switch. Daisy chain level up to 8
Ports switch
Mouse PS/2 6 pin 8 Levels. PC connection up to 120 sets Levels. PC connection up to 128 sets
Weight 15 kgs 16 kgs 17kgs 16 kgs 17 kgs 18 kgs 16 kgs 17 kgs 18 kgs
Dimension (mm)
442.4x44.5x550 442.4x44.5x650 442.4x44.5x550 442.4x44.5x650 442.4x44.5x625 442.4x44.5x650
Power Supply AC 110/220V Auto Switch or DC+48V AC 110/220V Auto Switch AC 110/220V Auto Switch
Construction Heavy- duty steel
Keyboard Membrane 105 keys with touchpad
Protection Tempered glass protection to the LCD screen
0-50° C (32-122°F)
Approval CE , FCC
Size 15" 17" 19" 15" 17" 19" 15" 17" 19"
Resolution 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024
Brightness 250 nits 280 nits 300 nits 250 nits 280 nits 300 nits 250 nits 280 nits 300 nits
Viewing Angle 120/120 160/160 160/160 120/120 160/160 160/160 120/120 160/160 160/160
Contrast Ratio (350:1) (450:1) (450:1) (350:1) (450:1) (450:1) (350:1) (450:1) (450:1)
Backlight MTBF 50,000 hours under 25±5�
Frame Rate 60Hz

Clavier mécanique

Ports switch

Model No. SMK525-15 SMK525-17 SMK585-15 SMK585-17 SMK595-15 SMK595-17
8 ports KVM switch. Daisy chain 16 ports KVM switch. Daisy chain
VGA D-Sub 15 pin, Keyboard PS/2 6 pin
Ports switch level up to 8 Levels. PC connection level up to 8 Levels. PC connection
Mouse PS/2 6 pin
up to 120 sets up to 128 sets
Weight 9.5 kgs 11.5 kgs 9.5 kgs 11.5 kgs 13 kgs 11 kgs 13 kgs
Dimension (mm)
442.4x44.5x480 442.4x45x515 442.4x44.5x480 442.4x44.5x550 442.4x45x655 442.4x44.5x620 442.4x45x655
AC 110/220V Auto Switch or AC 110/220V
Power Supply AC 110/220V Auto Switch AC 110/220V Auto Switch
DC+48V Auto Switch
Construction Heavy- duty steel
Keyboard Membrane 105 keys with touchpad
Color Black
Operation Temperature 0-50° C (32-122°F)
Approval CE , FCC
Size 15" 17" 15" 15" 17" 15" 17"
Resolution 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1024 x 768 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024
Brightness 250 nits 280 nits 250 nits 250 nits 280 nits 250 nits 280 nits
Viewing Angle 120/120 160/160 120/120 120/120 160/160 120/120 160/160
Contrast Ratio (350:1) (450:1) (350:1) (350:1) (450:1) (350:1) (450:1)
Backlight MTBF 50,000 hours under 25±5�
Frame Rate 60Hz

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Tiroir clavier/écran industriel

Transportable durci Tiroir clavier / écran

Dual Rail
Ports switch

Model No DMK520-15 DMK520-17 DMK580-15 DMK580-17 DMK590-15 DMK590-17

8 ports KVM switch. Daisy chain level 16 ports KVM switch. Daisy chain level
VGA D-Sub 15 pin, Keyboard PS/2 6 pin
Ports switch up to 8 Levels. PC connection up to 120 up to 8 Levels. PC connection up to 128
Mouse PS/2 6 pin
sets sets
Drawer Design Dual-rails for panel and keyboard enable independent extraction of either panel or keyboard alone
Weight 11 kgs 12 kgs 12.5 kgs 13.5 kgs 12.5 kgs 13.5 kgs
Dimension (mm)
442.4 x 44 x 480 442.4 x 44.5 x 590 442.4 x 44.5 x 590
Power Supply AC 110/220V Auto Switch or DC+48V AC 110/220V Auto Switch AC 110/220V Auto Switch
Construction Heavy- duty steel
Keyboard Membrane 105 keys with touchpad, Multi-Language
Protection Tempered glass protection to the LCD screen
0-50° C (32-122°F)
Approval CE , FCC
Size 15" 17" 15" 17" 15" 17"
Resolution 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024
Brightness 250 nits 280 nits 250 nits 280 nits 250 nits 280 nits
Viewing Angle 120/120 160/160 120/120 160/160 120/120 160/160
Contrast Ratio (350:1) (450:1) (350:1) (450:1) (350:1) (450:1)
Backlight MTBF 50,000 hours under 25±5�
Frame Rate 60Hz

Clavier/Souris USB

Ports switch

Model No SMK820-15 SMK820-17 SMK880-15 SMK880-17 SMK890-15 SMK890-17

8 ports KVM switch. Daisy chain level up to 16 ports KVM switch. Daisy chain level up
Ports switch D-Sub 15 pin
8 Levels. PC connection up to 120 sets to 8 Levels. PC connection up to 128 sets
Weight 15 kgs 16 kgs 16 kgs 17 kgs 16 kgs 17 kgs
Dimension (mm)
442.4 x 44 x 550 442.4 x 44 x 625 442.4 x 44.5 x 625
Power Supply AC 110/220V Auto Switch or DC+48V AC 110/220V Auto Switch AC 110/220V Auto Switch
Construction Heavy- duty steel
Keyboard Membrane 105 keys with touchpad
Protection Tempered glass protection to the LCD screen
0-50° C (32-122°F)
Approval CE , FCC
Size 15" 17" 15" 17" 15" 17"
Resolution 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024
Brightness 250 nits 280 nits 250 nits 280 nits 250 nits 280 nits
Viewing Angle 120/120 160/160 120/120 160/160 120/120 160/160
Contrast Ratio (350:1) (450:1) (350:1) (450:1) (350:1) (450:1)
Backlight MTBF 50,000 hours under 25±5�
Frame Rate 60Hz

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Tiroir clavier/écran industriel

Transportable durci Tiroir clavier / écran

Ecran large

Ports switch

Reference SMK420-17( With Speaker ) SMK480-17 SMK490-17

8 ports KVM switch. Daisy chain level 16 ports KVM switch. Daisy chain level
VGA D-Sub 15 pin, Keyboard PS/2 6
Ports switch up to 8 Levels. PC connection up to up to 8 Levels. PC connection up to
pin, Mouse PS/2 6pin
120 sets 128 sets

Weight 11 kgs 11.5 kgs 11.5 kgs

Dimension 442.4x44x508 mm (W x H x D)

Power Supply AC 110/220V Auto Switch DC +12V DC +12V

Construction Heavy- duty steel

Keyboard Membrane 105 keys with touchpad

Color Black

0-50° C (32-122°F)

Approval CE , FCC


Size 17"(16:9)

Resolution 1024 x 768

Brightness 450 nits

Contrast Ratio (800:1)

Backlight MTBF 50,000 hours under 25±5�

Frame Rate 80Hz

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Tiroir clavier/écran industriel

Transportable durci Tiroir clavier / écran

Construction en aluminum

Ports switch

Model No. SMK520L-15 SMK520L-17 SMK580L-15 SMK580L-17 SMK590L-15 SMK590L-17

VGA D-Sub 15 pin, Keyboard PS/2 6 8 ports KVM switch. Daisy chain level 16 ports KVM switch. Daisy chain level
Ports switch pin up to 8 Levels. PC connection up to up to 8 Levels. PC connection up to
Mouse PS/2 6 pin 120 sets 128 sets

Weight 9 kgs 10 kgs 10 kgs 11 kgs 10 kgs 11 kgs

Dimension 442.4x44.5x550 mm (W x H x D) 442.4x44.5x590 mm (W x H x D) 442.4x44.5x625 mm (W x H x D)

Power Supply AC 110/220V Auto Switch or DC+48V AC 110/220V Auto Switch AC 110/220V Auto Switch

Construction Aluminum

Keyboard Membrane 105 keys with touchpad

Protection Tempered glass protection to the LCD screen

0-50° C (32-122°F)

Approval CE , FCC


Size 15" 17" 15" 17" 15" 17"

Resolution 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024

Brightness 250 nits 280 nits 250 nits 280 nits 250 nits 280 nits

Viewing Angle 120/120 160/160 120/120 160/160 120/120 160/160

Contrast Ratio (350:1) (450:1) (350:1) (450:1) (350:1) (450:1)

Backlight MTBF 50,000 hours under 25±5�

Frame Rate 60Hz

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

A.BORN Techology Corp.

Panel PC
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Eric Hu

Eric Hu
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The Rug
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A PLUS SA, notre meilleur choix en France

A.Born Technology Corp, fabricant d’ ordinateurs durci à Taiwan.

Nous avons une totale confiance en l’efficacité d’ A PLUS SA et de son support technique. En France,
nous pensons qu’ A PLUS SA est le meilleur partenaire dans le domaine durci car il possède l’expérience
requise dans les différentes technologies, le service, et les produits afin d’assurer le succès de vos projets.

A PLUS SA accorde une grande importance à son service et support client. Elle reconnaît que le succès d’un
projet nécessite du support, du service, et des techniciens spécialisés. Ses équipes techniques travaillent
en étroite collaboration avec ses clients et ses conseillers pour fournir une solution conforme et adaptée
à chacun de leurs projets. Telles sont les raisons pour lesquelles nous voulons coopérer avec A PLUS SA.

Nous aimons la manière dont A PLUS SA mène ses affaires ainsi que son style unique. Nous
voulons donc remercier notre partenaire, continuons à progresser et à grandir ensemble !

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Panel PC / PC Mobile / Moniteur

Panel PC PC Mobile Moniteur

Rugged, Real Sunlight readable, Sea Waterproof ...

Material : Allumium Alloy 6061-T6

LCD: 10.4" TFT , 800 x 600 resolution. ( 1024 x 768 optional)
Brightness : 1200 nits (real sunlight readable. )
Housing finished: Hard Anodized.
1 x VGA input.
1 x BNC. ( optional )
1 x AV input
1 x S video input

High reliable control system ( Digital ) with audio function ( Analog )
10.4" TFT LCD, 400 nits

Sunlight readable 10.4" TFT LCD with
Designed to Anti-Shock & vibration.
3M under water in operation status.
8 x Com ports and 4 x ports USB 2.0 in

Data collection/data acquisition
Automation Industry
Wireless Control with Human Interface
For Mobile ePlatform
Designed for critical environments

15.1" TFT Sunlight readaable 1500 nits LCD.
Using Floating Mount Technology to resistance the vibration.
Anti-Scratch protective Touchscreen .
Waterproof keyboard and mouse ( touchpad).
Fanless and ultra-low power consumption

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007


Carte d’acquisition

Module PXI/Compact PCI ................................................ 100

Carte DAQ PCI ............................................................... 102
Carte DIO PCI ............................................................... 104
Carte DIO/DAS ISA ........................................................ 105

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Module PXI/Compact PCI

Module PXI/Compact PCI Carte DAQ PCI Carte DIO PCI Carte DIO/DAS ISA

Digital I/O modules

cPCI-7300 cPCI-7200 cPCI-7230 cPCI-7248 cPCI-7249R cPCI-7252
3.3 V or 5 V PCI 5V
Bus-mastering DMA Scatter-gather ● – – – –
Rear I/O available(2) – – – – ● –
Isolation – – ● – – ●
High Speed Digital I/O
2 x 24-bit 2 x 24-bit
No. of Channels 2 x 16-bit DIO 32 DI,32 DO – –
8255 PIO 8255 PIO
Transfer Rate (Byte/s) 80 M 12 M – 500 k 500 k –
FIFO Size (words) 32 k 2k – – – –
Logic Standard 5 V/TTL 5 V/TTL – 5 V/TTL 5 V/TTL –
Handshaking Transfer ● ● – – – –
Dedicated Inputs
No. of Channels 4 4 16 + COS – – 16
Max. Sampling Rate
500 k 500 k 10 k – – –
VIH = 3-24 V VIH = 3-24 V
Logic Standard 5 V/TTL 5 V/TTL – –
VIL = 0-1 V VIL = 0-1 V
Dedicated Output
No. of Channels 4 4 16 – – 8
Max. Update Rate
500 k 500 k 10 k – – –
Output Type 5 V/TTL 5 V/TTL Darlington – – Relay
Timer/Counter – – – – – –

Digital I/O modules

cPCI-7432/R cPCI-7433/R cPCI-7434/R cPCI-7452 cPCI-8554/R
3.3 V or 5 V PCI 3.3 V / 5 V 5V 5V 3.3V/5V 5V
Bus-mastering DMA – – – – –
Rear I/O available(2) ● ● ● – ●
Isolation ● ● ● ● –
Dedicated Inputs
No. of Channels 32 64 – 128 + COS 8
Max. Sampling Rate
10 k 10 k – 10k 500 k
VIH = 5-24 V VIH = 5-24 V VIH =5-24V
Logic Standard – 5 V/TTL
VIL = 0-1.5 V VIL = 0-1.5 V VIL =0-2V
Dedicated Output
No. of Channels 32 – 64 128 8
Max. Update Rate
10 k – 10 k 10k 500 k
Output Type Darlington – Darlington Darlington 5 V/TTL
Timer/Counter – – – – 12 x 16-bit

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Module PXI/Compact PCI

Module PXI/Compact PCI Carte DAQ PCI Carte DIO PCI Carte DIO/DAS ISA

Multi-function DAQ Modules Analog Output Modules

cPCI-9116/R cPCI-9112/R cPCI-6208V/VR cPCI-6208A/AR cPCI-6216V/VR
3.3 V or 5 V PCI 5V 5V 3.3 V/5 V 3.3 V/5 V 3.3 V/5 V
Bus-mastering DMA ● ● – – –
Rear I/O available(2) ● ● ● ● ●
Analog Input
Analog Inputs 64 SE/ 32 DI 16 SE/ 8 DI - - -
Max. Sampling Rate
250 k 110 k - - -
– – - - -
AD Resolution (bits) 16 12 - - -
FIFO Size (samples) 1k 1k - - -
Channel-gain Queue 512 – - - -
±5 V, ±2.5 V,±1.25 ±10 V, ±5 V,±2.5 V,
Bipolar Input Ranges - - -
V,±0.625 V ±1.25 V,±0.625 V
0-10 V, 0-5 V,0-2.5 V,0- 0-10 V, 0-5 V,0-2.5 V,0-
Unipolar Input Ranges - - -
1.25 V 1.25 V
Analog output
Voltage Outputs – 2 8 8 16
Current Outputs – – – 8 –
Update Rate (S/s) – 33 k 454 k 454 k 454 k
Simultaneous Update – – – – –
DA Resolution (bits) – 12 16 16 16
FIFO Size (samples) – – – – –
Settling Time – 30 µs 4 µs 17 µs 4 µs
Analog Output Ranges – 0-5 V, 0-10 V,0-EXTREF ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V
Current Output 0-20 mA,4-20 mA,
– – – –
Ranges 5-25 mA
Digital I/O, Timer/Counter, and external Trigger
Digital I/O 8 DI, 8 DO 16 DI, 16 DO 4 DI, 4 DO 4 DI, 4 DO 4 DI, 4 DO
Timer/Counter 1, 16-bit 1, 16-bit – – –
Analog Trigger – – – – –
Digital Trigger Yes – – – –

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007


Module PXI/Compact PCI Carte DAQ PCI Carte DIO PCI Carte DIO/DAS ISA

Simultaneous Sampling DAQ Cards Analog Output Cards

DAQ-2010 DAQ-2016 DAQ-2005 DAQ-2006 DAQ-2501 DAQ-2502
3.3V or 5V PCI 3.3V/5V
Bus-mastering DMA Scatter-gather
Auto Calibration ●
Analog Input
Analog Inputs 4 DI 8 SE 4 SE
Max. Smapling Rates (S/s) 2M 800 kS/s 500k 250k 400k 400k
Simultaneous Sampling ● - -
AD Resolution (bits) 14 16 16 16 14 14
FIFO Size (samples) 8k 512 512 512 1k 1k
Channel-gain Queue - - - - - -
Bipolar Input Ranges (V) -±10V, ±5V,±2.5V, ±1.25V ±10V
Unipolar Input Ranges (V) 0-10V, 0-5V,0-2.5V,0-1.25V 0-10V
Analog Output
Voltage Outputs 2 + AWG 4 + AWG 8 + AWG
Update Rate (S/s) 1M
Simultaneous Update ●
DA Resolution (bits) 12
FIFO Size (samples) 2k 8k 16k
Settling Time 3 µs
Analog Output Ranges ±10V, ±EXTREF,0-10V, 0-EXTREF
Digital I/O, Timer/Counter, and External Trigger
Digital I/O 24-bit 8255 PIO
Timer/Counter 16-bit x2
Analog Trigger ●
Digital Trigger ●

Multi-Function DAQ Cards

DAQ-2204 DAQ-2205 DAQ-2206 DAQ-2213 DAQ-2214 DAQ-2208
3.3V or 5V PCI 3.3V/5V
Bus-mastering DMA Scatter-gather
Auto Calibration ●
Analog Input
Analog Inputs 64 SE/32 DI 64 SE/32 DI 64 SE/32 DI 16 SE/8 DI 16 SE/8 DI 96 SE/48 DI
Max. Smapling Rates (S/s) 3M 500k 250k 250k 250k 3M
Simultaneous Sampling -
AD Resolution (bits) 12 16 16 16 16 12
FIFO Size (samples) 1k
Channel-gain Queue 512 512 512 512 512 1024
±10V, ±5V, ±10V, ±5V,
±2.5V,±2V, ±1.25V, ±10V, ±10V, ±10V, ±2.5V,±2V, ±1.25V,
±10V, ±5V,±2.5V,
Bipolar Input Ranges (V) ±1V,±0.5V, ±5V,±2.5V, ±5V,±2.5V, ±5V,±2.5V, ±1V,±0.5V,
±0.25V,±0.2V, ±1.25V ±1.25V ±1.25V ±0.25V,±0.2V,
±0.05V ±0.05V
0-10V,0-5V, 0-4V,0- 0-10V,0-5V, 0-4V,0-
0-10V, 0-5V,0- 0-10V, 0-5V,0- 0-10V, 0-5V,0- 0-10V, 0-5V,0-
Unipolar Input Ranges (V) 2.5V, 0-2V,0-1V,0- 2.5V, 0-2V,0-1V,0-
2.5V,0-1.25V 2.5V,0-1.25V 2.5V,0-1.25V 2.5V,0-1.25V
0.5V,0-0.4V,0-0.1V 0.5V,0-0.4V,0-0.1V
Analog Output
Voltage Outputs 2 + AWG 2 + AWG 2 + AWG - 2 + AWG -
Update Rate (S/s) 1M 1M 1M - 1M -
Simultaneous Update ● ● ● - ● -
DA Resolution (bits) 12 12 12 - 12 -
FIFO Size (samples) 1k 1k 1k - 1k -
Settling Time 3 µs 3 µs 3 µs - 3 µs -
±10V, ±10V,
±10V, ±EXTREF,0- ±10V, ±EXTREF,0-
Analog Output Ranges ±EXTREF,0-10V, - ±EXTREF,0-10V, -
Digital I/O, Timer/Counter, and External Trigger
Digital I/O 24-bit 8255 PIO
Timer/Counter 16-bit x2 16-bit x2 16-bit x2 16-bit x2 16-bit x2 -
Analog Trigger ●
Digital Trigger ●

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Module PXI/Compact PCI Carte DAQ PCI Carte DIO PCI Carte DIO/DAS ISA

Multi-Function DAQ Cards USB DAQ

PCI-9118DG/L, HR/L PCI-9118HG/L PCI-9114(A)-DG PCI-9112/LPCI-9112 PCI-9111DG/HR USBDAQ-9100MS
3.3V or 5V PCI 5V 5V 5V 3.3V/5V 5V USB 1.1
Bus-mastering DMA ● ● – ● – –
Auto Calibration – – – – – ●
Analog Input
Analog Inputs 16 SE/8 DI 16 SE/8 DI 32 SE/16 DI 16 SE/8 DI 16 SE 8 DI
333 k (PCI-9118DG/ 250 k (PCI-9114A-
L) DG)
Max. Smapling Rates (S/s) 333 k 110 k 100 k 500 k
100 k (PCI-9118HR/ 100 k (PCI-
L) 9114DG)
Simultaneous Sampling – – – – – ● (4-CH)
12 (PCI-9118DG/L) 12 (PCI-9111DG)
AD Resolution (bits) 12 16 12 12
16 (PCI-9118HR/L) 16 (PCI-9111HR)
FIFO Size (samples) 1k 1k 1k 8 1k 4k
Channel-gain Queue 256 256 – – – –
±10 V, ±5 V,±2.5
±5 V, ±2.5 V, ±1.25 ±5 V, ±0.5 ±10 V, ±5 V,±2.5 ±10 V, ±5 V,±2.5 ±10 V, ±5 V,±2.5
Bipolar Input Ranges (V) V,±1.25 V, ±0.625
V, ±0.625 V V,±0.05 V V, ±1.25 V V,±1.25 V, ±0.625 V V, ±1.25 V
0-10 V, 0-5 V,0-2.5 0-10 V, 0-1 V,0- 0-10 V, 0-5 V,0-2.5 0-10 V, 0-5 V,0-2.5
Unipolar Input Ranges (V) – –
V, 0-1.25 V 0.1 V V, 0-1.25 V V, 0-1.25 V
Analog Output
Voltage Outputs – – – 2 1 2 + AWG
Update Rate (S/s) – – – 33 k 33 k 500 k
Simultaneous Update – – – – – ●
DA Resolution (bits) – – – 12 12 12
FIFO Size (samples) – – – – – 511
Settling Time – – – 30 µs 30 µs 2 µs
0-5 V, 0-10 V,0-
Analog Output Ranges – – – ±10 V, 0-10 V ±10 V
Digital I/O, Timer/Counter, and External Trigger
16 DI, 16 8 DI, 8 DO
Digital I/O 4 DI, 4 DO 4 DI, 4 DO 16 DI, 16 DO 16 DI, 16 DO
DO(Isolated) (Isolated)
Timer/Counter – – 16-bit 16-bit – 16-bit x 2
Analog Trigger – – – – – –
Digital Trigger ● ● ● ● ● ●

Analog Output Cards

Analog Input Cards 6216V 6208V 6208A 6308V
PCI-9812(A) 3.3V or 5V PCI 5V 5V 5V 3.3V/5V 3.3V/5V
PCI-9820 PCI-9113A Bus-mastering
PCI-9810 – – – – –
3.3V or 5V PCI 3.3V/5V 3.3V/5V 5V DMA
Scatter- Auto Calibration – – – – –
Bus-mastering DMA ● – Analog Output
Auto Calibration ● – – Voltage Outputs 16 8 8 8 8
Analog Input Current Outputs – – 8 – 8
Analog Inputs 2 SE 4 32 SE/ 16 DI Update Rate 250k 250k
454 k 454 k 454 k
Max. Smapling (S/s) (isolated) (isolated)
130 M 20 M 100 k(Isolated) Simultaneous
Rates (S/s) – – – ● ●
Simultaneous Update
● ● – DA Resolution
Sampling 16 16 16 12 12
12 (PCI-9812), (bits)
AD Resolution (bits) 14 12 FIFO Size
10 (PCI-9810) – – – – –
32 k(PCI- (samples)
256 M Settling Time 2 µs 2 µs 17 µs 16 µs 17 µs
FIFO Size (samples) 9810/9812) 1k
128 k(PCI-9812A) ±10 V, ±10 V,
Voltage Outputs
Channel-gain Queue – – – ±10 V ±10 V ±10 V 0-10 V,0- 0-10 V,0-
Bipolar Input V,±1 V, ±0.5 0-20 mA,
±5 V, ±1 V ±5 V, ±1 V Current Output
Ranges (V) V,±0.1V, ±0.05 – – 4-20 mA, – –
V 5-25 mA
Unipolar Input 0-10 V, 0-1 V,0- Digital I/O, Timer/Counter, and External Trigger
– –
Ranges (V) 0.1 V 4 DI,
4 DI, 4 4 DI, 4 4 DI, 4 4 DI, 4 DO
Digital I/O, Timer/Counter, and External Trigger Digital I/O 4 DO
DO DO DO (Isolated)
Digital I/O – 3 DI – (Isolated)
Timer/Counter – – – Timer/Counter – – – – 16-bit x 2
Analog Trigger ● ● – Analog Trigger – – – – –
Digital Trigger ● ● – Digital Trigger – – – – –

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Module PXI/Compact PCI Carte DAQ PCI Carte DIO PCI Carte DIO/DAS ISA

Digital I/O Modules

PCI-7234P PCI-7296
PCI-7233 PCI-7396
PCI-7300A PCI-7200 LPCI-7200S PCI-7230 LPCI-7230 PCI-7234P PCI-7248
PCI-7233H PCI-7348
PCI-7234 PCI-7224
3.3V or 5V PCI 5V 5V 3.3V/5V 5V 3.3V/5V 5V 5V 5V 5V
Form Factor PCI PCI Low Profile PCI PCI Low Profile PCI PCI PCI PCI PCI
● ● ● - - - - - -
Isolation - - - ● ● ● ● - -
High speed Digital I/O
4/2/1 x 24-bit 96/48 DIO
No. of Channels 2 x 16-bit DIO 32 DI, 32 DO 32 DI, 32 DO - - - -
8255 PIO + COS
80M 12M 12M - - - - 500k 500k
FIFO size (words) 32k - - - - - - - -
Logic Standard 5V/TTL 5V/TTL 5V/TTL - - - - 5V/TTL 5V/TTL
● ● ● - - - - - -
Dedicated Inputs
No. of Channels 4 - - 16 16 32 + COS - - -
Max. Sampling
500k - - 10k 10k 10k - - -
Rate (Hz)(1)
VIH=5-24V VIH=5-24V VIH=5-24V
Logic Standard 5V/TTL - - - - -
VIL=0-1.5V VIL=0-1.5V VIL=0-1.5V
Dedicated Outputs
No. of Channels 4 - - 16 16 - 32 - -
Max. Update Rate
500k - - 10k 10k - 10k - -
Output Type 5V/TTL - - Darlington Darlington - Darlington - -

LPCI-7250 PCI-7260 PCI-7256 PCI-7258 PCI-7432 PCI-7433 PCI-7434 PCI-8554
3.3V or 5V PCI 5V 3.3V/5V 3.3V/5V 3.3V/5V 3.3V/5V 5V 5V 5V 5V
Bus-mastering DMA - - - - - - - - -
Isolation ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● -
Dedicated Inputs
No. of Channels 8 8 8 + COS 16 + COS 2 32 64 - 8
Max. Sampling Rate
10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k - 500k
VIH=5-24V VIH=5-24V VIH=10-24V VIH=10-24V VIH=5-24V VIH=5-24V VIH=5-24V
Logic Standard - 5V/TTL
VIL=0-1.5V VIL=0-1.5V VIL=0-2V VIL=0-2V VIL=0-1.5V VIL=0-1.5V VIL=0-1.5V
Dedicated Onputs
No. of Channels 8 8 8 16 32 32 - 64 8
Max. Update Rate
- - - - - 10k - 10k 500k
Relay Operate/ Re-
8ms/8ms 8ms/8ms 10ms/10ms 3ms/3ms 0.23ms/0.04ms - - - -
lease Time
Output Type Relay Relay Relay Relay PhotoMos Relay Darlington - 5V/TTL
Timer/Counter - - - - - - - - 10, 16-bit

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Module PXI/Compact PCI Carte DAQ PCI Carte DIO PCI Carte DIO/DAS ISA

Multi-function DAQ Cards Analog Output Cards

ACL-8316/L, ACL-8112DG/
ACL-8216 ACL-8111 ACL-8113A ACL-6126 ACL-6128A
ACL-8312/L HG/PG
Analog Input
16SE/8D or 16
Analog Inputs 16 SE/8 DI 16 SE/8 DI 8 SE 32 SE – –
Isolation – – – – ● – –
DMA Transfer ● ● ● – – – –
Max. Sampling Rate
100 k 100 k 100 k 50 k 30 k – –
AD Resolution (bits) 16/12 16 12 12 12 – –
FIFO Size (samples) 1k – – – – – –
±10 V, ±5 V, ACL-8112DG ±5 V, ±2.5 V, ±10 V, ±5 V,
±10 V, ±5 V,
Bipolar Input Ranges ±2.5 V, ±1.25 ACL-8112HG ±1.25 V, ±0.625 ±2.5 V, ±1.25 – –
±2.5 V, ±1.25 V
V ACL-8112PG V, ±0.3125 V V, ±0.625 V
ACL-8112DG 0-10 V, 0-5
Unipolar Input Ranges – – ACL-8112HG – V,0-2.5 V, 0- – –
ACL-8112PG 1.25, 0-0.625V
Analog Output
Voltage Outputs – 2 2 1 – 6 2
Current Outputs – – – – – 6 2
Isolation – – – – – – ●
DA Resolution (bits) – 12 12 12 – 12 12
Settling Time – 30 µs 30 µs 30 µs – 30 µs 60 µs
Bipolar Output Ranges – - - – – ±10 V, ±5 V ±10 V, ±5 V
Unipolar Output 0-10 V
– 0-10V, 0-5V 0-10 V, 0-5 V – 0-10 V, 0-5 V 0-10 V, 0-5 V
Ranges 0-5 V
Current Output
– – – – – 0-20 mA 0-20 mA
Digital I/O, Timer/Counter, and external Trigger
Digital I/O 16DI, 16DO 16DI, 16DO 16DI, 16DO 16DI, 16DO – 16DI, 16DO –
Timer/Counter 1, 16-bit 1, 16-bit 1, 16-bit – – – –
Pacer Trigger ● ● ● ● – – –

ACL-7130 ACL-7125 ACL-7225 ACL-7122 PET-48DIO ACL-7120A/6 ACL-8454/12

Digital I/O
16 Isolated DI
Digital Input 8 Isolated DI 16 Isolated DI 32 TTL DI 16 TTL DI
16 Isolated DO
Digital Output 8 Relay DO 16 Relay DO 32 TTL DI 8 TTL DO
Max. Transfer Rate
10 k 10 k 10 k 500 k 500 k 500 k 500 k
Timer 1, 32-bit – – – 1, 32-bit 2, 16-bit 2, 32-bit
Counter 1, 16-bit – – – 1, 16-bit 4, 16-bit 8, 16-bit

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Disque dur
Disque dur

à +85°C

Cette gamme de disque dur est conçue pour fonctionner dans des applications industrielles.
Ils peuvent aussi être embarqués dans des véhicules.
Gamme de température étendue de -30°C à +85°C
Capacité jusqu'à 50Go

n n e m ent en
Foncti 2 4h/24
i n u

D'une taille de 3,5", ces disques sont utilisés dans les ordinateurs personnels


Ces disques durs sont principalement dédiés aux serveur et au station de travail. Ils
permettent un accès aux données plus rapide et plus efficace.

Taille: 3,5" / Vitesse de rotation: 15 000 RPM


Ces disques de 1,8" et 2,5" qui allient vitesse et durabilité sont conçus pour des applications
d'informatique mobile et éléctronique.

MicroDrive Digital Media

Ces disques de hautes capacités et de hautes performances sont utilisables comme stockage amovible.

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Carte Flash et disque Flash IDE

Carte Flash IDE Flash disk Disk On Module

Carte Flash industriel

Industrial Flash Card, contrôleur TDK
AC47-2030-0442 Industrial CF card, 32Mo à 2Go,40X
AC47-2030-0444 Industrial CF card, 32Mo à 2Go, -40°C~85°C

Turbo Flash Card, contrôleur KTC

AC60-8030R0442 Turbo Industrial CF card, 32Mo à 8Go,80X
AC60-8030R0444 Turbo Industrial CF card, 32Mo à 8Go, -40°C~+85°C

Hi-Speed Flash Card, contrôleur Hyperstone

AC46-8030-0446 Hi-Speed CF card, 32Mo à 8Go,60X
AC65-8030R044X Hi-Speed CF card, 32Mo à 8Go, -40°C~+ 85°C

Disque Flash IDE

2.5" IDE Flash Disk, contrôleur TDK
DK0040G44R-25 2.5" IDE Flash Disk, 64Mo à 4Go
DK0040G44T-25 2.5" IDE Flash Disk, 64Mo à 4Go, -40°C~+85°C

Turbo 2.5" IDE Flash Disk, contrôleur KTC

DK0160G88R-25 Turbo 2.5" IDE Flash Disk, 64Mo à 16Go
DK0160G88T-25W Turbo 2.5" IDE Flash Disk, 64Mo à 16Go, -40°C~+85°C

Turbo 1.8" IDE Flash Disk, contrôleur KTC

DR0160G88R-18 Turbo 1.8" IDE Flash Disk, 64Mo à 16GO
DR00160G88T-18W Turbo 1.8" IDE Flash Disk, 64Mo à 16Go, -40°C~+85°C

Turbo Plus 2.5" IDE Flash Disk, RAID, contrôleur KTC

DK0320G89R-25 Turbo Plus 2.5" IDE Flash Disk, 4Go à 32Go

Turbo Plus 2.5" SATA Solid State Disk, contrôleur KTC

DK0320G87R-25 Turbo Plus 2.5" SATA Solid State Disk, 4Go à 32Go

Hi-Speed 2.5" IDE Flash Disk, contrôleur Hyperstone

DK0160G23R-25 Hi-Speed 2.5" IDE Flash Disk, 64Mo à 16Go
DK0160G23T-25 Hi-Speed 2.5" IDE Flash Disk, 64Mo à 16Go, -40°C~+85°C

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Disk On Module
Carte Flash IDE Flash disk Disk On Module

Disk On Module

DOM, contrôleur TDK

DE0020G44R-40H 40pin i-DOM, 32Mo à 2Go, Horizontal/L-form, wo/housing

DH0015G44R-44H 44pin i-DOM, 32Mo à 1,5Go, Horizontal/L-form, wo/housing
DH0015G44T-44HW 44pin i-DOM, 32Mo à 1,5Go, Horizontal, -40°C~+85°C
DJ0015G44R-40V 40pin i-DOM, 32 Mo à 1,5 Go, Vertical, w/housing
DJ0015G44T-40VW 40pin i-DOM, 32Mo à 1,5Go, Vertical, -40°C~+ 85°C
DQ0010G44R-44V 44pin i-DOM, 32 Mo à 1 Go, Vertical, w/housing
DQ0010G44T-44VW 44pin i-DOM, 32Mo à 1Go, Vertical, -40°C~+ 85°C

DOM, contrôleur Hyperstone

DE0080G22R-40H 40pin DOM, 32Mo à 8Go, Horizontal/L-form
DH0040G22R-44H 44pin DOM, 32Mo à 4Go, Horizontal/L-form

Turbo DOM, contrôleur KTC

DH0060G88T-44HW 44pin Turbo i-DOM, 32Mo à 6Go, Horizontal, -40°C~+85°C
DH0040M88R-44H 44pin Turbo i-DOM, 32Mo à 4Go, Horizontal
DJ0020G88R-40V 40pin Turbo i-DOM, 32Mo à 4Go, Vertical
DJ0040GM88T-40VW 40pin Turbo i-DOM, 32Mo à 4Go, Vertical, -40°C~+85°C
DQ0040GM88R-44V 44pin Turbo i-DOM, 32Mo à 4Go, Vertical
DQ0040GM88R-44V 44pin Turbo i-DOM, 32Mo à 2Go, Vertical, -40°C~+85°C

Hi-Speed DOM, contrôleur Hyperstone

DJ0060G22R-40V 40pin DOM, 32Mo à 6Go, Vertical, w/housing
DQ0040G22R-44V 44pin DOM, 32Mo à 4Go, Vertical, w/housing

Hi-Speed DOM
DJ0060G23T-40VW 40pin DOM, 32Mo à 6Go, Vertical, -40°C~+85°C
DQ0040G23T-44VW 44pin DOM, 32Mo à 4Go, Vertical, -40°C~+85°C

Secured DOM
DJ0015G23R-40V 40pin S-DOM, 32Mo à 1.5Go, Vertical
DQ0010G23R-44V 44pin S-DOM, 32Mo à 1Go, Vertical

USB DOM (ne fonctionne pas sur XP)

DM0020G80R-10V USB-DOM 10pin connector, 32Mo à 2Go, Vertical

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Département affichage

A PLUS SYSTEME AUTOMATION - Département affichage

Crée en 2004, le département Affichage répond aux exigences croissantes de ses clients industriels en
matière de support technique et de conseil dans le choix de cartes mères industrielles et de systèmes de

Nos domaines de compétences sont :

- La distribution à valeur ajoutée d'écrans plats LCD, de cartes d'interface, de cartes mères industrielles,
de moniteurs et dalles tactlles.

- Les services : Montage de dalles tactiles, recherche de composants spécifiques, test et réalisation de
sous-ensembles d'affichage.

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Guide d’achats Mars 2007

Département Affichage
Nos partenaires

TFT 3,5" 320 x 240 pts

TFT 5,7" 320 x 240 pts
TFT 6,5" 640 x 480 pts
TFT 7" 800 x 480 pts
Carte contrôleur de dalle tactile résistive 4, 5, 7 et 8 fils
TFT 8,4" 800 x 600 pts
Carte contrôleur de dalle tactile capacitive
TFT 10,4" 640 x 480 pts et 800 x 600 pts
Chips contrôleurs
TFT 12,1" 800 x 600 pts et 1024 x 768 pts

Modules LCD alphanumériques

Cartes CPU PC/104
Afficheurs LCD graphiques monochromes:
Cartes CPU 3,5"
- LCD 128 x 64 pts
Cartes CPU Half-Size
- LCD 128 x 128 pts
Modules CPU Mity et Tiny
- LCD 240 x 64 pts
Cartes périphériques PC/104
- LCD 240 x 128 pts
- LCD 320 x 240 pts
Afficheurs LCD graphiques CSTN:
- LCD 320 x 240 pts CSTN
TFT 320 x 240 pts

Cartes CPU 5,25"

Cartes CPU 3,5"
Systèmes embedded - Plates-formes fanless
Moniteurs tactiles LCD bureautiques
Moniteurs tactiles LCD encastrables
PC tactiles
Moniteurs tactiles CRT
Moniteurs tactiles CRT Open Frame
Dalles tactiles
Technologies tactiles
- Ondes de surface IntelliTouch Cartes CPU 3,5"

- Ondes de surface SecureTouch Cartes CPU Mini ITX

- Résistives 5 fils AccuTouch

- Capacitive
- A infrarouge CarollTouch

Dalles tactiles résistives 4 fils

Dalles tactiles résistives 5 fils Cartes de conversion analogique-numérique

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Guide d'achats Division Afiichage 2007

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