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Monthly newsletter for area insurance professionals To inform members and associates of industry news, educational opportunities And association activities of the


Beth Blackwell, AAI, CPIW 919-783-3551 beth.blackwell@ncfbins.com


Inside this Newsletter

1. August Meeting 8/10/10


www.ncaiw.org - SCHOLARSHIPS!

Pinecone Editor
Jeanne Hess, CISR, CPIW, DAE, AAI, AIS

863-6524 - jhess@iianc.com

President Elect & Membership

Katy Willett, CIC, CISR kwillett@bagwellandbagwellins.com 919-832-6667

Vice-President & Programs

Janet Davis, CISR, CPIW, AAI jdavis@triangleinsurancegroup.com 919-359-9439

Barry Mowbray from NCDOIS SHIIP office! Dont miss it!

3. Membership Drive/Cookout


Shirley Hudson, ARM, AAI, CISR, CPIW, DAE shudson@iianc.com 919 863-6531


Joetta MacMiller, CISR, CPIW jmacmiller@nc.rr.com or (919) 383-0442

on Tuesday, Sept. 14th! Kelly Ricketts with NCDOI will be our speaker! Mark your calendars NOW! 4. Dont forget your Dues Renewals!! Last ChanceDeadline is 8/31/10!

The August Meeting of the Raleigh Association of Insurance Professionals will be held on Tuesday, August 10th at the IIANC building, 101 Weston Oaks Court in Cary. Social time is at 5:30 with meeting beginning at 6:00. Barry Mowbray from NCDOIs SHIIP office will be our speaker talking about Health Care Reform and Medicare. Come and enjoy fellowship and a great meeting. Hope to see you there and bring a guest!


Wanda Manning, CPCU, CPIW, CIC, DAE w.manning@sau-inc.com 910-897-6033

Committee Chairmen:
Bylaws & Immediate Past President
Kelly Bryant, CISR Kelly.bryant@bbandt.com or 919-716-9831


Jeanne Hess, CISR, CPIW, DAE, AAI, AIS 919-863-6524 - jhess@iianc.com

Public Relations

Pat Flores Nobleprops.pat@gmail.com


Pam Grimes, CPIW, CIC, CISR, DAE Pagdreamer18@aol.com

Enjoy some time off!!

Thanks for making NAIW YOUR
Association of Choice Represented by Diversified Professionals

August 2010


Debbie Pass-Soles, CPIW, CISR, CIC Debbie.Soles@mmicnc.com


Barb Hutchinson bhutchinson@bmico.com

NEW WEBSITE: www.raip.org

People will forget what you said People will forget what you did,

But people will never forget how you made them feel.

Have a Great Day!


Welcome to Dog Days of August! I find it hard to believe that we are at this point of the year, that it has been 2 months since Kelly, Wanda, and I attended National Convention in D. C., and the traditional school year will begin shortly. After our planning session last meeting, I know we have plans for a great year. NAIW has presented all associations with a membership challenge. Also, NCAIW is conducting a membership contest. Remember to recruit your co-workers and other insurance friends, and if you know of past members, encourage them to come and join us again. We do have the membership picnic planned for September 14, 2010. Tuesday, Barry Mowbray from SHIIP will talk with us on Health Care Reform & Medicare. It should be very interesting and enlighten us on health insurance issues to come. Continue to think of topics and issues for meetings and give your ideas to Janet Davis. Maybe you know of an interesting speaker? Remember NAIW (International) President Margaret Wildis Theme: Connecting, Partnering, Leading See you all Tuesday! Beth Crouch Blackwell, AAI, CPIW President RAIP

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: 1 Job opening for Underwriting Tech. in Raleigh area. Issuance, Endorsements, Cancellations and basic follow-up. (added Aug. 2010)
Please contact Jeanne Hess jhess@iianc.com or 863-6524, if you would like more information. Note: All old positions have been removed. If you have a position available or are still looking, please contact me to add back next month and GOOD LUCK!


Raleigh Association of Insurance Professionals can help employers find valuable employees and help those seeking employment opportunities find those employers! We would encourage our members to pass my contact information along to their employers and HR Managers so that they can notify me when a position opens up. We need our members to help promote the use of our service for connecting employees & employers. I would be happy to send a request directly to their employers if they can provide me with the contact name and email address. These are tough times for everyone so we need everyone at RAIP to do what we can to bring people together.
EMPLOYMENT CHAIRMAN, 2010-2011 Jeanne Hess jhess@iianc.com or 919-863-6524

Dues statements have been e-mailed by NAIW. If you have not received yours, go to the NAIW website and update your e-mail address. Also, I would e-mail John McCullough at NAIW for a copy of your form. membership@naiw.org It is very convenient to print off and turn in if you have your expenses paid. Or you can pay by credit card, check, etc. DONT DELAYDO IT TODAY!



One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. "One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. "The other is God - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?" The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On 09/14/10 picnic RAIP will furnish the meat hot dogs & hamburger Wanda Buns for HD & Hamburgers also has dessert plates, knives, forks & spoons Joetta Ambrosia Debbie Chili Jeanne Brownies Pam Condiments Beth Paper Products Jan cheese, chips & potato salad If you (members) are planning to attend, please contact Jan to sign up for a side. GUESTS Do Not need to bring anything!! Just come and Be Our Guest


July 13, 2010

The Raleigh Association met at the IIANC building in Cary, NC. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Beth Blackwell, President. Members & guests present included: Beth Blackwell, Katy Willett, Joetta MacMiller, Janet Davis, Pam Grimes, Wanda Manning, , Jeanne Hess, and Debbie Pass-Soles. No minutes were available for review. President Blackwell announced the Committee Chairs: Bylaws Kelly Bryant Parliamentarian Wanda Manning Employment Jeanne Hess Education Pam Grimes Safety Debbie Pass-Soles Legislative Barb Hutchison Public Relations - Open Outgoing Treasurer, Janet Davis presented the Treasurers Report. After no corrections, it was filed for audit. Pam Grimes Volunteered to audit the books and they will be turned over to Joetta MacMiller, incoming Treasurer to get set up at the bank. The Budget will be prepared and presented in August. Janet Davis reported that we made $225 on the RADA Knives. Janet Davis reported that NAIW has sent local dues for renewals for 13 members renewing. Katy Willett began discussion on ideas for membership. Calling members who have not renewed, contacting prospective members and inviting them to the Membership Drive meeting on September 14th. There is a signup sheet for side items to go along with hamburgers and hotdogs that will be provided by RAIP. Program Chairman Janet Davis asked for ideas for speakers for programs. August, someone from NCDOI. September will be the Membership Drive. October is Fire Prevention month. Other ideas for future meetings include

Computer Fraud, SIU-Farm Bureau, Speaker from Builders Mutual, Business Income, Long Term Care & SHIIP. Katy will make flyers for meetings and will invite the glass companies, restoration companies, other agencies and companies. Everyone should invite someone to the September meeting. Old Business: Janet Davis obtained quotes for RAIPs bond at $10,000 coverage and the quote from CNA was for $126/year or 3 years for $359.10 for no deductible and no countersignature. Wanda made motion to go with CNA, Jeanne seconded the motion and it was approved. We will go with CNA on a yearly basis. New Business: Fundraisers were discussed and all agreed to sell the pecans and RADA knives again. Classes were discussed for Professional Liability, Bonds, Ethics & Flood, and the class that Dr. Dave Wood is willing to teach for us. With no further discussion needed, President Blackwell adjourned the meeting at 7:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, Jeanne M. Hess, CPIW, CISR, DAE, AAI, AIS For RAIP Secretary, Shirley McLamb Hudson, AAI, ARM, CPIW, CISR, DAE


CONGRATULATIONS!! (Let me know your good news!!) CONCERNS

NEW BREAST CANCER BATTLE Beth Blackwell was diagnosed last month with Breast Cancer. Please add her to the prayer list as she learns more about what is ahead for her. Surgery on July 20th went well and reports were good. Now time for treatments Yuck! Please add Beth to your prayer list!

GET YOUR MAMMOGRAM!!!!! Did you have yours in the last 12 months??
Visit the site below daily, click to help women in need get a free mammogram!

Your click counts - see the results of clicking daily!

WHO HAS A NEW DESIGNATION THIS YEAR?? Please let me know for our year end information! IS ANYONE QUALIFYING FOR CPIW OR DAE AND NEED HELP? Just ask if you need assistance.
This is your page to send me whatever you would like to share with the other membersjoys, concerns, accomplishments just whatever you have in your life that you would like to share. Let me know if you have passed a class or received a new designation so we can say CONGRATULATIONS!

Professional SuccessUnder Construction Region II, NAIW (International)

August 2010

Constructing anything requires the use of tools. NAIW (International) provides us with our very own tool box and it can be located at www.naiw.org. The tools we have are ineffective if we dont open our tool boxes and use them! Some tools require instructions for use. Im here to provide assistance in the use of our NAIW tools. Please login with me today to see what valuable tools we have in our tool boxes. Click on For Members-Leadership & Marketingwow, there is a whole page of leadership materials, marketing materials and press releases! This page has something for everyone in all levels of NAIW. We have been presented with a challenge to double our membership this year. The marketing materials in this section can aid each of us in our growth goals. I encourage the use of these materials. Send letters/emails, make phone calls, advertise your local association events, and get your employer involved. I have a personal challenge for each of you in Region II; bring a guest to your next meeting. For those that bring a guest, send me an email with your name, local association and guests name. I will recognize those members in the next newsletter. Lets not forget NAIW (International) President Margaret Wildis theme: Connecting, Partnering, Leading Any great ideas you wish to share on how your association is connecting, partnering or leading? Send them to me and I will include in a future newsletter.

Beth Wilkerson, AAI, CIC, CISR, CPIW Region II Vice President

Carla Moore, AAI, AIS, CISR, CPIW Assistant

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