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PRACTICAL 5: ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS Aim: To determine the advantages and disadvantages of series and parallel circuits.

Hypothesis: The brightness of light depends on circuit that been used. Variables: Manipulated variables: Action of removing and unscrewing of bulbs Responding variables: Brightness of the bulbs, reading of voltmeter and ammeter Controlled variables: Type of bulbs, batteries, type of wire Materials: 1. Battery holder 2. Batteries 3. Several insulated wires 4. Ammeter 5. Voltmeter 6. Light bulbs

Theory : SERIES AND PARALLEL CIRCUIT In a series circuit, the current through each of the components is the same, and the voltage across the components is the sum of the voltages across each component. In a parallel circuit, the voltage across each of the components is the same, and the total current is the sum of the currents through each component. As an example, consider a very simple circuit consisting of four light bulbs and one 6 V battery. If a wire joins the battery to one bulb, to the next bulb, to the next bulb, to the next bulb, then back to the battery, in one continuous loop, the bulbs are said to be in series. If each bulb is wired to the battery in a separate loop, the bulbs are said to be in parallel. If the four light bulbs are connected in series, there is same current through all of them, and the voltage drop is 1.5 V across each bulb, which may not be sufficient to make them glow. If the light bulbs are connected in parallel, the currents through the light bulbs combine to form the current in the battery, while the voltage drop is 6.0 V across each bulb and they all glow. In a series circuit, every device must function for the circuit to be complete. One bulb burning out in a series circuit breaks the circuit. In parallel circuits, each light has its own circuit, so all but one light could be burned out, and the last one will still function. If two or more components are connected in parallel they have the same potential difference (voltage) across their ends. The potential differences across the components are the same in magnitude, and they also have identical polarities. The same voltage is applicable to all circuit components connected in parallel. The total current I is the sum of the currents through the individual components, in accordance with Kirchhoffs current law.

COMBINATION CIRCUIT A third type of circuit involves the dual use of series and parallel connections in a circuit; such circuits are referred to as compound circuits or combination circuits. The circuit depicted at the right is an example of the use of both series and parallel connections within the same circuit. In this case, light bulbs A and B are connected by parallel connections and light bulbs C and D are connected by series connections. This is an example of a combination circuit.The basic strategy for the analysis of combination circuits involves using the meaning of equivalent resistance for parallel branches to transform the combination circuit into a series circuit. Once transformed into a series circuit, the analysis can be conducted in the usual manner. The method for determining the equivalent resistance of parallel are equal, then the total or equivalent resistance of those branches is equal to the resistance of one branch divided by the number of branches.

This method is consistent with the formula 1 / Req = 1 / R1 + 1 / R2 + 1 / R3 + ... where R1, R2, and R3 are the resistance values of the individual resistors that are connected in parallel. If the two or more resistors found in the parallel branches do not have equal resistance, then the above formula must be used. An example of this method was presented in a previous section of Lesson 4.

By applying one's understanding of the equivalent resistance of parallel branches to a combination circuit, the combination circuit can be transformed into a series circuit. Then an understanding of the equivalent resistance of a series circuit can be used to determine the total resistance of the circuit. Consider the following diagrams below. Diagram A represents a combination circuit with resistors R2 and R3 placed in parallel branches. Two 4- resistors in parallel is equivalent to a resistance of 2 . Thus, the two branches can be replaced by a single resistor with a resistance of 2 . This is shown in Diagram B. Now that all resistors are in series, the formula for the total resistance of series resistors can be used to determine the total resistance of this circuit: The formula for series resistance is Rtot = R1 + R2 + R3 + ... So in Diagram B, the total resistance of the circuit is 10 .

Once the total resistance of the circuit is determined, the analysis continues using Ohm's law and voltage and resistance values to determine current values at various locations.


1. Both the circuits constructed as shown by using a battery holder, several insulated

wires and two light bulbs for each circuit. 2. All wires connected and the light bulbs observed. 3. Now the ammeter connected and voltmeter in both the above circuits. A suitable table constructed to record the readings. 4. Now one bulb unscrewed in each circuit. The remaining bulbs observed and the readings of both the ammeter and voltmeter in each circuit recorded. 5. Now another bulb in series connected to circuits A. The remaining bulbs observed and the readings of both the ammeter and voltmeter recorded. 6. Now another bulb in parallel connected to circuit B. The remaining bulbs observed and the readings of both the ammeter and voltmeter recorded.

Results: Activity 1 Simple series (circuit A) Number of bulbs 1 (Unscrew) 2 (Normal) 3 (Addition) Brightness Bulb is not lighted up Normal Dim Ammeter, I (A) 0.00 0.16 0.13 Voltmeter, V (V) 3.0 2.7 2.1

Parallel (circuit B) Number of bulbs 1 (Unscrew) 2 (Normal) 3 (Addition) Brightness Bright Normal Normal Ammeter, I (A) 0.20 0.38 0.54 Voltmeter, V (V) 2.5 2.3 2.0

Conclusion: When all the devices in a circuit are connected by series connections, then the circuit is referred to as a series circuit. When all the devices in a circuit are connected by parallel connections, then the circuit is referred to as a parallel circuit.


1. What happens to the bulbs in a series circuit if one of the bulbs burns out? Explain. All the bulbs will not emit light. The reason is a series circuit is one that connects electrical devices such that it forms a single loop. Since there is only one path for the flow of current, the current passings through all the bulbs are same. So, when one of the bulbs burn out, the current will stop flowing and the ammeter will show reading of zero. The voltmeter will also show the reading of zero because there is no current pass through it. 2. What happens to the bulbs in a parallel circuit if one of the bulbs burns out? Explain. Other bulbs will emit light and the circuit also will not turn off. This is because a parallel circuit is one that splits into two or more branches with connected electrical devices forming different loops. So, the current passing through the cell is equal to the sum of the currents. The current still can pass through in other branches of circuit. The potential difference across the bulb is still same as the potential difference across battery. The ammeter and the voltmeter still show readings.


You are building a string of lights using several bulbs. How is the

brightness of the lights related to whether you connect the bulbs in series or in parallel?

A string of lights built using several bulbs in series, will cause the brightness of the bulbs to be dim. This is because in series the bulbs are connected in same circuit that is in one single way and the total resistance of each light bulb is added together. The current anywhere along the circuit is equal to the voltage supplied by the source divided by the total resistance of the circuit. This consequently drops the current, which makes the bulbs dimmer. If a string of lights was built using several bulbs in parallel, the brightness of the bulbs will be normal or glows to its maximum brightness. This is because the resistance in each branch is the same so that the same current flows through each bulb. This makes each identical bulb in a parallel circuit have the same brightness. 4. What happens to the bulbs in a series circuit if another bulb is

connected in series to it? Explain. When another bulb is connected in series the originally connected bulbs becomes dimmer because the total resistance of the series circuit increases. The voltage across each bulb decreases. The current that flows through the series circuit decreases. So the power dissipated by each bulb decreases and make the bulbs shine more dimmer.


What happens to the bulbs in a parallel circuit if another bulb is

connected in series to it? Explain.

When another bulb is connected in parallel the brightness of every single bulbs remain unchanged. The reason for this is that the total resistance of a parallel circuits drops as more branches are added in. This drop in total resistance

results in an increase in the total current, which divides evenly among the branches. Each branch will have the flow of the same current.


1. The circuit shown constructed by using a battery holder, a battery, a switch,

several insulated wired and three light bulbs. 2. The switch connected and the light bulbs observed. 3. Now ammeter and voltmeter connected to measure the current and potential difference through each bulb. A suitable table constructed to record the readings.
4. Now bulb 1 removed. The remaining bulbs observed and the readings of both the

ammeter and voltmeter are recorded.

5. Now bulb 2 removed. The remaining bulbs observed and the readings of both the

ammeter and voltmeter are recorded.

Activity 2 (Combined circuit)

Conclusion: BULBS 1 B All bulbs 1st bulb removed 2nd bulb removed bright A 0.34 V 4.5 B normal normal 2 A 0.12 0.45 V 0.8 3.0 B normal normal 3 A 0.12 0.2 V 0.50 2.5







The circuit that involves the dual use of series and parallel connections in a circuit; such circuits are referred to as compound circuits or combination circuits


1. What happens to the other bulbs in the circuit when bulb 1 is removed? Explain. Bulb 2 and 3 will not be able to emit light because bulb 1 and 2 and bulb 1 and 3 are connected in series. In series circuit when a bulb is removed the circuit becomes incomplete. In series circuit the electricity can only flow in one path and this will make the other bulb also fail to light up if one bulb is removed. The electric current would beinterrupted. 2. What happens to the other bulbs in the circuit when bulb 2 is removed? Explain. Bulb 1 and bulb 2 are able to emit light. This is because bulb 1 and 2 are connected in parallel with bulb 1 and 3 in different branches. In parallel circuit electricity has more than one path on which to travel. This makes, if one of the bulbs blew out, the other bulb would still be able to light up because the flow of electricity to the removed bulb would not stop the flow of electricity to the other bulbs. 3. Would you want the circuits in your home to be series or parallel circuits or a combination of both? Explaining your reasoning. I will have parallel circuit. This is because, the fixing of the appliances will be such that there are many different loops so that it provides separate branches for the current to flow. Therefore, the failure of one bulb does not affect the others. Furthermore, the connection in series has is disadvantages. The series circuit will cause the whole circuit to be non-functional if one bulb broke down. This will cause all the light bulbs not light up.


http://cnx.org/content/m10674/latest/ http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/circuits/u9l4e.cfm http://www.techlearner.com/DCPages/DCResComb.htm

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