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i n f o r m a t i o n


Summer is getting closer, but it doesnt mean that the pharmaceutical world will stop running! To help you carry out fancy conversations at the beach, I have gathered a few articles which could interest you as an EPSA student. I hope you get the chance to not only read this Information Letter, but also to check our internet house every week: www.epsaonline.org. In the Flash News section you will be able to nd hot topics about health, science and pharmacy! By visiting this webpage you will also have the chance to keep yourself updated regarding the news of our association: Our projects, activities and updates from EPSAs member associations. Dont miss it!

Dear reader

Charlene Galea EPSA Publications Officer 2011/2012 E-mail: publications@epsa-online.org Tel : +356 79248905

Keep yourself updated!

New treatment hope for diabetes & cardiovascular disease

H o s p i t a l E u r o p e P h a r m a c y
A cutting-edge research project at the University of Leicester is aiming to improve the treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Figures show that cardiovascular diseases remain the number one killer in Western countries, particularly heart attacks, and most recently a warning has been issued by the World Health Organization (WHO) that Type 2 diabetes, the most common form of diabetes, will increase by as much as 80% in some regions throughout the world in the near future Read more


A new twist has been thrown into the classic debate of "nature versus nurture" through the budding field of epigenetics, which has found that nurture can alter the genetic nature of both an individual and the person's descendents. Epigenetics researchers investigate the ways that environmental factors -- pollution, emotional stress, physical trauma -- can affect the way people's genetic blueprint is expressed through their physical and emotional development. Read more

Lifestyle you lead today may affect generations to come

H e a l t h D a y
A new strain of the MRSA "superbug" has been found in British cows and is believed to be infecting humans. Environmental campaigners say the new strain has emerged because of the over-use of antibiotics by dairy farmers. Dr Mark Holmes of Cambridge University, who led the research, said this was a "credible hypothesis". The researchers, say there is no additional health risk from eating milk and dairy products. Read more

MRSA: new strain of superbug found in cows

B B C N e w s


EU falsified meds act formally adopted

I n P h a r m a T e c h n o l o g i s t
The European Union (EU) formally adopted the falsified medicines directive at the weekend, giving member states 18 months to makes the document's anti-counterfeiting track and trace measures into national law. The directive, which gained European parliament approval in February, establishes a legal framework defining falsified medical products and differentiates them from other illegal or substandard drugs.


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Pfizer is carrying out virtual clinical trials in the US, in a bid to encourage better trial compliance from participants. The pilot will let patients feed back their data via mobile phones and the internet without the need for clinic visits. They will also have 24-hour remote access to the trials clinicians, who will manage the study remotely and share data and results with patients who can then add the information to their personal health records. Pfizer says researchers expect to save time and o l l o w u through obtain betterf quality, more reliable data s increased trial compliance, lower withdrawal rates and real-time data collection. They plan to compare results from the trial with data from previous phase IV trials of the same drug in order to assess the validity of the new approach. Read more

Pfizer pilots virtual clinical trials

P J O n l i n e

f o l l o w

u s







P o l a n d A u g u s t

While the EPSA team is meeting in Brussels for the 2nd Executive Meeting, preparations are underway for this years EPSA Summer University. This time with an urban twist, we present a mixture of student life, uptown clubbing and a genuine educational opportunity that will redefine your experience with EPSA. We invite you to the city of Warsaw, where you will stay right next to the historical Old Town and the modern city centre. FLY ABOVE THE RACE! An intense leadership and career skills programme that will expand your outlook on life and career, delivered to you by the EPSA training team & co. This Summer University will offer an unprecedented selection of topics so that you can tailor your own programme. Have YOU registered yet? Read more

EPSA Summer University


p a r t n e r s

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