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The Ca t h o lic Community of Sanger & Del Rey

The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ

June 26, 2011
Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. (John 6:56)

Marriage & Family Reunion Potluck

All parishioners are invited today to help us commemorate 27 years of service by Ralph & Jeri Esquer, who will be honored for their thoughtful dedication to Our Lord and St. Marys Parish through the Marriage & Family Ministry. Join us for the celebration of the Holy Mass at 10:30 am at the new St. Marys Church. A potluck and reception will follow at the church hall. Todos son invitados hoy a celebrar 27 aos de servicio por Ralph y Jeri Esquer en el Pastoral Matrimonial y Familiar. Vengan a la recepcin a las 11:45 en el saln de la Iglesia de Santa Mara.

Corpus Christi Procession

This annual procession will be right after the 5:00 pm Mass. All those who celebrated their First Eucharist/Communion this Easter Season are especially invited to come dressed in their First Communion attires. Girls are asked to bring a small basket of flower petals, if possible. nanse con nosotros esta tarde para la procesin anual del Santsimo Sacramento a las 6:00 pm en los terrenos de la Iglesia de Santa Mara. Todos los nios que celebraron su primera comunin el mes pasado son invitados a vestirse en sus ropas de la primera comunin.


828 O Street (PO Box 335) Sanger, CA 93657 Masses/Misas: Sat. (5:30 pm) Sb. (7:00 pm) Sun. (7:30 am) Mon-Fri (7:20 am)


12050 E. North Avenue Sanger, CA 93657 Masses/Misas: Dom. (8:30 am) Sun. (10:30 am) Dom. (5:00 pm) Misa/Vsperas: Lun.-Mie. (6:00 pm) Vie. (6:00 pm)


5375 Carmel St. Del Rey Masses/Misas: Sb. (5:30 pm) Sun. (9:30 am) Miercoles (5:30 pm) Primer Viernes (5:30 pm)

Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confesiones: Thursdays/Jueves 5:00 pm-8:00 pm (O Street) Saturdays/Sbados 2:15 pm & 6:30 pm (O Street) Sabads antes de la Misa (Del Rey) Other times, call for an appointment. Otros tiempos, hacer una cita (875-2025). Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday 10:00 am-5:00 pm (Closed from 12 noon-1:00 pm) Tel: (559) 875-2025 Fax: (559) 875-2618 Website: www.stmarysanger.org

Daily Liturgical Schedule

THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST EL SANTSIMO CUERPO Y SANGRE DE CRISTO 25 Saturday Vigil/vigilia de sabado 1:00 pm Brenda Navarrette-15th (Fr. Philip) Del Rey 2:15 pm Confessions (Fr. Rene) O Street 3:30 pm Santos Reyes & Rosa Maria Olveda (Fr. Sal) Seminary 5:30 pm +Manuel F. Padilla (Fr. Rene) O Street 5:30 pm _______________ (Fr. Peter) Del Rey 6:30 pm Confessions (Fr. Philip) O Street 7:00 pm +Juan Luna (Fr. Sal) Calle O 26 Sunday/Domingo 7:30 am Pro populo (Fr. Sal) O Street 8:30 am +Juana Luna Martinez (Fr. Philip) Bethel 9:30 am +Manuel M. Padilla (Fr. Peter) Del Rey 10:30 am +Antoinette Oman (Fr. Rene) Bethel 5:00 pm +David Garcia (Fr. Peter) Bethel 27 Monday/Lunes Gn 18:16-33; Mt 8:18-22 7:20 am +Manuel F. Padilla (Fr. Philip) O Street 6:00 pm Misa/Vsperas (Fr. Peter) Calle O 28 Tuesday/Martes Gn 19:15-29; Mt 8:23-27 St. Irenaeus , bishop and martyr 7:20 am +Manuel F. Padilla (Fr. Philip) O Street 5:15 pm Misa/Vsperas (Fr. Peter) Calle O 6:00 pm Sacred Heart Triduum (Fr. Peter) O Street 29 Wednesday/Miercoles St. Peter and St. Paul, apostles Vigil: Acts 3:1-10; Gal 1:11-20; Jn 21:15-19 Day: Acts 12:1-11; 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19 7:20 am +Mardi Payseno (Fr. Philip) O Street 5:30 pm ________________ (Fr. Sal) Del Rey 5:15 pm Misa/Vsperas (Fr. Peter) Calle O 6:00 pm Sacred Heart Triduum (Fr. Philip) O Street 30 Thursday/Jueves Gn 22:1b-19; Mt 9:1-8 7:20 am +Cruz Gonzalez (Fr. Philip) O Street 5:00 pm Misa/Vsperas (Fr. Peter) Calle O 6:00 pm Sacred Heart Triduum (Fr. Sal) O Street 7:00 pm All Night Eucharistic Adoration - O Street 1 Fri./Vie. Dt 7:6-11; 1 Jn 4:7-16; Mt 11:25-30 THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS 7:20 am M. Padilla Family (Fr. Philip) O Street 5:30 pm ______________ (Fr. Sal) Del Rey 5:30 pm Vsperas (Fr. Peter) Bethel 6:30 pm Mass (Fr. Rene) Bethel 7:30 pm Eucharistic Benediction (Fr. Peter) Bethel 2 Saturday/Sab. Gn 27:1-5, 15-29; Lk 2:41-51 The Immaculate Heart of the Bl. Virgin Mary 3 Sunday/Domingo Zec 9:9-10; Ps 145; Rom 8:9, 11-13; Mt 11:25-30 Liturgical Assignments (June 27-July 1) (MP) Reyna M. (R1) Dan L. (Ps) Betty G. (EMHC) Ella B. (R) Mike O. Page 2

From the Pastors Desk

Dear friends, Summer is finally here! This coming July 1st is the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the universal church calendar. It is also Eucharist Day for the Rogationist Fathers. The origin of the Eucharist Day dates back to 1886. Fr. Hannibal DiFrancia introduced this beautiful practice after he dedicated the chapel he built at the Avignone Quarter to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Church authorities would have made it very easy to have the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel, but Fr. Hannibal had other plans. He believed that the day Jesus would start dwelling sacramentally day and night among the poor of his heart in that place should not be an ordinary day. Therefore, he began to excite the childrens holy anticipation by teaching them about the importance of the coming event and by exhorting faith, love, and the desire for Jesus. To achieve this, he composed verses set to music: Heavens of heavens, unfold, descend on us our delight Both preparation and anticipation grew with great fervor. The day came and Mass was celebrated at 7:00 am. With proper exhortation the orphans received the bread of angels. After communion, Fr. Hannibal explained how blessed were those in the Quarter, for the transformation of the slum into the royal palace of the King of kings, and for having the adorable Savior of souls in their midst. Hence it was their duty to keep him company. Shortly after the presentation, the orphans holding candles as well as the poor walked before the Blessed Sacrament through the alleys of Avignone and a street of the city. After a short walk, the procession returned to the chapel, the Eucharist was placed on the throne among burning candles and remained exposed all day long. Hymns were sung and prayers were said one after another as the children and adults worshiped the Lord. In the evening, a solemn benediction concluded the memorable day. The celebration actually continued till Sunday. Both the male and female communities had dinner outdoors. Francesco Zancone, the first poor man Fr. Hannibal met in Avignone, sat at the head of the table. The Congregation of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus and the Daughters of Divine Zeal, the two religious communities founded by Fr. Hannibal, celebrate the anniversary of this arrival of the Blessed Sacrament in the first chapel of the institute every July 1st since then. You are all invited to join us to prepare for this special feast with a triduum beginning this Tuesday at 6:00 pm in the old church for three consecutive days. The feast itself will be celebrated on Friday with the opening eucharistic adoration and vespers at 5:30 pm, Mass at 6:30 pm, and the concluding eucharistic benediction after 7:30 pm. A potluck reception will follow at the parish hall. As you can see now, summer is not a time to go on vacation from the Lord. It is rather a time to intensify our faith in Him and to thank him for all his gifts. It is also a time to examine how we are doing with the gifts God has given and continues to give us: of our lives, faith, family, friends, work, health, etc. Remember, God can never be outdone in generosity. Peace and love, Fr. Peter

Send, O Lord, holy apostles into your Church.

Living the Good News

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 26, 2011 First Reading -- Never forget the LORD your God, who brought you out of slavery and fed you with manna in the desert (Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a). Psalm -- Praise the Lord, Jerusalem (Psalm 147). Second Reading -- Because the loaf of bread is one, we who partake of it, though we are many, are one body (1 Corinthians 10:16-17). Gospel -- Jesus said to the crowds, "I am the living bread; whoever eats this bread will live forever" (John 6:51-58). Food from Heaven God sustained the people of Israel for forty years in the desert with manna sent down from heaven, and Moses doesn't want them to forget it. God brought forth water from stone for them to drink, and Moses doesn't want them to forget this, either. And Moses tells them--twice-that the food that God sent was a food that neither they nor their ancestors before them had ever experienced before. Jesus, too, speaks of food come down from heaven, food that the Jewish people had never experienced before. Recalling the manna in the desert, Jesus doesn't want them to forget it either, explaining that he is the food and drink of eternal life. And Paul reiterates to the Corinthians and to all of us that in the bread and in the cup, we share in the body and blood of Christ. Question of the Week What is one thing that I can do this week to make Christ present to others so that they experience him through my words and actions? What is one thing that I can do this week to make my participation during Mass more meaningful to me and to my friends? The Corpus Christi Procession In the thirteenth century, a Belgian nun by the name of Juliana had a vision: she saw the full moon silvery and radiant except for one dark spot. The meaning of the vision was revealed to her: the moon was the Church's liturgical year, the dark spot a missing feast in honor of the Blessed Sacrament. Today's feast of Corpus Christi-the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ--grew from Juliana's vision. On this feast, many parishes observe the traditional Corpus Christi procession, giving honor to the Eucharist by carrying this greatest treasure out of the safety of our churches and into our streets. At the end of every Mass we are not just let out, we are sent forth, strengthened by the Eucharist, to be the Body of Christ in the world. The Corpus Christi procession is the dismissal writ large! We take Jesus with us, not only in our hearts, but carried in our midst and exposed in a monstrance. It is a public profession of faith and a blessing of the world. Jesus walks with us on these streets that we walk day after day, among those who know him but yearn to know him better, and among those who do not know him. The Eucharist is a mystery to be believed, to be celebrated--and to be lived.

Vivir las Buenas Noticias

El Santsimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo 26 de junio, 2011 Primera lectura -- El hombre no vive solamente de pan, sino de toda palabra que sale de la boca de Dios (Deuteronomio 8:2-3, 14b-16a). Salmo -- Glorifica al Seor, Jerusaln (Salmo 147 [146]). Segunda lectura -- El pan es uno, y as nosotros, aunque somos muchos, formamos un solo cuerpo (1 Corintios 10:16-17). Evangelio -- El que come mi carne y bebe mi sangre, tiene vida eterna (Juan 6:51-58). Alimento Celestial Dios sostent al pueblo de Israel por cuarenta aos en el desierto con man venido del cielo, y Moiss no quiere que lo olviden. Dios hizo brotar agua de la roca para que bebieran, y Moiss tampoco quiere que olviden esto. Y Moiss se lo dice -dos veces--que el alimento que Dios envi era comida que ni ellos ni sus antepasados jams haban probado antes. Jess, tambin habla del pan venido del cielo, comida que el pueblo judo jams haba probado antes. Recordando el man del desierto, Jess tampoco quiere que ellos lo olviden, explicndoles que l es pan y bebida para la vida eterna. Y Pablo les reitera a los corintios y a todos nosotros que en el pan y en la copa participamos en el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo. Preguntas para dialogar Qu puedo hacer esta semana para hacer que Cristo est presente en la vida de otros a travs de mis palabras y acciones? Qu puedo hacer esta semana para que mi participacin en la Misa tenga ms significado para m y para mis amigos? Fiesta de la Fe El pan es un alimento ordinario, es propio de ricos y pobres. Hay que trabajar para conseguirlo. As como es de real, tiene mucho de simblico. Pap y mam se alegran en poder llevar a casa el pan de los hijos, para compartirlo con todos, indistintamente de su grado de bondad. Para los judos del Mediterrneo, el pan, mezclado con aceite era el elemento ms comn de su alimentacin. El pan de trigo lo coman los ricos, mientras que los pobres coman el pan de cebada. An as, el pan es sabroso y lleva en l la providencia divina que cuida de nosotros. Se recibe, incluso, de manos de los pobres, quienes comparten su propio pan porque saben lo que es carecer de l. Al compartirlo, cumplimos el mandato de Jess: "tomen y coman". Por eso es que nuestro pan se ha de poner en la mesa, para ser compartido, slo as tiene sentido. Alimentados todos del mismo pan, en la misma mesa, esperando la misma promesa. Comer o no comer.

Enva, Seor, apstoles santos a tu Iglesia

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June 18 & 19 The week before-June 11 & 12 St. Mary 2,531.00 3,037.00 St. Katherine 298.00 146.00 Total 2,829.00 3,183.00 Building Fund 113.00 113.00 Priests Retirement Fund/Fondo de Jubilacin de Sacerdotes 837.00 Todays Second Collection: Bishops Annual Appeal/Apelacin Annual del Obispo

Alcoholics Anonymous Mondays/7:00 pm/Room 5 Altar Servers Fr. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ 875-0416 Altar Society Carmen Alonzo (559) 875-3827 Bereavement/Consolation Charlene Biedermann, 875-7741 Caballeros de Coln Cesar Torres (559) 303-5474 Catholic Daughters of the Americas Maria Ramirez (559) 875-9685 1st Tuesday/7-8 pm/Ciranni Ctr Choir (Adult) Sundays-10:30 am Teresa Castillo, 875-4297 Wednesday/10 am/Ciranni Ctr Coro (Adultos) Domingos-8:30 am Mary Lombardo (559) 875-4827 Lunes/7:00 pm/Saln 8 Coro (ngeles de Mara) Dom.-5:00 pm Rolando Rodriguez 875-663 Juan Carlos 286-8087 Coro (Divina Voluntad) Sab. 7 pm Teresa Castillo (559) 875-4297 Divine Mercy Messengers Erlina Rogers, 876-3562 Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial Juan y Maria Martinez 394-1531 Viernes/7:00 pm/Saln 4 English Bible Study Fr. Philip Puntrello, RCJ Wednesday/7-8 pm/Chapel Estudio Biblico Hna. Ana Rosa Guzmn, MEMI 8882889 Miercoles/7-9 pm/Ciranni Center Faith Formation Center (St. Mary) corner North & Bethel Children: Priscilla 875-6340 Youth & Adults: Fr. Peter 875-2025 Page 4 Faith Formation Program (St. Katherine) corner Morro & Carmel English: Julia Flores, 304-9323 Spanish: Lupe Rodriguez, 394-1531 Fr. Hannibal House 1501 14th Street, Sanger (PO Box 37) Tel: 875-0564; Fax: 875-8815 Email: Hanibalhouse@aol.com Grupo de Oracin Memo Jimenez, 312-3050 Lunes/6:30 pm/Saln Grande Hope Sanger Julie Mendoza (559) 875-2025 Mondays/5:30 pm/Ciranni Center Italian Catholic Federation Michael Quiroz 360-1574 Knights of Columbus Cesar Gonzales 875-5823 Lay Rogationist Vocation Animators Francisco Javier Luna Lectores y Comentaristas Martha Lomeli 875-9429, 349-2851 Lectors & Commentators Anna Galvan 875-6091 Art Mendoza 304-7040 Legion of Mary Sal Rodriguez (559) 875-8002 Tuesdays/5 pm/Seminary Life Teen High School Youth Ministry Efrain Santos 618-5808 Cindy Gonzalez 618-0510 NA Meeting Yaya 709-9498 Fridays/7:00 pm/Room 6 Padres y Madres Orantes Angel Verduzco & Gloria Mendoza 875-5424 Martes/6:00 pm/Capilla Rogationist Seminary 2688 S. Newmark Avenue Sanger, CA 93657 Call to reserve the hall for a retreat/ meeting. SEMEX (Seminary Experience) Fr. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ 875-5808 Every 2nd Friday & Saturday of the month/Rogationist Seminary Sociedad Guadalupana Jaime Garza 394-2128 2do Domingo/9:30 am/Saln 2 St. Marys Gift Shop Lulu Torres 303-5451 Call for schedule Summer Festival Jaime Garza 394-2128 Call for meeting schedule

MISSION STATEMENT As faithful disciples of Christ, we, the Catholic Community of St. Mary & St. Katherine, proclaim our three-fold mission: to worship God, to share our faith, and to serve those who are in need. NUESTRA MISIN Como discpulos de Cristo, nosotros, los feligreses de la Comunidad Catlica de Santa Mara y de Santa Katerina, proclamamos nuestra misin de tres-doblez: adorar a Dios, compartir nuestra fe, MAKING A DIFFERENCE IS NOW EASIER THAN EVER! Subscribe, Contribute, Participate! KNXT-TV Channel 49 Streaming LIVE 24/7 on the internet at www.KNXT.TV Catholic Television

Contact Fr. Rene Panlasigui, RCJ for information on Vocations: 618-0257

DO NOT FEAR Stanley Francis Rother was born in Oklahoma. He recognized a priestly vocation in his teens, but after five years in the seminary he was turned away. His bishop believed the best priests are not necessarily the intellectuals, but the most committed, so he enrolled Stan in another seminary where the young man studied diligently. After ordination in 1963, Father Rother served five years in parishes before volunteering for mission work in western Guatemala. He ministered to people's spiritual needs, learned the Tzutuhil language, and taught people to read, write, and do basic math. He built a small hospital. Right-wing elites and the military ruled Guatemala. They blamed the Church for "civil unrest." In 1981 beatings, tortures, and murders escalated. Yet Father Rother stayed because he believed Jesus' words, "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul" (Matthew 10:28). He was shot by a death squad. His body lies in Oklahoma, but his heart is buried among the Tzutuhil people. Living Stewardship Many missionaries are risking their lives for Christ today. Find a priest, religious, or lay person serving in some dangerous or difficult place and send them e-mails, letters, packages of useful materials, donations, and prayers. Your support can help give them the courage to continue.

Stanley Francis Rother naci en Oklahoma. Reconoci ya desde la adolescencia su llamado al sacerdocio, pero despus de cinco aos en el seminario lo despidieron. Mas, su obispo crea que los mejores sacerdotes no eran necesariamente los intelectuales, sino los comprometidos, por eso matricul a Stan en otro seminario donde el joven estudi diligentemente. Despus de su ordenacin en 1963 el padre Rother sirvi cinco aos en parroquias antes de ofrecerse para una misin en la regin occidental de Guatemala. All atendi las necesidades espirituales de la gente, aprendi el idioma Tzutuhil, y ense a leer y escribir, y tambin una matemtica bsica. Construy adems un hospital pequeo. La lite derechista y los militares que gobernaban Guatemala culpaban a la Iglesia por los "disturbios civiles". En 1981 las golpizas, las torturas y los asesinatos escalaron. Con todo y eso el padre Rother se qued porque crea en las palabras de Jesus: "No teman a los que slo pueden matar el cuerpo, pero no el alma" (Mateo 10:28). Fue asesinado por un escuadrn de la muerte y su cuerpo yace en Oklahoma, pero su corazn fue enterrado en el pueblo de Tzutuhil.

La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora Muchos misioneros arriesgan hoy su vida por Cristo. Busca un sacerdote, religioso o religiosa, o una persona laica que trabaje en un lugar difcil o peligroso y envales correos-e, cartas, materiales tiles, donaciones y oraciones. Tu apoyo puede ayudarles y animarles para continuar su misin.

For the sick/Por los enfermos: Maria Acosta, Joey Almeraz, Carmen Alvarado, Kathryn Ashford, Michelle Azpiraz, Dalvin Baker, Henry Banuelos, Jose Antonio Becerril, J. J. Benavides, Jose Calavera, Nathan Cantu, Ofelia Castellanos, Ramon Castellanos, Angie Castillo, Daniel Cerda, Albert Cisneros, Kendra Constance, Lupe Cortz, Hilda De Anda, Santos De La Fuente, Dolly Dodson, Joey Franco, Amber Frausto, Raymundo Frausto, Ronnie & Nicole Gallardo, Joe Galvan, Mike Galvan, Angelica Gandara, Brianna Garcia, Miguel Garcia Jr, Jackie Gardner, Cindy Gonzalez, Elvira Gonzalez, Juanita Gonzalez, Linda Gonzalez, Ruben Gonzales, Jocelyn Guerra, Charlene Henley, Benny Hernandez, Josefina Brecenio Hernandez, Maria Elena Ponce Herrera, Paulita Ibarra, Esther Infante, Raymond Infante, Gabriel Lara, Maegen Lopez, Ruben Lucid, Rosalinda Mancilla, Blanca Martinez, Daniel Mata, Josephina & Jose Montes, Aurora Murillo, Isabel Murillo, Hilda Nicacio, Eduardo Padilla, Lydia Pedregon, Raymond Perez, Ric Perez, Robert Perez, Jr., Jennifer Pichardo, Joseph Puente, Sarah Quinn, Joe Resoer, Gina Reyes, Noe Reyna, Estella Rico, Mike Rico, Julian Rocha, Arthur C. Rodriguez, Carlos Rodriguez, Irma Romero, Angelita Ruiz, Ismael Ruiz, Patricia Ruiz, Antonio Salazar, Edward Sandoval, Nellie Scholar, Kellie Smith, Sandy Smith, Genaro Solorzano, Frank Soto, Connie N. Tacata, Elisa Toledo, Lourdes Valeriano, Manuel Vargas, P. J. Vauter, Nick Velasco, Valerie Villagomez, Patricia Villarreal, Roberto Ybarra, Isabel Zavala, Jose Zavala For all those who are serving in the military/Por el personal militar: Joe Aguilera, Cliserio Avalos, Gilbert Avila, Benedict Balagtas, Bill, Daniel Campos, Juan Carlos Campos, Johnathan Cardiel, Jonathan Chacon, Joe Contreras, David De La O, Eloisa Delgado, Martin Ellison, Mark Roy Espinoza, Maribel Fernandez, Amy Fidalgo, Seth Fidalgo, Rudy Flores, Tanya Florian, Stewart Fowler, Kimberli Fuentes, Cole Herron, Karisa Garza, Manuel Garza Jr., Patrick Garza, Aaron Gonzalez, John Guerra, Joseph Hernandez, Salvador Hernandez, Rolando Iglesias, Roberto Carlos Martinez, Craig Mulligan, Gabriel Nieto, Christopher Ohano, Michael Ortega, Celerino Pealoza, Michael Anthony Perez, Rick Ramirez Jr, Seferina Ramirez, Javier Saenz, Sofia Sanchez Silva, Jesse Sandoval, Tom Siqueiros, Donald Sombat, Michael Teel, Rafael Torres, Michael P. Tortorete, Matthew Valdez For the dead/Por los difuntos Antonio Hernandez Favor de llamar al P. Rene Panlasigui por preguntas sobre las Vocaciones: 618-0257 Pgina 5

Prayer of Intercession/Intercesin

Sanctuary Lamp and Altar Flowers

If you would like to help provide the sanctuary light or provide the flowers for the altar in honor or in memory of a loved one, please contact the office at 875-2025.

Kingsburg on Friday July 1, from 5-10 pm. There will be great food and drinks, ice cream and snow cones, games and activities, music and dance performers, bounce house and water slide and lots of wonderful peach desserts! Info: 897-5953.

bottled water, soda, and silent auction items. Please bring your donation to the office at O Street during the week, or to church during the weekend. Thank you.

Mark Your Calendars!

Wedding Banns
There is a promise of Christian Marriage between: Ramiro Arroyo Y Cynthia Raygoza (1) Roy Rodriguez & Crystal Padron (1) Santos Martinez & Vanessa Garcia (1)

Fireworks Booth
The Italian Catholic Federation will be having a fireworks booth at the CVS Store on Academy from July 1-4.

September 18 - Give It Away Now-Baby Shower October 16 - Diocese of Fresno Youth Day November 5 - Inspiration Tour/ Magic Mountain

Come and See Vocations Retreat

For men between the ages 17-45 who are discerning a call to the priesthood From Friday-Sunday, July 22-24 At St. Anthonys Retreat Center, Three Rivers Donation of $20 (scholarships available for those who need help) Pick up a flyer today.

All Night Eucharistic Adoration

Could you not keep watch and pray for one hour with me? (Mt. 26:40b) From 5:00 pm on Thursday, June 30, to 7:00 am on Friday, July 1, at the old church.

Registration for Faith Formation & Sacramental Preparation

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart & Eucharist Day July 1

5:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration 6:30 pm Holy Mass 7:30 pm Benediction In preparation for this solemnity, we will have a Triduum of prayers at the old church from 6:00 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Vengan y Sganme Retiro Vocacional

Para todos los hombres solteros entre las edades 17-45 De viernes a domingo, el 22, 23 y 24 de Julio Centro de Retiros de San Antonio en Three Rivers Una donacin de $20 (hay becas para los que necesitan ayuda) Agarra un volante hoy.

Parish Movie Night

Quinceaera Retreat

Our parish Movie Nights during the summer are a fun way to build friendships and fellowship among parishioners and to deepen our faith through quality movies. Plan to arrive early for fellowship. Movies do not start until its dark enough, after 8:00 pm, behind the Faith Formation Center at North & Bethel avenues.

The next Quinceaera retreat will be on July 23. This is required of all the girls who want to celebrate their Quinceaera at St. Mary or St. Katherine. Other family members, such as parents, godparents, sponsors, and friends are highly encouraged to attend this retreat. For more information, contact Helen Gomez at 473-7737.

will begin on August 5, 2011 at the Summer Festival Ongoing Faith Formation (for grades 1 to adults) First Reconciliation, First Eucharist & Confirmation (for ages 7 to adults) Requirements: at least two years of Faith Formation regular attendance at Sunday Mass family prayer parent (and sponsor) meetings service projects one faith formation retreat per year additional retreat(s) per sacrament(s) needed sponsors are needed only for Confirmation-must be in good standing, fully initiated, only one is needed, and if married, must be married in the Catholic Church Please pick up a registration packet beginning July 2011.

Wanted: Catechists
If youve been approached to be a catechist, or if you feel the call of the Spirit, you are being asked to do something special for God, for the Church, and for your fellow Catholics. Youll never regret saying yes to that call. And in responding, you may find you

Annual Peach Festival

Come enjoy the annual Peach Festival at Holy Family Church in

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Summer Festival
This years Summer Festival will be on August 5, 6 & 7. We need

Visit us at www.stmarysanger.org. Donate online.

are doing something special for yourself. Do not resist the call. Contact Fr. Peter at 875-2025 for more information. We need catechists for children, youth and adults. Training for certification (Echoes of Faith) will start in August. You may download a copy of the schedule by visiting our website, stmarysanger.org, Look
under the folder how we serve.

Club, Sports and Dances. Please call St. La Salle at 638-2621 for more information.

Prayer for a New Bishop

Almighty God, send your Holy Spirit to guide those who will advise the Holy Father in the selection of the next Bishop of the Diocese of Fresno. May he have the zeal of Saint Paul, the priestly gifts of Saint John Vianney, the wisdom of a loving father and brother, and most of all, the heart of your Son, Jesus. We ask that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us, and Saint Therese, our patroness, join us in this prayer, which we make through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Rachels Vineyard

Join Life Teen Core Team

Teens need adult mentors to walk beside and stand behind them as they choose to follow Christ. Your "yes" to serve will change lives. As a Life Teen Core Member you will be the willing hands and hearts that witness Christ in the world. No matter how little time you have, we will maximize it. No matter your age there's a place for everyone - the young and the young at heart! Your gifts and talents will help lead high school teens closer to Christ. We will be hosting an Information Session today, June 29 after the 10:30 am Mass. This will be held in Faith Formation Center Room 1. Contact Efrain Santos for any questions or concerns (559) 618-5808. Facebook: St. Mary's Life Teen. Twitter: @stmaryslifeteen

If anyone desires the return to Jesus love and merciful forgiveness which seems lost as the result of abortion, there is help through Rachels Vineyard Ministries. As English speaking retreat is scheduled for September 30, October 1 & 2, 2011 in Fresno. To register or for more information, call (877) 629-6626 or email butcher_jennifer@yahoo.com or visit Rachels Vineyard website at www.rachelsvineyard.org.

Gran Congreso para la Familia Cmo Vivir la Unidad Familiar

St. La Salle News

Sbado, 9 de julio, de 8 am a 6 pm Domingo, 10 de julio, de 9 am a 5 pm Les invita el Ministerio Padres y Madres Orantes en el Saln Grande de la Iglesia de Santa Mara con Miguel Aquino, Pepe Gomez, Juan Martinez y Grupo Iluminacin Donacin para adultos-$10; Nios-gratis Para ms informacin, llamar a Angel y Gloria (559) 875-5424

Oracin para un Nuevo Obispo

Dios todopoderoso, enva tu Espritu Santo para guiar a los que aconsejarn al Santo Padre en la seleccin del prximo Obispo de la Dicesis de Fresno. Que l tenga el afn de San Pablo, los dones sacerdotales de San Juan Vianney, la sabidura de un padre y hermano amoroso, y sobre todo, el corazn de tu Hijo, Jess. Que la bienaventurada Virgen Mara interceda por nosotros, y que la Santa Teresa del Nio Jess, nuestra patrona, nos una en esta oracin, que hacemos por Cristo, nuestro Seor. Amn.
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We are currently registering for the 2011-2012 school year and we have openings in Preschool and K-8th. St. La Salle offers a great curriculum and several enriching activities such as Academic Decathlon, Spelling Bee, Geography Bee, Science Camp, Field Trips, Summer School and Reading Buddies. Our spiritual activities include Masses and Student retreats, prayer services and Sacrament Programs. Community activities are: Red Ribbon Week, Reedley Fiesta and Catholic Schools Week. As extracurricular activities we enjoy the Choir and Band, Dances, Chess

Madres Enamoradas + Padres Enamorados = Familias Enamoradas

El Fin De Semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial es un programa de 44 horas en donde las parejas pueden alejarse del trabajo, los nios, el telfono y las tareas de la casa para enfocarse solamente en el uno para el otro. Si estn buscando que su relacin crezca, sea mas profunda y rica, entonces les gustar la diferencia que puede hacer en ustedes el Fin de Semana de Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial. Para ms informacin, llamar a Jess y Lupita Romero (559) 875-5495 o 355-5631.

Vistenos en la red: www.stmarysanger.org.

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