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Celine White AP English 12 6/17/11 Summer Reading: The Bible. (King James Version!

) Plot Summaries: A) The Bible begins with the book of Genesis, which starts with God creating the World. When Adam disobeys God and eats the apple, the perfect world of Eden falls and then humans have a knowledge of all things-both good and evil. The human population grows and develops different countries and languages. God speaks to a man named Abraham, and makes a covenant with him that he will be the leader of a great nation because of his faith and his descendant's faith as well. God continuously blesses Abraham with dozens of signs and test and other faith increasing trials. Abraham bears Isaac, and the covenant lives on when Isaac has Jacob, and Jacob has twelve sons that become the 12 tribes of Israel, who all the children of God belong to. Jacob's son Joseph was sent as a slave to Egypt and through faith in God he miraculously became the highest power in Egypt, second only to the Pharoh.

B) Exodus is the next book in the Bible, where Jacob's prosperity have become slaves of the Pharaoh in Egypt. Moses, the Prince of Egypt was chosen by God to rescue the Israelites who had become slaves. Through ten plagues, miraculous wonders and signs, and tons of faith- Moses is able to lead God's people out of Egypt, through the parted Red Sea, and to Mount Sinai. God then appears and once again reaffirms to the Israelites that the promise he made to Abraham still holds true. He then gives the Israelites many laws to follow and tests their faith to see if they are worthy to enter the Promised Land.

C) The Book of John describes Christ's life. He describes Christ's miraculous birth as well as the signs that had led up to it, the stables, the Inn, Mary and Joseph, as well as the wisemen. Then he describes all of the miracles that Christ made happen. He healed the sick, the dead he raised- he helped the blind man see and forgave the sinners. He also had twelve apostles who helped him and stood as true followers of Christ. He was such a leader and had such an astonishing influence over the people that the Pharasees and the Scribes and other leaders began to fear and attack him and the church. He continously pointed out the hypocrisy of the leaders. After telling parables, healing the people, loving and showing mercy and setting the truth of the Gospel and starting the true Church that would be followed for Milleniums afterward, he was crusified. Three days later he once again proved to the world that he was the Son of God by raising from the dead. He then went up to heaven to visit "his other sheep" who he had to teach. D) The Book of Matthew also describes Christ's life. He gives a more first person, chronilogical description of Jesus's ministry. He describes Christ's birth, the people around him, the miracles he performed, the parables he taught, the people who killed him, the thosands of followers Christ had, the faith the apostles had, and the story of Christ's


ALLUSIONS: A) The Fall- When Adam ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge and then was no longer perfect and had sinned against God. Because of him we now know that which is good and that which is evil and have the agency from God to choose between them. Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden of Eden and had to repent of their sins in order to be forgiven. B) The Flood- The people in Noah, the prophet's day were very wicked. So wicked that God caused a great flood to wash away all of the people of the earth. He commanded Noah to build an ark and have two of every kind of animal to be on board. The people were so wicked that NONE of them would climb aboard. They were drowned. After 40 days and 40 nights Noah sent out a dove and found land again. God sent a rainbow as a promise that he would never do it again. C) The Creation- Through God's power, Jesus created the Earth. He created the animals, the sky, the land, the water, and gave us light. He spent six days creating, and on the seventh day he rested. D) Cain commited the greatest sin- killing his brother Able and then lying to God about it, as well as denying that Jesus was real even though he had seen him. God cursed him and caused that his crops would not grow, and those who would kill Cain would get God's vengence "seven times over." E) Lot and his Wife lived in very wicked times. They lived in the Land of Sodom and God commanded Lot and his family to flee the area before God destroyed it. He commanded Lot and his family not to look back. Lot's wife turned around and was immedietly turned to salt. F) Cities that were destroyed after Lot and his family fled, where "not even 10 righteous people were to be found." G) The Nativity was the scene of Christ's birth. Mary, Joseph, the three wise men, the star, and the manger are all elements of the peaceful and miraculous event that occured. H) Lazarus was Jesus's friend who was dead. Three days later, after Jesus had finally come, he wept to hear that Lazarus had died. He went into the tomb and rose Lazarus back to life. "Lazarus Lives!" I) Christ was considered a threat to the Pharasees and the Scribes, as well as the Roman Government. After the last supper where Jesus taught the disciples the Sacrament, he went into the Garden of Gethsemene, and then took on all of the Sins of the World- so painful he bled from every pore. He was then forced to carry his own cross and be crucified. He died, but only to rise again three days later. J) As Jesus predicted, Peter denied that he knew Christ three times before the crow called.

K) Joseph was sold as a slave by his brothers for thirty pieces of silver. He then proved to be a faithful servant and eventual leader of all of Egypt because he had faith and listened to God. L) David was chosen to be the new King even though he was the youngest of his brothers. While his brothers were off fighting, a giant, horrible man named Goliath challenged their army- he and a member of their army would fight against each other and whoever won would win the war- and take the other side as prisoners. David, just a boy at this moment- stood up, prayed to God, and killed Goliath with his Slingshot and three stones. M) Buddha was a spiritual teacher who taught many teachings and led many in India and many other Countries to follow and believe in him. He is considered a God or a prophet in many religons such as Hinduism and is a sacred symbol and leader of Buddhism. N) Nirvana- giving up greed, hatred, and delusion in order to become spiritual and one with Buddha. O) Hinduism- a religon alot alike Buddhism where they consider Buddha as their God. They have many different customs and have an entire culture that goes along with itdifferent clothes, foods, laws, and marriage and family values. P) Golgotha is the location where Christ was crucified, also known as Calvary or "the hill of the skull" where the people would kill theives, murderers, and the Son of God.

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