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Improvement of Transient Stability Limit in Power System Transmission Lines Using Fuzzy Control of FACTS Devices

S. M. Sadeghzadeh

M. Ehsan

N. Hadj Said

R. Feuillet

Department of Electrical Engineering Sharif University of Technology Azadi Ave, P. 0. Box 11365-9363 Tehran, IRAN
Abstrucr- The objective of this paper is to investigate the application of FACTS devices to increase the maximum loadability of the transmission lines which may be constrained by a transient stability limit. Hence, the on-line fuzzy control of the Super-conducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) and the Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) are suggested. The fuzzy rule-bases are defined and explained.,The validity of the suggested control strategies are confirmed by simulation tests. The simulation results show that by the use of the proposed method, the line power transfer can be increased via the improvement of the transient stability limit. Finally. the effect of the control loop time delay on the performance of the controller is presented.
Keywords: transient stability, fuzzy control, FACTS, SMES,SSSC

Laboratoire dElectrotechnique de Grenoble INPGLJJF - CNRS LJh4R 5529 ENSIEG - BP 46F 38402 Saint Martin dHkres Cedex, FRANCE shifters, unified power flow controllers, advanced SVCs, dynamic brakes, super-conducting magnetic energy storage, and many other advanced power flow control technologies. Transient conditions are caused by unwanted disturbances, both small and large. For this reason, use of a suitable control strategy for these conditions is of particular importance. Thus, various nonlinear control algorithms such as sliding mode control, f z y control and control methods uz based on the second Lyaponov law, can be used. The power system models for transient stability studies are nonlinear and complex. However, there are many practical experiences and heuristic decision rules that can be applied to particular parts to avoid system instability. These results have been caused by the use of non-mathematical algorithms, such as the fuzzy control method which seems to be attractive for the transient stability control. In ths paper, the active and reactive power control of the SMES, as well as the control of the transmission line impedance by the SSSC are studied for the above determined application. The f z y rule-bases of the controllers are defined. uz In addition, construction of the controller inputs from locally available measurements is expressed. The simulation results are presented and discussed. The improvement of the line loadability and transient stability of the test system are clearly demonstrated. Finally, the effect of the control loop time delays on the paformance of controller is presented.


In recent years, an ever increasing attention in the plans

and operations of the power system has been focused on improving the power transfer capacity of the transmission lines. The electrical networks are generally operated at relatively low loading levels, to assure sufficient stability margins. In practice, maximum loadability of transmission lines may be constrained by a transient stability limit that is considerably less than thermal limits. FACTS devices with a suitable control strategy have the potential to significantly increase the system transient stability margin. This allows increased utilization of the existing network closer to its thermal loading capacity, and avoiding the need to construct new transmission lines. FACTS devices are based on solidstate control and so are capable of control actions as for higher speed. Among the investigated areas in this respect are: static synchronous series compensator, fast acting phase

II. MODELING ASPECTS A. The Power System Equations: The 6th-order model is considered for system dynamics. The model of synchronous machine is equipped with automatic voltage regulator (AVR) and governor (GOV). The dynamic equations are given in (1) through ( ) 6.

-_ d6*


1 del, -= -(-eii dt T,&

+(xi - x@)-igi) +eh -(x; -xm)-i,)


de. 1 A=-(-e> Tdoi dt

0-7803-3713-1/97 $10.00 0 1997 IEEE 33 I

%=-(-e, 1 dt T,

+e,, +k,(v,


Fig. 1. Fundamental coniigurauon of the SMES unit

if P m > P then P,=Pif P,<Pw then P,=Pw with the following set of algebraic equations [ 11:
id; = Giie;, + B,e;, +

cos?iij+B, sin?iij)+

iqi =Giieii-B,e;, +

(15) where OW depends on the DC current stored in the superconducting coil before the transient state. The above SMES model is not a good choice when the converters reach their thermal limits. As can be seen m part N , for the test case, the SMES unit is always operated under its limits during the transient period. However, in the situations where the SMES is operated near its limits, a more precise model IS needed. The system nodal adrmttance equation after eliminating the nodes including generator terminals and the load nodes is described by

U f ( t ) + U; ( t ) 5

& ,

vi =J(v: psi =e;i,



+eiiiqi+(x; -xii)i&iqi


where the notation is explained in reference [ 11. B. The SMES Model: Fig. 1 illustrates the configuration of the SMES unit. The super-conducting coil L is coupled to transmission system via converters C O W 1 and CONV2,and transformers TI and T2. Firing angles a1 and CL2 of b t converters are oh determined by a P-Q simultaneous controller to obtain required values of the active and reactive power. In freewheeling state, the P-Q simultaneous controller regulates the coil current, keeping it ready for energy exchange in required form. The bypass thyristors provide a path for Id in the event of a converter failure. The dc breaker dlows Id to be diverted into the energy dump resistor, if a converter or cryogenic system failure occurs [2,3]. Required values of P,(t) and Qr(t) are determined by the fizzy controller which will be discussed in the next section. In this study, the SMES is modeled by a varying. admittance YSMES(t) that [2]: such (13) ysMEs GSMES +jBsms (0 (t) = (t) Where GSMES(t) BSmS(t) are the conductance and sucepand tance corresponding to the active and reactive power respectively. For simplicity, equation (13) can be rearranged as: 1 (14) ySMES(t) = ---(up(t)+jup(t)) where lZml is the magnitude of system thevenin impedance at the SMES bus, and up(t) and Q t ) are the control functions for the active and reactive power of the SMES respectively. These control fhctions are restricted by the following circular limit:

where {G) and k represent the intemal fictitious generator nodes and the SMES node respectively. Eliminating the SMES node, the following equation is obtained. (1 7) y = YGG - yo:.[ k + YSMJ c yk .Y k G The elements of YGcan be directly used as GI, and B, in the algebraic equations (7) and (8). C. The SSSC Model: Fig. 2 shows a transmission line compensated with the SSSC,where XA+XB and x, represents the line and SSSC impedance respectively. The series compensation is only provided during the transient period following a disturbance i.e.

In the transient period the line admittance is I Y Y= A" j(x, * xB - xc> By definition control function u(t) for the SSSC as


the system nodal admittance matrix can be m d f e for oiid nodes A and B as follows:


In practice, u(t) is constrained by the upper limit U- and zao, which U- corresponds to = (0.4 0.7).(xA+x~) [4]. If the resistance of the transmission line is not negligible, it is possible to consider it independently by adding a fictitious @e in the system nodal admittance matrix. after '


Fig. 2. Compensated transmission Line with SSSC


reducing the nodal adrmttance matrix to the internal fictitious nodes of generators, the elements of this matrix can be directly used as G , and B, in the equations (7) and (8).

m.sms FUZZY CONTROL A. Active and Reactive Power Control of The SMES: Fig. 3 shows a SMES unit at an intermediate point of transmission line xA, XB. The power transfer between the terminals A and B can be described by121:
Fig. 4. Effect of u p when u p 0 .




~ +QO] u t

where 8 is the power angle between EA and Ee. Fig. 4 illustrates the Power-Angle characteristics of the power transfer between nodes A and B, where uQ=0 and only up varies. Fig. 5 illustrates similar characteristic, where u p 0 and only UQ varies. From Fig. 4 it can be seen that thecontrol function up shifts the Power-Angle characteristic in both horizontal and vertical directions. For the small and medium power angles, it has significant influence on the line power transfer. Fig. 5 shows that the control function UQ changes the magnitude of the Power-Angle characteristic and its significant influence is focused on the large power angles. As a result, for the small and large power angles more damping out can be achieved from the proper control of up and UQ respectively. B. The Fuzzy Control Application: Based on the results of part A, this section deals with the d e s i p n g of the fuzzy controller inputs, the membership function, and the decision rules. The selected controller inputs are: the line power angle 8, and its variation rate o and here we name it the power angular speed. The use of the line power angle in the controller design is based on Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. The power angular speed has the information about the system trajectory and direction, and is useful in controller design. Fig. 6 and Fig. 7 represent the fuzzy membership function of the controller inputs. In Fig. 6, the interval [yl,yz] is a region that contains the steady state value of line power angle. The power angle variable is quantified into six linguistic values: N-negative, S-small, EQ-equilihum, Mmedium, L-large, and U-unstable. The simulation tests show that these parts are enough to express the transient conditions of the power system. The angular speed variable is used to recognize the N-negative, Z-zero, and P-positive cases. Fig. 8 shows the memberhp function of u p and UQ with these parts: NL-negative large, NS-negative small, ZE-

P"WW " r l "

Fig. 5. Effect of up when UFO.

Fig. 6. Fuzzy membership function ofpower angle

-k 0 k Fig. 7. Fuzzy membership function of angular speed







Fig. 8.

Fuzzy "bersbip -tion

ofur and I Q

Y -

zero, PS-positive small, and PL-positive large. The boundaries of these parts are proportional to the radius of the SMES circular limit in (15). Table I illustrates the f h z y controller rules in the form of a decision table. Each element of this table indicates the outputs uP/w in the linguistic form. These linguistic values are determined from the results of the last part. In addition, the practical experiments and heuristics are used in this part. Finally the centroid defuzzification is used to compute the output values [5]. These values are limited by (15).


Fig, 3. SMES unit in transmission line

CONTROLLED SYSTEM A 30 MJ SMES unit is selected to damp out power system swings, caused by fault occurrence. The SMES unit is


capable of absorbing and releasing up to 10 MJ of energy at a frequency of 0.35 Hz. The simulation study is carried out to investigate the validity of the proposed control strategy. The test system considered in this paper is a long transmission line which transmits the power of a generator to the rest of the network. The proposed method is not limited to this particular configuration, and the application to more complex cases can be easily implemented. The parameter values of the SMES unit, the controller, and the system dynamic model are listed in Appendix. The numeric,al results of three phase faults at the line sending bus are considered to present the effects of the proposed controller. The system critical clearing times are 0.294 s and 0.373 s for the uncontrolled and controlled cases respectively. The controller characteristics for these two cases are illustrated in Fig. 9. Fig. 9-a represents the transients of the line active power for both the controlled and uncontrolled cases. This figure shows an oscillatory mode about 0.6 Hz which can be an exciter mode. In the situations where a generator is connected to a large system, the use of the power system stabilizer (PSS)can have the satisfactory results. Therefore in such a situation the PSS which is more conventional and much cheaper than the SMES, is preferable. But in the multi-machine p w r system, the use oe of the PSS needs a precise study. A PSS that is not well tuned may reduce the system stability [6]. Fig. 9-b shows the effect of the fault on the power angle time responses. The power angle oscillations are considerably suppressed in a short time. In addition, a considerable improvement is obtained in the system's critical clearing time. These means the proposed controller can improve the first swing transient stabiiity and also it has a good dynamical response for damping the system swings. It may be called .a system stabilizer both for transient and dynamic stability. The SMES control hctions are shown in Fig. 9-c. These control hctions are applied only in the short time of the transient period and do not have any effect in the normal operation of the system. As a result, Fig. 10 shows the effect of the proposed controller on the transient stability limit of transmission line. The maximum loadability of transmission lines are a m s lot constrained by h s limit. Fig. 10 represents a relationship between the steady state transfer capacity of the transmission line and the system's critical clearing time. As is evident, by the use of the proposed control strategy, the transmission line can be operated at a higher level of power transfer capacity via the improvement of the transient stability index.

be measured locally. Local measurements must have two conditions: the control signal must contain information
about the system dynamics and it should therefore be proportional to the time denvative of the measurement. This condition causes the controller not to have any effect on the normal steady state operation of the system. The second condition is that the dynamic behavior of the control signal

(a) Line acave power





3 ,

(b)Power-Angle swng curves


(c) up(t) and %(t) of SMES Fig. 9.Controlled and uncontrolled systemcharactexistics for cleanng ttrne (CT) = 0.294 s and 0.373 s



The above determined control strategy is based on variables which are not available directly. For practical implementation, they must be replaced by electrical quantities that can







Fig. 10. Line loadability improvement by means offuzzy control of SMES


are provided from the behavior of the system around its stable and unstable equilibrium points. The first rule is fired when the system is at its stable equilibrium point, and obviously no control action is necessary. The second rule demonstrates the situation where the system is settling to its stable equilibrium point and the negative compensation is necessary to suppress the system's kinetic energy around this where kR is the regulator gain. The second condition is point. The third rule expresses a situation where the power angle is reaching its qtximum value, which renders it fulfilled if ldq/d6) is more greater than (dq/&p( and ldqLduo[, necessary to increase the system's energy absorption capacity i.e. by means of a large positive compensation. The fourth rule is not applicable. The centroid defbzzification and also 'the upper and lower limits are used to compute the output value. Based on these conditions, the SMES controller inputs are The system of section IV is used to investigate the validity prepared as follows [ 2 ] : the angular speed input o can be of the proposed control scheme. I this system, the SSSC is n constructed from the measurement q1=(P..,-P~)/21Usmsl, located at the intermediate point of the transmission line. where P. and PB are the active power measurements of M O The system critical clearing times are 0.294 s and 0.330 s for ., parts of the transmission line where the SMES unit is the uncontrolled and controlled cases respectively. As an connected. [Vs,,l is the voltage of the SMES bus. The abstract of the simulation study, Fig. 13 represents the steady measurement q2'(11AI'+IIB12)/2 is selected to construct the state transfer capacity of the transmission line and the quantity of mine where lIAl and 11~1 are the current system's critical clearing time. These results indicate that magnitudes of the two parts of transmission line. The line the hzzy control of SSSC can be applied to increase the power angle 8 can be obtained from the signals q1 and q2. power transfer capacity via.the improvement of the transient stability limit. VI.SSSC FUZZY CONTROL The objective of this section is to present a h z control zy W. EFFECT CIF THE CONTROL LOOP TIME DELAY strategy for SSSC in order to improve the transient stability In practice, the SMES and SSSC control loops that were limit. The practical experiences, heunstics and the Direct introduced in mevious parts have some sources of time Lyaponov Stability method [7] are considered to define the f z y rules. In reference [8] a positive definite energy iz function and its continuous partial time derivative are presented which are used directly in ths study. The main Fig.11. Fuzqmembership b c t i o o ofil and i2 idea behnd the use of the Direct Lyaponov Stability method can be expressed as: "the SSSC control signal U has to assume values, so that, the time derivative o energy f function be negarrve definite". o 2 l The energy function v is scaled as i, =@"' in order to Fig. 12. Fuay membership function of u clear the small values and help to suppress the small swings. The parameters of the controller and the SSSC unit are listed Table U. Controller decision table of SSSC unlt in Appendix. The time derivative of the energy function is expressed as [8]: v =-oP,(B).u (25) where U is the control function of SSSC that expressed in part 11-C. For the controller design, we select i2 = -oPe(0) a s as the second controller input. om The chosen membership function for the inputs il, 12 and output U are represented in Fig. 1 1 and Fig. 12 respectively. The practical implementation of these signals f o the rm locally measurable electrical quantities is discussed in [8]. Table I1 shows the suggested decision table of the SSSC 0.U controller. The rules of this table are chosen so that the expression (25) remains negative. The amount of the rules 032 U 81 . uL~2.&y-(*)Il3 n . 6 I).? selected are based upon the practical experiences, heuristics, Fig. 13. Line loadabilityimprovement by menos of fuzzy contml of SSSC and simulation results. The rules corresponding to I1 =ZE
4 3

depends more on the dynamic behavior of the system than on the controller action. For the first condition, the relationship between the control signal S, measurement q, and the control functions up and uQ can be expressed as [2]:


delay. They may derive from A-D and D-A conversions, computation time, and power electronic dead time. The p w er electronic switches also have the rise time problem. The simulation results show that the rise time value of the advanced power electronic switches have no considerable effect on the control loop performance and it is negligible. Fig. 14 shows the phase plan of the system controlled by the SMES unit, for a 28 ms loop time delay and also for 0.373 s fault duration. In practice, the control loop time delay is much less than t b s value. As can be seen, with 28 ms time delay the system is still stable. The more greater time delays would make the system oscillatory and unstable. The simulation results show that the similar characteristic for the SSSC control loop is better than that of the SMES control loop.

ical implementation. A cost-benefit comparison of each application would also be a useful economic study in this area.

[I] M. Betbiche, Sur 1'6valuation de la stabilite transitoire des ffiseaux d'energie ilecmque: approche par reconnaissance des fomes, Thbe de doctorat Criivenite Paul Sabatier. Toulouse, 1990. pp. 20-28. [2] J. Machowski. and D. Nelles, "Optimal control of superconducting magnetic energy storage unit," Elecmc Machines and Power Systems. vol. 20. no. 6, 1992. pp. 623-640. [3] H. J. Boenig. and J. F. Hauer. "Commissionmg tesfs of the Bonneville Power Administration 30 W superconducting magnetic energy storage umt," IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems. vol. PAS-104, no. 2. Feb. 1985. pp. 302-3 I I . [4] Y. Wang, R R MoMer. R Sp&, and W. mttelstadt, "Variable-srructure FACTS controllers for power system transient stability." IEEE Trans. on Power Systems. vol. 7. no. 1. Feb. 1992. pp. 307-313. [5] B. Kosko. Neural networks and fuzzy systems. Prentice Hall, 1992. [6] J. D. Hurley. and M. S . Baldwin." High response excitation systems on turbinegenerator: a stability assessment" IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus andsystem. vol. PAS-101. no. 11. November 1982, p.p.4211-4221. [7] J.-J. E. Slotine, and W.Li, Applied nonlinear control. Prentice Hall. 1991. [SI G. Bononi. R Lusvarghi J. Lacoste. and M. Trotignon, "Impact of newly conceived Flexible AC Transmission System control suategies on the d y " c behavior of power system" IEEEXTH Stockhoh Power Tech Conference. June 1995. pp. 89-94.

This paper presents an "on-line f z y control scheme" uz applied on the superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) and the static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) units to increase lines transfer capacity. The proposed control strategy attempts to suppress the line power swings caused by the unwanted disturbances. In practice, the Sh4ES and the SSSC units c& be installed at an intermediate point of the transmission line and are controlled locally. They considerably increase the power transfer level via the improvement of the transient stabiiity limit. The performance of the proposed method is inspected by the computer simulation of a sample system. The results show that the SMES which is able to act with active and reactive simultaneous control is more effective than the SSSC. The critical clearing time improvement of the SMES and SSSC controlled systems with respect to the uncontrolled cases are 26.9%and 12.2% respectively. Supposing 0.2 s is the system's critical clearing time, Fig. 10 and Fig. 13 show 30.4% and 16.0% improvement in the line transfer capacity using the SMES and the SSSC controls respectively. However SSSC seems to be significantly less expensive than SMES. As a further study, the proposed m t o may be applied to ehd other FACTS devices. A continuation of this work could be to compare the characteristics and performances of the h z zy control method with more nonlinear and conventional methods. However. more research is needed in the area of uract-







xq=1.47pu &=20 x ~ ~ 0 . 4 ~

&=SO vg=l.03pu H,=6.204s T.=O.Is P0=0.58p ~,=l.Op W.015 fX0Hz :=7.07 k=l rad/s 0 4 . 3 4 5 u,=O.l6pu

Tg=2.0s X,=O.+U

XI. BIOGFCAPHES M. Sadeghzadeb (1968) received his B. S. and M. S . in Elecmcal




Pm.r " d (. .






Fig. 14 Effect of a 28111s time delay in SMES control loop as tcl= 0.373s

Engineering h m Sharif University of Technology in 1990 and 1992 respectively. Since than he has been studying towards a Ph.D. degree in the Elecmcal Engineenhg Department of Sharif University and with the collaboration of the elecmcal engineering laborafoly of the Institut lu'ational Polytechnique de Grenoble, France. During his prepration of his thesis in Iran. he was a lecturer in Sharif University. His W.D. thesis is about the power system transient stability control. His other interests are: Application of AI and fuzzy logic to energy system planning and opdmization. . . Ebsan received his B. S and M. S . in Elecnical Engineering &om TechM . riical College of Tehran University in 1963, Ph.D. and DIC ffom Imperial College University of London in 1976. Since than,he has been with the Electrical Engineering Department of Sharif University of Technology in different responsibilities. He is currently a professor and in charge as the Head of Graduate Studies in Elecmcal Engineering Depnmnt. He has an extended cooperation i with research centers in Iran and abroad. His research interests are: power system simulation,dynamic and transient stability, identification of parameters and application of experfsystems in power system operation and control. N. Had] Said was born on January 13, 1964 in Tizi Oumu Algeria He received the Engineer degree in E e t i a Engheering &om the University of : lcrcl Tid Ouzou (Algeria) in 1987, the "Diplome #Etudes Appmfondies" and the "Doctorat de 1'I.N.P.G." degree h n the Institut National Polytechnique de Greaoble in 1988 and 1992. Since 1993 he served as a associate professor at the Ecole Nationale Supirieure d'hgenieurs Eleclriciens de Grenoble and at the Labomtoire d'Electrotechnique de Grenoble (L.E.G.). His research interests are power s s e operation and securhy. ytm R Felllllet (1953) Rceived his Diplome d'hghieur and his D . Eng. r degree in Elecaical Engheeiag ffom the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (INPG) in 1976 and 1979. respectively. In 1991, he received the ' degree of "Habilitationa Diriger des Recherches"from the same institute. Since 1979, he h s been appointed as Assistant Professor at the National Elecnical a Engineering School of Grenoble (ENSIEG), France. His research activities i , n the Grenoble Elecmrechnid Labomtory (LEG)include naodeling of power electronics convertels and interferen% pertubtiom on power networks and components. I


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