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Convention vs Un-convention The following is a list of t opics/phenomena as explained by convent ional vs unconventional physics.

i will tryt o keep it up to date as theory evolves . self-interference C: caused by inherent randomnes s of quantum particles; sometimes , some pos sible s tat etrajectories cancel or interfere effectively destroying a quantum particle; a good indicator of possible self-interference is when a quantum system of many particles exhibits an interference pattern U: caused by the spacelet nat ure of quantum particles; spacelet is short for spacetime wavelet; wavelet theory shows individual wavelets can self-interfere much like quantum particles strong force C: mediated by gluons, which are a kind of virtual boson, exchanged by quarks inside a nucleus U: short-range temporal curvature weak force / nuclear decay C: mediated by W/Z -bosons; the Feynman diagram for an isolated neutron shows a W-bos on as a kind of intermediate decay product producing an electron and anti-neut rino; t he idea is cons ist ent with: all forces are mediated by some kind of virtual particle U: geomet ry, vibration, and rotation of nucleons gravity C: gravitons, a hypothetical particle consistent with concepts above U: long-range t emporal curvature special relativity C: consider parallel plates with a particle bouncing between them, this represents a kind of clock; if we move those plates in a direction parallel to the plates, the path length becomes longer effectively lengthening the period of the clock; time effectively slows down for moving clocks relative to stationary clocks U: enhanced temporal curvature gravitational time dilation C: general relativity predicts spacet ime curves near massive object s; time slows down wit h respect to how massive the object is and how close a clock is to that object U: temporal relativity considers temporal curvature making T R more fundamental and s impler than GR (one dimens ion vs four); enhanced temporal curvature mass C: virtual exchange of the Higgs boson from a part icle to itself U: temporal curvature corresponding t o a spacelet spin C: a quantum propert y that does not have a one-to-one macroscopic analogy; if we try to t hink of quantum spin as analogous to macroscopic spin, the analogy breaks down immediately; it can

have orientation, magnitude, excit ed states, but exists as a quantum property much like selfinterference U: spacelet theory, only jus t emerging as a fledgeling science, looks at quantum part icles as charged spacetime wavelets; these 3D distortions in spacetime may resemble screw dislocations in a s olid; Markus Lazar has pursued this tack electromagnetism C: virtual photon exchange U: charged anti-photons; t he concept of 'the antiphoton' as arrived at cons idering a balanced w curvature scheme of cosmology and needing something real to mediate e- m alpha / the fine s tructure constant C: "well, it's a mystery" U: relat es to the local density of charged anti-photons; in a balanced curvature scenario, every time a photon is created, so is an anti-phot on; every t ime a photon is abs or ed, s o is an ant ib photon; so, near nuclear reactors (stars) and fission reactors (on Earth) where photons are produced, an equal number of anti-photons are produced and so alphas hould be meas urably different there; this is a critical test of t he unconventional theory proton/electron mass ratio C: "well, t hat's a mystery too"; the latest convent ional guess is thatfrom string theory, there's an infinity of universes coexisting with ours; ours happens to reside in the small fraction of life supporting universes with the mass ratio just right; personally,i see this as equivalent t o the anthropic principle - really no answer at all U: life, as we know it, would not exist w ithout carbon based chemistry; we propose a Prime Cause engineered our universe to support life; the r tio w as engineered a particle zoo C: the Standard M odel proposes a very short lis t of 'elementary particles' and bosons; the zoo can be explained as a logical combination of those U: "i'm not particularly interes ted in unst able particles ." CM B/GWB - t he cos mic microwave background / gravitational wave background C: the big bang or colliding branes U: the Prime Cause exploding a s ingularity or maybe smas hing two CM B pow er spect rum / anisot ropies C: there exis t very s light directional variations in t he CMB; these correspond t o a power spectrum of relic microwave energy; convention explains these with inflation or colliding branes, depending on your camp U: "still working on it" dark matter C: required to keep galaxies toget her and explain dark flow, it's the conventionally propos ed stuff that only interacts with 'normal baryonic matter' gravitationally;not yet detected but required by conventional cosmology to 'make things work' U: "um, i'll get back to you"; in unconventional particle schemes, a very massive neutral particle should have charged counterparts - these should be detectable

dark energy C: required by convent ion to accelerate the expans ion of the universe (something we measure); it makes up the bulk of stuff; as with dark matter, we don't know what the hell it is U: following a balanced curvature cosmology, equal amounts of matt er/antimatter and photons/anti-photons were produced at creation; theprimordial antimatter is not gravit ationally bound to 'our normal mat ter'; charged anti-photons w ould be attracted t o normal matt er and may explain e-m; neutral anti-photons produced gradually in stars s ince the BB may contribute to accelerated expansion - j us t a guess the arrow of time C: convention's bes t gues s goes s omething like this: q uantum gravity is a fledgling science; study of information processes relating to black holes indicate a 'holographic principle'; information may be stored on a boundary similar to a hologram; if we live in a hol ographic universe, information may stored on the boundary; there may be 'holographic noise' w hich is det ect able; at Fermilab, they're building a detector which should point one way or the other: we live in a holographic universe or 'classical spacetime'; the arrow of time could be a similar construct U: we need time t o discriminate between events; if time did not exist, events w ould be indistinguishable / happen all at once; if time was reversible, if time travel was pos sible, causality would be violated and all evil deeds performed throughout history would have been reversed by altruistic future time-travelers; this has clearly not happened;causality cannot be violat ed; t ime cannot be reversed; t ime travel is impos sible antimatter C: Dirac proposed ant ipart icles 't ravel backward in time', but very little is known about antimat ter except for the fact when you bring a matter particle near to its antimatter counterpart, mutual annihilation occurs; in the heart of the LHC, the large hadron collider, protons at high speed are smashed with oppositelytraveling antiprotons; decay product s have 'confirmed' W/Z bosons with remarkable accuracy/confidence; but not one Higgs. . U: antimatt er has negat ive curvature which cannot aggregate gravit ationally; unconvent ional physics proposes antimatter does not travel backward in time;time passage near antimatter merely speeds up relative to flat spacetime/t ime antiphotons C: "say what?" U: mediate electromagnetism God C: is neutral about God; i've seen t heoretical physicists declare both ways:s ome s ee intelligent design in our cosmos; others see none U: presently, i have no bet ter explanat ion of: proton/electron mass ratio, the claims of inflation, DNA, t he ant icipated ubiquity of life, or the stability of proton, leect ron, and various nuclei; i have no historical antipathy toward the concept as conventionalphysics does multi-dimensions C: string theory seems to require at least s even extra s patial dimens ions to 'make the t heory work'; there is some conventional reluctance but support is growing

U: using O ccam's Razor, t he simplest determinis tic framework developed requires three s patial dimensions, one curvable time dimension, and one extra dimension for that time dimension to 'curve into': 5D. 5 vs 11, dimens ionally speaking, un-convention wins integration/unification C: the Standard M odel has been called 't he ugliest theory in t he his tory of science' by conventional theorists; becaus e it has been developed by many people over many decades, the theory is necessarily haphazard, disjoint, inelegant, and counter-intuitive; arguably, if schools/universities taught physics concepts better,t he St andard M odel and all of its convent ional extensions might be more intuitively understandable; there are so many arbitrary parameters and problems such as renormalization which make it repugnant to even convent ional theoret icians; no one seriously believes it's the 'answer' to "how does the universe work?" U: becaus e the theory w as basically developed by one inspired pers on (me),unconventional theoretical physics (this brand') is more coherent , elegant, s imple, unified, and intuitively ' appealing; it answers the question of force unification by properties of time; 'the impedance of space' can be associated with time alone, the property of spacetime which determines the interval between electromagnetic events; curvature, likewise, t he property of spacetime which determines the interval between mechanical events; temporal relativity replaces GR as the most fundamental classical theory; spacelet theory redefines quantum particles as spacetime wavelets capable of self-interference explicitly because of t heir wavelet nat ure; admitt edly, dependency on the Prime Cause for: stability of proton/electron, mass ratio, and 'inflation effects' makes this investigator a bit uneasy . but isn't that what Spouses are for? ^^ ;)

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