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In the course of this project,the below mathematical principle explained will be applied. A volume is amount 3-deminsional space enclose by a closed boundry,usually,the space that a substance or shape occupies or contains.The volume of a container is generally taken as the capacity of the container,or the inner dimensions of the container.
In Mathematics,a geometric progression is also known as the a geometric sequence.A geometric progression is a sequence of numbers where each term after the first is found by multiplying the previous one by a number which is not zero.That,number is referred to as the common ratio of the sequence.We use geometric progressions to calculate a value in a specific.For example,if a ball is dropped from 100cm,what will the height of the ball be at the 5 th bounce if the second bounce is of the first bounce and so on?From this,the total vertical distance can also be calculated. Similarly,linear equations are also greatly used in application of mathematics.A liner equation is an algebraic equation where each term is constant,or a produce of a contant,and the first power of a single variable.Linear equation are very useful as many non-linear equations can be reduced to linear equations,which will form a straight line on a Cartesian plane. Differentiation is a branch of Calculus that uses derivatives to measure measure how a function changes as its input changes.Differentiation is commonry taken a the inverse of integration.Differntiation is used in industry to calculate the maximum amount or quantity required as a means of maximizing efficiency and goods production.

Answer for Part 1

Identifying the Problem:Question ask to provide information about how Mathematic is used in cake baking and cake decorating. Strategy:Apply knowledge obtained from Additional Mathematics and also consult resource from the Internet. Conjecture:Calculus,Geometry,Ratio and Progressions are branches of math used in cake decorating.

One very importance aspect of cake baking is the amount of ingredient required this is because a cake should be of reasonable pri cing.In cake baking,ingredients must not be wasted unnecessarily.Therefore,calculus can be applied cake baking.Particulary,the second deriative allows bakeries to calculate the maximum or minimum amount of ingredients needed to increase profit and efficiency.This allows positive growth in business.At the same time,the bakeries with at under -other,or overorder the ingredients. Cake decorating is an art.Many bakeries strive to produce cakes of beauty and of substance.In art,geometry is given important.Geometry allows cakes of many interesting shapes and sizes to be created.Geometry also define the dimensions of cake to be in ovens.Geometry will determine the popularity of the cake besides the price.We calculate the surface area and volume of the cake to determine the price per kilogram and also the area available for decorating and writing words. In the baking of more complex axes,such as multi -storey cakes or multi-layered cakes,progressions are applied.Progression allow us to calculate the sizes or volume of a subsequent layer.Also,it allows us to estimate the quantity of ingredient needed. Usually,geometric progressions are used. Lastly,ratios are used in cake baking.More often t han not bakers need to estimate to amount of ingredients used or subtitute the ingredient with another if that ingredient is not available.For example,we often a cookbooks guiding use to use 3 parts of water for 1 parts of flour.This is ratio of water to flour 3:1,allow us to bake a cake of different sizes.Although we may bake a smaller or large cake,the flour and water used still obeys the proportion set.We are than allowed to creatively bake cake.

Conclusion:Mathematical principles such as calculus,geomet ry,ratio and progressions are vital in cake baking and cake decorating.Therefore,the conjucture is proven.

Answer for Part 2 Answer for Question 1

Identifying the Problem:
y Question ask to find the diameter of baking tray to be used to fit the cake 5kg

y Find diameter, d using formula of volume diameter cylinder,with the height, h and volume, v of cake per kilogram and the value of .

Working: Given volume of cake per kilogram=3800cm3 and =(3.142)

Total Volume of Cake =3800cm 3 5kg

Thus,Total Volume of Cake=19000cm 3 Given d=2r r=d/2

Volume of Cake=Volume of cylinder Volume of Cake=Base area  Height Volume of Cake= 19000=(3.142)  r2

2= ( )=

d =58.78339783
d=58.7834 cm

Conclusion: Therefore,the diameter of the baking try to be used is 58.7834cm.

Answer for Question 2 Question 2 (a)

Identifying the Problem:
y Question ask to find and tabulate the different values of height and diameter of the baking tray to be used,if the volume remain the same.

y Find diameter,d using the formula of Volume of cylinder and volume,v of cake per kilogram and the value of  with varying values of height,h.

Working: Volume of cake = Volume of cylinder Volume of cake,V = Base area Volume of cake,V =



( )2 =



d=2 d=2


Table of Height of Cake and Diameter of Baking Tray to be Used

h/cm 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0

d/cm =155.52625 =109.97367 = = = = = = = = =

Answer for Question 2 Question 2 (b)(i)

Identify the Problem:
y To state the range of height unsuitable for baking of cake and to give reason.

y Obtain the range of height not suitable for cakes by compare and with of logic.

Answer: The range of heights NOT suitable for the cake 1 h 7. This is because the cake would have too large diameter to fit into the oven.Also,the cake would be too wide and unattractive.At the same time,the cake would be harder to handle.

Question 2 (b)(ii)
Identify the Problem:
y Question ask to suggest the dimension host suitable for the cake,and to provide reason.

y Compare and contrast and the heights and diameters in table from Question 2(a) and suggestion logical reason.

Answer: The dimensions I think most suitable for the baking cake is h = 10cm and d = 49.1817cm. This is because the cake is not to tall or too wide.A cake that is too tall high may be easily burnt. The cake is not within the range suitable for the dimensions of the cake and thus fits the oven.

Question 2 (c)(i)
Identify the Problem:
y Question ask to reduce the equation to linear form in order to display the relation between h and d. y After doing so,question requires us to plot a graph based on the equation.

Strategy: Using the linear law,and the linear equation in Question 2(a) by using log and plot a graph of h against d using software.

Working: d =
10 d = log10 155.52625 log10

log10 d = - log10 h + 2.1918 Y = mX + c Thus,the equation of linear relation between h and d is log10 d = - log10 h + 2.1918

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