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Movement of Substances across the Plasma illlembrane

The semi-permeability of the membrane

The size and polarity of the molecules

The concentration gradientof the solution

is further divided into

Typesof solution

Bio*KlT 10

Bio-ScoreTeocher'sEdition 2008


Learning Outcomes r State the substances that have to be requiredby living cells and substances from cells eliminated . Explain necessity movement subshncesacross plasmamembrane the the for of . Describe structureof the plasma membrane the r Describe permeability the plasmamembrane the of . Explain the movement of soluble substancesacross the plasma membmne throughthe process passive of transport o Explainthe movement of water moleculesacross the plasma membrane by osmosis . Explainthe movementof substances acrossthe plasmamembranethrough the process active' of tmnsport r Explain the processesof passive tmnsport and active transport in living organisms, usingexamples . Compare contrastpassive and transportand activetransport 1 . Substances that are requiredby cellsare: water, .9&lg9!! and !gt!e!E

and substances to

be eliminated from cells are carbon dioxide, gIgA and gdg^gglS! : 2. The necessity the movement substances for of acrossthe plasmamembrane . r r for Obtainnutrients metabolism. Eliminate toxicwasteproducts for of Maintain concentration ionsthat are suitable the activities the cell. of

n Maintain optimalpH value the 3 The movement substances and out of the cellsis regulated plasmamembrane by of in 4 The plasmamembrane the boundary is the that separates livingcellfrom its surrounding. model.

5 S.J. Singerand G.Nicolson (1972)proposed membrane modelcalledthe fluid masap a The fluid-mosaic modeldescribes plasmamembrane dvnamic,with the protein the as and phospholipid free molecules to movewithinthe membrane.


Bio-KlT 1C


The Structure of the Plasma Membrane 1. Complete structure plasmamernbrane labelthe structure the of and usingthe termsin the box below: Pore pore protein glycoprotein carrierprotein cholesterol hydrophilic head

phospholipids bilayer


Phospholipids biiayer

Carrier prorern


2 . Plasma membrane, according to the fluid-mosaic model is composed mainly of

phosoholipids and protein.

Eachphospholipid molecule consists two parts: of a. A polarheadthat givesit hvdrophilic property. property. b. A pair of non-polar taitsthat givesit hvdrophobic-

4. 'ln plasmamembranes, phospholipids in arrangethemselves two layers(bilayer).

a- the hydrophilic headsof the outerlayerface the extrcellularfluid. b. the hydrophilic headsof th?.lllly layerface the cvtoplasmicfluid. 5. The phospholipid bilayeracts as a banierwhichisolates two sidesof the mernbrane. the
6. The phospholipid bilayeralso contains cholesterol whichlinksthe fatty acidstogether.

plasmamembrane.btable, 7. l9hofesterollmakes strong,moreflexibleand less permeable to lvater-soluble substances such r@



Both proteinsare referredas try,rt


9. Somemembrane proteins that havecarbohydrates aftached themare called to glvcoproteins,


Bio-KlT 10


The Permeabilityof the PlasmaMembrane of the 1. The membrane saidto be impermeableif it prevents passage all molecules. is This means perrneable semi-penneable or selectively 2. The plasmamembrane however, is, freelywhile otherscannot. can that certainsubstances moveacrossthe plasmamembrane 3. The size and polaritv of moleculesdeterminethe movementof moleculesacross the plasmamembrane. Structure plasma of membrane
Phospholipid bilayer

that move across of Exarnples substancbs the plasmamembrane fatty acids,glyggro! and molecules: - lipid-soluble vitaminA,_pr-E l( : molecules gJJgg!! and carbondioxide - non-polar water - smallmolecules:
Smallwater*soluble moleculesand ;op5' lf. Na+. C& Large water-solublemofecules:qlucose and amino acids

Pore protein Carrierprotein

The movement of soluble substancesacross the plasma membranethrough the process

of passive transport movement of The such across the substances to membrane according concentrationgradients without any inputof energyby the cells

Movementof moleculesor io-ns from a region of hiqher. concentrationto a region of going down lower concentration, gradientuntil an a concenfration esuilibrium is achieved.

The movement of molecules aided bY transport protein down their concentration gradient without using ggggqy until an esuilibrium is achieved.

Oxvqen, carbon dioxide and lipid-soluble rnolecules

qlucose.amino acids

Small water-soluble molecules and iongl{t-t{Al-CaE



Bio^-Score Teocher's Edilion 2008 Facilitated diffusion through a porc protein a. Pore proteins are transporters that are always open.

Small dissolved particles

especially ions can move across the plasma membrane through this pores. b. Pore proteins have specific shapes and charges that only allow specific ions to pass ' through. Highconcentration 'on" aol'===.*.-.-

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pore protein/



Facilitated diffusion through a carrier protein


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oao oo

High concentration

low concentration

1, Molecules such as glucose, smallproteinsand arninoacidsmovetowards.the bindingsitesot specific carrierproteinand bindthemselves the specific sites. to 2. The canier proteinchangesits shaoe to allowthe molecules passthroughto the otherside to of the plasma membrane 3. The proteinresumesits oriqinal shape.

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Bio"-Ki-f 10




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20O8 Bio-ScoreTeocher'sEdition

The movementof water moleculesacross the plasma membraneby osmosis from a regionof their hiqher of 1. Osmosis is the net movement water molecules concentrationto a region of their lower concentration through a serni-pgrngggp!9. membrane. 2. well . waterto function cellsneedadequate to Osmosisis important cellsbecause

membrane Semi-pemreable

\ o"c::" o " J oo, :::.

Net movement of water molecules

Solute molecule

Lowconcentration solutemolecules of of Highconcentration watermolecules Low osmoticpressure

of high concentration solutemolecules of water moleculas low concentration high osmoticpressure

The movement of substances across the plasma rnembrane through the process of active transport 1. Active transport is the movement of molecules or !g$s from a region of lower with the use acrossthe plasmamembrane concentration a regionof hiqher concentration to of cellular energv active 2. Besides using energy in the form of ATP that is generatedduring respiration, transport also required carrier protein. 3. The carrierproteinhas an agtive site which binds with a particularmoleculeor ion and anotheractivesitewhichbindsto the ATP molecules. or 4. Activetransport resultsin the accumulationof or elimination of moleeules ionsfrornthe cellsi.e equilibrium stateis neverachieved. they are just like are in 5. Carrierproteins involved activetransport oftencalledpump because qravitv to waterpumpwhichuseenergy movewateragainst




6. ln animal cell,the concentration p#fFif:T.... ionsir.{.r.4.f.-., cell is always of the higher than ihe concentration ot',rtfii.f.. the cell,whilethe concentration sp.#:t:t..ions outside of the cellis always hi3h.?.1..., thconcentration thecells. than inside proteins calleds#l.YY..:p#fi9.Y pumpthat helpto maintain concentration 7. Carrier are the gradients pumping by sodium ionsoutof thecellandpotassium intothecell. ions 8. In plant cell, thereis sodium,pump mechanism mangrove in root. The mechanism ActiveTransportfor Sodiumlons of
outside of cell Sodium'"" -@-@*@@

Highconcentration of sodium ions

Carrier protein

lnside of cell

lowconcentration of sodium ions



Carrier protein

protein a s.f.t9... the 1. Thesodium ionsapproach cgyrif.f pt:*?L..... Thecarrier has for the ... sodium andanother to bindtheATPmolecules. ions site protein 2. Thecarrier bin#... the sodium is ions.TheATPmolecules splitintolf.?....and ph.el?.h3.19...... splitting ATP releases protein. The to of el\9T99.... the carrier protein release sodium to ions 3. Energy fromtheATPchanges shg.?.*... the carrier the the of outside cells. the protein to origill*I... shape 4. Thecarrier turn

of The processes passivetransportand activetransportin living organism




Simple diffusion

in of in exchange - the concentration oi1Y.9fl.. the alveoliis hiah*r Gaseous in the alveoliand blood thanits concentration the blood capillaries. capillaries into diffuses the blood - oxygenin the alveoli capillaries in of - the concentration cE*gn. d.t?*i4.f..... the blood in than is,hiah.?L.. its concentration the capillaries alveoli. c.s.f':tt.q:l:.: fromthe blP.?i.... diffuses - carbondioxide of the lungsintothe alY.f.?$....

Facilitated diffusion

Absorption of digested foodin the villus

and of - the concentration glY.c.?L. a.'ytll\?..acid.' capillaries than is in the ileumis hIe!^.':f.. in the blood of the villus into and - glucose aminoacidsthatdiffuse the into directly the blood cellsare absorbed epithelial of capillaries thevilli.


of Absorption of water - the'soilhasa higherconcentration water to by root hairs of a compared the cells.*P.,...of roothairs. of watermovesintothe vacuoles root plant - therefore,
. Soilparticle

hair cellsby oxTf.?l.s-,

Active transport
Root hair

lon intake by root hairsof a plant

saltsin the of - the concentration ionsand mineral soil. to cellsapis hrgffl'.. compared the surrounding is fromthe ATP molecules usedto transfer - energy gradient' the ionsagainst concentration the mineral into the through cellmembrane the rootcell.

Bio-Score Teocher'sEdiii'rn2008

Gompareand contrast passive transport and active transport Passivetransport -_--l

Active transport

Both occurs through plasma membrane

The movement substances of followsthe concentration gradient Cellular enerqy is not required

Concentration gradient

Substances moveagainst gradient. the concentration


Cellular energyis required

The processcontinues untila dynamic equilibrium is reached

Outcomes of the process

The process resultsin the accumulation or of elimination substances of from the cell.

Gan take place in living cells or non-livingphysical condition

Location occurs

only takes place in living cells


Figureshowsa comparison ions of concentration pondwaterand in the cell sap in of Nirel/asp. Which processcausesthe ion concentration in Nitellasp"to be higherthan that in pond water? P: Osmosis Q: Plasmolysis ($J Activetransport
S : Passive t
, :1

Concentrations of ions

water I Pond sap sp. $lCell ofi[ireiia

[/ineral icns
Bio-KlT 'lC

- t,


Bio-ScoreTe'rcher's Edition20OB


Learning Outcomes . Explain and isotonicsolutionare. what hypotonic,hypertonic and isotonicsolutionon plant and . Explain effectsof hypotonic,hypertonic the animalcells and . Fxplainplasmolysis, haemolysis crenation deplasmolysis, . Designan experimentto determinethe concentrationof external solution to whichis isotonic the cell saP of . Makean inference the concentration cell sap in plant tissues on . Relate the movement of substances across plasma msxbrane with gradient concentration r Explain phenonrenon wilting in plantsusingexamples of the . Fxplain preservaUon food usingexamples of the Effects of different types of solutlon on plant and animal cells I hree

are of solutron lsotonicsolution solution Hypertonic


A solution in which the A solutionin which the solute A solution in which the is concentration of solute concentration equal to that concentrationof solute in the fluid. outsidethe cell is lower than of the cytoplasmic the concentrationof solute inside cell. the
solution is hiqher than the concentrationof solute within the cell.

in Table shows what would hibpen to an animalcell and plant cell when imrnersed 3
types of solution.

- water diffuses intoand out of the cell at equalrates - the cell retainsits normalsize
and shCpe
water *l

s o t o

- the flow of water into and out of the cell is balanced - cell does not change shaPe or size - vacuolemaintainsthe normalsize


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Bio-ScoreTeocher's Edition 2008 ANIiilAL CELL (RED BLOOD CELL)


PLANTCELL (EPTDERMTS CELL) into - waterdiffuses the vacuoleby osmosis expands and swells up - vacuole of - thecelldoesnot burstbecause the rigid cell wall gainswaterandthe plasma - the vacuole pushes against rigidcellwallthe membrane turqid- )14\ - the cellbecomes of - theswelling a plantcell createsturqor I-^ t'uatgc pressurgwithinthe celtis to - turgorpressure important plantcellsin supporting maintaining shapeof the and the cells.

- water entersthe cell by osmosis. the cell expandsand SrsrS - haemolvsistakesplace

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- waterleavesthe cell bv osmosis

rild^ v^+

- waier diffuses out of the.vacuoleby osmosis - vacuoleand cytoplasmshrink - plasma membrane pulls away from the cellwall - the cell becomes flaccid / i:"u.a1 ).g"\

- the cellshrinksup - the plasmamembrane crinkles

- crenationtakesplace

p e r t o n

- this process is called plasmolvsis - a plasmolysedplant cellcan become turgid again by immersingthe cell in a hvpotonic solution. - the cell have undergonedeolasmolvsis.

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Bio"ltlT 10

2@8 Bio-ScoreTeocher'sEdition

The Effects and Applicationsof Osmosis in EverydayLife

Wilting af plants caused by the excessive use of chemiedfertiliserc

use causedby the excessive of fertilisers1. Wiltingin plantsis usually in 2. Fertilisers such as potassiurnnitrate which'areaddedto the soil dissolve the soil water. and hvqer.tonicto the cell sap of the plant This makesthe soil water more concentrated roots. 3. Water diffuses from the cell sap into the soil by osmosis, causing the cells to be plasmolvsed 4. A wiltingplanteventually diesif it is not wateredimmediately.
Preservation offood using salt and sagar

1. Food such as mushrooms, fruits, vegetables and fish can be preserved longer using satt and sugar 2, These preservativeswill make the solution outside the food more bypgdg.llig compared to the contents of the food, 3. The hypertonicsolution causes watg,f to leave the food by osmosis. 4- The cells in the food substancesbecome dehvdrated. 5. Microorgariismssuch as bacteria and funqi also lose water by osmosis to the surrounding solution and will eventuallydie. Therefore,food will have a longer shelf life. THE PLASIIIAMEMBRANE 3.3 APPRECIATING OF ACROSS THE MOVEMENT $UBSTANCES . Explain necessity the rnovement substantesacrossthe plasmamembmne the for of which occursin a continuous and controlledmannerfor the survivalof a cell

1. The movement of substancesacross the plasma membrane in a continuousand controlledmanner is importantfor the survival of a cell. 2. By being semi-permeable to different substances, the plasma membrane acts as a "gatekeepef regulatingwhat goes in and out of the cell. 3. The plasma membrane also acts as a barrier between the content of the cell and the sunounding environment. 4" lf there is a defect in the plasma membrane, many living processes which are essential to a cell cannot be carried out. Nutrients such as glucose and amino acids from the external environment cannot enter the cell and toxic waste productscannot be eliminatedfrom the cell, 5. Thus, the proper functioningof the plasma membrane is importantto our health6. To maintain the proper functioningof a plasma membrane and a cell as a whole, it is essentiatthat we take good care of our food and water intake. 7. Drinking sufficientwater everyday will help to hydrate our body cells as well as regulate the osmotic pressureof the blood.This will preventthe body cells from beingdehydrated.



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