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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue
David Horowitz is the editor-in-chief of NewsReal Blog and FrontPage Magazine. He is the President and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His most recent book is Reforming Our Universities

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Palin Libels Rauf What Was The National Review Thinking?

by Joseph Klein

Click here to join our NewsReal Blog Daily email list for a free digital copy of Barack Obamas Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model. As with all titles in our Digital Library, subscribers will receive the new ebook a week before everyone else. The digital copy of Rules for Revolution will go to subscribers on Tuesday August 17 and one week later August 24 for everyone else. Subscribers to the NewsReal Blog Daily receive an update every morning of the previous days most important blog posts along with a book recommendation and David Horowitz quote of the day. Editors Note: David Horowitzs Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me series was first published one year ago. Were republishing it now in one easy-to-read multi-page blog post. Part 1: Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me


David Horowitz's Archives: Conservatism needs a transplant


David Horowitz's Archives: An academic lynching

http://www.newsrealblog.com/2010/08/12/the-complete-alinsky-beck-satan-and-me-series-now-with-new-epilogue/[1/20/2011 11:05:45 AM]

The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

Tin Foil Turbans: The 6 Stupidest

(First Published here.)

Conspiracy Theories that Millions of Muslims Believe by Kathy Shaidle Top 10 Reasons to Hate Sarah Palin by Megan Fox George Soros 8 Most Despicable Acts (UPDATED AFTER THREAT BY SOROS LAWYERS) by Kathy Shaidle Townhalls List is Most Prominent on Right, Heres True Top 30 Conservatives the Left HATES (And 5 They LOVE) by David Swindle The 10 Most Controversial Illustrations by Anti-Jihad Artist Bosch Fawstin

Glenn Beck will be on vacation this week but when he returns on the 24th he has invited me to come to New York to talk to him on camera about Saul Alinsky, the strategy guru of the Obamaera. For the the Hillary-Soros generation of johnny-come-lately radicals and their ACORNfootsoldiers, Alinksy is their Sun-Tzu and his book Rules for Radicals is the field manual for their struggle. I thought while Im refreshing my acquaintance with this destructive fellow and re-reading his text, I would share my thoughts with you, serially over the next week. For this first post, lets just focus on the dedication of the book to Satan: Lest we forget, an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: (Pause there for second. Now continue): from all our legends, mythology, and history(and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom Lucifer. So Alinsky begins by telling readers what a radical is. He is not a reformer of the system but its wouldbe destroyer. This is something that in my experience conservatives have a very hard time understanding. Conservatives are altogether too decent, too civilized to match up adequately, at least in the initital stages of the battle, with their adversaries. They are too prone to give them the benefit of the doubt. They assume that radicals cant really want to destroy a society that is democratic and liberal and has brought wealth and prosperity to so many. Oh yes they can. That is in fact the essence of what it means to be a radical to be willing to destroy the values, structures and institutions that sustain the society we live in. Marx himself famously cited Alinskys first rebel (using another of his names Mephistopheles): Everything that exists deserves to perish. This is why ACORN activists, for example, have such contempt for the election process, why they are so willing to commit election fraud. Because just as Lucifer didnt believe in Gods kingdom, so the radicals who run ACORN dont believe in the democratic system. To them it is itself a fraud an instrument of the ruling class, or as Alinsky prefers to call it, of the Haves. If the electoral system doesnt serve all of us, but is only an instrument of the Haves, then election fraud is justified because it is a means of creating a system that serves the Have-Nots social justice . Until conservatives begin to understand exactly what drives radicals and how dishonest they are dishonest in the their core it is going to be very hard to defend the system that is under attack. For radicals the noble end creating a new heaven on earth justifies any means. And if one actually believed it was possible to create heaven on earth, would he not willingly destroy any system hitherto created by human beings? The many names of Satan, by the way, are also a model for radicals who camouflage their agendas by alternatively calling themselves Communists, socialists, new leftists, liberals and most consistently progressives. My parents, who were card-carrying Communists, never referred to themselves as Communists but always as progressives. The Progressive Party was run by the

by David Swindle Top 10 Hoaxes Perpetrated by the Left and Trumpeted by a Complicit Media by Megan Fox Top Ten Enemies the Pro-Abortion Left Fears by Paul Cooper 10 Bigoted Remarks Made by the Tolerant Left In Obamas Post-Racial America by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public Top 10 Boneheaded Parenting Trends From the Left by Sally Meininger and Rhonda Robinson 8 Ways Fascist Feminists Are Ruining Americas Women by Cassy Fiano In the Reagan Mold: 10 Conservative Men in Hollywood by Walter Hudson 8 Things I Wish Id Known (or Remembered) When I Was a Leftist by Kathy Shaidle Top 10 Ways to School Your Leftist Friends on Facebook by Diane Schrader 28 Revolting Quotes That Define the Pro-Abortion Left by Megan Fox A Top 10 Of The Lefts Most Ridiculous Moments Last Year by Chris Queen The Top 7 Horror Movies for Conservatives by Kathy Shaidle The Top 7 Issues Social Conservatives

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

Communist Party and split off from the Democrats in 1948 (because Harry Truman opposedStalin), but rejoined the Democrats in the McGovern campaign of 1972 and with the ascension of Barack Obama has become the Democratic Party. Alinskys tribute to Satan as the first radical, and as the model of radicals to come, should cause us to reflect on how Satan tempted Adam and Eve to destroy their paradise. If you rebel and violate the law that has been laid down for you, You shall be as gods the serpent told them. You think Rahm Emmanuel was listening? Oh, and lets not forget this the kingdom that the first radical won was hell.

Ceded to the Left And What To Do About It by Rob Taylor How to Make Islam Respectable by Mark Tapson Hollywood Before and After 9/11- Ten Films That Stood Against Evil by Chris Yogerst 8 Examples of Celebrity Political Idiocy, Part 1 by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public

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http://www.newsrealblog.com/2010/08/12/the-complete-alinsky-beck-satan-and-me-series-now-with-new-epilogue/[1/20/2011 11:05:45 AM]

The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity Login or signup now to comment. Walter Scott Hudson
23 weeks ago


This series served as my introduction to both David Horowitz and NewsReal Blog when it was originally published last year. I found it quite edifying and educational then, and am thankful to have the whole thing compiled now.



bdouglasaf1980 67p 23 weeks ago

I missed this the first time around. This is one of the best reads I have ever had regarding the difference between conservative thought and modern liberal or progressive thinking. More conservatives need to understand this. I noticed there are people in the unitarian church using alinsky's book as their rule book and touting it for it's great values. It seems they are taking a very destuctive path for a group that calls themselve a church. Has anyone seen the COEXIST stickers? I have researched these on internet, but can't find out who is behind them.


1 reply active 23 weeks ago


DavidSwindle 90p 23 weeks ago There's no connection between Alinsky and inter-faith spirituality.




Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

This sorta' puts Tingles "my hero, Alinsky" Matthews in a whole new light, doesn't it? As one who dropped out of high school at a very early age, and during the era under discussion I might add, I am glad I never set foot in college. Maybe because I could never get past page 10 in Rules For Radicals. These writings are too esoteric for me and quickly I lose interest. To be truthful (not that I have periods where I am not) I had to force myself to finish David's piece here. I have always thought that my success depended on me and that no one, including the government owed me anything. Growing up poor and being deperately poor after I left home, I managed to work myself up to a position of fabulous (by anyone's definition) wealth and then, by my own mis-steps, managed to lose it. No one is to blame but me (well, with the help of a crooked lawyer but, that's another story).



Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

(cont.) I guess that it's instinct that tells me leftists, progressives, racists and on and on, any group pitted against another based on false premises, are just looking for a hand out and blaming everyone else for their troubles. David's article just proves my instincts are spot on. Thank you, sir.

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue
David Horowitz is the editor-in-chief of NewsReal Blog and FrontPage Magazine. He is the President and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His most recent book is Reforming Our Universities

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Palin Libels Rauf What Was The National Review Thinking?

by Joseph Klein

Part 2: Hell on Earth (First published here.)

Picking up where we left off, Obama/ACORN strategy guru Saul Alinsky began his manual for leftists by dedicating it to Satan, the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment, and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom. We noted that the kingdom Alinsky thought was some kind of achievement to inspire other radicals was in fact hell. Here, in a nutshell, is why conservatives are conservative and why radicals are dangerous. Because conservatives pay attention to the consequences of actions, including their own, and radicals dont. And theres a reason for that. What they are trying to do is not to improve the lot of all of us or even some of us, but to fill up a cosmic emptiness, an emptiness they feel in their core. As Alinsky himself puts it, they are seeking to answer the question Why am I here? a question which traditional religions attempt to answer but whose answers radicals scorn. Modern radicalism is a secular religion, and its hunger for meaning and hope and change cannot be satisfied by anything less than grandiose, totalizing schemes to transform the world. To bring up their failures, the enormities they are guilty of, the crimes committed in the name of their religion, is to strike a blow at hope itself, which is why they

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David Horowitz's Archives: An academic lynching

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

cannot and will not hear it. One kind of hell or another is what radicalism progressivism has in fact achieved since the beginning of the modern age when it conducted the first genocide during the French Revolution. In a fever of revolutionary enthusiasm the Jacobins had changed the name of the cathedral of Notre Dame to the Temple of Reason, and then in the name of Reason proceeded to slaughter every Catholic in the Vendee region to purge supersitition from the earth. It was the precursor of Lenins destruction of 100,000 churches in the Soviet Union and the creation of a Peoples Church to usher in the kingdom of socialist heaven, which led to the murder of 100 million people in Russia and China and the bankrupting of a continent before it mercifully collapsed with progressives cheering it all the way and mourning over its demise. It was also the precursor of Pol Pots decree that every Cambodian who wore glasses be killed in order that Cambodia be rid of bad ideas. Not every progressive hell is a genocide, but many come close. The crusade to rid mankind of thescourge of DDT launched by the American environmentalist Rachel Carson wound up killing 100 million children mainly black Africans under the age of 5 between 1975 and the present, and the killing is still going on. The crusade of the left to liberate gays from a sex-negative culture destroyed the public health systems ability to control domestic epidemics and led to the deathsof more than 300,000 gay men in the prime of life. The lefts crusade to build a welfare utopia destroyed the inner-city black family, spawned tens of millions of fatherless black children, and created a mass intractable and violent underclass which is still with us and growing today. The leftist monopoly of the public school system in Americas major cities is daily destroying the lives of millions of poor black and Hispanic children while filling the coffers of the Democratic Party machine which keeps their oppression going. But progressives never stop for a moment to look at the horrors they have wrought. Look at the defense Alinskys disciples are making of the Obama socialized medicine plan as they ask distressed constituents at the townhall meetings, do you have Medicare and do you like it ? Thats a government health care system that works. Oh? So why is it going bankrupt? Isnt that the reason for the new system? This one of course is much bigger, so the bankruptcy will be much more painful and destructive. But there wouldnt be a need for this solution, and the price of medical care wouldnt so outrageous, if progressives hadnt devised the present system in the first place. So one rule for conservatives should be this: Dont be so polite. When progressives propose their progressive solutions, remind them of the hell they have inflicted on the people they claim to want to help gays, blacks, Hispanics, children. And thats just for starters.

Friends on Facebook by Diane Schrader Hollywood Before and After 9/11- Ten Films That Stood Against Evil by Chris Yogerst Top 10 Sarah Palin Haters From Blogosphere, Media, Comedians and Obama Supporters by Susan Duclos 8 Things I Wish Id Known (or Remembered) When I Was a Leftist by Kathy Shaidle The Top 7 Horror Movies for Conservatives by Kathy Shaidle The 10 Most Controversial Illustrations by Anti-Jihad Artist Bosch Fawstin by David Swindle Top 10 Reasons to Hate Sarah Palin by Megan Fox Top Ten Enemies the Pro-Abortion Left Fears by Paul Cooper 8 Examples of Celebrity Political Idiocy, Part 1 by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public 28 Revolting Quotes That Define the Pro-Abortion Left by Megan Fox 10 Bigoted Remarks Made by the Tolerant Left In Obamas Post-Racial America by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public A Top 10 Of The Lefts Most Ridiculous Moments Last Year by Chris Queen 8 Ways Fascist Feminists Are Ruining Americas Women by Cassy Fiano In the Reagan Mold: 10 Conservative Men in Hollywood by Walter Hudson Townhalls List is Most Prominent on Right, Heres True Top 30 Conservatives the Left HATES (And 5 They LOVE) by David Swindle George Soros 8 Most Despicable Acts (UPDATED AFTER THREAT BY SOROS LAWYERS) by Kathy Shaidle How to Make Islam Respectable by Mark Tapson The Top 7 Issues Social Conservatives

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Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity Login or signup now to comment. Walter Scott Hudson
23 weeks ago


This series served as my introduction to both David Horowitz and NewsReal Blog when it was originally published last year. I found it quite edifying and educational then, and am thankful to have the whole thing compiled now.

Brought to you by: David Horowitz Freedom Center



bdouglasaf1980 67p 23 weeks ago

I missed this the first time around. This is one of the best reads I have ever had regarding the difference between conservative thought and modern liberal or progressive thinking. More conservatives need to understand this. I noticed there are people in the unitarian church using alinsky's book as their rule book and touting it for it's great values. It seems they are taking a very destuctive path for a group that calls themselve a church. Has anyone seen the COEXIST stickers? I have researched these on internet, but can't find out who is behind them.


1 reply active 23 weeks ago


DavidSwindle 90p 23 weeks ago There's no connection between Alinsky and inter-faith spirituality.




http://www.newsrealblog.com/2010/08/12/the-complete-alinsky-beck-satan-and-me-series-now-with-new-epilogue/2/[1/20/2011 11:06:47 AM]

The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago


This sorta' puts Tingles "my hero, Alinsky" Matthews in a whole new light, doesn't it? As one who dropped out of high school at a very early age, and during the era under discussion I might add, I am glad I never set foot in college. Maybe because I could never get past page 10 in Rules For Radicals. These writings are too esoteric for me and quickly I lose interest. To be truthful (not that I have periods where I am not) I had to force myself to finish David's piece here. I have always thought that my success depended on me and that no one, including the government owed me anything. Growing up poor and being deperately poor after I left home, I managed to work myself up to a position of fabulous (by anyone's definition) wealth and then, by my own mis-steps, managed to lose it. No one is to blame but me (well, with the help of a crooked lawyer but, that's another story).



Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

(cont.) I guess that it's instinct that tells me leftists, progressives, racists and on and on, any group pitted against another based on false premises, are just looking for a hand out and blaming everyone else for their troubles. David's article just proves my instincts are spot on. Thank you, sir.

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue
David Horowitz is the editor-in-chief of NewsReal Blog and FrontPage Magazine. He is the President and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His most recent book is Reforming Our Universities

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Palin Libels Rauf What Was The National Review Thinking?

by Joseph Klein

Part 3: Boring From Within (First published here.)

Conservatives think of war as a metaphor when applied to politics. For radicals the war is real. That is why partisans of the left set out to destroy their opponents, not just refute their arguments. It is also why they never speak the truth. Deception for them is a military tactic in a war that is designed to elminate their opponents. Alinskys Rules for Radicals is first of all a broadside against the New Left. What Alinsky attacks about the New Left is its honesty something Ive always regarded as its only redeeming feature. While American Communists the Old Left pretended to be Jeffersonian Democrats and progressives and formed popular fronts with liberals to defend democracy, we in the New Left disdained their deception and regarded it as weakness. To distinguish ourselves from these Old Leftists, we said we were revolutionaries and proud of it. Up against the wall motherfucker was a typical New Left slogan, telegraphing exactly how we felt about people who opposed us. The most basic principle of Alinskys advice to radicals is, lie to your

David Horowitz's Archives: Conservatism needs a transplant


David Horowitz's Archives: An academic lynching

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http://www.newsrealblog.com/2010/08/12/the-complete-alinsky-beck-satan-and-me-series-now-with-new-epilogue/3/[1/20/2011 11:07:36 AM]

The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

opponents and potential opponents and disarm them by pretending to be moderates, liberals. This has been the most potent weapon of the left since the end of the Sixties. Racists likeAl Sharpton and Jeremiah Wright posing as civil rights activists, radicals like Henry Waxman andBarney Frank posing as liberals. The mark of their success is how conservatives collude in the deception. Even Foxs Megan Kelly, brilliant in all other things, still refers to the congressional socialists holding out for a total government takeover of the medical system as liberals.)

Idiocy, Part 1 by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public The Top 7 Issues Social Conservatives Ceded to the Left And What To Do About It by Rob Taylor Top Ten Enemies the Pro-Abortion Left Fears by Paul Cooper A Top 10 Of The Lefts Most Ridiculous Moments Last Year by Chris Queen George Soros 8 Most Despicable Acts (UPDATED AFTER THREAT BY SOROS LAWYERS) by Kathy Shaidle 8 Ways Fascist Feminists Are Ruining Americas Women by Cassy Fiano Top 10 Sarah Palin Haters From Blogosphere, Media, Comedians and Obama Supporters by Susan Duclos 8 Things I Wish Id Known (or Remembered) When I Was a Leftist by Kathy Shaidle 28 Revolting Quotes That Define the Pro-Abortion Left by Megan Fox Top 10 Ways to School Your Leftist Friends on Facebook by Diane Schrader The Top 7 Horror Movies for Conservatives by Kathy Shaidle Top 10 Reasons to Hate Sarah Palin by Megan Fox Top 10 Hoaxes Perpetrated by the Left and Trumpeted by a Complicit Media by Megan Fox Hollywood Before and After 9/11- Ten Films That Stood Against Evil by Chris Yogerst Top 10 Boneheaded Parenting Trends From the Left by Sally Meininger and Rhonda Robinson 10 Bigoted Remarks Made by the Tolerant Left In Obamas Post-Racial America by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public In the Reagan Mold: 10 Conservative Men in Hollywood by Walter Hudson

Alinsky chides New Leftists for being rhetorical radicals rather than realistic ones. New Leftists scared people but didnt have the power to back up their threats. Alinskys manual is designed to teach radicals how to manipulate the public into thinking theyre harmless, in order to accumulate enough power to achieve the radical agenda to burn the system down and replace it with a socialist gulag. Make no mistake, this a totalitarian future is the real objective of Alinsky and his radical disciples who call themselves liberals and bore from within. Alinsky writes of the revolutionary force of the 1960s, that its activists were one moment reminiscent of the idealistic early Christians yet they also urge violence and cry Burn the system down.! They have no illusions about the system, but plenty of illusions about the way to change our world. It is to this point that I have written this book. Radicals who call for burning down Americas democracy have no illusions about the system! They just dont know how to go about doing it. Alinskys book could be called Machiavellian Rules for Radicals, because it is all about deception, about keeping others in the dark about your intentions until it is too late. Alinsky even acknowledges Machiavelli as his model: What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. These are the famous lines that Michelle Obamamade in her own Democratic Convention speech.

Alinsky continues: The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. [I will have more to say about these Haves in the next blog.] Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away. Alinskys agenda is the same agenda as that of the radicals who called for Revolution Now in the 1960s. He just has a more clever way of doing it. If you want socialized medicine, dont say you want socialized medicine. Say you want Medicare for all, as though transforming a partial government insurance for the indigent into a total system system required for everyone wouldnt transform the program into a pillar of the totalitarian future.

http://www.newsrealblog.com/2010/08/12/the-complete-alinsky-beck-satan-and-me-series-now-with-new-epilogue/3/[1/20/2011 11:07:36 AM]

The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

Actually theres nothing new in Alinskys strategy of appearing moderate in order to disarm your opposition. That was what Stalins popular front was all about communists pretending to be democrats and forming allinaces with liberals in order to acquire enough power to shut the democracy down. And, in fact, it was Lenins idea too, which is where Alinsky got it in the first place. Lenin is one of Alinskys heroes Castro is another and he invokes the master in thecourse of chiding the rhetoricdal radicals of the New Left over a famous Sixties slogan, which was itself lifted from Mao. Maos slogan said political power comes out of the barrel of a gun. Comments Alinsky:

The 10 Most Controversial Illustrations by Anti-Jihad Artist Bosch Fawstin by David Swindle Tin Foil Turbans: The 6 Stupidest Conspiracy Theories that Millions of Muslims Believe by Kathy Shaidle Townhalls List is Most Prominent on Right, Heres True Top 30 Conservatives the Left HATES (And 5 They LOVE) by David Swindle

Power comes out of the barrel of a gun is an absurd rallying cry when the other side has all the guns. Lenin was a pragmatist; when he returned from what was then Petrograd from exile, he said that the Bolsheviks stood for getting power through the ballot but would reconsider after they got the guns.

In other words, vote for us now, but when we are the government it will be another story. One man, one vote, one time. This is the political credo of all totalitatarians, including Hitler, who was elected Chancellor and then made himself Fuerher and shut the voting booths down. Lenin was not a pragmatist (how fatuous): he was a Machievellian monster who was engaged in a total war which justified every means to achieve its goals. Alinsky is marching to the same drummer. What he really means is that Lenin was a realist and understood how to use the power he had, and, when it was not enough to crush his opposition, to make up for its deficiencies with deception. These rules [for radicals] Alinsky explains, make the difference between being a realistic radical and a being a rhetorical one who uses the tired old words and slogans, calls thepolice pig or white fascist racist or motherfucker and has so stereotyped himself that others react by saying, Oh hes one of those and promptly turn off. Get the power and then you can call them (and do with them) what you want.

Brought to you by: David Horowitz Freedom Center

This failure of many of our younger activists to understand the art of communication has been disastrous, writes Alinsky. What he really means is their failure to understand the art ofmis-communication. This is the art that teaches radicals who are trying impose a socialist health care system in a country whose people understand that socialism destroys freedom, not to sell it as socialism, but to sell it as a public option, or as Medicare for all. What this adds up to is a call to revolutionaries who want to destroy the system, to first work within the system until you can accumulate enough power to destroy it. In the movement, we used to call this the strategy of boring from within. Like termites, you eat away at the foundations until the building collapses. Alinskys advice is: Dont confront the system as an opposing army; join it and undermine it as afifth column force: That means working within the system. That means that any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. It is first necessary to sell the public on change, the audacity of hope, and yes we can. You do this by proposing moderate changes which open the door to your radical agendas. Says Alinsky:

Remember: once you organize people around something as commonly agreed upon as pollution, then an organized people is on the move. From

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

there its a short and natural step to political pollution, to Pentagonpollution.

Not an accident that the new Green Czar appointed by Obama to jump start the antipollutionrevolution, Van Jones, is a self-described communist.

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Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity Login or signup now to comment. Walter Scott Hudson
23 weeks ago


This series served as my introduction to both David Horowitz and NewsReal Blog when it was

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

originally published last year. I found it quite edifying and educational then, and am thankful to have the whole thing compiled now.



bdouglasaf1980 67p 23 weeks ago

I missed this the first time around. This is one of the best reads I have ever had regarding the difference between conservative thought and modern liberal or progressive thinking. More conservatives need to understand this. I noticed there are people in the unitarian church using alinsky's book as their rule book and touting it for it's great values. It seems they are taking a very destuctive path for a group that calls themselve a church. Has anyone seen the COEXIST stickers? I have researched these on internet, but can't find out who is behind them.


1 reply active 23 weeks ago


DavidSwindle 90p 23 weeks ago There's no connection between Alinsky and inter-faith spirituality.




Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

This sorta' puts Tingles "my hero, Alinsky" Matthews in a whole new light, doesn't it? As one who dropped out of high school at a very early age, and during the era under discussion I might add, I am glad I never set foot in college. Maybe because I could never get past page 10 in Rules For Radicals. These writings are too esoteric for me and quickly I lose interest. To be truthful (not that I have periods where I am not) I had to force myself to finish David's piece here. I have always thought that my success depended on me and that no one, including the government owed me anything. Growing up poor and being deperately poor after I left home, I managed to work myself up to a position of fabulous (by anyone's definition) wealth and then, by my own mis-steps, managed to lose it. No one is to blame but me (well, with the help of a crooked lawyer but, that's another story).



Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

(cont.) I guess that it's instinct that tells me leftists, progressives, racists and on and on, any group pitted against another based on false premises, are just looking for a hand out and blaming everyone else for their troubles. David's article just proves my instincts are spot on. Thank you, sir.

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue
David Horowitz is the editor-in-chief of NewsReal Blog and FrontPage Magazine. He is the President and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His most recent book is Reforming Our Universities

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Feelings Care2 Celebrates The Imam we Hardly Knew

by John Nampion

Part 4: To Have and Have Not (First published here.)

The epigraph for the first chapter of Alinskys Rules for Radicals which explains that The Purpose of the rules is from the book of Job : The life of man upon earth is a warfare For Alinsky and his Machiavellian radicals, politics is war. No matter what they say publicly or pretend to be, they are at war. They are at war even though no other factions in the political arena are at war, because everyone else embraces the System which commits all parties to compromise and peaceful resolutions of conflicts. For tactical reasons, the radicals will also make compromises, but their entire mentality and approach to politics is based on their dedication to conducting a war against the System itself. Dont forget it (although if history is any indication, Republicans almost invariably will).

David Horowitz's Archives: Conservatism needs a transplant


David Horowitz's Archives: An academic lynching

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Fears by Paul Cooper A Top 10 Of The Lefts Most Ridiculous Moments Last Year by Chris Queen Top 10 Reasons to Hate Sarah Palin by Megan Fox Top 10 Hoaxes Perpetrated by the Left and Trumpeted by a Complicit Media
Niccolo Machiavelli Because radicals see politics as a war, they perceive opponents of their causes as enemies on a battlefield and set out to destroy them by demonizing and discrediting them. Personally. Particularly dangerous in their eyes are opponents who are wise to their deceptions and realize what their agendas are; who understand that they are not the innocents they pretend to be but are actors whose reality is masked. (It is no coincidence that the pod people in the Invasion of the Body Snatchers were inspired by radicals in the Communist era). Thus it is precisely because Glenn Beck is on a mission to ferret them out, that they are determined to silence him and have organized a boycott to drive him off the air. Sarah Palin is another conservative they consider extremely dangerous and therefore have set out to destroy, personally. The list is as long as there are conservative leaders. This is because when you are in a war when you think of yourself as being in a war there is no middle ground. A war by definition is a fight to the finish. It is waged against enemies who cant be negotiated with but must be eliminated either totally defeated or effectively destroyed. Conservatives dont really have such an enemy and therefore are not mentally in the war at all, which is why they often seem so defenseless or willing to throw their fellow conservatives over the side when they are attacked. The war Alinskys radicals conduct is for tactical reasons a guerilla war, as his manual is designed to explain. Conservatives are not at war with the system, but are determined to defend it, including its rules of fairness and inclusion, which provide a protective shield for cynical enemies willing to exploit them. Conservatives embrace the system and believe in the constitutional framework which guarantees opponents the right to declare war not only against them but against the system itself. Consequently, there is no real parallelism in this conflict. One side is fighting with a no-holds-barred, take-noprisoners battle plan against the system, while the other is trying enforce its rules of fairness and pluralism (which of course does not mean that individual conservatives never break them). What makes a war a war, is the existence of an enemy who cannot be negotiated with but has to be driven out of existence. For Alinsky and his radicals that enemy is the oppressor, the (alleged) ruler of the system, the Establishment, the ruling class (or race, or gender as it now happens), those who sit on the top of the hierarchies the Haves. According to Alinsky, America is a Have society. His rules for radicals are rules for those who want to take the Haves power away. The setting for the drama of change, Alinsky writes, has never varied. Mankind has been and is divided into the Haves, the Have-Nots, and Have-a-Little, Want Mores. (p.18) This is the Manichean bedrock of radical belief, the foundation of its destructive agendas that the world is divided into the Haves and the Have Nots, the exploiters and the exploited, the oppressors and the oppressed, and that liberation lies in the elimination of the former and the dissolution of the dyad. In this book, Alinsky explains, we are concerned with how to create mass organizations to seize power and give it to the people. (p.3) Power has to be seized because the Haves will defend what they have (and thus deprive the Have-Nots of what they want). That is why radicals are organized for war.

by Megan Fox 8 Ways Fascist Feminists Are Ruining Americas Women by Cassy Fiano Top 10 Ways to School Your Leftist Friends on Facebook by Diane Schrader 28 Revolting Quotes That Define the Pro-Abortion Left by Megan Fox George Soros 8 Most Despicable Acts (UPDATED AFTER THREAT BY SOROS LAWYERS) by Kathy Shaidle The Top 7 Horror Movies for Conservatives by Kathy Shaidle 10 Bigoted Remarks Made by the Tolerant Left In Obamas Post-Racial America by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public Hollywood Before and After 9/11- Ten Films That Stood Against Evil by Chris Yogerst 8 Things I Wish Id Known (or Remembered) When I Was a Leftist by Kathy Shaidle Top 10 Boneheaded Parenting Trends From the Left by Sally Meininger and Rhonda Robinson Top 10 Sarah Palin Haters From Blogosphere, Media, Comedians and Obama Supporters by Susan Duclos Townhalls List is Most Prominent on Right, Heres True Top 30 Conservatives the Left HATES (And 5 They LOVE) by David Swindle

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

The 10 Most Controversial Illustrations by Anti-Jihad Artist Bosch Fawstin by David Swindle 8 Examples of Celebrity Political Idiocy, Part 1 by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public In the Reagan Mold: 10 Conservative Men in Hollywood by Walter Hudson How to Make Islam Respectable by Mark Tapson The Top 7 Issues Social Conservatives Ceded to the Left And What To Do
This myth of the Haves and the Have-Nots is the radical version of the religious division of the world into Good and Evil. If all deprivations and all the social misery in the world are attributable to the greed and selfishness of one group the Haves radicals would have a righteous cause. But it happens to be false, and the radicals claim to be fighting in the cause of justice a lie. It is the precise lie with which Marx begins the Communist Manifesto. The history of all previous societies, Marx declares, is the history of class struggle. He then describes this class warfare in this way:

About It by Rob Taylor

Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight,

In our epoch, according to Marx, capitalists are the oppressors and are pitted against proletarians who are the oppressed. But to compare capitalists to slaveowners, or feudal lords and serfs, as Marx and his disciples down to Alinsky do, is ludicrous. There are tens of millions of capitalists in America, and they rise and fall with every economic wave. Where are the Enrons of yesteryear, and where are their bosses? If proletarians can become capitalists, and capitalists can be ruined, there is no class struggle in the sense that Marx and his disciples claim, no system of oppression and no need for revolution.

Brought to you by: David Horowitz Freedom Center

The myth of the Haves and the Have-Nots is just that a myth; and a religious one at that, the same, as I have said, as the myth advanced by Manicheaans who claim that the world is ruled by Darkness, and that history is a struggle between the forces of evil and the forces of light. The category Haves for secular radicals is like the category Witches for religious fanatics and serves the same function. It is to identify ones enemies as servants of the devil and to justify the war against them. It is true that there are some haves and some have-nots. But it is false to describe our social and economic divisions this way, and it malicious and socially destructive to attempt to reverse an

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imaginary hierarchy between them. In reality, 0ur social and economic divisions are between the Cans and the Can-Nots, the Dos and the Do-Nots, the Wills and the Will-Nots. But to describe them this way that is, accurately is to explode the whole religious fantasy that gives meaning to radical lives. Because the radical agenda is based on a religious myth, a rational person reading any radical text, including Alinskys will constantly come across absurd statements, which only a co-religionist could read without laughing. Thus, according to Alinsky, All societies discourage and penalize ideas and writings that threaten the status quo. This statement of course is lifted directly from Marxs German Ideology: The ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class. Alinsky then goes on to this howler: It is understandable therefore, that the literature of a Have society is a veritable desert whenever we look for writings on social change. According to Alinsky this is particularly true of our society which has given us few words of advice, few suggestions on how to fertilize social change. (p.7) On what planet did this man live and do his disciples now agitate, that they could miss the culture of resistance and revolution which is now actually the dominant theme of our culture? Continues Alinsky : From the Haves, on the other hand, there has come an unceasing flood of literature justifying the status quo. Really? The curriculum of virtually every Womens Studies department, Black Studies department, Peace Studies department, Gay and Lesbian Studies department, Asian and Native American and Chicano Studies department, virtually every anthropology and sociology and often English and comparative literature department in the country, is dedicated precisely to social change. Promoting social change is embedded in the mission statements of major universities and is the subject of innumerable commencement addresses which are often given by anticapitalist radicals and even unrepentant American communists and terrorists (Angela Davis, Bernadine Dohrn), while the mission statements of virtually every college of education training teachers for our K12 schools advocates social change and even explicitly promotes the radicals agenda of social justice.

Angela Davis And since we now live in an Internet age, we should not fail to mention massive websites such as Huffington Post and Daily Kos and MoveOn.org, which are dedicated to promoting the Alinsky program of seizing power from the Haves and giving it to the people. And then there is the inconvenient fact that our president, a radical organizer and leader of an Alinsky organization (ACORN) himself, and an intimate and comrade of revolutionary extremists, ran his successful campaign on a platform not of defending the status quo but of changing it.

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Year Only Because They Didnt Want to Pick Glenn Beck Two Years in a Row (11) Glenn Beck, DiscoverTheNetworks, and exposing the left (35) From the Pen of David Horowitz: November 13, 2009 (11) tags: Glenn Beck, News, Politics, Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky

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Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity Login or signup now to comment. Walter Scott Hudson
23 weeks ago


This series served as my introduction to both David Horowitz and NewsReal Blog when it was originally published last year. I found it quite edifying and educational then, and am thankful to have the whole thing compiled now.



bdouglasaf1980 67p 23 weeks ago

I missed this the first time around. This is one of the best reads I have ever had regarding the difference between conservative thought and modern liberal or progressive thinking. More conservatives need to understand this. I noticed there are people in the unitarian church using alinsky's book as their rule book and touting it for it's great values. It seems they are taking a very destuctive path for a group that calls themselve a church. Has anyone seen the COEXIST stickers? I have researched these on internet, but can't find out who is behind them.

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog


1 reply active 23 weeks ago


DavidSwindle 90p 23 weeks ago There's no connection between Alinsky and inter-faith spirituality.




Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

This sorta' puts Tingles "my hero, Alinsky" Matthews in a whole new light, doesn't it? As one who dropped out of high school at a very early age, and during the era under discussion I might add, I am glad I never set foot in college. Maybe because I could never get past page 10 in Rules For Radicals. These writings are too esoteric for me and quickly I lose interest. To be truthful (not that I have periods where I am not) I had to force myself to finish David's piece here. I have always thought that my success depended on me and that no one, including the government owed me anything. Growing up poor and being deperately poor after I left home, I managed to work myself up to a position of fabulous (by anyone's definition) wealth and then, by my own mis-steps, managed to lose it. No one is to blame but me (well, with the help of a crooked lawyer but, that's another story).



Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

(cont.) I guess that it's instinct that tells me leftists, progressives, racists and on and on, any group pitted against another based on false premises, are just looking for a hand out and blaming everyone else for their troubles. David's article just proves my instincts are spot on. Thank you, sir.

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue
David Horowitz is the editor-in-chief of NewsReal Blog and FrontPage Magazine. He is the President and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His most recent book is Reforming Our Universities

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Palin Libels Rauf What Was The National Review Thinking?

by Joseph Klein

Part 5: Postmodern Leftism (First published here.)

Alinskys gangster mentor Frank Nitti Saul Alinsky came of age in the 1930s as a Communist fellow-traveler (as his biographer Sanford Horwitt tells us in Let Them Call Me Rebel), but his real social milieu was the world of the Chicago mobsters to whom he was drawn professionally as a sociologist. In particular he sought out and became a social intimate of the Capone gang and of Capone enforcer Frank Nitti who headed the gang when Capone was sent to prison in 1931. Later Alinsky said, [Nitti] took me under his wing. I called him the Professor and I became his student. (p. 20) While Alinsky was not oblivious to the fact that criminals were dangerous, like a good leftist he held society and capitalist society in particular responsible for creating them. Alinsky never joined the Communist Party but instead became an avatar of the post-modern left. Like other post-modern leftists he understood that there was something deeply flawed in the Communist outlook , but like them he never really examined what those flaws might be in particular never interrogated the Marxist view of society and human nature, or its connection to the epic crimes that Marxists had committed. Instead, Alinsky identified the problem as dogmatism and the solution as political relativism. The Alinsky radical has one principle to take power from the so-called Haves

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David Horowitz's Archives: An academic lynching

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

and give it to the so-called Have-nots. What this amounts to, we shall see, is a political nihilism (Rules for Radicals, p. 110) a destructive assault on the established order in the name of the people, which delivers power (and wealth ) into the hands of a radical elite and makes them feel good about themselves in the process.

From the Left by Sally Meininger and Rhonda Robinson Tin Foil Turbans: The 6 Stupidest Conspiracy Theories that Millions of Muslims Believe by Kathy Shaidle Top Ten Enemies the Pro-Abortion Left Fears by Paul Cooper 10 Bigoted Remarks Made by the Tolerant Left In Obamas Post-Racial America by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public 8 Ways Fascist Feminists Are Ruining Americas Women by Cassy Fiano 8 Things I Wish Id Known (or Remembered) When I Was a Leftist by Kathy Shaidle Top 10 Ways to School Your Leftist

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David Horowitz Lays Out Left-style Strategy for Conservatives on Glenn Beck (14) Ridiculing Bush was Cool, Ridiculing Obama is Racist Hate? (13) Pathologically Dishonest Media Matters Names Sarah Palin 2010 Misinformer of the Year Only Because They Didnt Want to Pick Glenn Beck Two Years in a Row (11) Glenn Beck, DiscoverTheNetworks, and exposing the left (35) From the Pen of David Horowitz: November 13, 2009 (11) tags: Glenn Beck, News, Politics, Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky

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Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity Login or signup now to comment. Walter Scott Hudson
23 weeks ago


This series served as my introduction to both David Horowitz and NewsReal Blog when it was

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

originally published last year. I found it quite edifying and educational then, and am thankful to have the whole thing compiled now.

by Walter Hudson The Top 7 Issues Social Conservatives Ceded to the Left And What To Do About It by Rob Taylor The 10 Most Controversial Illustrations by Anti-Jihad Artist Bosch Fawstin by David Swindle Top 10 Sarah Palin Haters From Blogosphere, Media, Comedians and Obama Supporters by Susan Duclos



bdouglasaf1980 67p 23 weeks ago

I missed this the first time around. This is one of the best reads I have ever had regarding the difference between conservative thought and modern liberal or progressive thinking. More conservatives need to understand this. I noticed there are people in the unitarian church using alinsky's book as their rule book and touting it for it's great values. It seems they are taking a very destuctive path for a group that calls themselve a church. Has anyone seen the COEXIST stickers? I have researched these on internet, but can't find out who is behind them.


1 reply active 23 weeks ago


DavidSwindle 90p 23 weeks ago There's no connection between Alinsky and inter-faith spirituality.




Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

This sorta' puts Tingles "my hero, Alinsky" Matthews in a whole new light, doesn't it? As one who dropped out of high school at a very early age, and during the era under discussion I might add, I am glad I never set foot in college. Maybe because I could never get past page 10 in Rules For Radicals. These writings are too esoteric for me and quickly I lose interest. To be truthful (not that I have periods where I am not) I had to force myself to finish David's piece here. I have always thought that my success depended on me and that no one, including the government owed me anything. Growing up poor and being deperately poor after I left home, I managed to work myself up to a position of fabulous (by anyone's definition) wealth and then, by my own mis-steps, managed to lose it. No one is to blame but me (well, with the help of a crooked lawyer but, that's another story).



Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

Brought to you by: David Horowitz Freedom Center

(cont.) I guess that it's instinct that tells me leftists, progressives, racists and on and on, any group pitted against another based on false premises, are just looking for a hand out and blaming everyone else for their troubles. David's article just proves my instincts are spot on. Thank you, sir.

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue
David Horowitz is the editor-in-chief of NewsReal Blog and FrontPage Magazine. He is the President and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His most recent book is Reforming Our Universities

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Palin Libels Rauf What Was The National Review Thinking?

by Joseph Klein

Part 6: Means and Ends (First published here.)


The wisest thing Lennon (John, not Vladimir) said about revolutionaries was a line in the song which declared (sort of) his parting of the ways with them: You say you want a revolution, well, you know, wed all like to see your plan . Lennon went on to say that radicals could count him out if they were preaching hate. (But then, the Beatles caved and changed the lyric so that it said both you can count me out in. Well, who in in his right mind over the age of 30 looks for wisdom about reconstructing society to an art form in which singing doo wah diddie diddie doo wah do is regarded as genius? But dont get me wrong, I love this stuff). Wed all like to see your plan. Yes indeed we would. The fact is that revolutionaries beginning with Rousseau and Robespierre and Marx have never had a plan. The ones who did and tried to build little utopian communities failed. But the really serious

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David Horowitz's Archives: An academic lynching

The Top 7 Issues Social Conservatives

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

revolutionaries, the ones prepared to burn down the system and put their opponents up against the wall, they never have a plan. What they have is a vague idea of the heaven they propose to create on earth in Marxs case the kingdom of freedom, in Alinskys the open society which is sentimental and seductive enough to persuade their followers that its alright to commit mayhem and murder usually in epic doses to bring it about. Otherwise, revolutionaries never give two seconds to the problem of how to make a new society work. How to keep people from committing crimes against each other (the Alinsky answer: capitalism makes them criminals), and how to get people to actually work, to produce. From Marx to Mao toCastro, revolutionaries have never had a clue. (Their excuse for the monstrous poverty and human suffering they create? the capitalists are responsible, its the U.S. embargo.) So if there is no plan, the devil is in the detail of the methods you use to get there. Each step of the way constitutes another block in the foundations of the world you are creating. The means tell you what the ends will be. Alinskys biographer with the following anecdote about Alinskys advice to students wishing to protest the appearance on their campus of the first George Bush, before he became president, because he was Americas representative to the UN during the Vietnam War:

Ceded to the Left And What To Do About It by Rob Taylor Top Ten Enemies the Pro-Abortion Left Fears by Paul Cooper 28 Revolting Quotes That Define the Pro-Abortion Left by Megan Fox 8 Examples of Celebrity Political Idiocy, Part 1 by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public 8 Things I Wish Id Known (or Remembered) When I Was a Leftist by Kathy Shaidle 8 Ways Fascist Feminists Are Ruining Americas Women by Cassy Fiano Top 10 Ways to School Your Leftist Friends on Facebook by Diane Schrader In the Reagan Mold: 10 Conservative Men in Hollywood by Walter Hudson A Top 10 Of The Lefts Most Ridiculous Moments Last Year by Chris Queen Top 10 Hoaxes Perpetrated by the Left and Trumpeted by a Complicit Media by Megan Fox The 10 Most Controversial Illustrations by Anti-Jihad Artist Bosch Fawstin by David Swindle Tin Foil Turbans: The 6 Stupidest Conspiracy Theories that Millions of Muslims Believe by Kathy Shaidle Hollywood Before and After 9/11- Ten Films That Stood Against Evil by Chris Yogerst George Soros 8 Most Despicable Acts (UPDATED AFTER THREAT BY SOROS LAWYERS) by Kathy Shaidle Top 10 Boneheaded Parenting Trends From the Left by Sally Meininger and Rhonda Robinson Townhalls List is Most Prominent on Right, Heres True Top 30 Conservatives the Left HATES (And 5 They LOVE) by David Swindle Top 10 Reasons to Hate Sarah Palin

College student activists in the 1960s and 1970s sought out Alinsky for advice about tactics and strategy. On one such occasion in the spring of 1972 at Tulane Universitys annual week-long series of events featuring leading public figures, students asked Alinsky to help plan a protest of a scheduled speech by George Bush, then U.S. representative to the United Nations, a speech likely to be a defense of the Nixon Administration s Vietnam War policies [Note: the Nixon Administration was then negotiating with the North Vietnamese communists to arrive at a peace agreement-- DH] The students told Alinsky that they were thinking about picketing or disrupting Bushs address. Thats the wrong approach, he rejoined not very creative and besides, causing a disruption might get them thrown out of school. [Not likely -- DH.] He told them, instead, to go hear the speech dressed up as members of the Ku Klux Klan, and whenever Bush said something in defense of the Vietnam War, they should cheer and wave placards, reading The K.K.K. supports Bush. And that is what the students did with very successful, attention-getting results. (Let Them Call Me Rebel, pp. xv-xvi)

This anecdote tells you everything you really need to know about this mentor to Hillary Clintonand the Obamas, and the ACORN radicals. Lenin once said that purpose of a political argument is not to refute your opponent but to wipe him from the face of the earth. The mission of Alinsky radicals is a mission of destruction. It doesnt matter that the Vietnam war was not a race war that millions of South Vietnamese were against the Communists, that the South was eventually conquered by North Vietnamese armies because the Viet Cong failed to win the hearts and minds of the South Vietnamese people. It doesnt matter who George Bush actuually is or what he believes. Because your purpose is to erase him and the system he is alleged to represent. Therefore pick the symbol of the greatest evil that Americans a small minority of Americans were ever associated with, and use it to obliterate everything good they ever did in the service of your cause, which is to destroy the system which created them. If Americas cause in Vietnam is the Ku Klux Klan, it is evil and America is evil. If George Bush is the Ku Klux Klan, thats it. Nobody needs to listen to him, he is non-person, a symbol of evil. Inside every radical is a Manichean at war with the forces of darkness and evil. In such war every means is justified, as we shall see. (To be continued)

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by Megan Fox Top 10 Sarah Palin Haters From Blogosphere, Media, Comedians and Obama Supporters by Susan Duclos How to Make Islam Respectable by Mark Tapson 10 Bigoted Remarks Made by the Tolerant Left In Obamas Post-Racial America by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public

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Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity Login or signup now to comment. Walter Scott Hudson
23 weeks ago


This series served as my introduction to both David Horowitz and NewsReal Blog when it was originally published last year. I found it quite edifying and educational then, and am thankful to have the whole thing compiled now.




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23 weeks ago


I missed this the first time around. This is one of the best reads I have ever had regarding the difference between conservative thought and modern liberal or progressive thinking. More conservatives need to understand this. I noticed there are people in the unitarian church using alinsky's book as their rule book and touting it for it's great values. It seems they are taking a very destuctive path for a group that calls themselve a church. Has anyone seen the COEXIST stickers? I have researched these on internet, but can't find out who is behind them.


1 reply active 23 weeks ago


DavidSwindle 90p 23 weeks ago There's no connection between Alinsky and inter-faith spirituality.




Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

This sorta' puts Tingles "my hero, Alinsky" Matthews in a whole new light, doesn't it? As one who dropped out of high school at a very early age, and during the era under discussion I might add, I am glad I never set foot in college. Maybe because I could never get past page 10 in Rules For Radicals. These writings are too esoteric for me and quickly I lose interest. To be truthful (not that I have periods where I am not) I had to force myself to finish David's piece here. I have always thought that my success depended on me and that no one, including the government owed me anything. Growing up poor and being deperately poor after I left home, I managed to work myself up to a position of fabulous (by anyone's definition) wealth and then, by my own mis-steps, managed to lose it. No one is to blame but me (well, with the help of a crooked lawyer but, that's another story).



Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

(cont.) I guess that it's instinct that tells me leftists, progressives, racists and on and on, any group pitted against another based on false premises, are just looking for a hand out and blaming everyone else for their troubles. David's article just proves my instincts are spot on. Thank you, sir.

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue
David Horowitz is the editor-in-chief of NewsReal Blog and FrontPage Magazine. He is the President and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His most recent book is Reforming Our Universities

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Palin Libels Rauf What Was The National Review Thinking?

by Joseph Klein

Part 7: Means and Ends, Continued (First published here.)


For anti-capitalist radicals as indeed for zealots generally the ends justify the means. It has ever been so for the Jacobins, the Communists, the fascists and now the post-modernAlinsky/Obama left. And that is because of the very nature of those ends as radicals conceive them. A world without poverty, war, racism, or sexism is so noble, so perfect in contrast to everything that has preceded it that it would be criminal not to deceive, lie, and even murder in order to advance or protect the cause. As Nietzsche once observed: Idealism kills. When your aim is to overthrow the existing order including its moral rules, you must be willing to break the rules to do it. Therefore, to be a radical is to be an outlaw. During the Sixties, I had a conversation that veered unexpectedly into this territory. It was with SDS radical Tom Haydenabout the non-political Sixties counter-culture. Hayden was contemptuous of Hippies because they were non-

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David Horowitz's Archives: An academic lynching

Top 10 Reasons to Hate Sarah Palin

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political but he was convinced their drug culture had a political use. Once you get someone to break the law, Hayden said, they are on their way to becoming revolutionaries. In the Sixties, radicals generally shared Haydens idea and were proud to do so. The Sixties political culture embraced criminal icons like John Dillinger and films which celebrated outlaws like The Wild Bunch and Bonnie and Clyde. Abbie Hoffmans Steal This Book was a manifesto of the creed, and Obama friend and Weatherman leader Bernadine Dohrns tribute to psychopath Charlie Manson was its extreme expression. This romance is reflected in radicals affinity for criminals and their causes at home and abroad, in their apologetics for terrorists and solidarity movements with totalitarians, in their Free Huey and Free Mumia and Free Leonard Peltier causes, and their glamorizing of Hip Hop thugs like Tupac Shakur, and in Saul Alinskys early attraction to Al Capones enforcer Frank Nitti. The Stalinist historian Eric Hobsbawm gave this kinship an academic imprimatur in a book he wrote about the mafia and other Sicilian criminals whom he described as primitive rebels in other words revolutionaries avant la lettre. Its text included a chapter on Social Bandits who in his description are avatars of social justice their activity little more than endemic peasant protest against oppression and poverty (p.5 Google edition) and the claim that the activity of the mob was always directed against the rich in other words okay. (p.7) The French radical Pierre-Joseph Proudhon whom a jealous Marx infamously referred to as the Jewish nigger gave license to radicals to steal and destroy in what has become socialisms most famous epigraph: Property is Theft. In reality, of course, it is socialism that is theft. Another reason why radicals believe that their goals justify criminal means, and also why they can be relied on to lie and steal and, in the right context, either commit actual murder or justify murders when committed by their political friends, is because in their own minds they are engaged in a war for social justice and other noble ends, and are opposed by an enemy who is an implacable oppressor, in fact, the embodiment of evil. In war, when ones own survival is at stake, any means can seem both attractive and necessary. Radicals think of themselves as soldiers in a war to save mankind and to save the planet. If that is your responsibility and aim, quibbling over the means to accomplish those objectives can easily come to seem immoral itself. Rules for Radicals is about tactics in a war where the enemy is the Haves who are defending the status quo and all its manifold evils. It is a war that pits noble, planet-saving radicals against the entire social, moral and legal order. The radical goal is saving mankind, and the arguments of his critics are naturally that his means are unpatriotic, subversive, deceptive, violent, illegal and immoral. Consequently, to brace his radical disciples against their opposition and supply them with selfjustifying rationales, Alinsky devotes an entire chapter to the problem of Means and Ends of how a radical can justify breaking the moral order in order to achieve radical ends (pp. 24 et seq). In his handling, there are 11 rules for radicals to explain how radical ends justify radical means. The chapter is explicitly an effort to answer those liberals who refuse to join the radical cause saying I agree with your ends but not your means. Alinsky begins the chapter by telling us that the very question does the end justify the means as stated is meaningless. The real question is does this particular end justify this particularmeans? The whole discourse about means and ends that follows, was made forty years earlier in 1938 in a famous (and far more intelligent) pamphlet by the Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky. It was titledTheir Morals and Ours and was written to justify the bloody crimes of his comrades (and himself). Summing up his case, Trotsky wrote: Whoever does not care to return to Moses, Christ or Mohammed; whoever is not satisfied with eclectic hodge-podges must acknowledge that morality is a product of social development; that there is nothing invariable about it; that it serves socialinterests; that these interests are in conflict; that morality more than any other form of ideology has a class character. In other words, there is no such thing as morality, only class interests. What is right and just is what serves the proletariat and its revolutionary war against the Haves. Continuing the argument, what is moral and right is what serves the revolutionary party which embodies the revolutionary cause. Alinsky cannot state the principle in these terms because as we know that the revolutionary cause of

by Megan Fox Tin Foil Turbans: The 6 Stupidest Conspiracy Theories that Millions of Muslims Believe by Kathy Shaidle The 10 Most Controversial Illustrations by Anti-Jihad Artist Bosch Fawstin by David Swindle 8 Examples of Celebrity Political Idiocy, Part 1 by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public The Top 7 Issues Social Conservatives Ceded to the Left And What To Do About It by Rob Taylor A Top 10 Of The Lefts Most Ridiculous Moments Last Year by Chris Queen Top 10 Ways to School Your Leftist Friends on Facebook by Diane Schrader Hollywood Before and After 9/11- Ten Films That Stood Against Evil by Chris Yogerst Top Ten Enemies the Pro-Abortion Left Fears by Paul Cooper George Soros 8 Most Despicable Acts (UPDATED AFTER THREAT BY SOROS LAWYERS) by Kathy Shaidle Top 10 Boneheaded Parenting Trends From the Left by Sally Meininger and Rhonda Robinson Top 10 Sarah Palin Haters From Blogosphere, Media, Comedians and Obama Supporters by Susan Duclos 8 Things I Wish Id Known (or Remembered) When I Was a Leftist by Kathy Shaidle Top 10 Hoaxes Perpetrated by the Left and Trumpeted by a Complicit Media by Megan Fox 28 Revolting Quotes That Define the Pro-Abortion Left by Megan Fox In the Reagan Mold: 10 Conservative Men in Hollywood by Walter Hudson 8 Ways Fascist Feminists Are Ruining Americas Women by Cassy Fiano

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the Bolsheviks led to the slaughter of 40 million people and the most oppressive tyranny mankind had ever seen. Bloody and immoral means led to a bloody and immoral end. Because of this unpleasant history, Alinsky cannot refer his disciples to Trotsky but has to restate the argument in terms that dont appear related to Marxism but are. The art of radical politics, as Alinsky has already told us, is the art of deception. It is the art of convincing potential opponents and recruits that you are working within the system and its rules when you are actually working to undermine the system and destroy its moral order. In practice and conception, if not precisely in presentation, Alinskys rules about means and ends, and Trotskys Machiavellian principles, are the same. While reading the description of these rules that follows, bear in mind that the current president of the United States worked for three years as a community organizer for a subsidiary of the Gamaliel Foundation, an institution guided by the Alinsky principles, and that his mentor as a community organizer was John McKnight, an Alinsky disciple and radical professor at Northwestern University who, in an article he wrote at the time, referred to Alinsky as the master, and a community organizing giant.. We begin with Alinskys introduction: Whenever we think about social change, the question of means and ends arises. The man of action views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms. He has no other problem. Translation: He is not going to worry about the legality or morality of his actions, only their practical consequences. He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work. But, you might ask, what if the means are immoral, criminal, and evil. If as a crusader for a just future you proceed by criminal and immoral means, wont that corrupt your movement and your cause and affect or simply undermine the outcome you are trying to achieve? (And how could this even be a question after Marxists killed 100 million of their own citizens in peacetime in the 20thcentury, justifying their every step of the way by the noble end social justice, a liberated future which they were proposing to achieve?) Like other radicals, Alinsky ignores the bloody failures of the radical past. Instead he answers the question in this cynical and dismissive fashion: To say that corrupt means corrupt the ends is to believe in the immaculate conception of ends and principles. The real arena is corrupt and bloody. Life is a corrupting process he who fears corruption fears life. In other words, things couldnt be worse than they are (but the Bolsheviks showed that they could). Since life is corrupt everyone is corrupt corruption is just the ordinary business of life; if you commit heinous crimes, youre just doing to others what theyre already doing to you. This is the self-justification of radicals (just listen to Billy Ayers defend his acts of terrorism during the Vietnam War.) Is it any wonder that Alinsky looked to Al Capones enforcer for instruction? Perhaps post-modern radicalism is the wrong term for the Alinsky crowd. Chicago radicalism might be more apt. In action, continues Alinsky, one does not always enjoy the luxury of a decision that is consistent both with ones individual conscience and the good of mankind. [Therefore,] the choice must always be for the latter. This arrogant rationale puts one in mind of Dostoyevskys famously statement that if there is no God, then everything is permitted. If there is no moral law, what is forbidden? And what is the the good of mankind that Alinskys radicals are supposed to put before conscience, and who decides it? This is the very path trod by Trotsky and the Bolsheviks, steeped in the blood of innocents for the good of mankind. Alinsky sums up his advice, laid out in the pages that follow in religious terms. This is an unintended self-revelation, revealing the way radicals actually see themselves which is as social redeemers. This self-conception as mankinds saviors reflects perfectly the advice given by Lucifer the first radical known to man to the hapless first humans: Eat of this tree and you shall be as gods. Here are Alinskys words: Action is for mass salvation and not for the individuals personal salvation. He who sacrifices the mass good for his personal salvation has a peculiar conception of personal salvation; he doesnt care enough for people to be corrupted for them. Mass salvation. Note the scare quotes Alinsky puts around the verb corrupted. This prophet does not believe in a morality apart from radical cause. As one of Alinskys radical heroes, the sadistic dictator Fidel Castro,

10 Bigoted Remarks Made by the Tolerant Left In Obamas Post-Racial America by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public How to Make Islam Respectable by Mark Tapson Townhalls List is Most Prominent on Right, Heres True Top 30 Conservatives the Left HATES (And 5 They LOVE) by David Swindle

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infamously put it: Within the revolution everything is possible; outside the revolution nothing is possible. The revolution the radical cause is the way, the truth and the life.

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Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity Login or signup now to comment. Walter Scott Hudson
23 weeks ago


This series served as my introduction to both David Horowitz and NewsReal Blog when it was originally published last year. I found it quite edifying and educational then, and am thankful to have the whole thing compiled now.



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bdouglasaf1980 67p 23 weeks ago


I missed this the first time around. This is one of the best reads I have ever had regarding the difference between conservative thought and modern liberal or progressive thinking. More conservatives need to understand this. I noticed there are people in the unitarian church using alinsky's book as their rule book and touting it for it's great values. It seems they are taking a very destuctive path for a group that calls themselve a church. Has anyone seen the COEXIST stickers? I have researched these on internet, but can't find out who is behind them.


1 reply active 23 weeks ago


DavidSwindle 90p 23 weeks ago There's no connection between Alinsky and inter-faith spirituality.




Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

This sorta' puts Tingles "my hero, Alinsky" Matthews in a whole new light, doesn't it? As one who dropped out of high school at a very early age, and during the era under discussion I might add, I am glad I never set foot in college. Maybe because I could never get past page 10 in Rules For Radicals. These writings are too esoteric for me and quickly I lose interest. To be truthful (not that I have periods where I am not) I had to force myself to finish David's piece here. I have always thought that my success depended on me and that no one, including the government owed me anything. Growing up poor and being deperately poor after I left home, I managed to work myself up to a position of fabulous (by anyone's definition) wealth and then, by my own mis-steps, managed to lose it. No one is to blame but me (well, with the help of a crooked lawyer but, that's another story).



Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

(cont.) I guess that it's instinct that tells me leftists, progressives, racists and on and on, any group pitted against another based on false premises, are just looking for a hand out and blaming everyone else for their troubles. David's article just proves my instincts are spot on. Thank you, sir.

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue
David Horowitz is the editor-in-chief of NewsReal Blog and FrontPage Magazine. He is the President and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His most recent book is Reforming Our Universities

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Palin Libels Rauf What Was The National Review Thinking?

by Joseph Klein

Part 8: The Nazi Option (First published here.)


David Horowitz's Archives: Conservatism needs a transplant


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Senator Joe McCarthy, perpetual boogeyman of the Left. Radicals are focused on the future usually the distant future the moment when they will achieve power and institute the reign of social justice . Consequently they view and evaluate the present and the past instrumentally as means to annihilating their adversaries and achieving power and thus instituting the happy future. From an instrumental perspective, it is always helpful in a political battle

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

if your opponents can be portrayed as defending an indefensible and better still evil past rather than whatever it is they actually happen to be defending, and thus if they can be identified with that evil themselves. If conservatives defend the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965, and oppose racial preferences, why not compare them to slave owners and call them racists? If they oppose disloyal, dishonest and violent radicals, it might be helpful to call them Nazis. If liberals or even other leftists who share your progressive goals, nonetheless dont like your methods, how about referring to them as objectively fascist? This was in fact the exact term Stalin used to denounce the Marxist critics of his policies during the Thirties before he put them in front of firing squads. Alinskys logic and strategy are the same. Critics of the methods radicals use, Alinsky writes, are really critics of the methods the Have-Nots use against the Haves. In fact, they are passive but real allies of the Haves. And therefore of the Nazis:

Americas Women by Cassy Fiano Hollywood Before and After 9/11- Ten Films That Stood Against Evil by Chris Yogerst Tin Foil Turbans: The 6 Stupidest Conspiracy Theories that Millions of Muslims Believe by Kathy Shaidle Townhalls List is Most Prominent on Right, Heres True Top 30 Conservatives the Left HATES (And 5 They LOVE) by David Swindle The Top 7 Issues Social Conservatives Ceded to the Left And What To Do About It by Rob Taylor George Soros 8 Most Despicable Acts (UPDATED AFTER THREAT BY SOROS LAWYERS) by Kathy Shaidle Top Ten Enemies the Pro-Abortion Left Fears by Paul Cooper 8 Things I Wish Id Known (or Remembered) When I Was a Leftist by Kathy Shaidle How to Make Islam Respectable by Mark Tapson The 10 Most Controversial Illustrations by Anti-Jihad Artist Bosch Fawstin by David Swindle 28 Revolting Quotes That Define the Pro-Abortion Left by Megan Fox 8 Examples of Celebrity Political Idiocy, Part 1 by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public In the Reagan Mold: 10 Conservative Men in Hollywood by Walter Hudson A Top 10 Of The Lefts Most Ridiculous Moments Last Year by Chris Queen Top 10 Sarah Palin Haters From Blogosphere, Media, Comedians and Obama Supporters by Susan Duclos Top 10 Ways to School Your Leftist Friends on Facebook by Diane Schrader Top 10 Boneheaded Parenting Trends From the Left

These non-doers were the ones who chose not to fight the Nazis in the only way they could have been fought. (pp. 25-26)

This is the way Alinskys mind works, and it is the way the totalitarian mind works as well. There is one party, one strategy, one tactic, one truth. And on the other side, there is the personification of evil. Alinsky refers to himself and other radicals on the very first page of his book in these exact words:

Few of us survived the Joe McCarthy holocaust of the early 1950s.

What holocaust? There was no holocaust or extermination (or even jailing) of Communists because they were Communists during the 1950s or at any other time in America. And this, even though Communists were loyal to a foreign power and committed to their own countrys destruction. Alinskys remark is a lunatic discourse, but he can introduce it casually and without needing to defend it because he can be confident that his radical readers the president of theUnited States included will not find it so . Because that is their discourse: the forces of light against the forces of darkness the champions of the poor and oppressed against their racist, sexist, homophobic oppressors. And if this is the case, what other morality could there be besides which side are you on? Alinskys rules for dismissing all ethical concerns are the totalitarian rules of radicals from Marx to Lenin, to the Khmer Rouge and Hamas . They derive from a common Manichean outlook which sees the world as being ruled by the forces of darkness the racist, sexist Haves and challenged by the forces of light: the Have-Nots who are guided, naturally, by the peoples vanguards, the Communist Party then, the progressive left now. Do Palestinians deliberately blow up little children and use innocents as human shields to advance their cause? They do it because they have no choice. Because defeating the Nazi Jews is the only way to achieve their liberation. (Dont get me wrong on this. Do Nazis exist? They do. But Americans and Israelis are not examples are not remotely examples of the species. The term Nazi is applied to Americans and Jews instrumentally, as a weapon of political war.) Alinsky moves right on to summarize this advice as a rule:

The judgment of the ethics of means is dependent on the political position of those sitting in judgment.

And then explains the rule:

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

If you actively opposed the Nazi occupation and joined the underground Resistance, then you adopted the means of assassination, terror, property destruction, the bombing of tunnels and trains, kidnapping and the willingness to sacrifice innocent hostages to the end of defeating the Nazis. (pp. 26-7)

by Sally Meininger and Rhonda Robinson The Top 7 Horror Movies for Conservatives by Kathy Shaidle 10 Bigoted Remarks Made by the Tolerant Left In Obamas Post-Racial

Note the principle that governs the argument: which side are you on? If youre on our side, which is the side of the people and you are in a war, anything goes. And for the radical its always a war.

America by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public Top 10 Reasons to Hate Sarah Palin by Megan Fox

The third rule of the ethics of means and ends is in war the end justifies almost any means. (p. 29)

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Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity Login or signup now to comment. Walter Scott Hudson
23 weeks ago


This series served as my introduction to both David Horowitz and NewsReal Blog when it was originally published last year. I found it quite edifying and educational then, and am thankful to have the whole thing compiled now.



bdouglasaf1980 67p 23 weeks ago

I missed this the first time around. This is one of the best reads I have ever had regarding the difference between conservative thought and modern liberal or progressive thinking. More conservatives need to understand this. I noticed there are people in the unitarian church using alinsky's book as their rule book and touting it for it's great values. It seems they are taking a very destuctive path for a group that calls themselve a church. Has anyone seen the COEXIST stickers? I have researched these on internet, but can't find out who is behind them.


1 reply active 23 weeks ago


DavidSwindle 90p 23 weeks ago There's no connection between Alinsky and inter-faith spirituality.




Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

This sorta' puts Tingles "my hero, Alinsky" Matthews in a whole new light, doesn't it? As one who dropped out of high school at a very early age, and during the era under discussion I might add, I am glad I never set foot in college. Maybe because I could never get past page 10 in Rules For Radicals. These writings are too esoteric for me and quickly I lose interest. To be truthful (not that I have periods where I am not) I had to force myself to finish David's piece here. I have always thought that my success depended on me and that no one, including the government owed me anything. Growing up poor and being deperately poor after I left home, I managed to work myself up to a position of fabulous (by anyone's definition) wealth and then, by my own mis-steps, managed to lose it. No one is to blame but me (well, with the help of a crooked lawyer but, that's another story).



Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

(cont.) I guess that it's instinct that tells me leftists, progressives, racists and on and on, any group pitted against another based on false premises, are just looking for a hand out and blaming everyone else for their troubles. David's article just proves my instincts are spot on. Thank you, sir.

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue
David Horowitz is the editor-in-chief of NewsReal Blog and FrontPage Magazine. He is the President and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His most recent book is Reforming Our Universities

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Epilogue Part 1: Whitewashing Alinsky (First published here.)

Today at National Review my friend Ron Radosh has a review of Nation-writer Nicholas von Hoffmans Radical: A Portrait of Saul Alinsky. Although Ron takes me to task a bit I dont really see this as a challenge to anything I wrote. Von Hoffman is an apologist friend of Alinskys and this is his spin. Alinksy was not a principled libertarian on civil rights issues as von Hoffman suggests but was always Machiavellian opportunist. He may have begun with a disposition for certain principles but he was ready to sacrifice them for his political ends, and he made a principle of such trade-offs. He compromised principles he pretended to have on innumerable occasions to keep his power base whether it was with criminals or whites or the Catholic church in Chicago. Von Hoffmans book starts with an Alinsky quote : If the ends dont justify the means what does? That is the voice of the devil himself. The answer is except in the extraordinary circumstances of war, which is a form of barbarism the means are ends themselves and their own justification. But of course Alinsky is by his own account engaged in a permanent war.

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This is the problem with the von Hoffman piece. It portrays Alinsky as though he was a man of principle whereas everything he said and did showed that his only principle was the war he had declared on what he called the Haves anything that advanced the war was good. Everything else was flexible. So its absurd to make him look like someone who opposed taking government money, for example, on principle. The fact that he didnt create ACORN or didnt like Billy Ayers is irrelevant. ACORN is run by people who are following Alinskys manual. Also what von Hoffman and Ron overlook is that Alinskys tactics were always changing according to the situation (and he was indeed an extortionist as the infamous fart in incident shows , even though von Hoffman and Radosh wont concede it). In the years when Alinsky was operating the Left was fragmented, and outside the political system . All that changed over the next forty years, and those changes would have had an impact on Alinskys tactics. In other words, he would have accommodated his principles to the facts of power, since he always insisted that the primary goal of community organizers was power. Alinsky would have loved the Obama Administration.

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Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity Login or signup now to comment. Walter Scott Hudson
23 weeks ago


This series served as my introduction to both David Horowitz and NewsReal Blog when it was originally published last year. I found it quite edifying and educational then, and am thankful to have the whole thing compiled now.



bdouglasaf1980 67p 23 weeks ago

I missed this the first time around. This is one of the best reads I have ever had regarding the difference between conservative thought and modern liberal or progressive thinking. More conservatives need to understand this. I noticed there are people in the unitarian church using alinsky's book as their rule book and touting it for it's great values. It seems they are taking a very destuctive path for a group that calls themselve a church. Has anyone seen the COEXIST stickers? I have researched these on internet, but can't find out who is behind them.


1 reply active 23 weeks ago


DavidSwindle 90p 23 weeks ago There's no connection between Alinsky and inter-faith spirituality.




Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

This sorta' puts Tingles "my hero, Alinsky" Matthews in a whole new light, doesn't it? As one who dropped out of high school at a very early age, and during the era under discussion I might add, I am glad I never set foot in college. Maybe because I could never get past page 10 in Rules For Radicals. These writings are too esoteric for me and quickly I lose interest. To be truthful (not that I have periods where I am not) I had to force myself to finish David's piece here. I have always thought that my success depended on me and that no one, including the government owed me anything. Growing up poor and being deperately poor after I left home, I managed to work myself up to a position of fabulous (by anyone's definition) wealth and then, by my own mis-steps, managed to lose it. No one is to blame but me (well, with the help of a crooked lawyer but, that's another story).



Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

(cont.) I guess that it's instinct that tells me leftists, progressives, racists and on and on, any group pitted against another based on false premises, are just looking for a hand out and blaming everyone else for their troubles. David's article just proves my instincts are spot on. Thank you, sir.

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by Walter Hudson


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David Horowitz's Archives: An academic lynching

8 Ways Fascist Feminists Are Ruining Americas Women by Cassy Fiano Tin Foil Turbans: The 6 Stupidest Conspiracy Theories that Millions of Muslims Believe by Kathy Shaidle Townhalls List is Most Prominent on Right, Heres True Top 30 Conservatives the Left HATES (And 5 They LOVE) by David Swindle A Top 10 Of The Lefts Most Ridiculous Moments Last Year by Chris Queen

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue
David Horowitz is the editor-in-chief of NewsReal Blog and FrontPage Magazine. He is the President and CEO of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His most recent book is Reforming Our Universities

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Epilogue Part 2: (First published here.)

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Click the image to get your own copy of this pamphlet. The more I think about my friend Ron Radoshs puff piece on Nicholas Von Hoffmans new biography of Saul Alinsky, which appeared in of all places National Review, the more uneasy I feel. As I pointed
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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

out in my previous blog, von Hoffmans book begins with an Alinsky epigraph:
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If the ends dont justify the means, what else does?

Those who have read Alinskys book, which is now the bible of the Left, will know that the entire text is an extended argument for the principle that the ends justify the means and there is no morality or, as Alinsky would put it, all moral judgements of means are corrupt. Because in Alinskys view, all means are justified by the appropriate end. The consequences of adopting the view that the ends justify the means is that any means however criminal and depraved is justified if the end it is seeking to achieve is politically correct. Thus the Nation leftists (who published von Hoffmans book) can make excuses for a criminal and depraved organization like Hamas, and support a crusade to cleanse the Middle East of its Jews because the noble end liberation justifies it. However, in order to make this moral calculus work, you have to have the view that there is a hierarchy of ends which can be known and agreed on. This is the totalitarian view. For as Isaiah Berlin long ago observed there is no such hierarchy of ends or unity of human purpose. And as the one-time Marxist Leszek Kolakowski pointed out the attempts to achieve unity and equality (which are the socialist ends) inevitably produce the totalitarian state. In the real world, ends conflict with each other, and there is no unforced unity among human beings about which is the most important. Hence the crucial importance of viewing means as ends. Democracy, for example, is an end in itself since otherwise communities with different beliefs and therefore different ends would be at each others throats. It is particularly disturbing to have conservatives failing to understand this reality because the critical and fundamental conflict of our time is the conflict between two ends liberty and equality. The American founders understood that these two noble goals are in conflict, and ineluctably so. That in order to create equality of results government would have to take away individual liberty since human beings are born and remain unequal by nature (Federalist Papers #10). This seems an obvious truth but it is one that escapes people on the Left, who are in massive denial when comes to the obvious facts that some people are innately smarter than others, some prettier, some more eloquent or energetic, while some develop habits of discipline that last a lifetime and others dont, and that each of these qualities can be translated into power, money and inequality. The only way to counteract the natural inequalities, which translate into power through the exercise of human freedom is to take that freedom away. And every measure of the Obama Administration designed to raise up those whose lesser abilities and lesser achievements have left them with less takes away existing freedoms not only from those who have achieved and contributed more but from everyone. In the process moreover it diminishes the product itself and makes everyone (except the political enforcers of equality and thus the new elite)
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poorer. That is the lesson of the failed socialist nightmares of the past which led to the elimination of freedom and monumental economic deprivation. This lesson has been systematically obscured by the progressive left generally and the progressive intelligentsia in particular and that is why it is being repeated by the Obama progressives today although they are obviously constrained by the democracy our wise forefathers created and therefore their means are so far limited. If liberty and equality are in conflict (and those are only two of possible ends) then the justification of corrupt means by the appeal to equality is itself corrupt because it conceals the fact that redistribution of wealth diminishes freedom for everyone (and diminishes wealth for everyone for the same reason). The belief in a unified hierarchy of ends, in a humanity unified behind a common end and politically speaking behind equality as that end is the signature of the totalitarian mind. Conservatives should know this as the first principle of their political outlook. And it concerns me when they dont. Reminder from the Editor: Click here to join our NewsReal Blog Daily email list for a free digital copy of Barack Obamas Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model. As with all titles in our Digital Library, subscribers will receive the new ebook a week before everyone else. The digital copy of Rules for Revolution will go to subscribers on Tuesday August 17 and one week later August 24 for everyone else. Subscribers to the NewsReal Blog Daily receive an update every morning of the previous days most important blog posts along with a book recommendation and David Horowitz quote of the day. Continue reading page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity Login or signup now to comment. Walter Scott Hudson
23 weeks ago


This series served as my introduction to both David Horowitz and NewsReal Blog when it was originally published last year. I found it quite edifying and educational then, and am thankful to have the whole thing compiled now.



bdouglasaf1980 67p 23 weeks ago

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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

I missed this the first time around. This is one of the best reads I have ever had regarding the difference between conservative thought and modern liberal or progressive thinking. More conservatives need to understand this. I noticed there are people in the unitarian church using alinsky's book as their rule book and touting it for it's great values. It seems they are taking a very destuctive path for a group that calls themselve a church. Has anyone seen the COEXIST stickers? I have researched these on internet, but can't find out who is behind them.


1 reply active 23 weeks ago


DavidSwindle 90p 23 weeks ago There's no connection between Alinsky and inter-faith spirituality.




Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

This sorta' puts Tingles "my hero, Alinsky" Matthews in a whole new light, doesn't it? As one who dropped out of high school at a very early age, and during the era under discussion I might add, I am glad I never set foot in college. Maybe because I could never get past page 10 in Rules For Radicals. These writings are too esoteric for me and quickly I lose interest. To be truthful (not that I have periods where I am not) I had to force myself to finish David's piece here. I have always thought that my success depended on me and that no one, including the government owed me anything. Growing up poor and being deperately poor after I left home, I managed to work myself up to a position of fabulous (by anyone's definition) wealth and then, by my own mis-steps, managed to lose it. No one is to blame but me (well, with the help of a crooked lawyer but, that's another story).



Nick Shaw 79p 23 weeks ago

(cont.) I guess that it's instinct that tells me leftists, progressives, racists and on and on, any group pitted against another based on false premises, are just looking for a hand out and blaming everyone else for their troubles. David's article just proves my instincts are spot on. Thank you, sir.

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David Horowitz's Archives: An academic lynching

Tin Foil Turbans: The 6 Stupidest Conspiracy Theories that Millions of Muslims Believe by Kathy Shaidle Top Ten Enemies the Pro-Abortion Left Fears by Paul Cooper How to Make Islam Respectable by Mark Tapson Top 10 Ways to School Your Leftist Friends on Facebook by Diane Schrader 8 Examples of Celebrity Political Idiocy, Part 1 by Lori Ziganto and Jenn Q. Public 28 Revolting Quotes That Define the Pro-Abortion Left by Megan Fox George Soros 8 Most Despicable Acts (UPDATED AFTER THREAT BY SOROS LAWYERS) by Kathy Shaidle 8 Things I Wish Id Known (or
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The Complete Alinsky, Beck, Satan, and Me Series Now with New Epilogue | NewsReal Blog

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