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right atrium ; [accept right auricle] (pulmonary) semilunar valve ; mitral / biscupid / (left) av, valve ; Reference to, pacemaker / SA node / SAN ; (Wave of) excitation / eq, in (walls) of atria ; Causes contraction of (muscle in) atria (walls) ; Delay at, AV node / AVN ; Conducted to ventricles via, bundles of His / Purkyne fibres ; max 4


1 2 3 4 5



narrowing of the arteries ; thrombosis / blood clot ; (i) (ii) age and gender ; both increased with age ; figures similar 0-34 / over 65 ; deaths in males greater between 25-74 / converse for females / valid comparison for any age group in this range ; males levels off 45 onwards, females rises throughout ;

2 1




(a) (b)

A is, an artery / named artery, and B is, a vein / named vein ; (Lining / wall) one cell thick ; Thin cells / simple epithelium / squamous epithelium ; Alternative to first two marking points Thin walls ; Pores ; Selectively / partially permeable ; For transport / eq of, solutes / named solute / nutrients / molecules, to / from, cells / tissues ; OR Movement of waste products / named waste product from cells ;



Increased blood pressure / hydrostatic pressure / hypertension / increased capillary permeability / decrease in plasma protein / colloidal osmotic pressure / protein / amino acid deficient diet / blocked lymphatic vessels / faulty valves in lymphatic vessels ;




Arrow drawn between point where ventricular pressure curve starts to rise and where curve cuts 5 kPa line ; 60 1.0 ; [accept equivalent calculations] = 60 beats per minute ; [accept range 60 to 64] Reference to closure of semilunar valve ; Elasticity / eq of aorta wall ; Recoil (in aorta) maintains pressure ; Reference to refilling / relaxation of ventricle ; Right ventricle pumps blood to lungs ; Left ventricle pumps blood all around the body ; Correct reference to relative thickness of ventricular walls ; Correct reference to pressure in relation to lungs / body / e.g. more pressure needed to pump blood round body / converse OR less resistance to blood flow in lungs / converse ;







1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Rhythmic / sequence (of events) in each heart beat ; {Initiated / controlled} by {pacemaker / SAN (sinoatrial node)} ; Reference to atrial {systole / contraction} ; Reference to ventricular {systole / contraction} ; (complete) diastole / relaxation (of heart) ; [points 3 to 5 must be in sequence] 3


Coronary artery ; From aorta ; Supplies {blood / oxygen / glucose / nutrients / named nutrient} to heart {muscle / tissue / myocardium} / correct reference to removal of {waste products / named waste product} by coronary circulation ; Returns to right atrium / coronary sinus / cardiac veins ; 3



Right atrium; B Left ventricle; 2 1

(b) (c)

Lung; [however qualified] 1. Reference to {narrow / extremely long} capillaries;

2. 3. 4. 5.

Reference to blood in the lungs / reference to oxygenation of blood; Results in {low pressure / loss of pressure} of blood (when it emerges from the lungs); Not enough pressure to get through rest of {capillary network / the body}; Pumping the blood again {raises / restores} lost pressure OR provides extra boost of pressure / reference to second pump; Higher pressure in systemic circulation / lower pressure in pulmonary circulation; 3




Dartery AND E vein; Thick (muscular) {wall / layer} OR Rounded {shape / lumen} OR Smaller lumen;





Cell membrane structure OR (steroid) hormone production OR Bile salt production OR Vitamin D production in the skin; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. High (LDL) cholesterol in blood circulation; Increases the likelihood of {deposits / plaques / atheroma} on arterial wall; Narrows arteries / blocks arteries / restricts blood flow; Hardens arteries / makes arteries less elastic; Reference to atherosclerosis; Increases risk of {CHD / blood clots / angina / heart attack / eq}; Reduce intake of saturated fat / eat food with more plant sterols;


4 1




(Most) cholesterol produced by liver; Healthier margarine can only {affect dietary intake / reduce absorption from gut};



(a) Structural feature Blood vessel Capillary Vein Valves present Wall has pores Wall a single layer of cells


(Elastic recoil) maintains pressure (in artery) (flexibility) to allow for {blood pressure / pulse};




[Points must be comparative] Arteries Veins Less (smooth) muscle Less elastic {fibres / tissue} Valves present Wider lumen Thin layer of collagen fibres Thin wall

max 3

More (smooth) muscle / eq More elastic {fibres / tissue} / elastin No valves (except aorta and pulmonary artery) Narrow lumen / eq Thick layer of collagen (fibres) / eq Thick wall

(b) (c)

Higher (blood) pressure / more chance of damage to endothelium; High {hydrostatic / blood} pressure; Which is higher than {solute potential gradient / eq} / correct osmotic effect described; (Plasma forced out) through {pores / gaps} in capillary wall; The fluid is forced out of the capillary into the intercellular space;



Blocked lymph vessels / high blood pressure / {low solute potential / high water potential} in blood / loss of plasma proteins / damage to tissue / histamine / eq; Oedema;

1 1



[Only allow points if linked to aspect of diet] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. High intake of {saturated fat / animal fat / example of fat / cholesterol}; Atherosclerosis / description of deposition inside arteries; (Which leads to) reduced {blood flow / oxygen / eq) to heart muscle / increased blood pressure (in coronary circulation) / reference to thrombosis; High {salt / Na+} intake; High blood pressure / hypertension; (Which leads to increased) {risk / eq} of {heart attack / heart failure / myocardial infarction}; 3



Flatworm has a large surface area : volume ratio / converse; Diffusion {sufficient / effective} for flatworms {needs / eq} / converse; Mammal {has higher metabolic rate / is warm blooded / eq} / converse; (i) (ii) (iii) Top two open; Bottom two closed; X drawn anywhere in the right atrium; Pacemaker / sets rhythm of heart / initiates cardiac cycle / eq;

2 2 1 1



Blood at high pressure; High concentration of oxygen / eq; High concentration of glucose / eq;



(a) (b)

Platelets; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



Lack of blood to {cardiac / heart} muscle; So lack of {oxygen / glucose} / ischaemic / anaerobic / eq; Muscle stops working / damaged / cells die; Pain / angina / lactic acid build up; Myocardial infarction / heart attack / eq; 3


Warfarin / aspirin / streptokinase / adheparin / hirudin / clopidogrel;




1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Higher death (rate) among men than women in all countries; Highest (rates) of death in Russia / lowest (rates) of death in France; Any valid comparison between countries; Supporting data quoted to back up any valid point; Correct reference to different ratio of men / women death rates between countries; max 3


There is no {difference / correlation} in the death rates between people who eat lots of fruit and vegetables and those who {dont eat / eat less} fruit and vegetables / eq;


[Paired points - marks for reasons must be linked to a potential difference] Potential difference Reason Better treatment / diagnosis / drug availability / eq; Smoking can cause atherosclerosis / carbon monoxide reduces oxygen transport / nicotine increase blood pressure / eq; Raises blood cholesterol level / HDL : LDL ratio / eq; Exercise strengthens heart / eq; Higher {fat / cholesterol} levels / eq; Adrenaline / high blood pressure / fast heart rate / eq; Knowledge of risk factors aids preventative action / eq; Affects {diet / health / eq}; High levels increase blood pressure / {low levels may reduce risk of CHD / red wine antioxidants}; CHD increases with age; Genes may affect health of heart, e.g. hypercholesteraemia (gene / allele); High blood pressure; Any valid linked reason;

1. 2.

Different levels of health care; Smoking;

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

{Saturated fat / red meat / eq} intake / converse; Lack of exercise; Obesity levels; Levels of stress; Health awareness; Poverty / poor living conditions; Alcohol intake;

10. 11. 12. 13.

Age profile of country; Genetic differences; Salt intake; Any valid point;





{Aortic / semi lunar / SL} valve; Aorta / aortic arch; {Atrio-ventricutar / AV / bicuspid / mitral} valve; {Valves / named valve / C} close; (To) prevent backflow (of blood); Reference to {contraction / systole} of ventricle; Thick (muscular) wall / more muscle; Provides high {pressure / force / eq}; To pump blood through {systemic circulation / round body / eq}; Reference to elasticity of {aorta / B} (to accommodate blood expelled from ventricle) / eq; 1. 2. 3. 4. Uterus bigger / more tissue; More muscle development / eq; Reference to {development / maintenance} of {placenta / eq}; Reference to development of {fetus / baby}; {More / greater} contraction / heart works harder; (Because) {blood / oxygen / nutrients}; (Pumped to) {uterus / placenta / fetus / mothers body}; 4


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



[Maximum three marks] (ii) 1. 2. 3.




1. 2.

Reference to use of callipers; Reference to needing to take several readings from several sites / two suitable named sites, e.g. {waist / triceps / back / upper arm / thigh hip}; Pinch {skin and fat only / no muscle}; Place jaws of skinfold callipers over the fold (close to the fingers); Continue to hold the fold of skin and release the trigger of the calliper; Read skinfold thickness from scale; Reference to using [table / graph / chart} to determine body fat; 4

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


Raised {cholesterol / lipid / fatty acid / triglyceride} level in {plasma / blood}; Increased risk of {atheroma / formation of plaques / atherosclerosis} (in arteries); Restricted blood flow / narrowing of lumen; Raised blood pressure / hypertension / coronary heart disease; 2


Increasing LDL levels increase {risk / eq} of CHD; Credit manipulation of figures / biggest increase between 120-141 and 142167 / eq;





COOH; O C H ;; Saturated; No double bonds in (hydrocarbon) chain;


2 1


(i) (ii)

Anything that {affects / raises} the chance of harm / eq; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Strain on the heart; Raises blood pressure; Raises cholesterol / LDL (in the blood); Increased risk of formation of {atheroma / plaques}; Atherosclerosis / atherosclerosis explained / eq; Increased risk of type 2 diabetes / explained;


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Glucose is {a monosaccharide / soluble / doesnt need to be digested} / eq; Glucose can be quickly absorbed into the blood stream; Can pass into muscle (cells); Can be used for respiration; To provide energy; For (muscle) contraction; 3


(a) (b)

Ventricular systole; 1. Relaxation of atria and ventricles;

2. 3. 4. (c) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Reduces pressure (inside heart) / eq; Refilling / eq; AV valves are open; Correct reference to the coronary circulation; Via the coronary artery; From the aorta; Reference to capillaries (within) cardiac muscles; Reference to {red blood cells / haemoglobin} {carrying / releasing} oxygen; 3




Mortality falls as dietary fibre intake increases; Almost linear relationship / negative correlation / inversely proportional; Small increase in fibre has large effect; Quantitative use of figures. 3


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Increases bulk of faeces; Increases speed of {passage / peristalsis} (of faeces through the colon); Carcinogens pass through the gut more quickly; So less chance of their absorption; Fibre absorbs carcinogens; 2


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Weakening of gut musculature / eq (with age); Increase in {pressure / eq} in colon; Reference to {pouching / formation of pouches} (in the mucosa); Lower dietary fibre (in diet of elderly); (Because) eating {less food / more convenience food}; Poor diet when young; 3



Increasing the number of risk factors increases risk of CHD; Increase by one risk factor double incidence / eq; Adding third risk factor has larger effect on incidence; Relevant use of manipulated figures; 3


High blood cholesterol: 1. Fatty deposition in artery walls / plaque formation;


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Atheroma formed; Increased blood pressure; Lumen of (coronary) arteries narrowed / reduced elasticity of artery wall / eq; Correct reference to LDLs; Damage to (lining of) arteries; Risk of aneurysm / damaged lining (of arteries) rupturing; Increased risk of blood clot blocking coronary arteries; Correct reference to inflammatory response; Increases blood pressure; Increases risk of aneurysm; Less antioxidants / more free radicals; Increases {number / activation} of platelets; (Leading to) increased risk of blood clot blocking coronary arteries; Reduced blood supply to heart muscle; Angina / increased risk of heart attack; Reference to interactions between factors to increase risk; Correct reference to atherosclerosis; [Maximum 3 marks for each risk factor]

High blood pressure:


General points [allow in any section]: 15. 16. 17. 18.


(a) (b)

Artery / arteriole ; (i) (ii) Tunica media / middle coat ; Provide {strength / support } / prevents bursting ; Idea that they enable artery to withstand high blood pressure / eq ;

1 1



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Separation of deoxygenated and oxygenated blood ; (Therefore) better {oxygenation of blood / oxygen supply to tissues} ; Maintains different pressure to lungs and rest of body / eq ; Mammals have a high (er) demand for oxygen ; Idea of repressurisation ; 2



(i) (ii)

0.14% / 0.07% per year; 3.9 - 4 times; The greater the BMI the greater the chance of dying due to coronary heart disease / eq; Correct reference to figures;

1 1





(body) mass (in kg) height 2 (in metres)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Fatty deposits in arteries / atheroma / plaques / reference to atherosclerosis; Higher cholesterol levels; Higher blood pressure; Risk of damage to (coronary) arteries; Risk of blood clot blocking coronary arteries; Risk of type II diabetes; 3



(i) (ii)

Heart is visible / transparent organism / reference to ethical issues / eq; 1. 2. 3. 4. Temperature; Volume of solution; Daphnia {same age / growth conditions} / eq; Time in solution prior to counting heart rate / eq;



1. 2. 3. 4.

Very active / high metabolic rate; Supplies oxygen / removes CO2; Slow diffusion (through body surface) / diffusion insufficient / eq; Low SA/V ratio / eq; 2


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Will increase blood pressure; Risk of damage to arteries; Increase risk of heart attack / stroke / aneurysm; More chance of atherosclerosis / eq; Vasoconstriction / eq; 2


p thromboplastin prothrombin fibrinogen fibrin red blood cells All six correct five or four correct three or two correct one correct - 3 marks - 2 marks - 1 mark - 0 marks

[one mark for each two correct answers rounded down]



(i) (ii) (iii)

{semilunar / aortic} valve ventricular systole A description and an explanation to include three from: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ventricles contract atrioventricular(AV) valves dose semilunar valves open /eq due to higher pressure in ventricles; compared to (atria / artery} blood passes into {aorta / artery)

1 1




A suggestion to include three from: 1. 2. 3. 4. reduced flow of blood to heart [ / cells] lack of oxygen (to cells) / reference to anaerobic respiration / ischaemic / eq cells / muscles damaged / die / eq reference to lactic acid / angina 3 1

(ii) (c)

walls of the artery are elastic /eq

An explanation to include: 1. 2. angioplasty operation has less risk / eq angioplasty is less invasive / less major operation / may not need general anaesthetic / faster recovery rate 2 1


arteries carry blood under higher pressure / eq



A description to include two from: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. narrowing leads to higher blood pressure; increases risk of {further damage to the artery wall / aneurysm} platelets stick to damaged wall; triggers blood clotting process / eq; correct reference to mast / foam cells / inflammatory response; A description to include three from: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. platelets stick to damaged wall of artery / eq; thromboplastin released (from damaged tissue/platelets); correct reference to Ca2+ / Vit. K; prothrombin converted to thrombin; fibrinogen converted to fibrin; fibrin mesh traps blood cells forming a clot; 3





An explanation to include two from: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. blood clot blocks coronary artery; restricts blood flow to heart muscle; lack of oxygen to heart (muscle) / ischaemic; for respiration / reference to anaerobic respiration; insufficient energy release for contraction / infarction / damage to heart muscle; 3




reduce intake of fat / particularly saturated fat / correct examples / increase fibre / fresh fruit and vegetables / increase intake of foods containing sterols / stanols / include oily fish; A suggestion and an explanation to include two from: 1. 2. 3. 4. cholesterol synthesized by the body; further detail e.g. made in liver / cholesterol made from saturated fats; genetic factors; further detail e.g. hypercholesterolaemia / number of LDL receptors;




39.9 / 40.0%;; (if wrong, 14.8 8.9 OR 5.9 seen;) 2 1

(ii) (iii)

(Statin) B; ref to {validity / reliability /identification of anomalous results / allows for variation }; NOT accuracy / precision to confirm the drug was having the effect / eq;




{fatty deposits / plaques / cholesterol / atheroma / eq} {narrows / blocks} arteries; less blood flow {to cardiac muscle (cells/tissues) / through coronary artery}; less oxygen; anaerobic respiration; build up of {lactic acid / lactate} (causes pain);




1873, 1614, 1790 kJ; [all three required for (1) mark] A; A less saturated fatty acids / FA; less {cholesterol/LDLs} (made by liver); less / no cholesterol in diet; less chance of atherosclerosis/eq / {atheroma / fats} building up / depositing / being laid down on arteries;

1 1

(ii) (iii)




arrows moving from direction of veins through the atria towards ventricles on both sides; sinoatrial node / SAN / pacemaker;

1 1



(a) Statement about Daphnia (i) The movement of fluid through the heart is an example of mass transport (ii) Daphnia uses diffusion to transport oxygen into muscle cells (iii) Daphnia tends to lose water from its body to the freshwater by osmosis (iv) Daphnia can use active transport to move ions from the freshwater into its body Tick or cross ; ; ; ; 4 (b) (i) (ii) A = 50, B = 75 & C = 100; 200; 1 1




only three Daphnia used / not enough {samples / repeats} to be representative / only one Daphnia used per concentration; 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. different Daphnia used (for each caffeine concentration) / different Daphnia used for 35 au; range not large enough to make prediction / eq; Daphnia may respond differently at higher concentrations / eq OR they may die; taking readings for 10 seconds not sufficient; describe one environmental variable to be controlled / allow time for Daphnia to acclimatise; need for a control; max 3




X = aorta/ aortic arch; Y = (left) ventricle / cardiac muscle; Z = coronary artery /eq; 3 1 1

(ii) (iii) (b) (i)

second box down on the left; SAN / sino atrial node / pacemaker / eq; 1. 2. 3. sequence of events from one beat to the next beat / eq; reference to {contraction / systole} and {relaxation / diastole}; correct detail of sequence e.g. atrial systole ventricular systole diastole / approx 30% of time spent in systole and 70% in diastole; correct detail of electrical regulation of cardiac cycle/eq; left ventricle has {more / thicker} muscle / eq; blood from (left ventricle) has to divide between more capillaries / eq; left ventricle has to pump blood further / eq;

4. (ii) 1. 2. 3.

max 2

max 2



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

pressure increases as blood forced into ventricle during atrial systole; pressure increases during (initial) ventricular systole/eq; (due to) reducing volume of ventricle (causing pressure increase); pressure starts to decrease due to blood into artery / loss of blood from ventricle; decreases during diastole / eq; (due to) increasing volume (of chamber); max 2


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

gender smoking genes / inheritance / eq stress high LDL level / LDL to HDL ratio / high blood cholesterol reference to inappropriate diet such as high {salt / fat / cholesterol / calorie} intake / eq high alcohol intake obesity lack of exercise / eq max 1

Notes: two correct answers needed for one mark



1. 2. 3. 4.

capillaries {have thin walls / made of flattened epithelium / thin cells / eq}; reference to presence of pores; reference to basement membrane; reference to permeability of capillary wall /eq; proteins are large (molecules); cannot pass through capillary wall / eq; idea of reduced concentration of plasma proteins / eq; therefore reduced osmotic effect / eq; 2

max 3


1. 2.


1. 2.




(i) (ii)

artery; Any two from the following pairs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. thick {wall / layer} of (smooth) muscle / thick elastic {layer / wall}; allows artery to expand / withstand pressure from the pulse of blood / eq; collagen (fibres); provides strength / eq; smooth lining; prevent resistance to blood flow / eq; small lumen / eq; to maintain high pressure / eq;

max 4


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

inhibits the enzyme (that catalyses the conversion); by active site-directed inhibition / eq; inhibitor {is a similar shape to the substrate } / blocks active site; by non active site-directed inhibition; inhibitor attaches to enzyme at point other than active site / eq; (and) causes active site to change shape; max 4


(a) (b)

right-hand 1st box down; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (skeletal) muscle contracts / eq; squeezes vein / named vein; blood forced in both directions (away from squeezed area) / eq; (one way) valves present (in veins); one way flow / prevent backflow / eq; reference to role of thorax e.g. pressure changes during inspiration / expiration / breathing; lower pressure in {heart / atria} during {diastole / eq};

max 3



1. 2. 3. 4.

{squamous / pavement / flattened /thin / eq } cell / endothelium; (only) one cell thick; small lumen present /(capillary) small diameter; pores present / gaps present / eq; max 2


(a) Drink Time taken for 180 heart beats / seconds Caffeine concentration / mg per 100ml 33 to 34; 58 to 60; 30; 3 (b) no {difference / effect} due to : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (c) 1. 2. 3. 4. genotype / eq; age; size / eq; gender /eq; physiological state / eq; pre-treatment / eq; absorption rate /eq; variation due to chance / eq; still some caffeine present within the organism / still some caffeine present on the surface; idea of time to recover from effect of caffeine; inaccuracy of measurements / eq; max 2

Instant coffee Filter coffee Tea

max 3



large surface area ; thin (wall) / single cell ; reference to surfactant ; reference to capillaries ;

increases diffusion ; reduces diffusion distance ; stops adhesion / eq ; maintains, diffusion / concentration gradient ;



Bronchioles / alveolar ducts ; Single / thin / squamous / flattened / type I pneumocyte ; Increases / eq ; Blood / capillaries / red blood cells ; 4



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Thin / squamous / flattened (cells); Decreases diffusion distance; Large surface area (of cells); Increases diffusion; Of {respiratory gases / oxygen / carbon dioxide}; 3


Increased {heart rate / diameter of lung (blood) vessels} OR increased {cardiac output / stroke volume};



(a) Process Diffusion Facilitated diffusion Osmosis Active transport Requires energy from respiration (ATP) 7 7 7 3

4 Requires a concentration gradient 3 3 3 7

[Two correct for one mark]



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Large surface area; due to Many alveoli / eq; Large number / networks of capillaries / eq; Small diffusion path / thin exchange surface / eq; {Flattened / thin / squamous} alveolar (epithelial) cells / walls; Capillary (endothelial) cells / walls; Large difference in concentration; due to Ventilating the lungs / eq; Circulation of blood / eq; 4


Alveoli: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (Thin wall) of {squamous / flattened} epithelium; Decreases diffusion distance; Reference to blood flow in the capillaries; Reference to ventilation / eq; {Maintains / eq} {concentration / diffusion} {gradient / difference} of {(respiratory) gases / carbon dioxide / oxygen}; [Maximum 4 marks for Alveoli marking points (1 - 5)] Reference to thin barrier between placenta and endometrium / eq / accept reference to chorionic villi; Reference to counter-current flow; Concentration gradient {maintained by / eq} blood flow; Reference to fetal haemoglobin taking up oxygen;

Placenta: 1. 2. 3. 4.


(a) Structure Letter on diagram Y X Z [all correct = 2 marks, one or two correct = 1 mark] 2



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Walls of alveoli one cell thick / thin (epithelium); Walls of {blood capillaries / endothelium} {one cell thick / thin}; Alveoli covered with a dense network of capillaries / eq; Concentration gradients maintained by (blood flow / ventilation mechanism); Large surface area provided by alveoli; Oxygen combines rapidly with haemoglobin; Correct reference to diffusion; 4



1. 2.

Oxygen (from alveoli) to capillary and carbon dioxide (from capillary) to alveoli; By diffusion / movement of molecules from area of high concentration to an area of low concentration / eq; Large surface area / lots of alveoli; Large surface area of capillaries / eq; Thin alveoli walls; Thin capillary walls; {Circulation of blood / ventilation of lungs} to maintain concentration difference; Short diffusion pathway; 1. 2. 3. CFTR (protein channel) does not work / eq; Lack of Cl ions transported into mucus / eq; Water does not move into mucus by osmosis / eq; Mucus blocks airways/bronchioles/alveoli / eq; Reduces surface area for gas exchange / diffusion; Less oxygen (diffuses) into blood / eq; Long diffusion pathway; 2


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.




1. 2. 3. 4.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

(alveoli) have a thin wall / squamous epithelium / eq; (and) have a large surface area; ref. to increased diffusion / decreased diffusion distance / eq; ref. to presence of surfactant; function of surfactant; ref. to capillaries; {transport of (respiratory) gases / movement of blood} maintains diffusion gradient; 5



Award up to three marks for the following in context 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (thin wall) of {squamous/flattened} (epithelial cells); small diffusion distance; ref to blood flow in capillaries; ref to ventilation; maintains {concentration/diffusion} gradient of {gases/carbon dioxide/oxygen}; Max 3


Award up to two marks for the following in context 1. 2. 3. 4. mucus builds up in airways; cilia cannot move it because it is thick/eq; reducing ventilation (below blockage); gas exchange occurs over {fewer alveoli / smaller surface area}; Priya Zac / Samir 0.25; Accept , 1 in 4, 25% Reject 1:3, 1 to 3 1 Max 2 1 1


(i) (ii) (iii)



Award one mark for identifying a potential benefit and a further mark for an explanation of the benefit. For example 1. 2. or 3. 4. determine whether or not embryo has disease; informed decisions can be made about {future care for child / termination of pregnancy} / treatment could start immediately; to determine whether or not a parent is a carrier; therefore can make informed decision about having children;

Award one mark for identifying a potential disadvantage and a further mark for an explanation of the disadvantage. For example 5. 6. or 7. 8. other abnormalities may be found; some social implication e.g. life insurance, finding {partner / job}, depression; 4

ref to false positives / negatives; decisions on whether to terminate a pregnancy or not are based on wrong information;


(a) (b)

far right-hand box; (i) (ii) 110 / first one / higher one / eq; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. high salt {intake / in diet / eq}; high (saturated) {fat / cholesterol / LDL / eq} {intake / in diet / eq}; high alcohol intake; smoking; stress; hardening of arteries / atherosclerosis / eq; old age; inherited trait / eq; obesity / overweight; lack of exercise / eq;

1 1

max 2 1





{twice as / 2 more / 100% more} likely to have heart disease / eq;




Award one mark for each of the following points in context to a maximum of three 1. 2. 3. 4. {during first 5 years / initially} there is little change in death rates; from late 70s/early 80s in most countries there is a lowering of death rates; Poland is an exception when death rates have increased; any quantitative manipulation of data e.g. death rate in Finland has halved over period; Award one mark for each of the following points in context to a maximum of two. 1. 2. (ii) Finland has high rates of CHD and high B.P.; UK has high rates of CHD and high B.P.; Max 2 Max 3



Award one mark for each of the following points in context to a maximum of two. 1. 2. there is conflicting evidence; Italy has high b.p. but low death rates; Max 2


Award one mark for each of the following points in context to a maximum of three. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. damage to artery walls; ref. to blood clot; blood clot can block arteries; ref. to coronary arteries; lack of (oxygenated) blood flow to heart muscle; Max 3




W = coronary arteries X = aorta Y = (left) pulmonary artery Z = pulmonary vein 4 correct = 2 marks 2 or 3 correct = 1 mark 0 or 1 correct = 0 marks


Award one mark for each of the following points in context to a maximum of four. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ventricle (muscle) contracts; higher pressure in ventricles relative to atria; (pressure) closes atrioventricular valve; higher pressure in ventricles relative to the {aorta / pulmonary artery / arteries}; (pressure) opens the semilunar valve; blood forced into the {aorta / pulmonary artery / arteries}; Max 4


Award one mark for each of the following points in context to a maximum of three. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. place Daphnia on {cavity slide / eq} with caffeine; (focus on heart) using microscope; ref. to range of caffeine concentrations; ref. to repeats; ref. to {water as control / zero caffeine concentration}; Max 3

Award one mark for each of the following points in context to a maximum of three. 1. 2. 3. 4. control temperature; reference to similar organisms used; accurate measurement of DV; reference to pretreatment; Max 3



P aorta Q vena cava R capillary

Accept pulmonary artery Accept any named vein

1 1 1



Correct answer (with or without working) = 2 marks Answer: 76(.2)%; Correct working with incorrect answer = 1 mark 10.5 2.5 or 8 seen; 2



(pulses) due to {elastic recoil/eq} / general drop due to {friction / dividing into more vessels}; (pressure drop) due to large volume of capillary network / friction between blood cells and walls of capillary;




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