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Triangles of the Neck

Major Triangle
Anterior Triangle

Above: Body of the mandible Posterior: Sternocleidomast oid muscle Anterior: Midline

Sub Triangles
Submandibular Triangle (or Digastric)

mastoid and mandible above -anterior belly of digastric anteriorly -posterior belly of digastric and stylohyoid posteriorly

*superficial: -platysma -facial vein -cervical branch of facial nerve *Deep: -facial artery -Lingual nerve and submandibular ganglion -submandibular duct -lingual artery -hypoglossal nerve (XII) submental lymph nodes -Anterior jugular veins infrahyoid muscles *Superficial layer -sternohyoid -superior belly of omohyoid *Deep layer -thyroid -sternothyroid common carotid artery -Internal Jugular vein -Vagus Nerve

Submental triangle

Muscular Triangle (or Inferior Carotid)

-anterior bellies (right and left of the digastric muscle) -body of hyoid bone -superior belly of omohyoid muslce -Anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle -anterior medial line of the neck Posterior belly of digastric muscle - Superior belly of omohyoid muscle -Deep to the sternocleidomastoid muscle Posterior Boundary: Trapezius m. Anterior Boundary: Sternocleidomastoid m. Inferior Boundary: Omohyoid m. Floor: Splenius Capitus m, Levator Scapulae m, Scalenus Medius, and a portion of Scalenus Anterior. Roof: superficial layer of Deep Investing Fascia.

Carotid Triangle (or Superior Carotid)

Posterior Triangle

Anteriorly: posterior border of the sternocleidomast oid muscle Posteriorly: anterior border of the trapezius muscle Inferiorly: middle 1/3 of the clavicle Floor of the

Occipital Triangle

1. Spinal Accessory nerve (XI) - crosses the upper half of the triangle diagonally and, passing from the deep surface of sternocleidomastoid inferiorly on levator scapulae to reach the deep surface of trapezius, innervates sternocleidomastoid and trapezius.

Retrieved June 22, 2011, from http://yeancworld.blogspot.com/2009/06/semester-1-life-as-dental-student.html

Retrieved June 22, 2011, from http://www.thefullwiki.org/Triangles_of_the_neck

Retrieved June 22, 2011, from http://www.dartmouth.edu/~humananatomy/figures/chapter_50/50-2.HTM

References: Snell, R.S. (2008). Clinical anatomy (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. The Anterior Triangle of the Neck. (n.d.) Retrieved June 22, 2011 from http://iris3.med.tufts.edu/headneck/Triangles/Anterior%20Triangle%20of%20the%20Neck.htm The Posterior Triangle of the Neck. (n.d.) Retrieved June 22, 2011 from http://iris3.med.tufts.edu/headneck/Triangles/Posterior%20Triangle%20of%20the%20Neck.htm

Members: Ballesteros, Nichole OT Bordon, Faula OT Cuesta, Lea OT Del Rosario, Christa OT Deola, Maikee OT Dizon, Samantah - OT Estrella, Jennifer - OT Membrere, Ingrid - OT Montemayor, Sophia - OT Rivera, Anne - OT

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