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Major Eutherian Mammalian Groups 1. Insectivorans - subsist on a diet of insects, worms and other small invertebrates.

- flat footed, smooth cerebral hemisphere, pointed teeth with incisors, canines, and premolars poorly differentiated. - Examples: moles, European hedgehog, solenodon, gliding lemur 2. Xenarthrans - completely toothless or if cheek teeth are present lack enamel - include armadillos, sloths and South American anteaters - armadillos are the only mammals having true body dermal armor 3. Tubulidentatans - represented by aardvarks - teeth are peglike, lack enamel with shallow roots - long sticky tongue with elongated snout for catching insects 4. Chiropterans - only mammals that exhibit true flight - include the different groups of bats - wings are called patagium which is a modified forelimb for flight - maybe insectivorous, sanguinivorous or frugivorous - nocturnal 5. Pholidotans - represented by only one genus, Manis - toothless and covered with scales made up of agglutinated hairs - hair grows in between scales 6. Primates - maybe derived from insectivoran stocks, retain some primitive features such as plantigrade gait, five digits, large clavicle, generalized mammalian dentition - specialization of the group include grasping hand, large cerebrum, only a pair of nipples - include the prosimians (lemurs, lorises and tarsiers) and the anthropoids (monkeys, apes and humans) - Anthropoids subdivided into (1) platyrrhines (nostrils separated by a internarial septum and open sidewards); include the New World monkeys and marmosets, capuchins and howler monkeys and (2) catarrhines (nostrils open downwards) include the Old World monkeys (macaques, rhesus monkeys) the Pongid family ( apes , chimpanzees, gorillas), and Homonid family (humans)

7. Lagomorphs characterized by 2 pairs of incisors, and harelips - include rabbits, hares and pikas - rabbits are borne blind, virtually helpless and must be taken cared of a nest - hares are born without the benefit of a nest, fully formed, and can hop around before they are a day old. 8. Rodents largest mammalian order in terms of number and distribution (worldwide). - characterized by having a pair of incisors used for gnawing (grow throughout life). - canine teeth absent - include the myomorphs (rats, hamsters and mice) - hystricomorphs (porcupines and chinchillas) - sciuromorphs (include squirrels and prairie dogs) 9. Carnivorans - subdivided into (1) Fissipeds (terrestrial carnivores which include families of dogs, cats, bears, pandas, raccoons and mustelids); not all however are carnivorous, some are herbivorous such as some bears and panda; mostly powerful jaws, sharp upper canine teeth for spearing and tearing flesh; mostly with sharp, retractable claws; Other examples? (2) Pinnipeds (marine carnivores) Carnivores adapted for an aquatic life; closely related to terrestrial carnivores. Feed on fish, squid, molluscs, and crustaceans. Leave water once a year for breeding give birth on land a year after mating. Webbed, paddle-like limbs flippers; lack claws. Earless (wriggling) seals, eared (fur) seals, sea lions (deep divers), walruses (shallow divers).

10. Ungulates (hoofed mammals) Walk on the tips of their toes (protected by hoofs). Have no more than four toes on each foot. Herbivores. Molar teeth for grinding vegetation. No clavicle. Only mammals with horns.

Subdivided into Artiodactyl body weight are borne on parallel digits, hence paraxonic footed, examples include pigs, camels, hippopotamuses and? Perrisodactyl body weight are borne on middle digit, hence mesaxonic footed, include tapirs, zebras and horses and? Subungulates include the hyracoideans, proboscideans and sirenians 11. Hyracoideans - represented by hyraxes - flat footed, with digits covered with flat hoofs, like lagomorphs, they have harelips, and like rodents, their incisors grow continuously. 12. Proboscideans include the elephants and mastodons - have proboscis, scanty hair and thick wrinkled skin - tusks are modified incisors, with large molars - five toes with hooflike nails 13. Sirenians - Manatees and dugongs sea cows with cetaceans are the only completely adapted aquatic mammals. - Vegetarian. - Forelimbs paddles, hindlimbs lost. - Snout with coarse bristles, few scattered hairs. - Flukelike tail. 14. Cetaceans include the toothed and toothless (baleen) whales, dolphins and porpoises. - great sense of communication, uses echolocation to scan environment. - cerebrum are highly convoluted. - permanently marine mammals. - tail of two horizontally oriented fleshy lobes or flukes. - forelimbs paddle-like, hindlimbs vestigial, or lacking. - sometimes with dorsal fin.

References: From comparative anatomy textbooks listed in the syllabus and from the internet. Pictures and/or plates and figures from the internet.

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