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Alkaloids bio synth esis in Am aryllida cea e plant in vitro

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Vasil ' cor giev * I , Ivan Iva nov' , M ilen Georg iev ', Mladenka Ilieva' , Stra hil Berko v At nas Pavlov '
' Departme nt of M icrob ial Bi osynthesis and B iotechno logies - La


r.uory ill Plovdiv, The Step ha n

Angeloff Institute of Mi crobiology , Bu lgaria n Academy o f Sc iences, 26 Ma ritza Blvd " 4002 Pl ovdiv,

one and a

and h ve

Bulgaria, E-mai l: Jbpmh as@ yah oo.com


nt defence
ntly most
va nta ge s :

2Depa rtame nt de Productes Na tura ls, B io log ia Vegeta l i Ed a fo logia, Fae ultat de Farmacia, Univers itat

de Barce lona , Av , Joan XXIII sin, 0 802 8 Ba rce lo na, Spai n

'd environ

n of high-

"Presenti ng a utho r

T he plants of Am arylJidaceae fam ily altracts a great atte ntion du e to the synthesis of

-e hose o f
:omple x for '- clotide s ii ce many 1 develop 0 mate ria ! in I compe te

speci fic alkaloids, with a wide range of bio log ica l and pharmaco logical activi ties such as AC hE inhib itory, citotoxic, an tivi ral, an tifun gal among ot her s (Bas tida et al., 2006). On e of them, galan thamine is a long acting AC hE inh ibi tor ma rkete d for the treatment of Alz heimer 's disease, Although chem ica l syn the sis o f galan tharnine has been successfully perfo rme d (Selles e t al ., 199 7) , the ma in commercial so urces for the produ ction of the

galan tharnine-bas ed med ic ines are Arnaryllidaceae plan ts (Pav lo v et al., 2007), Nowad ays,
prescription regime of the utilization of m ore of these plant species has been imposed and, from these perspe cti ves, gala nthami ne prod ucti on from in vitro culture s is consi der ed an attrac tive altern ati ve.

produc ing I for d rug I Ultima te ly tI 2007) or .velopment

Leucojum aestivum L. (Amaryllidaceae), known as summer snowflake, is a threatened

plant speci es that is currently used as a commerc ial so urce of gala ntharnine in Bulgaria. It is gat hered from the natura l habitats for ind ust rial purposes, whic h ca uses inc reasing pro blems with de pletion of the wild populations.

vstlne-knot 1 85-93 94:

Pancratium maritimum L. (sea daffodil) is a bulbiferous plant belongi ng to the fam ily
Arnary llidaceac . It grows at ext reme enviro nme n tal conditions in sal ty an d sandy soils along the coastl ines of the Mediterranean, the Atlantic, the B lack, an d Cas pi an seas. Prev ious ph ytochem ical studies res ulted in identificati on of a num ber of bioactive alka loids incl uding

cesses for
elides and re s . Appl

ga lan thami ne as we ll as several phenoli c comp ounds,


The lecture wi ll attend to both biotech approach for galanthamine production wi th


Leucojum aestivum shoot culture and alka loid profili ng in Pancratioum maritimu m in vitro
cultures at differ ent sta ge s of differentiation - calli, sho ot-clumps and di fferentiated plantlets .


Acknow ledgmen ts:

Thi s resear ch was suppo rted by Bulgarian Science Fo und under contract TK-B 160512006

The stereose intensively im opt ically ad

Re fere nces:

ph armaceutic instance, pre

Bastida, J., Lavilla , R. and Yiladomat, F. (200 6) Chapter 3 Chemical and Bio logical Aspects of Narcissus Alkaloids. Alkaloids: Chemistry and Biology. pp . 87-1 79 . Pa vlov , A., Be rkov, S., Courot, E. , Goche va, T ., Tuneva, D., Pandova, B., Geo rgiev, M., Georgiev, Y., Yan ey , S., B urrus, M . and Ilie va, M . (2007) Galanth ami ne production by Le ucoj um aestivurn in vitro systems. Process Biochemistry, 42 ,734 -739. Se lles, M ., Bergonon , S., Vi ladornat , F., Bastida, J. and Co dina , C. ( [997) Effec t of s ucrose on growth and ga lant hamine p roduction in shoot-clump cultures of Na rcis sus confusus in liquid -shake medium . Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 49 , 129- 136.

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