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Kindergarten Assessment Worksheet

Name: ____________________________________ DOB: ________________ Address: _________________________________ Phone: ________________ Assessment Dates: _________ __________ Identifies colors: red brown yellow orange green blue purple black __________ ___________

Identifies shapes: Circle square triangle oval rectangle diamond

Counts by rote: 10s ________

by 1s _______ by 5s _________ By 2s _______


Recognizes numerals: 0 1 11 2 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 7 17 8 18 9 19 10 20 51 60 91 100 100+

21 30 61 70 Writes numerals: 0 1 11 2 12 3 13

31 40 71 80

41 50 81 90

4 14

5 15

6 16

7 17

8 18

9 19

10 20 51 60 91 100 100+

21 30 61 70

31 40 71 80

41 50 81 90

Matches numerals to sets(0-10)/ Counts with one to one correspondence 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Solves simple addition problems: With manipulatives With numerals and manipulatives Writes number sentence Solves simple subtraction problems: With manipulatives With numerals and manipulatives Writes number sentence

Sorts objects and pictures:

Simple patterns: Repeats: AB ABC ABB ABBC

Extends: AB





Interprets simple graph: (most, least, more than, less than) Knows Personal Information: First name Address: # street ________ City/State _________ Zip code ________ Last name

Telephone number: _______________ Birthdate: Month _______________ Date ______________

Prints name using upper and lower case letters: First Last Cuts with accuracy along broad lines

Pencil Grasp: ____________________________________________________ Handedness R____ L ____

Social Studies / Science Understands topics presented:

Takes part in group discussions and activities:

Language Skills: Shows interest in books/literacy activities:

Uses details and coloring in drawings

Recognizes rhyming sounds Produces rhyming words for: bake cat man red bal l

Verbalizes complete thoughts:

Utilizes temporary spelling:

Shares information and ideas:

Retells familiar stories in sequence:

Orally answers questions about stories:

Claps once for each word in a sentence: He is my friend. game. I like cake. We can play a

Claps once for each syllable in a word:





Concepts of Print: Book Handling: Opens appropriately/Identifies cover and back

Turns pages

Tracks left to right and top to bottom

Identifies: Letter Punctuation point word sentence exclamation

period question mark

Matches words with one to one correspondence

Identifies High Frequency Words (see worksheet)

Social and Emotional Development: Plays well with others:

Observes classroom rules:

Participates willingly in group activities:

Assumes responsibility for belongings:

Exhibits self confidence:

Expresses emotions/feelings appropriately:


Shares and takes turns:

Work Habits Listens/follows one and two step directions:

Stays on tasks:

Makes good use of time:

Attempts to work independently:

Demonstrates effort:

Completes homework:

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