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Last Saturday I went to my weekly Mens Bible Study really seeking a word from the Lord for my turbulent

life. We sang. We fellowshipped and drank some coffee but my spirit was still just so uneasy. You know that feeling in the pit of your s tomach, where you sense that something is boiling below the surface; where you just cant describe it or put your finger on what is bothering you? That was my la st Saturday. I kept praying to the Lord What is wrong with me today? Where does th is uneasiness come from Lord? And as the teaching in the bible study began to unf old, the Father began to speak to my heart: Your concerns are growing and are tr ying to take you over. So, while the verse by verse study was continuing, I quick ly asked forgiveness for my latent unbelief in the Lords plan and this generated another question to the Lord: What do I do to stop this Lord? We kept a great pace in our bible study in the Book of John chapter 14. The speaker kept expounding with some great correlations and analogies but they were basically glancing off me during my inner struggle; until.we hit verse 27. Pow, the Spirit sucker punched m e right in soul and the Lords word instantly came alive. The verse in the NIV rea ds like this: John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not gi ve to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be a fraid. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute! Isnt this Jesus speaking here? My Lord and my God, Jesus is speaking to His disciples here. In case you missed it(and I pu rposely didnt indent it, or underline it, so to allow the Spirit to do the Lords w ork in you with me out-of-the-way), Jesus isnt just wanting to give us peace but His peace. Pow, another shot to the soul. Ok, ok,did I just read this right? Do you mean a part of the triune God, the Fathers Son, Jesus, the one who is always plug ged into the Holy Spirit, the only man who never sinned, the one who never worri es about deadlines, needs or mounting concerns , just promised to give me His pe ace, the peace of Jesus. Bang, I just hit the canvas and the ten count has been issued. Jesus worries for nothing. So, why should I? I could probably spend a mo nth extracting for you guys nugget after nugget of truth for just this one verse , but I want to keep it simple today. If you feel your life has overtaken you. I f there is an ulcer eating away at your peace, or, if, as they used to say in th e sixties, something is harshing your mellow, you dont have to accept that. Jesus i s willing to give you His perfect peace; a beautiful gift to an undeserving worl d. Take His gift. Ask Jesus to help you live in his perfect peace and lay down the cares of this world at His feet. It will bring you a sense of calm and you w ill be transformed. It did for me. The word of God says we dont have to worry abo ut the cares of this world(Matthew 6:25).God promises to take care of your needs . We just need to have a little faith in His plan. So, take hold of Jesus perfect pace and begin today to live a life without worry; and if you forget from time to time, that is OK too. God forgives and loves His children. Hey, you never kno w, you could be sucker punched in the soul today too. I hope you find God in you r day today. God bless, enjoy the poem and as usual, feel free to comment and subscribe. The Great Plains Poet, servant of the Almighty God. That Peaceful Smile by Chris T. Did I meet the challenge at its place Has the lesson fallen asunder Will I look it in its face Or, will my effort be a blunder If I allow Then Gods And making Can set my anxiety to take hold peace has not been gathered fear turn my heart cold steps backward

With eyes not fit for discernment A blind faith is always required The theme of faith is often recurrent

With prayers that are Spirit inspired So, set in motion your game piece Give Him a chance to show you His grace Letting your trust in Him increase And learning to lean on His dependable brace For a slippery slope is the effort in flesh When we try to do it alone Just let your mind renew afresh With prayers sent to the Throne In us is no holy thing A present tainted by sin And our transgressions we must bring In Jesus forgiveness lies therein Dont grasp for the latest feel-good A trick the enemy employs He wants His peace to be understood By those who avoid the noise Peace He gives to those who listen Who lie within the trial For belief brings joy that starts to glisten in each believers faithful smile

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