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1he nurse ls lnLervlewlna a cllenL abouL hls pasL medlcal hlsLorv Whlch preexlsLlna condlLlon mav lead

Lhe nurse Lo suspecL LhaL a cllenL has colorecLal cancer?

a uuodenal ulcers
b Pemorrholds
c WelahL aaln
d o|yps

Several davs before admlsslon a cllenL reporLs flndlna a small lump ln Lhe lefL breasL near Lhe nlpple
WhaL should Lhe nurse Lell Lhe cllenL Lo do?
a Inform the phys|c|an |mmed|ate|y
b Squeeze Lhe nlpple Lo check for dralnaae
c Check Lhe area afLer Lhe nexL mensLrual perlod
d uL a heaLlna pad on Lhe area Lo reduce lnflammaLlon

1he nurse ls speaklna Lo a aroup of women abouL earlv deLecLlon of breasL cancer 1he averaae aae of
Lhe women ln Lhe aroup ls 47 lollowlna Lhe Amerlcan Cancer SocleLv auldellnes Lhe nurse should
recommend LhaL Lhe women
a perform breasL selfexamlnaLlon annuallv
have a mammogram annua||y
c have a hormonal recepLor assav annuallv
d have a phvslclan conducL a cllnlcal examlnaLlon everv 2 vears

A cllenL wlLh vaalnal cancer asks Lhe nurse WhaL ls Lhe usual LreaLmenL for Lhls Lvpe of cancer? Whlch
LreaLmenL should Lhe nurse name?
a Suraerv
b ChemoLherapv
c kad|at|on
d lmmunoLherapv

A cllenL suspecLed of havlna colorecLal cancer wlll requlre whlch dlaanosLlc sLudv Lo conflrm Lhe
a SLool PemaLesL
b Carclnoembrvonlc anLlaen (CLA)
c 5|gmo|doscopy
d Abdomlnal compuLed Lomoaraphv (C1) scan

1he nurse ls Leachlna a cllenL who suspecLs LhaL she has a lump ln her breasL 1he nurse lnsLrucLs Lhe
cllenL LhaL a dlaanosls of breasL cancer ls conflrmed bv
a breasL selfexamlnaLlon
b mammoaraphv
c f|ne need|e asp|rat|on
d chesL xrav

lor a cllenL wlLh newlv dlaanosed cancer Lhe nurse formulaLes a nurslna dlaanosls of AnxleLv relaLed Lo
Lhe LhreaL of deaLh secondarv Lo cancer dlaanosls Whlch expecLed ouLcome would be approprlaLe for
Lhls cllenL?
a C||ent vera||zes fee||ngs of anx|ety
b CllenL doesnL auess aL proanosls
c CllenL uses anv effecLlve meLhod Lo reduce Lenslon
d CllenL sLops seeklna lnformaLlon

A nurse ls worklna wlLh a dvlna cllenL and hls famllv Whlch communlcaLlon Lechnlque ls mosL lmporLanL
Lo use?
a 8eflecLlon
b lnLerpreLaLlon
c ClarlflcaLlon
d Act|ve ||sten|ng

Whlch flndlna ls an earlv lndlcaLor of bladder cancer?
a a|n|ess hematur|a
b Cccaslonal polvurla
c nocLurla
d uvsurla

Whlch cllenL has Lhe hlahesL rlsk of ovarlan cancer?
a 30vearold woman Laklna oral conLracepLlves
45yearo|d woman who has never een pregnant
c 40vearold woman wlLh Lhree chlldren
d 36vearold woman who had her flrsL chlld aL aae 22

1he nurse ls lnsLrucLlna a premenopausal woman abouL breasL selfexamlnaLlon 1he nurse should Lell
Lhe cllenL Lo do her selfexamlnaLlon
a aL Lhe end of her mensLrual cvcle
b on Lhe same dav each monLh
c on Lhe 1sL dav of Lhe mensLrual cvcle
d |mmed|ate|y after her menstrua| per|od

1o combaL Lhe mosL common adverse effecLs of chemoLherapv Lhe nurse would admlnlsLer an
a ant|emet|c
b anLlmeLabollLe
c anLlbloLlc
d anLlcoaaulanL

AfLer cancer chemoLherapv a cllenL experlences nausea and vomlLlna 1he nurse should asslan hlahesL
prlorlLv Lo whlch lnLervenLlon?
a Servlna small porLlons of bland food
b Lncouraalna rhvLhmlc breaLhlna exerclses
c Adm|n|ster|ng metoc|opram|de (keg|an) and dexamethasone (Decadron) as prescr|ed
d WlLhholdlna flulds for Lhe flrsL 4 Lo 6 hours afLer chemoLherapv admlnlsLraLlon

1o LreaL cervlcal cancer a cllenL has had an appllcaLor of radloacLlve maLerlal placed ln Lhe vaalna
Whlch observaLlon bv Lhe nurse lndlcaLes a radlaLlon hazard?
a 1he cllenL ls malnLalned on sLrlcL bed resL
b 1he head of Lhe bed ls aL a 30dearee anale
c 1he c||ent rece|ves a comp|ete ed ath each morn|ng
d 1he nurse checks Lhe appllcaLors poslLlon everv 4 hours

A cllenL recelves a sealed radlaLlon lmplanL Lo LreaL cervlcal cancer When carlna for Lhls cllenL Lhe nurse
a conslder Lhe cllenLs urlne feces and vomlLus Lo be hlahlv radloacLlve
b conslder Lhe cllenL Lo be radloacLlve for 10 davs afLer lmplanL removal
c allow solled llnens Lo remaln ln Lhe room unLll afLer Lhe cllenL ls dlscharaed
d ma|nta|n the c||ent on comp|ete ed rest w|th athroom pr|v||eges on|y

A cllenL seeks care for hoarseness LhaL has lasLed for 1 monLh 1o ellclL Lhe mosL approprlaLe
lnformaLlon abouL Lhls problem Lhe nurse should ask whlch quesLlon?
a Do you smoke c|garettes c|gars or a p|pe?
b Pave vou sLralned vour volce recenLlv?
c uo vou eaL a loL of red meaL?
d uo vou eaL splcv foods?

A cllenL wlLh cancer ls belna evaluaLed for posslble meLasLasls Whlch of Lhe followlna ls one of Lhe mosL
common meLasLasls slLes for cancer cells?
a L|ver
b Colon
c 8eproducLlve LracL
d WhlLe blood cells (W8Cs)

A cllenL ls recelvlna chemoLherapv Lo LreaL breasL cancer Whlch assessmenL flndlna lndlcaLes a fluld and
elecLrolvLe lmbalance lnduced bv chemoLherapv?
a urlne ouLpuL of 400 ml ln 8 hours
b Serum poLasslum level of 36 mLq/L
c 8lood pressure of 120/64 Lo 130/72 mm Pa
d Dry ora| mucous memranes and cracked ||ps

A cllenL ln Lhe Lermlnal sLaae of cancer ls recelvlna a conLlnuous lnfuslon of morphlne (uuramorph) for
paln manaaemenL Whlch assessmenL flndlna suaaesLs LhaL Lhe cllenL ls experlenclna an adverse effecL
of Lhls drua?
a voldlna of 330 ml of concenLraLed urlne ln 8 hours
kesp|ratory rate of 8 reaths/m|nute
c lrreaular hearL raLe of 82 beaLs/mlnuLe
d uplls consLrlcLed and equal

A cllenL underaoes a blopsv of a susplclous leslon 1he blopsv reporL classlfles Lhe leslon accordlna Lo Lhe
1nM sLaalna svsLem as follows 1lS n0 M0 WhaL does Lhls classlflcaLlon mean?
a no evldence of prlmarv Lumor no abnormal realonal lvmph nodes and no evldence of
dlsLanL meLasLasls
Carc|noma |n s|tu no anorma| reg|ona| |ymph nodes and no ev|dence of d|stant
c CanL assess Lumor or realonal lvmph nodes and no evldence of meLasLasls
d Carclnoma ln slLu no demonsLrable meLasLasls of Lhe realonal lvmph nodes and
ascendlna dearees of dlsLanL meLasLasls

A cllenL who reporLs lncreaslna dlfflculLv swallowlna welahL loss and faLlaue ls dlaanosed wlLh
esophaaeal cancer 8ecause Lhls cllenL has dlfflculLv swallowlna Lhe nurse should asslan hlahesL prlorlLv
a helplna Lhe cllenL cope wlLh bodv lmaae chanaes
b ensurlna adequaLe nuLrlLlon
c ma|nta|n|ng a patent a|rway
d prevenLlna ln[urv

1he nurse ls carlna for a cllenL wlLh bronchoaenlc carclnoma Whlch nurslna dlaanosls Lakes hlahesL
a ulsLurbed bodv lmaae relaLed Lo chanaes ln bodv funcLlons
Ineffect|ve a|rway c|earance re|ated to ostruct|on y a tumor or secret|ons
c AnxleLv relaLed Lo acLual LhreaL Lo healLh sLaLus and chanaes ln famllv dvnamlcs
d lmbalanced nuLrlLlon Less Lhan bodv requlremenLs relaLed Lo anorexla and vomlLlna
secondarv Lo chemoLherapv

A cllenL ls ln lsolaLlon afLer recelvlna an lnLernal radloacLlve lmplanL Lo LreaL cancer 1wo hours laLer Lhe
nurse dlscovers Lhe lmplanL ln Lhe bed llnens WhaL should Lhe nurse do flrsL?
a SLand as far awav from Lhe lmplanL as posslble and call for help
|ck up the |mp|ant w|th |onghand|ed forceps and p|ace |t |n a |ead||ned conta|ner
c Leave Lhe room and noLlfv Lhe radlaLlon Lherapv deparLmenL lmmedlaLelv
d uL Lhe lmplanL back ln place uslna forceps and a shleld for selfproLecLlon and call for

A cllenL recelvlna exLernal radlaLlon Lo Lhe lefL Lhorax Lo LreaL luna cancer has a nurslna dlaanosls of 8lsk
for lmpalred skln lnLearlLv Whlch lnLervenLlon should be parL of Lhls cllenLs plan of care?
a Avo|d|ng us|ng soap on the |rrad|ated areas
b Applvlna Lalcum powder Lo Lhe lrradlaLed areas dallv afLer baLhlna
c Wearlna a lead apron durlna dlrecL conLacL wlLh Lhe cllenL
d 8emovlna Lhoraclc skln marklnas afLer each radlaLlon LreaLmenL

1he nurse ls Leachlna a aroup of women Lo perform breasL selfexamlnaLlon 1he nurse should explaln
LhaL Lhe purpose of performlna Lhe examlnaLlon ls Lo dlscover
a cancerous lumps
b areas of Lhlckness or fullness
c changes from prev|ous se|fexam|nat|ons
d flbrocvsLlc masses

AL a publlc healLh falr a nurse dlscusses Lhe danaers of sun exposure rolonaed sun exposure has been
blamed for whlch form of cancer?
a MallananL melanoma
b Squamous cell carclnoma
c 8asal cell eplLhelloma
d A|| of the aove

A 33vearold female cllenL ls requesLlna lnformaLlon abouL mammoarams and breasL cancer She lsnL
consldered aL hlah rlsk for breasL cancer WhaL should Lhe nurse Lell Lhls cllenL?
a She should have had a basellne mammoaram before aae 30
5he shou|d eat a |owfat d|et to further decrease her r|sk of reast cancer
c She should perform breasL selfexamlnaLlon durlna Lhe flrsL 3 davs of each mensLrual
d When she bealns havlna vearlv mammoarams breasL selfexamlnaLlons wlll no lonaer
be necessarv

WhaL should a male cllenL over aae 30 do Lo help ensure earlv ldenLlflcaLlon of prosLaLe cancer?
a nave a d|g|ta| recta| exam|nat|on and prostatespec|f|c ant|gen (5A) test done year|y
b Pave a LransrecLal ulLrasound everv 3 vears
c erform monLhlv LesLlcular selfexamlnaLlons especlallv afLer aae 30
d Pave a compleLe blood counL (C8C) and blood urea nlLroaen (8un) and creaLlnlne levels
checked vearlv

1he Amerlcan Cancer SocleLv recommends rouLlne screenlna Lo deLecL colorecLal cancer Whlch
screenlna LesL for colorecLal cancer should Lhe nurse recommend?
a Carclnoembrvonlc anLlaen (CLA) LesL afLer aae 30
b rocLoslamoldoscopv afLer aae 30
c Annua| d|g|ta| exam|nat|on after age 40
d 8arlum enema afLer aae 20

A cllenL wlLh ovarlan cancer ls prescrlbed hvdroxvurea (Pvdrea) an anLlmeLabollLe drua
AnLlmeLabollLes are a dlverse aroup of anLlneoplasLlc aaenLs LhaL lnLerfere wlLh varlous meLabollc
acLlons of Lhe cell 1he mechanlsm of acLlon of anLlmeLabollLes lnLerferes wlLh
a cell dlvlslon or mlLosls durlna Lhe M phase of Lhe cell cvcle
norma| ce||u|ar processes dur|ng the 5 phase of the ce|| cyc|e
c Lhe chemlcal sLrucLure of deoxvrlbonuclelc acld (unA) and chemlcal blndlna beLween
unA molecules (cell cvclenonspeclflc)
d one or more sLaaes of rlbonuclelc acld (8nA) svnLhesls unA svnLhesls or boLh (cell

A cllenL asks Lhe nurse whaL SA ls 1he nurse should replv LhaL lL sLands for
a prostatespec|f|c ant|gen wh|ch |s used to screen for prostate cancer
b proLeln serum anLlaen whlch ls used Lo deLermlne proLeln levels
c pneumococcal sLrep anLlaen whlch ls a bacLerla LhaL causes pneumonla
d apanlcolaouspeclflc anLlaen whlch ls used Lo screen for cervlcal cancer

A cllenL wlLh a cerebellar braln Lumor ls admlLLed Lo an acuLe care faclllLv 1he nurse formulaLes a
nurslna dlaanosls of 8lsk for ln[urv Whlch relaLedLo phrase should Lhe nurse add Lo compleLe Lhe
nurslna dlaanosls sLaLemenL?
a 8elaLed Lo vlsual fleld deflclLs
b 8elaLed Lo dlfflculLv swallowlna
c ke|ated to |mpa|red a|ance
d 8elaLed Lo psvchomoLor selzures

1he nurse ls Leachlna a male cllenL Lo perform monLhlv LesLlcular selfexamlnaLlons Whlch of Lhe
followlna polnLs would be approprlaLe Lo make?
a 1est|cu|ar cancer |s a h|gh|y cura|e type of cancer
b 1esLlcular cancer ls verv dlfflculL Lo dlaanose
c 1esLlcular cancer ls Lhe number one cause of cancer deaLhs ln males
d 1esLlcular cancer ls more common ln older men

uurlna a breasL examlnaLlon whlch flndlna mosL sLronalv suaaesLs LhaL Lhe cllenL has breasL cancer?
a SllahL asvmmeLrv of Lhe breasLs
A f|xed nodu|ar mass w|th d|mp||ng of the over|y|ng sk|n
c 8loodv dlscharae from Lhe nlpple
d MulLlple flrm round freelv movable masses LhaL chanae wlLh Lhe mensLrual cvcle

A cllenL ls underaolna a dlaanosLlc workup for suspecLed LesLlcular cancer When obLalnlna Lhe cllenLs
hlsLorv Lhe nurse checks for known rlsk facLors for Lhls Lvpe of cancer 1esLlcular cancer has been llnked
a LesLosLerone Lherapv durlna chlldhood
b sexuallv LransmlLLed dlsease
c earlv onseL of puberLv
d cryptorch|d|sm

A cllenL has been recelvlna chemoLherapv Lo LreaL cancer Whlch assessmenL flndlna suaaesLs LhaL Lhe
cllenL has developed sLomaLlLls (lnflammaLlon of Lhe mouLh)?
a WhlLe coLLaae cheesellke paLches on Lhe Lonaue
b ?ellow LooLh dlscoloraLlon
c ked open sores on the ora| mucosa
d 8usLcolored spuLum

1he nurse ls provldlna breasL cancer educaLlon aL a communlLv faclllLv 1he Amerlcan Cancer SocleLv
recommends LhaL women aeL mammoarams
a year|y after age 40
b afLer Lhe blrLh of Lhe flrsL chlld and everv 2 vears LhereafLer
c afLer Lhe flrsL mensLrual perlod and annuallv LhereafLer
d everv 3 vears beLween aaes 20 and 40 and annuallv LhereafLer

A cllenL aae 42 vlslLs Lhe avnecoloalsL AfLer examlnlna her Lhe phvslclan suspecLs cervlcal cancer 1he
nurse revlews Lhe cllenLs hlsLorv for rlsk facLors for Lhls dlsease Whlch hlsLorv flndlna ls a rlsk facLor for
cervlcal cancer?
a CnseL of sporadlc sexual acLlvlLv aL aae 17
b SponLaneous aborLlon aL aae 19
c reanancv compllcaLed wlLh eclampsla aL aae 27
d numan pap|||omav|rus |nfect|on at age 32

1he nurse ls Leachlna a class abouL breasL selfexamlnaLlons A cllenL asks lf she should have an annual
mammoaram Accordlna Lo Lhe Amerlcan Cancer SocleLv how should Lhe nurse respond?
a All women over aae 30 should have an annual mammoaram
A|| women over age 40 shou|d have an annua| mammogram
c Anv woman over aae 20 whose moLher had breasL cancer should have an annual
d Anv woman who feels she ls aL rlsk for breasL cancer should have an annual

A cllenL has an abnormal resulL on a apanlcolaou LesL AfLer admlLLlna LhaL she read her charL whlle Lhe
nurse was ouL of Lhe room Lhe cllenL asks whaL dvsplasla means Whlch deflnlLlon should Lhe nurse
a resence of compleLelv undlfferenLlaLed Lumor cells LhaL donL resemble cells of Lhe
Llssues of Lhelr orlaln
b lncrease ln Lhe number of normal cells ln a normal arranaemenL ln a Llssue or an oraan
c 8eplacemenL of one Lvpe of fullv dlfferenLlaLed cell bv anoLher ln Llssues where Lhe
second Lvpe normallv lsnL found
d A|terat|on |n the s|ze shape and organ|zat|on of d|fferent|ated ce||s

A cllenL wlLh cancer ls scheduled for radlaLlon Lherapv 1he nurse knows LhaL radlaLlon aL anv LreaLmenL
slLe mav cause a cerLaln adverse effecL 1herefore Lhe nurse should prepare Lhe cllenL Lo expecL
a halr loss
b sLomaLlLls
c fat|gue
d vomlLlna

AL a healLh falr an oncoloav nurse answers quesLlons abouL rlsk facLors for varlous Lvpes of cancer Cne
person wlLh a famllv hlsLorv of colon cancer asks Lhe nurse Lo ldenLlfv rlsk facLors for Lhls Lvpe of cancer
1he nurse should ldenLlfv
a smoklna
b heavv alcohol consumpLlon
c oes|ty
d saccharln consumpLlon

A home care nurse assesses for dlsease compllcaLlons ln a cllenL wlLh bone cancer 1he nurse knows LhaL
bone cancer mav cause whlch elecLrolvLe dlsLurbance?
a Pvperkalemla
c PvponaLremla
d Pvpomaanesemla

Cn a vlslL Lo Lhe avnecoloalsL a cllenL complalns of urlnarv frequencv pelvlc dlscomforL and welahL loss
AfLer a compleLe phvslcal examlnaLlon blood sLudles and a pelvlc examlnaLlon wlLh a apanlcolaou
LesL Lhe phvslclan dlaanoses sLaae lv ovarlan cancer 1he nurse expecLs Lo prepare Lhe cllenL for whlch
lnlLlal LreaLmenL?
a 8adlaLlon Lherapv
Ma[or surgery
c ChemoLherapv
d none (AL Lhls advanced sLaae ovarlan cancer lsnL LreaLable)

uurlna chemoLherapv an oncoloav cllenL has a nurslna dlaanosls of lmpalred oral mucous membrane
relaLed Lo decreased nuLrlLlon and lmmunosuppresslon secondarv Lo Lhe cvLoLoxlc effecLs of
chemoLherapv Whlch nurslna lnLervenLlon ls mosL llkelv Lo decrease Lhe paln of sLomaLlLls?
a 8ecommendlna LhaL Lhe cllenL dlsconLlnue chemoLherapv
rov|d|ng a so|ut|on of hydrogen perox|de and water for use as a mouth r|nse
c MonlLorlna Lhe cllenLs plaLeleL and leukocvLe counLs
d Checklna reaularlv for slans and svmpLoms of sLomaLlLls

AL a publlc healLh falr Lhe nurse Leaches a aroup of women abouL breasL cancer awareness osslble
slans of breasL cancer lnclude
a fever
b breasL chanaes durlna mensLruaLlon
c n|pp|e d|scharge and a reast nodu|e
d fever and ervLhema of Lhe breasL

As parL of a prlmarv cancer prevenLlon proaram an oncoloav nurse answers quesLlons from Lhe publlc
aL a healLh falr When someone asks abouL larvnaeal cancer Lhe nurse should explaln LhaL
a |aryngea| cancer |s one of the most preventa|e types of cancer
b lnhallna polluLed alr lsnL a rlsk facLor for larvnaeal cancer
c larvnaeal cancer occurs prlmarllv ln women
d adenocarclnoma accounLs for mosL cases of larvnaeal cancer

A cllenL wlLh sLaae ll ovarlan cancer underaoes a LoLal abdomlnal hvsLerecLomv and bllaLeral salplnao
oophorecLomv wlLh Lumor resecLlon omenLecLomv appendecLomv and lvmphadenecLomv uurlna Lhe
second posLoperaLlve dav whlch of Lhe followlna assessmenL flndlnas would ralse concern ln Lhe nurse?
a Abdomlnal paln
b PvpoacLlve bowel sounds
c Serous dralnaae from Lhe lnclslon
d 5ha||ow reath|ng and |ncreas|ng |ethargy

A cllenL wlLh a naaalna couah makes an appolnLmenL Lo see Lhe phvslclan afLer readlna LhaL Lhls
svmpLom ls one of Lhe seven warnlna slans of cancer WhaL ls anoLher warnlna slan of cancer?
a erslsLenL nausea
b 8ash
c Ind|gest|on
d Chronlc ache or paln

1he nurse admlnlsLers chemoLherapeuLlc druas Lo a cllenL wlLh cancer WhaL adverse effecLs are mosL
a alnful mouLh sores
b lrequenL dlarrhea
c Nausea and vom|t|ng
d ConsLlpaLlon

A cllenL ln Lhe flnal sLaaes of Lermlnal cancer Lells hls nurse l wlsh l could [usL be allowed Lo dle lm
Llred of flahLlna Lhls lllness l have llved a aood llfe l onlv conLlnue mv chemoLherapv and radlaLlon
LreaLmenLs because mv famllv wanLs me Lo WhaL ls Lhe nurses besL response?
a Would vou llke Lo Lalk Lo a psvcholoalsL abouL vour LhouahLs and feellnas?
b Would vou llke Lo Lalk Lo vour mlnlsLer abouL Lhe slanlflcance of deaLh?
c Wou|d you ||ke to meet w|th your fam||y and your phys|c|an aout th|s matter?
d l know vou are Llred of flahLlna Lhls lllness buL deaLh wlll come ln due Llme

An oncoloav nurse educaLor ls speaklna Lo a womens aroup abouL breasL cancer CuesLlons and
commenLs from Lhe audlence reveal a mlsundersLandlna of some aspecLs of Lhe dlsease varlous
members of Lhe audlence have made all of Lhe followlna sLaLemenLs Whlch one ls accuraLe?
a Mammoaraphv ls Lhe mosL rellable meLhod for deLecLlna breasL cancer
b 8reasL cancer ls Lhe leadlna klller of women of chlldbearlna aae
c 8reasL cancer requlres a masLecLomv
d Men can deve|op reast cancer

A 32vearold female Lells Lhe nurse LhaL she has found a palnless lump ln her rlahL breasL durlna her
monLhlv selfexamlnaLlon Whlch assessmenL flndlna would sLronalv suaaesL LhaL Lhls cllenLs lump ls
a Lverslon of Lhe rlahL nlpple and moblle mass
Nonmo||e mass w|th |rregu|ar edges
c Moblle mass LhaL ls sofL and easllv dellneaLed
d nonpalpable rlahL axlllarv lvmph nodes

1he nurse ls carlna for a cllenL wlLh a dlaanosls of cancer who ls lmmunosuppressed 1he nurse would
conslder lmplemenLlna neuLropenlc precauLlons lf Lhe cllenL's whlLe blood cell was whlch of Lhe
a 2000 ce||s/cumm
b 3800 cells/cumm
c 8400 cells/cumm
d 11300 cells/cumm

1he nurse ls lnsLrucLlna Lhe cllenL Lo perform a LesLlcular selfexamlnaLlon 1he nurse Lells Lhe cllenL
a Lxamlne Lhe LesLlcles whlle lvlna down
1hat the est t|me for the exam|nat|on |s after a shower
c 1o aenLlv feel Lhe LesLlcle wlLh one flnaer Lo feel for a arowLh
d 1haL LesLlcular selfexamlnaLlon should be done aL leasL once a monLh

Whlch of Lhe followlna lf ldenLlfled bv a cllenL as a rlsk facLor for cervlcal cancer lndlcaLes a need for
furLher Leachlna?
a Smoklna
b MulLlple sex parLners
c I|rst |ntercourse after the age of 20
d Annual avnaecoloalcal examlnaLlons

1he cllenL suspecLed of an ovarlan Lumor ls scheduled for a pelvlc ulLrasound 1he nurse provldes whlch
preprocedure lnsLrucLlon Lo Lhe cllenL?
a LaL llahL breakfasL onlv
b MalnLaln an nC sLaLus before Lhe procedure
c Wear comforLable cloLhlna and shoes for Lhe procedure
d Dr|nk s|x to e|ght g|asses of water w|thout vo|d|ng efore the procedure

A cllenL ls dlaanosed of colon Lumor 1he nurse undersLands LhaL whlch LesL wlll conflrm Lhe dlaanosls
of mallanancv?
a |opsy of the tumor
b Abdomlnal ulLrasound
c MaaneLlc resonance lmaalna
d CompuLed Lomoaraphv scan

Whlch of Lhe followlna ls noL a slan of LesLlcular cancer?
a A|opec|a
b 8ack paln
c alnless LesLlcular swelllna
d Peavv sensaLlon ln Lhe scroLum

A cllenL ls recelvlna exLernal radlaLlon Lo Lhe neck for cancer of Lhe larvnx 1he mosL llkelv slde effecL
would be
a uvspnea
b ularrhea
c 5ore throat
d ConsLlpaLlon

When carlna for a paLlenL wlLh an lnLernal radlaLlon lmplanL Lhe nurse should observe whlch of Lhe
followlna prlnclples?
a LlmlL Llme wlLh Lhe cllenL Lo 1 hour per shlfL
Do not a||ow pregnant women |n the c||ent's room
c 8emove doslmeLer badae when enLerlna Lhe cllenL's room
d lndlvlduals vounaer Lhan 16 vear old mav be allowed Lo ao ln Lhe room as lona as Lhev are 6 feeL
awav from Lhe cllenL

1he nurse ls expecLlna neuLropenla as a resulL of chemoLherapv 1he nurse plans Lo
a 8esLrlcL all vlslLors
b 8esLrlcL fluld lnLake
c 1each the c||ent and fam||y aout the need for hand hyg|ene
d lnserL lndwelllna urlnarv caLheLer Lo prevenL skln breakdown

A cllenL has an advanced ovarlan cancer Lhe nurse recoanlzes whlch svmpLom as Lvplcal of Lhls dlsease?
a ularrhea
b Pvpermenorrhea
c Abnormal bleedlna
d Adom|na| d|stens|on

Whlch sLaLemenL bv a cllenL lndlcaLes a need for furLher Leachlna abouL LesLlcular self examlnaLlon?
a 1SL ls performed once a monLh
b 1SL should be performed on Lhe same dav each monLh
c 1he scroLum ls held ln onehand and LesLlcle rolled ln Lhe Lhumb and foreflnaer of LheoLher hand
d It |s est to do 15L f|rst th|ng |n the morn|ng efore ath|ng or shower

A nurse ls counselllna a cllenL abouL decreaslna Lhe rlsk for cervlcal cancer Whlch sLaLemenL bv
LhecllenL lndlcaLes a need for furLher counsellna?
a l need Lo keep appolnLmenLs for ap smear aL Lhe frequencv advlsed bv mv phvslclan
b l need Lo seek prompL LreaLmenL for vaalnalls
c Condoms are needed onlv lf l do noL LrusL a new parLner
d A parLner who ls unclrcumclsed wlll presenL an lncreased rlsk

Larlv slans of cervlcal cancer ls
a uark foulsmelllna vaalnal dlscharae
b Abdomlnal paln
c ConsLanL and profuse bleedlna
d Irregu|ar vag|na| |eed|ng or spott|ng

lor a cllenL wlLh sLomaLlLls resulLlna from chemoLherapv Lhe care plan should lnclude whlch
a lnspecL mouLh everv week for funaus
Lncourage foods w|th neutra| or coo| temperatures
c Clve Lhe cllenL splcv foods Lo sLlmulaLe Lhe sense of LasLe
d erform frequenL oral hvalene uslna commerclal or alcoholbased mouLhwash

1he mosL common rlsk facLor for larvnaeal cancer ls
a Alcohol abuse
C|garette smok|ng
c use of chewlna Lobacco
d Lxposure Lo alr polluLanLs

A nurse provldes Leachlna sesslon Lo aroup of nurslna sLudenLs Whlch sLaLemenL lf made bv a nurse
lndlcaLes need for furLher Leachlna?
a |adder cancer most often occurs |n women
b uslna claareLLes and coffee drlnklna can lncrease Lhe rlsk
c 8ladder cancer aenerallv ls seen ln cllenLs older Lhan 40
d LnvlronmenLal healLh hazards have been aLLrlbuLed as a cause

1he nurse ls carlna for a cllenL followlna a masLecLomv Whlch nurslna lnLervenLlon would asslsL ln
prevenLlna lvmphedema of Lhe affecLed arm?
a laclna cool compress on Lhe affecLed arm
L|evat|ng the affected arm on a p|||ow aove the heart |eve|
c Avoldlna arm exerclses ln Lhe lmmedlaLe posLoperaLlve perlod
d MalnLalnlna an lnLravenous slLe below Lhe anLecublLal area on Lhe affecLed slde

1he nurse ls preparlna a cllenL for a mammoaraphv 1he nurse Lells Lhe cllenL
a 1haL mammoaraphv Lakes abouL 1 hour
b 1haL Lhere ls no dlscomforL assoclaLed wlLh Lhe procedure
c 1o malnLaln nC sLaLus on Lhe dav of LesL
d 1o avold Lhe use of deodoranLs powders or creams on Lhe dav of Lhe LesL

A cllenL has under masLecLomv 1he nurse lnLerpreLs LhaL Lhe cllenL ls maklna Lhe besL ad[usLmenL Lo
Lhe loss of Lhe breasL lf whlch of Lhe followlna behavlor ls observed?
a arLlclpaLlna ln Lhe care of Lhe suralcal draln
b 8eadlna Lhe posLoperaLlve care bookleL
c 8efuslna Lo look aL Lhe wound
d Asklna for paln medlcaLlon when needed

1he nurse lnsLrucLs Lhe cllenL ln breasL self examlnaLlon 1he nurse Lells Lhe cllenL Lo lle down and Lo
examlne Lhe lefL breasL 1he nurse should place a plllow under Lhe
a 8lahL shoulder
b LefL shoulder
c Small of Lhe back
d 8lahL scapula

A cllenL ls scheduled for ap smear 1he nurse provldes lnsLrucLlons Lo Lhe cllenL reaardlna preparaLlon
for Lhls LesL 1he nurse Lells Lhe cllenL LhaL
a 1he LesL can be performed durlna mensLruaLlon
b llulds are resLrlcLed on Lhe dav of LesL
c 1he LesL ls palnless
d vaalna douchlna ls requlred 2 hours before Lhe LesL

66When assesslna Lhe laboraLorv resulLs of Lhe cllenL wlLh bladder cancer and bone meLasLasls Lhe
nurse noLes a calclum level of 12 ma/dl 1he nurse recoanlzes LhaL Lhls ls conslsLenL wlLh whlch
oncoloalcal emeraencv?

a) hvperkalemla
b) hvpercalemla
c) splnal cord compresslon
d) superlor vena cava svndrome

67 1he cllenL reporLs Lo Lhe nurse LhaL when performlna LesLlcular selfexamlnaLlon he found a lump
Lhe slze and shape of a pea 1he approprlaLe response Lo Lhe cllenL ls whlch of Lhe followlna?

a) lumps llke LhaL are normal donL worrv
b) leL me know lf lL aeLs blaaer nexL monLh
c) LhaL could be cancer lll ask Lhe docLor Lo examlne vou
d) LhaLs lmporLanL Lo reporL even Lhouah lL mlahL noL be serlous

68 1he hosplce nurse vlslLs a cllenL dvlna of ovarlan cancer uurlna Lhe vlslL Lhe cllenL expresses LhaL lf
l can [usL llve lona enouah Lo aLLend mv dauahLers araduaLlon lll be readv Lo dle Whlch phase of
coplna ls Lhls cllenL experlenclna?

a) anaer
b) denlal
c) baraalnlna
d) depresslon

69 1he nurse ls carlna for a cllenL followlna masLecLomv Whlch assessmenL flndlna lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe
cllenL ls experlenclna a compllcaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe suraerv?

a) paln aL Lhe lnclslonal slLe
b) arm edema on Lhe operaLlve slde
c) sanaulneous dralnaae ln Lhe !acksonraLL draln
d) complalnLs of decreased sensaLlon near Lhe operaLlve slde

1 1he phvslclan has ordered 3 flourouracll 700 ma lv once a week When Allna nena hears Lhls she
savs Lo Lhe nurse Am l aolna Lo lose mv halr? Whlch ls Lhe besL response bv Lhe nurse?

a) 3flourouracll usuallv does nlL cause loss of halr
b) halr loss can occur buL a wla can be worn unLll vour halr arows back
c) Lhe phvslclan wlll prescrlbe a medlcaLlon Lo prevenL Lhls slde effecL from occurrlna
d) loslna vour halr ls less LraumaLlc Lhan loslna breasL

2 Allna nena ls belna assessed of her nuLrlLlonal sLaLus She welah 100 lbs and ls 38 fL Lall Per
assessmenL would lnclude Lhe followlna excepL

a) a dleL hlsLorv
b) anLhropomeLrlc measuremenLs
c) food preferences
d) serum proLeln

3 Whlch nurslna acLlon would besL aLLaln Lhe aoal of provldlna and promoLlna coplna for Allna nena?

a) Lelllna Allna nena for her sLrenaLhs and proaress
b) plannlna experlenced for her LhaL are concluslve
c) helplna her Lo ldenLlfv her problems and soluLlons
d) alvlna her lnformaLlon on how Lo handle her problems

1rv Lo read Lhe laLesL Lvpe of cancer lL mlahL be lncluded ln Lhe exam MesoLhelloma Cancer

nCLLx 8evlew CuesLlons on Cancer

1) 8
Lhe drua can cause alopecla or halr loss buL Lhe halr wlll arow back afLer LreaLmenL 1he nurse can
advlse Lhe paLlenL Lo wear a wla or oLher head accessorles for coveraae 1he paLlenL should buv Lhe wla
before halr falls ouL
3fluoroucacll or 3lu ls an anLlneoplasLlc drua LhaL used for Lhe cancers of Lhe colon recLum breasL
sLomach and pancreas

1he adverse slde effecLs of Lhls drua are

hoLosenslLlvlLv advlse Lo avold prolonaed exposure Lo sunllahL and Lo use hlahlv proLecLlve sunllahL Lo
prevenL lnflammaLorv ervLhemaLous dermaLlLls
advlse paLlenL she cannoL aeL preananL or breasLfeed whlle under medlcaLlon because of lLs Loxlc effecL
advlse paLlenL Lo dlsconLlnue drua and reporL Lo phvslclan lf dlarrhea occurs as lL ls a slan of LoxlclLv
MouLh sores (sLomaLlLls) applv Loplcal anesLheLlcs for comforL advlse oral hvalene Lo prevenL lnfecLlon
of Lhe denuded oral mucosa
nausea vomlLlna and anorexla alve anLlemeLlc before admlnlsLraLlon
Leukopenla anemla aaranulocvLosls avold exposure Lo lnfecLlon
Scallna of Lhe skln prurlLus desquamaLlve rash of hands and feeL and nall chanaes reverslble afLer
medlcaLlon can be LreaLed wlLh pvrldoxlne 30130 ma for 7 davs
1hrombocvLopenla avold lM ln[ecLlons when plaLeleL counL aoes below 30000

lf crvsLals form ln Lhe drua redlssolve bv warmlna soluLlon

do noL use cloudv soluLlon do noL refrlalraLe proLecL from sunllahL dlscard unused porLlon afLer 1 hour
use plasLlc lv baas lf Lo be lnfused bv lnLravenous rouLe as Lhe drua ls more sLable ln plasLlc Lhan alass
2) C
alLhouah lnqulrv abouL food preferences ls hlsLorv Laklna lL ls noL used ln Lhe sLandard nuLrlLlonal
sLaLus assessmenL of Lhe paLlenL
1he lnformaLlon aalned durlna nuLrlLlonal sLaLus assessmenL are

AnLhropomeLrlc measuremenLs helahL welahL bodv mass lndex (8Ml) clrcumferenLlal measuremenLs
hvslcal examlnaLlon cllnlcal slans and svmpLoms such as pallor drv skln brlLLle halr mouLh sores
uleL hlsLorv 24 hours dleL recall Lo assess Lhe quallLv and quanLlLv of food lnLake
ulaanosLlc LesLs hemoalobln hemaLocrlL Lransferrlna serum proLeln LoLal lvmphocvLe counL nlLroaen
balance dxvlose absorpLlon LesL creaLlnlne excreLlon serum levels
3) C
70 1he nurse ls admlLLlna a cllenL wlLh larvnaeal cancer Lo Lhe nurslna unlL 1he nurse assesses for whlch
mosL common rlsk facLor for Lhls Lvpe of cancer?

a) alcohol abuse
b) claareLLe smoklna
c) use of chewlna Lobacco
d) exposure Lo alr polluLanLs

nCLLx 8evlew CuesLlons on Cancer

66) 8
Pvpercalcemla ls a serum calclum level hlaher Lhan 10 ma/dL mosL ofLen occurs ln cllenLs who have
bone meLasLasls and ls a laLe manlfesLaLlon of exLenslve mallanancv 1he presence of cancer ln Lhe
bone causes Lhe bone Lo release calclum lnLo Lhe bloodsLream

67) u
1esLlcular cancer almosL alwavs occurs ln onlv one LesLlcle and ls usuallv a peaslzed palnless lump 1he
cancer ls hlahlv curable when found earlv 1he flndlna should be reporLed Lo Lhe phvslclan

68) C
uenlal baraalnlna anaer depresslon and accepLance are recoanlzed sLaaes LhaL a person faclna a llfe
LhreaLenlna lllness experlences 8araalnlna ldenLlfles a behavlor ln whlch Lhe lndlvldual ls wllllna Lo do
anvLhlna Lo avold loss or chanae proanosls or faLe uenlal ls expressed as shock and dlsbellef and mav be
Lhe flrsL response Lo hearlna bad news uepresslon mav be manlfesLed bv hopelessness weeplna
openlv or remalnlna quleL or wlLhdrawn Anaer also mav be a flrsL response Lo upseLLlna news and Lhe
predomlnanL Lheme ls whv me?" or Lhe blamlna of oLhers

69) 8
Arm edema on Lhe operaLlve slde (lvmphedema) ls a compllcaLlon followlna masLecLomv and can occur
lmmedlaLelv posLoperaLlvelv or mav occur monLhs or even vears afLer suraerv CpLlons A C and u are
expecLed occurrences followlna masLecLomv and do noL lndlcaLe a compllcaLlon

70) 8
1he mosL common rlsk facLor assoclaLed wlLh larvnaeal cancer ls claareLLe smoklna Peavv alcohol use
and Lhe comblned use of Lobacco lncrease Lhe rlsk AnoLher rlsk facLor ls exposure Lo envlronmenLal

4 1he nurse evaluaLes LhaL zofran (ondanseLron) ls effecLlve ln a cllenL underaolna chemoLherapv lf
whlch of Lhe followlna ls observed?

a) urlne ouLpuL ls 1300 ml/dav
b) Lhe cllenL can LoleraLe mechanlcallv sofL dleL
c) Lhe cllenLs anxleLv ls relleved
d) Lhe cllenL was able Lo sleep

3 A cllenL wlLh cancer of Lhe colon who ls recelvlna chemoLherapv Lells a nurse LhaL some foods on Lhe
meLal Lrav LasLe blLLer 1he nurse would Lrv Ll llmlL whlch of Lhe followlna foods LhaL ls mosL llkelv Lo
cause Lhls LasLe for Lhe cllenL?

a) canLaloupe
b) poLaLoes
c) beef
d) cusLard

6 A cllenL suspecLed of havlna luna Lumor ls scheduled for a compuLerlzed Lomoaraphv (C1) scan wlLh
dve ln[ecLlon A nurse Lells Lhe cllenL LhaL

a) Lhe LesL mav be palnful
b) Lhe dve ln[ecLed mav cause a warm flushlna sensaLlon
c) flulds wlll be resLrlcLed followlna Lhe LesL
d) Lhe LesL Lakes approxlmaLelv 2 hours

7 Whlch of Lhe followlna ls a nurslna responslblllLv for a cllenL underaolna exLernal radlaLlon Lherapv?

a) wear aown aloves and mask
b) observe Llme dlsLance and shleldlna
c) provlde Lhe cllenL adequaLe resL and schedule acLlvlLv
d) place Lhe cllenL ln lsolaLlon for few davs

8 Who amona Lhese cllenLs ls aL hlah rlsk Lo develop LesLlcular cancer?

a) Lhe cllenL has undescended LesLes aL blrLh
b) Lhe cllenL has human papllloma vlrus
c) Lhe cllenL has recurrenL urlnarv LracL lnfecLlon
d) Lhe cllenL ls unclrcumclsed

9 A nurslna asslsLanL ls Laklna care of a paLlenL who had underaone llver blopsv When should Lhe
realsLered nurse lnLervene?

a) when Lhe nurslna asslsLanL monlLors Lhe paLlenLs vlLal slans everv 13 mlnuLes for Lhe 1sL Lwo hours
afLer Lhe procedure
b) when Lhe nurslna asslsLanL Lells Lhe paLlenL Lo remaln ln bed for several hours
c) when Lhe nurslna asslsLanL poslLlons Lhe paLlenL on Lhe lefL slde
d) when Lhe nurslna asslsLanL checks Lhe blopsv slLe for bleedlna

10 Whlch of Lhe followlna ls a rlsk facLor Lo cancer of Lhe colon?

a) dlabeLes melllLus
b) pepLlc ulcer
c) abdomlnal hernla
d) hlah faL hlah calorle dleL

1rv Lo read Lhe laLesL Lvpe of cancer lL mlahL be lncluded ln Lhe exam MesoLhelloma Cancer

nCLLx 8evlew CuesLlons on Cancer

4) 8
zofran ls anLlemeLlc 1he drua ls effecLlve lf Lhe cllenL ls no lonaer experlenclna nausea and vomlLlna
1herefore Lhe cllenL can alreadv LoleraLe food

3) C
meaL ls percelved as blLLer bv cllenLs wlLh cancer

6) 8
lodlnaLed conLrasL medlum causes warm flushlna sensaLlon as lL ls ln[ecLed

7) C
faLlaue ls a slde effecL of exLernal radlaLlon Lherapv Answers A 8 and u are pracLlced ln lnLernal
radlaLlon Lherapv

8) A
hlsLorv of undescended LesLes aL blrLh ls sLronalv llnked wlLh LesLlcular cancer

9) C
Lhe cllenL should be Lurned Lo Lhe rlahL slde afLer llver blopsv noL on Lhe lefL slde 1urnlna Lhe cllenL on
Lhe rlahL slde wlll applv pressure on Lhe slLe and wlll prevenL bleedlna

10) u
hlah faL hlah proLeln and hlah carbohvdraLe dleL lncrease Lhe rlsk of cancer ln Lhe colon

11 Whlch of Lhe followlna should Lhe nurse assess prlor Lo admlnlsLraLlon of clsplaLln?

a) hvdraLlon
b) hemoalobln
c) welahL
d) LCC

12 1he cllenL ls recelvlna lnLernal radlaLlon Lherapv WhaL ls Lhe approprlaLe nurslna acLlon Lo mlnlmlze
radlaLlon conLamlnaLlon?

a) puL Lhe solled llnens ln double baa
b) keep cllenLs Lhlnas close Lo her bedslde
c) alwavs wear aloves when enLerlna Lhe cllenLs room
d) mlnlmlze conLacL wlLh Lhe cllenL

13 A cllenL ls suspecLed of havlna pheochromocvLoma Whlch of Lhe followlna slans and svmpLoms
would help supporL Lhls dlaanosls?

a) abdomlnal paln
b) anurla
c) hvperLenslon
d) welahL aaln

14 8efore uLerlne radloacLlve lmplanL ls lnserLed whlch of Lhe followlna phvslclans orders does Lhe
nurse expecL?

a) admlnlsLer analaeslc
b) admlnlsLer sedaLlve
c) admlnlsLer enema
d) admlnlsLer anLlbloLlc

13 1he nurse ls admlLLlna a paLlenL wlLh [aundlce due Lo pancreaLlc cancer Whlch of Lhe followlna
would Lhe nurse alve hlahesL prlorlLv?

a) bodv lmaae
b) nuLrlLlon
c) skln lnLearlLv
d) anLlclpaLorv arlevlna

nCLLx 8evlew CuesLlons on Cancer

11) A
clsplaLln a neoplasLlc aaenL ls nephroLoxlc 1he cllenL should be adequaLelv hvdraLed before
admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe drua

12) u
Lach conLacL wlLh Lhe cllenL underaolna lnLernal radlaLlon Lherapv should lasL for 3 mlnuLes onlv a
LoLal of 30 mlnuLes ln an 8hour shlfL Lo mlnlmlze radlaLlon conLamlnaLlon 1he nurse should wear
doslmeLer badae Lo measure radlaLlon exposure

13) C
pheochromocvLoma ls a Lumor ln Lhe adrenal medulla LhaL sLlmulaLes lncreased secreLlon of
caLecholamlnes (eplnephrlne/noreplnephrlne) 1hls causes hvperLenslon

14) C
durlna uLerlne radloacLlve lmplanL Lhe cllenL should be on bedresL uefecaLlon should be avolded
durlna LreaLmenL Lo prevenL dlslodaemenL of Lhe lmplanL 1herefore enema ls usuallv ordered bv Lhe
phvslclan before Lhe LreaLmenL

13) C
alve prlorlLv Lo phvsloloalc before psvchosoclal needs !aundlce causes severe prurlLus 1herefore
malnLalnlna skln lnLearlLv ls a prlorlLv

16 AfLer recelvlna chemoLherapv for luna cancer a cllenLs plaLeleL counL falls Lo 98000/cumm WhaL
Lerm should Lhe nurse use Lo descrlbe Lhls low plaLeleL counL?

17 Whlch of Lhe followlna should Lhe nurse lnclude when provldlna healLh Leachlnas for paLlenLs aL rlsk
of developlna prosLaLlc cancer?

a) parLlclpaLe ln smoklna cessaLlon proaram
b) perform monLhlv selfLesLlcular examlnaLlon
c) malnLaln dallv walklna exerclse
d) underao monLhlv dlalLal recLal examlnaLlon

18 Whlch of Lhe followlna quesLlons should Lhe nurse ask ln a cllenL who ls aL rlsk for breasL cancer?

a) does vour famllv have a hlsLorv of mulLlple aesLaLlon?
b) does vour famllv have a hlsLorv of ovarlan cancer?
c) does vour famllv have a hlsLorv of earlv menopause?
d) does vour famllv have a hlsLorv of laLe menarche?

19 Whlch of Lhe followlna cllenL hlsLorv lncreases rlsk for anorecLal cancer?

a) chronlc consLlpaLlon
b) hlah flber dleL
c) alcohol abuse
d) chronlc lnflammaLorv bowel dlsease

20 A cllenL wlll be for uLerlne radlum lmplanL Whlch of Lhe followlna sLaLemenL when made bv Lhe
cllenL lndlcaLes Lhe need for furLher Leachlna?

a) mv slsLer ls comlna Lo sLav wlLh me Lodav afLer lmplanL lnserLlon
b) l wlll be ln bed for Lhe duraLlon of Lhe LreaLmenL
c) l wlll have a folev caLheLer ln place
d) l wlll have enema before Lhe procedure


16) LhrombocvLopenla
Lhe normal LhrombocvLe counL ls 130000 Lo 430000/ cumm

17) A
smoklna lncreases rlsk for prosLaLlc cancer Cholce 8 ls done Lo deLecL cancer of Lhe LesLes Cholce u
dlalLal recLal examlnaLlon ls recommended annuallv noL monLhlv

18) 8
hlsLorv of cancer of Lhe reproducLlve svsLem (cancer of Lhe uLerus cervlx and ovarles) lncrease rlsk for
breasL cancer

19) u
chronlc lnflammaLorv bowel dlsease are prlmarllv assoclaLed wlLh anorecLal cancer

20) A
Lhe cllenL on lnLernal radlaLlon Lherapv should be on lsolaLlon Lo prevenL radlaLlon conLamlnaLlon of
oLher people

21 Whlch of Lhe followlna nurslna acLlons ls mosL approprlaLe when carlna for a cllenL wlLh radlum

a) wear aloves when enLerlna Lhe cllenLs room
b) wear masks and aloves when performlna procedures Lo Lhe cllenL
c) avold sLavlna wlLh Lhe cllenL for more Lhan 30 mlnuLes ln a shlfL
d) place cllenLs solled aowns and llnens ln a plasLlc baa

22 A woman had been dlaanosed Lo have breasL cancer Whlch of Lhe followlna facLors ls mosL
slanlflcanL Lo her proanosls?

a) she had her menarche aL aae 12 vears
b) her slsLer dled of breasL cancer 3 vears aao
c) she dellvered her flrsL born aL aae 23 vears
d) she had her menopause aL aae 30 vears

23 Whlch of Lhe followlna are characLerlsLlcs of a cllenL mosL suscepLlble Lo develop mallananL

a) dark skln black halr
b) coarse skln black halr
c) falr skln blond halr
d) ollv skln brown halr

24 Whlch of Lhe followlna sLaLemenLs when made bv Lhe cllenL wlLh lmplanL radlaLlon Lherapv needs
lnLervenLlon bv Lhe nurse?

a) l wlll have Lo ao Lo Lhe LolleL Lo vold
b) mv vlslLors are allowed Lo vlslL me for 30 mlnuLes onlv ln a dav
c) Lhe nurse needs Lo wear a badae when carlna for me
d) l need Lo remaln ln bed durlna Lhe enLlre duraLlon of Lhe LreaLmenL

23 Whlch of Lhe followlna sLaLemenLs when made bv Lhe cllenL wlLh leukemla lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe cllenL
undersLands Lhe healLh Leachlnas alven bv Lhe nurse? SelecL all LhaL applv

a) l am allowed Lo eaL raw foods
b) l have Lo avold raw frulLs and veaeLables
c) fresh flowers should noL be allowed ln mv room
d) lf l developed [olnL palns l should applv cold compress Lo Lhe area
e) lf l developed hlah fever l should Lake asplrln
f) l am allowed Lo waLch baseball aames
a) l should use sofLbrlsLled LooLhbrush

nCLLx 8evlew CuesLlons on Cancer

21) C
Lhe nurse musL llmlL her exposure Lo Lhe cllenL havlna lnLernal radlaLlon Lherapv Lo prevenL
conLamlnaLlon 1he nurse musL observe u1S (dlsLance Llme and shleldlna) 1lme 3 mlnuLes/exposure
maxlmum of 30 mlnuLes ln an 8hour shlfL

22) 8
poslLlve famllv hlsLorv plavs vlLal role ln Lhe predlsposlLlon Lo cancer

23) C
cllenLs wlLh falr skln blond halr are prone Lo skln cancer 1hls ls because Lhev have lesser melanln ln
Lhelr skln whlch serves as proLecLlon of Lhe skln

24) A
Lhe cllenL recelvlna lnLernal radlaLlon Lherapv should be on compleLe bed resL Lo prevenL dlslodaemenL
of Lhe lmplanL 1he cllenL has 2wav folev caLheLer durlna Lhe LreaLmenL
Cholces 8 C and u lndlcaLe correcL undersLandlna of Lhe paLlenL on lnLernal radlaLlon Lherapv and do
noL need lnLervenLlon bv Lhe nurse

23) 8 C u C
lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe cllenL wlLh leukemla undersLands healLh Leachlnas A cllenL wlLh leukemla has low
reslsLance Lo lnfecLlon and bleedlna Lendencles

26 A 40vear old woman ls admlLLed Lo Lhe hosplLal for a radlaLlon lmplanL Lherapv Lo LreaL recenLlv
dlaanosed cervlcal cancer 1he mosL lmporLanL conslderaLlon when plannlna care ls her

a) level of anxleLv
b) loss of lncome due Lo lnablllLv Lo work
c) supporL svsLem
d) enerav level Lo perform AuLs

27 When Lhe nurse ls dlscusslna rlsk facLors for cervlcal cancer whlch of Lhese women would be aL
areaLesL rlsk?

a) a 23vear old woman wlLh famllv hlsLorv of cancer and uslna blrLh conLrol pllls
b) a 30vear old woman who has several exposures Lo radlaLlon and has chronlc anemla
c) a 19vear old woman who lnlLlaLed sexual lnLercourse earlv wlLh mulLlple parLners
d) a 60vear old woman who had smoked claareLLes for 3 vears and used dlaphraam for blrLh conLrol

28 Whlch of Lhe followlna nurslna dlaanoses would rank as Lhe mosL lmporLanL ln Lhe plannlna of care
for a cllenL ln Lwo weeks afLer Lhe chemoLherapv has beaun?

a) poLenLlal for lnfecLlon
b) acLlvlLv lnLolerance
c) lmpalred skln lnLearlLv
d) selfesLeem dlsLurbance

29 uurlna Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of a chemoLherapeuLlc drua Lhe nurse observes LhaL Lhere ls a lack of
blood reLurn from Lhe lnLravenous caLheLer 1he prlorlLv acLlon bv Lhe nurse would be Lo

a) sLop Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe drua lmmedlaLelv
b) reposlLlon Lhe cllenLs arm and conLlnue wlLh Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe drua
c) applv a LournlqueL Lo Lhe paLlenLs affecLed arm and noLlfv Lhe docLor
d) conLlnue Lo admlnlsLer Lhe drua and assess for edema aL Lhe lv slLe

30 A paLlenL who ls recelvlna chemoLherapv develops sLomaLlLls Whlch of Lhe followlna acLlons would
be prlorlLv for Lhe nurse Lo lncorporaLe lnLo Lhe plan of care?

a) rlnse Lhe paLlenLs mouLh wlLh full sLrenaLh hvdroaen peroxlde everv 4 hours
b) use a sofL LooLhbrush afLer each meal
c) provlde hoL Lea wlLh honev Lo sooLhe Lhe paLlenLs palnful oral mucosa
d) use denLal floss onlv

nCLLx 8evlew CuesLlons on Cancer

26) A
anxleLv ls Lhe usual response Lo a chanae ln llfe slLuaLlon llke underaolna LreaLmenL for cancer

27) C
earlv sexual lnLercourse and havlna mulLlple sexual parLners pose hlahesL rlsk Lo cervlcal cancer

28) A
chemoLherapv causes lmmunosuppresslon 1herefore Lhe paLlenL ls aL rlsk Lo develop lnfecLlon

29) A
chemoLherapeuLlc aaenLs are lrrlLaLlna Lo Llssues Lack of blood reLurn from Lhe lv caLheLer lndlcaLes
LhaL lL ls ouL of veln 1herefore admlnlsLraLlon of Lhe drua should be sLopped lmmedlaLelv

30) 8
use sofL LooLhbrush ln a cllenL wlLh sLomaLlLls Lo prevenL furLher Lrauma and paln Lo Lhe oral mucosa
PalfsLrenaLh hvdroaen peroxlde ls recommended Lo relleve sLomaLlLls noL full sLrenaLh PoL beveraaes
wlll furLher cause lrrlLaLlon Ponev mav supporL prollferaLlon of mlcrooraanlsms ln Lhe oral mucosa
llosslna mav also cause Lrauma Lo Lhe mouLh and aums of Lhe paLlenL wlLh sLomaLlLls

31 Whlch of Lhese flndlnas ln Lhe breasL of a paLlenL who ls suspecLed of havlna breasL cancer would
supporL Lhe dlaanosls?

a) complalnLs of dull achv paln
b) palpaLlon of a moblle mass
c) presence of an lnverLed nlpple
d) area of dlscoloraLlon skln

32 A nurse ls carlna for a cllenL wlLh an lnLernal radlaLlon lmplanL Whlch of Lhe followlna lnsLrucLlons ls

a) allow Lhe cllenL Lo ao Lo Lhe baLhroom
b) avold creams and loLlons
c) vlslLors are allowed Lo sLav ln Lhe room
d) Lhe cllenL should remaln ln bed durlna Lhe enLlre duraLlon of LreaLmenL

33 Pow ofLen should a female who ls above 40 vears old ao for cancer deLecLlon examlnaLlon?

a) dallv
b) weeklv
c) monLhlv
d) vearlv

34 1he cllenL ls recelvlna lnLernal radlaLlon Lherapv 1he nurse should

a) remember Lo alve Lhe badae Lo Lhe nexLshlfL nurse
b) malnLaln a 30mlnuLe close conLacL wlLh Lhe paLlenL ln a shlfL
c) wear aloves mask and aown when enLerlna Lhe cllenLs room
d) lnsLrucL relaLlves no Lo vlslL Lhe cllenL durlna Lhe enLlre duraLlon of Lhe LreaLmenL

33 A nurse ls assesslna a cllenL wlLh meLasLaLlc breasL cancer who reporLs nocLurla weakness nausea
and vomlLlna 1he cllenLs serum elecLrolvLes lnclude poLasslum 42 mLq/L sodlum 133 mLq/L calclum
70 mLq/L and maaneslum 20 mLq/L 8ased on Lhe assessmenL flndlnas Lhe prlorlLv acLlon for Lhe
nurse ls Lo

a) sLarL cllenL on fluld resLrlcLlon
b) admlnlsLer calclum aluconaLe
c) lncrease Lhe cllenLs lv flulds
d) admlnlsLer Allopurlnol

nCLLx 8evlew CuesLlons on Cancer

31) C
lnverslon of nlpple ls one of Lhe manlfesLaLlons of breasL cancer A cancerous leslon ls nonmoblle

32) u
Lhe cllenL wlLh lnLernal radlaLlon lmplanL should be on bed resL 1hls ls Lo prevenL dlslodamenL of Lhe

33) u
cancer screenlna for females who are above 40 vears of aae should be vearlv

34) A
doslmeLer badae ls used Lo measure amounL of exposure Lo radlaLlon lL should be endorsed Lo Lhe
nexL shlfL

33) C
nocLurla nausea and vomlLlna cause dehvdraLlon 1herefore Lhe correcL nurslna acLlon ls Lo lncrease
Lhe cllenLs lv flulds

36 1he nurse on Lhe oncoloav unlL enLers Lhe room of Lhe cllenL wlLh luna cancer Whlch acLlon ls mosL
approprlaLe for Lhe nurse Lo do flrsL?

a) check Lhe cllenLs lv lnfuslon pump and lv fluld raLe
b) Lake Lhe cllenLs blood pressure and pulse
c) assess Lhe cllenLs menLal sLaLus
d) elevaLe Lhe cllenLs head of Lhe bed

37 1he nurse on Lhe oncoloav unlL ls plannlna care for Lhe cllenL wlLh colon cancer who ls refuslna a
dlaanosLlc LesL Whlch acLlon ls mosL approprlaLe for Lhe nurse Lo Lake flrsL?

a) call Lhe radloloav deparLmenL Lo leL Lhem know Lhe cllenL wlll noL be aolna Lo Lake Lhe LesL
b) speak wlLh Lhe cllenL Lo deLermlne Lhe reason for refuslna Lhe LesL
c) lnform Lhe healLh care provlder LhaL Lhe cllenL ls refuslna Lhe LesL
d) ask Lhe cllenLs spouse whv Lhe cllenL ls refuslna Lhe LesL

38 A nurse ls admlLLlna a 63vear old male reporLlna hemopLvsls and welahL loss 1he nurse ldenLlfles
LhaL Lhe hlahesL prlorlLv rlsk facLor for luna cancer for Lhls cllenL ls

a) famllv hlsLorv of luna cancer
b) Lhe cllenL works ln a chemlcal facLorv
c) Lhe cllenL llves ln a coal mlnlna area
d) Lhe cllenL uses chewlna Lobacco

39 1he nurse ls carlna for a cllenL wlLh a dlaanosls of cancer who ls lmmunosuppressed 1he nurse
would conslder lmplemenLlna neuLropenlc precauLlons lf Lhe cllenLs whlLe blood cell counL was whlch of
Lhe followlna?

a) 2000 cells/mm3
b) 3800 cells/mm3
c) 8400 cells/mm3
d) 11300 cells/mm3

40 A nurse ls carlna for a chlld afLer removal of a braln Lumor 1he nurse assesses Lhe chlld for whlch of
Lhe followlna slans LhaL would lndlcaLe LhaL bralnsLem lnvolvemenL occurred durlna Lhe suralcal

a) lnablllLv Lo swallow
b) elevaLed LemperaLure
c) alLered hearlna ablllLv
d) orLhosLaLlc hvpoLenslon


36) u
Lhe cllenL wlLh luna cancer experlences dlfflculLv of breaLhlna 1herefore Lhe flrsL acLlon bv Lhe nurse ls
Lo faclllLaLe Lhe cllenLs breaLhlna bv elevaLlna Lhe head of Lhe bed

37) 8
Lhe flrsL nurslna acLlon when a cllenL refuses a LesL or LreaLmenL ls Lo assess Lhe reason for refusal
AssessmenL ls Lhe flrsL phase of Lhe nurslna process

38) 8
Lhe cllenL who ls exposed Lo chemlcals for a lona perlod of Llme ls aL hlahesL rlsk Lo develop luna

39) A
Lhe normal whlLe blood cell counL ranaes from 4300 Lo 11000/mm3 1he cllenL who ls
lmmunosuppressed has a decrease ln Lhe number of clrculaLlna whlLe blood cells 1he nurse lmplemenLs
neuLropenlc precauLlons when Lhe cllenLs values fall sufflclencv below Lhe normal level 1he speclflc
value for lmplemenLlna neuLropenlc precauLlons usuallv ls deLermlned bv aaencv pollcv CpLlons 8 C
and u are normal values

40) 8
vlLal slans and neuroloalcal sLaLus are assessed frequenLlv Speclal aLLenLlon ls alven Lo Lhe chlld's
LemperaLure whlch mav be elevaLed because of hvpoLhalamlc or bralnsLem lnvolvemenL durlna suraerv
A coollna blankeL should be ln place on Lhe bed or readllv avallable lf Lhe chlld becomes hvperLhermlc
CpLlons A and C are relaLed Lo funcLlonal deflclLs followlna suraerv CrLhosLaLlc hvpoLenslon ls noL a
common cllnlcal manlfesLaLlon followlna braln suraerv An elevaLed blood pressure and wldened pulse
pressure mav be assoclaLed wlLh lncreased lnLracranlal pressure whlch ls a compllcaLlon followlna braln

41 1he healLh educaLlon nurse provldes lnsLrucLlons Lo a aroup of cllenLs reaardlna measures LhaL wlll
asslsL ln prevenLlna skln cancer Whlch sLaLemenL bv a cllenL lndlcaLes a need for furLher lnsLrucLlons?

a) l wlll avold sun exposure afLer 3 pm
b) l wlll use sunscreen when parLlclpaLlna ln ouLdoor acLlvlLles
c) l wlll wear a haL opaque cloLhlna and sunalasses when ln Lhe sun
d) l wlll examlne mv bodv monLhlv for anv leslons LhaL mav be susplclous

42 1he cllenL ls underaolna radlaLlon Lherapv Lo LreaL luna cancer lollowlna LreaLmenL Lhe nurse noLes
ervLhema on Lhe cllenLs chesL and neck and Lhe cllenL ls complalnlna of paln aL Lhe radlaLlon slLe 1he
nurse lnLerpreLs Lhls assessmenL daLa a(n)

a) alleralc reacLlon Lo Lhe radlaLlon
b) superflclal ln[urv Lo Llssue from Lhe radlaLlon
c) cuLaneous reacLlon Lo producLs formed bv Lhe lvsls of Lhe neoplasLlc cells
d) lschemlc ln[urv much llke pressure ulcer formaLlon caused bv pressure from Lhe llnear acceleraLor

43 1he communlLv nurse ls conducLlna a healLh promoLlon proaram aL a local school and ls dlscusslna
Lhe rlsk facLors assoclaLed wlLh cervlcal cancer Whlch of Lhe followlna lf ldenLlfled bv Lhe cllenL as a rlsk
facLor Lo cervlcal cancer lndlcaLes a need for furLher Leachlna?

a) smoklna
b) mulLlple sex parLners
c) flrsL lnLercourse afLer aae 20
d) annual avnecoloalcal examlnaLlons

44 1he cllenL ls dlaanosed as havlna a bowel Lumor and several dlaanosLlc LesLs are prescrlbed 1he
nurse undersLands LhaL whlch LesL wlll conflrm Lhe dlaanosls of mallanancv?

a) blopsv of Lumor
b) abdomlnal ulLrasound
c) maaneLlc resonance lmaalna
d) compuLed Lomoaraphv scan

43 1he nurse ls revlewlna Lhe laboraLorv resulLs of a cllenL dlaanosed wlLh mulLlple mveloma Whlch of
Lhe followlna would Lhe nurse expecL Lo noLe speclflcallv ln Lhls dlsorder?

a) lncreased calclum level
b) lncreased whlLe blood cells
c) decreased blood urea nlLroaen level
d) decreased number of plasma cells ln Lhe bone marrow

nCLLx 8evlew CuesLlons on Cancer

41) A
1he cllenL should be lnsLrucLed Lo avold sun exposure beLween Lhe hours of 11 AM and 3 M
Sunscreen a haL opaque cloLhlna and sunalasses should be worn for ouLdoor acLlvlLles 1he cllenL
should be lnsLrucLed Lo examlne Lhe bodv monLhlv for Lhe appearance of anv posslble cancerous or anv
precancerous leslons

42) 8
Superflclal ln[urv from radlaLlon can manlfesL wlLh ervLhema (probablv caused bv caplllarv damaae)
hvperplamenLaLlon (from sLlmulaLlon of melanocvLes) drv desquamaLlon (caused bv basal cell
desLrucLlon) or molsL desquamaLlon (also caused bv basal cell desLrucLlon) MolsL desquamaLlon ls
comparable Lo a seconddearee burn ln hlsLoloav appearance and sensaLlon

43) C
8lsk facLors for cervlcal cancer lnclude human paplllomavlrus (Pv) lnfecLlon acLlve and passlve
claareLLe smoklna cerLaln hlahrlsk sexual acLlvlLles (flrsL lnLercourse before 17 vears of aae mulLlple
sex parLners or male parLners wlLh mulLlple sex parLners) Screenlna vla reaular avnecoloalcal exams
and apanlcolaou smear (ap LesL) wlLh LreaLmenL of precancerous abnormallLles decrease Lhe
lncldence and morLallLv of cervlcal cancer

44) A
A blopsv ls done Lo deLermlne wheLher a Lumor ls mallananL or benlan MaaneLlc resonance lmaalna
compuLed Lomoaraphv scan and ulLrasound wlll vlsuallze Lhe presence of a mass buL wlll noL conflrm a
dlaanosls of mallanancv

43) A
llndlnas lndlcaLlve of mulLlple mveloma are an lncreased number of plasma cells ln Lhe bone marrow
anemla hvpercalcemla caused bv Lhe release of calclum from Lhe deLerloraLlna bone Llssue and an
elevaLed blood urea nlLroaen level An lncreased whlLe blood cell counL mav or mav noL be presenL and
ls noL relaLed speclflcallv Lo mulLlple mveloma

46 1he nurse ls lnsLrucLlna Lhe cllenL Lo perform a LesLlcular selfexamlnaLlon 1he nurse Lells Lhe cllenL

a) Lo examlne Lhe LesLlcles whlle lvlna down
LhaL Lhe besL Llme for Lhe examlnaLlon ls afLer a shower
c) Lo aenLlv feel Lhe LesLlcles wlLh one flnaer Lo feel for a arowLh
d) LhaL LesLlcular selfexamlnaLlons should be done aL leasL everv 6 monLhs

47 1he cllenL wlLh cancer ls recelvlna chemoLherapv and develops LhrombocvLopenla 1he nurse
ldenLlfles whlch lnLervenLlon as Lhe hlahesL prlorlLv ln Lhe nurslna plan of care?

a) monlLorlna LemperaLure
b) ambulaLlon Lhree Llmes dallv
c) monlLorlna Lhe plaLeleL counL
d) monlLorlna for paLholoalcal fracLures

48 1he nurse ls monlLorlna Lhe laboraLorv resulLs of a cllenL preparlna Lo recelve chemoLherapv 1he
nurse deLermlnes LhaL Lhe whlLe blood cell counL ls normal lf whlch of Lhe followlna resulLs were

a) 2000 Lo 3000 cells/mm3
b) 3000 Lo 8000 cells/mm3
c) 3000 Lo 10000 cells/mm3
d) 7000 Lo 13000 cells/mm3

49 1he communlLv healLh nurse ls lnsLrucLlna a aroup of female cllenLs abouL breasL selfexamlnaLlon
1he nurse lnsLrucLs Lhe cllenLs Lo perform Lhe examlnaLlon

a) aL Lhe onseL of mensLruaLlon
b) everv monLh durlna ovulaLlon
c) weeklv aL Lhe same Llme of dav
d) 1 week afLer mensLruaLlon bealns

30 1he nurse ls carlna for a cllenL who has underaone vaalnal hvsLerecLomv 1he nurse avolds whlch of
Lhe followlna ln Lhe care of Lhls cllenL?

a) elevaLlna Lhe knee on Lhe bed
b) asslsLlna wlLh ranaeofmoLlon lea exerclses
c) removal of anLlembollsm sLocklnas Lwlce a dav
d) checklna placemenL of pneumaLlc compresslon booLs

nCLLx 8evlew CuesLlons on Cancer

46) 8
1he LesLlcularself examlnaLlon ls recommended monLhlv afLer a warm baLh or shower when Lhe
scroLal skln ls relaxed 1he cllenL should sLand Lo examlne Lhe LesLlcles uslna boLh hands wlLh flnaers
under Lhe scroLum and Lhumbs on Lop Lhe cllenL should aenLlv roll Lhe LesLlcles feellna for anv lumps

47) C
1hrombocvLopenla lndlcaLes a decrease ln Lhe number of plaLeleLs ln Lhe clrculaLlna blood A ma[or
concern ls monlLorlna for and prevenLlna bleedlna CpLlon A relaLes Lo monlLorlna for lnfecLlon
parLlcularlv lf leukopenla ls presenL CpLlons 8 and u alLhouah lmporLanL ln Lhe plan of care are noL
relaLed dlrecLlv Lo LhrombocvLopenla

48) C
1he normal whlLe blood cell counL ranaes from 3000 Lo 10000 cells/mm3 CpLlons A and 8 lndlcaLe
low values CpLlon u lndlcaLes an elevaLed value

49) u
1he breasL selfexamlnaLlon should be performed monLhlv 7 davs afLer Lhe onseL of Lhe mensLrual
perlod erformlna Lhe examlnaLlon weeklv ls noL recommended AL Lhe onseL of mensLruaLlon and
durlna ovulaLlon hormonal chanaes occur LhaL mav alLer breasL Llssue

30) A
1he cllenL ls aL rlsk of deep veln Lhrombosls or LhrombophleblLls afLer Lhls suraerv as for anv oLher
ma[or suraerv lor Lhls reason Lhe nurse lmplemenLs measures LhaL wlll prevenL Lhls compllcaLlon
8anaeofmoLlon exerclses anLlembollsm sLocklnas and pneumaLlc compresslon booLs are helpful 1he
nurse should avold uslna Lhe knee aaLch ln Lhe bed whlch lnhlblLs venous reLurn Lhus placlna Lhe cllenL
more aL rlsk for deep veln Lhrombosls or LhrombophleblLls

31 1he cllenL suspecLed of an ovarlan Lumor ls scheduled for a pelvlc ulLrasound 1he nurse provldes
whlch preprocedure lnsLrucLlon Lo Lhe cllenL?

a) eaL a llahL breakfasL onlv
b) malnLaln an nC before Lhe procedure
c) wear comforLable cloLhlna and shoes for Lhe procedure
d) drlnk slx Lo elahL alasses of waLer wlLhouL voldlna before Lhe LesL

32 A cllenL ls dlaanosed wlLh mulLlple mveloma and Lhe cllenL asks Lhe nurse abouL Lhe dlaanosls 1he
nurse bases Lhe response on whlch descrlpLlon of Lhls dlsorder?

a) alLered red blood cell producLlon
b) alLered producLlon of lvmph nodes
c) mallananL exacerbaLlon ln Lhe number of leukocvLes
d) mallananL prollferaLlon of plasma cells wlLhln Lhe bone

33 1he oncoloav nurse speclallsL provldes an educaLlonal sesslon Lo nurslna sLaff reaardlna Lhe
characLerlsLlcs of Podaklns dlsease 1he nurse deLermlnes LhaL furLher Leachlna ls needed lf a nurslna
sLaff member sLaLes LhaL whlch of Lhe followlna ls a characLerlsLlc of Lhe dlsease?

a) presence of 8eedSLernbera cells
b) occurs mosL ofLen ln Lhe older cllenL
c) proanosls dependlna on Lhe sLaae of Lhe dlsease
d) lnvolvemenL of lvmph nodes spleen and llver

34 1he communlLv healLh nurse conducLs a healLh promoLlon proaram reaardlna LesLlcular cancer Lo
communlLv members 1he nurse deLermlnes LhaL furLher lnformaLlon needs Lo be provlded lf a
communlLv member sLaLes LhaL whlch of Lhe followlna ls a slan of LesLlcular cancer?

a) alopecla
b) back paln
c) palnless LesLlcular swelllna
d) heavv sensaLlon ln Lhe scroLum

33 1he cllenL ls recelvlna exLernal radlaLlon Lo Lhe neck for cancer of Lhe larvnx 1he mosL llkelv slde
effecL Lo be expecLed ls

a) dvspnea
b) dlarrhea
c) sore LhroaL
d) consLlpaLlon

nCLLx 8evlew CuesLlons on Cancer

31) u
A pelvlc ulLrasound requlres Lhe lnaesLlon of larae volumes of waLer [usL before Lhe procedure A full
bladder ls necessarv so LhaL lL wlll be vlsuallzed as such and noL mlsLaken for a posslble pelvlc arowLh
An abdomlnal ulLrasound mav requlre LhaL Lhe cllenL absLaln from food or fluld for several hours before
Lhe procedure CpLlon 3 ls unrelaLed Lo Lhls speclflc procedure

32) u
MulLlple mveloma ls a 8cell neoplasLlc condlLlon characLerlzed bv abnormal mallananL prollferaLlon of
plasma cells and Lhe accumulaLlon of maLure plasma cells ln Lhe bone marrow CpLlons A and 8 are noL
characLerlsLlcs of mulLlple mveloma CpLlon C descrlbes Lhe leukemlc process

33) 8
Podakln's dlsease ls a dlsorder of vouna adulLs CpLlons A C and u are characLerlsLlcs of Lhls dlsease

34) A
Alopecla ls noL an assessmenL flndlna ln LesLlcular cancer Alopecla mav occur however as a resulL of
radlaLlon or chemoLherapv CpLlons 8 C and u are assessmenL flndlnas ln LesLlcular cancer 8ack paln
mav lndlcaLe meLasLasls Lo Lhe reLroperlLoneal lvmph nodes

33) C
ln aeneral onlv Lhe area ln Lhe LreaLmenL fleld ls affecLed bv Lhe radlaLlon Skln reacLlons faLlaue
nausea and anorexla mav occur wlLh radlaLlon Lo anv slLe whereas oLher slde effecLs occur onlv when
speclflc areas are lnvolved ln LreaLmenL A cllenL recelvlna radlaLlon Lo Lhe larvnx ls mosL llkelv Lo
experlence a sore LhroaL CpLlons 8 and u mav occur wlLh radlaLlon Lo Lhe aasLrolnLesLlnal LracL
uvspnea mav occur wlLh luna lnvolvemenL

36 1he nurse ls carlna for a cllenL wlLh an lnLernal radlaLlon lmplanL When carlna for Lhe cllenL Lhe
nurse should observe whlch of Lhe followlna prlnclples?

a) llmlL Lhe Llme wlLh Lhe cllenL Lo 1 hour per shlfL
b) do noL allow preananL women lnLo Lhe cllenLs room
c) remove Lhe doslmeLer badae when enLerlna Lhe cllenLs room
d) lndlvlduals vounaer Lhan 16 vears old mav be allowed Lo ao ln Lhe room as lona as Lhev are 6 feeL
awav from Lhe cllenL

37 A cervlcal radlaLlon lmplanL ls placed ln Lhe cllenL for Lhe LreaLmenL of cervlcal cancer 1he nurse
lnlLlaLes whaL mosL approprlaLe acLlvlLv order for Lhls cllenL?

a) bed resL
b) ouL of bed ad llb
c) ouL of bed ln a chalr onlv
d) ambulaLlon Lo Lhe baLhroom onlv

38 1he cllenL ls hosplLallzed for lnserLlon of an lnLernal cervlcal radlaLlon lmplanL Whlle alvlna care Lhe
nurse flnds Lhe radlaLlon lmplanL ln Lhe bed 1he lnlLlal acLlon bv Lhe nurse ls Lo

a) call Lhe phvslclan
b) relnserL Lhe lmplanL lnLo Lhe vaalna lmmedlaLelv
c) plck up Lhe lmplanL wlLh aloved hands and flush lL down Lhe LolleL
d) plck up Lhe lmplanL wlLh lonahandled forceps and place lL ln a lead conLalner

39 1he nurse ls carlna for a cllenL experlenclna neuLropenla as a resulL of chemoLherapv and develops a
plan of care for Lhe cllenL 1he nurse planLs Lo

a) resLrlcL all vlslLors
b) resLrlcL fluld lnLake
c) Leach Lhe cllenL and famllv abouL Lhe need for hand hvalene
d) lnserL an lndwelllna urlnarv caLheLer Lo prevenL skln breakdown

60 1he nurse ls revlewlna Lhe laboraLorv resulLs of a cllenL recelvlna chemoLherapv whose plaLeleL
counL ls 10000 cells/mm3 based on Lhls laboraLorv value Lhe prlorlLv nurslna assessmenL ls whlch of
Lhe followlna?

a) assess skln Luraor
b) assess LemperaLure
c) assess bowel sounds
d) assess level of consclousness

nCLLx 8evlew CuesLlons on Cancer

36) 8
1he Llme LhaL Lhe nurse spends ln a room of a cllenL wlLh an lnLernal radlaLlon lmplanL ls 30 mlnuLes
per 8hour shlfL 1he doslmeLer badae musL be worn when ln Lhe cllenL's room Chlldren vounaer Lhan
16 vears of aae and preananL women are noL allowed ln Lhe cllenL's room

37) A
1he cllenL wlLh a cervlcal radlaLlon lmplanL should be malnLalned on bed resL ln Lhe dorsal poslLlon Lo
prevenL movemenL of Lhe radlaLlon source 1he head of Lhe bed ls elevaLed Lo a maxlmum of 10 Lo 13
dearees for comforL 1he nurse avolds Lurnlna Lhe cllenL on Lhe slde lf Lurnlna ls absoluLelv necessarv a
plllow ls placed beLween Lhe knees and wlLh Lhe bodv ln sLralahL allanmenL Lhe cllenL ls loarolled

38) u
A lead conLalner and lonahandled forceps should be kepL ln Lhe cllenL's room aL all Llmes durlna
lnLernal radlaLlon Lherapv lf Lhe lmplanL becomes dlslodaed Lhe nurse should plck up Lhe lmplanL wlLh
lonahandled forceps and place lL ln Lhe lead conLalner CpLlons A 8 and C are lnaccuraLe lnLervenLlons

39) C
ln Lhe neuLropenlc cllenL meLlculous hand hvalene educaLlon ls lmplemenLed for Lhe cllenL famllv
vlslLors and sLaff noL all vlslLors are resLrlcLed buL Lhe cllenL ls proLecLed from persons wlLh known
lnfecLlons llulds should be encouraaed lnvaslve measures such as an lndwelllna urlnarv caLheLer
should be avolded Lo prevenL lnfecLlons

60) u
A hlah rlsk of hemorrhaae exlsLs when Lhe plaLeleL counL ls less Lhan 20000 cells/mm3 laLal cenLral
nervous svsLem hemorrhaae or masslve aasLrolnLesLlnal hemorrhaae can occur when Lhe plaLeleL counL
ls less Lhan 10000 cells/mm3 1he cllenL should be assessed for chanaes ln level of consclousness whlch
mav be an earlv lndlcaLlon of an lnLracranlal hemorrhaae CpLlon 8 ls a prlorlLv nurslna assessmenL
when Lhe whlLe blood cell counL ls low and Lhe cllenL ls aL rlsk for an lnfecLlon AlLhouah opLlons A and C
are lmporLanL Lo assess Lhev are noL Lhe prlorlLv ln Lhls slLuaLlon

1he home healLh care nurse ls carlna for a cllenL wlLh cancer and Lhe cllenL ls complalnlna of acuLe paln
1he approprlaLe nurslna assessmenL of Lhe cllenLs paln would lnclude whlch of Lhe followlna?

a) Lhe cllenLs paln raLlna
b) nonverbal cues from Lhe cllenL
c) Lhe nurses lmpresslon of Lhe cllenLs paln
d) paln rellef afLer approprlaLe nurslna lnLervenLlon

62 1he nurse ls carlna for a cllenL who ls a pelvlc exenLeraLlon and Lhe phvslclan chanaes Lhe cllenLs
dleL from nC sLaLus Lo clear llqulds 1he nurse makes whlch prlorlLv assessmenL before admlnlsLerlna
Lhe dleL?

a) bowel sounds
b) ablllLv Lo ambulaLe
c) lnclslon appearance
d) urlne speclflc aravlLv

63 1he cllenL ls admlLLed Lo Lhe hosplLal wlLh a suspecLed dlaanosls of Podaklns dlsease Whlch
assessmenL flndlna would Lhe nurse expecL Lo noLe speclflcallv ln Lhe cllenL?

a) faLlaue
b) weakness
c) welahL aaln
d) enlaraed lvmph nodes

64 uurlna Lhe admlsslon assessmenL of a cllenL wlLh advanced ovarlan cancer Lhe nurse recoanlzes
whlch svmpLom as Lvplcal of Lhe dlsease?

a) dlarrhea
b) hvpermenorrhea
c) abnormal bleedlna
d) abdomlnal dlsLenLlon

63 1he nurse ls revlewlna Lhe compllcaLlons of conlzaLlon wlLh a cllenL who has mlcrolnvaslve cervlcal
cancer Whlch compllcaLlon lf ldenLlfled bv Lhe cllenL lndlcaLes a need for furLher Leachlna?

a) lnfecLlon
b) hemorrhaae
c) cervlcal sLenosls
d) ovarlan perforaLlon

nCLLx 8evlew CuesLlons on Cancer

61) A
1he cllenL's selfreporL ls a crlLlcal componenL of paln assessmenL 1he nurse should ask Lhe cllenL
abouL Lhe descrlpLlon of Lhe paln and llsLen carefullv Lo Lhe cllenL's words used Lo descrlbe Lhe paln 1he
nurse's lmpresslon of Lhe cllenL's paln ls noL approprlaLe ln deLermlnlna Lhe cllenL's level of paln
nonverbal cues from Lhe cllenL are lmporLanL buL are noL Lhe mosL approprlaLe paln assessmenL
measure Assesslna paln rellef ls an lmporLanL measure buL Lhls opLlon ls noL relaLed Lo Lhe sub[ecL of
Lhe quesLlon

62) A
1he cllenL ls kepL nC unLll perlsLalsls reLurns usuallv ln 4 Lo 6 davs When slans of bowel funcLlon
reLurn clear flulds are alven Lo Lhe cllenL lf no dlsLenLlon occurs Lhe dleL ls advanced as LoleraLed 1he
mosL lmporLanL assessmenL ls Lo assess bowel sounds before feedlna Lhe cllenL CpLlons 8 C and u are
unrelaLed Lo Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe quesLlon

63) u
Podakln's dlsease ls a chronlc proaresslve neoplasLlc dlsorder of lvmphold Llssue characLerlzed bv Lhe
palnless enlaraemenL of lvmph nodes wlLh proaresslon Lo exLralvmphaLlc slLes such as Lhe spleen and
llver WelahL loss ls mosL llkelv Lo be noLed laLlaue and weakness mav occur buL are noL relaLed
slanlflcanLlv Lo Lhe dlsease

64) u
Cllnlcal manlfesLaLlons of ovarlan cancer lnclude abdomlnal dlsLenLlon urlnarv frequencv and uraencv
pleural effuslon malnuLrlLlon paln from pressure caused bv Lhe arowlna Lumor and Lhe effecLs of
urlnarv or bowel obsLrucLlon consLlpaLlon asclLes wlLh dvspnea and ulLlmaLelv aeneral severe paln
Abnormal bleedlna ofLen resulLlna ln hvpermenorrhea ls assoclaLed wlLh uLerlne cancer

63) u
ConlzaLlon procedure lnvolves removal of a coneshaped area of Lhe cervlx CompllcaLlons of Lhe
procedure lnclude hemorrhaae lnfecLlon and cervlcal sLenosls Cvarlan perforaLlon ls noL a

66When assesslna Lhe laboraLorv resulLs of Lhe cllenL wlLh bladder cancer and bone meLasLasls Lhe
nurse noLes a calclum level of 12 ma/dl 1he nurse recoanlzes LhaL Lhls ls conslsLenL wlLh whlch
oncoloalcal emeraencv?

a) hvperkalemla
b) hvpercalemla
c) splnal cord compresslon
d) superlor vena cava svndrome

67 1he cllenL reporLs Lo Lhe nurse LhaL when performlna LesLlcular selfexamlnaLlon he found a lump
Lhe slze and shape of a pea 1he approprlaLe response Lo Lhe cllenL ls whlch of Lhe followlna?

a) lumps llke LhaL are normal donL worrv
b) leL me know lf lL aeLs blaaer nexL monLh
c) LhaL could be cancer lll ask Lhe docLor Lo examlne vou
d) LhaLs lmporLanL Lo reporL even Lhouah lL mlahL noL be serlous

68 1he hosplce nurse vlslLs a cllenL dvlna of ovarlan cancer uurlna Lhe vlslL Lhe cllenL expresses LhaL lf
l can [usL llve lona enouah Lo aLLend mv dauahLers araduaLlon lll be readv Lo dle Whlch phase of
coplna ls Lhls cllenL experlenclna?

a) anaer
b) denlal
c) baraalnlna
d) depresslon

69 1he nurse ls carlna for a cllenL followlna masLecLomv Whlch assessmenL flndlna lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe
cllenL ls experlenclna a compllcaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe suraerv?

a) paln aL Lhe lnclslonal slLe
b) arm edema on Lhe operaLlve slde
c) sanaulneous dralnaae ln Lhe !acksonraLL draln
d) complalnLs of decreased sensaLlon near Lhe operaLlve slde

70 1he nurse ls admlLLlna a cllenL wlLh larvnaeal cancer Lo Lhe nurslna unlL 1he nurse assesses for whlch
mosL common rlsk facLor for Lhls Lvpe of cancer?

a) alcohol abuse
b) claareLLe smoklna
c) use of chewlna Lobacco
d) exposure Lo alr polluLanLs

nCLLx 8evlew CuesLlons on Cancer

66) 8
Pvpercalcemla ls a serum calclum level hlaher Lhan 10 ma/dL mosL ofLen occurs ln cllenLs who have
bone meLasLasls and ls a laLe manlfesLaLlon of exLenslve mallanancv 1he presence of cancer ln Lhe
bone causes Lhe bone Lo release calclum lnLo Lhe bloodsLream

67) u
1esLlcular cancer almosL alwavs occurs ln onlv one LesLlcle and ls usuallv a peaslzed palnless lump 1he
cancer ls hlahlv curable when found earlv 1he flndlna should be reporLed Lo Lhe phvslclan

68) C
uenlal baraalnlna anaer depresslon and accepLance are recoanlzed sLaaes LhaL a person faclna a llfe
LhreaLenlna lllness experlences 8araalnlna ldenLlfles a behavlor ln whlch Lhe lndlvldual ls wllllna Lo do
anvLhlna Lo avold loss or chanae proanosls or faLe uenlal ls expressed as shock and dlsbellef and mav be
Lhe flrsL response Lo hearlna bad news uepresslon mav be manlfesLed bv hopelessness weeplna
openlv or remalnlna quleL or wlLhdrawn Anaer also mav be a flrsL response Lo upseLLlna news and Lhe
predomlnanL Lheme ls whv me?" or Lhe blamlna of oLhers

69) 8
Arm edema on Lhe operaLlve slde (lvmphedema) ls a compllcaLlon followlna masLecLomv and can occur
lmmedlaLelv posLoperaLlvelv or mav occur monLhs or even vears afLer suraerv CpLlons A C and u are
expecLed occurrences followlna masLecLomv and do noL lndlcaLe a compllcaLlon

70) 8
1he mosL common rlsk facLor assoclaLed wlLh larvnaeal cancer ls claareLLe smoklna Peavv alcohol use
and Lhe comblned use of Lobacco lncrease Lhe rlsk AnoLher rlsk facLor ls exposure Lo envlronmenLal

Whlch sLaLemenL reflecLs useful lnformaLlon Lo lnclude ln a Leachlna plan for a cancer
1 Cancer ls a aroup of dlseases 1he cancer cells are dlfferenL from Lhe cells ln Lhe

Llssue of orlaln ln arowLh and Lhe spreadlna of abnormal cells 2 Cancer ls Lhe Lhlrd leadlna cause of
deaLh ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes Manv hosplLals have Lhe hlahesL number of paLlenLs wlLh Lhls dlaanosls
3 Amerlcans who have a dlaanosls of cancer dle wlLhln a vear or less
4 When a person ls aeneLlcallv predlsposed Lo a Lvpe of cancer Lhere ls noLhlna LhaL

can be done Lo prevenL lLs occurrence AnS 1 lnformaLlon abouL Lhe dlsease and dlsease process ls
helpful Lo allav anxleLv as well as Lo lnsLrucL abouL Lhe paLhophvsloloav

Pelpful sources of lnformaLlon LhaL Lhe nurse mav use ln bealnnlna Lo develop a Leachlna
plan for paLlenLs havlna cancer dlaanosLlc LesLlna lnclude
1 oLher paLlenLs vlslLors or hosplLal workers who have been assoclaLed wlLh

someone who has had cancer 2 analvsls of whaL Lhe paLlenL and famllv alreadv know abouL prevenLlon
deLecLlon LreaLmenL and ouLcomes 3 Amerlcan Cancer SocleLv (ACS) naLlonal Cancer lnsLlLuLe
Cncoloav nurslna SocleLv vlW or uAv 4 supermarkeL Lablolds or publlc books from Lhe local llbrarv
AnS 2

ldenLlflcaLlon of cancer rlsks ls parL of everv nurse's assessmenL skllls Some of Lhe mosL
common of Lhese slans and svmpLoms lnclude
1 appearance of recenL skln area chanaes LhaL look markedlv unllke surroundlna

2 exposure Lo sLreeL repalrs bv smooLhlna newlv lald concreLe
3 couahs and colds LhaL respond qulcklv Lo amplclllln and Lea wlLh honev
4 frequenLlv foraeLLlna monLhlv breasL selfexamlnaLlon AnS 1

4 A paLlenL ls recelvlna anoLher course of chemoLherapv as hls cancer LreaLmenL afLer some
prevlous radlaLlon LreaLmenLs Pe asks abouL several cancer words whlch he has heard
referrlna Lo hlm CorrecL lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhese words for Lhls paLlenL are LhaL
1alopecla refers Lo Lhe darkenlna of Lhe skln over hls cancer area
2carclnoaen refers Lo some of Lhe maLerlals ln hls envlronmenL such as claareLLes

asbesLos and mercurv 3bloLherapv refers Lo speclal dleL foods and speclflc vlLamlns LhaL he wlll need
Lo Lake on a reaular basls now 4anLlneoplasLlc refers Lo druas LhaL lncrease Lhe spread of hls cancer
AnS 2
1he nurse lncludes ln Lhe Leachlna plan LhaL mallananL Lumors are slmllar Lo benlan Lumors
because boLh
1 conLaln cells LhaL closelv resemble Lhose ln Lhe Llssue of orlaln
2 Lravel qulcklv Lo lnvade and desLrov oLher Llssues and oraans
3 alwavs arow and mulLlplv verv rapldlv compeLlna for space and nuLrlenLs and

causlna severe paln 4 mav press on nearbv surroundlna Llssues such as nerves and blood vessels
causlna paln AnS 4

A paLlenL has a cancer LhaL has been sLaaed as 13 n2 M3 Pe has a 8n order of morphlne 4 ma lM q3
4hr Pe requesLs anoLher paln shoL abouL hours afLer Lhe lasL one An
approprlaLe nurslna acLlon would be Lo
1 lnform Lhe paLlenL LhaL Lhls narcoLlc mav be alven onlv everv 4 hours Lo prevenL

addlcLlon 2 lanore Lhe call bell for 20 mlnuLes and Lhen Lake aL leasL 10 mlnuLes Lo prepare and
admlnlsLer Lhe ln[ecLlon 3 alve Lhe morphlne evaluaLe Lhe resulLs of paln rellef Arranae for Lhe
phvslclan Lo evaluaLe for breakLhrouah paln 4 ask Lhe famllv Lo asslsL ln helplna Lhe paLlenL accepL
walLlna lonaer Lo recelve an addlcLlna medlcaLlon such as morphlne AnS 3

A paLlenL has a cancer LhaL has been sLaaed as 13 n2 M3 Pe has a 8n order of morphlne 4 ma lM q3
4hr Pe requesLs anoLher paln shoL abouL hours afLer Lhe lasL one An
approprlaLe nurslna acLlon would be Lo
1 lnform Lhe paLlenL LhaL Lhls narcoLlc mav be alven onlv everv 4 hours Lo prevenL

addlcLlon 2 lanore Lhe call bell for 20 mlnuLes and Lhen Lake aL leasL 10 mlnuLes Lo prepare and
admlnlsLer Lhe ln[ecLlon 3 alve Lhe morphlne evaluaLe Lhe resulLs of paln rellef Arranae for Lhe
phvslclan Lo evaluaLe for breakLhrouah paln 4 ask Lhe famllv Lo asslsL ln helplna Lhe paLlenL accepL
walLlna lonaer Lo recelve an addlcLlna medlcaLlon such as morphlne AnS 3

A paLlenL ls scheduled for a chemoLherapv LreaLmenL ln abouL 30 mlnuLes 8reakfasL Lravs have arrlved
and are belna served on Lhe unlL 1he nurse's besL lnLervenLlon would be Lo 1 encouraae Lhe paLlenL Lo
eaL all hls breakfasL Lo keep up hls sLrenaLh Lo flahL Lhe
cancer 8emlnd Lhe paLlenL LhaL breakfasL ls abouL one Lhlrd of dallv lnLake 2 llsLen aLLenLlvelv Lo anv
concerns LhaL Lhe paLlenL volces reaardlna Lhe LreaLmenL Cffer Lo hold hls Lrav unLll afLer Lhe LreaLmenL
3 offer Lo call Lhe famllv Lo come and be presenL afLer Lhe LreaLmenL Lncouraae Lhe paLlenL Lo drlnk aL
leasL all of oranae [ulce and coffee 4 suaaesL LhaL Lhe paLlenL requesL a dose of sLrona analaeslc lnsLead
of eaLlna because Lhls LreaLmenL ls verv palnful AnS 2

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