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Prepared by:
Why Study Science and
Technology in Society?
• It is so pervasive.
• Almost everything that we
eat, wear, and use is
products of scientific and
technological undertakings.
• Science- defined as the system of
knowledge of the natural world gained
through the scientific method.
• SCIENCE (“philosophy of the natural
world”) from Greek’s desire to know
about the nature.
• The truth behind material things and
natural things.
Understanding the natural world, the
ability to name and classify the objects
found in nature was seen as the first
step towards knowledge.
• Technology comes from the Greek
words tekhne meaning “art or craft”
and logia, meaning a “subject or
• Together “practical applications of
what we know about nature”
CHED Memorandum Order No. 20,
Science, technology, and Society

• Is an interdisciplinary course that

engages the students to confront the
realities brought about by science and
technology in society.
• This course also seeks to instill reflective
knowledge in the students so that they
are able to live the good life and display
ethical decisioin-making in both social
and scientific dilemmas.
• This course discusses how science
influenced human society and
• It examines the interaction between
the human quest to understand the
natural world and how this
understanding has fashioned society
and its development.
• Science is linked to society through
• This connection had a profound
influence on the development of
human culture.
• The first unit highlights significant
technological developments
throughout history that shaped
human civilizations.
• The second engages the students in
reflective and discursive thinking on
the role of science and technology in
the pursuit of the good life.
• The last unit deals with
contemporary issues and scientific
realities that we must all deal with as
part of a well-functioning society.
Learning Outcomes:
1. Explain how science and technology affected
the society and environment and vice versa;
2. Identify inventions and discoveries that
changed the world over the course of history;
3. Discuss the scientific and technological
developments in the Philippines.
• Science and Technology indeed play
major roles in the everyday life.
• They make difficult and complicated
tasks easier and allow people to do more
with so little effort and time.
• The developments in the field are not
just products of people’s imagination or a
one-time thought process; they are also
brought about by gradual improvements
to earlier works from different time
• It was so significant during this time.
• They travelled to search for food and
find better locations for their
• To trade their surplus good in
exchange for things that they lacked.
• Navigation assisted them in their
journeys to unfamiliar and
strange areas in the world.
• It allowed them to return home
after they discovered new places
or completed an important trade
with another group of people.
• Evolution of Transportation
• In ancient times, people crafted
simple boats out of logs, walked,
rode animals and, later, devised
wheeled vehicles to move from
place to place. They used existing
waterways or simple roads for
transportation. Over time, people
built more complex means of
• To discover and occupy new places.
• They needed a way to communicate with
the natives of the areas they visited so as
to communicate with the natives of the
areas they visited so as to facilitate trade
and prevent possible conflicts.
• Record-Keeping was also important.
• It is vital to keep records of their history
and culture.
Mass Production
• The increase in size and number of nations
connoted increased demand for food and
other basic necessities.
• People must be able to produce food at a
given time and space since resources were
getting scarcer as more people struggled to
share the basic necessities.
• The people thus needed a form of technology
that would enable them to increase food
supplies and other survival needs without
them travelling more or working harder.
Security and Protection
• WEAPONS and ARMORS were important as well in
the discovery of new places or the establishment of
new alliances with other tribes.
• There are conflicts between culture and orientations.
• Conflicts were common especially if different groups
struggled to control vital resources.
• Stronger nations tended to invade weaker ones so
they could take much needed resources.
• The development of weapons and armors for
security and protection was considered a major
Health, Aesthetics and
• Conservation of life
• Survival posed a great problem
• Illnesses and diseases
• Both natural and man-made
• Hampered the full potential of a human being
• Moreover, in order to integrate their needs –for
better transportation, establishment of structures
for protection from human attacks and natural
disasters, and construction of bigger and stronger
infrastructures – people ventured into what is
known as the field of engineering.
• The development in engineering also ushered in
the introduction of architecture
• During the ancient times, elaborate architectural
designs were signs of technological advancement
of a particular civilization.
• Architecture may also establish the identity of a
• Human later on developed the technology to
improve how they look.
• They discovered and invent things that would
impact the lives of the modern people.
The following discussions will tackle the
different major technological advancements
during the ancient times, which include some of
the achievements of the early civilizations such
as the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Egyptians.it
will continue to describe the gradual application
of knowledge up to the contemporary time.

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