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: (1 ) O #

1T+ M :. B ,0
# 2 U' *
1 . G e n e r a l D a t a

A.1 Department

A.2 Faculty

A.3 Name of staff member

A.4 Scientific Rank
(-./!0 1 2 + (3) ' ( )*+
A.5 Specialization, general
8.( 9:;/
A.6 Specialization, specific
< =+ 9:;/
A.7 Contacts: Fax
AB.C =*
Contacts: E-mail
Contacts: Phone (H/W)
A.8 Date of filling the questionnaire (mm/yy)
( V!/F\]) Q. G/!" ZW3 [E*.S
A.9 Signature
^ =R/
2. Current Situation
"# $#% &'(#%
A Keywords related to your current research
.b cd.befe (/' g.' h S.C3
B Category and number of Masters Ph.D. Post Doc.
g.i F]K j+X J kbG li
(n F]K .o Hi) mbG
C Estimated average < 6 Months < 6 Months < 6 Months
duration of research 6-12 Months 6-12 Months 6-12 Months
>12 Months >12 Months >12 Months
W ) kbG Z.\I2 sF/i t!R/3
(kbe li

- -
D Current research titles Funded (Y/N) Total Fund (LE)
E*.z {.be| }EJ.VX ("/ (I) TR'3 ( )) WER'/ zo



E Other Titles of (1)

interesting research not
currently done by you (2)
but you wish to conduct
in the future. (3)
8R S " c '\3 {.be0 }EJ.VX
Hi ƒ„FS cV J . .o .\e
…G / 3 .\e 8.
F Names of (other) Department Area of
departments with interest
which you are QJ.(/ T.z3
.\(3 QJ.(/S †F‡0 8. =0 Z.'!0
W(C .e . mbe
Department Area of
G Names of collaboration
departments that QJ.(/ T.z3
can collaborate
with you in the
Hi .\(3 QJ.(/S Q0 } 'E 8. =0
WG / '
H Sectors in the (2)
Public Sector you
are currently
dealing with
W3.(/S 8.( ‰.ˆ Hi g.X.ˆ=
. .o .\(3
I Sectors in the (2)
Private Sector you
are currently
dealing with
Š.; ‰.ˆ Hi g.X.ˆ=

- -
. .o .\(3 W3.(/S
No Yes
J Is there a research " (I
process manual?
Ž CVS g Rˆ‡ ƒ /B Œ.V• W•
• mbG '(

K Is there a record of No Yes

potential " (I
customers for your
Wz! cE+ +)RE W•
•cd.be| } '/b' }E+ C/ ' .e
L Are there None Rarely Monthly Weekly
regular " *j.I .EF\] . XRG!0
seminars in
mbe g J+I +)RS W•
Hi E*Jj (*.V ' !)

M List 3 major pieces of equipment which you already use in your
cd.be0 Hi . .o .\3+;/ S •* sU\)0 ‹ Z.'!0 FB-0
Equipment Research on…

N List 3 major pieces of equipment you wish to have in future

…G / 3 cd.be0 Hi .\3+;/ / o./3 QR S Q0 jRS •* sU\)0 ‹ Z.'!0 FB-0
Equipment0 12#% Research on…"9 8$

- ‹-
3. Working Conditions
>?@#% ABCD
A Availability of adequate software for None Little Fair Excellent
your Research. “3 Fe 8Uo o.S2 J Fi RS †+3 +)RE " … = TR (3/+ ) •./'3
.\e 8R S H/ {.be” G!.V3
B Are available software packages None Little Fair Excellent
regularly updated? “3 FG 8Uo kE+bS †+3
1 X| * +—˜ .E*Jj
C Are staff members trained to use s/w None Little Fair Excellent
relevant to their work Z.™X0 ƒE*+S †+3
8Ub šŽ• 1 X AE*+/ l •
D Do you have a Local Area Network (at No Yes
your department) G] .e +)RE W•
E Internet connectivity at your No Slow Fair Excellent
• Hi œIF/IK G] ^3 T.:S Œ.V• W•
F Electronic access to International No Limited Fair Excellent
libraries? jJ+b3
(. IJF/ 2) ' .( g.G/ ' .e T.:S" Fi RS †+3
G Availability of equipment to run No Limited Fair Excellent
cd.be0 Z j| G!.V3 sU\)0 o.S2 J Fi RS †+3
H Availability of supplies to run research. No Limited Fair Excellent
J0 W .b3 }3) kbG g.3U / 3 o.S2 J Fi RS †+3
(•i…‡ J0 j R3
I Availability of support equipment, e.g., No Limited Fair Excellent
copiers, printers, scanners, …etc.
.kbG .\/o.S2 J s+X. ' sU\)| Fi RS †+3
J Extent of information and services No Limited Fair Excellent
provided by the faculty library.
G/ 'e S.3R (' g.3+; J g.3R (' Fi RS †+3

- ‘-
4 . E v a l u a t i o n C r i t e r i a

E FG#% C H @
4.1 Quantity EI#%
Year V 90-95 96- >2000
A Number of papers published in
Int’l Conferences?
Jj g F'S¢3 Hi .•F¡I S H/ kbG *J0 j+X
•(.\ 2 *.¡' } V ƒ o) £*.; .e
B Number of papers published in
Int’l periodicals?
Jj g.E*Jj Hi .•F¡I S H/ kbG *J0 j+X
•(.\ 2 *.¡' } V ƒ o)
C Number of papers published in
local Conferences?
b3 g F'S¢3 Hi .•F¡I S H/ kbG *J0 j+X
•(.\ 2 *.¡' } V ƒ o)
D Number of papers published in
local periodicals?
b3 g.E*Jj Hi .•F¡I S H/ kbG *J0 j+X
•(.\ 2 *.¡' } V ƒ o)
4.2 Impact on Society "@?G2?#% CJK%
A Research that helped solve
problems of national dimension?
H3R †R/ ' 1 X WB.¡3 Wo Hi œ'•.! {.be0

B Number of public sector units

benefiting from your research.
.cd.be0 }3 gj.C/! H/ 8.( ‰.ˆ g +oJ j+X
C Number of private sector units
benefiting from your research.
.cd.be0 }3 gj.C/! 1/ Š.; ‰.ˆ g +oJ j+X
D Monetary value (LE) of business
deals obtained from
research? g +=.(/ ( GEF S) .' '
{RbG .e ˆGSF'

- Ÿ-
4.3 Continuity HL%C?GMN%
A Turnover of junior staff (Average length 1 2 3 4 >5
of stay in years) B) Q.G¡ } mo.G F ¦S T+(3
•({RbG F:'e QRm 'E V!
B Continuation of same research 1 2 3 4 >5
(• V! B) kbG ‰R§R3 ACI 1i * F'/!" T+(3

4.4 Integration/Inter-research Q R#% B > IG#%

Forms/levels of interaction with others: Actual Possible
(L/M/H) ^= R F3| (…G / 3)} ''
(T.X/t!R/3/W =) }EF‡¨ ^3 HmbG W‡ +/ g.ER/ 3
Within the same department
With other departments within the same
ACI Hi †F‡0 8. =0 ^3
With other departments within Cairo
sF•. (3.) Hi †F‡0 8. =0 ^3
With other departments in another
university (local)
EF:3 †F‡0 (3.) Hi †F‡0 8. =0 ^3
With similar departments abroad
£*.; .e †F‡0 (3.) Hi †F‡0 8. =0 ^3
With non-university institutions
(3.) F „ g. !¢3 ^3
B Number of Master degree theses (past & present) done
in collaboration with others: (Quantity)
^3 B*.¡' .e œ'S H/ (. .o J H§.' Hi) F / ).' W•.!* j+X
Within the same department
With other departments within the same faculty
ACI Hi †F‡0 8. =0 ^3
With other departments within Cairo University
sF•. (3.) Hi †F‡0 8. =0 ^3
With other departments in another university (local)
EF:3 †F‡0 (3.) Hi †F‡0 8. =0 ^3

- ¤-
C Number of Ph.D. dissertations (past & present) done in
collaboration with others: (Quantity)
^3 B*.¡' .e œ'S H/ (. .o J H§.' Hi) s *R/B+ W•.!* j+X
Within the same department
With other departments within the same faculty
ACI Hi †F‡0 8. =0 ^3
With other departments within Cairo University
sF•. (3.) Hi †F‡0 8. =0 ^3
With other departments in another university (local)
EF:3 †F‡0 (3.) Hi †F‡0 8. =0 ^3
With similar departments abroad
£*.; .e †F‡0 (3.) Hi †F‡0 8. =0 ^3

4.5 Motivation (Why do you do research?)

Y $ Z [ F#% \] ^9 $#%
A Rank the following reasons for doing research according to
priority & importance (1-5):
{.befe 8. - c .\/ER J0 J .\/ '•0 k o }3 - ./ ®.G!| ƒS*
Promotion Prestige/fame Business Self Commitment
=F/ I. ' J sF\¡ sFo T.'X0 satisfaction ƒ) R .e ¯. oK
kbG (/3 HV\'
B How much of your professional time do you allocate for research?
•}• F œ=R Hi kbG •::;S .3R'X c 'X œ=J }3 B
None < 10% 10-30% 30-50% > 50%
ZH] " % ³ }3 W=0 1 2 % ³ }3 1 2 %‹³ }3 % Ÿ³ }3 FmB0
%‹³ %Ÿ³
C Freedom in choosing research L M H
topics *j.I/sjJ+b3 .I. o0/ ˆ!R/3 .X
kbG ^ § R3 *. /‡ EFo
D Freedom in directing research L M H
(• i Z+G +(e) kbG ij • )RS EFo
E Satisfaction with style of L M H
š R/ 3 J) kbG ®R !0 }X .§F )*j
( 3.X C:e

- --
5 . I n s t i t u t i o n a l E f f i c i e n c y
5.1 Cost-effectiveness b]IG#% cBde
A Percent of applied research to overall research projects.
.œ'S H/ g.XJF¡' H .')K Gˆ/ g.XJF¡' G I
B What is the ratio of FTE (Full-time equivalent) employees to
revenue? (Ex: 20 FTE’s to o.5 LE Million)
j+X ¶0) •HmbG ‰JF¡' Hi } 3.( j+X 1 2 ¶RV W‡+ G I H• .3
(‰JF¡' Ž• }3 ¶RV W‡+ 1 2 .!. = ‰JF¡' Hi } „FC/' Š.;]|
¸FC/3 ko.e ³ 1 2 • V) QR 3 ·:I:T.m3

5.2 Knowledge Management 9C@?#% fL%gh

A Source of information for research? Books Journals Reports Internet
(Rank according to importance from 1- ƒ/B g.E*Jj FE*. S œIF/IK
- }3 '•| ƒ o ƒS*) kbG g.3R (3 *+:3
( V '3 '•0 1:=0 }X FG(S ³ k o ³
B Mention one research field in
which you consider yourself an
F/‡ ) F G‡ • i c CI FG/(S +o J . mbe ".z3 FB-0
( +o J ".z3
C Awards (Awarding body/Date)
J \z ) .\ X œ :o H/ ?# @#% U• Rz

D Memberships in scientific (1)

' X g.l • Hi ER™X (2)


E Contributions in International Societies

J ER™( n…;e) ?# g. (') Hi g.3.\!K
(g. z *R™o

F Awards (Awarding body/Date)

([E*./ J \z ) .\ X œ :o H/ ]$?#% U• Rz

- ´-
B @?#% di#%5.3 Supportive Research Services
Are pieces of equipment being None Little Fair Excellent
maintained/calibrated? " *j.I/… = TR (3 U '/3
sU\)| E*Jj sFE.(3 J I. — Œ.V• W•
Availability of facilities in the Food Restrooms Lounge Library
department after 2 pm? (ˆ3/• iRe š. 3 g *Jj ‰…»2 iF„ G/ 3
d@ .e IJ.(' g.3+; o.S2 †+3
• F\¼ I.m X.
Rate (from 1-10) the ease of procedures for applying for an
international grant? bV3 1 X TR:b 8+ / g Z F)2 ». e †+3
• ' .X ( Xj)
Rate (from 1-10) the ease of procedures for using the funds
allocated from an Int’l grant? T.' nF— g Z F)2 ». e †+3
• J+ bV' +'/('
Rate (from 1-10) the ease of procedures for applying for a
local grant?
• b3 ( Xj) bV3 1 X TR:b 8+ / g Z F)2 ». e †+3
Rate (from 1-10) the ease of procedures for using the funds
allocated from a local grant? T.' nF— g Z F)2 ». e †+3
• b' bV' +'/('

H%Ld#%6 . A w a r e n e s s
A Are you aware of the University’s 5-year plan for No Yes
•{RbG '; (3.z ˆ;e X / C ‡ / E *j cE+ W•
B Do you know the requirements for a patent? No Yes
•‰ F/‡ sZ Fe 1 X TR:b 8+ / eR ˆ' g Z F)K H• .3 (S W•
C Do you apply international standards in your No Yes
research & research products? Hi ' .X/ Jj F E.(3 <GˆS W•
7. Suggestions for Improvement of Research Environment
"n$R#% j Q?#% k l$G# mCGF
Research can be improved if:
:kl$GH rs kI?H "@ 2#% "?]@#% 8$R#% j Q rs tHsL "9 Score (0-10)
( ³- ) )*j
Research activities are rated as teaching credit hours.
AE*+/ g.X.! }'§ }3 mbG g jR\z' *.G/X S -2
Egyptian researchers living abroad are brought home regularly.
.E*Jj •*R™o J £*.; .e } ' ' } EF:' Z.' ( .e I.(/!" œ'S -2
Staff salary is considerably increased to allow focus on research.
{RbG .e 8. X+ ½Rb 3 W ¡e AE*+/ l • Z.™X0 ƒS J* sj.E• œ'S -2

- -
A dedicated trusted firm takes full responsibility to patent & market
your product.
cd.be| <ER / J ‰ F/‡" g Z Fe £ F;/!.e (.\e RdR3) .3 \) J0 .3 l • œ C S -2
cVX e. V .e
Access to supplies and parts is made easier through an import agency
dedicated to university.
kbG eR ˆ' *. ¦ ^ˆ= J j R' F iR/ (3.z (e.S \) 9 :;S S -2
Sabbatical leave is allowed as in American universities.
sR!0 (…m3 g RV! F¡X WB) F)| XRi+3 sFo V e AE*+/ l • Z.™X| ¾.' S -2
EF3| g.(3.z .e
0: Totally disagree ?x w9%( C v 10: Completely agree ?x w9%(

- ‹³³ -

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