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The Kundalini!

In the Hatha Yoga, the kundalini is described as a coiled serpent at the base of the spine.
This image coiled like a spring gives the sense of untapped energy. It is a reservoir of
creative energy at the base of the spine. Think of this energy as the very base, the
foundation of our consciousness. When the kundalini moves through our bodies our
consciousness necessarily changes with it, becoming a rich source of psychic energy in
our unconscious.

An individual actually experiencing the awakening of the kundalini depends on the point
of view in its explanation. Pranic wakening is the onset of the Kundalini awakening, the
Tibetans consider this a pre-requisite to activating the kundalini. There is a difference
between the pleasant sensations of a pranic experience with sensations in the spine. The
kundaline experience is much more powerful. The difference is not in the nature of the
activity but in the consciousness that observes it. If the consciousness as expressed by
modernistic viewpoints, that being the pranic awakening is the true experience to be
aimed for and kundalini is actually an obstruction. Its a block in the central channel and
should remain dormant in order for prana to be present.

A person can experience some pleasant energizing energy running along the spine,
bringing about a sense of vitality and sensitivity. As soon as kundalini enters, the
experience will overwhelm waking consciousness. There will no longer be a distinction
between the subjective consciousness experience and the objectiveness of the experience.
It profoundly transforms consciousness.

The question arises what the kundalini has to do with spiritual enlightenment and can be
explained away in this manner. Since the energy goes upwards from the bottom of the
spine towards the head it touches all the chakra areas, such as the solar plexus, the heart
and throat. These are related to our natural senses and functions. A breakthrough in
opening the chakras increases the sensitivity and spirituality of the individual. The goal is
to become liberated from the bounds of self-centered and alienated ego.

Regarding the kundalini awakening does not necessarily follow that a person is now
spiritual. Enlightenment is not the result of an experience, its a cognitive transformation.
There are many spiritual practices, such as Zen that consider kundalini irrelevant.

It is important to understand that kundalini and its network of channels and chakras is
simply how the East has explained their experience and others from other concepts and
ideas arrived at the same place but not necessarily identical.

In Tibet the kundalini practices are strongly represented, it was called "Candali yoga" and
became known as gTummo rnal "boyor in Tibet, becoming a key practice. In the West,
believing that kundalini comes from the base of the spine then every spiritual tradition
must be aware of it. Quakers and Pentecostals, Suffies, mysticism, alchemy and magic all
demonstrate some awareness of the kundalini, but these traditions are not so open in their
exposition of the techniques. The imagery must have affected them at one time or

To awaken the kundalini one must practice devotion, selfless service, and intellect.
Sometimes a person will experience a sudden awakening , but generally it is slowly and
gently. There are two approaches to awakening the kundalini; one is being opened by a
guru . The other uses intentional yogic techniques. The elements of each approach occur
in the practices of the other. The guidance of the teacher is more determining factor than
which style of kundalini practice is employed.

By the student practicing discipline on a personal level thus gaining more of an

understanding how the practice relates to their own experiences. Unfortunately it has
been my observation that this approach can lead to egotism and ultimately the kundalini
energy is used to bolster the ego rather than to merge the ego in bliss.

The wakened kundalini can be put into several categories such as physical signs, mental
and vocal signs. The range of visions through the mental can be from ecstatic to
terrifying. Vocal expressions are often singing or reciting mantras to various animal
sounds. Physical signs included trembling, shaking and such.
The awakening may include waves of bliss, elation, transcendental consciousness. Less
pleasant could included trembling, sharp pains associated with chakras , anxiety, sudden
flashed of heat. The forceful awakening of the kundalini can create additional dangers.
Because these techniques themselves are potentially physically and mentally disruptive.
Forceful unguided practice is not recommended but the negative aspects are not
representative of a typical experience.

Many people become frightened by the powerful enlightening force. Many who persevere
through this initial phase become distracted by the energy and focus on temporal and
phenomenal allocations of the energy. Kundalini energy can temporarily increase the sex
drive. This period needs extra discipline. There is always the opportunity for use and

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