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Of Offerings

To the Goddess:
All watery and earthy flowers and seeds such as camellia, lily, water lily, willow stalks;
those flowers used in Full Moon rituals; white or purple blooms such as hyacinth,
magnolia, heather and lilac; sweet-scented herbs and flowers; those dedicated to Venus or
to the Moon; rue, vervain and olive; or others which seem suitable.

To the God:
All fiery and airy herbs and flowers such as basil, chrysanthemum, snapdragon, clover,
lavender, pine; strongly-scented, clean or citrusy herbs and flowers; those ruled by Mars
or the Sun; yellow or red blooms such as sunflower, pine cones, seeds, cacti, thistles and
stinging herbs; orange, heliotrope, cedar, juniper and so on.

Of the Sacred Herbs of the Goddesses

APHRODITE: olive, cinnamon, daisy, cypress, quince. orris (iris), apple, myrtle
ARADIA: rue, vervain
ARTEMIS: silver fir, amaranth, cypress, cedar, hazel, myrtle, willow, daisy, mugwort,
date palm
ASTARTE: alder, pine, cypress, myrtle, juniper
ATHENA: olive, apple
BAST: catnip, Vervain
BELLONA: belladonna
BRIGIT: blackberry
CARDEA: hawthorn, bean, arbutus
CERES: willow, wheat, bay, pomegranate, poppy, leek, narcissus
CYBELE: oak, myrrh, pine
DEMETER: wheat, barley, pennyroyal, myrrh, rose, pomegranate, bean, poppy, all
cultivated crops
DIANA: birch, willow, acacia, wormwood, dittany, hazel, beech, fir, apple, mugwort,
plane, mulberry, rue
FREYA: cowslip, daisy, primrose, maidenhair, myrrh, strawberry, mistletoe
HATHOR: myrtle, sycamore, grape, mandrake, coriander, rose
HECATE: willow, henbane, aconite, yew, mandrake, cyclamen, mint, cypress, date palm,
sesame, dandelion, garlic, oak, onion
HEKAT: cypress
HERA: apple, willow, orris, pomegranate, myrrh
HINA: bamboo
HULDA: flax, rose, hellebore, elder
IRENE: olive
IRIS: wormwood, iris
ISHTAR: acacia, juniper, all grains
ISIS: fig, heather, wheat, wormwood, barley, myrrh, rose, palm, lotus, persea, onion, iris,
JUNO: lily, crocus, ashpodel, quince, pomegranate, vervain, iris, lettuce, fig, mint
KERRIDWEN: vervain, acorns
MINERVA: olive, mulberry, thistle
NEFER-TUM: lotus
NEPTHYS: myrrh, lily
NUIT: sycamore
OLWEN: apple
PERSEPHONE: parsley, narcissus, willow, pomegranate
RHEA: myrrh, oak
ROWEN: clover, rowen
VENUS: cinnamon, daisy, elder, heather, anemone, apple, poppy, violet, marjoram,
maidenhair fern, carnation, aster, vervain, myrtle, orchid, cedar, lily, mistletoe, pine,
VESTA: oak

Of the Sacred Herbs of the Gods

ADONISA: myrrh, corn, rose, fennel, lettuce, white heather

AESCULAPIUS: bay, mustard
AJAX: delphinium
ANU: tamarisk
APOLLO: leek, hyacinth, heliotrope, cornel, bay, frankincense, date palm, cypress
ATTIS: pine, almond
ARES: buttercup
BACCHUS: grape, ivy, fig, beech, tamarisk
BALDUR: St. John's wort, daisy
BRAN: alder, all grains
CUPID: cypress, sugar, white violet, red rose
DAGDA: oak
DIONYSUS: fig, apple, ivy, grape, pine, corn, pomegranate, toadstools, mushrooms,
fennel, all wild and cultivated trees
DIS: cypress
EA: cedar
EROS: red rose
HELIOS: sunflower,heliotrope
HERNE: oak
HORUS: horehound, lotus, persea
HYPNOS: poppy
JOVE: pine, cassia, houseleek, carnation, cypress
JUPITER: aloe, agrimony, sage, oak, mullein, acorn, beech, cypress, houseleek, date
palm, violet, gorse, ox-eye daisy, vervain
KERNUNNOS: heliotrope, bay, sunflower, oak, orange
KANALOA: banana
MARS: ash, aloe, dogwood, buttercup, witch grass, vervain
MERCURY: cinnamon, mulberry, hazel, willow
MITHRAS: cypress, violet
NEPTUNE: ash, bladderwrack, all seaweeds
ODIN: mistletoe, elm, yew, oak
OSIRIS: acacia, grape, ivy, tamarisk, cedar, clover, date palm, all grains.
PAN: fig, pine, reed, oak, fern, all meadow flowers
PLUTO: cypress, mint, pomegranate
POSEIDON: pine, ash, fig, bladderwrack, all seaweeds
RA: acacia, frankincense, myrrh, olive
SATURN: fig, blackberry
TAMMUZ: wheat, pomegranate, all grains
THOTH: almond
THOR: thistle, houseleek, vervain, hazel, ash, birch, rowen, oak, pomegranate, burdock,
WODEN: ash
ZESUS: oak, olive, pine, aloe, parsley, sage, wheat, fig
As the Wicca, we will take only that which we need from the green and growing things of
the earth, never failing to attune with the plant before harvesting nor failing to leave a
token of gratitude and respect.

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