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Background of the study English is the worlds major language in

international communication. Every country has its own language, but at least English can be used because it has many functions such as to communicate and exchange

information with people from other countries and also as a window of the world of science and technology. In Indonesia, English as the first foreign language should be taught in school. It is a compulsory subject that must be taught from junior high school up to

university level. It is stated in the curriculum of 1994 of senior high school that: Mata pelajaran bahasa

inggris merupakan mata pelajaran wajib sekolah menengah umum yang berfungsi sebagai alat pengembangan diri siswa dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan, technology dan seni

budaya. In order to acquire English major skills that should be schools in Indonesia. Those well there are four

developed in learning at skills are listening,

speaking, reading and writing. So the four skills must be taught and arranged in such a way that they are easy to understand and apply by the students in their activities. Teaching reading comprehension will not be

successful if the students only read the words without understanding the massage being read. It is clear that whatever we read, we read it to be understood. According to Simanjutak (1988:04) reading comprehension is most likely to occur when students are reading what they want to read, or at least if they see some good reason to read. Assuming that these basic conditions have been met that a students does have a real interest in a subject, knows enough to make sense of the text- the question arises what the student will actually do when she or he read the text. It means that reading is a very important skill in education. Reading is a basic tool of education and one of the most can important give a skills good in everyday to life. And




especially for those who are studying English. Also there is a lot of factors influence the

activity of reading. One of them is the way the teachers conduct the process of teaching reading in which the

teacher asks question that cannot be answered by the students. Moreover the students are still enable to

determine the meaning of Difficult words found in the text. In teaching reading comprehension at SMA Negeri 2 Tondano, it was found that not almost all of the students could understand a text written in English. Because of

the lack of vocabulary and structure, they did not have good abilities in comprehending a reading text. It was difficult for them to learn reading because they seldom used English. They felt strange when reading the text in English. They had lack of motivation to learn English especially in reading comprehension. Although comprehending there the is a but problem teachers on students play in an



important role in student learning. So the teacher should be creative and has an important role. The teachers role is not only to transfer the knowledge but also to help and make students enjoy and have interest in the process of learning. In English language learning students are required to master all the skills that exist. One of them is

mastering reading, but if they cannot master it, then they cannot understand the meaning of the text. They are

not able to answer a given exercise. It also can have an impact on student achievement. In the process of teaching reading, techniques are important. Technique in learn reading can be a good

capital to increase teachers' goals in the classroom. Because of the importance of techniques, teachers should be more creative in order to overcome the problems in teaching writer reading. was Based on to the do background a research above, the



Influence of Group Discussion in Reading Comprehension 1.2. Statement of the problem The research problem found out in English teaching and learning process was that students could not

understand a text written in English because of their lack of vocabulary and structure. 1.3. Reason for choosing the topic The reasons in choosing the topic are as follows:   Reading is one of the major four language skills Most of the students have difficulty in

comprehending reading text

Group discussion technique is hoped to be suitable

to overcome the problem. 1.4. Research Question Can Group Discussion Technique increase students comprehension in reading an English text? 1.5. Purpose of the study The purpose of the study is to find out whether Group Discussion can increase students ability in

reading comprehension. 1.6. Delimitation of the study This study which is focused on the teaching reading comprehension to the first year students of SMA Negeri 2 Tondano is delimited to narrative text. 1.7. Significant of the study It is expected that the result of this study will give a valuable contribution to English teachers as well as students and it is hoped that it will be useful for English teachers to overcome students problem in reading comprehension.

1.8. Definition of terms used Reading comprehension Reading readers comprehension aware and is a though process in which of





experimental background and interpret it in relation to their own and purposes (Kennedy, 1981). Group discussion Group Discussion is a modern technique of assessing students personality. It is both a technique and an art and a comprehensive tool to judge the worthiness of the student and his appropriateness for the job (Harnack, 1977). Technique Technique is implementation that actually takes

place in a class with an approach as well (Richard and Rodgers, 1972, 125).

CHAPTER II Review of literature 2.1. Reading Reading plays an important role in human life. It cannot be separated from human activity because by

reading people can get knowledge. As we know, language skills consist of four types: listening, speaking,

reading and writing. Reading is also very important on learning activities. Smith and Robinson (1986:6) states: Reading as an activity attempt on the part of the reader to understand a writers message. Milles (1979:07) states: Reading is the ability to anticipate meaning in lines if print so that the reader does not concern with the mechanical details but grasping idea from group of words that convey meaning. It is concluded that reading is the simple activity; it is more than pronouncing the written code to the

spoken one it also means understanding or comprehending printed material which serves its purpose. And it can be concluded that reading will be useful communication if we










expressed by the writer though words or written language. Reading plays an important role in human life.

People do reading activity to know something. They can do this activity wherever they are. For example, people can read books in school, in libraries, or at home. It means that in our society reading is one of the most important skills. It affects virtually every aspect of our life. Reading acquired. is a skill must be developed and must be

2.2. Reading Comprehension David Nunan says: It is important to hear in mind that reading is not an invariant skill, that there are different types of reading skills that correspond to the many different purposes we have for reading (1989:33). In the classroom, in students reading activities, the writer is sure that they have many purposes, among others are to graduate from their school and to provide themselves with the knowledge to continue their studies whatever their purposes are. In order to achieve the

goal, the comprehension ability in reading is needed.

The bottom-up

concept and



comprehension Nunan






mentions that with the bottom-up approach, the reading is viewed as a process of decoding written symbols, working from smaller units (individual letter) to larger ones (words, clauses and sentences). According to Olson and Diller (1982:42), what is meant by reading comprehension is a term used to identify those skills needed to understand and apply information contained in a written material. This statement is

supported by Harris and Sipay (1980:179), who say that reading comprehension ability is taught to be a set of generalized knowledge acquisition skills that permits

people to acquire and exhibit information gained as a consequence of reading printed language. 2.3. Group discussion Group discussion is a technique in which students are divided into some small groups between five to six students in order a that they text, can work together in






problems, gathering information and even doing the task given by their teacher. Group Discussion is a modern

technique of assessing students personality. It is both a technique and an art and a comprehensive tool to judge the worthiness of the student and his for the job (Harnack, 1977). Another definition given by Romlah (1989: 98), in her book Teory dan Praktek Bimbingan Kelompok states appropriateness

that: Diskusi kelompok adalah percakapan yang sudah di rencanakan antara tiga atau lebih orang dengan tujuan untuk memecahkan masalah atau memperjelas suatu

persoalan, dibawah pimpinan seorang pemimpin. It means that Group Discussion is important because the students have a chance to express literally their opinions, comments, statements, or maybe conclusion or solution to a for Let problem. students the Teachers to take read a should part the in not a give group the

restriction discussion.




teacher corrects the mistakes they have made. 2.3.1. Small Group Discussion.

By dividing the class into groups the proportion of each students responsibility to the group increases

dramatically. It is possible for students to help one











(1987:7) states: The necessary practice is thought to be most

successful when students are engaged in the meaningful exchange of information rather than repeating a teachers model. Learners are thus encouraged to be creative and communicative with the language often doing so in smallgroup activities, in which they can practice

communication and learn from one another. The statement also indicates the importance and the effectiveness discussion of small involve group not discussion. only the Small group of



information but also the solution to the problem within reading texts. Paulston and Bruder (1976:67) states the most of the problem solving activities involve group work. Thus it is reasonable to say that the activities as such give more challenges to speaking. In small group discussion, all members of the group of four or less, it is hard for them to be silent even the limit students do not mind trying to express themselves, especially if the teacher is

working with another group at the same time.


The purpose of dividing the class into groups is to provide the students opportunities to use their language. In small groups, the students sit together, facing one another and talk freely based on the problem. They sit in a circle discussing the problem that should be solved. This situation creates free communication in which the students use the language freely in the classroom without feeling shy. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the small group discussion is a discussion performed by the class in small group with the members of the students around five in order to give maximum opportunity in an activity or in discussion activity. 2.3.2. Organizing small group discussion.

In conducting a small group discussion, there are some aspects that should be taken into account seriously by the teacher. The first aspect is the teachers role in carrying on the discussion. The success of small group discussion organized. During the discussion, the teacher does not dominate the class. However, the teachers role is still important such as in giving instruction and directing. Both the depends on how well those aspects are


teacher and the students take their own roles in the activity. According to Holden (1981) states that:

Normally, the students will work in groups during the discussion. This does not mean that there is not a place for the teacher in the activity. The teacher must work ensuring that each student understands what he has to do. What Holden conforms above describes the teachers role in the activity and the students activity too. The teachers should move from group to group join the

discussion when necessary and help when it is needed.



Dividing a large class into small groups can be done many ways. McGreal (1989: 17) states that: students can be divided according to many criteria. The most are

random sample, ability, friendship and mixed ability. Random sample grouping is a technique of grouping students according to their seat. When the teacher

divided the students into groups of four students, he could easily group those who sit in front of the class into one or two groups up to students who sit at the back seats.


In ability grouping, students are grouped according to their ability levels. This grouping occurs with

regarding to the difference of students individually such as interest and levels of ability. Friendship grouping is a way of grouping students that they are free to make their own groups. They will gather their friends who have a close relation with them. This condition leads to the formation groups of different size. One group may have more members than the others. The students having close relation less might be passive. Another way of grouping students is mixed-ability. Mixed ability is set up by teacher in order to avoid a superior group in large class. Besides, it is also

intended to get the effect that the weak students can learn a great deal from better students when they work together. Furthermore, Byrne (1980: 147) states: the

groups should be formed by the teacher and should include of mixed-ability, on the principle that they will help one another in various way. The writer prefers to use mixed-ability grouping

because it gathers good and weak students staying in one group. In such grouping, the teachers responsibility can


be shared with the students in which good students can help the weak ones.


Choosing group leaders

Normally, a group work requires a group leader. This is intended to get someone who may be responsible in his groups, Doty and Ross (1973: 298). The reasonability of groups leaders as the following: a. b. Keeping the discussion moving: Making summaries of what has been accomplished for

sake of class presentation: c. d. Trying to get everyone to express opinion, and Giving his own opinion when it is needed. The above points stress on group leaders who will the functions of the toward making the


discussion more profitable. The leaders function as the teacher. Both of the teachers and the leaders give

support during the activities.


Seating Arrangement to a Alexsandra main part Ramsden in a (1999)Seating plan for

According arrangements



classroom management. Not only do the teachers need to


consider the physical arrangement of the room but also the nature of the students involved. The aspect of seating arrangement is necessary to be considered in order to have classroom. In practice, a comfortable setting of arrangement very much


depends on the size of class and the physical factors of the classroom such as fixed or moveable chairs. The model of students arrangement is based on the students number. It is arranged so that the students form a circle in order that they can face each other. The reason for setting in up the circle learning is to make the





because it is arranged to put four to six students sit in group. This arrangement is a practical way of grouping

students into group of four to six students. The reason for setting of this kind of grouping is to make the communication channels as it is arranged. The channels show that each member can directly communication each other. They direct their position to face their friend easily. So, this position can help them to face more people directly.


2.3.6. The academic

The Teachers Role teacher and needs to specify Group objectives, size is both




decision the teacher must make.

Factors to consider are

time limits, students experience in working in groups, students age, and the availability of the appropriate materials available (Johnson, & Holubec 1998). In the speaking to the group discussion, the teacher has some roles as the following: 1. Giving clear instruction about when to state, to

start, what to do and when to stop; 2. Giving clear define tasks which do not continue for

too long; 3. Setting up routine, so that students accept the idea

of working in groups and know what to do.

2.3.7. The Students Role According to Johnson, & Holubec (1998) Every member of a group plays a certain role within that group. Some roles relate to the task aspect of the group, while

others promote social interaction


In a group discussion, each member of group should know their roles to make the work successful. The

followings are very important to be considered: 1. 2. 3. 4. Initiating; Giving and asking for information; Giving and asking for reaction; Summarizing.

2.3.8. Reporting Group Work. According discussion, the to Cobuils to (1987), report the in small of group the



discussion is important. The importance of the report comes from the students themselves who really curious to hear what other groups say. The groups should report the result of their

discussion as they finish working. The reports are read by the speakers who have been selected from each group. The result from each group is written on the blackboard in order to find the similarities and differences of

their discussion. Then, the teacher as a leader discusses the result together with the class. This s activity ends after the group discusses the result of the group










students and the teacher as well. 2.3.9. Correction and feedback. Correction and feedback are given at the end of the session. The groups have been dismissed and the students sit in ordinary arrangement. Now, the teachers are the focus of the whole class. For correction and feedback, the teacher should have discreetly monitored the

activities of each group and its members. In order to avoid misunderstanding, it is necessary to define what is meant by correction and feedback. As defined by Cobuils (1987: 524), he says that: feedback consists of comment and information about something that someone has done. So, what the groups have done must then be displayed by the teacher. The teacher organizes the class in the purpose of giving the correct result as what they have done during the activities. This condition allows teacher to explain the language use. This part of session needs to be

teacher-centered but this does not mean that the teacher monopolizes the class. The students reactions and


comments may also contribute the correct form of language use in the session. 2.3 The application of small group discussion in

teaching reading comprehension According to Lubis (1988) normally in a class there are good students and weak students. There are some

faster students and there are also slower students. To solve this problem, teacher can use small group

discussion technique. It is better for a teaching to choose mixed-ability grouping to gather good weak

students, because in groups the students can help one another and they do not have to feel shy since they just interact with their friend. This technique provides an opportunity for the students to use their English. Steps in conducting the group discussion technique according to Lubis (1988) are stated below:   

Divide the class into groups of five to six people Give each group a discussion topic Have one student in each group write down the

important points as they emerge from discussion by group members


Allow the groups to discuss they respective topics at least ten minutes

When groups members

have finished their discussion,

they should elect a spokesman to report on group collective thoughts to the  entire class

After she or he gives a short presentation, class members should ask question or any one in-group

viewpoints expressed.  Follow some procedures with the remaining all

grouped have given their presentation.


Chapter III Methodology 3.1. Research design In doing this research, quantitative research was used. The design was true experimental design with pretest and post-test. Hatch and faraday (1982:22) said

that, in this design, one group pre-test and post test design is similar to the one shot case study. So there were two tests, T1 (pre-test) was given before treatment and T2 (post-test) was given after the treatment X is used to symbolize the treatment in the following

representation of the design:

T1 X T2.

Pre-test T1

Treatment X

Post-test T2

1. the

Administer T1 (the pre-test), to measure the mean of reading which examined the single group before

exposing to the new teaching technique.



Expose subject to x (the new teaching technique),

for a given period of time 3. Administer T2 (the post-test) to measure the meaning

of reading comprehension after the treatment. compare T1 and T2 to determine that difference 4. Apply an appropriate statistical test to determine

whether the difference is significant or not The design above means that the teacher gave them pre-test before using the treatment, then gave them posttest after the treatment. 3.2. Population and sample A population is an entire set of persons, objects or even which the research intends Thomas, 1995.42). So the population of this research is SMA Negeri 2 Tondano and the first year students have been chosen as the sample of the research which consist of 31 students. to study (Polgar and

3.3. Instrument The instrument of this study was tests in the form of written test that was given to the class. Those were


pre-test and post-test. The test was arranged based on the material given to the students. 3.4 Research procedure 1. Choosing one class that is the first year students

as the sample 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Giving Pre-test before teaching Teaching reading by using group discussion technique Giving post test Organizing the data Making conclusion.


Data analysis In analyzing the data mean score formula was used:

The data was presented in frequency distribution, computations of mean score X and standard deviation (s) of each test and then all of the scores were presented in frequency polygon.


Chapter IV Analysis and interpretation of the data In this research one class was chosen as the sample of this research. The class was taught reading

comprehension by using group discussion technique. The aim of this research was to find out the students

ability in reading comprehension through group discussion technique. The data were obtained from Pre-test and Posttest given to the students. The data was organized by placing them in the data matrix. The purpose of this chapter is also to organize the information collected. In this research Frequency Polygon (smooth line curve) was used. Finally the data was

transcribed into the percentile scores. To present the data on the frequency distribution, the scores of the students in Pre-test (test 1) and Post-test (test 2) that was put in tables can be seen on page In analyzing the data, the following steps below were done:     Table 1. The scores of the students in Pre-test

(test 1) Table 2. The scores of the students in Post-test

(test 2) Table 3. The scores of the students in Pre-test

(test 1) and posttest (test 2) and again Table 4. Frequency distribution matrix of Pre-test

(test 1)



Table 5. Frequency distribution matrix of Post-test

(test 2) Table 6. Computation of mean ( )and standard

deviation (s) of the pre-test (test 1) Table 7. Computation of mean ( ) and standard

deviation (s) of the post test (test 2) Table 8. Frequency polygon of the pre-test Table 9. Frequency polygon of the post-test Table 10. Graphic polygon of the pre test (test 1)

and post-test (test 2).


Table (test1).








Students Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Pre-test (test 1) 7.5 7 4 6 7.5 7 7.5 6.5 5 5 6 6 7.5 7 6.5 6 6 6.5 7.5 7 7 6 7.5 7 4 5 4 4 6.5 6 7


Table (test2).








Students Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Post-test (test2) 9.5 9.5 8 9 7.5 8 9 9 8 8 9 9.5 7 8 8 9 9 8.5 9 8.5 8.5 8 9 9 8 8 8.5 8.5 9.5 9 9


Table 3. The scores of

the students in Pre-test

(test 1), Post-test (test 2) and Gain.

Students Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Pre-test 7.5 7 4 6 7.5 7 7.5 6.5 5 5 6 6 7.5 7 6.5 6 6 6.5 7.5 7 7 6 7.5 7 4 5.5 4 4 6.5 6 7

Post-test 9.5 9.5 8 9 8.5 8 9 9 8 8 9 9.5 9 8 8 9 9 8.5 9 8.5 8.5 8 9 9 8 8 8.5 8.5 9.5 9 9

2 2.5 4 3 1 1 1.5 2.5 3 3 3 3.5 1.5 1 1.5 3 3 2 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 1.5 2 4 2.5 4.5 4.5 3 3 2

From table 3, there were 31 students took part in the test. From 31 students, there were 2 students who got increased by 4.5 point, there were 2 students who got increased by 4 point, there





increased by 3.5 point, there were 8 students who got increased by 3 points, there were 3 students who got increased by 2.5 point, there were 5 students who got 2 points, there were 6 students who got 1.5 points, there were 3 students who got 1 point. So, the result of this research shows that Group Discussion Technique is effective to increase the

students ability in reading comprehension especially in comprehending a narrative text. The scores of the Posttest were higher than those of the Pre-test. In other words when the technique was applied in teaching reading comprehension the score increased.

Table 4. Frequency distribution matrix of Pre-test Scores 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4 Tally ||||| | ||||| || |||| ||||| || | || |||| Frequency 6 7 7 4 1 2 4 % 19.35 22.58 22.58 12.90 3.22 6.45 12.90

Table 4 shows that there were 31 students took part in pre-test. From 31 students the highest grade was 7.5 achieved by 6 students or 19.35%, 7 students got 7 or 22.58%, 7 students got 6.5 or 22.58%, 4 students got 6 or


12.90%, 1 students got 5.5 or 3.2%, and 2 students got 5 or 6.45%. 4 students got 4 points or 12.90%.

Table 5. Frequency distribution matrix of Post-test

Scores 9.5 9

Tally |||| ||||| ||||||

Frequency 4 11

% 12.90 35.48

8.5 8

||||| | ||||| |||||

6 9

19.35 29.03

Table 5 shows that of 31 students involved in the post-test, 4 students got 9.5 points or 12.90%, 11

students got 9 points or 35.48%, 6 students got 19.35%, 9 students got 8 points or 29.03%. In this research the data of Pre-test are compared to the data of Post-test. It shows that the Post-test score is better than the Pre-test. In the Pre-test, no students got 8, 8.5, 9, and 9.5. The highest score is 7.5 and this was achieved only by 6 students. The lowest score is 4 achieved by 4 students, while in the Post-test there are 4 students who got 9.5. 11 students who got 9, and 6 students got 8.5, and 9 students got 8. It means that the Post-test is higher than Pre-test.







( )



Deviation (s) of Pre-test.

Computing the mean score and standard deviation of T1. Students Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Pre-test(test 1) 7.5 7 4 6 7.5 7 7.5 6.5 5 5 6 6 7.5 7 6.5 6 6 6.5 7.5 7 7 6 7.5 7 4 5 4 4 6.5 6 7 193 X2 56.25 49 16 36 56.25 49 56.5 42.25 25 25 36 36 56.25 49 42.25 36 36 42.25 56.25 49 49 36 56.25 49 16 25 16 16 42.25 36 49 1240.75


Computing the mean score and standard deviation of T1.

Computing the Mean of T1: Mean N X : : 31 : 193

= = 6.22

Computing the standard deviation of T1

S= = = = = = 1.14







( )



Deviation (s) of Post-test.

Computing the mean score and standard deviation of T1. Students Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Post-test (test 2) 9.5 9.5 8 9 7.5 8 9 9 8 8 9 9.5 7 8 8 9 9 8.5 9 8.5 8.5 8 9 9 8 8 8.5 8.5 9.5 9 9 266 X2 90.25 90.25 64 81 56.25 64 81 81 64 64 81 90.25 49 64 64 81 81 72.25 81 72.25 72.25 64 81 81 64 64 72.25 72.25 90.25 81 81 2294.5


Computing the mean of T2 Mean N : : 31 : 266

= = = 8.58

Computing the standard deviation of T2 S =

= = = = = 0.6


Chapter V Conclusions and suggestions

5.1 Conclusions










discussion on the previous chapter, the writer concludes that:


The result of the result shows that the scores of

the students in Post-test are high. It means that the application of group discussion technique is effective in teaching reading comprehension. 2. T2 ( or T2>T1. In this research the mean scores of the students in ) were higher than that of the T1 ( This in means the that there was a = 6.22),

significant of reading T1




through group discussion technique as indicated in (Pre-test) and T2 (Post-test).

5.2. Suggestions

Based on conclusion above the writers suggestion are as follows: 1. The result of this research shows that Group

Discussion Technique is effective in teaching English as a foreign language especially in reading comprehension. Therefore English teachers at SMA Negeri 2 Tondano are


suggested applying Group Discussion Technique in teaching Reading Comprehension. 2. English teachers, who have some problems such as the

writers in teaching, may try to use Group Discussion technique in solving the problem in teaching Reading



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