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DSS Professional V8.0.4.

Includes 16 video channels and supports up to 2,000 channels with additional licenses.

Dahua DSS Professional does not have the option to add ANPR or Facial Recognition licenses because
each video license can be used for either option.

DSS Professional supports per server a maximum of:

500 ANPR channels.

500 channels of facial recognition.
100 channels People Counting.
100 channels Heat Map.
500 channels Metadata.

DSS Professional supports per server, with additional licenses, a maximum of:

100 POS channels (license per channel).

500 Access Control devices (license per door based on a base of 16 doors).

2,000 video door entry systems (license per video door entry system without base license).

Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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